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"Fuck your Forge" Edition

▶Bans (NOW)

▶Official News:
Inside an Elevator Superdrop

The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
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How are you enjoying the current Standard meta?
Curent Standard feels very good and I'm having a lot of fun with it but I'm worried about just how much of it is propped up on Caretaker's Talent, which is surely going to go the way of the Bankbuster. Atraxa should still be banned. It's simply too much value in one card.
>Caretaker's Talent
100% going to be banned in December along with Innkeeper's Talent.
Free card draw on each player's turn and instant ultimate planeswalkers will never be allowed for long in Standard.
Guaranteed they did not playtest these cards.
Innkeeper's Talent isn't even a blip on the radar, to be honest. It's a 14 mana, 3 turn, 2 card combo in 99% of cases. It's not getting touched at all. Caretaker's is such an extreme amount of value that I think they have to ban it based on precedent they've already set. Which is a shame because I think the decks its spawned are actually all really interesting.
No anon the cards were playtested but only BEFORE they were completely reworked because one commander player in the office complained
>MTG Lord of the Rings is already the second best-selling set in Magic's history

Anon, I hate to break it to you, but 4chan is a tiny echo chamber.
Turns out Willy Wonka was onto something. Who knew?
Gee I wonder why
>a $2 million is more popular than Magic The Gathering
Yea, obviously.
>14 mana, 3 turn, 2 card combo in 99% of cases
You're assuming the planeswalker is Vraska, but you are forgetting that if they print ANY planeswalker at 3 cmc or less with a semi good ult for the next three years, they immediately break standard.
splinter twin was banned for less

Great argument. Glad you actually proved me wrong on why WOTC is making decisions that isn't in the interest of their bottom line.
They won't be printing any 3cmc planeswalkers in Standard with game-ending ults lol.
I sure do love yugioh the gathering (but with black people in it!)
>glances skeptically at Oko, meme of crowns
Do more than glance at it, anon. Oko's ult is dog shit lol.
Don't they get paid in investment money if they meet certain diversity criteria like showing racemixed couples and shit?
>play oko, create a food token
>next turn turn a food into a 3/3

lol it just makes a 3/3 every other turn or gains you some life, not really a problem card,
dies to doom blade
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it's weird, I was super excited to get into lizards because I wanted to play pic related as much as possible, but since it's a tribal aggro deck, the reality is that most jasper games end in either of two ways
1. I kill my opponent on the following turn of playing jasper, so it doesn't really get any value
2. they concede after he triggers once or twice because they used all of their removal on my other creatures

I guess I was naive to think I could have long games where he triggers a bunch of times and I overwhelm my opponent with value
right...... okay anon
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Only seven percent of player think Universe Beyond is an abomination.
Well we had a good run there for a few days after Nadu got banned but MTG is back to shitflinging about the colored folk again
GG people, it was fun
Okay, so an 11 mana, 2 card, 3 turn combo that isn't even an instant loss. You got me there.
it's just a loss but you have to keep watching yourself losing
>Hard to explain why WOTC is basically the only making operation for Hasbro though.

No, it's quite easy to explain. Hasbro is hilariously incompetent and has mismanaged everything else it owns into oblivion, while WotC has spent literal decades cultivating deeply entrenched customers that will endure blatant exploitation.
Best way to break this for aristocrats?
It's more like sunk-cost fallacy.
>"noooo i can't shit on the game and stop buying product because i built my whole identity around it. PLS WOTC GIVE ME PRODUCTS!!"
Fanatics and retards are always good for business and they know it.
>3 mana
>Needs to be cast in order to get the counters that makes it return to the battlefiend
>Doesn't return until the next end step

Meh, seems pretty safely designed. Maybe there's some engine that specifies "nontoken creature" that could want this, but otherwise I think there's better options for fodder.
You're forgetting that it is almost impossible to disrupt and calling it a "3 turn" combo is disingenuous. If they have the innkeeper at level 3 on turn 4, they win on turn 5 when they play the planeswalker.
What the fuck are you talking about? There's ten thousand ways to destroy or bounce or exile enchantments. I've played maybe 100 times against the deck in Arena and probably 40 more times IRL and have died exactly once to the combo and it was only after flooding out with 6 straight lands. It's such an incredibly mild combo.

If your opponent is playing the talent off curve and you're still complaining, then nothing can help you I'm afraid. You just have brain worms at that point.

What does this even mean? You lost to a combo over multiple turns. What's the difference between that and dying to a SSS or HH being pumped? Or being turbomilled?
>Reckoner Bankbuster has been the go-to card-advantage engine for many decks in Standard since its release. As a colorless card, it has been effortless to slot into a wide variety of colors and strategies. Its general ubiquity and strength have pushed out other card-advantage options too much as a colorless card. It has also put stress on creature sizing, as creatures that can crew Reckoner Bankbuster have been more favored than others. To promote more diversity and give power back to other types of cards in different colors, Reckoner Bankbuster is banned.
>7% of current players are completely against UB. That is a huge percentage when you consider how many might have quit or are fine with it existing for commander only.
I'm fine with UB as long as it isn't modern legal, so I don't belong to that 7% but I still hate Lotr. Lets see how many tourists stick around after the novelty of marvel magic cards has worn off.
only meant to quote the first sentence
When this thread change from: "Place to discuss card game" to "Place to discuss politic shit and how i feel is ruining my card game"?
>What does this even mean? You lost to a combo over multiple turns. What's the difference between that and dying to a SSS or HH being pumped? Or being turbomilled?
Did you get to play the game or have any type of agency was the outcome already decided by the type of deck your opponent was playing?

I dunno, if i had to make decision at WOTC i'd fire everyone involved in the designing of these cards.
>Did you get to play the game or have any type of agency
Yes? I played for a minimum of 4 entire turns AND when they cast the Vraska as their big I WIN combo, I removed the enchantment at instant speed and force the opponent to very suddenly re-evaluate the entire boardstate, prompting him to make unfavourable moves that resulted in him dying the next turn. Have YOU actually played against the deck in question?
"beginning of next end step" really kills all combo potential for this card
Maybe if we get an emerge type mechanic in the future it could find a home.
The irony of you interrupting the discussion about Innkeeper's Talent to make this post lol
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Interesting. Lets you build up a fuckload of revival counters, but to what avail? I guess you could make a fuckhueg creature via Luxior?
>There's ten thousand ways to destroy or bounce or exile enchantments.
Standard doesn't have a single card that does this in red or blue and the two cards that do it in black are 5 mana and either sorcery speed or the opponent chooses the enchantment to sacrifice. What you mean to say is that green and white have a lot of ways to deal with enchantments and everyone else can go get fucked.
well i dont really respect the idea of general threads and feel they are a negative for the most part so i dont mind interrupting the "conversation" about innkeepers talent
>I removed the enchantment at instant speed
cool, now remember that only two colors can do that so you MUST splash those colors to not auto-lose to Golgari now
There's at least a dozen Blue cards that can bounce a nonland permanent in Standard right now.
Lux artillery is a payoff, but not legal in a format where it might be worth it
>Complains about "entire threads being taken over by a subject completely separate from the original."
>Doesn't mind interrupting a conversation about the thread's topic to voice said complaint

You're part of the problem
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Lads, come on, this is embarrassing stuff.
nice way to concede that red and black have no answer to enchantments
Good, because those colors are not supposed to be able to answer enchantments in the first place.
>the colour pie exists
Well done.

Just don't mind my Duress and my Deep-Cavern Bat and my Cruelclaw's Heist and my killing you on turn 3 and my...
Ah, so your plan is to hold mana on critical turns to *checks notes* bounce a card back to their hand when they will just play it again for two mana, essentially burning cards to stay alive one more turn while doing nothing to improve your chance of winning.
Wow, a true stroke of genius from the blue mage.
>failed fording is just a card from the prior set but worse
why would they do this
there's one black card where you can sac a creature to destroy an enchant, I think that's a cool way of handling it
>one more turn
Anon, are you on drugs? How much mana do you think it costs to play and fully level Innkeeper's Talent? Second question: What happens when you bounce it in response to Vraska on the stack? Think about these things.

>there's one black card where you can sac a creature to destroy an enchant, I think that's a cool way of handling it
The Orzhov one or is there another I'm not thinking of?
Well this is all assuming I didn't just Spell Pierce it when it was originally cast.
Generally wizards of the past would play test enough to appreciate that a two mana enchantment shouldn't let your planeswalkers auto-ult on entry. Guaranteed they didn't even see the interaction between Innkeepers and planewalkers in testing.
You know you gotta level it up first, right?
I was wrong they destroy artifacts. Phyrexian Tribute and Gateway to Phyrexia
>there's one black card where you can sac a creature to destroy an enchant, I think that's a cool way of handling it
that's not how it works....
You're admitting that you're the issue that your post was complaining about lol.
>What happens when you bounce it in response to Vraska on the stack? Think about these things.
They have a Vraska in play, that's what happens. If your plan is bouncing Innkeepers, you are going to lose badly.
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Damn, they a whole damn VRASKA in play! Whatever will I do? They might even GASP draw a card!

lmao you are insane if you think Vraska is an auto-loss.
what is your point? T3 they play Go for the Throat with left over mana to level it to 2. T4 they level it to 4. T5 they win.
But anon, I T1 Duress'd and they don't have an Innkeeper's Talent anymore.

But anon, I T2 Get Lost'd and they don't have an enchantment anymore.

But anon, I T2 Negate'd and they don't have an enchantment anymore.

But anon, I T2 Pick Your Poison'd and they don't have an enchantment anymore.

But anon, I T2 Requstion Raid'd and they don't have an enchantment anymore.

But anon, I T3 fucking murered you and your enchantment doesn't matter anymore.
>T5 they win.

Oh no, a turn 5 win in 2024 Standard. So fast!
i know people love being dramatic but turn five is really not bad
I really don't care about your opinion when Golgari Midrange is demonstrably the best deck with the highest meta winrate and meta share and plays 3x Vraska and/or 3x Liliana, and 4x Innkeepers.
The numbers matter more than your shitposts ever could.
>golgari midrange is the best deck in the meta
Kek. Anon, please. People discussing the game with you aren't "shitposting" because they think you're wrong and are providing actual actionable examples of where you're wrong.

For the record, Boros aggro is the top meta share. And anecdotally, it's a fucking free win against my Orzhov Control deck. I'm talking 80+% winrate. Seriously, instead of just screeching for bans, actually take time to evaluate the cards and check if you've got answers. I bet you do.
>Boros aggro is the top meta share.
why would you come on the internet just to lie?
11% to Golgari's 10% on MTGtop8. Domain is 11% too. So golgari's a minimum of 3rd.

This is where you post untapped BO1 Arena stats or something lol
I think the underlying problem is that it slots in easily to existing Bx midrange strategies and Black has been the strongest color in Standard by far for, what, 2 1/2 years now?
Probably longer than that. I personally attribute black's power to creature powerlevels being pushed. Efficient removal is the most important thing in Standard at the minute because everything MUST be answered.
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>it's ok if decks stop the other player from playing the game because "I" stopped the other player from playing the game!
The absolute genius state of this VRporn simulator
Is her playable again?
Fuck forgot pick
all of these are from today
The Wanderers wife is so cute
Nice thanks anon, glad to see my cute ratto back in the game.
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Right now imo she is a rogue deck, tier 2 at best. FIRE passed past her and she is outclassed and they will not print good vehicles because they fear the ratto.

here's a payoff
starts to look like a coomander deck all of a sudden, if you're into that shit
I am not, still digging for tech
>Magic missed the boat by not having an anime.

Fun Fact: Every cross media that's ever been tried with Magic has fell flat on its face.
>Armada Comics: Started off strong enough, but within a few years was getting no revenue. Was literally cancelled before its big story could finish. Several comic arcs were left to never be finished.
>Dark Horse mini-series: pitifully small sales.
>Magic: the Gathering Battlemage. First MtG video game not based on the card game. Was an early (pre-SC) RTS. Sold poorly in its day. Remembered for its great story mode and terribad mechanics.
>Magic the Gathering: Weird, but fun pseudo fighting game for the X-Box. Has a cult following.
>Magic the Gathering: Tactics. Online RTS, was discontinued in under a year. Still have tons of advertisement cards for it.
>Magic: the Gathering MMO: Yeah, this existed, wasn't even around for 6 months.
>Magic: the Gathering novels (Harper Prism): Only remembered because they came with exclusive promo cards.
>Magic: the Gathering (Midway arcade game) so bad, it wasn't ever mass produced or publically released.
>Magic: the Gathering IDW comic: people bought these only for the promo's. Dak Fayden was even killed offscreen during War of the Spark.
>New comic line: I can't even tell you shit about these.

We will ignore all the could have beens that fell out from underneath or were aborted. In 1994 there was a failed MtG catroon that never got even into development. Does anyone remember in 2009 when WotC held a 'Design a sneaker' contest? (pic related). Or how about all the failures there on. I know I missed some phone games in there.

Now lets look at Magic's successful games
>Duels, Duels of the Planeswalkers series, MTGO, Arena, Micropross, and maybe that game for the Dreamcast that was only released in Japan (I'm not sure).

These all replicate the card game, in which that is its strongest drive
>sneaker was shown in PAX East 2009, and was designed by a forum member.
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>Magic: the Gathering MMO: Yeah, this existed, wasn't even around for 6 months.
it was an ARPG, like a shittier version of path of exile or diablo

you forgot the diablo clone that never made it out of alpha
a shame, it was kino and had legitimately good AARPG mechanics
>Path of Exile
>Path to Exile
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For a game that was in Alpha, they accepted people's money like it was a finished product.
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>WOTC k missed the boat by not having an anime for years
This is assuming the anime would have been any good when these fuckers can't even write short stories for shit. How can you expect them to diversify when they can't even get their mainline product out of the dumpster? Imagine the absolute disaster War of the Spark would have been with an entire series pumped into it.
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That one romcom manga with magic as its theme is probably the most successful
Oh I love that comic. Its not written by anyone at WotC though, and it entirely about late-90's Magic.
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It's good but I honestly wouldn't call it a MTG manga despite it featuring heavily. It's like how Stranger Things has D&D but that's not really what it's about. There are definitely great parts, though.
i also don't care about commander but i was curious
turns out the cat which i thought was hot shit in such a deck only increases synergy by 26%
I agree, thats why I mentioned it just had it as a theme. I really enjoyed the start of it, but I feel like its kinda jumped the shark with some of the more recent chapters.
I thought it was over. Is it still ongoing?
A new chapter just released recently with Gush as the promo.
Honestly they should make an actual anime out of this. Especially since they want that japanese money so badly. Along with rereleasing old cards from back then as preconstructed decks that belong to certain characters.

unban twin
reprint fetches
>"Ah! i understand no! You mean modern horizon 3 block constructed."
And they shouldn't, since this game was designed to have colors that have weaknesses. The problem is the color pie means next to nothing now given how easy it is to make tri-color decks nowadays that it does feel like you're hitting yourself in the deck by not having a three color deck.

But, on the flipside, RDW is a thing so who gives a shit that you don't have good enchantment removal when you just win with it, and mono-black is strong enough that other people probably won't get a chance to put down anything meaningful too. Plus my wife is mono-black (inb4 American immediately thinks of bbc) so that's also a plus.
they were just reprinted in mh3 timmy

whoa where can I buy product ???
Reprint them into standard
What can we unban in Pioneer without breaking the meta completely bros?
Amalia and Sorin
Amalia desu.
we tried that already, having fetches and feachable duals in at the same was bad
>every deck turns into a 4/5 color good stuff piles
>avg cost of a standard deck balloons up to 700
bring my beloved back.
i already miss her after a day...
I don't even play her and I miss her.
Gay as fuck deck, but at least it was fun to play against unlike Phoenix.
I still play her in an Orzov vampires Standard deck. She's real good with Deep Cavern Bat provided it doesn't get Cut Down.
He was keeping in check Nykthos ramp, one of the most obscene deck you can have the disgust to play against, a deck that in turn 4 can literally vomit ALMOST all his shit through Nykthos-Kiora-Knight interaction.

From a famous quote:You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, Amalia was a good girl in the end.
walking ballista
ban heliod if the combo becomes too good again (which I doubt it will)
It's time.
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I will play Pioneer if they're unbanned. To be honest I'd like to give the format more of a try, but I dislike how most pioneer legal cards have 8+ lines of text on them and half are legendary. I also don't think any events for the format run in my area outside RCQs.
numagic worldbuilding fucking sucks atomic ass
Only because WotC continues to overvalue being multicolored as a restriction and undervalue the existence of RDW. 5 color piles aren't a problem when Lightning Bolt is in standard.
its sucked since weatherlight, man. game was way cooler when the lore was contained in the cards themselves and not being a story about a plucky band of adventurers and their retarded goblin mascot. its like going from dark souls to pirates of dark water to quippy marvelslop and i continue to be annoyed by it to this very day.
The real problem is that 3 / 4 / 5 colour mana bases have been fully mathed out, even in formats that don't have a lot of support for them. The trilands were obviously a complete mistake but its too late to go back and undo that at this point.
Only half of them.
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CoCo is going to be the next Pioneer ban.
People are going to quickly realize that CoCo was the problem with Amalia, not Amalia.
>CoCo was the problem with Amalia, not Amalia.
Wait wtf that actually makes sense, I thought /mtg/ was retarded...
we are retarded. We are just a broken clock, right twice a day.
nah because you could use Chord of Calling or Eldritch Evolution to combo off
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The despair he generates when you exile off the top, let alone play anything, is the real reward. Nothing like eating two Temporary Lockdowns and an Atraxa in a single upkeep.
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>my sideboard only has 8 cards
They are going to laugh at me at the store, right? Even if it's my first time playing standard?
Anyone willing to give me an explanation behind card conditioning ? Lots of shops only willing to give me money for my cards if they are unsleeved AND in near mint condition when I ship them to store. How the heck am I supposed to be handling and storing unsleeved cards at home, ship them out and expect them to arrive in NM condition ? If there is a tiny spec of whitening on the card back people say its LP condition...
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>Hey boss, we hired a new lead developer and he says that all our legacy systems need changing.
>You don't have a problem with that, right?
nah, most won't even think about how many cards are in your sideboard if it's just fnm, if they do they probably will just assume you either didn't get all your cards in time or you couldn't find the ones you wanted
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Got around to reading Mark's post on Nadu.
>we examine how they will play in more casual settings. There’s no reason not to do that.
I haven't played the game in a while, but I'm pretty sure Magic hasn't been fun for at least the past 5 years specifically because you've been doing exactly that, Mark.
>red was sick in that format though. you can never tap out ever or i kill you with a 19 damage monastery swiftspear
he doesn't know about mice....
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Unironically the problem is specifically the fact they cut back on playtesting so hard and there's executive mandate to make lots of strong cards so the bazillion sets they shit out every year sell well. You can even catch this in the first damage control blogpost where they mention MH sets aren't tested normally (not that it would take a genius to notice that with Hogaak and Grief making it through).
Of course Mark can't say this in his "transparent" blogpost so he pretends it's just an honest mistake and not a pants-on-head retarded oversight that misses an "obscure" interaction with a card reprinted in the very same set, a card that they reprint every other fucking set.

It honestly just comes off as comically arrogant for his tumblr post to pretend this is some sort of effect they have never touched in years, and thus they couldn't have possibly accounted for it, when a card that breaks it is one of their most-printed cards. They can't even say this wasn't something that never saw use in 1v1 formats because of what happened with Colossus Hammer and Sigarda's Aid/Puresteel Paladin.

The only reason Nadu was a mistake was because they didn't catch it being this good early so they could pump it up to Mythic Rare.
MH sets post-MH1 don't actually have "cut back" playtesting, they have alternative playtesting that's no worse than what they do in-house: after Hogaak they started hiring Magic pros as consultants for short periods to extensively playtest their sets for them because they actually have experience playing eternal formats competitively and nobody at Wizards does.

Grief is a mistake that I don't think is a major indictment of Wizards the way that "free eighth card that draws nine cards" Lurrus and "literally endless repeated value for doing anything" that Uro / Oko / Nadu were: Undying Evil was never a good card and the power on Thoughtseize is equivalent to that of the other evoke elementals, so it's easy to see how they could have missed just how oppressive it is. They should have banned it far sooner but that's not on the testing team.
Friendly reminder that Commander lead to impulse draw and caretaker's talent
emperor warped standard completely

Friendly reminder that Richard Garfield considered magic to be a finished product and a dead-end design in....


that deck plays like a janky combo pile comprised of individually weak vaguely aggressive cards. atarka red was a fine-tuned aggro deck with an incidental combo out that you could pull with any creature in the deck or even just one or the other 'combo' piece to win the game depending on boardstate. atarka red even had enough burn in it to 'count to 20' if the other guy was playing doom blade tribal.
And boy was he right
Friendly reminder that the first time Richard Garfield played a mirror match, he realized symmetrical card games were irredeemable design mistakes and set out to make Netrunner
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In one of these meetings, there was a great deal of concern raised by Nadu's flash-granting ability for Commander play. After removing the ability, it wasn't clear that the card would have an audience or a home, something that is important for every card we make. Ultimately, my intention was to create a build-around aimed at Commander play, which resulted in the final text.
>they hired from a pool of talent known to be rife with cheaters and persons sponsored by secondary market vendors
what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
gee bill
According to my rough math there is a little shy of 200,000,000 two-card combos in Modern. We’re going to need more people. : )
"How can I get around the evoke sacrifice trigger so I can get multiple Thoughtseizes and a 3/2 menace too?" was practically the first thought of everyone when Grief was spoiled. People thought of blinking effects instantaneously, then stuff like Undying Evil and Malakir Rebirth soon afterward. And unlike the other elementals, Grief has a uniquely proactive effect, rather than a reactive one, so there was actually a point in casting it early. Seriously, EVERYONE was thinking about how fucked up Grief was when it was spoiled and how to break it.
The main reason that Rakdos (and thus Grief) took a little while to find its legs is because people were trying too hard to force Ephemerate as the enabler for the sake of the triple Thoughtseize, but WB just didn't have enough aggression to exploit the early game advantage and, frankly, the triple Thoughtseize was overkill that kept you from swinging with the Grief. Also people had wildly underestimated Fury.
Though I suppose it's also worth noting that Feign Death, the most common enabler for Scamming for a while, was printed a month after MH2.
>1/1, +1/1 counter on target, does power damage to player on death
>2/2, haste, prowess, draw engine on target
>1/2, double strike or trample per turn on mouse, can come out as a double for another (2)
>tap for creature mana, tap and (R) +1/0 and haste to mouse
>janky combo pile
okay anon, whatever you say
ironically, mirror matches are actually the greatest test of player skill for reasons we all understand 30 years later
they're a long series of coin tosses
>hidden information game is a series of coin tosses
good god, he's retarded
Sunfall and Emperor and Temp Lockdown warped (and continue to warp) Standard. Monowhite cards are the most warping cards in Standard right now and have been for years.
all matchups have hidden information
Richard Garfield is dead.
as long as lithomantic barrage is standard legal, white decks can't do shit to stop RDW.
You played Beza?
Shoot for 5.
You played Elspeth?
Shoot for 5.
You did literally anything?
Believe it or not, shoot for 5.
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What's the best waifu deck? I'm guessing some vampire or angel deck?
Don't worry about the price I'm using all proxies and for fun with friends
Damn that's crazy.

*Elspeth Smites every creature you play*
You are late anon, we have a cute goth vampire girl dominating a whole format... Now she is gone...
Can you share the name?
Format can be not all that legal or mixed, its for messing about with friends and having fun and being horny. Mostly horny.
>constructed magic
Who's going to tell him.

She wasn't even goth dude she was Spanish, Catholic and wore (not black) armor.
The story starts falling apart when black kaiba shows up and announces some dumbass tournament. The author should've kept the scope narrow and focused on a more grounded story.
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Liesa my black-white angel waifu...
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+ Transcendence
ping yourself once, life forever
That seems retarded
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You can play whatever you want, but they are mine.
That'll be on account of it being fucking retarded
That Niv-Mizzet Domain deck is scary flexible. Being able to effectively transform into a burn deck post-sideboard is pretty damn strong in the current Standard meta.
I'm like 70% confident this thing is going to get banned in standard
Yeah... Like Atraxa, Caretaker, Innskeeper, or Slickshot right anon?
It's not worth the risk!

3/3s with Haste for 3 are very good. I feel like the play is just don't block it and use some non-damaging removal.
mtgag would've included sheoldred in that list. I guess this general is slightly less retarded
surely this is sideboard 4 drop than you instantly shock
If by less retarded you mean caring about standard the best format format right now then you are right, fag.
i'm done with arena holy shit
game fucks up and doesn't let me sideboard and then i get fucked by my opponent's sideboard cards VERY COOL
you forgot to add the sideboard you silly goose
retard, it's a common bug now where the game freaks out if you don't play the rigged bo1 mode
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i can't for the god of love make this fucking card work, piobros...
have you tried cards that do things
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The lands
The card do things, but Phoenix, Nykthos shitters and even Waste not subhumans are messing with my plans.
Would be so much nicer without the characters.
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>those fucking voices
Nah, this is just a solid role player. The "can't gain life" is just trinket text. This is a 3/3 haste for 3 that will trade up in combat most of the time - which is fantastic for red, but hardly bannable.
not the one you posted
Coco bricks too often.
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>Create a 2/2 green Spider creature token with reach for each counter on Twitching Doll
>each token
How different would things be if WotC actually went with the plan of making Ice Age it's own game?
People is sleeping so hard on this little thing. Even if there is no horrible combo you can do with it, that i doubt, the fact we have cards like Innkeeper that add counters or Caretaker that buff every counter already makes him very good for 2 mana.
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friendly reminder if duskmourn was a block set we could have actual clown tribal. sad.
as someone who maindecks 20 "can't gain life" effects into arena queues just to crush the hopes and dreams of whitefags I don't think this encroaches on Rampaging Ferocidon slots

there's your cat spider counter meme I guess
how does my modo collection value only go down regardless of which deck or format or cards I buy into? what the fuck? there has to be some kind of AI suppressing everyone's investments
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Still feels strange to me that we've yet to get any Clowns in Rakdos on Ravnica, but I guess monster clowns in Duskmourn is a fitting place for them to properly debut, too.
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clown tribal is a thing in legacy
at least i don't work at wizards r&d and publicly admit to not actually testing the cards
>5 mana card
Come on, now.
This does not make me miss blocks. Clowns are meme fear and people afraid of them are weak and insufferable.
Maybe they will retroactively change rakdos to clowns. I mean they literally have jesters and shit.
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>buy high
>sell low

Can't possibly be that you buy FOMO shit at peak price, right anon? It is obviously an evil conspiracy using AI to manipulate the market, and nothing to do with you being retarded...
i'm not selling anything, the price of every card goes down unless people frontrunning a banlist with inside info
If you can't identify opportunities for organic growth in card value you shouldn't be doing this
Yeah, the only reason I can maintain my collection on MTGO is because I aggressively buy cheap/interesting stuff and I sell them back when they spike because of some new interaction or metashift
Just last week I sold my playset of Jeska's Will that I got for like 7 tix for like 36 tix. Did the same thing with the Ring at the start of the month, I got a playset when each copy was like 39 tix and I think I sold them back when the price was around 57 tix.

You gotta keep buying and selling stuff to not lose value, is what I'm saying.
>when I check my options for response to 2 for 1 your smite
>monstrous rage
>blazing crescendo
>dreadmaw ire
yes please, play a 3 damage spell against my 2/2 or 1/1 critter anon-kun. lightning helix is hilarious too if you want to try it.
Every set is a clown tribal set, just look at yourself
>The ring goes for $100
>Need 4 for modern
What am I supposed to even do?
Avoid shit formats?
what are good places to proxy from?
play ruby storm, some people are running ring in the side but it's only for very grindy matchups
>ALL MH3's free spells see zero to few competitve play
>Grief dead as ever
>Fury became an irrelevant card

I don't want to be optimistic with current WOTC but it seems Magic design has been healing a little bit.
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Marina's done.
Magali does most of the heavy lifting here (along with Marina's dress...)

As for the rest of the set, we will see I guess. I don't have my hopes up.
but all my 90s cards are worth considerably more than what I paid for them in the 00's?
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There's actually surprisingly few existing Rakdos cards that feel like they could easily be Clowns, all things considered. Pic-related could be, at least.
We did it bros, we broke Ozolith.
oh oh I know this math
you spend $400!
New side-story, I think set during the time when the House was still spreading across the plane that became Duskmourn. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/side-five-dead-end
>The plane had two suns, and the greater sun has since been consumed by the House
>We have somebody named Shevara here, one of the assigned watchers of the House, because the House, for whatever reason, doesn't move when it's being watched
>This watching doesn't work during the night because the gloom around the House becomes so deep even their fires don't illuminate it, but they can at least slow it down during the day
>House started spreading some years ago, and the elves of the plane blamed it on the cityfolk, and assumed it was a punishment against them, and would stop at the cities
>It did not stop at the cities
>Far as anybody's aware, the only living thing that is outside the House now is the Rotrue Wood where some of these elves still live, Shevara among them
>They also have a very Golgari-esque view of the world, from death comes life, etc. A cycle they cling to because it's all they have left
>Also the House literally ate the sun by stretching up and just munching it
>Some cityfolk refugees did show up at Rotrue, but their king demanded they not use any machinery and whatnot
>Shevara's watch ends and she hears a clapping sound, which she goes to investigate
>She finds a circle of what appears to be human children, clapping and singing a spooky nursery rhyme, as they do
>Shevara recognises this as a sign of the House's presence, which sets off all sorts of alarm bells
>She runs off to the king (who's her father apparently, or he just calls her daughter as a tradition thing) and informs him of this
>The king brushes her off, saying that there's no way it could be, they've been thorough, etc.
>Other hunters return, none of them reporting anything like she saw, but she insists to the king, who continues to refute
>She runs off, annoyed, and encounters yet more children
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>The nursery rhyme this time is a more direct threat from Duskmourn itself
>She runs back to the king immediately, only to find him, the elders, and the hunters all sitting still with moths all over them
>She manages to wake up the king, at least, and says that it's clearly too late now, they've failed
>The king, lacking anything to say, can only hug her as the House starts to spread onto their forest, taking the last of the 'outside' with it
>The final line of narration is that nobody noticed when the House ate the other sun, because there wasn't anybody outside to see it happen
I just want Duskmoore to be good
please, WotC... please...
Its a fall set with solid theme and they're tryharding the art assets like they did with eldraine. Expect standard to be unplayable for the next three years and every other constructed format to warp around overpushed chase cards.
100% this the fucking powerlevel will be bonker
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>people are paying $300 to get this
I'll take 4 copies for $4 zhang. yes that'll be all.
you should support product, goy.
Damn that's crazy, you dropped all that onto your card just to stop my 1 mana play? Guess I have no option but to play Get Lost now that you've played all those cards out. GG :^)
Shelly should be banned specfically for diversity's sake, rather than powerlevel.
but you're tapped out now anon-kun
So? If I tap out to kill and exile your pumped creature, then I win. It's a done deal at that point. Have you even played MTG before outside of Arena's BO1 format?
you're literally already out of mana prior to casting Get Lost, its T2 anon, now take 12 damage
I need you to paint this scenario you've invented right now, because you sound mentally disabled. Is the implication that you attacked with a 1/1 mouse and I used Elspeth's Smite on it BEFORE you played any pump spells?

How fucking stupid are you? lmao
>claims other are mentally disabled
>plays monowhite in this meta
very sad, many such cases
You are dishonest to yourself, everyone in the thread, and your mother too. (Notice, I didn't mention the out of the picture father)
>Dodges the question and attempts a 'no u' once he realises he's been outed as a mentally disabled Arenabab
kek. Like clockwork.
commander consoomers don't play magic. and, the current wotc click is commander consoomers.
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what makes discard exclusively a ladder deck to play in mtga? it's all the aggro, isn't it
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delicious brown chocolate
because bo1
nah. people will tell you "just side in baloth lmao", but it fucking sucks. if you're playing domain you win be putting 7 lands into play and baloth does nothing against it. I've started running a Return from the Wilds in the side and considering more
The real reason is because Arena players will concede and tournament players won't. They'll just play to their outs.
How is the card fun or funny?
I thought you loved un-sets.
wtf I love tournament players now
BO1, players more prone to scooping, and fast games are more valuable than high winrate when climbing.
A 66% winrate control deck isn't as good as a 60% winrate aggro deck that finishes games 5x faster when it comes to ladder.
>BO1, players more prone to scooping
It's true. If my deck has full set of creature removal, but I get matched with a creatureless control deck, I'm just gonna give up and queue again.
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Objectively not a swamp. Hideous.
>the bob ross autist migrated to /tg/
I shouldn't have expected anything less
This post implies you spent enough time in (I presume) the /vg/ thread that you recognise its posters based on a single image, meaning you yourself have migrated. Feel free to fuck off.
Hey man you should really go outside more. I think you're becoming deranged in isolation. By "go outside" I mean "interact with strangers neutrally while in public," in case that wasn't clear.
I tried using the /tg/ mtg threads at first but for a long time every thread boiled down to
>th-the-th-th-thr NIIGERS ARE R-R-RUINING MTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A-A-And F-F-FAT PEOPLE TOO!!!!!!!!!
And now that's mostly seemed to have cleared up so I've moved back
I've moved back
>he fled to /vg/ because he hoped it would welcome a tranny negro like himself
you fucking freak lmao
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>this game
what does the meta look like if they ban atraxa?
endless golgari mirrors
You would definitely see a very sharp uptick in control decks of every variety. Domain might pivot into full Niv-Mizzet mode but as anyone who's Stone Brain'd Atraxa from a Domain deck can tell you, domain folds without her.

I really think she's gotta go. Having her be top dog for her entire time in rotation would be so fucking boring.
you're asking for too much, they already lost triomes and stomper
why would they ban her now that she's going away next rotation
control is atraxa's worst matchup...
>loses to stone brain
>has to be banned
which one is it, then?
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This has to be the ugliest set symbol ever. What the fuck were WotC thinking
for me, it's the one where you couldnt tell commons and uncommons apart
Because she's boring.

There's a reason UW control doesn't exist anymore. And even with being the worst matchup, the problem of Atraxa remained.
>play uncounterable Atraxa
Was and is far too common of an occurrence.

I would also argue that control isn't Atraxa's worst matchup at all. Jace is. Control exists outside of blue.

It can be both. There was lots of ways to stop Oko. He still died for good reason.
have you ever played the matchup? you literally just mill them with Jace
Read my post again. Read it more slowly this time.
lotr and D&D are fine for mtg, beside nigger aragorn etc, but I don't wany any of that fallout/doctor who/marvel/walking dead/40k garbage.
So I've mostly been a pauper and modern player for a few years now but I downloaded arena to give standard a try and because I thought that new lizard tribal deck was cool and is it just me or is nearly every single deck on the ladder a variation on golgari midrange right now?
>play uncounterable Atraxa
I refused to read past this drivel, and will do so again
I accept your concession, Arenabab.
what's next, you're gonna call forge + talent "boros control"?
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Stop fighting shadows.
>control beats atraxa due to playing Jace
>nooooooo control is an easy matchup!!! Jace is the problem!
Is there even such a thing as actual commons/uncommons/rares in commander decks? If they're printing it as a 1 of set of 100 cards then there's an equal amount of the shitty mythic as there are the uncommon.
it's the most popular deck, unless you group all aggro decks together into a single archetype
Can you try to speak without memeing? Your post is genuine nonsense. I can't even work out which side of the argument you're attempting to support.
fuck if I know, I was talking about LCI
there is no argument anywhere.

control is atraxa's main problem, because control plays Jace. Jace isn't a matchup.
>Control plays Jace
I'll just copy-paste my earlier sentence.

>I would also argue that control isn't Atraxa's worst matchup at all. Jace is. Control exists outside of blue.
I can copy-paste, too

>play uncounterable Atraxa
see? utterly retarded
Can you please go back to /vg/?
If Control is Atraxa's worst matchup, why did it get 3-1'd in the Pro Tour final by Atraxa?

There's a very good reason. See if you can guess it.
No, he's right. Ravnican and Capennan "swamps" at least feature stagnant water in indoor scenes for thematic purposes, nothing about this is right except the colors
Yeah, can't say I'm super unhappy about it since it's not a bad matchup for me and the games tend to be very fun (at least for what I consider fun), but man does it get tiring seeing this deck so often. Beats seeing those fucking mice though, I've still not figured out a way to beat them.
>Steal Atraxa
>Hit you with Atraxa -7 you / +7 me
>Throw Atraxa at you -7 you / +7 me
Sorry about the 28 point game swing off 4 mana.... just RDW things
You idiot
You forgot this deck has white in it
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>Pioneer Skeleton tribal isn't real, it can't hurt you.
>Pioneer Skeleton Tribal:
imagine running this instead of counterspells
top kek lad
>Beats seeing those fucking mice though, I've still not figured out a way to beat them.
Just play a deck with 24 pieces of removal, one for each mouse
>Caretaker is not good bro! Is just an Standard strong card bro!!!
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>Tinybones and Glissa commits crimes
oh yeah
it's all coming together

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It's effectively a corruption of BG Midrange, dropping a few pieces for the surprisingly retarded Crime package and some BRUTAL Skeleton synergies I happened upon.

I think these Skeleton synergies are potentially CONSIDERABLY more high pressure than the Mosswood Dreadknight & friends package.
initial observations.
>On curve body stapled to a Demonic Tutor
This shit is ridiculous.
I do hope this archtype manages to stand the test of time, the last time mono white midrange was this playable, walking ballista was still legal
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>Fast like a tribal aggro deck
>Resilient like a midrange deck
You know I'm glad someone's having fun
>Haste anthem that also recursively summons creatures

Should find a sac outlet or some way to reliably descend.
>Should find a sac outlet or some way to reliably descend.
Only if it doesn't sacrifice the core streamlined setup. I don't want to include cards just to kind of enable a grindy plan, when it already enables itself just by forcing them into trades.

If you have any good ideas though, I'm all ears. The Forsaken Miner + Corpses of the Lost duet would be truly great if we could find a piece that reliably vomits out both sacrifices and Crime triggers.
>Draws cards
>Sac outlet
>Crime enabler
Now here's a decent option.
does this splash for coco?
Oh fuck that's not bad. Already in green for Skeletal Swarming, my lad.
Definitely slow, but this is repeatable crimes and great synergy with miner.
Added to considering. Gisa solo enables the two creatures per Crime trigger lmao.

bro we all know you're just brewing it to impress game store chicks and play spooky scary skeletons over your bloothtooth speaker. it will work, but at what cost baka
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30% of the field is energy, 40% if we consider jeskai control as part of the energy package since it runs tons of those cards, nothing to see here guys, meta is fine & healthy
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There is this guy. You also have cards like weaponize the monsters or Tymaret, the Murder King, but they are red.
The format is fine. No single The One Ring deck stands out.
How do you feel about adding red?
>There is this guy. You also have cards like weaponize the monsters or Tymaret, the Murder King, but they are red.
Black is the core. If red gives us a strong enough package, we can swap for it. I'll keep them in mind.
Tymaret being a zombie is no joke. Shame Pioneer doesn't have strong enough mana, this seems like a potentially potent Jund list.
I like this idea, all added to considering. More testing to do.

Initial results are very good. The fast curve is retardedly overwhelming.
Like, the fuck are they going to do, kill your suspected Skeleton and give you both a Demonic Tutor AND your Corpses of the Lost back from the Case hitting the 'yard?
Yeah, that's not a good plan. The whole deck feels like one giant lose-lose for the opponent. I think fostering that will be a better route than going hard into sac/crime, but will keep both options open while testing. Tymaret really does look juicy.
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Dead serious.
What the fuck are you supposed to do against this curve?
Initial tests feel very good. It's very fast and rather hard to deal with.
Oh cool the retard is pretending his shitpiles are not garbage that fold to basic interaction again
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does it really matter? we are like, what, 9 months away from the next rotation? by the time they decide to ban either energy or the ring, they won't even be a problem anymore
>garbage that fold to basic interaction again
Cool post my guy.
Do you interact with the Miner and have it recur, the Skeleton and give me a Demonic Tutor, or the hasted Skeleton Pirate and leave me with 6 evasive power on the board?

Exactly what interaction are you thinking of when you say the posted curve "folds to basic interaction"?
You are so below the capacity for self reflection a baseline normal human being has that it is not worth it to engage with you beyond sporadic heckling.
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Is it three Fatal Pushes?
Cool, I get a Descend trigger off the Case, tutor for whatever my heart desires, bounce Corpses of the Lost and get a brand new hasty 3/2 next turn alongside whatever I tutored for.

Just ignore him, he'll dissapear in like a day
This from the guy who fucked up his grammar while acting like he's so much smarter than the skelebro
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Bullshit card that should be banned
attack with swiftspear + rage
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Re-reading Case of the Stashed Skeleton and realizing it is an on-curve creature that reads
>"When this dies, draw a Demonic Tutor"
has me re-evaluating how this card slipped under the radar.
stop playing token meme decks
Ah, but you see my dear fool,
through my many brews I have discovered interaction pieces that solve more than just one problem at a time.

But yeah just killing us first is perfectly reasonable. Blocking is for losers anyway, en garde!
I can play that game too.
It doesn't work if the person isn't trying to samefag, my guy....
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Red also gets us the fairly decent-looking midrange option of Flameskull.
Worth pondering.
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So many options
so few card slots

Red does look very promising though. Great suggestion on that one.
I must win with activated ability elemental tribal land destruction
Get fucked.
Kys redditor
In theory it corresponds to how many decks in that cycle a given card is printed in, but all it really serves as is a way to skullfuck pauper at random.
I sort of understand the argument for not banning it because it doesn't 'hurt' the format as much as a card that makes a single busted deck, it merely enables a bunch of other decks. Ubiquity is a problem all its own for sure, though. And the fact that it's so fucking expensive is NOT helping. Like, what does the format look like without the One Ring? Is it even more narrow because suddenly a bunch of decks can't do shit for 4 mana?
>Lizard Rogue
>Makes creatures Mercenaries
>Only cares about Outlaws
So he doesn't synergize with his own ability or even himself. What shitty card design is this?
"700.12. The term outlaw refers to an object that has the Assassin, Mercenary, Pirate, Rogue, and/or Warlock creature types. "

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