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Do you think they even playtested Duskmourn?
Why would they?
enter what..?
Enter where?
How long until they go back on this "enters" crap?
It's definitely gonna happen eventually but how long?
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Never. It was over when they removed "to your mana pool" from lands

I don't believe playtesting is even possible anymore. every card is wordsoup and the boardstates are impossible to sight-read, there's no way to assess interactions in paper and no way to playtest in digital.
Why you make such obvious questions anons? Saturday we will see the whole extent of the bullshit but it's pretty clear even for the first look at the set they didnt play test shit. Prepared yourself.
Unlike "enters" this is a change that makes sense
Maybe I'm a retard-brain zoomer/boomer but I don't think mana goes anywhere that isn't your mana pool but shit enters things other than the battle field all the fucking time
>token enters the graveyard
>draw a card
wow this card is OP
>each player exiles all but six cards from their library
oh boy I love totally uninteractive game-ruining garbage
If you want to speculate, Leovold is supposedly being unbanned in EDH soon according to some leaks in D*scord servers I'm not a part of - this is hearsay, but from a person I trust.
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>Vageta has more toughness and less power than Goku
now do ultra instinct shaggy
Hmm yes. Very balanced for the next secret lair.
inverter at home?
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>Kills himself
Is your opponent putting you on a six turn clock really so terrifying?
I don't care how "terrifying" something is.
I care that it's awful design.
I'm sure they playtested at least 90% of Duskmourn
3 turn clock, they draw two times a turn
1 turn clock they draw 6 times a turn
Why is it awful design space?
I actually laughed, so this gets a pass. It would also see play simply because it costs 25
Ooh this might have a home in the mono-red ramp deck I've been brewing
Yeah bro that BBBBBB cost creature card is really terrifying
Does your store play music in the background?
What is the playlist?
EDH players must hate this,
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audio rips of management seminars from the 1960s-1990s
I think the Skeletons brew is going to end up in BR.
Turns out we have some very good Descent enablers in that combo.
It's a good card for the "fuck it, I want this game to end soon" approach that will inevitably get you angry people who wanna play twenty-turn games.
Now this is a very spicy option for the BR setup...
It does almost everything we need all at once. Crimes plus Descend on one body, with no mana cost for either...
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It looks like the choice is between mono black for pure speed, or black/red to trade speed for staying power. Was Gutterbones too slow?
>Was Gutterbones too slow?
It not going straight to the battlefield hurt in tests but it was not a bad option by any stretch. We had enough haste and stuff to throw at people where it wasn't tough to get online at any point.

Slots are just tight. When it's competing with Tinybones and the Miner, it's a tough call.
Do you know what interaction is?
oh, oh. no. STORE. sorry, i have a personal stash of stuff at home. lot of lee iacocca, stuff like that.
the shop plays a lot of dadcore, new wave, and REAL HUMAN BEAN-style synthpop with some Haircuts For Men vaporwave-y stuff on that mix. one day it's Hall and Oates, next week it's The Cure, pretty generally safe tunes that most people will enjoy or ignore rather than actively dislike.
Fair. It makes me wonder about what the max speed mono black build looks like, since pioneer has three different 2-power 1-mana skeletons plus Tinybones. I think both are viable, but it's pretty cool that there are options.
Classic rock. I tune most of it out but I've heard some talking heads and, rarely, wolfmother.
>Fair. It makes me wonder about what the max speed mono black build looks like, since pioneer has three different 2-power 1-mana skeletons plus Tinybones. I think both are viable, but it's pretty cool that there are options.
Likely the core setup of 1cmc Skelebros, Case and Corpses, plus Dread Bishop.
Black has a few burn options in the format, though slow ones.
Different things because the players are in charge of it. I should put this on one night during the last round
Not unless something's changed since the last time I went, no
The background to most magic games is the sound of the warhammer players rolling dice and shouting in the other room
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If the other guy is schizoposting im gonna do it to. I took simic ninja aggro to top 500 mythic earlier this month but my rank decayed and got tanked by trying stupid decks. Straight UG evolve is playable now that amalia is gone and this new version with mockingbird, neoform and cobbled lancer has caused 3 turn 2 concedes in a row lol. Cobbled lancer + mockingbird is so nuts and this deck can now nut draw with that as well as turn 2 11 power with evolvers and halo hopper. Experiment one needs to be on arena
>Wasting digits
The neoform toolbox is also great because of how much BG food there is running around. I just beat one of them by exiling their insidious roots on turn 2 with t1 rubblebelt, t2 neoform for vandal t3 vandal.
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Meant to say that I copied vandal with mockingbird on turn 3 and forgot image.

srry I swear I play this deck in paper too
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I'll take a card that destroys Standard over a card that warps four formats simultaneously any day.
That's where the bar is now. A set just has to only destroy one format not four.
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Is there an HD version of this design?
Looks cool.

I saw a lot of people trying to replicate it but the actual pic is always in this shitty resolution no matter where it's posted.
Alright. Keeping it simple to start, mono-black Skeletons. Likely not the best setup, as China's ban on skeletons means WotC only barely supports the tribe these days., We likely want to stretch into more colors for wider options.

Thouever, starting simple with the monocolor variant seems sensible. Fruit of Tezerus is proving to be perfectly respectable Crime enabling and healthy extra reach to climb over walls.
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And now for the actual list.
Ignore the spaghetti.
the china ban on skeletons is a hoax
(mostly older) chinese people find things like skeletons and graves unsettling but there's no real ban
>the china ban on skeletons is a hoax
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Inferior sleeves.
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Here's a webm I'm not gonna try to copy the other guy's style any more but this deck is cool and I want to share it because it really is viable
I'm glad we're in agreement.
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We came to similar conclusions.


How necessary do you think Fatal Push is in a deck full of suicide troops like this?
>How necessary do you think Fatal Push is in a deck full of suicide troops like this?
Not at all. Honestly, I think I would prefer removal that hits bigger shit so we can cleave through Sheoldred and Nykthos bodies without the need for Baron deathtouch.
Our 1-drop slot is also very flooded and 2-drops open. Go for the Throat maybe?
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Bitter Triumph is probably still the best option. Skeletons are definitely second class citizens when compared to vampires and zombies. There are a FUCKLOAD of good 2-drops in those types, and there are only two legendary skeletons in Pioneer.
I hate bolting myself, but to each their own.
I think it's worth the tradeoff of being able to hit anything. Also, I found a perfect 2-drop for our deck. It turns out, this card isn't as shit as I thought.
Shiieeeet! That's pretty good!
Yeah though holy fuck Skeletons do not have any 2 drops.
There are only 15 2-drop skeletons in the entire game. Emperor of Bones would be perfect, but it's in MH3.
I would take Emperor of Bones without Adapt or any of the text below it honestly.
>Zombie so it sips the Death Baron buff incidentally
>A not awful removal option when coupled with snow lands, which we can run in droves in monocolor.
>Crime enabler.
An interesting option.
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Blessed perfection
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they didn't even do it consistently in bloomburrow
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>enter LGS
You know, now that I see it, I think I'ma need about 15 more lines of text that don't do anything.
I miss Boseiju
They might have needed that so they could specify the "under your control" part
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what about this one
for the love of fuck
do not prove the schizo retard giga-sperg grammar autist right
not what grammar means
oh god he's here
If Duskmourne doesn't have good skeletons for this shitbrew I am going to riot.
not too many animated skeletons in recent horror movies, desu
you're the one who sounds like a schizo, now
Duskmourn important creatures:
4.Spirits (Glitch Ghost)
5.Scarecrow (Wickerfolk)
6.Toy (Quicken Toys)
8.Beast (Beasties)
10.Human (Survivors and Cultist)
>Casting an opponent's Arclightt Phoenix
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>Horror set
>No skeletons
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These trigger both Descend and Crime.
I think we're comfy enough with our trigger enablers with just the mana base, honestly. This frees us up for some more SKELEBROS without having to worry about enabling triggers.
Mono-black feels like the real home more and more with further tests.
I assume they playtest Standard sets more than others, they probably think that "Modern is OP anyway" so broken shit doesn't matter as much.
It makes sense. This set is based on "modern horror", and skeletons aren't really a thing in modern horror movies and games. We might get one or two Skeletons though, they just aren't a core part of the set like the others.
I hadn't really thought of that, why do you think that is?
People find skeletons to be goofy now, not scary.
That's the problem. We're out of pioneer skelebros unless we want to slow way down and add either red or green.
a conspiracy by all the skeletons inside us to raise their public perception
It’s okay, surely they will learn from this and not repeat the mistake in the future
It really is amazing how people want this shit to go on forever. Nothing should dir so a company can bring it back in a future release. Fucking marvelbrained niggers
No one's ever really gone.
it's just a cool setting, man
I totally forgot about Smugglers Copter and Mutavault. Those are some of the best skeletons in the game. I also added Sunscorched Desert as a crime/life loss trigger that doesn't eat all our mana and used Urborg to compensate for the non-black lands, with the added bonus that we can play redundant Urborgs to trigger descent.

>4 Urborg
>Legendary land
absolute madlad
Mutavault is legit though. Good catch.
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Sorcery speed sucks but skeletons do get some great removal options if you're willing to lean into the Bone Splinters realm.
Alright, skeleton report.
I did some solid quick testing.
Case + Corpses is truly nuts.

I am leaning away from Tinybones. The upside is notable, but it just doesn't feel like it fits in with the overall game plan. Maybe leave him as a 1-of? The potential high roll is still very high.
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wait fuck
>Mutavaults with Haste
I think I prefer Field of Ruin to Sunscorched. Field can trigger Descend and deal with a lot of problem lands in the format. Though, Scorched can be fodder for Ifnir Deadlands too. Very ponderworthy...
Honestly, Tinybones is going to make the cut by virtue of not having any other options. At least he trades up really well, and the ceiling is very high for him.

I added deadlands, since there isn't much downside. What nonbasic lands are you worried about that we need to target?
>What nonbasic lands are you worried about that we need to target?
Manlands (Eye Tyrant cycle, Restless cycle). Thespian's Stage. Castle Ardenvale. Mirrex. Fountainport The option to chop Niv to Light domain. Quite a few, actually.
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Read this and try to use regular templating for abilities.
/ccg/ subthread.
Good point. I really like them, but I guess the Sunscorched Deserts will have to go. I'm not going below 15 black sources in my deck with 20 one drops.
>I really like them, but I guess the Sunscorched Deserts will have to go
Not quite. Maybe just an alternative.
Sunscorched is really solid fodder for Ifnir Deadlands. Ifnir can trigger both Descend and Crime off of every Sunscorched.

>I'm not going below 15 black sources in my deck with 20 one drops.
'tis a concern, yes.
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For context, having removal on your lands is really very good. It's a solid package. I could see 4x Sunscorched, 4x Ifnir and maybe 2x Field working fine.
>The skeletons brew is literally one good 2cmc skeleton away from being cracked
Damn shame.
Please title your thread "General" rather than "genera" so it gets filtered properly. Thank you.
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And honestly... it isn't bad if we lean more into the slower/midrangier options... which honestly feel like the best way to do things...
>Not a Skeleton
still might work as a finisher.
5 evasive power is no joke. Even less of a joke with Baron tribal buffs.
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It's really REALLY frustrating. If Emperor of Bones was Legal or any of the halfway decent Zombie 2-drops had a little less flesh, we'd be in business. Even if we got something simple, like a "two mana for two bodies" spell.

I'll go 2 Field 2 Sunscorched for now. The only other thing that I might cut is the Meathook Massacre or one of the Mutavaults, but Mutavault is a skelebro and Massacre feels like a great way to close out a game when combined with Gutterbones.
Valgavoth hasn't even appeared in person yet and there's only one story article left. Even though Wizards has subtly set the ground for the possibility Duskmourn can keep going if he dies, i's going to feel unfulfilling if the creator of the new setting gets defeated immediately after we get to see him. It'd be like if the Eldrazi had all died in RoE.
We know you love furry shit fag, but understand people can like something better too.
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Playtest? Just FIRE it up.

Everything on this list ~ https://tinychan.net/topic/62127
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How do I make enchantments into creatures again?
Thank god Amalia is gone...
No. Why do you think Arena is free?
I love big blue creatures
is it worth it to try buying boxes from amazon, pillaging the cards then rewrapping in shrinkwrap to return? has anyone tried this? it seems like free money to me
might as well just ship a rock back or shoplift from walmart nigger
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Just Flicker it.

Or cast Opalescence and go to town.
>Case + Corpses is truly nuts.
people figured this out months ago?
>read this
>postage stamp size image
anon pls
that is Bloomburrow, Eluge is probably just a mutated swordfish
>the otters screaming at each other
>try to buy lower value signed card from mkm
>have to message the guy because i dont live in a supported country
>oh yeah that will be 40 euros to ship to you
Taught my wife how to use cardmarket and 12 deliveries came today.
All of them are frogs for her deck and I'm scared

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as long as she's paying for it, right anon?
Or the enitre Phyrexian invasion of the multiverse was defeated in the same set it launched!
They don't use it for the past-tense, simple as. And if they have to err on the side of using it, they will.
doesn't work the way you think it does
>They don't use it for the past-tense
Why not?
Considering LCI ended with both its antagonists living and fleeing, as did WOE and even BLB, I think it's safe to say at best they'll neuter Valgavoth a bit, but not defeat him.
Because it reads better. If they need the text to be less ambiguous they will use 'enters the battlefield' or similar variants.
but it reads better in the present tense, too
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>Implying he can be defeated
maybe if Cruelcraw betrays him
I mean he literally almost died to a pissed off owl.
Yeah but the Phyrexians as an entity have been around for a much longer time.
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so you agree he is extremely powerful for a frog
>Text should be 6 lines MAX

this did not age well
Lifegain as strategy will die on September 29.

Screencap this.
Thankfully, yes
Not that 4 clement the worrywarts would break the bank
Playing against a lifegain deck is an awful meme and I'll be glad to see the archetype even more dead than it already is
>Domain has 15 Lifegain cards
it's over, Domainbros
Fuck please yes... We got rid of Amalia just to have to deal with Angels now, i can't be more bored about that slop of tactic.
>reddit goes ballistic over a store demanding $300 entry fee from non regulars for store championship event

meanwhile in europe

>20€ entry fee
>open to all
>limited to 24 seats
>still not sold out after weeks of announcement

Standard is truly dead over here.
please tell use some more reddit drama
Arena is not real Magic, anon,
he made no mention of arena, schizochad
Whenever one+ your tokens enter, draw (once per turn).
When Class 2, create token copying target your token.
Your c-tokens +2/+2.
This card is a bad design and if you play it you are also a bad bastard.
Behind every big horror archetype is some real fear. Werewolves - wild beasts, zombies - other people or shady science shit, etc.
Skeletons really never had anything going for them, they are usually disposable tools for bid bad guy in media. I can't remember a movie or book where skeletons were the main focus.
A BBEG skellington is usually called a lich, and the line between lich, zombie and skeleton is very blurry.
Make your own, i cant post there anymore
I used to sleep with Autumn Burchett regularly and got banned for posting their fetlife
I got a talking to from a store judge because I play slow and badly, but without going to turns in my matches. I was also at the top of the brackets being undefeated going into finals at this store championship. If they want to offer prizes with money like Urza's Saga, they really should just go full comp rel and not this normal rules-plus nonsense.
and you didn't kys? damn
im not a 41%er but a holes a hole sometimes
I'm pretty sure they're playing ai-generated fantasy/warhammer soundtracks and I'm thinking up ways to nicely say, "this is shit. Put some Sleep on." But I also can't be fucked either way.

Also, I'm pretty sure the owners like it. Which is kinda sad.
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Final main story for Duskmourn.
>Niko finally wakes up alongside the Wanderer and Nashi
>Other nezumi just aren't there for whatever reason, guess the cult didn't see value in them
>Niko tries to use a shard to cut themself free of their bindings while Nashi experiences a guilt-induced catatonia over losing his friends AND his mother
>The head cultist returns then, saying it was clearly a good thing that those friends followed him because it means more followed the flame like a moth or some shit
>Niko and the Wanderer are to be devoured by Valgavoth, while Nashi is to be reborn in one of their chrysalises, is the plan
>Winter barges through, angry that his own demands weren't met by the cult
>Then another voice comes in, coming from all over the room at once, saying that it promised Winter exactly what it promised Marina, his heart's desire
>Valgavoth himself appears in front of the group at this point, a giant moth-like demon, as you'd expect, though he's only projecting from the walls, he's still not able to be freed from the House even inside it
>Valgavoth explains that Winter's the first since Marina to promise a proper sacrifice, of four lives
>Niko quickly realises that there's only three here, and so Winter must have sacrificed his old friend he came to Duskmourn with
>Winter's desire, naturally, is to get out of the House
>Valgavoth laughs, then produces a door
>Winter stumbles towards it, but before he can open it, a big dumb elf arrives on the scene, making an entrance by launching a cultist into a wall
>Zimone, camouflaged by Tyvar's transmutation, comes to free Niko, while Valgavoth's anger at being interrupted causes the whole House to shake
>Niko's freed, then immediately uses some shards to free the Wanderer
>Wanderer grabs her sword and just as quickly frees Nashi, giving him a small bit of encouragement
>Winter STILL can't get to the door in the chaos of everything
Asia doenst like them so is a less safe option than other monsters or even original ones like Alien
i wish that rat was me...
>Niko ensures Winter can't open the door by sealing him into a shard
>Valgavoth's doing some weird shit by making acid webbing appear, I dunno
>Tyvar continues to beat up cultists and be the only person having a good time
>Zimone uses one of the devices Niv-Mizzet gave them to capture a cultist, which I guess they can do
>Tyvar then transmutes himself into the same stuff the device is made out of as Zimone throws it at him
>Wanderer is just personally holding off Valgavoth here, which is surprising, though she's not really doing more than stopping him, she can't seem to actually hurt him
>Nashi grabs the thing that was projecting Tamiyo's living memory, and the memory explains that, with the stories taken from her, she won't persist without that ghost device, so there really isn't any saving her this time
>Nashi, once again, has a guilt trip
>The Tamiyo spirit can only give him gentle words of encouragement that he doesn't need her anymore, because look at what he did, he came this far after all
>Tamiyo's memory makes one final request, to let her go so that the few stories she has left aren't taken by Valgavoth
>The battle is NOT going well, as Valgavoth pulls in all sorts of nightmares and cellarspawn and all
>Niko opens the door, but as they do, Valgavoth makes it vanish
>Wanderer's half-tied-up in webbing, Niko tries to free her, but a cultist tackles them down
>Aaand Niko's fateshifter finally goes off, and they instead snatch the cultist that 'killed' them
>Valgavoth makes some ominous statement that they clearly have lost, but Nashi distracts him enough by freeing Tamiyo's memory scroll and letting it dissolve
>Valgavoth says it doesn't matter, because he still has all these folks here, and is about to bite the Wanderer in half
>Kaito, somehow, arrives, sticking his blade right through Valgavoth's back
I always appreciate your write-ups, thanks lady
>Valgavoth retreats, too wounded to fight much more right now, and Kaito's revealed to have come through a door formed by blue light, reminiscent of an Omenpath and Aminatou's own moths
>The door opens up, revealing Proft, urging them all to run through
>They all get through after a brief last-minute scuffle with a nightmare that nearly decapitates Tyvar
>Proft leads them through the hallway that is what Kaito explains to be an artificial Omenpath, created through a mix of using Kaito's spark, Proft's mind magic, Aminatou's fate abilities and the piece of Duskmourn they snagged, but it won't last and will dissolve soon enough
>Nashi decides that it's better to put the scroll into the hallway because that way Tamiyo's memory can live on in the Blind Eternities
>The gang all get back through the Ravnica, whereupon the door vanishes into moth dust
>Cut back to the House, where Valgavoth comes back to the scene of the fight, angry about the failure
>He also reaches into an attic, where a 'bundle of orange fur' has been captured, so Valgavoth has Loot which is probably fine
>He also grabs Winter, who seems to have escaped Niko's shard during the kerfuffle, and says that he promised Winter freedom, so he'll give Winter freedom of a kind, before absorbing Winter into himself and vanishing
>Back to Wanderer and Kaito on Kamigawa, alongside Aminatou for some reason, mostly just relaxing while Nashi tells stories to some youngsters, carrying on his mother's legacy
>Tyvar and Niko went with Zimone to Strixhaven, mostly to compete in Mage Tower
>Back on Ravnica, Proft is in his office, when an unseen door opens up behind him, forming out of nothing, with moths on it that seem to glare
>It opens up and a chill wind passes through it, but when Proft actually turns to look, there's nothing there at all
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what's up with the Domain lists running this in the sideboard? Isn't Grand Abolisher strictly better?
>a lich
Or, like, a Death. Skelly face is supposed to the the face of your own death staring back at you, that's what it represented in the past and why it was considered genuinely scary. Zombies have largely replaced them, I wouldn't have expected to see skeletons in duskmorne, but I think modern skeletons need some connotations of inevitability (and maybe grim humor) to work and MtG skellies aren't a bad start.
Also, uh, side-note, the door Winter was gonna get sent through was to Innistrad. Out of the fire, into the frying pan, I guess.
>Wanderer's half-tied-up in webbing,
That's kind of hot
Oh, wait, double side-note, Proft isn't in his office, he's in his mind palace, which makes a door opening up in there very suspicious, but it's probably just Jace then.
I have been out of the game since Kamigawa
What's been happening, storywise
Unlike Abolisher it doesn't get exiled by temporary lockdown and draw you cards with sunfall token I guess. Also I'm pretty sure most people don't even know that Grand Abolisher is standard legal.
I guess it was inevitable the story would conclude with a big fight since it's a Magic story, but that's a bit disappointing. Seems the DSK was mostly setting up for future plotlines, between Loot getting nabbed, Vulvagoth on the prowl, and the extra timeshifters that weren't used. Oddly no dragons or anything Tarkir related though, so maybe the arc won't be about that.
Elesh Norn made an executive management decision to add an always-online requirement to the oil. This proceeded to immediately backfire when the wifi went out, and now Phyrexia has been completely jobbed by bad writing.
Aside from that, absolutely nothing.
oh...Sunfall token draws with Kutzil? Interesting, I thought that part was just flavor text
Dodging shock and cut down is also relevant
>Valagavoth goes to Innistrad
>Tries to eat the Moon
>Oops, all Emrakul
sorry to spoil the next two years of plot for you
>shock and cut down
>in matchups where you would wring an anti-counterspells dude
come on, now

>cut down post-sb vs domain
yeah gotta make sure you will those tidebinders they may or may not have for 1 mana
>Elesh Norn made an executive management decision to add an always-online requirement to the oil. This proceeded to immediately backfire when the wifi went out, and now Phyrexia has been completely jobbed by bad writing.
You know some hack wrote this while malding in queue for solo player Diablo IV
Tyvar carried this story hard whit his caveman mannerism
What the fuck was the point of Jace being in this story anyway? Was it just so that big V could steal Loot?
enter who?
No, it's just that they wrote themself into a corner by making the oil so effective that just one drop would turn people into a phyrexian. So they need to find a way to explain why all invaded planes didn't turn into another new phyrexia.
I hate that they got rid of the "peasant" class and replaced it with "citizen!" "Citizen" is for city folk, "peasant" is for country folk! One works in a town and the other works on a farm, they're two completely different lifestyles! I guess WotC doesn't think much of rural working-class people!
>>>Wanderer is just personally holding off Valgavoth here, which is surprising, though she's not really doing more than stopping him, she can't seem to actually hurt him
Surprised Kaito was able to actually hurt him instead
Wrong, newfag. It was over when they got rid of interrupts. Basically a different game now.
I don't know what any of this means but thank you.
I guess this is what i get for asking for 20 years of cliffnotes
I still cant believe kamigawa was 2004, it doesnt feel that long since i last played
I want Tyvar to pound my bussy.
ohhh, you meant original kamigawa.
there's a second kamigawa???
This. "Winter" in the last scene is Jace. Jace has already shown he can enter Proft's mental spaces. All according to plan.
Funnily enough, not much else has happened still
What are you talking about? Peasant are still a thing, Citizen are only a thing in New Capena and some UB.
What can we expect tomorrow with the first spoiler wave anons?
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>The Kamigawans have discovered electricity, experienced an industrial revolution, and entered a computerized era.
What the hell
also it seems sparks are completely different now?
So jace gets merged with a demon.
Just according to keikaku?
This is what gorgonussy does to a man, yes.
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>guru island is over a thousand euros
feels surreal seeing these in binders back in 2005 for 60€ laughing how retarded you had to be to pay his much for a basic land while we picked up beta island for less than 5€.
Fucking Jace, why he turned to be evil? He was supposed to be our blue PW planeswalker now he is asking to be replaced by Teferi
5 cents at the nearest chinaman
china man cant fake the set symbol. you'll get instantly exposed.
by who? are you checking your opponent deck and cards at every chance? chinaman can make very realistic fakes.
Is Commander turning MTG into a game of YGO-esque power creep?
guru set symbol got unique foiling. you can really tell across the table. first china men printings had no foiling, later prints rainbow foiling which is also wrong.

if you pull out guru lands you want the attention so you'll get it.
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Oh. In that case here's the summary
>Planeswalkers got nerfed massively because writers wanted to add stakes to the story. Proceeded to not do anything interesting with this and new protagonists are so overpowered they may as well still be oldwalkers.
>Nicol Bolas was brought back as a major villain
>Jobbed 3 times from sheer stupidity for no real reason despite allegedly being a mastermind. Currently stuck in Bill Cosby dimension where Ugin is injecting him with white mana until he apologizes for being evil
>Oh yeah and Ugin's a new dragon character that retroactively grew up with him and had huge importance to him (did not actually have nearly anything involved with him, he was so useless people thought he was going to be a second villain until he wasn't)
>This encompassed the story arc that many people consider the biggest disaster in MtG history, War of the Spark, which was also one of the worst sets of all-time that marked a huge downturn in product quality. Probably the worst (most unbalanced) set that was ever printed into Standard to this day.
>A bunch of other villains came and went in similarly stupid ways. Eldrazi were an oldwalker threat until new-walker Chandra just burned them up with fire. Because that makes sense.
>Bunch of sets centered around fuckall happening in Ravnica because WotC knows Ravnica makes money for them.
Generally the story has been a complete dumpster fire and you missed almost nothing.
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Favorite alt art?
>I still cant believe kamigawa was 2004, it doesnt feel that long since i last played
I share the same feeling
for me, I still recall OG Ravnica beign recent in my memory, but... alas... time flies
There was a brief bit of dragons when Kaito was attacked by weird illusion dragonfire, but that was very unclear.
I guess surprise factor does a lot. Valgavoth is powerful, but he's not omniscient and he's fundamentally still "just a demon".
Would explain why Winter was suddenly free, but who knows. Jace being able to mentally dominate Valgavoth would feel a bit much, but we don't actually have too many points of comparison for how good Jace really is. We know Bolas outclasses him, but not so much that Bolas completely no-sells him, and he's likely grown since, so.
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It could also be the case that Jace just tricked him, like he did with Elesh Norn. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, as he's already done it multiple times in the past few sets.
Oh yeah I also forgot
>WotC started making fucktons of planeswalkers because they wanted to build up to War of the Spark, introduce new important recurring characters (almost none of which were interesting or had to be planeswalkers), and above all, fill out the new type of permanent card they made just for planeswalkers (another disaster)
>Again this was to build up to War of the Spark, which was WotC's attempt to copy Avengers Endgame's "woah look at all these characters coming together to fight one guy" (most of these characters were not fleshed out in any way. Some of them still didn't even have names by the time they were killed offhand)
>I seriously can not overstate how much damage War of the Spark did to the game at every level
>WotC ran into a new problem, every format is now dead or dying except Commander/EDH, where planeswalker cards aren't popular because they can't be your commander
>Desparked a fuckton of planeswalkers all at the same time for basically no reason (this also doesn't kill them despite it directly contradicting previous writing)
>Functionally this didn't do anything because immediately after, interdimensional portals opened up everywhere that let non-walkers travel between planes.
I haven't played since before mirrodin like 2002 or 2003 or something, bought a few packs and they were straight trash. Like nothing playable.

Have packs gotten worse? I remember buying 5 packs back then and pulling at least something decent. I also noticed theres collectors sets now, seems like a scam to me.
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> bought a few packs and they were straight trash. Like nothing playable.
Why do you lie anon? The powercreep is so fucking bad than the average common could have been a rare back then.
That looks good, which pack is that? I got Neon Kamigawa
You'll probably see a lot of junk commons that blow out the rest of your collection, but they're still junk commons, the net power level has gone way up and the disparity between good/bad cards has also gone up.
I can buy Jace doing something like tricking Valgavoth into his own mind, and if there's ANYWHERE Jace could mentally defeat a being like that, it's in his own head.

You just cracked the wrong packs
Remind that she's auto-ults now with Innkeepers in play
A single drop on a plane will, eventually, completely infect the entire plane. A single scratch, no matter how tiny, can infect a planeswalker and turn them 100% phyrexian within a few hours. But they still need converter pods to surgically convert people, because despite being able to completely convert people with the tiniest scratch or a single drop they also still need surgery because they just need them sometimes but only when the plot needs them too. Even the tiniest drop of oil, the briefest contact with a phyrexian, can infect you, but also it's safe to eat them and there's no risk involved with that whatsoever. Apparently saliva and stomach acid are capable of completely neutralizing the oil. The oil works however the plot needs it to work, and the plot needed the oil to stop working, so the oil stopped working.
I like battles.
I want more battles.
Give battles WOTC.
I remember when vanilla 3/3s for 3 were great cards in limited...
there are rumors they are coming back in return to tarkir, but regardless of that, you can definitely expect more battles before the end of 2025
I was CERTAIN there were gonna be more battles printed in new Ixalan cause all the previews looked like they were hinting towards the underworld gods invading the surface world but then that didn't happen and we got... whatever the fuck happened in Ixalan instead
They were in consideration for Bloomburrow, but didn't make the cut. I fully expect them to return at some point, it's just a matter of time. Probably Tarkir.
what's so nice about battles? there is no real playable battle outside of gobakhan and they are boring permanents.
The notes the author just put up add
>Proft touched Valgavoth. That means Valgavoth knows how to touch him back.
Ah. So just more "oh whoops Val's a problem going forward". I don't think he's gonna be the big bad going forward, but I think the threat of Valgavoth will be a whole 'thing' to deal with.
>warp into evil house plane
>drop mana nuke
>somebody dies setting it off
Where have I seen this before?
WotC writers are worse than a DnD crew who learned that bags of holding are also bags of destroy BBEG.
Cant say i expected all that.
Why is she a furry
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For the same reason Sorin is a furry, and Liliana, and Nissa...
Furry set anon.
>Why is she a furry
For literally no reason except to sell alt art chase cards, Bloomburrow changes people into animals when they show up. This is not explained, it does not make sense, buy our collector's product so you can get a fursona planeswalker.
>So you can get a fursona planeswalker.
>B-b-but it does not make sen...
Don't care. Cute animal planeswalker are kino, same with BLB.
Cute animals are great, but planeswalkers are dogshit, so it evens out to be meh
Rarely, some planes will change anybody that planeswalks into them to fit their theme. Segovia, the "everything is tiny" plane, shrinks anyone planeswalking in to the plane's "normal" size. Bloomburrow changes human planeswalkers into furries (and in the hypothetical case for Karn, into a tree).
They change back to normal when they planeswalk out of the plane. If you enter/leave the plane through other means, you don't change.
Actually, Bloomburrow specifically changes literally anybody that comes in, regardless of how. It's a more forceful change than Segovia's, I guess. It's not explained HOW, but it's fuctionally a planewide enchantment. Maybe it's naturally part of the plane, maybe an ancient visitor made it, who knows.
A skull has been a symbol of our death since before physical records of our history have existed.
legacy lands is the most fun deck ever made
except for manaless dredge in vintage
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More skelebros tests underway.
Pic related are the test pieces I"m leaning on recently.
Sandstorm Verge repeating Crime triggers is legit, while Sunscorched only gets a single on play. The single Crime trigger is free so it's give and take, but stripping blockers does FAR more for the overwhelming bone tribal aggro plan than one point of damage.

Blood Hunter may not be a skeleton, but it's a strange sort of glue that pulls many parts of the deck together. It's a threat that grows fast, has a mana sink that gives us the extra few points of damage we lose by dropping Sunscorched, repeating Crime triggers. It just dose a lot of things that we want.
Deserts really feels like the right path for the list.
what would it take for them to actually ban Atraxa from all formats?
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Gutterbones entering tapped is a total nonbo with Corpses of the Lost. It's out.
Tinybones's biggest death knell is its 1 power. We want match speed murder, and already get more than enough value from the recursive bones. He's out for now.

Skeletal Swarming is proving to be way too good a curve-topping wincon to exclude. Hashep Oasis is also proving to be ridiculous with the Deserts plan. The mana base is going to be a tough one to figure out, but BG gives us many tools and the raw speed gameplan doesn't feel right the more I play it.

The deck feels like it wants to lean into overwhelming bone armies, not rapid tempo. Fast, yes, but resilient, just like Skeletons should be.
They will not ban her. The Angel is here to stay and will remain. Like Niv Mizzet.
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I originally underestimated Moss Pit Skeleton. Now that I'm testing it alongside Blood Hustler, turns out a 6/5 recursive hasty threat on the back of Corpses of the Lost is really quite hard to deal with in the late game. Dude's like a freight train, and just a normal ass Bear is pretty close to the best 2 drop skeleton available.

The core trio of Miner, Hustler and Moss-Pit feels like a very healthy set of creatures to support with Deserts and other Crime enablers. Alongside Visage of Dread's fat, menace Skeleton backside, we end up with a pretty intimidating late game of hasty, evasive, recursive high-power threats with Trample.

I really like this deck. I don't think it's a format topper, but it has a lot of fun tools, and a nice mix of speed, resilience and hard-hitting bombs.
Hope anyone who worked on her fucking dies
Golgari also gets us our new best friend:
Rot Farm Skeleton.
It's literally the best possible thing to curve off a Corpses of The Lost.
They kill it? Great, just re-play it and mill more shit you want in your 'yard. It plays like a Phoenix except with 5 power instead of 3, turning games that would otherwise stall out into a constant onslaught of unstoppable sledgehammers. Rot-Farm is a SCARY fucking card when it has haste.
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I'm still settling on options. For now, we end up with a list like this.

As mentioned, you lose a good amount of speed stretching into two colors, but It think we more than make up for it with brutality and resilience.
So has anyone discovered how to break the Rottenmouth Viper yet?
I have seen some Ygra decks with two main copies for extra sac outlet but i think overall Rottenmouth is at best a mid tier card and not enough for a competitive deck.
Yeah I find that it basically boils down to "food is the only thing worth sacc'ing to cast Viper because you'd almost always just rather have the other resources than the Viper"
Doesn't Lotus Storm win on turn 4-5? I was under the impression that you have to go really fast to compete with combo decks in Pioneer.
don't bother replying to that retard
Lotus isn't really a deck in the format. It has a small meta share but tons of lists hedge it out of the format. Some metas have a lot of it, but its not like a major problem deck in the format.

And yes it can win t4-5, but that's irrelevant because you bring in SB pieces and it crumbles. Field is not the hardest deck to solve.
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I, for one, am happy to have summoned a genuine seething hater lmao.
To clarify, you don't have to be exceedingly fast to beat the combo decks in Pioneer.
You have to have a good enough mix of speed and disruption so you can beat them first while holding them off. Lotus in particular is comedically vulnerable to Duress and a few choice hate pieces. It's not difficult to stonewall Field's combo for 3, 4 or 5 extra turns. Other combos in the format are similar. Amalia was a real outlier with how resilient it was.
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Also, on the topic of speed, this curve is 20 damage on turn 4.
>2 on turn 2
>9 on turn 3 (11)
>9 on turn 4 (20)
We do not lack speed.
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You. I like you.
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Soon the eternal spoiler season will resume.

Do you miss the 4 sets each year with one or two complementary product of mostly reprints?
All of this in less than seven months almost a product each month.
This is not right, Mark, and your Hasbro Overlords will end seeing this too when the customers get tired of this overload.
I really hate how homogenizing Urza's Saga is and it's necessity in the deck.
I hate Urza's Saga cause a Saga Land is a really fucking cool idea and now we're never gonna get another one cause the first one was too homogenizing
Profits are record high. Magicfags are to TCGs what Pokefags are to video games. Each release is more watered down and low effort, but people will buy it anyways out of sheer habit.
I'm glad Saga gets dad dicked by Wrath of the Skies in Modern. The one good thing about that card existing.
>amalia is banned
>sorin is banned
huh i might go back to playing this shit game now
>the two hottest vampires got banned
Bro what's even the fucking point anymore
>jund sac is back thanks to ygra
godbless this cat
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no ring is meta-commentary
the thing about lotus is it can easily win fast through any noncreature hate piece thanks to boseiju or just grind through countermagic in long games. it's basically a better yorion grindpile or keruga fires
I love that cat like you wouldnt believe she alone made the fucking rakdos sac into jund/bg. And with the talent is a fucking beast
>my cat eats ur entire board
Give list. I need to bake cats.
Who jobbed harder?
Nicol Bolas?
Tough call. I'm inclined to say the Phyrexians since they were the most widescale threat and were getting their asses kicked in half the planes they invaded even before Elesh Norn jobbed.
Probably the Phyrexians since they somehow jobbed to Amonkhet which was left in absolute ruins following the death of Bolas.
After that is Bolas because he jobbed 3 different times and every single time made no sense at all.
Last one is Eldrazi because they only jobbed once.
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Phyrexians jobbed the hardest because they got to a point where their oil was literally everywhere and it was impossible for them to lose but they somehow did anyway because the writers rewrote all the rules and made them retarded.

Bolas jobbed the hardest because he spent thousands of years scheming with his 300 IQ and got to the point where it was impossible for him to lose but he somehow did anyway because the writers retconned his entire backstory to invent an equally powerful equally smart dragon that was undermining him the whole time.

Eldrazi jobbed the hardest because they destroy planes like a fat kid destroys cupcakes, making it impossible for them to lose but they somehow do anyway because the writers keep inventing spells that the meat sacks can cast with their miniscule amounts of mana to thwart their meal plans.
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>People who don't even play magic can see the problem more than R&D
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Hey you guys remember how collected company is a card that does stuff
what if we printed a collected company you repeat every single turn for free lmao

why yes I will put another tax piece into play to lock you even further out of the game
are you gonna pay 11WW for that sunfall?
The bard is really good, but only grabbing one creature and only on your turn means that he's nowhere NEAR as good as CoCo.
>4 mana

Sorry, you already died on turn 3 to a Slickshot Show-Off or a Heartfire Hero. Or this gets removed immediately by a Go for the Throat or Leyline Binding.
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somewhat based
coco only happens once. Bard will be a 3/4 body and the creature it fetched out the turn it comes down thanks to skrelv / etc, then it prints more bodies each turn, and can draw cards on the opponents turn.
MH2 had the evoke elementals, MH3 had the boltlands
both terrible mistakes
I suppose it would be good in an aggro deck, but I think of combo decks when I think about CoCo.
Based except for TOR.
Too slow for aggro. Perfect for death & taxes
I've been playing Boros Mice on arena and I ended up cutting it for >>93769947 reasons. By the time it can come down it's usually too late to do much.
It's funny the community just let's them say "we think the format is fine; no bans" without any explanation. As if no bans lets them explain nothing. Their inability to justify no bans means they don't know what's going on. It's like everyone has a pinecone in their ass except for Wizards and they're like "we feel okay".

The tolerance for Magic's writing, enough that some people praise it, made me really lose faith in players. People who can process one of the most complex games in the world having the poetic literacy of Star Wars fans.

>equally smart dragon
One that just sat back and let Bolas skullfuck untold millions if not billions of lives before pulling the rug from under him.
The phyrexians, obviously. Non consistent or coehenty story writing just fucked them way harder than the others.

Nu Phyrexians before capena: they are vicious almost immortals that can turn others into them.
(manage to go full retard, invade multiple worlds, convert people in seconds but also manage to lose all battles...)(also "invade all the worlds in the infinite multiverse" is pure retardation)

Eldrazi before oath of the gay watch: Unstopable world consuming things that even old walkers couldn't kill.
(gets toasted by chanel fire ball, it wouldn't be bad if they hadn't confirm the 2 titans were dead...)

Bolas before the War of the Spark: Scheming mastermind with multiple plans going on at the same time.
(not only brings all the toys to defeat himself to a person who could use them, but also makes a retarded plan to bring all the planeswalkers from the infinite multiverse into a world that has the means to fight him back)(again with the "all things from the infinite multiverse" troupe, this is retarded and would be better if they just weren't retarded to state that the signal was sent to all, if it was just a few dozen it would be ok)(also going to ravnica was retarded if the signal went to all planes anyway...)

Nufags really got it rough, all the villains and story arcs are written by retards and it all sucks. Even the bad old stories are better than this shit.
Modern Phyrexians were basically Necromorphs with teleportation once they got a hold of walkers. And they still lost. I feel like nothing short of a Christian God could stop that and they had far less than that.
They compleated people in less than 1 day, that is how broken they written them during the march of the machines, and they managed to lose in absolute every single plane they went, even in sergovia that they somehow weren't downsized to "normal" size (in the plane) they managed to lose (when a fucking pip of oil would be enough to compleat the whole plane)

mtg has had not only its design fucked by retards but also its story, product line, and formats fucked as well. It is sad.
>1 day
Come on now
>Their inability to justify no bans means they don't know what's going on
that's like saying atheists' inability to justify no god means they don't know what's going on
I'd like to see Battles in Final Fantasy or Marvel. Would fill a similar function to Sagas in depicting certain big events.
I remember when a vanilla 2/2 for W was worthy of being legendary
spoilers when?
In about 10 hours or so.
nothing fancy, it's as traditional as you can get with sac + ygra and scavenger's talent
I'm honestly shocked we haven't got a 1 mana 2/2 with upsides and no downsides yet despite there being like twenty 1 mana 2/1s with upside at this point.
Yes, I miss the old block system.
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>cat lady energy
>no ring

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