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B&R day edition

▶Bans (NOW)

▶Official News:
Inside an Elevator Superdrop

The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

▶Build and share Cubes

▶Search engines
▶Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
▶Play online for free

▶What is E D H?


Thoughts on the B&R?
We had Slivers in core sets. You could put some in Foundations.
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>"This product is not for you!"
>"Except when its for Commander players, every set mist be for Commander!"
Add it to the list for why Commander is the worst thing to ever happen to Magic
That became true when it got official support. EDH was great. Now nothing but limited is fun, and even that's a tough sell past 2014.
I remember. Back when EDH was played with Magic cards. Now Magic is played with EDH cards.
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Commander is the worst thing to happen to EDH.
You will miss her.
Trips of truth. It was kino going through the 50c rare box looking for cool things to add to decks or build decks around.
Just play her in Modern
I dropped MtG years ago and my the only thought is "Was I really spending my time and money on this shit?" (Gen/tg/lemen, take my advice: make yourselves a break from products of NotC. I guarantee you won't be coming back.)
Commander is the end of Magic. No other TCG can compete with commander's popularity, and commanderfags have already proven they will accept whatever slop WotC injects into the game. Every decision WotC makes about the game is to appease commander players, and it is ALWAYS to the detriment of non-commander formats. Some busted ass shit that was designed around there being 4+ players? Its now rotated Legacy (again). Unsets being made black-bordered? They need to be so I can run my heckin attractions deck in my pod. 50% of the rares in a Standard set being build-around Legends that suck complete cock outside of commander? Commander. LDIMLD/Mana denial no longer viable strategies? Commander players find them unfun. UB is also because of Commander, when WotC realized they could ride the EDH gravytrain and turn every popular character from any IP into a commander.
Is anyone else outside of this thread calling WotC out for this? By which I mean Nadu being an 1v1 untested EDH card printed into Modern in a similar vein to Initative was in Legacy.
Woke up and saw this. Am I still fucking dreaming? We're finally free from T1 Grief?
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see >>93729023
real amaliabros don't let a silly pioneer ban stop them
I think it's only a matter of time before a new standard set has slivers. At the very least there will be a set with a 2-color sliver draft archetype sometime in the next 5 years
attractions are a great mechanic, don't besmirch them
redditors on r/freemagic probably
Yes, now buy your mandatory playset of suncleansers
Mtg twatter and the modern subreddit are calling out the entire "Why the fuck would you even design a commander card for a Modern set?" aspect of it, on top of "Literally everyone thought of Shuko and Greaves the first 10 seconds they saw Nadu," being a counter to the lead devs' article about being an oversight. I guess the article pointing out that they /had/ to make a fun commander pissed a lot of people off
banned for diversity reasons, wrong color
why do these designers still have a job at wotc
i don't understand
they design for commander and commander players keep buying shit
when they fuck a non-commander format, it's not that big of an issue
You've posted this pasta before, but
>LDIMLD/Mana denial no longer viable strategies? Commander players find them unfun.
is the only part I'll bother responding to. LD has been weakened at least since NWO started, I think Molten Rain was the last cmc3 land destruction spell.
Should have banned Walker instead.
I hate Commanderniggers so fucking much. Literal brainless animals who will eat anything that gets poured into the trough.
Yes, people are mad.
Oh right, Fulminator Mage. But that can't hit basics.
none of this would've happened if mtg players were sensible enough to walk away and let a game die instead of complaining whlie shoveling money into wotc's pockets for boxes of the latest set
you would've thought WotC would've learned from Hogaak, boy was I fucking wrong
Business idea: no banned and restricted, rely entirely on power creep and print a new set every month
In the future they won't mention commander at all when they have to apologize for another MH design mistake.
No, FIRE was awful
We already have Yu Gi Oh.
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>we didn’t playtest Nadu and we missed the obvious 0 mana interactions
and they didn’t touch TOR…
starting to think magic is one big jewish scam
They were both even legal for 73 days before getting banned
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>Card is generically good and ubiquitous
>"ackshually it props up several varied strategies!"
there’s too much money in the one ring.
they’re not banning it
Headlines would look bad if they ban it
>"$2M card banned in popular Trading Card Game!"
How could they fuck up this bad
I cannot fathom it
>implying whoever owns the 2m dollar version is actually going to ever put it on a table and play with it
>even ledditors are saying the commander pandering needs to fuck off because this is like the 7th time a commander card ruined a format
I think post malone does
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its not very "fun" having to explain to shareholders why you had to stop a money train card
this isn't new, modern redditors hate mh sets as much as anybody here
>then why do they keep playing?
the majority doesn't, the amount of gameplay/event report posts is insanely tiny compared to the pre-2019 era, they just go there to complain
I would bet a sizeable chunk of money that Post Malone absolutely uses the card lol
pat chapin is smart enough to describe countersquall is to negate as blightning is to mind rot, meanwhile these fucking idiots are getting paid by the hour
>For the longest time, we thought it was proof that somewhere we'd find a bunch of mirrors that were actually windows and would let us get out, but no. Turns out you can only come and go if you're someone who died outside the House and somehow got as trapped as all the rest of us.
I don't feel like this is a bad explanation, but it feels like the wrong explanation to give while you're actively trying to prevent two newbies from being stabbed in the taint by these particular monsters
If true, that is really fucking based.
Lorefags: from what I'm reading Bloomburrow is connected narratively to Duskmourn in something called the Dragonstorm arc. How the fuck can they thematically connect these two sets? It makes no sense to me and I am not fucking reading the online fiction that reads like a 14 year old wrote it.
He's ridiculously chill any time I've seen him anywhere. He lent The Professor 6 digits worth of jewellery just for a comedy bit in a youtube video once. The type of jewellery that's worth so much money that when The Professor asked how much it's worth, Post declined to admit the value lol. He's at the level of wealth where one can casually drape another man in more money than they'll ever see in their life. The only man to ever have MTG as an affordable hobby.
>I am not fucking reading the online fiction that reads like a 14 year old wrote it.
this is how you know you are no longer the target audience, old man
We don't know the whole story because it's not done yet. Speculation would be that the planes aren't really connected, it's more that similar things are happened to both of them (namely, dragons). This is presumably tied to Tarkir (which we're going back to later next year) and something with omenpaths.
Magic fiction and lore has always been very mediocre, unfortunately. It was designed for you to make up your own story about the cards you're using, but they added proper narrative into the sets a bit after its initial release. Having said that, I've read a few of tbe early Brothers War novels and they were at least competently written even if they were uninspired, whereas the recent OoTJ stories were complete dogshit across the board.
when does this game start healing...
once normies start hating coomander which will make wotc shift it's focus back into standard and thus eternal formats as a whole
No bro I'm the izzet fag from last thread. That card was single-handedly what kept me from trying to keep piloting my big dumbass dragon.
Now he's gone. It's time to return to hitting people with a 2 mana 8/8 Flier.
Foundations and 5 year standard will save actual real competitive magic (theoretically)

TOR in 50% of all decks but not banned LMAO
Its good thoughever
what a cocksucker
based basedchad dabbing on eternally online dweebs
Anon, you don't want slivers to become the next big bad enemy guy from the game, trust me, you don't.
(and if the "omenpaths" continue to exist then it is pretty probably it will happen)

Do you really want another "Wify down" the threat is over? Dont give ideas for those hacks
Neutered Sliver - 1R
Creature - Sliver
first strike
When Neutered Sliver enters, put a first strike counter on target sliver
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>Today, we're going to start off by addressing an issue we've had with the timing of our Banned and Restricted announcements.
>The timing of our B&R announcements has caused problems.
>So, as a solution, we're going to do them even less often.`
>implying usage rates are a sign of banworthyness

>when you banning grief?
>i'm finna do it, fuck off
>when you—
Tarkir type dragons are appearing on other planes that is the connection.
Both planes have at least one dragon. That's it.
Your subscribed to his onlyfans as well?
But Malone isn't playing Magic, he's playing EDH.
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ded game
based markyposters
Seethe. EDH IS Magic.
Anyone have any really valuable (>$500) cards? How do you store them? I combed through an old collection I was gifted and found a tabernacle and some 2ed dual lands and a handful of other cards worth $100+.
I could sell, but they are currently all a bit sentimental.
just double sleeve them and put them in a toploader.
it's either that or you send them in for grading.
I had a 2000 dollar yugioh card. I put it in an acryllic case and then it cratered down to 300 before I could sell it
>Anyone have any really valuable (>$500) cards? How do you store them?
I have a not-complete but still good sized collection of 7ed foils.
If you are storing anything of archival prices, you want real archival stuff. Nothing you get in the tabletop games sphere is up to those kinds of standards. All the storage I use for finer items is from Gaylord Archival, I've not found a better option yet.
They go in a penny sleeve, sorted alphabetically in boxes that are themselves sorted by set, on shelves that are sorted by release date. I wouldn't be able to fill my orders in a timely manner otherwise.
>Hey, paypiggie!
>Just wanted to remind you that you're a paypiggie!
>Remember to get excited for next product!
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fuck, just found MH2 draft dirt cheap, but with two important bans in this set (Fury and Grief) it's kinda lackluster now...... what do frens?
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Are you preordering anything from foundations? I'm thinking of a beginner set to introduce my wife to the game and maybe Starter Collection.
mh2 still has fetchlands so it should be fine honestly
I have a bunch of evoke elementals that are worthless now, how do I recover from this?
>Banned fucking Grief but not TOR
What is a "click wheel"?
one day the mtg playerbase will have had enough of wotc's abuse and they'll rise up.
Deadass thought that said fortnite
hasbro IS bankrupt
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Life counter
What winrate over how many games does it take before you think "okay, this is a good deck in this meta"?
Oh wow I haven't seen one of those in a long time. They're bundling those with the starter decks or something now?
55+ percent across all games or 65%+ against the top 3 decks.
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>Gaylord Archival
How big of a sample size though? 20 games? 50? 100?

Another thing is, when you identify your deck's blindspot, what's the correct way to fix it? So for example, the deck I'm talking about is comfortable handling pretty much every deck in the Standard meta except for UW control and Domain. So should I be altering the maindeck to have a better chance against them? Tailoring the sideboard to be more effective against them? Or do I just say "okay, one meta deck and one off-meta deck is an acceptable downside to being so strong against the rest"?

I've never spike'd before and I'm finally giving it a go, but I don't really know the ins and outs of the process yet.
if you love your wife why would you buy her these types of uninspired products from wizards? Go on your favourite 2nd hand market website and buy 2 pauper decks for 60 bucks and actually have decks that lends themselves to good play patterns and replayability
They are (yes, for real) the international standard fior archival storage.
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pioneer is healing
At least 100.
In my tests I've found that about 15+ matches against a particular deck is enough to give you a "feel" for how good your brew is in that matchup.

>Another thing is, when you identify your deck's blindspot, what's the correct way to fix it?
But also, look at the core pieces of your list and ask yourself if there are slightly less linearly optimal options that cover more bases.

>So should I be altering the maindeck to have a better chance against them?
Look at your best matchups and ask yourself "Can I sacrifice the pieces that don't do much here, for pieces that help against the other decks"
Usually, bad matchups are handled by the Sideboard though. Mostly because, people don't SB for good matchups, so their SB will be vulnerable to you while yours is targetted at them.
>Vulnerable to interaction
>Fast but not instant
>Greedy mana base
I like greasefang. It's a comfy "combo" to have in a format.
I agree. I'll come back to your format now if that's the big bad boogeyman of Pioneer.
My deck shit stomps Phoenix, I don't give a FUCK about that deck.
So is soul spike going to go down in value because grief is banned or rise because nadu is gone?
>One Ring still unbanned
Cheers anon, this all helpful stuff. Already identified a 2-of in the maindeck that is one of those "this feels good when I'm in complete control but feels like a dead card when I'm not" cards. Now to work out which cards go in its place that might mitigate the damage against Domain and UW control game 1. I think I'm also realising the sideboard answer might just be Stone Brain. Thinking back, the issue almost always boils down to 2 cards; Atraxa and Jace.
can't make this shit up
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Too funny for fiction.
I store ALL my expensive cards in Gaylord.
They are doing this on purpose arent they?
>I think I'm also realising the sideboard answer might just be Stone Brain. Thinking back, the issue almost always boils down to 2 cards; Atraxa and Jace.
Brain is a key in tons of sideboards. I'm not into Standard so I don't know what options you have, but you can also consider roundabout answers ala "Just kill them better than they kill you."

Scour your options. Test your ideas, see what works. Iterate until you find the best average w/l ratios across the format.
You can sacrifice pieces that dominate your best matchups if you're still going to hold the advantage without them.
In a ringless binder if i'm not currently using them in decks.
>They are doing this on purpose arent they?
Founded over 100 years ago by the MEN, the MYTHS, the LEGENDS Henry and Willis Gaylord long before the word took on new meanings.
And now a good portion of the museums and archives across the globe store all their most precious valuables in Gaylord (tm).

That they have not changed the name is a testament to how based the company is. It's even better that all the boxes literally have their branding, "Gaylord", printed on the side.
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>It's real
I am autistically obsessed with finding the most non-glare or glare-reducing sleeves on the market. Can anyone shill me what they have experience with?
"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
>"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
>"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
>"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
>"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
>"We didn't playtest Nadu's final iteration."
That's what they said when they announced their plan to "revitalize" Standard 2 years back by delaying rotation and doing less bans. It caused one of the worst Standards of all time and things have only just now changed because of rotation. And it barely changed.
Nah because my commander pod has an Amalia deck in it
I remember googling his wealth when he bought the one ring and google gave me like 30 mil as his worth. Which is, granted, a lot. But, not really much in terms of super rich celebs. Eminem is worth like 300 mil at least. Dr Dre was worth over a billion at one point. It's also more than a few percent of his entire total worth, if google wasn't lying.
>teehee we didn't playtest it
>oops we forgot about 0 mana targeting stuff because uh 0 mana stuff has never been a problem before haha
Does anyone buy this shit?
its balanced because you can only have one copy of shuko in a commander deck :)
>wake up
>grief banned in legacy
literally the only ban I care about. We're so fucking back
Well yeah, because I don't think they do any play testing at all except maybe some casual EDH matches
I believe it. Reading the article, it read like the design process of a team that's completely fucking inept at evaluating cards. Given the state of Magic over the past few years, the story of Nadu adds up.
I'm actually more irritated its original iteration seems more or less fine to me.

Congratulations Legacy-chad. I look forward to watching your format again.
At every official WotC event there should be a booth where you can trade in any cards that have been banned within the past 12 months for any equivalent-rarity card of your choice.
I still don't buy it. Even the intern that brings coffee and has half a brain would say:
>huh the lands don't enter tapped huh?
>oh every creature gets the draw ability?
>it's a 3/4 flyer?
>hey have we printed anything that targets for no cost?
It's some esoteric card that looks unassuming, but it's secretly powerful.
It's not some*
I've seen a lot of famous and e-famous people say the net worth stuff online is miles off. Apparently his tours make like over a mil every time he goes to a new city so I'm sure he's well above the 50 mil mark.
There's no way for people to figure out net worth, it's all estimates.
>I'm actually more irritated its original iteration seems more or less fine to me.
Yeah I kinda would like a card like that. I also like the art for nadu so this makes me doubly pissed now.
Can't believe I forgot to make this when __________ Goblin got nuked.
Not quite as funny as "Welcome Home, Racism!" but rest in peace to that retarded garbage and good riddance.
Don't forget, they're doing 5 year bonus sets for Standard now too. Even less bans and even longer rotations will surely solve the issues caused by less bans and longer rotations.
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Amii fine matte outers. Matte side up on left, matte side down on right.
We need arena wildcards irl.
went 2-3
lost to
rakdos ransmogrify
bant auras (I legit topdecked 8 lands in a row on game 3 lmao)
naya ramp (got stuck on 2 lands twice)
beat gruul midrange on the last match

didn't play against any tier 1 decks, it was fun, next league I'm gonna try something more consistent, probably ygra food
What Modern decks can I build that are good and won't have my opponent complain loudly about having to play against it?
The part that pisses me off is they say it would have been a problem in commander and I think it would be both fine and more interesting there with the original version. They didn't just do it for commander players, they did it for the worst, most bottom of the barrel, interaction hating scrubs who have a meltdown at the concept of playing anything at instant speed.
The Rock. The ultimate fair deck.
I still don't understand what this has. Is it like 350 curated cards or it is random cards
Remember Deckbuilder's Toolkits?
it feels like new mtg cards have absolutely zero collectability
and i know i'm wrong because people sell those serialized/thousand-times-folded foils for gorillions but it still feels this way
it feels that way because it is that way, serialized cards have 0 liquidity, and everything else is worthless
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I originally just dropped Ugin in the sideboard as a test piece against midrange. For a while, I've been bouncing between Prof. Onyx, Lili Dreadhorde and Ugin as the big wincon walkers.
With Ugin, we lose the life gain from Onyx, but by Jove we have more than enough of that already. Dreadhorde General is a similar dude generator to Ugin, but what sets Ugin apart is how his card advantage remains even if Ugin is removed. It's attached to the token, not the 'walker.
What's really settling me onto Ugin though, is that his removal mode just hits everything, and hits what you need it to, when you need it. I've been somewhat stunned by how much pressure he puts out. Dreadhorde seems like it should be the same on the surface, but so many times she just got deleted and all she left was a 2/2. With Ugin, the worst case scenario is the 2/2 but you also keep the card that's stapled to it. He grinds out midrange matches like nobody's business.

I'm sad to see Amalia go. It was a very fun matchup where we were heavily favored. Honestly, I think the bans hurt us, since regular BR Midrange was better against us than Vampires and Amalia was one of the main decks we stomped.

I'll have to see how things go. Maybe a brand new brew for the new meta instead, we'll see.

top 10 player on earth gets rinsed in a minute 45 seconds, incredible card game wizards
how top can you really be when you decide to draft mono green in the hyper competitive vintage cube event
cringe and not green-pilled
nigga craterhoof behemoth isn't even in the cube (only god knows why), mono green is an absolutely retarded deck to draft, your whole plan consists of ramping into big creature and hope it doesn't get removed (while having no removal of your own)
I thought it was? They took out the Behemoth, why?
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Literally every person who works at WotC sucks at their job.
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tl:dr: we are hacks and we need space to shill cards from new sets
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>the modern set we designed for modern got broken because we had to put commander staples in it

you don't say
i think vexing bauble is better than chalice in moon stompy
are there more japanese reactions to nadoodoo?
literally nobody likes playing against it in commander either
this mother fucker is tone deaf
Lurrus got brought back to Vintage after he got neutered
>Lurrus got brought back to Vintage after he got neutered

An errata is a ban.
but why craterhoof behemoth there were so many other green cards they could have hit.
they have this mentality where they give new cards tryouts in the vintage cube because how are you supposed to know if a card is good if you don't try it in the cube? (the answer is by seeing overwhelming constructed play but then that would mean the cube doesn't get new set releases and we can't have that). That's how you end up in a situation where this card is in but craterhoof is not
>Urza's Saga is restricted.
Ho-ly, I knew that set was busted but the WHOLE set being restricted?! Damn!
were they worth it? i wasn't into mtg back then
Saga is the most broken one, so it had to go. Destiny and Legacy are on the chopping block.
it gave you bunch of basics, tons of bulk not from the set you wanted and like a few packs. I felt disappointed.
Why are they designing Commander cards for a Modern set? I mean I suspected they were doing it, but I didn't expect them to so brazenly say it out loud in an article.
one brings the money. the other plays with 60 card decks.
stop buying singles and instead rip boxes to get your playsets.
i hope commandertrannies realize one day that there's literally no point in buying cards since they aren't playing in sanctioned events.
Because they know that Commander is their biggest market. Any time they design a card for any 60 card format, they have to consider its impact on Commander as well. It's a very small step from "will this impact commander?" to "how can I make this impact commander?".
they're all retarded, that's why. commander is like some weird mind control program to get people to accept group sex
But that's exactly WHY commander is thriving. 60 card formats get stale fast when you play 1v1, even if you both have a handful of decks, but decks designed for 60 card formats are woefully unbalanced in multiplayer. If WotC had bothered to make an actual multiplayer format instead of telling people to play with what they made for 1v1, maybe commander would just be one format in a field of multiplayer options, but they didn't. Nobody cares about the lack of sanctioned events because that's the LEAST common way to play. Even if people like FNM, that's one tournament once per week, and 99% of players will never play in an event more serious than that.
Because the higher ups tell them to so that the biggest market buys the new sets.
>60 card formats get stale fast when you play 1v1,
He says, about a game with 60 card formats that had massive tournament turnout for literal decades in a row.
I was obviously talking about casual play. You get a new opponent every round in a tournament, and you can't change your deck. Tournaments don't get stale, but playing 1v1 casually does, and the rest of my post still stands.
>Tournaments don't get stale
Oh they do especially if all your opponents happens to be the one that picked the most popular deck in the format.
>OoTJ stories
sorry you didn't like Oko in a cowboy hat, anon
vaultborn tyrant is absurdly good in vintage cube and craterhoof's time has largely passed
>Now he's gone. It's time to return to hitting people with a 2 mana 8/8 Flier.
i killed mill guy today with a 13/13 flying boi
>turn 1 fetch
>archive trap, mill 13
>cast preordain, pass
>he casts a hedron crab
>turn 2 delve 5 for the boi
>turn 3 hit you for 8, play a land and pass
>counterspell your thingy on your turn
>turn 4 cast another boi and hit you for 13 (cool hedron crab bro)
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>He doesn't beat up the popular meta choices
>no one will be fired over nadu
Why should anyone be fired? People are still buying products no matter how many mistakes they make
Reinstalled Arena looking to get back into standard but I only have enough wildcards for one deck. Thinking about making rakdos lizards, is the deck actually good?
Will there be any Foundations commander precons? Or Wizards have enough self insight to not do thst?
there are 50 good green creatures I could put in the cube that are better than vaultbourn tyrant, none of them end a game the moment they get natural ordered onto the field like a craterhoof would thoughbeit
Going to try paper standard the very first time in two days.
Is it a good idea to sideboard obstinate baloths? I'm kinda afraid of black discard decks but I don't know if they will be there.
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So long, Nadu.
I wonder why they wanted to call it FIRE
like, they do know that is an extremely bad name for it due to connotations
>playing with fire
>fire burns your house down
what positives even are there? keep you warm?
>Or Wizards have enough self insight to not do thst?
Dude they just made Commander precons for MODERN horizons, and said that they couldn't make modern precon because printing 75 cards is more expensive than printing 100 cards.
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Today... The horror starts.
Is Pioneer finally playable?
>Phoenix untouched
>Nyx untouched
>Creature – Human Clown Berserker
Is playable but the meta now is Pre-MKM with some Bloomburrow/OTJ add ons like the new Food archetype or the Atarka Red Cactus.
I'm so ready for MEATHOOK MASSACRE II, is the sequel i always wanted.
It's good but not Tier 1 imo. It also has a lot more rares than you initially think. Something like 15 rates, excluding the lands, which would bump it up to about 20 rares. RDW is the budget meta deck, as per usual.
Because they're all twitter dorks and they were trying to ape on black American slang they saw on twitter that kept talking about how "fire" everything is. I guarantee it.
Eternal formats is the only honest way to play Magic, including but not limited to Commander. Rotating slop treadmill is inherently consumer abuse.
>2 of the oldest classic archtypes of the format are still playable
>This is supposed to be a bad thing
Bro I think you just want to play Standard, Pioneer is a nonrotating format, people like it when their decks of many years don't get deleted.
Doesn't look it, they've announced and solicited a bunch of Foundations products and none of them are Commander decks. The known Foundations products are:
Beginner Box
Play Boosters (and Boxes)
Collector Boosters (and Boxes)
Starter Collection
Jumpstart Boosters (and Boxes)
Prerelease Kit
>Select Foundations cards included in the Starter Collection to support Commander gameplay will not be legal in Standard.
How do we get commander players to open more product? They currently only have 1 of each card, making them, in theory, open 1/4 of what a 60card format player does.
>open MH3 booster
>10cent non modern legal commander rare or Mythic
It just feels so bad opening commander Mythics.
Rare alternate anime art. Look at what happened with Bloomburrow.
My only fear is that the deck turns out to be a flash in the pan that dies out once people realize it's a threat and figure out how to answer it, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about the current meta to know how fragile the deck is and how easily other decks can adapt to it.
"Fired up" is a common expression. It's supposed to make you feel "fired up" to play Magic.
>your deck may contain any number of __________
>mythic rare
really though how jewish would this be
It being a 100 deck singleton format is the only thing keeping it from falling apart at this point. It'd actually be so over, the only difference being that wotc wouldn't have anything else to ruin other than pioneer maybe.
60 card singleton format when?
The only way is to triple the number of commander players. One of the big appeals of commander is the fact that buying a new card gives you more dopamine than completing a playset of a card you already have.
Isn't that just, The Singleton?
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>Is Pioneer finally playable?
look at the most recent challenge top16 and you tell me
It's called Oathbreaker, good luck getting people to play it
Ngl just found out about it recently, but why do people not care for it?
Not a Pioneer player but am I supposed to be seeing an issue here?
>Convoke is back
>Humans are back
>Another CoCo bullshit
is this good or bad
not a pooneer
i think anon is seeing the ban of vampires qnd amalia open the meta a lot, before every challenge had at least 3 vampires decks and other amalia in top 8
Go back to Shitdern then, bro, where you belong with your Anal Ring
Holy fucking sovl.
But Rakdos will be back soon once people readjust to the non-vampires version.
>Humans Top4
>Angels Top8
>Spirits Top16
I'm in heaven right now holy fuck
The definition of stale is a 4 player game where each turn cycle takes 10+ minutes because people don't actually know how to play or spend an eon "in the tank" only to play a land and then pass their turn.
This is why my playgroup ultimately moved away from having any EDH games at all. Even if we decide to do multiplayer, we can have nearly ten times as many games using 60 card decks due to better game flow. EDH isn't Magic. I understand why many players enjoy it, but it is a social "board game" experience, not Magic.
>That Monowhite Midrange top 10
The token cancer is spreading, we need some black chem.
The MtG playerbase is already fragmented across too many formats (read: commander pandering has ruined all other formats). I will never understand why people want to fragment it further when it is already difficult to find anyone who wants to play something other than commander in many parts of the world.
It's good, Amalia was making playing Aggro impossible and Vampires was making playing anything that couldn't cleanly deal with Vein Ripper near unplayable
And let's not forget the high level gameplay exhibited in cEDH tournaments where a table will spend 30 minutes on a single turn cycle trying to out-politic one another until someone tries to combo and someone else flashes the table a counter and says he's going to let the other guy win unless the table agrees to a draw.

No playtesting
All formats are dead but Commander
it's called having Lutri as a companion
clown tribal! finally!
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>living end manages to survive losing grief by stealing people's rings with commandeer
If you told me this was a Cult of Rakdos card from a Ravnica set I would believe you.
>local pauper nemesis is in an arms race with my bogles deck
>Thinks I'm going to flex into black to get access to trespasser's curse to punish his go wide strategy
...Who's gonna tell him?
negroes play ygo, anon
>Heartfire Hero
Genuinely what the FUCK were they thinking?
That's why will be RB LMAO
red is the last fair magic that remains, stop crying and git fucking good, fag.
Faerie Fencing makes a joke of it in my dimir faerie deck. Removal AND zero damage to me.
>15 damage before you've been allowed to play your second land is fair
>12 damage for 3 mana is fair
Why don't they unban earth craft? What strategy would actually become dominant enough to completely eat Painter, Psychic Frog, and Eldrazi?
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Physical Edition: post your physical custom cards (home printed, hand drawn...it doesn't matter)
>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Color Pie mechanics

>Read this before you post cards for the first time, or as a refresher for returning cardmakers

>Design articles by Wizards

>Primer: NWO and Redflagging

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: http://pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: http://pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Q: What is precedence?
A: http://pastebin.com/pGxMLwc7

>Q: How can I proxy my cards for testing?
A: <https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM //> https://mtgprint.cardtrader.com

>Art sources

>/ccg/ sets
(/ccg/ collab set in development)
Honorable mention >https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/93662606/
Now ask him why he likes it and see his NPC brain implode.
it's called brawl
Not as mad as they'd be if they'd heard that story 10 weeks ago.
They do, and the game doesn't die, new players replace them faster than they can leave. The game is doing well. I told you this would happen, I told you 10 years ago, "magic is dying" is just cope.
when is duskmourn spoilers
T-2 hours i guess?
If I spend 3 fucking cards during one turn they better do 12 fucking damage.
Which is nothing, because plotted SSS with 3 mana and 3 cards deals 20+ damage.
>during 1 turn
I never said during 1 turn.
Saturday is the official start of preview season.
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Which card triggers first when Akki Ronin attacks?
You get to choose the order.
How are the Bloomburrow Commander precons? Will they hold up in a LGS match? I typically play modern or standard but figure it's good to have one EDH deck in case everyone's a faggot and only wants to play Commander
Wrong thread. Nobody here likes to play the best format.
Does Canadian Highlander go here or /edhg/?
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Kill yourselves you're both gay
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>Keep them alive. I believe in you, no-longer-child, and Spindlewight would believe in you as well, were he still here.
Side story. Actually nice.
What is nightmare bundle and why is it almost full month after release?
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Each regular Duskmourn Bundle contains:

9 Duskmourn Play boosters
1 foil promo card with alternate art
30 basic lands (15 foil, 15 nonfoil)
1 spindown life counter
1 card storage box

In every Duskmourn Nightmare Bundle you’ll find:

2 Duskmourn Collector boosters
6 Duskmourn Play boosters
20 foil full-art Manor Lands
1 borderless promo card
1 Movie Poster-themed card
3 double-sided movie posters
1 deck box
1 glow-in-the-dark Spindown life counter

nightmare bundle is like an extra $30
edh players are mostly buiding "for fun" so here should be the best place for a competitive format like canlander I guess.
Fairly late i wonder why...
Besides we have literally 0 leaks from this set when from OTJ and BLB we had some leaks already.
I remember when the big scary deck was creativity with worldspine wurm, which only worked because sideboards weren’t running instant speed exile removal for big big creatures. I put baleful mastery in my sideboard and never lost to it again postboard
So maybe worth value depending on movie poster and promo cards

The new life clicker is cool tho
If you didn't want to get hit for 15 damage turn 2, you should have removed it turn 1
git gud anon
I'll recap because eh, it helps me internalise things a bit better anyway:
>Kinda hard to actually describe, but it's basically a dialogue from one monster to another, specifically the Beasties, I think
>Starts with a history of the Beasties, and how, compared to other House-born monsters, they seemed to lack a true purpose or role, so they simply bonded together into a single pack, thinking their role was simply to survive
>Eventually, one Beastie named Spindlewight announced he was going to find their purpose and left the pack
>He wandered the House, fighting other horrors, creating a mask to keep his eyes safe, until eventually he found somebody crying, and found that the crying actually hurt him
>He came across what seems to be a parent with two children or something like that, and curiosity struck, and he's fascinated by the fact they wore clothes like he wore a mask
>A tense silence bore down before a Cellarspawn arrived, which Spindlewight quickly fought off, because this was HIS discovery to understand
>He looked back at the survivors, aware now that the oldest one was pierced by a piece of wood during his fight with the Cellarspawn, and the adult smiled at Spindlewight for saving him even as they were dying
>The adult wasn't going to leave, but they pleaded with him to at least keep the children alive before dying, and because Beasties think in a certain way, he thought of the children as "keep-alives"
>He returned to his pack and declared he'd found their purpose, and they discovered more things
>Beasties are better when they have a 'keep-alive' to protect and care for, and they cannot STEAL a keep-alive, the human must come over freely
>The true smile of a human is apparently the most valuable thing to a Beastie, and being smiled at means that a human has effectively claimed them, even long after the human has gone
>Also, a Beastie's real face is terrifying to humans, and invariably, whenever one has seen a real face, the bond breaks
>The first two kids Spindlewight brought back painted a mural for the Beasties, that showed a world they could never understand, and the kids added the Beasties into the painting too
>That mural is still being painted onto to this day, apparently, and it is the one thing the Beasties would fight even the House itself for
>One of the children stayed with Spindlewight until they became an adult, the other saw Spindlewight's face and fled, which broke the Beastie's heart
>The Beasties, without their leader to properly guide them, fractured into multiple packs, with the only shared neutral ground between them being the mural
>Spindlewight and the remaining survivor stayed together, until eventually the keep-alive came back with nothing but Spindlewight's mask, setting it onto the mural before heading off into the house to never be seen again
>Story ends with an imploration from the elderly Beastie to the newborn, that even though no one of them will ever truly succeed in keeping a human alive forever, they must keep trying, because they must believe they can eventually succeed as a whole
You'll "recap" because you're a paid shill. Why not just come out and say it?
I told you yesterday to kill yourself, why are you still here.
Thank you.
>recap so you don't have to click on the link and read the story on wizard site, giving them less traffic
>paid shill
You are one special kind of retard.
As always thanks, this saves me a lot of time and i don't have to enter WotC shit page
And the faggot comes again, what about get the hell out of here already to a furry party absolute stupid?
Even with my recap I'd actually recommend giving this particular one a read properly because it's very sweet. The rest of the stories haven't been super reliant on the experience of reading them, but this one has.
You're literally just saving them bandwidth, it's like like their site advertises, their site is an advertisement.
Anon is a good person and I like him for his recaps.
He's not me, I also told you to go first, it's fucking obvious you are a mentally retarded shill.
>Black and Red shirt
Let me guess... Its casting cost contains R and B mana symbols...?
It's kind of a saccharine story but by god I fell for it
Also the fact that the beasties all know where the mural is and know how to return to it implies that the house is generally navigable, even if you can't trust that'll be between you and your destination.
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Damn late in the thread, but happy to contribute!
With my favorite land cycle I've designed. Many of my sets are on hold sadly, just have other things to do these days I think /mtg/ is a good home for /ccg/ though, keep it posted!
How'd you get the art for these?
I told robots what I wanted and they spat it out.
how do you think
Im brainlet thank you for answer
Back to your containment thread
This is the containment thread, for non-/edh/ mtg discussion.
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And one more for the road.
I don't think this is a sufficient drawback for lands that always etb untapped. They wouldn't be played in Legacy/Modern because they're untyped but they would definitely be extremely strong in Standard and especially Pioneer where you will consistently hit your 1-drop making the lower hand size irrelevant.
They certainly empower aggro just fine, but I think you'd be surprised at just how crippling the drawback can be for any deck outside of the most suicidally fast. In testing I've rarely found decks that want more than 2 or 3 of them.
Can we add
> We didn't playtest with Nadu's final iteration
To the OP posts?
Do bundles carry more EV usually than play booster boxes?
bundles are usually the worst EV
I guess it depends on price, if you can find it for dirt cheap. But which sealed product has then the less worse EV?
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>The One Ring doesnt get banned because it enables slower decks. wait and see.
pioneer just got some great bans and bazaar decks are playable in vintage again, I am not in a hurry to play modern any time soon
Pioneer being "Phoenix: The Format" again is pretty shit but it's better than it was before.
Modern still needs about 900 more bans before the cesspit is cleansed.
they prebanned grief to stop scam from filling Nandus void.
scam wasn't even a deck anymore, it was a package used in like, 2 decks, esper goryo's and necrodominance
>they prebanned grief to stop scam from filling Nandus void.
Great, now ban every card ruining the format repeatedly until we finally get all the way back to banning T3f and Force of Negation.

Then maybe after a few more bans, the format can heal.
your deck isnt coming back anon. its time to let go and get some money out to play flavor of the ban announcement
>your deck isnt coming back anon. its time to let go and get some money out to play flavor of the ban announcement
No thank you, I'm just going to not play the format instead.
Well, the Planeswalker's Guide basically said that certain parts of the House are basically fixed, and they all have to BROADLY remain in the same 'areas' of the House. The boiler places don't just show up in the forests, for example.
EDH "game" "designers" go in the furnace first.
Seriously you can't maindeck GY hate bro?
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Based NPC-despiser.
It is.
Suffer, fag.
Early life.
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Where did everything go so wrong zoomers don't recognize the island -> vial opening?
Their one drops win the game on their own, they don't understand the idea of something merely being a way to get uncounterable mana advantage
You take one look at the block of text on Ocelot Pride and tell me these retards even need to care about other strategies.
It's incredibly fragile when against a control deck with white in it, because of Temporary Lockdown hitting every single creature except Jasper. And white-based control is a sizeable share of the meta right now.
I finally found a standard deck i enjoy playing.
I'm on the edge of my fucking seat! Do tell!
It's the new aftermath analyst pile
stopped reading there
Thanks, it feels great to have someone who listens.
For me, it's been revitalizing my old dimir faeries deck.
The overabundance of removals and counters makes it work. Sad that I can't justify using the Kindly Lord anymore- but Sheoldred's just better.
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I never played standard, but how did a card like Sheoldred get released into it? it's an absolute power house in every format. and here I thought standard sets were weak. maybe I'll preorder Magic Foundations after all? pic unrelated
>The lackluster Standard, and the response from the community, sparked a response from Wizards R&D. Vice President of Design Aaron Forsythe delivered a speech to the members of R&D on working to generate more excitement in the cards. What came out of that speech was the FIRE Philosophy. Not to be confused with the Philosophy of Fire, the FIRE Philosophy of design stands for Fun, Inviting, Replayable, Exciting. It's about having cards contribute to more exciting gameplay. Play Designer Andrew Brown elaborated on what FIRE means in the article Fire It Up noting that Vision Design, Play Design, and Creative all have their own versions of the FIRE Philosophy
Rakdos Tree, Izzet Creativity and Rakdos Sac are the new S tier decks but they won't be played because they aren't braindead simple like vamps was.
Why do zoomers want to play on MTGO if the client is so clunky and difficult to use?
>Rakdos Sac
>S tier
I'm not quite sure about that, no more vampires means traditional rakdos mid is back, and the best way to farm rakdos mid is playing niv to light or enigmatic fires, both of which completely destroy rakdos sac
rakdos sac will definitely gain some traction since everybody is excited to play creature aggro again without amalia in the format, but that is not going to last
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Trying to think of an energy deck without Ocelot Pride, I bought into land destruction energy deck. But ocelot pride and 4x Ajani just dunk on that now.
And I dont wanna shell out more money for meta shit. Any idea how to make aspiring spike Boros land destruction jeskai without breaking the bank buying meta cards?
I like white orchid phantom, amped raptor, guide of souls, Phelia and using energy. Tune the narrative and jolted awake looks fun and fitting, but they also kinda suck.
wtf found Double Masters 2022 draft box in french at only $230 USD, it's almost half price from the english one. should I buy it? are foreign language cards allowed in tournaments?

t. leaf french speaker
Yeah ok boomer, go back to your retirement home grandpa.
buy chink proxies, easy or good old D&T by adding dewdrop cure
Why is this list completely wrong?
The new Trinity in the format is Rakdos MIDRANGE, Monogreen Ramp and fucking Birds, those are the top decks to beat now in the new Pioneer meta.
What do we think Meathook Massacre II does?
NO drain life
-2/-2 to each card
Gain life when creature dies.
Meathook Massacre, but oopsie doopsie we accidentally stapled it to Toxic Deluge.
>We did not playtest the final version of Meathook II.
"Enjoy your lifegain while you can" Edition"

▶Bans (NOW)

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Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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I ain't afraid of no ghosts, as a RDW player
>No "we didn't playtest Nadu"
Shit OP
Bauble hits FoWs.
You are probably right, not joking either.

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