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>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 PHB Scan

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The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93719745

What is your favorite race, /5eg/? What do you like about them?
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being able to play a dragon person activates my neurons
also they have no lore so i'm free to make up whatever shit i want
People with Angel blood? Fuck yeah sign me the fuck up.
Alright, they are my second favorite. My favorite is Human because the idea of being a "regular" human amongst cat people, dragon people, gnomes, and shit, feels good to me.
Half-elves would be the third for the stories you can tell with the hole "of two worlds" idea.
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TQ: Half-elves. I like the concept of half-elf identity.
So Circle of Death got buffed from 8d6 to 8d8 damage. Will you actually use it now?
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Yehaaw, WotC missed an opportunity to call the new edition "D&D 50th Anniversary edition" and it rubs me the wrong way something fierce.
What lore do you make up for them?
First of all, very important, they can be any color and not just reds and browns
Secondly they have tails
Thirdly I just play madlibs with dragon descriptions and apply them to dragonborn, green dragonborn are cowardly but love trees, copper dragonborn are silly goofballs, gold dragonborn have main character syndrome ect.

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Pic for anyone who wanted proof.

I might use it, and flavor it into a massive sphere of unerring necrotic/dark lightning.
does anyone have any UA or their own homebrew for one-handing a weapon and still recieving the benefits of great weapon fighting? alternatively, tell me why that's a dumb idea to go for as a player.
>why though
The other martial in the party does more damage and has more magic, so I want to double down on my tank with a shield(+2) but don't want to give up what damage averages I do have.
I pretty much only play dwarf or human so one of those. Probably human because I like the fantasy of being a regular guy who gets to kill Satan, I also pretty much only play martials and those two races are the coolest as martial classes.
Warforged because robots are cool and I love AC maxing
Technically gwm only requires your weapon have the heavy trait, I was working on a legendary weapon for my campaign that had the form of a longsword with the heavy trait.
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Don't really have any anymore because they're basically all boring and practically interchangeable with how gimped racial features have gotten. Its a good thing we finally solved fantasy racism by enabling the gay halfling barbarian meme to finally be viable. Truly we now have a diverse assortments of player characters within our reach, who don't exceed at anything or have any particular defining traits despite their significant physical and sociological differences and also all have the same two or three backstories depending on their chosen class.

Why the fuck is there still no official D&D rat race too. I'm shocked and appealed at the sheer lack of rat representation and I will complain about it on xitter dot com.
>>93727140 #
That wasn't meant sarcastically or as a deterrent by the way.
I meant it quite sincerely, it helps emphasize that humans aren't the vanilla option, and have a good reason for being so populous when seemingly every other race has minor superpowers. Humans have a flavor, it's being incredibly dynamic, risk-taking, and enterprising. Intimidatingly, terrifyingly so. A motivated human regularly accomplishes more in their 65-100 years than an elf with nearly 10 times the lifespan. Even a lazy human left to their own devices doesn't do nothing they're just leisure-focused, if you leave them with an empty room full of wood blocks you'll still come back to an elaborate castle, or at the very least composed sonnet or a newfound ability to whistle; A human will push a button that inflicts themselves pain rather than sit idle, to deny a human action is literally torturous at a fundamental level.
And unlike dwarves or orcs or elves or nearly every other race, who to an extent are whatever their creator god want them to be, a human is whatever the fuck they decide to be, no racial uniformity, no master except one they personally choose to follow. So not only is each human an engine of achievement, there's no single direction they're headed doing all that achieving.
Humans are the race of "I'm/we're doing X now" and "it just works" and if it doesn't work they MAKE it work, because they don't have time for failure.

It's almost like halflings are lazy, complacent do-nothings defined purely by their insignificance and need for luck to hand them everything on a silver platter because humans took their portion.
Wtf happened to my image?
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What the actual fuck. Is it just the length?

Oh, that pain button thing wasn't hypothetical by the way, that study literally exists. That is a true real world fact about humans.

I think what attracted me to them was that you're playing a Dragon person and I believe what made this favoritism stick was that this was before the rework, so Dragonborn still sucked ass and weren't good so I developed an interest in them actually being worth being playable
Now I'm more interested in their lore since they don't have one worth being talked about anymore and expanding the Dragonborn roster to feature Ferrous Dragonborn and the Wyvern/Dragon Turtle equivalent
Anybody else feels that the re-edition feels overly sanitized, cold and soulless?
The rules for improvised weapons listed broken glass, table leg, frying pan, wagon wheel or a dead goblin. Now it's just a table leg, frying pan or a bottle. Not even a broken one, let alone something as imaginative as the goblin.
human male
Humans funnily enough. Aside from the benefits, I just like being the odd man out in a group full of monstrous races like orcs, kenku, and the like and it forces me to build an actual character that doesn't use their race as leverage. As for non-human ones, I'd say I like Hobgoblins due to their militaristic focused mindset and getting shit done (I use the MPMM version for that fey ancestry and fey gift, but reflavor the abilities as March, Bolster, Saving Face, etc. to keep that conquerer sort of flavor).
I like hobgobs too, fun to drop one in after the party has been btfoing goblins to give them a reality check. It’s crazy how their character as a PC went from “HOBGOBLINS ARE A WARRIOR RACE” to “I fight for my friends!”
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Yeah, seems Orcs got a similar treatment in the new edition going from bloodthirsty zugbois raiding and pillaging to peaceful looking nomads picking cactus apples and shit.
At least gobbos get to be themselves still.
Honestly this concept for orcs would be more interesting were they in a different setting that had a bit more nuance to the idea beyond "please shut up about orcs being racist", like Eberron. I love westerns.
>8d8 and nothing else
>for a 6th level spell
I'd rather CL on Sorc and Wizard, or Summon Fiend on WL.
To be fair, it's a huge fucking circle. If you need to wipe a small army of trash, it's good enough. Otherwise.... eh.
Or instead of wasting a sixth kevel slot, you let the fighter and barbarian feel useful for a couple of minutes
So what spells should I add to Storm Sorcery to bring up to the level of the reworked subclasses in the new book?
Oh actually yes, it is 60ft radius, I forgot. I still believe it might not be that good a use of a 6th level slot.
Funnily enough, I actually just replaced the human features with hobgoblin features. Makes a lot of sense for the protagonist race, and is far more interesting than +1 to all ability scores.
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Thoughts on this as a fix for PwT?
Kinda like it honestly. Don't have much else to say.
The current version is fine after the chance to surprise. No more fixes needed imo.
Sort of, but not really. All the ones in witch light were friendly like the hobgobs and bugbears.

If Gnolls get re-typed to monstrosity, then I think they're just solidly going with "there's no such thing as a kind of Humanoid whose predominant society has evil morals for religious, cultural, or political reasons."
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>What is your favorite race, /5eg/? What do you like about them?
I was always a Vuman player because I was hopelessly addicted to starting with a feat. Now that anyone can get an origin feat, I might branch out a little more. I've always liked halflings. Luv me some plucky little men and some shortstack lasses.

>tfw Thief Rogue w/ Healer not only survived but also now it's easier to build on any race
There's a LOT of changes that I question, but this at least brings a smile to my face.
Which is wild because like, try to make that claim during world war 2. Were ALL Germans or Japanese individuals evil? No of course not, but their societies certainly were. Absolutely ruthless even. It led many to flee, or many to stay and try to secretly undermine, but a lot were just fully compliant or actively supportive. There were a lot of people hung after that war. The were hung not because they were German, but because they had committed unforgivable atrocities and needed to be made a lasting example on the world stage. But a lot of them were still German, because the atrocities root was not merely at an individual level but institutional, national, not just the government but the entire zeitgeist, widespread, ubiquitous, endemic. And entire people choose the path of evil because of their beliefs.

It's unrealistic to create a world and say "there are no societies with deeply entrenched moral faults."
Especially when the point of that world is to play a game in which doing heroic deeds thwarting evil is one of the main goals and fantasies.

Say what you will about how Marvel-ified and Woke-ified Star Wars has gotten, but at least the writers have had the fucking sense to not try and write the Empire out because it's not "brand friendly." How would you even make a character like Finn without it? Drizzt simply cannot exist in modern nuD&D. It is impossible to tell a story about "Okay yes I was raised among fascists, bigots, supremacists, social darwinists, dangerous eschatological cult zealots, and adjusting to the culture shock has been it's own journey just as much as breaking free, but I can be something better and help stem their tide and right their wrongs. Maybe I face some stigma from their completely earned bad reputation, but with my virtuous actions I will earn acceptance and respect."

You want representation WotC? For people to be able to see themself in the game? I *AM* that character. Why is my existence not allowed in the game?
*An entire people
A 2nd-level spell granting you the same numerical benefit as being a 13th-level character with expertise in Stealth is not fine by any stretch of the imagination.
Well, it is a bard.
Although looking back at my phb, does make the 5e example Bard look like a Whispers Bard in comparison.
It never ceases to amaze me that MtG can have a multitude of different setting aesthetics yet D&D has to obsessively stick with the same kind of aesthetic for everything it does
Any good third party modules out there? Is pic related one of them?
13th level character is getting it passively for free. It's fine.

It's especially fine because even if you had a +30 all you're getting out of it is advantage on initiative now.
How does the samurai rapid strike work with extra attacks?
Say I have three attacks, rapid strike and advantage, do I get to attack six times? (Rapid strike applying for both attacks) or four times (Rapid strike applying for only one attack)
The fact we got Strixhaven dating sim instead of a Neo-Kamigawa setting book deeply infuriates me.
It depends. What answer would piss you off most?
Nigga it literally says once per turn.
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Would you personally use the Crafter origin feat if it were this?
Or, you know, avoiding encounters entirely.
What you're forgetting is that I am functionally retarded.
four, it can only give you one additional attack with the "once per turn" clause.
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This image is supposed to be depicting the scrying spell, but it looks like they're having a two-way conversation.

Did something change, or is the image just misleading? I thought scrying was supposed to be for spying on someone one-way.
Answer honestly. Are you autistic? That's not what the facial expressions are.
They are literally looking at each other.
Are you? The art director discussed on stream that it's a two-way conversation.
I guess they could both be scrying each other.
I’m pretty sure Jeremy even said in one of the dnd24 release videos, either the PHB art one or the wizard that the intention was that they’re both using scrying like it is magic FaceTime.
I want to give my campaign a sci-fi twist, something similar to Star Ocean (JRPG with space travel where you spend most of your time on medieval planets, if you're unfamiliar). Are there any good resources for things like spaceships and sci-fi weaponry?
>higher level spell than Christ walking on the surface of the water
>gets thrown around just to check on ma
Sometimes I really despise how little they think about in-universe logic.
how do we fix versatile weapons
Different mastery properties depending on handedness
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>someone saved my edit
If I lived in a fantasy world, my grandmother would absolutely complain at me for not using my one 5th level spell slot to call her, so I honestly didn’t question it.
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There is nothing to fix, you need to fix GWM

>heavy or using the versatile property
So you can GWM with two-handed versatile weapons
Most people also aren't in such constant dire straits that they can't afford to use spells for convenience.

Realistically even adventurers should have downtime like that, too, where they have a week or two here and there between big missions.
Pfft, you versatile pansies wouldn't know a "Great" weapon if it was shoved through your skull!
this and either change Dueling to work with versatile, or nu-GWF to treat any damage die below half as half (instead of 3 which overwhelmingly favors 2d6 weapons)
>bard + entertainer (background) + musician (origin feat)
>proficiency with 7 musical instruments
what the fuck were they thinking?
You know those people who post videos to YouTube of them playing all seven instrumental parts in a piece spliced together? That's what they were thinking.
>this and either change Dueling to work with versatile

Fuck you. You either get the benefits of a heavy weapon to use GWM or you get the benefit of dueling while two handed, not fucking both.

This is why you fucks don't get anything.
Yea, you get two features from entertainer, the useless half of instrument proficiencies, and the useful half of passing out heroic inspiration to everyone
I'm just imagining the player and the DM trying to find a way to make use of the multiple instrument proficiencies.
"uuhh, here's a magic item that only works with a drum proficiency, as part of the heist you will need to infiltrate the harp tournament going on.

"Oh! DM, can I get advantage on the performance check here using the flute since it is a sacred instrument in this village?" "uuhh, sure, why not?"

To be fair I had the Acolyte background once in a campaign where nobody worshiped my deity, so no shelter for us...
Why does WotC/Gygax hate redemption stories?
What makes you say that?
Why does it matter?
They don't. Toril is the only one where redemption is extremely difficult, and that's because of the metaphysics of the setting. For evil races, it's because they're usually cursed from the womb. Like drow are evil (and usually have levels) because of the siblings they murder and devour in the womb. Evil and good are physical forces in FR (closely associated with negative and positive energy), and you accrue evil energy through evil acts. The thing is is that the evil energy encourages you towards being more evil. You end up in a vicious cycle where you do evil, get evil energy, get mindfucked by evil energy to be even worse, gain more evil energy, and so on. Good energy does not behave this way. It does not mindscrew you, and like the good gods, its largely feckless and milquetoast in comparison to its evil counterpart. This is why it seems like evil is ascendent on Toril, even though evil has a tendency to be extremely retarded and self-destructive (see any evil society where they're killing and eating their children, stabbing each other in the public bazaar, or burning down half the city for giggles,). Like Gary said, it's infinitely easier to fall into a pit than to climb out of it.
Did you know Flavor Flav, the guy who wears a giant clock around his neck and acts like a clown most of the time, was the only member of Public Enemy with non-rap musical talent? He's proficient with 15 different instruments.
it's alright, but honestly if you wanted bloodborne with the serial numbers filed off you could probably do it well enough in your own.
Based wotc proving once and for all that charisma is unrelated to appearance.
You still spent a slot. That's resources used, ergo a successful encounter from a dming perspective.

1. The charm is stupid.
2. Half speed still means the minimum time for any 1 item is 12 hours
3. It's missing the strongest part of the new feat, namely the discount.
Realistically, D&D societies, religions, and economics are dumb and don't work because they exist to service adventurers and have never been intended to make sense beyond that.
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This is my crafter feat.
>Gygax said kill evil babies while still innocent and kill ex-evul adults before they can backslide.

As I recall, Gygax's point was that it was within the realm of both Lawful and Good to do so. I think he said redemption and mercy was more within the realm of Neutral Good.
>And WotC has removed anything you could redeem from being. No one does anything evil anymore unless it's people-eating undead or fiends.
In your typical evil society, it's the elites doing all the evil shit and the systems allowing them to rise to the top as your normies try to keep their heads down, not pay attention to what their betters do, and go with the flow. Now that flow might lead them into doing or accepting some reprehensible shit, but again, they don't think about it. They aren't being actively cruel so much as passively. In this way, it's more realistic than prior editions where your normie kobold, goblin, orc, or drow woke up everyday thinking "WHAT CAN I DO TODAY IN SERVICE OF EEEEVIIIIL." They can also feel a degree of attachment to family members because a race of hominids who instinctively hates and cannot bond with their helpless newborns cannot survive for very long.
To be fair, drow, orc, goblin, and kobold newborns weren't defensive. Drow were literally born equivalent to a level 1 or 2 adventurer thanks to chad-zak, meaning that a newborn drow could easily kill a fully grown peasant. Kobold newborns instinctively knew how to make killer traps, while Orc newborns were like bobcats in their viciousness. Just because they look a bit like us great apes does not mean they're like us.
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>it has the sap weapon mastery, probably.

So with GWF style, your average damage is between 6-8, every swing and BA is 3 or 4

Is there anything special you can do with this?
None of those are D&D lore.
They are, respectively:
>gygax more than a decade after he had stopped having any association with D&D
>They do.
No, only FR is that way. Settings that don't take place on Toril do have redemption stories. Just look at how crazy the characters of MtG are when it comes to alignment shifts.
Neutral Good best good?
Makes you a furry though
NG and LE have always been the best alignments for good and evil respectively.
Fuck, what about Chaotic Good then?
Got retconned out of 5e
What about Neutral?
Probably TN. LN are all inspector Javert or guys who follow the letter of the law even if they know it violates the spirit of said law. CN are crazy people mostly.
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Doubt they're still canon but uh, better not to ask
So to be good you need to be willing to murder the innocent and those who could be redeemed, or a furry.
Being good really is hard, damn. No wonder so many fall.
CN is just CE lite
so one day orcish cartels will peel the face off of a hooker to the tune of Funkytown
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Can be both willing to murder the innocent and those who could be redeemed AND a furry though
Serious question, post-eldarin are there actually no CG outsiders? There used to be generic non-archon angels and a lot of those were NG so even if guardinals got axed we'd still have NG options, but is CG 100% just fey and that's it?
>Being good really is hard, damn. No wonder so many fall.
It's always been hard to stay CG anyway because CE goes to the same parties and they have better drugs
For an LG type, killing them is saving them from their innate natures.
Apparently they did show up in "Morte's Planar Parade" last year, although they are classified as Celestials now which is an interesting choice.
It's not even that deep, they just do it because it's the law. Gygaxian braindamage only comes into the impotent self-justification of the LN/LE ruler who designed such laws.
Help me complete my 5.5e Archfey Bladelock. Having trouble deciding on feats

(A) CHA: Spell Sniper or Inspiring Leader (leaning SS)
(B) DEX: Piercer / Slasher (depending on weapon) or Weapon Master (seems extremely late at 16th in my plan below; swap with 12th?)
(C) DEX: Boon of Combat Prowess or Irresistable Offense

>Background ASI: CHA+2/CON+1
>Starting Stats: STR 8 (-1), DEX 15 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 17 (+3)
>Species: Aasimar
>Origin Feat: Magic Initiate (Wizard)
>Class: Warlock (Archfey)
>4th Level Feat: Choice A (CHA+1; CHA 18)
>8th Level Feat: Defensive Duelist (DEX+1; DEX 16)
>12th Level ASI: CHA+2; CHA 20
>16th Level Feat: Choice B (DEX+1; DEX 17)
>19th Level Boon: Choice C (DEX+1; DEX 18)

>Eldritch Invocations:
>1st Level (1): Pact of the Blade (Some finesse weapon)
>2nd Level (3): Agonizing Blast / Eldritch Mind (or Armor of Shadows swap later to Eldritch Mind)
>5th Level (5): Thirsting Blade / Eldritch Smite
>7th Level (6): Gift of the Depths
>9th Level (7): Lifedrinker
>12th Level (8): Devouring Blade
>15th Level (9): Witch Sight
>18th Level (10) Lessons of the First Ones (Origin Feat: Lucky / Tough)
I guess they don't have an alternative besides calling them Elementals, which probably carries implications they don't want. Too many things in 5e say
>a Celestial, an Elemental, a Fey, or a Fiend
Victimizing the average member of an Evil society and pushing all the burden of moral responsibility onto the elites is oversimplifying matters. Some people are indeed just passively living, trying to avoid the hard questions. Yet some are true believers who eagerly accept and contribute to the Evil around them because it feels right. Some are neither true believers nor thoughtless sheep, but jackals simply taking advantage of the fucked situation for their own evil purposes. The elites get nowhere without the believers and jackals paving the way clearing the resistance while the sheep meekly part before them.
Sorting out which is which, especially when all but the most delusional radicals will play victim when it all falls apart, is where it gets complicated. That's why we invent goblins and demons and mindflayers. So that you don't have to worry about "What if there could be a good goblin?" Doesn't stop people though because humans will empathize with just about anything if given enough abstraction.
It mostly comes down to this: if you change the society and leadership, would these people still be dickheads? Some of them, yes, especially the ones who've risen to the top because they take to the evil like fish to water. For most others, they'll just do whatever is within the acceptable norms of the new society. You can see this all over the place with IRL nations where they can run up and down the morality scale from generation to generation. Sociology and history are complicated though, which is why most fantasy settings have cultural and historical stasis.
>Sorting out which is which, especially when all but the most delusional radicals will play victim when it all falls apart, is where it gets complicated. That's why we invent goblins and demons and mindflayers. So that you don't have to worry about "What if there could be a good goblin?" Doesn't stop people though because humans will empathize with just about anything if given enough abstraction.
It gets complicated because of the orc baby problem. Gygax or Salvator would say that it was noble to slay the orc infant, while someone like Greenwood would say it's an evil act.
We've been playing in Greenwood's setting for more than two decades (and since before gygax made that claim, which was anachronistic in it's own time) though.
>It gets complicated because of the orc baby problem.
Last shadows of it being a problem were ground out completely in 3e. Killing innocents is evil. If you want to fight objective evils, fight undead* or outsiders.
*Things like undead or constructs can be good but in that case it's just a question of ends rather than means. Harming robots isn't evil and thinking about it, I guess that Good outsiders and the like are really heavily supposed to be self sacrificing.
Killing innocents has always been evil. The question was, are the offspring of evil races evil themselves? Are they inherently evil? Pre-4E, it was almost always the case that they were born evil because of spiritual taint. Nature over nurture, at least when it came to baddies. A good guy like Drizzt was incredibly abnormal (and back in 3E, he was literally the only good aligned drow in existence). They were like inverse sociopaths. In humans, maybe only 1% of us are born sociopathic. For evil races, it's inverted so that only 1% of them were born good (and these were usually killed by their evil family members).
>If you had not committed great evil, Helm would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.
-Nameless paladin as he put Thayan citizens to the sword

Gygaxian paladins were badass though.
It just depends on how the setting handles the moral calculus of killing something that can become dangerous but isn't dangerous yet. The Gygaxian take presumes that preventing the thing from becoming dangerous is either impossible or impractical beyond reasonable consideration, so the morality of killing it before it can become a threat is obvious. If you find a chromatic dragon egg and the setting is clear that a chromatic dragon will inevitably grow up to be a fuckface burns down a village, isn't it kinda negligent to just leave the egg to eventually hatch?
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Being evil doesn't make you not innocent though. That's the point. Scan and stab has been immoral since the edition which introduced it.
I was going to address the rest of your post but you're obviously trolling
>(and back in 3E, he was literally the only good aligned drow in existence)
3E was the edition which retconned Elistraee and said they're all Lolthites. It had the edgiest Drow in it by far.
Usually ranges anywhere from 50%-99%. For most evil societies, it's closer to 99% than 50%. Always is for shit like outsiders and undead.
Always is the only rate which impacts the alignment of babies though.
>For most evil societies, it's closer to 99% than 50%.
That doesn't change the fact that drow are a core playable race (and the expectation from Drow of the Underdark is that most player drow won't be evil unless they're still in the society, in which case it's still only "usually") and non-evil drow are really not that hard to find. It just means that most drow in drow cultures are evil.
>For most evil societies, it's closer to 99% than 50%.
Fully encultured drow being overwhelmingly likely to be evil doesn't mean they have to be NE anyway, just that it's the majortiy.
But irrespective, any claim of
>hurr there's a single digit number that aren't evil
Would warrant an Always, and it's very clear to fucking anyone that's read any of the books that that's not the case.
How was Elistraee written in older lore?
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Gee anon, what edition could this be?
Even if the Drizzt clone become a stock character of 2000s D&D, they weren't supposed to be playable in older editions. Orcs, outsiders, and kobolds aren't intended for play either, but it didn't stop people from creating Pun-Pun.
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>kobolds aren't intended for play
Just say you didn't play 3e and don't know what you're talking about and move on
I remember her being surface Lolth in 4E. I think it was because Salvatore, Smedman, and Athans really didn't like her or the idea of good drow outside of Drizzt. Hence she became surface-Lolth and her followers an evil hypocritical sex cult that masqueraded as good. In Spider Queen and Lady Pentinent, they were sacrificing people just like Lolth. Then they wrote a module where you destroyed her cult and killed her. I think 5E made her a good guy again. Don't really pay that much attention to drow lore though. Never liked them or their magical realm BDSM bullshit. Everything little lore posted about them on here, like chaz zak or lamps made out of eternally burning alive children, reaffirms my aversion.
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Is there anyone who just uses the lore from the current edition? i mean if you're a new dm it's ok i guess, but i haven't change the basic lore in my games since 3e basically, my group just uses the new edition rules
Do people really "use" lore? I just pull things from whatever source I hear about and tweak or change it according to my taste or what's useful for the story.
Made a Dexlock with this, and used Elven Accuracy. It was consistent damage when Summon Fey / Shadow of Moil was up. Its biggest drawback is not qualifying for GWM, since its not Heavy. I swapped over to hand crossbows because of that.

5.5 is the same, but Sharpshooter doesn't pack a punch anymore. I'd just dualwield instead.
>Do people really "use" lore?
> I just
>lore from current edition
I don't get why everybody loves fireball so much. It has huge AoE, so you cannot use it almost ever without damaging your entire party or inside buildings or in populated areas etc.
Why would anybody care about buffs in a roleplaying game? It's a cool-ass spell so people are using it.
>without damaging your entire party
Win initiative and/or tell your DM to stop only putting in one enemy
>inside buildings or in populated areas etc.
Why are all your fights inside wooden buildings and in the middle of populated areas? Have you never been to a dungeon? The things the game is named after? A temple? A forest (will catch fire but no one will care unless you have a druid)? Ruins? A town with stone buildings?
This is more telling of your DM. The spell is good because of the area it covers, and will often end up dealing hundreds of damage in total in one turn. If you only fight one or two enemies then its not great. Lightning Bolt may serve you better.
Well, maybe I don't want to set an entire forest on fire or get smashed by throwing gigantic explosions around underground and in abandoned unstable temples?
There are some cases where it could be justified, but then you'd need to be sure that those are actual enemies(like visibly agressive zombies or whatever) and win initiative.
I tried to get team to wait with attacking before fireball but again we never get enough space to not set ourselves on fire and having a barbarian in team doesn't help. Especially in dungeons.
Ruins mean that enemies can hide and come at you from several directions too.
Like literally always there is either no sense in using it or some very obvious problem stands in the way.
Is the wall of the faithless still canon?
>I have a sweaty DM
The DM says what is canon.
Stop being retarded and put the target point in the air
Now it's as wide as you want it to be and no wider

Custom spells are the devil
>There are some cases where it could be justified, but then you'd need to be sure that those are actual enemies(like visibly agressive zombies or whatever) and win initiative.
TBQH it sounds like your main issue is not your character's spelllist but rather their alignment
Does anyone else ever have the experience of thinking, "Oh, I could use 5e to run this idea I had," then you realize you'd have to change this, this, and this, create rules for this and that, and remove half the character options?
Even WotC can't balance spells anymore. Just don't even try it.
Invent a new weapon mastery or skill feat instead, they need it more anyways.
>Gary Gygax wrote FR
Changing things, creating rules, and rewriting character options is half the fun of running a game.
No, half the fun is running the game, and half the fun is creating player-facing material (NPCs, monsters, etc). Houseruling is a huge waste of my time.
>character options aren’t player-facing materials
I need help. I've been the forever DM for years but one of my friends is actually starting their own campaign (they've DMed a while in the past). I have at least 7 fleshed out characters and backstories that have been waiting for this moment. How do I get past my choice paralysis? Is there something you guys do to choose a character to play?
Tool proficiencies are so bullshit
>make food: DC 20
Yeah like I couldnt just roll for it without procifiency
I would need to know the basic concept of each of the 7 characters
Ask him about the setting, and limit your choices based on what would be fitting.
>Is there something you guys do to choose a character to play?
I ask the DM about the setting in general, the region in which we’re going to be starting, and recent events that my character would be aware of. I then start building my character concept based on the answers I get.
>undead warlock
>hunger of hadar
>shadow of moil
>maddening darkness

Unironically this. So many characters dropped off for me when I heard the setting, additionally some may click super well
Tiny bit of world info for friends homebrew world (over simplified): All of known humanity has been mostly compressed around one big city and a bunch of smaller settlements after they fucked around with planar travel, and now the four elements have taken over the four corners of the continents. The fire plane is basically hyper capitalists who see humans in their natural habitat more like a zoo product. Earth is a greatwyrm that sees their entire corner of the continent as their nesting grounds. Wind/sand is a bunch of nomads that dont really care about each other and do what they want. Ice is very secretive, dont know much.
He said it's more or less grim for humanity, and that the human king grants power to whomever he thinks does the best job. That being said, there's still petty infighting going on as long as the king thinks you're worth more than whoever you're stepping on.
Without going into to much detail about the characters (because that would be more of a wall of text than it already is):
- Character 1 used to live during the period of planar invasion as a good-hearted knight before he was slain. Now, in the present, his wife, a powerful mage, has brought him back using... less than moral methods. He's unaware of her deeds, but should he come to find out he will be stuck between his love for his wife and his oath to slay all evil.

- Character 2 is a young man, normal by almost every standard; except for his natural sadistic impulse. He hates it and tries to ignore it as much as possible, often shying away from others. One day, he has a dream about strangling his only friend to death. Unfortunately, this wasn't a dream. He laments at what he's done and fears of prosecution. In a stroke of luck, his only friend, the one who treated him nicely, was a spy for the ice plane. Being rewarded for his actions with medal and honor, he finds it increasingly difficult to not listen to this beast that whispers in his ear.
The characters are mostly based on the setting already, although some are more intertwined than others.
-Character 3 lived in a settlement distant from the main capitol. One day, a raiding band destroyed the settlement, but character 3 escaped with their sister. Character 3's sister seemed to have fallen into a deep slumber, one that they couldn't wake them from. After running to the point of exhaustion, they come upon a rather creepy nobleman. The nobleman places our character under a spell that forces them to comply with their commands and takes the two children to their manor in the capitol, where they declare them as his own adoptive children. Our character doesn't know what the noble might be up to, but that doesn't matter right now. The only thing that does is breaking the slumber of there sister; and the nobleman might have something to do with that...

- Character 4 worked in the military in the war against the ice plane. Sometimes successful and sometimes not, he proves to be a good soldier. One day, however, he returns to the capitol to find his branch under attack. The invaders are from the ice plane, but stranger than that, his wife is among them. The invaders were successful at whatever task they had set out for, and our character resigned from their position, intent on finding their wife and the reasons for what they did.
- Character 5 was the son of a noble who let them do whatever they wanted. And all they wanted to do was write stories. Entertainment in the human kingdom was appreciated, but no one could live off of it solely with how pressed they were for manpower. With the prestige of his father, that didn't matter. Until he passed away. He was forced into work he didn't like, and his hatred for others grew. He often had visions of his own characters egging him on. "Why can't they appreciate my work? Why must a waste my time here?" That's when he came to the conclusion that life would be better if it were a story written by him. The first step in that process was bringing his characters to life. His "imaginary" friends seemed to be overjoyed at this prospect.

- Character 6's origin is largely a mystery. For context, the DM said that the party would likely be starting off by diving into ruins of destroyed cities during the planar invasion. I thought it'd be cool if the party came upon our character 6 being eaten by a number of starving citizens, who seem to be... not sound of mind. Out character, however, doesn't seem to mind this, and is fully content with them feasting on their flesh, as it regrows at a rapid pace. They claim they just appeared in this ruined city one day, and the inhabitants seemed to herald him as a mesiah that would cure their ills. He did everything he could to help them, and would never refuse a request. He'd probably kill himself if you asked, if he could. Now freed by the party, he tries to find out more about the world and the mystery surrounding his origin, believing himself divine in nature.

I hate character limit
It's way too not!Bloodborne and struggles to hold on it's own, so it gives me a weird feeling throughout my reading of the book.
Some of the subclasses are very cool, like the gravity-mancer Barbarian and the very holy-martial inclined Rogue; some might be a bit unbalanced, for better or worst
The new class is a mixed bag, i have trouble imagining it in play and it feels clunky for 5e.
Good illustrations throughout the whole book, and the bestiary could inspire for stuff
Recently read Valda Spire of Secret, which is also a mixed bag between cool subclasses, new classes and really jokey subclasse.
My favorite third party was probrably was an entire book dedicated to new Warlock Patrons, some great ideas, with up and downs regarding mechanics
- Character 7 was born into what amounts to a massive zoo pen in the plane of fire. There, a small, controlled population of humans are allowed to *attempt* to wage war on their captors. This fruitless struggle brings great amusement to the inhabitants. One day, the captive humans find a narrow method of escape and take the chance, arriving on the material plane for the first time, they battle their way out of the land of fire. Very few made it, and those that did had been split up due to circumstance. Now, not knowing how to live in a civilized society and having survivors guilt, our character uses their skills in combat to aid the human kingdom in annihilating the fire plane.

Now that I've summarized them all I realize that some of these are a little similar. I hope I haven't bloated your thread or anything, I normally just lurk.
I like the last 3. 5 is probably my favorite with the imaginary but not really friends. Don't do the fucking dark urge one. Also did you have any prefences for class/combat?
By dark age one I assume you mean 1?
>Do you have an preferences for class/combat?
Not really, I like both caster and martial, front line or backline, support tank or damage dealer. Although I have mostly played caster, and a have a slight preference for them.
For referance, i planned on the characters being
1: Eldrich Knight
2: No idea, but something martial, was thinking about a weird ass front line rogue, but idk
3: Rogue/warlock multiclass
4: Wizard or sorcerer focused on ice damage, following in the footsteps of their wife, trying to understand them better
5: Bard, probably creation bard but thought about one more insanity focused
6: I did a level 15 one shot with this character, their gist is maximizing healing, and were a really weird multiclass.
7: Not sure, I want a fighter-esque build that has a slight focus on fire damage. I like the thematic of "Burning the flames to ashes" with elemental adept fire against most fire plane npcs that are probably resistant to fire.
Misread "dark urge" as "dark age"
Yeah I kinda noticed a potential problem with that, so I guess I'll steer away from it.
I still like 5-7 but now 4 also sounds pretty good I'd just say factor in both roleplay and how they'll operate in combat because I've done only the former before and it was super unfun when combat began.
>Do people really "use" lore?
it baffles me but I guess some people really do play in preset settings
for me the most interesting part of dming is the creativity of making your own world
if there's one single good thing in 5e it's their separation of mechanics and world - I just wish they would more explicitely commit to it instead of vacillating (like that new wish lady of pain crap)
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Outside of them shilling Project Sigil for half the video, what did you guys think of the direct? https://youtu.be/s3RqehN6hS0
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Committing passive evil is still committing evil you spineless moral-relativist coward.
>"Not making that other person suffer sure would be inconvenient for me, so that makes it okay. Gotta conform to society's expectations after all."
Fuck you.
People like you are WHY the Nazis were able to gain power. Behind every capital E evil is million little small-e evil crab-bucket shitheads like yourself keeping it aloft because it's slightly in your best interest and the path of least resistance.
Agreed. In D&D terms, it'd be justifiable to genocide all the civilians of the evil side after winning a war. There can be no mercy or compromise in the execution of justice. Tolkein had it right where Aragorn death camped the orcs after defeating Sauron.
Play mono white magic the gathering humans
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>Around 722 DR, three clans of dwarves united and ventured below the High Moor, where they discovered a series of caverns well-suited for founding a new town. The dwarves chipped away the walls between the smaller caverns, creating a large new space for the town they named Kanaglym. The clans enjoyed little peace in their new home, for only a few months after they began construction, they were attacked by a drow force. The drow opened a portal from their home city of Zanhoriloch, hoping to catch the dwarves off-guard. The dwarves of Kanaglym proved a tougher enemy than the drow had anticipated, though. Not only did the dwarves force the drow back through the portal, but a force of dwarves followed and put every man, woman, child, slave, and beast to the axe, claiming Zanhoriloch and its riches as their own. Those few drow who were taken alive were sacrificed to Abbathor in an elaborate ritual. A hollowed brazen dragon was constructed in Zanhoriloch's central plaza. A hatch in the side of the dragon allowed the dwarves to shove the drow prisoners into its stomach. Fires were lit underneath, and the drow were cooked alive, their screams turned into a facsimile of the roars of an actual brass dragon through an ingenious system of stops, tubes, instruments, and enchantments located in the throat and head of the dragon.

Luv me some righteous massacres.
Character concept

bard who's an impersonator of a legendary bard
a catch he's actually that legendary bard
too predictable? too cringe?
Probably one of my favourite meme concepts I've ever seen.
if evil is so bad, why are you on the evil side
This only works if his fame has weight(suck the dm's dick)

Now rate my character concept:
Creation bard puppeteer
how do your spells work?
have a little puppet that I make sing and dance as the performance tool. Bigger puppets would be for animating perfomance. I'd have to look at bard spell list again but probably try string/control themed spells too
>fame has weight
Probably most well known and actually known bard. Of course I guess it depends on how realistically known would bards be in believable world
How do you rule the following?

>pocket sand
>pantsing the enemy
>throwing a cloth over an opponent's head
>lighting their clothes on fire
>prestidigitating a turd in your hand and slapping them
>pocket sand
>pantsing the enemy
>throwing a cloth over an opponent's head
all of these take an action. Just a reflavoured Help action. I love it
what fucking lore

all they did was make everyone a happy peaceful group of people with a rich culture/history (this culture history consists of nothing but the fact that they are peaceful and have a rich culture/history) and they're just like us and you shouldn't be racist to them and they're not inherently evil no matter who they are, repeated 50 times with a different coat of paint (species)
Not all evil is punishable by smiting. Some certainly is. But not all. Certainly you wouldn't slay a young child for stealing another's cookie.

But evil sure as hell should never be written off as "oh well, he's just a product of society" Every person makes a choice. Every person should be held responsible for those choices, and how they have affected others.

For those who nodded along as they watched the unjust persecution of others, personally I'd go with something like a total stripping of their rights and protections as a member of society. Because you chose not to help others, and to turn a blind eye to injustice, no help or justice will ever be provided you when tragedy befalls you. You are not a part of society, you lost that when you broke your part of the social contract by abdicating your responsibility to your fellow man. You merely live in a society now. Pray to the gods for mercy that all you saw happening to your neighbor does not happen to you now that, like for them, there's no one there to stop it.
>you wouldn't slay a young child for stealing another's cookie.
That's not evil.

All evil should be smiten
like how dragonborn are tiny mutant malformed dragons now?
That ALL elves plotted with lolth for the usurpation, and drow is no longer synonymous with lolthite, meaning there might be high elf and wood elf lolth cultists lurking in the shadows, and they morph to fit environments because they were once shapeshifters but they got cursed for the backstab, also, aren't actually fey, they just were there when they got form-locked, so that plane is what they're most influenced by?
dwarves were literally sculpted out of earth?
Gnomes are no longer fey (even though redcaps still exist I assume), and were created by a god of invention and illusion, which is notably explicitly NOT garl glitter gold?
Goliaths are distantly giant-kinned humans.
Halflings yearn for world-wandering adventure as much as they want to stay home and comfy, so actually have a reason to be a PC race now?
like how orcs are all about exploration now?
but making orcs war mongers would be offensive to the Gaelic barbarian hordes! do you want rome sacked again?
>like how dragonborn are tiny mutant malformed dragons now?
Wasn't that kobold's whole deal?

>That ALL elves plotted with lolth for the usurpation, and drow is no longer synonymous with lolthite, meaning there might be high elf and wood elf lolth cultists lurking in the shadows, and they morph to fit environments because they were once shapeshifters but they got cursed for the backstab, also, aren't actually fey, they just were there when they got form-locked, so that plane is what they're most influenced by?

PF handled it much better where drow was a condition, like vampirism, not a race. Elves got the dark skin by being cursed, usually by being incredibly fucked in the head. From that point on, they became slaves to evil (see the PF vidya, where a drow cursed good elf was slowly losing herself to evil and killed herself). They could pass on the curse to their offspring, who'd be born evil (but drow mothers mostly only got knocked up for chad-zak, and only carried an infant to term to sacrifice them, thus there are barely any "natural born" drow in Golarion). In the latest edition, they've all been eradicated through the systemic effort of other elves.

>dwarves were literally sculpted out of earth?
Isn't that a homage to Tolkein?

>Gnomes are no longer fey (even though redcaps still exist I assume), and were created by a god of invention and illusion, which is notably explicitly NOT garl glitter gold?
That's stupid. Gnomes were meant to be the halfling equivalent of elves.
4 new books announced for 2025.
Starter Set.
A player and DM Forgotten Realms setting books.
"uhm achthually they're not all the same, what about [insert text wall of dogshit lore]

lol, you got me bro, they did add more lore.
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Were they trying to copy the Dragon Prince with these designs?
JFC none of this is going to be canon to my setting.
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/tg/ am I retarded or is the world around me going fucking insane. I can't tell anymore.
>Played TTRPGs for many years
>Was always taught to be courteous and workshop characters to fit a game and it's tone
>Recently, group had to stop playing because Life.PNG, and nobody plays in my local scene.
>Start looking for online groups.
>They all want me to have a fleshed out character concept out of a basic summary about their setting (sometimes they don't even have that.)
>Always offer some broad stroke concepts to the DM, but always ask to know more about the setting/tone/other players before I hard commit to anything.
>People see this as lack of enthusiasm/creativity
>Literally get turned aside because I have a desire to bring appropriate characters to someone's game/setting.
Am I wrong for thinking this way? Like what the fuck? If you're going to a party it's common courtesy to ask what the dress code is and if the host needs anything so you don't show up making an ass of yourself.
Am I just out of the loop in how people approach the hobby now?
thoughts on this format for items?
Online groups are a fundamentally different beast from in-person groups. Reputation doesn’t matter as much, since you can always just pop up under a different screen name, so people are far more willing to just ghost a group. That means DMs are incentivized to go after the ones who more clearly advertise a deep-seated desire to play a specific character, since that indicates more investment in staying in the game.

Personally, I can’t stand that approach, and so I stick to in-person games.
It is, definitionally, evil.
The child has willingly and intentionally inflicted suffering, distress, or injury on another for purely selfish purposes.
Bit of a strange thought exercise when I considered how useful Comprehend Languages would be for explorers, politicians, etc.

If you were the sort of court mage who wasn't being asked to enchant your lord's underwear or being sent out to support the thousand men at arms in full harness (first one is your apprentice's job and the latter is another guy) and say you're about level 6, what kind of spells would you want to have on hand? Pick your class and what have you, the idea is what spells do you feel could make or break a state dinner, a fancy ball, or some other such thing?

The picks that come to my mind are:
>Prestidigitation (keep yourself and others looking presentable. Also for stomaching foreign cuisine that doesn't agree with your palate)
>Detect Magic, Counter Spell, Dispel Magic (assume other mages are about or some rivals to you or your boss might have magical gear. Best to keep things relatively honest and have no one throwing around charm person)
>Zone of truth (used surprisingly little but good for when you want someone to know you aren't bullshitting them and they won't bullshit you)
>Comprehend languages (as mentioned, essential for talking to foreign diplomats and overcoming language barriers)
probably. Also:
>Gem Dragonborn cleric or paladin with an artificer's arm.

Wow, I guess we know who the real party snowflake is. How many pages you think his backstory takes up?
You know, that's fair, but I guess it is just so antithetical to how I would approach anyone in life, even outside of DND.
Plus, you'd think someone wanting to know more about a game and it's world would indicate potential investment, but maybe I'm wrong on that regard.
I've just seen the benefits of when people are on, at the very least, somewhat similar wavelengths.
It's how you avoid two people bringing serious characters, one person bring Teehee Macaroni, and one brings Munchkin John McSwordguy and the group falls apart cause there's no cohesion about what anyone wants out of the game.
>I've just seen the benefits of when people are on, at the very least, somewhat similar wavelengths.
Absolutely, and that’s why I sit my players down before starting a game and we talk as a group before anyone starts statting their characters. But you’re neglecting the sheer of these applications that a potential DM is going to be slogging through. He can filter for people whose presented character concepts are on the same wavelength without having to first get to know people and chat through things. There’s no danger of a mismatched party if he only picks applicants that match.

The downside, of course, is that he ends up risking players with concepts that mesh and playstyles that don’t. He’s less likely to see characters develop as fully, since they’ll generally be less influenced by the other PCs and the events of the game—oftentimes, such players will already have character arcs in mind. But it makes the whole process faster, and a lot of online DMs seem to be allergic to actually spending time on their games.
>It's how you avoid two people bringing serious characters, one person bring Teehee Macaroni,
See, that's literally all of their groups. Or I guess more accurately they're all serious, but they take turns holding the teehee macaroni ball. They got into D&D through Crit Role, if you want to see what that looks like go watch Mercer's shit. Either that or all 4 are Teehee Macaronis, and they barely play D&D at all, and would have more fun if they'd swap the d20 for a magic 8 ball.
>and one brings Munchkin John McSwordguy
And they don't generally have those. These are the kind of people that would take Savage Attacker or Dragon Hide or 2014 True Strike unironically, for character reasons. But if they do have a munchkin, it's the one person mechanically pulling more than bare minimum weight, so all he's doing is making the DMs job easier, he doesn't have to pull punches so much anymore.
>if you want to see what that looks like go watch Mercer's shit
I've tried but it's so obnoxious and slow-paced. I don't watch other D&D live plays but of those I've seen some of and thought, "yeah, I could see getting into this" it's either naturalistic or it's tightly edited and not bogged down. CR stuff is just in this awkward middle zone.
how many actual experiences are you basing your generalization on?


wouldn't just "tags" work? for everything?
Not being NE doesn't mean they are necessarily good. Many would be LE or CE instead.
then you dodged a bullet. just keep doing what you're doing, you're weeding out groups you wouldn't jive with.
Why the fuck does Janny keep randomly deleting posts of people having a conversation?
>craftingfaggot strikes again
Why are you obsessed with making an armoire in fucking DnD
Except hobs and orcs filled two different niches as far as enemies are concerned. Hobs are the class imperial conquering army, while orcs are the wild barbarian horde.
Clairvoyance could be useful for a little spying or eavedropping, although being easier to counter then cast probably a niche case that just a few people have to keep others on their toes or catch them out every now and then (probably more valuable to law enforcement who need to keep an eye on the "riff-raff").

Enhance Ability could potentially be an "acceptable" spell for negotiations since it isn't directly affecting the opposing negotiator as a social faux pas (bonus points if you're a sorcerer, extending it an extra hour could make a difference), although maybe it would be considered a "crutch" and looked down upon too, probably depends on the early days of its usage.
What fucking longsword weighs 10lbs
Please look at historical weapon weights.
well see, the thing is they don't care that the powergamer is hyper-effective. as long as the plot moves forward and they get to roleplay.

no detect thoughts?
>In humans, maybe only 1% of us are born sociopathic.
4.5% actually.
/5eg/, what are some examples of ability checks or saving throws (not attack rolls) that you could conceivably make with a weapon?

I can think of
>snag an item with a whip (ability check)
>disarm a creature (contested ability check)
>parry with with a melee weapon (saving throw)
But parrying is just under the umbrella of Armor Class
In fact, the non-ASI portion of Defensive Duelist specifically calls the AC buff "Parry"
Disarm and Parry already exist. Disarm is an optional rule that i believe uses contested checks while Parry is a reaction that just adds AC
Has the scan been taken down or am I just a retard who can’t format shit properly?
Nope, still up. I just checked to be sure.

Here's the hint from last thread, if you need help.
I want to make a setting where the main antagonist faction is Evil Religious Organization. I think the idea of a society like the Drow or Aztecs where the state religion involves things like human sacrifice and ritual torture is a fascinating concept. Genuine belief is interesting. However, I would be personally annoyed if players drifted into tired "fuck you, dad, I hated Sunday school" strain of online antitheism.

How can I frame this faction such that the players probably don't interact with themes in that annoying way?
Is it me or does the entirety of the new PHB seem like its got way too much sugar in the shorts?

I've got a group that meets Sunday and I've been trying to get them to play something different for years now. The only one that stuck was Starfinder for one campaign.

Personally, I've moved on to other games, but really enjoy hanging out with this group.

What is the lure of D&D? Because of being the original or because its so accessible?
Network effects
>Network effects
Makes sense. But boy, would I like to see something else take precedence over D&D.

I guess now with BG3 being such a BB, they are too big to fail.
Call of Cthulhu and Vampire shot themselves in the foot. Besides, that D&D's biggest competition is its previous editions, which Wizards also sells to you
>A small consulting firm is magically ruling the games industry
Well indoctrinated.
>Vampire shot themselves in the foot
Technically that was more the crap around getting bought out by video game companies that don't know what to do with TT games. Twice.
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As a long time adventurer's league module runner, I can safely say WOTC can barely write new lore and instead rely on battlemaps and descriptions as old as 2nd edition AD&D when making "new" content that contains many member berries for places/people/things that have a snippet on the wiki and place in some older manual, but without the context to make them make sense without looking it up. Even the end of the latest adventure Vecna - Eve of Ruin is cribbed directly from the last page of Die Vecna Die, with less detail. Every single module released requires you to read through a previous better written module or sourcebook to get the gist of what the fuck is going on half the time.
Always going to be a possibility depending on the players, but I'll toss in some suggestions.

Some token good or at least neutral religions to contrast it to might help (bonus points if they support the party).
Have them be extremely scientifically minded, they could be one of the most "advanced" civilization in your setting in some areas. It could play into their religion, perhaps the human sacrifices are to glorify their deity and to study the glorious forms they have been gifted from them. They're all too happy to "share" their findings with the other races too, even if they're in conflict with them at the time (although for some reason it is rarely appreciated).
Make it clear even the high ups in the state are not exempt, they've been through ritual torture to prove their dedication, they are sacrificed once they have completed their "term" however long that may be as their final act of supporting the people, but apart from their deity no mortal stays in charge of the organization long.
Perhaps this Deity they worship was once far kinder, forced to desperation. All of creation was under threat from some outside force and this deity (maybe with support, maybe not) managed to repel them, but to do so again will come at a great cost, one the preachings help prepare for. Perhaps they curse the short-sightedness of other deities coddling their children, knowing that when the time comes, they will not be prepared.
Or it's just an overblown blame game, just like all the gamergate shit.
>I think the idea of a society like the Drow or Aztecs where the state religion involves things like human sacrifice and ritual torture is a fascinating concept.
You can lean into some of the real history of the Aztecs and their practices, the key element of which is that Aztec priests made use of deliriant drugs & psychedelics. The former causes major memory lapses and blackouts during which you're totally lucid but have no awareness of your actions. The latter transports you to the alien hyperdimension where you see demons and shit and come back 100% convinced that they're real. Both can cause personality changes. Deliriants especially were involved with European witchcraft as well. So we can piece together that Aztec priests were absolutely fried psychologically, barely even functioning on a human level, and also that their horrifying bad-trip gods were absolutely, totally real to them. To non-priest Aztec devotees, the sacrifices were probably some kind of self-sacrificing status-symbol piety led on by the conviction and charisma of the priests. Maybe some elements of this find their way into your game.
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When I ran Dragon Heist I heavily referenced both 2e's Volo's Guide to Waterdeep for very in depth descriptions of locations and 3e's City of Splendors: Waterdeep to understand what was actually IN the city. Like, sure the 5e map looks great, but the layout has been nearly identical for 100 years and I have to just assume every business has survived the multiple cataclysms since.

Incidentally, I based my characterization of Volo on the 2e book where he spends a lot of time rumormongering and recommending brothels. All my players ended up instantly recognizing him when they met him again there.
>I based my characterization of Volo on the 2e book where he spends a lot of time rumormongering and recommending brothels.
Shit, Volo used to be cool?
Okay, I know about the hadozee shit, but what happened with Kaladesh and Ravenloft?
Drow basically did both of those types of drugs in the drizzit books, lol
People got offended on behalf of gypos
In terms of personality he hasn't changed one bit. The only difference is Ed Greenwood isn't injecting horniness into every single character anymore.
Why didn't they update Soulknife's Psychic Blades to work with Defensive Duelist in 5.5e?
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i feel you, bro.
Kind of cliche but what alignment would a character be if they are a contract killer/hitman that sees himself as an extension of the client, i.e. their weapon?
Basically like Thane from Mass Effect where he absolves himself of the actual murder and attributes it to his client
Would this be LN or CN? Dipping into LE given they willingly took up the profession of killing?
LE/NE depending on how autistic they are
>Would this be LN or CN?
wtf anon
>Would this be LN or CN?
>wtf anon
I've never adhered to alignment so really I have no reference moral compass and I'm just going off the words in the PHB descriptions right now
>act in accordance to laws, tradition, or *personal code*
>scoundrel who wanders the land living by their wits
But maybe I'm just a sociopath
Lawful Evil, or Lawful Neutral at best. I think the way the character behaves 'off duty' is also a factor. Do they need the assassin money to support a family or temple or some other duty? Or are they killing people for money so that they can live in splendour and fuck hookers all day?
>party in Waterdeep without a single drow costume
Clearly not a happening party. I believe I remember reading somewhere that so many people went as drow that actual drow started coming up to see what the hell was going on.
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no. even when it was straight up save-or-die it was mostly just used by bad guys to kill a lot of NPCs, or sometimes as an early game "FUCK YOU" by module writers who would have like a bunch of Tier 2 PCs fight a single higher level caster with tier 3 spells as a cheap way to kill off a couple party members before getting dogpiled and curb stomped in response.
a 60-foot-radius is way bigger than you reasonably need outside of like siege scenarios and shit where it's not actually big enough to affect an entire city or whatever and you're better off using dedicated "fuck everybody in this postal code" spells like control weather or mirage arcana or storm of vengeance or earthquake.

8d8 necrotic with no other effect and a CON save would be good as a 4th level spell and seriously mediocre as a 5th level spell (Synaptic Static is 8d6 psychic, a better damage type, and is an INT save which is 100x better than a CON save, AND has an actual debuff effect bolted on) . The only reason it's still a 6th level spell is legacy reasons because that's the spell rank it was in 3.5 when it had a completely different effect. Same with Enervation, which is a 5th level spell despite sucking ass and being completely useless because in 3.5 it and Energy Drain were spells that inflicted no-save Negative Levels on hit, an incredibly powerful effect against people without immunity to negative energy
The game material has always strongly implied that killing is evil. They also tell you that killing sufficiently-evil creatures is always unquestionably good, but that's an exception, anything that increases the net-killing in the world is evil and righteous killing is vaguely based on the ethic of self-defense.
But there's also a lot of precedence for saying that fanatics, ideologues, mercenaries and patriots can kill other fanatics, ideologues, mercenaries and patriots and they all remain neutral (more-or-less, there will be evil people mixed in with them, but the leaders will be neutral).
I honestly don't know how that's supposed to be reconciled. Killing "innocents" is supposed to be evil but the idea of an innocent is extremely fuzzy in practice. A hitman who kills human babies in their cribs is probably evil, and a hitman who kills other hitmen is probably neutral (arguably good), but there's a lot of room in-between and I don't think there's any good reference for where the line is supposed to be.
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Contract killing is evil, yes. D&D alignment doesn't really care about mental gymnastics either. Intent is a factor but it's about what acts you intend, if you want to murder random people you're evil.
>But maybe I'm just a sociopath
Unironically maybe. Keep in mind that these aren't (game) characters being murdered from the assassin's perspective.
>They also tell you that killing sufficiently-evil creatures is always unquestionably good
This only applies to literal fiends and undead though. Living thinking things have never been sufficiently-evil for this to be the case.
>But there's also a lot of precedence for saying that fanatics, ideologues, mercenaries and patriots can kill other fanatics, ideologues, mercenaries and patriots and they all remain neutral (more-or-less, there will be evil people mixed in with them, but the leaders will be neutral).
>I honestly don't know how that's supposed to be reconciled.
Neutral people commit both good and evil acts. That's it. It's not any deeper than that.
>anything that increases the net-killing in the world is evil and righteous killing is vaguely based on the ethic of self-defense.
This is precisely the key point. Killing evil humanoids is evil, but it's less evil than protecting other humanoids from those same humanoids is good. Obliterating an evil orc warhost in open warfare to save the lives of a town of innocents is a little bit evil, but it's very good. Angels get away with it only because they have a second alignment; guardinals are pretty consistently portrayed as pacifists who use nonlethal force against things that aren't supernaturally evil.
Neutral people commit both good and evil acts.
So if killing the soldiers of an opposing (nonevil) faction were evil, and you did that all day long for years with no good-aligned goals to justify it, then you would certainly be evil. The rules don't support that.
>Killing evil humanoids is evil
>Obliterating an evil orc warhost in open warfare to save the lives of a town of innocents is a little bit evil
This is a reasonable way to look at things, and at the end of the day the bottom line for alignment is "It's up to the GM" it's supposed to be up to the GM. But there's no support for this view in any of the books and there are a lot of points that would contradict it. Before 4e, a paladin would fall for committing a -single- evil act.
Someone will probably come along soon to argue the other side ('killing orc babies is good because Gygax said so').
Based, but you have to answer the question of what makes the bard so famous and why are they hiding, and it has to be a really good reason that anyone cares about.

Generic and gay.
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weapon juggling is gay
fighter at lv5
Action: greataxe attack > greataxe cleave > short sword extra attack
action surge: short sword attack > scimitar nick > longsword extra attack
bonus action: enhanced dual wielder long sword attack

I mean most people want martials to be better but at what price..
>So if killing the soldiers of an opposing (nonevil) faction were evil, and you did that all day long for years with no good-aligned goals to justify it, then you would certainly be evil. The rules don't support that.
Yes they do. Keep in mind that even just self defense is still preventing the harm of an intelligent humanoid. For you to have no good-aligned goal whatsoever in warfare means that you're like an evil skeleton or some shit, in which case yes, killing to save yourself is actually evil (and suicide is Good). Two neutral nations going to war are, broadly speaking, fighting to protect the things they love inside their own nations. Someone doesn't have to be good (or even non-evil) for protecting them to be a good act. A soldier who participates in, say, a war of genocide born out of hate against creatures that don't threaten their compatriots would be evil, yes.
>Before 4e, a paladin would fall for committing a -single- evil act.
Sure, but they can harm and kill evil things if the net impact/purpose is good. Paladins don't have to be Exalted Good, though they're not far off it. Killing an evil humanoid which is threatening innocents is a good act overall. The specifics of it being less good than subduing the evil creature nonlethally because the harm is evil don't change that overarching fact, and the exact reasoning that leads to this conclusion was in a non-core 3.0 book.
In 3.5 there's a system of cardinal sins that can override any amount of good and send you to hell but it's only for lawfags and it's a real metaphysical construct that is actually written down on a contract in the core setting lmao. Just because you go to hell doesn't mean that you weren't good though I'm given to understand.
>Yes they do
To be clear, I'm talking about 3e alignment and assuming that you're willing to port it to 5e. 5e has spilt insufficient ink on this or any other topic tbdesu to really have any kind of official answer.
>what makes the bard so famous and why are they hiding,
Child support evasion.
It needs to reduce max hit points by the necrotic damage dealt. That'd make it castable.

I'm a little bit high and not making the connection
>Keep in mind that even just self defense is still preventing the harm of an intelligent humanoid.
Yea, I already said that. The point where it stops being self-defense is the point where you invade another neutral-faction's territory to kill their soldiers. I would describe such actions as evil, but D&D sourcebooks consistently describe it as neutral, it's just business-as-usual for humans to kill each other under the pretense of self-defense. Some part of this can be blamed on (American) D&D writers and their personal concepts of good/evil/neutral, but must of it predates D&D by thousands of years, it's a very old self-perpetuating problem and D&D is simply failing to give us a good answer.
>"Not making that other person suffer sure would be inconvenient for me, so that makes it okay.
What the fuck.
How do you even get to this point where suffering=good?
Thanks mate, that’s actually a good hint
Why do most creatures have such piss poor passive perception?

I'm getting a little tired of my players getting surprise rounds against almost every single encounter because sneaking up on them is so easy and there's basically no reason to not at least try.
You could give them guard dogs, with keen hearing/smell their passive perception is effectively 18.
If you want to run all your monsters RAW, give patrols an animal companion. A lot of them have a Keen Hearing, Eyesight, or Smell feature that give them advantage on perception checks that use said sense- this would add +5 to their passive perception if using it would help detect the players.
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>orc raiders setting up camp
>"Olbrorg, it's your turn to take Fluffy walkies."
95% of players would love this. You can even turn it into a side quest where the dog was stolen from a local baroness.
Whats with the shitty art for 2024? This shits looking AI generated
Everyone says that now tho. You show /tg/ some generic-looking art from 2014 and they'll say it looks like a.i. Because a.i. art is designed to look like generic mainstream fantasy art.
>there's basically no reason to not at least try
That’s on you as a DM. If they’re sneaking up on a group of creatures, those creatures are more likely to respond to them as potentially hostile. Approaching openly should offer the potential to avoid violence.
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>mens and womens bathrooms face each other about an arms length apart in the same room
What was he cooking?
Do yourself a favor and don't make an edgelord assassin character, you'll never get the chance to assassinate things because no one else at the table wants to sit around while you go on solo murder adventures.
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>Thunderstorms erupt in a 5-mile radius centered on the dragon's lair, creating deafening cracks of thunder and constant lightning. Every ten minutes the storm rages, creatures standing beneath the open sky have a five percent chance of being struck by lightning. A creature struck by lightning must make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
This is a Regional Effect for an NPC in a book just made it a dragon to avoid spoilers, but it had me wondering. What's a CON save look like to avoid lightning damage?
No idea, it's always dexterity or an attack roll for lightning attacks. Probably someone fucked up.
I could be wrong, but I think the idea here is to play a starting (level X, I don't know what level "X" is) character who starts out as a hitman and an extension of his client, then goes on to conquer further adventures with his (level X) compatriots. This happens all the time in fantasy stories, characters start out with disparate backstories and then team up and conquer the forces of evil.
>Why do most creatures have such piss poor passive perception?
Because of bounded accuracy. In 3e HD bloat meant that monsters would have extremely high skills just on the basis of their HD being so much higher than their CR (for brutes) or from having hugely inflated attributes. In 5e they did nothing to change this but now having 20 extra HD adds nothing because proficiency is CR based so your shit wisdom just leaves you with sub-average perception, and even the monsters that do have above average wisdom are usually well beneath the expertise curve.

Trying not to have a heart attack I suppose.
>Have them be extremely scientifically minded, they could be one of the most "advanced" civilization in your setting in some areas. It could play into their religion, perhaps the human sacrifices are to glorify their deity and to study the glorious forms they have been gifted from them. They're all too happy to "share" their findings with the other races too, even if they're in conflict with them at the time (although for some reason it is rarely appreciated).
This makes me think of Prometheus's Engineers, and their belief that the creation of life requiring sacrifice
I thought lightning was strength saves
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You misread that, try again.
>removes 2014 content
>immediately walks it back

bros is WOTC so cooked with this fake edition
The vast majority of the public seems content with 5e in the current rules, which was always going to be their biggest hurdle to overcome. The changes overall are so minor that very few people are in any hurry to adopt the new system for their ongoing games.
This is where I'm at. I have no reason to try to buy this update patch. WotC is just desperate for more money. Also my players can barely keep track of their kits as it is and all 2024 seems to do is add even more shit for them to keep track of.
they really wanted all the profit and none of the drama and they're getting all of the drama and none of the profit
Im planning an enemy that uses illlusions with the twist that they can actually harm the party. If the players dispel the illusions they win the fight.
Now it probably wont come up, but how would you guys rule on someone who can't see the illusion or uses something like true sight. I was thinking the illusions would still do their thing, but I could also see an argument for having the illusions not be able to hurt someone who has seen through them, although that would sort of go against some of the hints I've thought of for the players finding out.
Fuck yes Thomas Müntzer as a D&D Cleric.
They're also not canon to the books. Are you literally addicted to getting pissed off, or what's your deal?
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How do you decide which spells to take?
Do you just follow the meta for each class?
Do you make sure to get an even spread of damage/control/utility or do you focus on one specific role?
Or do you pick spells based around a certain theme, like a pyromancer or a illusionist?
Increase the morale and cohesiveness of the community by letting couples still hold hands while they shit.
"historically" in not lore but "general dnd physics" although this is not super emphasized in 5e, illusions made from shadowstuff are almost as real as real stuff, in fact powerfull illusions are just as real as anything (you can see that in 3.5e and pf about the % effectiveness)
so I guess what im saying is there is ample precedent for having illusions do real thing, it's part of the accepted understanding that powerful illusioning is basically conjuration (almost)- it's only an illusion because it's not actually real, but made from solidified shadow

So I guess you'd have to pick if you wanna go with that flavor of things or stick with the more common / standard 5e understanding of illusions as purely intangible
although I do recall a 5e spells that specifically mentions shadow stuff, cant remember which
The 50th has been totally mismanaged. All 3 of the core books should release day 1. Why is this so fucking hard for them? They've done it before. It's not like the date snuck up on them.
I would have respected it more if they just went full 6e
Supposedly there is no way in hell that they could have met the demand for all 3 books at the same time, due to the limitations of printing capacity
>believing Kobolds are lizard people and not dog people
It's FR, this is classic Greenwood horny on main

How do I get this? Tried m3ga and bit <dot> ly to no effect
The funniest thing I’ve seen is the people who largely liked the system, but wanted more changes than the 2024 edition has, and so are striking off in a different direction entirely. There’s been a weird surge in 2014-based homebrew since they started previewing the 2024 stuff.
Sure there is limited worldwide printing capacity but they know how long it takes to get X copies from printers. There's no excuse for not having all the books ready day one. They clearly fucked around far too long. If you need to have 4 months lead time then one book had to be at the printer a year before, the second 8 months, the last 4 months. And it's pretty fucking easy to put them in the right order of DMG, MM, PHB to give yourself the most time on the book with the most shit people will complain about. It's probably Crawford's aids riddled brain that caused this.
Usually by theme. Could be by element or school. Then I'll go see what classes have the most related spells under their lists and if they have any subclasses that synergize with it well. For example wizards have the most acid spells and evocation subclass boosts all those spells and makes acid splash do half damage on fail.
Have you tried reading the thread?
You know... The solution to that would be to just ... Sell PDFs.
I’d rather a book?
>Sell PDFs

you mean dndbeyond?
i'm a different guy and I don't get the hint :(
idk shit about naruto or the beatles
nevermind i did get it
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Depends what I'm going for with a given character, but I usually have some other spells thrown in the mix that are flavored to match the theme but also just so I'm not stuck being a cryomancer or necromancer up against a bunch of undead in a crypt or a frost giant that are immune to most of my stuff at one point in a campaign. I usually don't follow metas since it feels too cheesy and not really fun if everyone's doing it. After being stuck with blasting or support on a few previous casters, I generally try to have an even mix so I'm not stuck blowing all my damaging spells early on or not being able to effectively defend myself if I'm using support. Fireball and Haste for example, use too many fireballs and you're out or your martials are probably in the way while if you concentrate on haste for said martials but have no way to clear a room when you get swarmed since the martials can only do so much, you lose concentration and the martials get fucked immediately. An even balance is what I go for generally.
What magical items allow for essentally the holographic record or data logs that you find in dead space and fallout?
What stuff already exists that would allow me to do those sorts of records?
Probably a Professor Orb or several that acts as an archive for specific subjects they specialize in.
I'm so bored /5eg/. I don't know what to do with my time
think up cool builds you'll never get to play and count down the days til your next session
>100 years ago a ranger defeated a powerful necromancer and settled a peace agreement between a village and a pack of werewolves
>now grisly murders are taking place and the villagers are blaming the werewolves
>but actually, the necromancer’s son from 100 years ago was spared by the ranger and later struck a bargain with a fiend for prolonged life and strength to take revenge for the death of his father and is now brutally murdering people to sabotage the peace between the village and werewolves
Is this retarded or could it work for a fun mystery? I wanted to tell a werewolf story, but became interested in a twist and the use of a relentless juggernaut from VRGR.
why not have the bargain let him summon werewolves too and just go full radicool?
Why do a bargain with a fiend instead of just also becoming a necromancer like dear old dad?
I wanted the werewolf clan/pack to be a red herring because originally I got the idea of using a loup garou and playing it as a straight werewolf mystery, but I like throwing in twists.
The juggernaut does kill people while wearing a wolf mask though.
That’s a good point. Maybe instead of a relentless juggernaut he could be a necromancer raising a loup garou from the dead to frame the werewolves for murder.
An undead werewolf thrall used as a tool for murder could be interesting.
You could so something like an oathbreaker if you want him to still be melee focused
Why in the FUCK would he wait 100 years for revenge?
In the following order of priority, skipping any spells available to cast via other means:
1- Essential™ spells that no one else has access to or is planning to take.
2- Peak spells within the character theme.
3- Party support spells.
4- Generally powerful spells targeting uncommon saves.
5- Sub-optimal spells within the character theme and everything else.

At any given moment, a competent build should be able to force no less than 4/6 save types, preferably 5/6 or even 6/6. INT saves always prioritised as they constantly manage to wreck shit up and create room for the rest of the party.
Good question.
I landed on 100 years because I wanted the ranger to be dead by then and for his descendants to be running the village.
Maybe I should reconsider the time frame.
If he's waiting around to get revenge on the descendants then make it much shorter so their parents are still alive to witness it
As someone who has worn chain mail, I am appalled by this image.
Shit pulls out body hair like mad, I can't imagine what it does to a furry animal.
>want to DM a game
>do not want to perform the work necessary to gather players
Good. If you can't be arsed to put in this minuscule effort then you're likely not committed enough to consistently DMing a decent campaign.
It’s knitted wool
I found a few more examples
>Lightning Jolt (Recharge 5–6). One creature the eel touches within 5 feet of it outside water, or each creature within 15 feet of it in a body of water, must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On failed save, a target takes 13 (3d8) lightning damage. If the target takes any of this damage, the target is stunned until the end of the eel's next turn. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and isn't stunned.
>Electrified Surface. A creature that ends its turn in contact with Shockerstomper's body (saucer or turrets) must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
>The water in the kraken's lair becomes electrically charged. All creatures within 120 feet of the kraken must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
>Steam Eruption. Steam erupts in a 15-foot cone from a point on the ground the dragon turtle can see within 120 feet of it. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Being underwater doesn't grant creatures resistance to this damage.

It's kinda like getting tased guess?
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what is with the sizes in in the phb?
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>28 feet tall in a 5 foot space
Mighty horns.
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Quick question, does Oathbreaker Paladin's Aura of Hate Charisma bonus melee damage stack with using Charisma for damage from 2024 Warlock's Pact of the Blade and Agonizing Blast applied to Booming Blade? I just want to know if its doing +10 or +15 extra damage on a character with 20 CHA.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t
>an entire book dedicated to new Warlock Patrons
late reply but do you remember what it was called? sounds interesting
I find it odd that none of the Origin feats give you proficiency in Martial Weapons. Is martial weapon proficiency really that strong that it has to be a General feat?
Like what if I was a Soldier and wanted martial weapon training as a part of my background?
I did watch Prometheus but honestly didn't know that was a thing for them (was it in the film or some other material attached to it?), that's pretty neat.
I suppose it makes sense, if the life is meant to thrive it's gonna be slotting into the food chain somewhere.
Wonder if it stems from their own method of reproduction as well, I guess if it is anything like their Xenomorph creation it would make a lot of sense. Could probably do something similar with Mind Flayers.
Give me a character for the new Valor bard who’s going to take 1-2 levels in paladin and wants to be the best swordsman in the realm.
The rules don't say anything explicitly about stacking multiple effects that all say you add the same ability modifier. I wouldn't allow it at my table but I'm sure there are many DMs who would. Ask yours.
I'd say forget about Paladin and take your first 2 or 3 levels as a Fighter depending on how much you want battlemaster maneuvers.
Any class that could ever possibly want to be in melee combat instead of doing something else already has native access to martial weapons. It's by far the worst effect of a general feat but I legitimately don't see a use case where it would matter.
can someone call me a retard? It's been a while since I got some much needed verbal abuse
class advancement question: is the ASI based on class level or total character level? so like if i'm a 3rd level fighter and level up to character level 4, and take a 4th level in fighter i'd get the ASI, but if i chose to take a level in something else would i still get it or would i have to wait until i take another level in fighter?
Class level
Don't see any major issues with it, but I haven't been following the 2024 rules very closely.
Could add being able to make your unarmed strike do piercing damage when the target is grappled as well, but it is niche mechanically and I guess the psychic damage is basically representing the suck anyway.
minor typos and some grammar issues. Check the final paragraph for the typo, and remove the A before the tentacles. First paragraph in the flavour text could be re-did to make it more clear. the rules on the unarmed attack are janky though
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Rogues, Monks, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards, and Bards do not get Martial Weapon proficiency in their class (ignoring subclasses). Martial Weapons include Heavy Crossbows, Longbows, Muskets, Pistols, and melee martial weapons like Rapiers, Greatswords, and Glaives. I agree, I have no earthly idea why you'd expend one of your General Feats on the Martial Weapon Training feat when that could have easily been an Origin feat. Even then it still wouldn't be amazing, but hey, if you wanted to play a Monk, Rogue, or Wizard with a gun or greatsword, you could!

This is doubly so considering they removed weapon proficiencies from Species too. If you want to use Longbows as an Elf you'd need to pick a class that gives you martial weapons or you'd have to expend one of your Ability Score Increases/Feats to do it. I'm fine with species not getting weapon profs- but they should have just made that a background thing instead.
The eternal student, seeking great swordmasters from across the land to learn their secrets and surpass them. One may ask what they plan to do when they have become the best. In truth, they do not think it is actually possible, but simply a goal worth striving for.
Basically go full asian "study the blade".
Because martial weapon proficiencies are more powerful than an origin feat. much like armor

Which is why both are general feats.
but fuck it was so much effort to start my own campaign and herd my cat players and get it all rolling for the past couple years and now I have to do it all AGAIN just so I can fucking play
Do be a bitch, why I'm glad I got others in my friend group willing to do the heavy lifting of being all social and communicative for it.
you know, the funny thing is that mind flayers deal psychic damage if they grab you with a tentacle, but piercing when they eat your brain. It really should be the other way around, right? At any rate, this is one of the rogue mindflayers described in the flavor text, so they don't actually eat their brains, instead living as chronically malnourished hippies.

thanks for the catch. This is why I should always spellcheck everything before posting.

Now if only we could get someone fluent in english to write the rules. The wording used for tavern brawler and grappler made me feel nauseous trying to copy it. I'd be more sensitive if it was outsources, but I have complete certainty crawfucker wrote this drivel
Is it though? The Tough, Alert, Lucky, Musician, and Magic Initiate (Wizard) feats sound much better than getting proficiency in Martial Weapons.
I'm pretty sure Proficiency is the only thing that runs on total character levels.
Martial weapon proficiency as a general feat acts as a barrier to entry to weapon masteries, because you need both the weapon martial training + weapon master feats
Well it isn't the tentacles that pierce you, it's something in their mouths that does it I assume. Probably like a squid that uses the tentacles to hold the prey firm before piercing it with their beak.
Why the tentacles do psychic damage... iunno, it isn't so much them hitting you with the tentacles then having a much greater ability to fuck with your head when they have physical contact i guess.
What are you talking about? If you want Weapon Masteries, you can still get the Weapon Mastery feat or multi-class or be a Rogue. You do not need martial weapon proficiency to get that feat.
Maybe if you were more sociable, people would ask YOU to join their D&D game instead of having to do all of this bitching.
The 2024 Ancient Green Dragon no longer has proficiency in CON and CHA saves, think we'll see less CON save prof in the new Monster Manual?
Probably considerably fewer in the high CR rungs yeah, it did tend to be a fairly tacked-on proficiency for a lot of the high end creatures and if they're cutting down on the proficiencies in general I can see it getting axed for a lot of them.
>go look for game in r/lfg
>post sounds cool
>application google form
>27 questions
Im all about finding the correct game and everyone having preferences etc but this seems a bit overkill. I mean it makes sense, it's just a bit of a turn off
Any weird questions?
>could be re-did
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how has ed greenwood magically evaded getting canceled for 40 years? is he really just the magical exception to the rule in being the one wholesome pervert who hasn't horrible sexually assaulted someone and assorted other shit?
not really no. It really just gives this vibe of "too perfect / well put together to be true" like you're walking into a cult or serial killer
By being based I guess.
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Pretty much. He's also got an ironclad contract, so Wizards can't try to force him out for being a horny old man.
Should I make a 5e supplement or hack to put on on DTRPG and shill at cons?
From the GM side, you just end up so flooded with applications you have to find some way to whittle them down.

For example, I've liked the survey responses, but then I saw their R20 avatar was furry art or trans flags, and I just didn't think the possibility of drama was worth it because I had 3-4 other people with reasonable responses.
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Can I use War Caster's Reactive Spell with 2024 True Strike?
Does it satisfy the "The spell must ... must target only that creature" condition or is True Strike's target (Me)?
Having looked at the new PHB, I can say with confidence they really made Fighters far more appealing to play, and not just because they made Psychic Warrior core so more DMs would be willing to allow it.
Range Self automatically makes it not satisfy War Caster. The target is you, and the target makes a weapon attack that does extra damage as the effect.
I was replying to someone talking about new lore and I said I wouldn't add it. I don't see the fuckin' issue, mate.
Range self DOES make it work for Find Steed though, right?
It's not even a "cone of horse" situation, it's not self (cone) it's just self.

he's very horny, but he's consensually and progressively horny.

>idk shit about naruto or the beatles
that's what google is for.
is psi warrior even good? it just feels like a shitty battlemaster to me.
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How good is the new Champion Fighter? All I heard was that they get free inspiration later levels in addition to their usual crit range increase.
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Psi warrior is pretty cool. Outside multiple scaling dice, its features are nothing like battle master.

>psionic strike
doesn't work like smite, But it does trigger its own concentration check.
>protective field
a decent defensive option
>telekenetic movement
Can move large objects, (like a carriage) or a medium person who is willing 30ft in any direction. This feature is quite powerful for the level you get it at, and it's a short rest recharge
>Psi-Powered Leap
bonus action dash that also give you a flight speed, also a short rest recharge
>Telekinetic Thrust
damage option gets a knock down/push save. It's eh.
You can ignore frighted and charmed now and save your indomitable for other things
+2 AC to INT number of people is pretty good as a bonus action

shame you get it so late, but this is fucking awesome. Telekinesis is a great spell and if you really wanted to, you could cast it 14 times in a day, more if you short rest. And even if you're not using its effects out of combat, as long as you concentrate on it, you get a bonus action weapon attack every turn, which is cool. It lasts 10 minutes, so you can easily precast it before a fight or use it in more than one fight.

The main thing holding back psi warrior is

everything needs to be within a 30ft of you, which is lame as hell. 30ft x PB would have been alright for targeting stuff
>use this feature again on a short or long rest
would have been nice to have that on psionic strike and protective field. But rather recharging when you roll initiative just so you can use each one combat without worrying about your psionic die pool.
>INT as a tertiary
This was solved by either getting a headband of Intellect, or rolling for stats but without either really held you back. in 2024, you can take druid initiate for an INT shillelagh to make INT your main Stat.
I like the class fantasy of Soulknife
Did the Rogue updates make them better? Doesn't even have to be viable or better-than-average amongst martials.
having increased crit rate is still largely mid, though enhancing your crits is now cheaper than ever, since it's half-feats, or as gravy on GWM which is still top notch, arguably stronger.

And, moved down from 7th to 3rd, it's no longer half prof, they just get advantage on initiative and athletics. They also get the zoomies now when they crit too.

additional fighting style is at 7 not 10. though you could just take whatever second one you wanted as a feat. That said, there's more than just Defense as a good second option now.

The 1 free inspiration every turn is the new level 10. Good for saves that indomitable shouldn't handle, or critfishing for more damage, the mobility, or whatever feat effects you took.

and then Survivor is hilariously strong now.
You have a ~27% every death save to pop back up at 1 hp and start regenning health again.
You've normally for a 55% chance to pass the save, 5% chance of up at 1, 5% of failing 2 saves.
Champion has an 80% chance to pass, ~27% chance to up at 1, and a 0.25% chance to fail 2.
Or, over potentially 5 turns of saves, the champion has 80% chance of popping back up at 1. 62% over 3 turns, if you're worried about stabilizing but without critting. And about a 1% chance of actually failing 3 death saves in those 3 rolls, so it's actually in everyone's best interest to just let them roll rather than heal.
Nothing short of focused fire on a downed champion is enough to take them out guaranteed. So they're pretty much guaranteed to start any possible fight alive and with half their HP, without any investment from the party.

At the end of the day, it's no force cage. It's a fighter whose literally only tool, apart from masteries, is solve things with damage. But you'll need that force cage to buy you time because otherwise there's nothing else but old age stopping this motherfucker from eventually hunting you down and solving you with damage, because he just keeps getting good hits on you and he won't fucking die
Kind of newfag. Am i correct in thinking a one level dip into Fighter seems like a no brainer for 2024 bladelock
>weapon mastery
>medium armor & shield
>defensive fighting style
Pair with defensive duelist & also war caster to cover somatic while both hands are holding something
I think the consensus is that those weapon cantrips work with war caster like they did before the change, the new self(5 feet) range was done to prevent it working with polearms and other stuff, and Crawford being retared just like with dragon`s breath thing.
in that it actually functions now, yeah.

i think it is literally unchanged other than 1. the knife gets a mastery property (vex) and a over-extended range, 2 it appears on all your attacks, so you can extra attack and opportunity attack with it.

no, for soulknives, functionality being restores aside, the biggest change is the base rogue stuff. Namely Cunning Strike and Masteries. And Steady Aim if your group didn't use Tashas i guess.
Withdraw is huge, because it lets you TWF without being locked into melee.
had to type out the vague patron name i remembered, it was this one
it's not range self (5ft), it's just range self.
Warcaster says you have to cast the spell AT the creature.
True Strike isn't cast at the creature, it's cast on yourself, and then as part of its effect you make a spell attack with the focus weapon.
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Crawford basically changed the range to fix something else but wants it keep workign with war caster, yeah welcome to 5e.
Considering fighting styles along with martial weapon/armor profs are more closely locked to certain classes now and Fighters are eating good in 2024, yes, it is a no brainer. Especially now that people aren't as incentivized to go Hexblade but want to not die immediately due to poor AC from lack of armor proficiency. Mage armor can only do so much and you'll need to invest into strength to lift heavy weapons and wear plate anyway.
Does Eldritch Blast still not work with War Caster reaction because EB _can_ target different creatures when it gets multiple beams while the reaction says it _must_ target only that AoO-triggering creature?
The spell must have a casting time of one action and must only target that creature, so yes, it still doesn't work. Otherwise you could just point blank shotgun blast someone in the ass if you have spell sniper or have advantage on them to leverage the melee disadvantage.
those two spells do work with warcaster. True Strike does not. True Strike is like Primal Savagery or Produce Flame.
that was never a problem with warcaster it was with twinned.
warcaster only cares about who is targetted, twinned cares about who could have been targeted.

and no, its wording has not changed in that regards.

so you can EB, but you can't EB and use it to hit any of his allies, they all have to be at him.
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Who to believe?
literally just read twinned spell metamagic from 2014, the read war caster, and play spot the difference
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After rereading it, I suppose RAW you could techinically. It would depend on the GM's call ultimately, though I know for certain my DM wouldn't allow it for multiple hitting spells like Scorching Ray or EB.
anon there are entire meta builds based on using EB with warcaster and polearm master. it's always been legal. just because your DM banned it doesn't change the rules of the game as the devs wrote it, it just changes them at your table.
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Yeah, I've just been used to it being banned for so long and its like 4am, so my bad. Speaking of PAM, what do you folks think of the changes done to it?
making the reaction no longer an opportunity attack is a subtly very large nerf to make it in line with being a half feat. it no longer jives with sentinel and warcaster.

i'm glad they expanded the list of weapons to include pike.
No more OA, but it works with lance and it topples shit, so it`s pretty good.
How do anons feel about a Dance Bard Archfey Warlock multiclass?
What are you trying to achieve?
I liked the synergy between Misty Step and Leading Evasion, and I wanted to make a character whose focus was charming foes
Delaying your spellcasting for a minimum of 3 levels just for a couple "free" misty steps doesn't seem worth it. Pick Fey Touched instead.
If it's based just on diet, what happens when they start eating brains? Adventurers see plenty of acceptable targets in their careers (if I'm gonna kill the bandit anyway, does it matter if I stab him or have a snack?), forced RP doesn't work very well.
So I'm new to DnD and was with a couple friends and some strangers playing at our LGS and just have a question about something strange I saw.
One of the guys kept getting insanely shitty rolls, like hilariously bad, and said "DM, can I swap dice?", weird to ask the DM to swap dice but whatever I guess it's polite. He busts out this little wooden birdcage and chucks his "bad die" in it, then locks the cage with a tiny padlock. Nobody so much as batted an eye. Is this in the rules or something? What the fuck even happened? (i was too embarrassed to ask)
Being able to move objects at a distance is possibly the most versatile power you can get in a game, and only one ability of the subclass is affected by antimagic.
Remarkable Athlete now lets you hit and run when you get a crit without provoking an AOO, it automatically gives you inspiration, and Survivor now makes you much more likely to pass a death save as well as the self healing thing.
>Can move large objects, (like a carriage) or a medium person who is willing 30ft in any direction.
Correction anon, there is no size limit for the willing creature. You could levitate Godzilla if he was cool with it.
New thread:

Have you never heard of dice jail?
Having an actual cage is kind of hilarious.

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