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Work in Progress, Taco Tuesday Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
Recommendations for a dark brown paint that works well for "dark leather"? I am tired of mixing my lighter brown with black paint.
If you’re not averse to citadel, check eavyarchive. There are a few good variations.
Proacryl mahogany is one of my favorite paints, a little bit of purple gives it some nice depth. Gives a good starting point for leather or wood.
Reapers Russet Brown for a redish leather or Muddy Brown for a darker type or for deep shadows. They have some brown triads that are pretty good too.
Finished up the Hive Node while I had the time as practice for when I get to my Carnifexes
I'm thinking maybe a light glaze on the ends of the tentacles, to differentiate them from the chitin. A purple, plum, or cranberry? I like how the chitin came out, like chipped fingernails but 8n a good way.
How do I drybrush without little specks of paint flying off and landing on areas I don't want them to? Is there some trick to it?
Use retarder and a very soft bristled brush and adequately remove paint from brush Not actually sure this will work but my brain thinks so. I saw it in a dream
If it's splattering, there's still way too much paint.
Should i buy Autist Opus Dry Brush set?
But his set has a lot of dry brush of different sizes which is hard to find
If you're dead set on spending money instead of just getting makeup brushes which will be better for the purpose btw get Rosemary. They're the ones making brushes for AO and while still pretty expensive they're like half the price. Unless of course you just feel like getting yourself something nice, the AO come in a nice wooden box and some soap, has a premium feel to it.
Well, there are so many different makeup brushes i don't know which one or set is good for dry brushing
Just buy this:
It's the OEM for the Army Painter drybrush set (plus extra brushes). These are great and just as cheap as makeup brushes.
Those ones work best for me, they're called blender brushes. You could get those in different sizes.
You want a high density of soft bristles, the more you can feel the hair when you brush it on your hand, the more it'll create marks on the mini. You want them as soft as can be, like a little cloud.
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My new project
That guy would literally shit on anything and everything posted without actually providing any feedback. Then when anons called him out on it he'd get mad people can't handle his "harsh criticism". Literal autism, I don't remember anyone being this schizo lately so you're obviously not that bad
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this is what I ended up doing, brightened the nodes and edge highlights and darkened the recesses with warp lightning
This looks good but isn’t the black recesses in the gauss blaster meant to be green all the way through?
official art has some of them with dark recesses and some with green so I don't know what's the correct way
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Finished my sternguard squad. Pretty satisfied with that plasma
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How much do people care about WYSIWYG.
I could never imagine taking a saw to a fully finished mini.
complete piggy retardation
Surely paypiggy would be buying a new box to replace the old ones?
Very nice, how many highlight stages did you do on the edges of the armor?
I'm currently painting some Ultras for my brother and I'm wondering whether it actually makes sense to do 3 stages or just do a first stage plus super bright and thin highlight
literally nobody cares about wysiwyg outside of official gw tournaments and if you meet someone that does in casual games you shouldn't play with him.
>rate my nmm
I hope he cuts his finger
>Sorry, some items are not available. Please edit your order
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I know that pain
If you say your squad of aggressors have flamers instead of bolt storms, big deal. If it gets ridiculous like you're proxying a predator as a land raider then I'll say no.
Since GW cans aren't technically primers they don't need to cure, right?
Those look great, anon. Only nitpicks I have is blending on their tabards is a bit rough in some places and the bases are pretty boring
there are poor pigs too, also you can't have obsolete miniatures at home when you are a piggy, it goes against The Gospel of James

remember the people rebasing khemri for aos?
>t's the OEM for the Army Painter drybrush set
how do we know?

regular ap brushes are complete shit tho
It depends, I usually do just a dark grey smooth drybrush to pick up edges and give some volumetric highlights, then add edge highlights with silver/chipping.

I never do the eavy metal style with three layers highlights on every single edge on the mini

totally understandable, personally I dislike busy bases, especially on "common" models, so I like to keep them very neutral
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Girl I know says she likes pastel yellow and blue so I painted this for me and matte varnished the devil out of it. How does it look?

Everytime I tried to shade it, it looked really bad and too dark. Somebody told me rather facetiously to not shade it and just drybrush it. I just mixed in some white and did a cople simple highlights and it came out much beter. I know the robe looks like green but it's really Toxic yellow.
*I painted this for HER
That's fair. I personally would've made them a color/theme that would contrast with the black but I've said those are nitpicks, these are still one of the better marines I've seen posted here
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Oh lawd he comin'!

Much better model than expected. For 31 €.
You can be a girl if you want to, anon.

Seriously though, looks pretty good. The wash on the skin is a bit too dingy, and her eyes look like you colored outside the lines a bit. Also, she could do with some mild reds on her lips.
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I actually used to base some old marines on red earth to provide some contrast (and my very first marines on snowy bases), but I guess I never truly liked the look of either. The grey bases kinda fit the pseudo grimdark vibe.

Also my autism had me go for a neutral coloured base in case I ever play tabletop and want the base to somehow fit on most terrains. Which is kinda retarded I guess because it doesn't really matter much and it's unlikely I'll ever play.

>Girl I know says she likes pastel yellow and blue so I painted this for me
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WIP muh LI Lucius warlord
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simple bases have their appeal too, don't worry
>it's unlikely I'll ever play
Painting only chads assemble. It's not because I don't have friends or anything, h-haha...
Small eyeshadow brush, at any grocery store or pharmacy.
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Getting into Green Stuff, any accessories I should keep in mind, or is pic rel and some water enough to get going?
I'm planning some fur, spikes and goggles.
Cheap plastic ruler for a straight edge, maybe a small cylinder to use as a rolling pin like a small piece of wooden dowel. You've probably already got some vaseline and parchment paper at home, for real thin rolling put the green stuff between some parchment paper to roll without it sticking.
That robe doesn’t look green wtf
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no this is an actual girl not a transformer or me in denial

thank you.
>wash on the skin
It's just contrast paint. it's easy and I like the tone it leaves over off-white.

the slits are reall really tiny so I have to paint a little bit over it, and I like the blue tint over it since it looks glowwy and it automatically seeks the cracks instead of just getting a collage-worthy face

Usually when i paint these gift models they come out really nice and I have half a mind to just keep it
>after all, why not?
>why shouldn't I keep it?
I mean it has s greenish hue when i see it from afar, or maybe im colorblind idk

forgot to ask what you would suggest for the lips, I don't want it looking like the joker
> 31 € for this
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The heads on those tools look quite large. Do they show the other end?

My set from GSW + an Excel awl. The ones still in the case are completely unused.
You'll also want some soft small-medium colour shapers (silicone brushes).
The one circled is my most used tool.
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Like this. Close enough?
Also not sure if I should try to do the fur by hand or invest into one of those plate things. Ever try one of those?
The ball tool set from gsw are the only sculpting tools from them worth getting. Their silicone tools and sculpting tools are low quality compared to proper dental tools or brand name color shapers if you feel like you need tools beyond a toothpick or needle and a knife blade.
WYSIWYG in 40k is only a thing for armies with generic weapons. Like Marines and Guard. Nobody can tell apart shit like Eldar dildos save for Eldar players.
It's 5 pound. just get those. They're stainless so it's not like they'll corrode or snap.
Agree on the silicone brushes. I find myself using the ebay or amazon cheapies more than the GSW ones I bought.

Never tried those texture plates.
A 13cm gundam with a full subframe, better plastic, articulations, detachable accessories and that comes pre-painted (even if we all paint over them) costs like $18.
I mean, that model is pretty good, but you can’t say it’s cheap for what it is.
>forgot to ask what you would suggest for the lips, I don't want it looking like the joker
Take a red, dilute the fuck out of it, put a very minor glaze of it on the lower lip. Indeed, subtlety is key.

Test it on a piece of sprue if you're not comfortable with glazing. In case you don't know how: dilute paint to wash consistency, put on brush, drain most of the moisture out of brush using a piece of paper, apply.
My dudes must be wysiwyg to satisfy my autism. I wouldn't force that on anybody else tho.
>melee weapon
>pointing arm
>holstered pistol
"he has a plasma"
Brush too wet fren and using too much pressure. Use cheap makeup brush and fluff brush on paper towel until almost completely dry. Light fluffing action almost zero pressure on model. Fixed.
No. Absolutely ridiculous prices for brushes. The most expensive brush I ever bought was $30 and that was for watercolor work. You just need make up brushes for dry brush work. You can get them in different sizes from anywhere include amazon. For high level miniature painting get winsor and newton series 7 size 2 or 3 from amazon. On sale like 20 bucks.
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Good day to you, chap! Ready to smack some Jerrys?
Excellent job! It is so good actually that it makes me want to play a game of 40K.
>shitty grey-blue armour
>lazy, ugly nmm

let me guess, eob?
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I can hear the warhorn blowing.
I printed a Warhound like 7 years ago with a FDM printer. Some day I need to go back and do it in resin.
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Painting a lizard for a change of pace. Will try drybrushing the scales instead of edge highlighting everything like I did before. Fucking garbage grey seer can left some texture but I'm too lazy to go and buy ipa so fuck it.
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Correct, just checked. That nmm is criminally bad. I'd be embarassed to post it even here and this guy pulls 15k views in 4 hours, what the actual fuck. Who the hell watches these people?
thanks, I'll try it.
Also, there are a lot of shades of red and I own a handful of them. can you kind of give me an example? mephiston, VGC blood red, evil sunz scarlet, carroburg crimson etc? what do you normally use?

idk how you guys are getting good winsor and newton brushes off amazon since about 2 years ago I bought one and it was shit right out the packaging. returned it and got another shit brush. checked the reviews and ppl were either leaving 5 or 1 star ratings. I'm not about to get fooled 3 times by chinesium fakes/bad quality control.

Fuck that shit. >>93741369 Buy it off Amazon at your own risk.

my raphael 8404 from jackson's has been fine, I have some rosemary and co sable brushes and they've been alright considering how cheap they were and that they ship to me in east asia.
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I'm not even an eoB hater but goddamn I thought the blade was still WIP. There's not even any kind of transition or gradient, it's just blue over a dark grey. There's blue all over the skull on the hilt as well. He's not even trying!!

he has some cool conversion projects but I just can't see how he conciously turns airbrushing into an instrument of slop.
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>that image
Playing the whole youtube career game/algorithm chase seems like a pretty wretched experience
that's what happens when your most valuable skill is making videos about painting plastic toys
>inb4 blame the game not the player
asian youtubers produce quality content without ever showing their faces
can't be worse than working 8 hours at retail 12 at a pub or in the mines if you can live off it
Any red that isn't towards the yellow side of the spectrum will do. It's just thinner skin showing blood through it, so the combination of skin color and red works fine.
Yes, but at least there's potential to grow big, instead of working some dead-end wage slave job.
Looks great. Love them.
Cure? I just let my mini dry in the hot desert sun for like 10 minutes between layers. If it's humid you shouldn't use spray, but if you do let them dry more thoroughly. A few hours between layers in a dry environment.
Looks great fren.
>>93742601 >>93742660
Yeah it's a bright green with a lot of yellow in it or you could say yellow with a lot of green in it. It's not yellow enough to be lemon yellow, but not green enough to be green. It straddles the line. The artist could glaze down the shadows a bit with the same color he already used there with a touch more green spreading the shadows out a little farther while doing it to emphasize the green undertones if he's set on a more green green, but I like it the way it is. It matches the bright color scheme and the blue and brown perfectly. It's a cheery piece really rare nowadays.
Vaseline. Good for smoothing. Spit also works but nasty and hazardous to eat green stuff. Mineral oil will also work but runs everywhere.
Love the bright colors. Nice boots too.
Lips? Just add a touch of medium red to your skin color and glaze paint the underside of the top lip for shading and then add a touch of white to that same color and do the top of the bottom lip. That'll create a pinkish tone that matches the skin. If you do a good job you might get a girlfriend out of this my man. Don't fuck this up.
Looks great. That's a lot of soldiers. If I could command an army like that I'd fix things around here. You could call me Musso-mini! Use them well General. We have a world of wrongs to right.
That looks really great. Excellent weathering. Hard to believe it's FDM. Looks so good.
Lizard? Lizards don't play drums fren. In my whole life I've never seen it. Well once, but I drank too much Bang's Rootbeer. Good job on the base coat. I'm liking the color scheme already.
I love it. Dark figure way better than official boxart scheme.
plasma looks real. don't taze me bro.
True, but they are shills for games workshop under NDA and all that. That's a form of slavery I'd never subject myself too and if they don't go that route youtube suppresses their views and they grow big. Youtube is just a corporation advertising platform. It's not YOUtube anymore. Hasn't been for over ten years. Ordinary creators can't get more than 100 views or 15 likes on even their top notch stuff over a year or two while GW shills get hundreds of thousands of views in a week. It's insane.
A brownish dark red is better for use than a yellowish bright red. Mephiston would work. Indian red is best and that's something similar to it.
For how many? For everyone who makes it big you have countless that never make it, and if you want to stay up there and not be forgotten you have to keep churning shitty content and engage in what was your hobby as a job, plus you are always one bad joke away from becoming someone that is to be ridiculed or hated for good, and good luck starting again after that. I'll take working my ass off to save and then start my own business over that any day.
FDM is completely fine for vehicles tbqh. slap in a rough primer like mr. surfacer 500 and you’re golden.
I need to put a plasma hole in a dude. A lethal one. How do I go about this? Battle damage guides I found mostly cover weathering, scratches and maybe some ballistic bullet dents, not molten holes.
maverickspaint has a couple examples. not sure if there are any tutorials
in this video he mentions having given his sword bros exclusively swords so i think either way its nicer for them to be more varied
checked out his insta. dude said he literally used a blowtorch and a heatgun on one of his minis lmao.
At least there's a chance. With living prices in most of the west right now, you'll never save yourself out of wage slavery unless you work in some specific fields.
I couldn't see the green at all, am I color blind?
2 ideas so far.
I can cut out a holy and use sprue goo for the melty bits, or I can heat up a metal rod and stick it into the plastic.
Royal sovereign colour shapers.
Wax sculpting Minarettes number 9 tool.
Also I prefer milliput to green stuff. But you can mix them for the best of both worlds. Try 1:3 green:put
Is he going to be alright?
Maybe slightly red/green color blind. 10% of men are. Like I said the green trends very yellow so it's very subtle. In the shadows it's more green, but in the midtones and highlights it's more yellow. Also if your screen is set too bright you'll see more of the yellow. Especially if the lighting in your room trends green (CFLs are especially green).
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I'm wanting to paint the armour panels on my knights to make them look like they're made of jadeite, does anyone here have any tips for that? Not only for getting that sort of marbled look, but also the gem-like sheen and transparency
use a cheap brush and cut the tip flat so you have a square surface with which to pounce. start with black and cover the surface evenly then pounce in black mixed with cool green, then just the cool green, then add white to the green. then varnish with a gloss varnish. done.
oh and you can add a very very small amount of yellow to the white here and there for color variation, but do this very rarely and don't cover the whole surface with it, just to vary a bit
Thanks for the advice anon, although i'll admit i've never heard of pouncing before, what kind of technique is that?
I'd probably start with a dark green base then stipple in lighter greens. maybe make thin swirly stripes of the lightest green and smear them with my thumb. alternatively you could wet blend pools of dark and light green together all around for the base coat and then stipple in darker and lighter areas as desired
Pounce, to stab with the end of the brush to create a stippled effect. Pouncing comes from the old master's technique of using a paper pattern which would be pricked through and laid against a wall and then pounced with a sponge or brush loaded with dry pigment or chalk. The chalk would move through the pricked holes and transfer to the wall. It was a way to transfer a drawing to a lime surface for frescoe painting which is the use of lime and pigment that fuse together into the wall. Because the lime is soft when painting a drawing can be done directly on the wall so a prick and pounce method was used. In modern painting pouncing just means using the tip of the brush and stabbing against the surface like pounce pounce pounce. Good for stippling all over creating texture and variation.
a drawing can't be done*
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Okay but wouldn't that just be straight-up stippling?
I think i'll try out both of these on some scrap plastic and see how it turns out, thanks anons
No. Stippling can be done with a single tipped brush. To stipple is to create an effect. It's not a method. To pounce requires a fuzzy brush that has been cut to have a flat or mostly flat tip. It's a little different than a dry brush brush. A dry brush brush can be rounded at the edges. A stippling brush shouldn't be.
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working on the basing element for my moth magical girl
nice colors
>moth magical girl
I'm interested, also the colors are super nice
i saw one guy on youtube take a soldering iron to a necron to make it look like it had taken a plasma shot
what mini/kit is that?
So what exactly is dirty down rust? It smells quite strong, and is flammable, but at the same time it is water soluble.
Huh. I guess that makes sense.
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>no lgs in my rural town
>buy everything online
>even if I need a single thing I'll usually buy something else to justify the shipping costs
>it's usually paints
>running out of space to store all this shit
>might have to get another wall rack but it will just look fucking stupid at this point
I don't even spend that much, it just keeps piling up
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this 3d print
Where did you get that? I'm interested.
Shit you posted the mini while I was sending my message
Ehhh the girl herself is not my cup of tea. That base is super nice though
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My first attempt wasn’t perfect, but I can see the potential in this. What consistency should the paint be? Is this more of a drybrush technique or not? How to I avoid brushmarks in the gloss varnish? There’s also probably better colours to use, but this is what I have on hand
thanks, I'll try that and see how it goes
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Painted solar aux as vostroyan. I think it fits well.
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Looks really good so far. The paint should be basically straight out of the pot or dropper bottle in consistency. You want it to stick without smearing. Stabbing with a light hit each time but with a little variation so some flecks are longer and some shorter. The gloss varnish is easy to apply. Use the same brush. Rinse it out. Don't dry it. Put a drop of varnish on your palette and scrub the varnish onto the surface getting into all the corners. Rinse out your brush and let it dry a good 15 minutes and apply again. The varnish will self level. Build up some glossiness. You can apply another layer of green and then varnish again etc, but it's not usually necessary for the effect to be convincing especially on small figures. If you want ultimate effect use enamel varnish, but you have to use solvents for that stuff. Not everybody can be around those kinds of chemicals, but the enamel has a higher gloss and glass like hardness. I use it for special effects like gemstones sometimes, but I avoid chemicals when I can.
That's sweet. I like the weathering, not too much, just right.
really nice work fren. Top notch. Love the red stripes and insignia.
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Thanks anon. On the topic of stabbing, pic related is the cheap number 3 brush I cut the tip off of. Is it about what i’m looking for, or should I cut it shorter? Enamel varnish sounds cool, but yeah dealing with harsh chemicals is something I generally want to ignore unless it’s really the way to go
that'll do. the shorter you cut it the wider it'll be at the tip. at this point it's kind of what you find works best for your purpose and tendencies
Fuck you weather, it's been too hot or humid to prime anything for three months now. It was almost good earlier in the week but we're now pushing 100 again. And no, I don't have space for a fucking airbrush.
Yes. That anon is trying to sound smarter than he actually is.
That's fine for figures, for a bigger panel I'd cut it a bit shorter, but too short and the stabbing will be too forceful so it's always a compromise. I know what you mean about the chemicals. Luckily there are acrylic gloss varnishes out there.
Just brush prime fren. Easy. You pounce! Second video in this list explains process. http://embscomputerart.com/miniature-painting-instructional-videos/
For those of you that paint through long sessions how do you stay motivated?
I have AP brush primer but I don't know if works with contrast paints. I got a bunch to try out recently for the first time, so I don't want to make them seem like shit just because the primer is unsuitable. Also good lord that guy's voice is awful to listen to.
Any primer will work. Or you can make your own. Here's how, get some cheap craft paint like folk art paint, the licorice is the best black for this. And mix with whatever secondary color you want, white, or tan, or red, whatever you want you base color to be. And brush prime with that. It'll work BETTER than the professional stuff because it'll have a grit that will stain before when you use the contrast paints. Any area you want to not stain paint first with white or light tan with a good miniature paint so it's super smooth and bright. Then use contrast as normal. Smash the games workshop monopoly!
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Just found this when googling enamel paints
shiny space marines. They slide through space.
Post models.
Need a new one of them all "discovering" Infinity at the same time and saying 40k sucks in comparison.
>look at a airbrush primed model wrong
>paint flakes off

>drop this model
>it damages the ground
get back to 40kg with this bullshit
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Fucks sake the drybrush made the texture from the shitty primer a lot more visible. Guess I'm gonna be stripping this guy after all
Unless this is a competition piece, you're seriously overthinking it. Soldier on.
No offense anon, but somehow that doesn't seem like it'll work. Maybe I'll try that at some point on a throwaway mini. Also just for your record, I don't have any GW paints.
This time for real… I’m definitely gonna clean my desk and paint after 7 months…even though I’m drunk
I know I'll make my hair big and tall like an enormous sail for my forehead to recede away into the horizon on
This mini is 2cm tall. No one will see the grain unless they pick it a being near their face. And at that point, who cares. It’s a horde army.
I can’t believe I used to watch a lot of this slop. Did it change? 5 years ago I feel like YouTube taught me how to paint, videos were legit educational and didn’t have thumbnails like this just shilling brands. Or maybe I changed as a painter after practicing and becoming older and bitter.
once painted nobody will notice fren. Besides, lizards have texture. And they don't play drums like I said before. Never. not. ever. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lP5j7g0QcAE

I know you're right, it won't be visible even at display distance. The other saurus I did so far are clean though, thats probably why my autism is triggering. Fuck it though, I'll keep painting him as is. I knew I should have just airbrush primed it, don't know what came over me to use that leftover can of grey seer
happy painting dude. getting tipsy was always good for my motivation but really poor for my fine motor control
I brush prime like this all the time. It works great. Paint is paint fren. Cheap paint actually primes better than expensive paint does. It has more grit so adheres better to the model and the first layer adheres to it better. Smooth paint makes shitty primer. It peels and flakes away. That's why the new games workshop white primer sucks balls and the old stuff was so good. They ruin everything. I brush prime everything except my practice pieces. No reason to waste time brush priming when I can hit it with a can of army painter primer. But when I want superior adhesion I use craft paint. If I use smooth paint I have to varnish after just to hold the layer together.
Be careful not to dox yourself michigan fren. I now know your state and that you are a member of the masonic order. Really cool drawing by the way. Goblin riders. :)
>Did it change?
There was a massive pile-in during all the Covid stuff, when interest in stay-indoors hobbies like mini painting peaked (a quick check shows 3/5 of the channels in that pic only started putting out vids in late 2020), so now they've saturated the market and are all employing typical YouTube signal boosting rubbish to try and draw attention in the sea of identical vids
How much paint should I be putting on the brush?
The early vids were all very good and instructional, but how much can you say about the same topic? These people are given a topic by GW to discuss, flown to the headquarters and trained for the new product releases, and they are assigned an aspect they are supposed to cover about the product, given a crew, an editor, and all that shit, and eventually they run out of things to say so it'll all like... why I'm throwing out half of my paints! Don't ever do this horrible thing! What secrets top artists won't share but I will! How to organize your desktop! How to overcome BURNOUT! And there's the rub. They are burned out. Years and years and years of this shit. All for what? If one of them shares a picture of a product before the release date they are escorted off the GW property by police and their contracts canceled (actually happened to one of them). They are slaves and slaves can't be creative. That's happening everywhere to everyone in the world right now. Creativity is dying because we have no freedom. So youtube isn't youtube. It's THEIR tube. You know the ones I'm talking about. THEM. So the "creators" are turning out shit videos because they simply don't care anymore and why should they? They'll never get richer. And they signed NON-COMPETE agreements so they can't even go independent. They are slaves. FOREVER.
It used to help me in other artistic endeavors, but I think I’m approaching alcoholic stages. I used to post here all the time and participating in meme events and pushing my skills with bigger custom projects. But these days I just barely half ass a video game trying to stay awake to not look like I’m blacking out in front of my wife. I want to come back, I need to change. I’ve made the “I’m gonna start painting again” post while drunk so many times I suspect some anons can recognize me at this point. I’m taking extra vodka shots because my wife is away grocery shopping as we speak, I’m such a fucking loser. I’ve had a model from one of my dnd players for months and it’s only base coated. I really lost a skill here, and it’s worse when they talk me up to strangers about my paint jobs and how I used to win local competitions. I e considered doing one of those social media hobby streak things to get me back into the game. I used to have people making stories and shouting me out on Instagram about my projects. I know this is a blogpost at this point but fuck, does anyone else feel like this? What do I do? Where do I start? /wip/ has the only “online community” I’ve ever identified with
Not much, you want a lot of little streaks and dots with a lot of color variation. So you modify the color a bit with every layer. A little darker, a little lighter, a little cooler, a little warmer, a little more grey, a little more pure, a little more sexy, a little more sultry, a little more demure, a little more naughty, wait... that's a different hobby of mine.
I think you're way more tolerant of this bullshit when you're starting out and want to learn. I remember instantly hiding any hobby channel that employed clickbait titles even in the beginning though. Also yeah at this point pretty much everything about this hobby has been said already, they have to compete for views by doing videos about the latest gw release or a latest hobby product put out by the company they're paid to shill. Are there actually any reasons to put out a video every fucking week though? Do they have to do this to stay monetized on youtube or something?
Wizard fire be bussing! You just need to lay down the booze. Drink paint, not vodka. That's my motto. Actually my motto is don't paint what you can't hold, but that's because I don't want to paint my house. But it's good enough.
That’s not how it works, you know. Ah, what am I even doing replying to a schizo.
He’s kinda right, I definitely remember miniac getting kicked out of GW. I’m curious what came of that and if he has done anything official with them since? Did that ninjon guy get fucked out of GW money for being his good friend?
>Do they have to do this to stay monetized on youtube or something?
Yeah if you don’t put out videos with some regularity it restricts their reach, and youtube channels have a high degree of audience renewal so they kinda need perpetual growth.
Simple vallejo brown is just desaturated enough for my tastes.
would be shocked if it did, all he did was mistakenly post some models still under a media embargo and lost his gw partner status
maybe i'd think differently if they like actually litigated or something but i think it was just an especially consequential accident
It took me ten years to get to where everything that used to be fun to do while having a beer or two got in the way of my drinking time. I think the neurological issues started around 8 years in. anyway best of luck in quitting. I had to do it cold turkey because one drink always became 6 to 12. luckily I didn't drop dead. hope you don't drop dead either, I've appreciated your work often over the years
anybody here have a laser printer for printing decals? Any suggestions on one?
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If you truly want to stop drinking, be open to people you know about this and ask them for help, and more importantly, for them to help hold you accountable to staying sober. You can't go cold turkey, you have to ween yourself off of it, but like any addiction it can be hard to avoid falling back into old habits. Alcohol can cause mind-altering levels of brain damage and hamper fine skills over time; no matter how much it felt helpful initially it will get worse if you don't do anything about it. You will feel much happier and less ashamed of yourself once sober, and no vodka means you will be saving a lot of money from not indulging in it anymore, which means you can spend that money on other things that matter more to you, like family. Or plastic toys.
If that's not enough motivation just look up "Nick Rekieta" and you'll probably want to pour it all out within minutes.
I've never drank alcohol in my life, but I got a family member to sober up by showing him that guy.
Is it the colour grading on his camera or does every single one of his paintjobs come out horribly muddy and desaturated looking? He cannot paint for his life holy shit.
Yeah be careful with cold turkey method to stop alcohol. It can kill you causing heart issues and seizures. The trick is to taper off by drinking juice with less and less alcohol in it until there is none. You'll still love the juice, but it'll be pure and you won't even know it. You'll also have zero constipation problems. Juice is a laxative.
They aren’t in a conspiracy set up by GW to shill their products while not disclosing their commercial relationship. That insanely illegal and makes zero sense from an auctuary point of view. They are just following general viewership trends, which in turn follow the regular release schedule of the known companies. It’s just how “influencer capitalism” works, this kind of people orbit around the big companies informally, but in a way that benefits them.
And what about the small companies that make products that are just as good as the giants? Tough shit. No one knows about you so there’s no interest in seeing content about your products. Then you formally sponsor one of these guys and hope that the audience thinks the promotion is genuine (they won’t).
Looks like he uses black as a shader color. It should be reserved for black lining. The result is that he doesn't have enough midtone in his colors so they look washed out on the lower end.
They are under contract fren. Take your head out of the sand. Don't be an ostrich. The world is a lie.
If they don’t outright state that they are under a sponsorship contract, they’re not.
>Don't be an ostrich. The world is a lie.
You haven’t even begun to understand how things are rigged in their favor. Believing bullshit schizo theories will only make you blind.
They aren't under a sponsorship contract. They are under an non-disclosure and non-compete and non-disparagement contract. For this they get an endless supply of content, free product, and marching orders on how to cover the products they are doing promotions for. That's payment for services rendered which is advertisement. Their money comes from views which are promoted by youtube which is paid by the companies to advertise their shit by promoting certain videos in the algorithm. This is how facebook earns their money too. If they step out of line they are demonitized and removed from the youtube partner programs so they can make content for free to make youtube rich without even getting the small kickback. Youtube like facebook claims ownership over all the content on the site and believes they can delete it at will violating the creator's copyright. Youtube and facebook are allowed to do this because they were created by DARPA, the defense research agency within the government that is using the technology to spy on people and push government propaganda. Don't be an ostrich. This is all documented.
You can’t sign any of those contracts if their object is illegal, which it is.
>Youtube and facebook are allowed to do this because they were created by DARPA
Fucking retard. I’m done here.
The real question is, what lack is there in your life that you are filling with alcohol? Quitting is easy when you're happy and fulfilled.
>This is all documented.
Every fucking day at the same fucking time the same fucking retards post in here.
Why are all the schizos back? Can you just fuck off again?
At this point I'd rather have the primer and DIY arguments back than having to listen to conspiracy theories and the wannabe pro shilling his own website.
Thanks bros, I don’t think I’m so bad where cold turkey would become a medical issue, I THINK. But I’m definitely at the stage where I’m noticing it’s causing issues with things I used to enjoy. I think the first step is to have a nuance perspective with when my subconscious giving myself “allowance” to drink. Like I shouldn’t go to the bar just because “I had a hard day at work” or I shouldn’t bring booze to dnd night just because it’s the weekend. I have a commission coming up from a friend and I think that could be a good starting point to focusing since deadlines and money are involved. Again sorry for being a fag, but I really do appreciate the advice of anons, I think I need new friends who aren’t just early 30 drunks who play dnd and video games to help me grow. I promise my next post will be some new work. I really wanna finish this retro dragon and it’s elf rider. It was the last project I was excited about before thing got out of hand.
you're all good anon, don't worry
best of luck
Wishing you the best, Anon. Hope you figure and fix your life. You seem to have something nice. Wife, love, work. Don't throw it down the shitter.
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Can anyone help me color match these? Doesn't matter what brand so long as it's available in the USA.
everywhere. look up google darpa, facebook darpa
nice dragon! That's the kind of old school sculpting I like to see, very rare now.
hoeth blue from games workshop, their dorn yellow is close but too saturated, add a touch of flayed one flesh to cool it down and grey it out and you'll be spot on.
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>I'd rather have the primer and DIY arguments back
No you don't, chill out. This guy is pretty harmless and nowhere near close as frustrating as primer arguments or the dyi schizo. I'm more tired of your bitching about how mad you are several times every thread desu
left lookin pretty close to VMC Ice Yellow
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picrel feels pretty close to me but I don't have a super accurate eye when it comes to colors
Yes I would, but then you'd keep bitching non stop.
Not everyone who dislikes the same drivel is the same person and that was my first post in about 3 days, schizo.
But I guess you fit right in with the rest of them.
yeah I was going to suggest ice yellow but I don't have any in my collection so I wasn't sure, but it should match, electric blue is a little too saturated
You can see the change almost immediately when someone doing it as a hobby changes to doing YT full time. Miniac was the perfect example. Before going full time his videos were decent enough and usually covered something useful to the viewer. After full time he was a slave to the algorithm and he was just treading water during the vids to make it long enough to put ads on it, and making sure to push the slop out every week. And things are even worse now with even more of the grifters joining the fray so you have to pander twice as hard. Especially since it seems harder for them to get Patreon bucks from viewers now too since there are so many more options for them, including semi attractive women.
You need to find hype music.
Just apply a semi-thinned wash over the most offensive areas. Or just straight layer the base colour over it. But also it only stands out now because you don't have any other bright colours on the model. Once you do the blue highlights won't even stand out as much.
I wish you the best anon. Remember, asking for help is not a weakness and someone who knows and can keep you accountable can be a huge boon in your situation.
I usually set up small goals like for example "today I will do all the basecoats and shading on this mini". Then again I enjoy painting a lot so sometimes I just lose track of time
If youtube becomes stupidly oversaturated these faggots will do even more cringe shit to get views. The platform is beyond saving at this point I think.
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>I've considered doing one of those social media hobby streak things to get me back into the game.
Me too; in fact, Saint Duncan has one going on right now! Working alongside others - even virtually - can help with motivation and focus.

>I really wanna finish this retro dragon and it’s elf rider. It was the last project I was excited about before thing got out of hand.
That's Asarnil the Dragon Lord, right? Fun choice!

Take encouragement from your fiends. When you have someone there with you cheering you on, it's a world of difference compared to trying to go it alone.
windows gud. trained spiders?
>I just barely half ass a video game trying to stay awake to not look like I’m blacking out in front of my wife
bold of you to assume she's buying it, and not that she just hasn't built up the confidence to confront you yet.
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Speaking of jade, what metallic trim would go good with this?
It is already over saturated, and YT shorts getting more popular just made it worse since you can game the algorithm with that too. It isn't really surprising to me now why a bunch of them moved to Twitch even if the format is different. You are right that YT is beyond saving at this point. I don't see that getting fixed, and at best maybe someone makes a site for this sort of hobby content but manually curates it so only non-shit gets hosted there. But that would be a massive endeavour and probably not worth the investment of time and money.
light or dark?
>I brush prime like this all the time
Well, I'll give it a try at some point. I need a light surface for the speedpaints, though, does this work with white craft paint or is it better to buy the black stuff and mix it with white model paint?
That’s the older way, you can tell the FW painters decided to change it up, they even repainted the immortals in the new way. I like the new way better.
Agree with fren >>93747941 but for those of you that don't know there's an enchanted green from coat d'arms which is fun to use. https://www.battlezone-miniatures.co.uk/shop/category/159
You can brush prime with white, but white paint is really smooth and the next layer of paint doesn't adhere well unless the white contains chalk so I recommend mixing a light grey out of the white and black or a light tan and then doing highlights with white if you are going to use contrast paints over them and want a really light white. That's why Coat D'Arms doesn't sell a white primer and why Games Workshop's primer used to be corax white which is a slight off white. Their new primer is a more pure white but adhesion has suffered because of it and they admit it. You can still get corax white as a brush on though so that'll work fine as a white primer. It's a base color so has fairly good adhesion and coverage.
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Starting on my Exorcists kill team. Weapons look a bit rough since I changed my mind from white at the last moment while doing washes, future ones will be cleaned up. Otherwise pretty happy, even though the body was damaged.
looks good. I like the blue visor with the red.
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Finished the Askurgan Trueblades I worked on yesterday.
good stuff. oil? thanks for sharing
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Thanks. I couldn't tell if the color plates from IA had yellow or green lenses, so I said "fuck it" and did something different. Also tried to freehand the symbol, with mixed success since I didn't do a practice run. Another thing to improve on with time and practice.
>like playing games
>have fun making 3d print models
>don't enjoy painting
There any fast retard proof paint methods that make models look unique or fun basing methods. Usually just spraypaint shit and put one detail color on.
Tried slapchop and some drybrush method I read online but usually ends with it looking worse with more time investment. Likely because I bought the wrong shit and only had a gunmetal spraypaint primer left to use.
Looks good. I like the idea of a horned creature. Could be alien species.
What kind of saw is that? Not to massacre my minis but a fine saw like that would be incredibly valuable. Are they expensive?
Just getting base colours onto a model puts it well ahead of being unprimed or just primed. And if you can get them to that point you can also maybe try a dip or just do an overall wash or two. That should leave you with some colour and definition enough that it qualifies as painted and looks ok at tabletop distance. Just don't feel you need to get it all done at once.
Pretty sure that is a jewellers saw, which is just a fine jigsaw.
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I have a buttfuckton of these guys. Saurus Warriors.. I love them, but I want to get some more variation in on them.

Does any anon have any ideas of things I could do to mix up their designs? I saw a good video where someone made greenstuff molds for tomb-king parts to jazz up his skeleton warriors more. I hope to do something similar.
that's a jeweler's saw and they are shockingly cheap
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They've come along better than expected but painting is my least favorite part of it. I'll have to actually read the fucking OP and learn something. Which I keep putting off because I don't really like doing it. Like a dip and a wash no fucking idea.
maybe roll out thin sheets of sculpey and carve out some icons for their shields? depending on confidence and motivation you could make feather decorations out of the stuff too
Sculpey? Like miliput or greenstuff?
as long as you like it.
keep acumulating
Don't stress about it too much. Right now just focus on getting the base colours onto the models. By the time you are comfortable doing that you will then be ready to look up how to do the next steps.
more like modeling clay you bake to harden
Ah ok, sounds cool. I guess I can lay out some parchment paper and after baking, peel the embelms off and glue them on the shields.
yep that's the plan. if you were super ambitious and had a 3d printer you could sculpt yourself a stencil
I thought about just blendering a bunch of tiny decorations to print but at that point it might be going overboard and also leaving the scope of having fun with old minis, but I'm still considering it. Also would need to hassle someone to print for me
A regular printer on sticker paper works great.
Spray white or light grey, wash with black to show details. add color washes to impart a little color here and there and final colored highlights. done.
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Not sure what to do with this little guy. On the one hand it'd be cool to finally bust him out and field him (great rules for him at the moment too). On the the other hand he's probably worth a fair bit of coin before the new model eventually comes out (unless it's rubbish lol). Kind of get the sense if I just leave him in the box he'll bust out at night and say 'field me' like that miniwargaming sketch.
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No oil washes. Just a zenithal, contrast, and some selective highlights.

You could always make it someone else's problem and set a commission.

As for a genuine suggestion, I would think getting an airbrush might be up your speed, even if the "a-b" word is frightening to a lot of people. Just do some undercoat and maybe speed paint certain details, like a slightly more elaborate "sundrop."

That Eldar is never getting a prompt release and money's not worth the effort of selling. Like thirty bucks if you're lucky by looking at the sold listings.
Just paint him for the entertainment.
Might be a dumb question but is it ok to use a soldering iron on a resin model? For battle damage and such. Obviously Id want to do it outside and wear a respirator, but is it going to catch on fire or something?
I remember having my plastic model catch on fire when I was doing some weathering with a lighter once but I don't have experience with resin.
Never looked into airbrushing besides seeing their price at a store was around 200$. What about it makes it good for painting shit fast or easy. I'll have you know I suck dick at painting and don't really like doing it so unless it can do some cool shit or neat art style that requires little time investment. It isn't in the budget right now but not against getting one next autismbuxs.
Unrelated but has anyone ever tried painting models in sepia? Might be retarded but something I wanted to try fucking with and saying my army came from the past. And figured it could be a fun way to play off needing to buy less paint and spend less time doing it. But not sure where to start with that or if it's a bad idea to begin with.
Is there a way to do metallic gunmetal sort of Space Marines without just being Iron Warriors?
Sounds like an oil wash over ivory would be the easiest way. Ivory tends to stain better than white and will be a little warmer in the end. Van dyke brown for a warm saturated brown or burnt umber for a desaturated brown would work.
It will catch on fire and you will die. Nothing bad though. Serious answer though, plastic models are usually polystyrene. They melt easily and release a toxic gas that really makes you dizzy and such, if you have a strong fan behind you and are outside and aren't sensitive to it you can tolerate a bit of it, but I'm really sensitive to it. There are certain tricks where you melt the plastic to do things. Battle damage is one of them, but styrene catches fire so you have to blow it out immediately too. It's basically styrofoam and plastic if you can imagine that. Personally I think it's safer to heat up the end of an old coat hanger on a small candle outside and poke your model than to have a continual heated object like a soldering iron. You can have a bucket of water next to you to cool the wire, put out any fire or dunk your body in if you get burned or even die from the raging inferno you started. We used to burn little holes in the plastic this way so we could glue to bases with wire. Drilling with a pin vise is safer and more precise, but kids don't have money for that shit. Another thing is a needle held in a vice or with a pair of pliars can drill your barrels quick if you heat the needle up with a candle outside and are careful. Again kid's stuff. You could try melting a little of the tree the model comes on to see your reaction to it. Pull the two sides apart as it gets warm and blow it out if it catches fire and keep pulling. Easy way to make antenna for tanks. Use clear plastic and you have antenna or dripping slime for monsters. Add a drop of model cement for the glob at the bottom. Again kids stuff taught from father to son long before the internet. Smash games workshop's monopoly. Real models are father/son projects. Not excuses to steal money from the kids.
Yeah, sepia is a weak yellowish brown ink. Sepia ink is available from most companies. As fren said >>93750178 starting with an ivory color will match it and then you just do your washes and bam done. Looks like piece made from ivory. Companies do this to make chess sets sometimes, but usually start with an ivory colored plastic to make it even cheaper. The ivory can have two tones if you paint it. A more whitish tone and a more yellowish tone, you can vary the color a bit more by adding a little burnt umber to create reddish tones but then your sepia should be darker and redder too.
Bare Ceramite supposedly looks like gunmetal gray. A few chapters just have bare ceramite as their chapter colors, for example the Fists Examplar.
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Working on some Paragon Warsuits.
Looks really nice. Cozy in their armor when it's cold outside
how about stippling the marble pattern in several shades of silver metalics over (ideally glossy?) black and then using green ink or speed paint over that in form of thin glazes? Gloss varnish after that
What your mom makes you wear when it's anything below sixty five degrees outside.
:( It's true. My armor is so hot frens. What do?
>Remember the Advice of Two Thin Coats Lord Duncan
>paints goes on like a glaze when thinned on DIY wet palette
I didn't realize that finding the perfect equilibrium between thick and a thin layer would be so difficult. How did you guys do it?
I'm pretty new to this hobby, and painting with AK paints from the LGS if that helps.
Don't find. Don't search. Don't struggle. Don't think. Become one with the paint. One with the brush. One with the mini. Ask yourself what would my mini want? How would it like to be touched? How much weight can he bear? Is he tired? Is he sad? What would make him happy? Then the paint flows. The brush meets the need. I know it sounds strange but when painting you don't think about the paint at all. You think about the model. The moisture level on the model tells you the moisture level your brush should be at for any type of application. The sheen of the model, the coolness of the atmosphere around it. For example how much water is pooling in the recesses? Can you see a bubble? If so it's too wet. Don't apply paint now, it will float and move to the outside edge of the bubble. Wait until the bubble drops below the edge of the recess. Then you can drop in some thick paint and it will sink to the bottom. Or wait still even more and you can put some moist paint in there. Or wait until almost bone dry. Ah now you can do a wash. Etc. The model will tell you how wet the brush can be. To control moisture on the brush you first swish in water to clean then dab on moist paper towel or sponge to wick away droplet, now it is moist. Good for general use. Touch to dry paper towel it is dry, good if your paint or model is too wet. We always want the brush to be slightly moist, but not wet. If not moist paint won't flow. If too wet paint will flood the model. Swish brush and run across sponge get a little more paint on the tip and try again. When in doubt zen it. Become one with the model. Zennnnnnnnnnnnn.
>To control moisture on the brush you first swish in water to clean then dab on moist paper towel or sponge to wick away droplet, now it is moist. Good for general use. Touch to dry paper towel it is dry, good if your paint or model is too wet. We always want the brush to be slightly moist, but not wet. If not moist paint won't flow.
Thank you anon. I read all of that in a Kung Fu movie master's archetypal voice and loved it.
Good! You will learn quickly grasshopper. Do you hear him at your feet? After you've practice some more and if your model is primed already skip to the 3rd video "How to Do the First Washes to See the Details of the Model" and watch through. It will begin to make more sense as you watch a master work. These techniques are very very old. Few alive today have ever seen them. They were passed from father to son when the world was young. http://embscomputerart.com/miniature-painting-instructional-videos/
>be me
>buy sexy female figures for my warband
>prime them and contemplate the color scheme.
>fall in love
>realize that other people will touch them at some point and they won't be "mine" anymore.
>mix a little of my own cum into the paint of their base coats
>now they are forever mine
Does anyone else do this?
Also before anyone asks, no I don't take pictures of my cum paint pot, I'm not crazy.
Fren... I... I thought I was the only one.
I had some weird fantasy about plugging lyla's asshole with thick sterile nut resembling pva glue. I guess I grew out of it. Not like she was ever attractive.
>I'm not crazy
Extremely debatable at this point in time.
Ciara is the only worthy painting waifu. We all know this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkpb0tZSJm
>>93750954 >>93750898
Sorry messed upthe link. Here's ciara
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Well thank you anon, but I should note that I asking about resin, which is probably even more toxic than ABS. I also dont want to really poke bulletholes, but sort of warp, dull or distress edges and the surface kind of like this 3D print, but for various vehicles. Im trying to be very, I guess, tasteful with it, so my millenia year old tank has some 3d ware that doesnt look too obviously knife carved.

Unfortunately 2 of my 4 tanks are resin ones
Oh i don't know about resin, from the way I understand it resin doesn't really melt, it cracks, but I've never tried it so I wouldn't know. I do know lower temperature molds can be made from it so I'm guessing it can resist a hot of heat.
Resin may require high speed tools like a cheap dremel with some diamond bits of different shapes running the dremel at the lowest speed, but resin dust is toxic so you'd want to do it outside with a good respirator for ultrafine particles. If the model is still unpainted you can wet it in a bucket of water and use a sponge to remove dust to prevent dust particles but if painted you probably wouldn't want to wet it unless it's very well varnished
Concerning sanding/drilling resin with electric tools, is using a spraybooth and respirator good enough to do it indoors, or is it still too risky to bother with unless youre outside or in a garage?
Can I get a tiny brush recommendation for eye painting? It's the only thing my nail art set can't handle.
Hey guys thanks a lot for the help. That ice yellow especially looks spot on. The saturation on the blue is subject to change as that was me taking a random sample from a gradient and I'm not sure where I was the end result to land but you've given me a great start. Thanks again!
Aren't those nail art thingies like REALLY tiny? I usually use a 00 to paint eyes and it does just fine. Practice brush control anon
Too tiny and the paint dries before it hits the model. You need a sharp tip mainly.
Taking my paints to a camping trip this holiday weekend. What’s painting outside like anons? Any weird things to think about? So far I’m thinking I need paper weights for wind and maybe take direct sunlight into consideration for paints drying
I can't imagine painting comfortably without an adjustable lamp but hey it might be a fun experience
blasting your minis and eyes with natural light will affect your color perception. make sure you can get the proportions right if your color scheme requires mixing paint.
you want to keep a lid on your wet palette whenever you're not getting paint on your brush not only to stop drying but also to prevent random debris and dust getting in.
Oh that’s a good point, paint contamination. I think natural light is gonna be great for seeing the model honestly. A little shade may be best though to keep the materials safer.
How strong is the bond between greenstuff and plastic? Should I reinforce it with super glue?
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Added a chaplain to my sneaky zoomer command squad.
You should.
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>mix a little of my own cum into the paint
>I'm not crazy
>I'm not crazy.
Nah, I've been trying to make people hate YTers since PewdiePie was small time. Kids are just easily entertained and when they see that as the norm, they don't know any better.
Some years ago there was a guy mixing his father's cremains into the paint. I think it was out of spite, his dad never approved of the hobby, now he will be forced to participate.
For anything more than light surface work, I would. Anything structural absolutely needs it.
This reminds me of the ad about making diamonds out of the dead's ashes and the catchphrase was like "your husband won't say NO this time"
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I remember stumbling into his video when looking for inspiration for some traitor guard. He said the base GW ones look like this only to give them this color scheme lmao.
He said the base GW ones look like trash* only to give them this color scheme lmao.
Every video I checked out mostly because of screencaps posted in this thread had really fucking subpar paintjobs, don't know why anyone would watch that guy. Also his fucking untrimmed nails were driving me nuts
Those are pretty nice speed painted ones, what am I missing? all of those take like 1 hour to paint in total I assume
that color scheme looks like utter garbage man
What the other anon said. I know tastes are subjective and all, but come on. Especially after insulting another man's handiwork.
>skaventide minis are all friction based and needs no glue save for the odd cleanup
Wow, 40k really is decades behind at this point.
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Thing is the amount of water to add to paint for perfect coverage not only varies by paint range, but by individual paint itself, and as much as you might hate to hear it, it is something that comes with practice and time.

That said, I have anecdotally seen some people prefer dry palettes to wet palettes as you have better amount of control over how much water gets to the paint while you apply your base coat at the expense of the leftover paint drying faster. I do find myself using dry palettes for some quick base coats fairly often.

Most of the time though, I find just loading up my brush on my palette and very slightly dipping the tip in water is thin enough.

I hope you're just being sarcastic and not gross. Besides, the real way to claim instinctually recognized ownership is with urination, so piss in your paint cup.

I don't really get the point. Sexy nudist models are to be shared.
I wouldn't sand without a little water, low speed drill, like the speed of turning by hand or a little faster is probably okay if you rinse occasionally, just remember to dry and oil your metal tools after to prevent rust, i sand indoors a lot but i keep sanding sticks wet. A disposable cup to dip in works fine, but to drill I'd dip the model or use a sponge because you don't want to dip an electric tool, or just use a pin vice or hand cranked drill for low speeds and a little water. It's really just you don't want to breathe the dust, it's not toxic to the skin, water keeps dust down, i don't even bother with mask if the model is wet or dust moist. But i do try to do it outside though I don't always, i just find cleanup is easier with garden hose.
Dries really fast especially in summer will need lots of water and maybe propylene glycol added to paints to extend drying time, for sure take wet palette and cups and paper towels. Also if windy dust becomes problem, be near trees. Watch out for ants.
Very good if sculpting directly on model. It's an epoxy, surface tension very high
Anyone have any tips for steadying your hand? I notice when I go to paint eyes, at the last second I tend to go off base and get paint around the eye rather than in it. I already brace my elbows on the table and usually the heels of my palms together too. Is it just a practice thing or am I missing something?
It's called bracing and bridging. Bracing you place your forearms against the table and lean forward. Bridging you put the pinky and ring finger of your hands together in various ways and create a springy tension as you bring your hands together for the stroke. Don't go directly at the eye but slightly off in an arc so when you touch the model your stroke is already in motion and sweeps away from the nose towards the outside of the face, slightly rotate the model in your other hand as you do this so the whole motion is smooth and relaxed. Don't hold your breath. Breathe as normal and zen the fucker. Remember you don't need the whole eye to be white (actually you use an offwhite with yellow or preferably blue in the mix). The inside corner and the area under the upper eyelid don't have to have paint. Those are in shadow. So you just need a sliver of white to indicate an eye. Most people paint their eyes way too big. Eyes are partly closed most of the time.
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>I already brace my elbows on the table
When I'm desperate for more stability I dig my elbows into my thighs, bend my wrists backwards and brace the back of my mini holding hand against the edge of the table
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just got an airbrush and started a chaos tau army. Learning how to do glows, 2nd attempt at osl on this little dude, any tips to improve? everything is just white edge highlights, mephiston red airbrush and wash.
>chaos tau
Cool. Maybe they could serve some low tier chaos god that can't be picky with who serve him, since tau have tiny shitty souls I mean.
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Starting to paint my stormcast army

I went to my LFGS to purchase skaventide and the store owner just handed me a copy of dominion and told me to get it out of his store. So happy to receive such a large gift from him, very kind.

Anyway the armor is greenstuffworld black chrome over a glossy black primer

Bases will be orangey

Trim will be copper and cloth, eyes, weapons etc will be fire colors
Looks good. Airbrush is tricky fren. Just practice a lot. Get some cheap acrylic paint and learn to reduce it with alcohol and propylene glycol and extra medium and practice on cardboard a lot. Learn to adjust pressure up and down and all that and how to draw with the airbrush basically. That's how you get better. Don't study model airbrush so much as study art airbrush, the guys that paint flames and skulls on cars and t-shirts and shit like that. The guys that use french curves and do freehand work. Once you see how smooth a stroke can really look in the hands of a master you'll know what you'll need to do.
Fuck that metal is nice!
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I'm legit only making this guy cause I want my boarding actions squad to be 4th company with space bases and they need a leader.
I mean, the little light in the stealth suit wouldn’t manage to illuminate stuff behind it very much, even if it is convex.
what happened to his arm fren? is he... is gonna be okay? :(
I use funtac to mask for priming, so yeah it looks like a hot disaster till you yank it free.
>manufacturer reformulated my primer right when I needed to get a new can
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I want to put some rust on that metal beam on the left. Never done that before, where would it naturally rust? Most reference images show those completely orange-brown but I don't want it to be that bad
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The bits for my last Intercessor finally arrived. I can cover all the equipment options to satisfy my autism.
Gonna try doing a little bit of OSL on that plasma.
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Little guy for kill team
Guys, recommend me the best 'how to airbrush for the first time' you have. Tomorrow I will give my airbrush the very first ride and I'm anxious as fuck.
Grab some paper and a paint you don't use, and spray around for a couple hours until you get the hang of it. Fuck with the pressure, the trigger, distance, paint consistency, etc.
No guide is going to explain how it feels to actually do.
Story of my life. These companies simply do not understand that as soon as they reformulate something they've lost me as a customer forever.
Drip some water on it. Where beads form and drip is where the water would stay and rust it in the wild.
The book tells a story. Of death of course.
Begin with water only to practice on cardboard, get cheap water and learn to water it down with water and alcohol and propylene glycol as needed and learn to control the pressure and the pass. It's not hard but it takes practice and you don't want to waste good paint doing it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5-uqa0UHGI
>Drip some water on it. Where beads form and drip is where the water would stay and rust it in the wild.
what the fuck are you a genius or something
don't worry, as long as you keep the flange-nozzle lubricated and the exhaust frame free from clutter there's a decent chance you'll survive using it.
is the skull's eye thing an airbrush nozzle
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my real genius is letting others say that I am. :)
Is that what they reformulated?
Happened to a fren of mine. He ded because of flange lube gone bad. :( Many such cases.
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done for today. needs a few touchups, but he can rest overnight and I'll hit him with some Tamiya Panel Liner tomorrow.
no OSL after all cause apparently I forgot to buy blue contrast.
Nah, they reformulated the black spray primer I use. New one doesn't take paint as well.
I doubt the 87 year old japanese ww2 veterans who run this company will ever bother to reformulate it.
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My catapharactii came in, here’s my first attempt at truescaling one
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Forgot the back and side paneling
Looks good. :)
Brand name? Was it an acrylic? In a can or formulated for airbrush?
That creme is a perfect color.
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Rustoleum Camo Flat Black. Used to be a fantastic base to work with - very matte but paint adhered great.
perfect shine.
So the new stuff isn't adhering to the model as well? And is the finish smoother?
I have an AK 000 size brush that I have found is small enough to do that well. Like others have said though paint dries on it quick, but still manages to do what it needs to do.
Try this. https://www.amazon.com/Krylon-K05546007-COLORmaxx-Spray-Aerosol/dp/B07LFWTW93/
Thanks anon. I’m glad that it doesn’t look completely horrific without any pouches or swords by the waist or anything, because buying $20 worth of HH accessories for 5 models is something i’m still mulling over
Struggling with what to do with the jump jets. I don't have an air brush or contrasts.
maybe make the bulb where they attach to the backpack black?
Do the same thing you did on the plasma gun.
Green stuff make a few pouches yourself, no reason to buy their shit
Buying a pack of greenstuff isn’t really all that much cheaper. I’ve been considering just buying the whole mkiv marine box, cutting out the accessories I want, and putting the rest of the box up on ebay.
Heavy black wash in the recess, then work up a heated effect on those bars that are coming out of the vent. Going from white hot closer to the inside of the vent, yellow in the middle, to dark red on the area closer to the outside. Simple enough effect, but combined with the blackness of the dark wash will look like a sooty area with idling heat.
Could do, blue stuff makes molds for green stuff check it out on YouTube, can make parts that way too from the boxes you but
I might try this with blue
Really sick! I think the guy with the heavy bolter should have a splash of colour on it somewhere, to draw attention to it since it's like a special heavy bolter.
Maybe the barrel could have been yellow or maybe the rounds red or something.
Now all the other guys are like black/white but with extra looking guns, and he feels left out
God I fucking hate these AI slop images, I am a person who my entire life have believed that there is no such thing as a soul, that there is only matter and that the mind stems from matter, but the utter retardation of these "AI" (really LLM statistical models) makes me put validity into SOVL posting.

There is always something off with these images, even when people do paintover of them to remove extra fingers and fick trims and stuff, the image always feel dead.
Can we see a closeup of the plasma? How'd you do it?
That could work, but depending on how sizeable the blue area ends up being it might stop reading as an accent colour and instead unbalance the scheme. Where as red is already in the scheme proper so it stays tied into it. You can also consider doing it on the smaller vent grates as well.
I'm almost done with my box, the orruk side has lots of fun models to paint up.
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>from the ancient hebrews rolling dice to determine divine will to the chinese drawing straws for iching, there is a near global knowledge that supernatural powers are most able to affect the physical world inside of systems that utilize random chance
>now we've created super advanced probability machines that have the ability to speak
this definitely won't lead to giving demons corporeal bodies... I'm sure it'll be fine.
Agreed. Soul exists. We all know this. Demons exist. We all know this too. Jesus talks about a clean, wind-swept space within us that demons like to inhabit. We think we rid ourselves of them, but sterility caused by spiritual emptiness is the void which opens up when we artists lack a human soul. The void is what offers them sanctuary, so never let go of your creativity frens. That's your humanity and without it they can enter in.
We'd love to see soon fren
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Can you paint over miliput or greenstuff?

I want to gap-fill inbetween the arms of my guys, but attaching the arms makes it significantly harder to paint them well. So maybe I could miliput after painting and blend it?
yes, both are paintable. It's a good idea to prime greenstuff because it's green and a bit slick when hard, but any good base color will work brushed on, maybe varnish with a brush on matte varnish after the basecoating to strengthen it if you are afraid it may peel.
What primer brand so I can avoid it?
I varnished 15 models in about 10 minutes. I think I died and went to heaven, how did I not buy an airbrush sooner.
Why do you guys dislike this EoB (eons of battle was it? I've seen him pop up in my feed but haven't clicked on it).
That paintjob looks fine to me, certianly better than most of the stuff people post here. Using a desaturated colour palete is a stylistic choice, it doesn't make your models look bad.
Here's some Sons of horus I painted for a guy. Simple stuff, but turned out real nice.
Nice, what did you use for the armor?
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>Model with beautiful paintjob
>Basing gets topped with snow
>Doesn't white balance well, midtones get changed
>Looks crap on camera.
Sad! Many such cases!

I swear to you those crotch flaps are a royal purple, not blue. I was also particularly proud of the white on the shoulder symbols as they're a beige offwhite beautifully shaded with purple ink. I don't really now how else I can photograph this better, I've messed with the aperture and shutterspeed enough and tried with the post processing too. It's a recurring frustration when the models are black and white like with Iron Hands, or with snow basing.
Good job fren. Don't get cocky though. Lube your flanges! We've lost too many good men to such a preventable accident, so please, please lube your flanges! >>93756522 >>93756848
Looks good to me, but if your light has temp control try a cooler tone and see if the light will match the purples of the clothes and gems better. If that looks good that'll indicate that as far as a repaint if you grey out the purples and golds a bit it'll match a little more. Midtones and upper end of the spectrum more so than the lower end, the lower end is fine.
What varnish did you use? And if you used thinners and/or flow improver what's your ratio?
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I used Vallejo's matt varnish. I followed this video by Vince:
But the tl;dr since videos can be a bit annoying: I have a squeezy bottle with a mix of 1:4 of flow improver + thinner (both Vallejo as well) and just put a little bit before adding the varnish, then I mix it, airbrush until it's gone, then repeat. I did 2-3 coats per mini.
Mind to post them? Any unexpected results? I heard that varnishing may be tricky and ruin minis from time to time.
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Sure, here they are. I haven't noticed anything wierd with them, other than my gloves being really sticky after it.
Is it fine to drop stuff directly in the airbrush cup and mix it with an old brush? Does it hurt the airbrush at all? I have little mixing cups and places tell me to use them but I always see people dripping stuff right in the cup
I'm pretty sure it's fine unless the brush is completely dead and loses bristles or you're somehow hulk and able to bend a needle with a brush. I personally mix it on a little metal cup because I'm a newbie and I still need to do the consistency test before airbrushing though.
But yes, it should be totally fine. Though if you do that it's a good idea to always lead with the thinner so the paint doesn't dry closer to the nozzle I think.
>>93761410 >>93761351
I also use matt varnish from vallejo. I also use coat d'arms matte varnish which is a straight acrylic varnish from what I can tell whereas vallejo's is polyurethane so vallejo's can bubble up if you use too much water so be aware of that. To answer question it's fine to drop in direct and mix in cup, but like fren said be cautious of stray hairs. You can use a toothpick to mix also and to scrape the sides when it gets nasty and you go to clean. To help flush put a little water and alcohol in the cup and wipe out cup with moist paper towel and fill again and blow a little out the nozzle then scrape with toothpick and plug the front end of the airbrush with your finger and blow bubbles out the cup to backwash and then dump the waste out of the cup. Makes cleaning a lot easier. Fast when needing to switch colors or occasional cleaning so you don't have to do a full disassemble. Protip: Never disassemble your brush without a fine mesh strainer over your sink drain. You WILL loose the parts down the drain. And your flange will suffer.
Yes some varnishes have a strong solvent that can fuck things up and polyurethane varnishes like vallejos do have some issues like bubbling if too much water is used and staying sticky sometimes if not enough is used or it's applied too thickly. And varnishes stay sticky for a long time in any case so you have to let them dry rock hard before moving on to the next phase and if you touch the model too soon or handle it after and it hasn't cured you can lift previous layers of paint which will also become sticky. And be careful to not apply varnishes too thickly or they'll never harden. They can also go bad if exposed to too much sunlight or heat and then they'll never cure to a hard finish. And they should be diluted with water if acrylic or alcohol or odorless solvent if enamel or oil based and if you don't they won't cure properly and will stay sticky. Too much and they may bubble because of trapped oxygen and hydrogen under the layer that wants to come to the surface. So the general rule with varnish is dilute and apply light coat, long dry time between coats. Warm sunlight can help the cure too so sitting in a window sill can help sometimes. Be careful on humid days. Use a desklamp with a incandescent bulb (if you can find any) to warm the varnish layer if it's not curing properly. That'll drive moisture from it with heat and light at the same time.
Oh wait a minute, I know why I recognise the name eons of battle, my brother does 3d supporting work for him lol. I do the painting side of things (not for eons of battle, in general). I did actualy check out some of his yt videos and they weren't bad at all. More focused on modeling than painting so not for me but still good.
Is the op anon here? we're at page 10
I can do a new thread in a minute but it's the first time I'm starting one for /wip/. Are there any specific autistic rules?
Forgive me if I did it wrong


Thanks! >>93762038

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