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Previous: >>93757080 #

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
What’s your favourite “minigame” card ? What do you think of those style of cards usually?
most of their effects are too stupid to bother
>hurf durf I paid 20 life to take your one creature!
>*taps 5 islands, untaps 5 islands*
I have had success with goblin game once I start copying it.
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Bisexual Ugin
Gay Bolas
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Straight Bolas
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Yeah and for 7 mana I could cast picrel and actually win the game, maybe
I doubt it’s worth running. Vanilla 3/4 for a token or two is nowhere near being called a win-con
Thieves auction is a pain in the ass the resolve tho.
You would win because most people would probably fold if this resolves
A win is a win, scrub. Don't wanna play, then don't play at all
You sound like the guy last thread who has trouble finding pods because of the way he plays
>vanilla 3/4
Don't use words you don't understand holy fuck. She is not "vanilla" she has two incredible abilities. And yes if she's left alive she's absolutely a wincon that's why she's so powerful. She shuts down your opponents and builds a boardstate on her own
Anon no one talked about having trouble finding pods that's you and the whiny fags making things up lol
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Ascending above the rabble isn't a failure, it's a success
>Being nogames is good, actually
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>Myrel is a vanilla 3/4
I don't even know what to say
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The sooner you realize that this game is nothing but a giant scam, the better
This card is actually based though
Why are you here? To convince others to not play? It's obvious the other anons aren't going to stop, no matter what. So really, why are you here?
For the same reason that suicide hotlines and cancer survivor support groups exist, anon.
How gay?
>Suicide Hotlines
And how many do you think they really save? More than that, what makes you think any of them WANT to be saved? And more over, what does that mean, for you? Us not playing EDH anymore and playing another format? Quiting Magic entirely? What? Elaborate, plz.
Genuinely embarrassing behavior. Develop a personality and get a hobby. You are a worm
>It's obvious the other anons aren't going to stop
No it isn't.
>So really, why are you here?
To convince them to stop.
It's not like the anti-paypig argument is an exhausting burden, mostly you just see people trying to cope so you remind them that their efforts are misplaced, the game really is as bad as they think and it really would be better for them to quit.
So you're admitting to shitting up the thread with off-topic garbage just to start arguments, then?
I know what I said and I’m standing by it. If it does jack to defend itself as it attacks, then it’s as good as a vanilla 3/4. It’s good card, but unless you support it in any ways, it’s not a wincon at all.
He's being heckin based bro!!! The saddest part here is he probably loved magic, but he is incredibly weak willed so when stronger men around him started speaking out against it he decided oh I should hate it too! But since he is weak he can't actually just move on like the strong people who "inspired" him to change his mind. 4channites are so depressingly narrow in scope
Why is this vanilla 4/5 so popular? Seriously, it's just a vanilla 4/5, it doesn't do anything as it attacks.
It is entirely on-topic. Play better games.
The card is objectively a wincon. Being confident in your stupidity does not make you any less stupid anon.
>The card is objectively a wincon
In a vacuum? Absolutely not. The arbiter effect is solid, but doesn't win games on its own. How many times does it have to swing before the soldiers become an actual threat? How long can it keep swinging until it eats a lethal block to its otherwise vanilla body?
That other anon is right. Myrel is a good card, but not in a deck that isn't built to support her, if only by fielding a relevant amount of other soldiers.
Not anon, but I’ll elaborate for him.
He’s miserable and wants other people to be miserable. Do not direct your ire towards this anon, for he is broken. Pity him.
Post vanilla cards

Do you scoop out of spite to stop an opponents triggers or spells from resolving? Do you think it's appropriate? What would you do if someone did that to an opponent?
>in a vacuum
Literally yes. In a vacuum that card protects your board state, protects your turn, and churns out an exponentially growing army. Didn't read anything else cause you're bad at the game
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Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I love this one. 8 mana for a vanilla 12/12 isn't quite as good as something like Gigantosaurus, but being able to use colorless mana from Sol Ring helps make up for it.
>More than that, what makes you think any of them WANT to be saved?
The fact that they called the suicide hotline, lol. Why do you think that people post here to complain about magic? Do you think they come here to get the Hasbro party-line about how every meta is healthy and they totally love their fans?
Print proxies, or order chinese proxies, or make proxies with crayons, or just play better games.
I only ever scoop when someone has an infinite
think they'll ever print harder stax?
'Abilities can't trigger'
'replacement effects can't occur'
'If an effect an opponent controls would have you pay mana or life, instead, that opponent sacrifices that many permanents.'
It's s shame he's vanilla, I really like the deisgn
You're correct. She's a good commander but she's mid in the 99 of a deck that isn't centered around soldiers. But she isn't vanilla. Vanilla is used to describe a creature with no abilities at all. Considering that this board is full of terminally autistic 85IQ pedants, your misuse of the word doomed you from the start.
I’ll play devil’s advocate here.

Unless his deck makes soldiers on its own, then Myrel will not provide much value aside from one to three soldier tokens. And since Myrel has to attack to trigger her ability, it will be difficult to find a good target to swing at in the late game without killing her immediately. You will have spent four mana for a 3/4 and a 1/1 that are, in combat, completely vanilla. I don’t think it would be worth it.

Now if his deck was geared to make soldiers anyways, then yes absolutely run Myrel. Cause one attack is all you need to get your value from it.

And I would not personally call this card a “win con”, even if it was central to his strategy.
>protects your board state
Partially true, only on your turn, not against wipes, the primary bane of token generators.
>churns out an exponentially growing army
Technically true, but very slowly, with a body that's only okay and doesn't scale, plus the tokens she generates don't enter attacking, adding to the delay. Even with her exponential growth, and assuming a best case scenario of zero blocks and zero removal, how long until your wincon has popped people off the board? She's a wincon for a different deck.
>Didn't read anything else cause you're bad at the game
Considering your inability to evaluate a very simple card in a very simple scenario, you might want to reassess your definition of "bad".
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Best wincon in the game here, checking in. What'd I miss?
>unless his deck....
You're all fucking retarded. There's a reason this card and Adeline saw massive play everywhere. It's precisely because YOU DONT NEED other soldiers. They make them on their own. Genuinely bad players holy fuck, type less and become better at the game.
>play dick ass stax decks
>play games all the time both gamestores arond my country and with two groups
It's not very difficult to get people to play with you: have a few decks at different power levels; ask people about their cards; be reasonably polite and; when all else fails bring snacks or drinks. People mostly play edh to show off their collection of neat things, so let them know when they did something cool. And by being reasonably polite, I dont mean be a passive aggressive "nice guy", do things like showering and wearing clean laundry, pay attention when other people are playing, dont bring up politics or whatever, and ask questions if you dont understand something. By and large no one cares if you're competently playing a strategy they dont like as long as it's the same relative power level. The types of people who get butthurt about things and try to guilt trip you are best ignored, then avoided; they defeated themselves before the game even began.
I think what anon meant is that she's a vanilla creature where her combat ability is concerned. Creatures that want to swing every turn benefit from, and often have, some kind of relevant keyword. Usually some form or evasion, like flying or menace, or something that makes people reconsider blocking, like deathtouch or first strike. Having nothing means that during the combat step, she's basically a vanilla creature, and has to select her targets accordingly. She can't attack into any board that fields 4 power, which limits her right from the word go.
any suggestions for my lurrus companion deck?
This. All my best and most memorable games have come about when people played what they wanted, understood the back and forth of magic and just had a good time. Have there been power level disparities in the games? Absolutely! And we address them and move on, either by switching decks or playing archenemy.
Getting white mana injections from Ugin right now.
I consider instant speed scooping to be extremely rude unless it's down to 1v1. There's potential for your concession on someone else's turn to change the outcome of the game or drag it out needlessly. In some cases it could be considered tantamount to cheating someone out of their rightful win.
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>And we address them and move on, either by switching decks or playing archenemy.
This guy gets it. Good job anon.
>They're still crying from being told people don't like to play against stax
Oh wow who knew the people who don't let others play the game can't handle taking anything back
I scoop more than anyone else in my regular group. If it becomes clear that I'm going to be irrelevant during the rest of the game, I scoop. I don't want to waste my time. I think it pisses off my table a little bit, but I refuse to spend 45 minutes "draw pass" just because it's going to "affect the politics of the game".
I reserve the right to scoop at instant speed, but I have never and will never scoop at instant speed to fuck over someone who killed me.
At a public pod a long time ago, player #1 was going to kill player #2 and get a ton of value off of all the combat damage. Player #2 gets all smirky and says he scoops before damage step, so you don't get any of your triggers. Player #3 and I both look at each other and tell Player #1 to get all his shit anyway. Player #2 got so fucking mad he left the store.
Same energy.
Just ignore them at this point desu
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I am and will forever be the stax man
The real crime of stax is that they win through combo
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Aint even mad. You dont have to like every aspect of the game, but not preparing for a strategy you know about and dislike is just silly. It's even sillier to try and guilt people into liking what you like instead.
I'm not mad either just confused why you are replying to me or continuing to talk about this
I usually only scoop during my turn when it's apparent that neither I nor my opponents have a chance of coming back from someone's board.

However, I will scoop after completely fucking one or more players over if they're being cunts and I'm more than willing to take the opportunity to kill myself with my own effects to fuck over a trigger because it's objectively more frustrating since they have to waste resources to try and keep me alive if they want their shit.
Kind reminder that scooping is for tryhard pussies.
Very true, but if a win is presented everyone should have the common sense to agree to having lost and just shuffle up and go next.
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Because you're dumb and it's entertaining to insult you for throwing a tantrum and trying to guilt trip people? It isnt really complicated.
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This card has saved my ass more than twice, surprised more people don't use it
seeing this live was a magical moment.
commanders for this feel?
Wow what a quality post anon
So you're just a retarded troll then, got it. Thanks for giving me the high ground yet again because you're a moron
It's a good card with a good effect. Just not really worth 3 mana in most colors.
How often is a brief moment of blanket shroud relevant? If I want to protect multiple creatures, hexproof/shroud usually isn't cutting it, because the effect in question doesn't target, and most colors have access to better single-target protection. The effect doesn't seem bad on its face, I'm just wondering what the use case is.
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Post your face when you mana weave
Honestly it's more useful for cucking your opponent's strategy than it is for protecting your own stuff. Plop it down at the right time and they waste a bunch of spells and you get a bonus unblockable dude.
It saved me and others from the table against a monored and a dimir, gave enough time for everyone to catch a breather and reorganize
I think Mishra possibility storm is close. It's tough to quantify; is it a shitpost? Like did she try to be bad on purpose or was she genuine in the persuit? Truly a baffling display.

>please insult me again anon-sama
Stop, I can only get so errect.
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is lure good for you?
>still no lands in hand
she was genuine as in she rigged the competition in australia through her husband so she got selected to be sent to olympia, knew she lacked the skill to compete so she tried to go the break dance is an art, you cant judge art route.
could also be a super eleborate premium shitpost by straya which is the current running theory.

kinda like watching cEDH youtubers.
The narrative I heard at some point was that she more or less started the professional break dance scene in Australia, and was thus the only thing resembling an experienced professional athlete in the field, which is how she was chosen.
If it’s about making tokens on its own, Hero of Bladehold will go at about the same pace while pumping all of your other creatures.

Myrel is good if you already have a board presence established. Otherwise, it would take her three turns to surpass Hero of Bladehold for creature production.

And with Hero’s Battle Cry ability, it would take five turns for Myrel to surpass Hero of Bladehold’s damage output. Both are CMC 4, which means you can expect this to hit the board on turn 3-4. The average commander game goes between 7-9 turns.

So you have somewhere between 3 and 6 turns with this on the field. Supposing they both survive combat for all turns (unlikely), Hero of Bladehold can be expected to output 75 damage by the end of 5 turns. Myrel can put out a total of 43 in the same span of time.

Myrel can easily eclipse this number if you have other soldiers being made. But on her own, she kinda sucks.
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I really like this card. What's a good token deck with B in it, but only uses one or two different kinds of tokens? I usually hate token decks because you have you have like 100 different things out at once and it gets too chaotic. W might be good too, I have an extra anointed procession laying around I think.
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Yeah I heard she rigged the competition in her favor by creating the ajudicating body that evaluated the competition. Apparently she's also a phd in a bullshit field, so she got high enough on her own farts to believe her bullshit, which is why I dont think it's an intentional shitpost. So I guess the long way around it, if we were to quantify her as a magic deck she'd have to be something with one trick that's actually terrible, that people have deluded her into thinking it was good. Group hug maybe? I cant think of a specific commander that fits that description.
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Tokens are easier to keep track of when they are all one thing, that opponents (generally) don't wrath away.
Exactly. Also preferably no treasure or food shit.
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who is this art for? what did we do to deserve a thousand years of fugos?
You don't even need to really run other thrull stuff
There's one guy in my group who will keep fighting against all odds hoping to topdeck into a good response while everyone else waits. He's also the guy who plays shrines/lands. His latest thing is looping Glacial Chasm in Thalia+Gitrog without a wincon.
Myrel isn't a soldier deck, she's a robots deck
I bury this alive alongside angelic protector and outrider en kor in my shilgengar deck and then instantly win :thumbsup:
Shilgengar is my pick. I made him all about shitting out blood tokens for the win instead of reanimating silly stuff and it's been fun
Finisher in my Sidisi deck. I had game with it, Gossipers Talent (creature etb = surveil 1), Embalmers Tools and this. Managed to kill the table by milling just enough creatures that it'd make Purphoros blush.
They canned Terese nielson for this
Grabbed the Omo precon from Best Buy for $45. Check yours if there are any recent overpriced precons you're looking for.
This. Mirkwood Bats is basically an alt wincon in Shilgengar if you're not able to fill your GY enough before turn 6 or if you get Bojuka'd.
How much are serialized cards actually worth?
Basically nothing. No one really wants them outside of scalpers.
I imagine the first and final numbers are actually desirable, along with any meme number or ones relevant to the card. Outside of that, I don't see what the appeal is and that's not even factoring what an absolute nightmare it has to be for anyone going for a whole set with any semblance of cohesion.
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if I play vesuva or thespian stage and target my imprisoned in the mooned or dryad sang commander that is now a land, do I get a creature out of that? is it layers? me hates layers
Layers are the worst thing in the entire game
You get the creature. The creature is a land making it copyable but the things making it a land themselves are not copyable. So you get the permanent sans enchant
I always forget that unless the permanent is copying something already

She is, in fact, a gender neutral tranny deck.
Do you run pic related too? I feel like I need to find room for Gossip's Talent in my list, but I try to minimize the volume of noncreatures in my 99.
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i fear that my multani deck is too strong, ever since i added hurricane the other day and some untap instants to crank out ungodly mana from selvala i haven't lost a game. i'm a newer player so i still fully don't understand power levels (i think this deck is an 8) and the amount of whining in this game makes it harder to know what not to play.
if people are shitting their pants about rhystic study, what about my card drawing engines? where i'm making the whole table get cards with rites of flourishing / howling mine / temple bell and then making myself draw an ungodly hand size by sac'ing multani or realm seekers. then i'm looking to double his power and toughness with overwhelming stampede, tap selvala for a huge amount of mana, put down akroma's will + heroic intervention, untap selvala with oranamental courage, tap her again for an even more ungodly amount of mana and then fire off hurricane. (assuming i've already waited out the use of all counterspells on the table at this point, but if not i can use praetor's counsel or eternal witness to bounce the counterspelled cards back to my hand and try again, and if all that fails well i just cast fungal sprouting and make 100+ 50/50+ saporling tokens with akroma's memorial buffs. i closed one game out with that recently against a white player with 1,200+ life points (6k saporling dmg coming at him flying)
anyway sorry for shitting all of that out but this is the first deck that i'm really proud of and it's a blast to play and has a good theme and i've noticed that most people have hardly seen this commander and hearing them excited to learn about it's existence is awesome.

i am thinking though, is it too much? what could i swap out to reduce the power level a bit? or do you think it's fair enough.
afaik, Multani is still hit by hurricane since it doesn't target
What exactly are you looking for? Your deck's fine, I think it's in a reasonable state though it has some obvious weaknesses.
>people are shitting their pants about rhystic study, what about my card drawing engines?

Rhystic is unaccessible to most players because of the price and it doesn't need anything else, no other cards alongside it, to be good

How did you come across multanini if you're a new player? He's very old
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Now I am become dogfucker, destroyer of anuses
(The other decks are alright too I guess)
Just another /comfy/ Friday night of Magic B)
Hope you guys are having a cool Labor Day Weekend celebration too
I imagine some of them like the Praetors with the exclusive arts are more desireable but I really can't imagine people caring about like, the brothers war artifacts
Genuinely an incredible 1 drop imo
None of the others really matter it's an ugly box containing a number that blocks part of the card art
yes but heroic intervention would make him unable to be destroyed
what would be the obvious weakness maybe i could address those..
i'm a newer player but how i got started was a bought a pile of cards from goodwill and it was all urza's legacy / older cards and he was in the bunch, i'm also kinda of a freakish new player because i only really like old border magic so i tend to play with old cards or make custom old border proxy for cards that don't have old border printings.
>bought a pile of cards from goodwill and it was all urza's legacy / older cards and he was in the bunch
>open collector sample packs
>all trash
>doctor sample pack has surge foil guardian project
Truely, I have been blessed by The Master
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i don't blame you i got so lucky i had it happen twice, the first time it wasnt much value but it was priced like 6 bucks or something for the whole bag and there was a 7th ed ensnaring bridge in there that got covered the initial cost and then some.. otherwise nothing crazy tho i loved the art and flavor of the cards so much that it got me started into the game but dude.. the second time like a year later was actually insane.. 50 bucks for a collection in some thick plastic cases.. couldn't really go through them so it was a gamble based on the topmost cards in the cases but i just had a feeling and that turned out to be a goldmine.. it's all revised through 7th and shit.. including 2 prophecy rhystic studies..

funny story i was still so new at the time that i wasnt sure if they were real or proxies so i took them into my LGS and they laughed at me for worrying they might be fake.
Just to let you know, foil 7th edition cards tend to be very expensive.
there was two 7th ed foils in there
glacial wall and thorn elemental
Eh, like $14 bucks for the wall, the elemental is very cheap. Vernal bloom, however, is $70.
not too bad considering the $6 bag of cards it was in got me into the game kek
played against a mothman deck yesterday that shit was annoying lol mill decks fuck me hard
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Command Zone at it again with the bad takes
>mill is okay because that card you wanted could just as easily have been on the bottom of your deck! You’re just mad because you saw it and now it’s in the graveyard, play recovery!
Mill is annoying because you’re dumpstering my deck at bargain prices. If you had to counter or destroy each of those cards as they hit the field it would be a way bigger resource investment for you. And yet somehow, instantly throwing them in the trash AND advancing a win con is cheaper than countering

People absolutely deck-out in Commander. More often from pulling off some insane draw combo, but don't pretend mill cards don't appear at your table, because they do, even if incidentally.

Recovery is almost always more expensive than casting the thing from hand because it has to be balanced on the assumption that you got to cast it a first time and are casting it for a second time with the recovery.
Not to mention how easy it is to shut down or exile graves for almost no cost at all.

The point still stands that milling is invariably cheaper than countering when it should absolutely be more expensive.
Ziatora, load it up with everything that pings on artifacts or tokens being made or sacrificed.
>Nobody agreed with him last thread
>still seething now
There's nothing wrong with mill. It is inherently not a strong strategy in commander. Your board state amd hand remain completely unaffected. The only thing effected are cards you didn't have immediate access to in the first place unless you had a tutor. In fact when you get milled you in fact gain immediate access to cards you didn't beforehand because they go to your graveyard. That's why there are plenty of self mill cards. If you're running recursion you have 0 reason to seethe about mill, and if you aren't then guess what there's a chance you wouldn't have drawn that card the entire game in the first place.
Tldr: seethe harder retard
>In fact when you get milled you in fact gain immediate access to cards you didn't beforehand because they go to your graveyard. That's why there are plenty of self mill cards.
Building a deck around self-mill is not the same and you know it.
This is like saying "losing life is good, that's why there are plenty of self damage cards :^)"
>If you're running recursion you have 0 reason to seethe about mill,
Recovery is almost always more expensive than casting the thing from hand because it has to be balanced on the assumption that you got to cast it a first time and are casting it for a second time with the recovery.
Not to mention how easy it is to shut down or exile graves for almost no cost at all.
>and if you aren't then guess what there's a chance you wouldn't have drawn that card the entire game in the first place.
Except you would have drawn those cards. That's how they got milled. Unless you're milled to deck-out, every single card milled is a card you would have drawn.

Just admit you don't play games.
You don't know what "in a vacuum" means.
Board wipes do not exist "in a vacuum", that's a state specific matchup.
Moreover, if the card in question is forcing the opponent to destroy their own creatures and doing it at an average cost of 4 mana just to take care of a single card, you come out ahead.
Anon even tribal decks can beat mill. If your commander and starting 7 cards in your opening draw can't set you up to win the game, just stop playing, you obviously can't build a functional deck that isn't "Timmy's 9 mana cost zoo stompy!"
Fuck off with this retarded take.
>If your commander and starting 7 cards in your opening draw can't set you up to win the game, just stop playing
Now this is advanced bait
Should I build a voltron with picrel? He seems like a really fast/fun commander but he isn't boros, which seems to be the best color, combo for voltron.
Post your deck that loses to mill then. Guarantee it's just a slow sloppy pile of diarrhea shit that takes 20 turns to do anything
>comparing self damage to self mill
You're retarded
>recovery is always more expensive
No shit the point is even if you have to recover a card the fact is you have access to it. If you get milled for 8 and then recur that 8th card you would have had to wait 8 turn to draw that card otherwise. The mill player let you have immediate access to it while doing nothing to your board state.
>except you would've drawn the cards!
That's not the point retard the point is that it could have been any card in your fucking deck milled in the first place
NOBODY and I MEAN NOBODY seethes this hard against mill. I literally played at a super low power store where mtg was just an excuse to hangout and people regularly got to 12+ lands without ramping and mill was STILL SHIT. NOBODY AGREES WITH YOU
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I'm too busy playing dynasty warriors to take this shitty bait. Mill is just bad burn where you need to go through around 300 life instead of 120, unless it's a combo, then nothing you said applies in the first place. There is a reason there isnt a single good mill deck in any format. Now feel free to greentext and cry about it, you arent going to convince anyone otherwise.
As opposed to? Either way, plan a way out from under Black Sun Zenith’s and the like that don’t involve pouting like a bitch then go nuts on building this guy.
Mill is just retarded burn. Once you accept that, it just becomes one of those dumbshit archetypes that people play to be different.
For all of the seething that goes on about mill it's pretty weak. All of the mill commanders are pretty slow and the instant deck out combos are telegraphed a turn or two in advance. It has the same problem burn does where it just can't kill 3 players before dying unless it sets up a Ruth Goldberg machine to drop a 100 ton acme weight on them all at the same time. If someone has an eldrazi titan or some other shuffle card they need to find an out to it and if they ever hit it before that it resets their library back to full. Frankly as the years go by and the power creep has gone up I've seen less and less mill decks at my LGS.
>'m a newer player but how i got started was a bought a pile of cards from goodwill and it was all urza's legacy / older cards and he was in the bunch, i'm also kinda of a freakish new player because i only really like old border magic so i tend to play with old cards or make custom old border proxy for cards that don't have old border printings.

You actually sound like a cool person.
>Mill is just bad burn
>Mill is just retarded burn
>It has the same problem burn does

Totally not samefagging
That's literally what mill is in all matchups except one.
I'd rather be a samefag than be too fucking dumb to get what they mean when they say mill plays the same game as burn, but worse (because milk effects rarely affect board state).

But /tg/ wouldn't be bad at Magic if it weren't true
Bruh not everyone is the same person. If you're going to argue, argue in good faith or fuck off with your dumb hot takes.
imagine thinking mill is too good in fucking commander, the format where its at its absolute weakest and almost completely worthless
mill sucks even in limited, the only format mill is viable in
>ancient tomb + mana crypt + sol ring into a fetch + 2 life for a shockland to cast out a monocolor commander turn 1
But yeah mill is way too OP! How am I supposed to set up on a turn 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, guys, did you know that mill plays like burn? Kinda worse but similar.
The value in which players evaluate mill (not self-mill) is always inversely correlated to their overall skill as a player.
Mill is weak in EDH because there's so many ways to abuse your graveyard, filling your opponents' up for them is a liability unless you can deck them out in 1-2 turn cycles.
You were already answered on this point
>People absolutely deck-out in Commander. More often from pulling off some insane draw combo, but don't pretend mill cards don't appear at your table, because they do, even if incidentally.
>mill sucks even in limited, the only format mill is viable in
Depends on the format. It was quite good in original Eldraine and pretty good in Zendikar Rising, but the latter of those was less about decking out your opponent and more about enabling Rogue synergies.
>Draw 20 cards and can't win
Actually deserved.
If you draw enough cards that you deck but dont win, you're retarded and nothing will save you. Put a wincon in your deck for fuck's sake, or a backup, or some recursion. It really isnt hard.
thanks anon, i hope i can find some other old border freaks soon to pod with. here's a custom monstrous onslaught i made
>because milk effects rarely affect board state
My single sleeved deck says otherwise
It is. One guy played the card and pushed the effect to happen. It is in all events a win for him. You did jack shit to make the "tie" and he did it with his card effects and build. He won.
I don't mind stax. I mind stax when it actually isn't possible to play around or counter. I've told the story already of playing a black artifact deck and getting fucked by stony silence. There's no counter. Not a lot to include to get around that. My whole deck is just disabled and I have to beg the table to do something (or just scoop.)
That's the stax I don't want to play against.
I don't give a fuck about a winter moon or what the fuck ever against my 5 color deck. I have artifact removal in five colors. I do care about your stony silence against my deck that has had one enchantment removal printed in 32 years
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How's my mana curve looking?
Wubby paid thousands for an ebin meme "69" Kozilek. The meme numbers will always sell. There's some rich memelord who wants to drop a 420 card or a 69 card
>How much are serialized cards actually worth?
More than the bloomburrow anime cards.
idk much about stax but i joined a table last night that someone brought a stax deck to and a couple turns in the other two people just scooped, so then i had to scoop because my deck relies on there being more than 2 people in the game that early on for me to build anything, so the stax guy's like "that sucks for you guys" and then left immediately in a storm of salt. then we played a fresh game with a new person and had a good time.

but why do people complain so much about fast mana.. can't you just run some removal and mess up someone's ramp?
The difference is there aren't many playable burn cards that instant kill the table. Meanwhile mill has numerous cards that say "MILL HALF YOUR DECK" or "MILL YOUR ENTIRE DECK AND LOSE"
Comparing it to burn isn't accurate because there aren't burn cards that do 10 damage to the table for like two mana. There aren't burn cards people frequently use that burns the table for half their life.
>card literally says it's a draw
>uuuuh acshually it's a win because he made the draw happen
>I-it's a draw. Sure I did nothing to make that happen and a guy played a card that has an effect identical to "you win" effects, but...IT'S A DRAW! I DIDN'T LOSE!
This is just cope. The game ended from a card and state and effect you didn't want. You did nothing to "draw."
Pretty sure grape shot is two mana. And there's no card that mills your entire opponent's deck outside of combos or leveler shenanagains.
Almost like burn spells can actually effect board states
Almost like burn has to do 120 damage in commander instead of 300 for mill
Almost like mill can instantly be buttfucked if people have ways to just return shit to their deck
Almost like burn can threaten the board if an opponent decides they're tired of burn happening and mill can't do that just with mill cards
Maybe you have some random mill cards that can just pop off for 20 because wotc realizes that MILL IS SO SHIT THAT THEY CAN PRINT THOSE CARDS AND IT WONT MAKE MILL OVERPOWERED YOU DUMB FUCK
>And there's no card that mills your entire opponent's deck outside of combos or leveler shenanagains.
Bro...Your Bruvac? Bruvac is the most popular mill commander and sits in your command zone. If a card says mill half your deck (several do) then they read mill your entire deck.
Grapeshot isn't killing the table without numerous cards. Bruvac mill can kill you with their commander out and one card. In fact with causality two they can do it to two players.

Being out of the game also does that. Your board doesn't remain when you lose.
Good thing mill has cards that say "deal 150 damage"
Please show me how to kill two players via burn with only two cards. I'll wait. Burn is worse in commander than mill because mill has Bruvac at demand in the fucking command zone and burn has jack shit.
reading the card explains the card
the game ends in a draw not a victory
no matter what mental gymnastics you have to do to tell yourself that draw = victory, that is not the case.
Fiery Emancipation and Price of Progress
Anon, I can win the game and beat 3 players with two cards, play an eldrazi or something. If an opponent is spending eight mana to kill one player, stop them, otherwise they've earned it just as much as the guy storming out and grapeshotting or tendrilsing you. In fact mill is so bad it's universally considered better to mill yourself.
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>card that says mill 2x exists
>still nobody plays mill
>no seriously guys you can win with like 2 mill spells!!!
It's weird how apparently mill is so broken yet no one is running mill decks. Weird how that works. Not to mention there's a card that literally fucking tripples burn damage you fucking tard
>card says draw
>it's not a draw!
Oh yeah sure because an enchantment that says win the game when these two counters are removed makes total sense and isn't broken you fucking retard
Bloodletter of Aclazotz and Fraying Omnipotence
so wait, if I target myself with shock and kill myself to end the game, It's not actually a loss because I am the one who performed the action?
yeah same for scooping, if you lose on your own terms you actually win.. says right here in the rules..
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Fuck me I want these white border meme cards like the axe wants the turkey. I don't even have a spot for this thing but I'm sure I could make one.
I will never understand why people like white border. They were basically made because they are less appealing and wouldn't crash the black border versions as hard.
To live to the day when white board is sought after equal to rare commodities.
I generally agree but the white bordered m15 frame is kinda neat
I specifically like it for white cards.
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>"famous" youtube have built a deck you already have for months
>now some retards in the LGS will think i net deck him
It's because they're rarer compared to BLACKED border cringe
I genuinely think an all white-border set in 2025 would sell better than any black border set
But I like getting milled.
It will because it's fresh and new (in the new border) and it'll stop being interesting once WotC pushes it into everything.
if they ask just say "who? oh I don't watch youtubers"
What deck?
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for white deck it looks good, but in general eh. i think it would have been cooler to have the border reflect the card type, creatures and planeswalkers black, enchants and artifacts white border, sorcery silver, and instants gold.
Yeah for one set then not because people realized it's not a rare one off anymore. Why do you think they keep ot to supplemental treatments.
Unless you're above 40 no one believes that. Just say I've had the deck for months and guess what people who already play with you would know that anyway and may not watch that specific random mtg YouTuber
But I like losing life.
Oh fuck off people were crying about "MUH RETRO FRAMES MAGIC IS KILLING OFF MY INVESTMENTS HOW WILL I SURVIVE NOW" 3 years ago and now people just expect them to exist in reprint sets "Ooh, an entire retro frame commander deck, SCRUMPTIOUS!"
I'm so sick bros I feel like I'm dying
That was me last week. The entire week I was dying. You'll survive anon, drink gatorade, eat strepsils, and sleep as much as you can
Vaxx status?
>be me, just now
>play talion, dementia discard/mill
>traumatize myself
>have jet and sapphire medallions
>yawgmoths will
>maddening cacophony
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>driving through Mississippi
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i got you bro
Not mtg related samefag
Retro frames are fucking revolting and I can't wait until nostalgia-boomers succumb to dementia and are no longer able to influence the market
calm down sister
>Ball lightning tribal
>turn 4 someone with Jeska + Lightning Skelemental + Tainted Strike
>shortly after Jeska + Berserk + other creature another guy
I immediately got slaughtered by the 4th player, but it's very satisfying nuking someone from 40 to dead.
You need to stop posting
The commander?
Jeska + Reyhan
He's right. Old border is very visually unappealing and part of the reason I never touched the game as a kid. The art was bad, the frames were bad. It was an ugly ass game
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Well, what do you retards like?
The "modern" border before they changed it to add a retarded holo stamp
Black border. I like the fact it covers up the ugly bottom edge of those jank-ass color textures. I do my best not to buy any cards without the black border unless it's something I really want/need and the store only has the old print or it wasn't reprinted.

I'm quite picky about art too and often prefer the normal art to the alt or anime. Bloomburrow's field guide arts are a complete let down
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Eh, it's fine. I prefer retro, future sight, then alternate test in that order.
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Post cards where you just knew
I don't even know what gender the thing in that image is
hello fellow retard
the gold ones genuinely look vomit colored.
>remember when MtG cards looked like shit? *crack* *tsssssk* *shlurp* yup, those were the days
they had distinct soul, hand drawn / painted arts, felt distinguished, easily identifiable looking at an old magic card vs other early TCGs, now it's all computer drawing tablet arts or muh pop culture of the month themed cards.. zomgggg my leagueoflegendsdoctorwhowalkingdeadbldinggate slop!! ahhhhhhhhh.. facking kys
God that pic gives me anxiety.
Did... did they stop calling it Totem Armor because "totems" belong to aboriginals?

Fuck me they did:
>In 2023, R&D reviewed its stance towards Totem armor as part of a review of terms that might be considered culturally offensive.[3] The decision was made to rename the keyword ability to "Umbra armor". This change was implied to be made for cultural reasons, as Totems are considered sacred objects or symbols that serve as an emblem of certain groups of of people.

So what, why did they stop using Aegis, as that belongs to the Greeks. Or Acolyte, as that belongs to the Catholics. Or Heaven as that belongs to the Christians. Yunno, I felt like marriage should've been given to everyone but maybe the Christians were fucking right that it's their word and we should've just struck the word from law and just renamed everything "civil unions". Like fuck it if we're going to be progressive like that then nobody but the Christians get marriage just like nobody gets to use fucking "totems" if they aren't indigenous. What the fuck, why are we using Samurai when that shit clearly belongs to the Japanese.

So they removed Crusade, but they didn't remove Crusaders, which are people who engage in Crusades... I mean if Crusades offend you so much why wouldn't the people participating in them be offensive?

I'm sorry for bringing it up I wasn't here for the great offensive card purge to see what was said.
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Scars of Mirrodin was peak MTG card design and art direction
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>they had distinct soul
>literally "sovlfvl" argument
They looked like they were designed in Microsoft Word and the art was drawn by B- highschool art students.
>Totems are considered sacred objects or symbols that serve as an emblem of certain groups of of people.
Wait until these fuckers learn about the etymology of "mana"
I think large collection of a specific number can fetch a noce price, otherwise what all the other anons said
>implying that people seething is not part of the fun
I agree on the newer one. Nothing is more nostalgia bait than new retro frame. They feel cheap and plasticky and just plainly look weird.
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oh look I can also cherry pick from the same set and color
Boomers please stop you're embarrassing yourselves
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I pulled this fucker in foil and its probably the ugliest card I own
>I can also cherry pick
>by demonstrating that it's not just 1 card that looks dogshit awful
Was your point that Spirit Link looks good??? Genuinely confused
Legend's was pure soul
I hope the kid that drew that got a copy to put up on the fridge
he still does mtg art 30 years later
Of course he does, at 41 years old he has decades left of his career
I've got some time off, what deck(s) should I finish and bring to the shop this week. I've been tooling around with Baylen treasure/equipment, Minthara blink/proliferate, Velomachus MLD, Phage, Jan Jensen modular creatures, Yurlok group slug and an Extus cycling deck. I was also considering bringing Sedris out of retirement, I love the Ian Miller version.
Velomachus for max fun
>etymology of "mana"
Nice, we should fucking be sending cheques to Israel for 30+ years of stealing their word. Or better yet, we should have both the Jews and Polynesians fight over the royalties as the latter have claim to the actual word "mana" rather than "manna".

It has seriously taken until this moment for me to understand why the Christians were losing their shit over giving marriage to gay people. Because here we are, Christians and Magic designers being complete fucking retards who won't share a word.
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Start a new one
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Looking to update the deck. This is the 'We about to start a new game, but shop announces they're closing in 30 minutes' deck. Triton hunter is kind of an eyesore and I always assumed I was playing 28 lands, so need to cut down 5 of those as well. Mulligan rules are draw ten tuck three no redos.
Mirrodin ruined phyrexians.
I don't own either of those cards though and don't really want to go shopping for singles before the store's edh night. Judith 1 nontoken aristocrats was another I never finished.
>absolutely every card the boomers post to try and BTFO the critics just proves how fucking bad old design was
Is the appeal that you feel a personal connection to the cards because you know you could recreate them with free templates in a busted copy of Windows 95?
do you spit out your mother's food because you'd rather order out every night
That's manna, not mana. For mana we have to send checks to Maori.
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At some point in the pursuit of photorealism artists lose their ability to design something interesting to look at. Many of the modern artists wizards use are technically gifted but composition might as well be a foreign word to them.
Oh fuck the dementia is kicking in, he thinks MtG artists are his mother
>At some point in the pursuit of photorealism artists lose their ability to design something interesting to look at.
They don't though.
>Many of the modern artists wizards use are technically gifted but composition might as well be a foreign word to them.
And your plan to prove this is to continuously post poorly composed old cards?
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I posted an excellently composed card though
I hate Fogilo's art but I completely agree with you that having a demon in a bath of sulphuric acid, actually enjoying itself, is far more soulful than the shitty latter version. And you're right that the flavour text is fucking awful. I really mean it I hate Foglio's art but I would easily chose his version for reprint over what we got.

It's like they sapped all the cool from the original concept. Like why not have an updated imp sitting there, feet kicked up, enjoying the pools. They have fucking naked men lounging in Bearscape is it so damn hard to justify drawing a hellspawn just relaxing?
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I like that the newer one is at least a callback but it just falls a little flat. How do you feel about his wife?
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I'm genuinely not sure you know what composition means
I would say I approve of 100% of Kaja's contributions to the game and basically 0% of Phil's. I actually looked at it all on Scryfall. I think anybody who likes Phil's stuff is plainly retarded and I say that by meaning that if more Magic art looked like his, the game would have fucking died.
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>I'll just draw some lines and pretend I know what I'm talking about

delete my post next janny, this guy is retarded
Cool, so you don't understand composition then. Glad you just said it.
I think the splash of weird cards throughout magic history is a boon more than a curse. I do agree that if we had more, it would probably hurt the game.
Literally eating weiner in the pic
no u
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>create a token and name it
Well I see no way this could be abused.
Open up for the airplane and I'll spoonfeed you
Modern border>future sight>current border>UB border>Old border
That Scooby doo commander from MKM. I can't remember her name.
Must be rough blindly wallowing in the valley. I wish more people played MLD so you could seethe more about Cleansing irl.
Future sight is fuck ugly too. I can see what they were going for but it's too intrusive.
You have to post it or it doesn't count
>You have to post it or it doesn't count
I don't feel like trying to search for it.
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>I fear that multani is too strong
why fear it? embrace multani, he is the greatest legendary that will ever be printed
i've never seen another person's multani decklist so this is good intel seeing how else he's built
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get this nigga into a retirement home
What's the issue? They're saying they aren't going to just make Cap Jeskai because "XD AMERICA COLORS" like they did to Guile.
I know we'll never prove either side of things I but strongly and totally disagree with you that it was a boon at all. Because I remember as a kid being in wide eyed wonder at the stuff you saw at the comics store and the covers on sci-fi and fantasy novels at the library. It shared the same "good" art as Magic.

Phil's art is stuff you'd see in the kid's section of the library. If only Phil's Magic art was on showcase vs Pokemon vacuum, I don't think a single teenaged soul would pick Magic over Pokemon. It has a negative appeal whereas some poorly drawn bird-headed man like here:
Is not actually entirely terrible for the time.

To further hammer my point. Unfinity is like Phil's art got a facelift. The entire set's art is this repugnant soulless dogshit that I feel like only a art director raised in the 70s and 80s could design. I can just imagine hear Maro pogging over what Unfinity looks like and it disgusts me. And I say that as a person who just expressed preference for Phil's art of a demon in the hot springs. Unfinity was approved by someone who thought that taking inspiration from The Jetsons or Flash Gordon or fucking Star Wars is a good move, which just reinforces the idea that the people running Magic still, are old fucking idiots who probably sincerely enjoy Phil's art and don't actually love fantasy they just like Star Wars. Because no respectable art director would try and sell stealing wholesale for Greek, Norse, and Egyptian myth as much as Magic has but they did, and their bosses approved it rather than view it as uncreative bullshit that was so prevalent in art and fiction in the 70s and 80s.
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God I hate maro so fucking much. Almost as much as I hate Cao Cao.
UB cards are Magic cards
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it's still just as easy to recreate modern cards with free templates on winblows 11 in the current year so what's your point retard? in fact now you can just use ai and make the same quality as these retarded "artists" that use drawing tablets to photoshop the art for the new cards. picrel

the card text being bad design isnt a problem if they reprint it with the modern language, the cards are just more kino. i'm not a boomer either i'm a new player and think modern onions the gathering is extremely gay and despite people hating on the old cards, they ironically seem to be one of the biggest reasons for the games continued existence despite how it may have fallen from grace.
>I'm a new player
Fuck off. We don't need new players who are basically larping as some old fag player disgusted by modern magic.
Today I shall remind them of azorius Cawl and monoblack Necrons
>Crying about digital art again
Somebody needs to put this guy in a seniors home
Old magic art(basically the first ten years) is hideous and I always go for reprints if possible.
Jannies will get him for ban evading

You just know that needed to be said
Well, looks like the retard hours are upon us again. Good night quality anons, may your top decks always kick ass, and may your packs be bountiful. The rest of you? Hope you get involved with an overly aggressive pyramid scheme.
I don't even live in Egypt
extra turns are gay but nice card for a 2 cost, it go in sideboard for high power games, thank you. he is my fav commander so i'm glad to see someone else playing him. someone else said my deck has some weaknesses but didnt say what, let me know if you have any input. this is my main deck so i'm trying to optimize it. i added an instill energy most recently. it wasn't that i fear multani is too strong (he absolutely is..) but rather if my deck overall became too strong cause once i added the hurricane lines with selvala + ornamental courage + multani/realm seekers for insane amounts of damage. i won like three games in a row, two of which were off the hurricane combo for massive amounts of dmg. i can ramp hugely off burgeoning and one of my double mana enchants.
Move there. Do it right now. You know you lust for the forbidden jerky. Eat it. Do it. It will give you the card battling abilities of a pharoh.
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Literally the worst take ever posted in this general
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>It will give you the card battling abilities of a pharoh.
So I'll be able to materialize a card to the top of my deck (even ones that don't exist) when I am in danger of losing?
t. Stasis fan
Yup. It is the law; the egyptian law. No matter how terrible your deck is, you'll always have the heart of the cards, but you must eat the jerky. The downside? Your alter ego will be both taller and cooler than you.
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>the only not gay version of this card is white bordered
I hate it.
nta but my taller cooler alter ego would just be a 5'5" dude with no interest in mtg...easy enough to deal with
>we don't need
shut the fuck up retard, just because wotc caters to redditors who gladly slurp up every slop package they put out doesn't mean there aren't people who get into the game from the lasting impressions the earlier eras of the game left behind. new player in an objective manner doesn't mean recently, the game has been around for a long time. i'm not larping as an old fag, i'm specifying i'm not one while declaring i agree with their plight.
>fuck off you cant play muh special cardboard game cause your game experience and opinion of it is different than mine
idk man...that card turns me on so that makes it pretty gay
Retard, that has trample.
Sup moistcritikal?
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>buff black king shooting bolts eveywhere while showing off his well defined body and muscles, ear pierced..
>not gay
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maybe it is you who is gay
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Not my problem Richard let his talentless yuppie aunt illustrate one card. Have something good from alpha on the house.
>shorter than 5'5"
I'm like a foot and a half taller than you. You could ride on my shoulders and together we could have a buddy cop dynamic where you're danny devito and I'm andre the giant. We'll enter magic tournaments as a single contestant and eventually lose in the finals to a big tiddy chick who is revealed to be a cheater at the last second and in exchange for her hubris, she has to clean our apartment in a maid outfit. Good times, good times.
I'm right there with you as danny devito
this and the 30th edition for sure
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Fuck yeah. Have a good night anon, talk to you tomorrow.
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average poster itt
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>Sophia, DOGGED Detective
>Dog literally in a semi-mounting position (cock censored by leg)
>dogpaw resting on her thigh and slightly spreading it open
>creates a tiny token by breeding with the dog
They knew what they were doing with this one
>opponents do things
>draw cards
Rhystic but white.
Proxy cards are Magic cards
Robert Bliss is weeping somewhere
Man I wish that guy would instill his energy in ME, am I right?
She looks like The Scream
>imagine playing with stolen art
>like they did to Guile
Give me one example of how Guile's effects are off-colour or off-flavour.
Learn to copyright
They aren't. But I am sure they decided he must be RWU before ever considering abilities. He was inherently pushed to be the color solely because MURRICA.
>card literally named Instill Energy
>not gay
Urza would approve of me printing my own fake Magic cards that don't correspond to a real one if I could get away with it.
Green and Blue get to do whatever the fuck they want in this game but dear God don't let white have a card that let's them maybe draw more than 1 card a turn consistently! Fuck off
Urza would absolutely approve of using every possible tool from as many planes as possible to gain an advantage over Phyrexia.
Don't forget black also gets to do that as long as they do any one of these:
>Sac a creature
>Discard a card
>Pay 2 life
what would you do design wise to make white's "trigger" for card draw fit with white's theme, I think white should get it but white doesn't really do a lot with paying extra costs and no cost would just be the same as blue
And a dozen plus synergies with all of those "downsides" like every time you lose life each opponent sacrifices that many permanents.
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Black desperately needs that enchantment removal.
as a man running a monoblack deck, I agree. So far my best way of dealing with enchantments is saving a dash hopes in my hand
it is literally getting trickle fed enchantment edicts
Really unhelpful vs enchantress. They'll sac their enchantment creature or some garbage enchantment and not the stony silence fucking you.
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I personally use this in my Sheoldred the Whispering One deck, a lot of the enchantments you need to destroy are usually low cmc, its not an instant solution but it is better than literally nothing
Also notably blowing this up at 0 counters destroys all tokens
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Here you go.
All tokens that are not creature copies I should specify.

How do lhurgoyf players deal with this?
Oh boo hoo does it really keep you up at night knowing a player might be able to keep a card on the field for more than one turn cycle?
>the color that's supposed to be awful against enchantments struggles against enchantments
>this is a bad thing
Have you ever thought idk maybe run more things that force the opponent to sac shit if you can't specifically remove enchantments?
Every mono black player I've met simply refuses to use the options they're given like a kid refusing to eat his veggies. Just can't feel bad for em.
Yeah when it locks me from playing. If that's okay then why can't I play Iona? The ban logic is that it's not fun because it locks mono players out and they have no way to stop it.

Did you not even read the post?
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>Been away from mtg for like 2 years because it was getting gay
>They printed a bunch of sweet shit in the years I havent been paying attention
>Also looks like they have printed enough creature technology to finish out my Derevi deck i've been trying to finish out for the past 5 years
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you need more 1 drop ramps. T1 ramp with elves/wild growth/utopia sprawl into a T2 3mana ramp like cultivate/worn powerstone is the fastest way to get multani out and pretty consistent to do. right now you're running llanowar tribe but only 3 cards in your deck can get him out a turn early. T1 elf into T2 tribe will let you cast a multani as early as T3 which is very scary and as fast as you can realistically hope to get out him out besides a freak turn 2 cast.
draw spells are the lifeblood of this deck, it cannot be understated how strong drawing 20 cards is, you should run as many as these x power draws as you can find.
all that being said there is something that's lost in the fine optimization of a deck, and cutting cool flavourful cards for a slimmed down mana curve just to make your deck an even worse archenemy for your playgroup when he's already stomping the table isn't necessarily the right move. personally, i love pubstomping with multani and i don't ever feel squeamish sucker-punching someone out of the game turn 4
>Yeah when it locks me from playing
You're in black. That's what you should be doing to them.
>Why can't my mono colored deck answer everything!!!!
You are the reason why this game is fucking shit
Derevi decks have been "finished" since 2013
Not how I want mine.
Im more of a gigaminmax fun player
This isn't removal
making an enchantress deck sac their worst enchantment out of 50 is not removal
The only removal is packing shit like meteor golem. If it does not target and remove/wipe then it doesn't fucking matter against enchantress decks. I don't need enchantment removal for a fucking rhystic fucking everyone. I need it for enchantments that fuck just me and no one else.
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Why not just play eldrazi for cheap Annihilator instead of that thing?
by splashing any color that can deal with silver bullets like idk green
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>*unzips dick*
What advantage does mono black have over any other color these days?
>Red has better creatures
>White has better removal
>Blue has better draw
>Green is better in every way
Every color should be able to do everything, just weaker. Every color should be able to counterspell but everyone's counterspells should be far weaker than blue. Everyone should be able to exile but they should come with huge costs.
Do you cry about pyroblast and withering boon? Feed the swarm? No one is asking for it to have fucking white removal. I'd take a fucking card that said lose half your fucking life to remove it. At least that's a fucking option you dumb fucking dumb fuck.
How so? Please explain your reasoning with a minimum of one paragraph
>nooo i'd have to sacrifice a couple decayed zombies to ashnod's and then tap two lands in order to play that card, it's too inefficienttt
>nooo i don't want to use my reanimation or one of my dozen tutors on ittt
That's it, I'm putting Sidisi back together after 10 years off the deck. These cards are just too sick in this deck I can't resist.
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>by splashing any color that can deal with silver bullets like idk green

Only Blue can deal with Silver bullets though.
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Stupidest post of 2024 so far, setting a high bar for any aspiring retards aiming to top it.
nta but you're not convincing me much with your shit post of an ancient anime.
Turbo K'rrik is the fastest monocolor commander.
I chose not to play this because I keep hearing about how it locks some players out of the game and it's anti-fun or whatever but black players are unanimously the most obnoxious things play against so I'm really tempted to just put it in there because I do not care if they bitch about it.
Mono green is shit, rancid shit even. It's the least played mono color for a good reason.
Easy solution is don't play mono. It sucks and the format is not designed for it. If you're playing mono accept you put the game on a harder mode outside of a few fringe cases like Urza.
Why play mono black and not Orzhov? Why play mono white and not just esper splash?

Thats retarded thinking and not what the core foundation of magic design is based on.
Breaks are bad, just because there are breaks don't justify printing more breaks because you can't play golgari instead of mono black. stay mad and keep getting RIP'd bro
>plays 15 lands, makes 15 badgers, and draws 15 cards in your path
sure thing
Flavor-wise he's just a little off since Guile is notorious for his oppressively boring defensive gameplay and the card rewards him for playing more aggressively. He really should've had vigilance and the ability to use his skills defensively.

His flavor is right below Ryu and Zangief in terms of being faithful, and meme colors aside, his design isn't a literal joke like Chun-Li and E Honda, or an abject design failure like Dhalsim where they just completely ignored that fire is half of his kit so he ends up being spiders.dek because they went all-in on reach.
The core foundations of magic design are incompatible with commander
Cool, what's stopping you from running this in your multicolor landfall deck exactly?
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not being a bitch
>red has better creatures
Black also is the only color able to really ramp on color besides green using in color effects due to coffers and similar shit. Despite the fact wotc wouldn't do that with Black now since it happened its there forever. I mean they still get some of that for sure but when was the last time shit like dark ritual was printed in a normal standard set.
People need to stop with this meme that white has better single target creature removal than black because it has swords and path. Wotc is never going to do those in standard again. The actual cards printed recently are much closer and white more times than not at this point needs a condition like power 4 or more, tapped, attacking, etc.
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Perhaps the same could be said of all mono decks!
Who gives a fuck about this? This is edhg.
Do you realize how fucking ironic that sentence is after you referenced cabal coffers?
Mono green can do everything. There is nothing it can't do. It is by far the most busted color in the game. Best draw, best creatures, best ramp, can remove everything. It's just the fact people probably find a lot of mono green commanders boring AND the fact people likely to run green because it's so retardadly good are just going to rim simic or 5 colors because they're just objectively better
Mono Green has no real board wipes. "Le fight" waves don't work in decks that aren't using BIG BEEFY BOY strats
This. A million times this.

It kills me to see what has happened to Magic. Every generation of Magic players moving forward since Wizards adopted Commander is being educated on how to play the game through EDH. It is a format where whiny bitch syndrome cannot be cursed with a consistent whipping. There's simply too many random chance in EDH to teach players about the consistency of Constructed or the importance of the curve in Limited, both elements that are important even in a multiplayer clusterfuck of a format like EDH.

People don't even finish their games on Arena, like 25% of my wins are abandons. It's just money right, why sit around losing when you could just pay to try for another win?
>No board wipes
I don't care because I have the best creatures and the board wipes that I DO have take care of all artifacts and enchantments.
>army of 3/3's
>best creatures
green creature removal is pretty bad as it usually requires 2 cards for 99% of them to work barring the random flying hate green gets which are all mostly bad cards.
You're missing the forest for the trees, nothing about green changes when it's paired with another color EXCEPT the card in the command zone and that's the deal breaker. There are very few mono green commanders who are the best at what they do in the command zone. Want elves? GB. +1/+1 Counters? Something based in UG or WG. Big guy go smash? RG. Lands? Pick your three color combo with green involved. Mono green isn't the best at anything it's actually doing and there's very little reason to play it as a mono color when you can splash and still be in green with another color and better card in the CZ. Compare that to any other color, black for example, you're not finding replacements for shit like K'rrk or Yawgmoth. They're so good on their own and enable so much that taking them out of the command zone for another creature legitimately hurts the deck.

What does an elf deck lose by switching Marwyn with Lathril or Tyvar? Well not that much really.
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My boi is too powerful and meta-warping for him to get unban.
They really should just get rid of the banlist and let retards rule zero it out(and let CEDH players suffer).
Free my nigga primeval titan and Sylvan Primordial
Primetime can be freed. Primordial can get fucked and stay fucked. Thing is goddamn annoying.
If you get smoked by a loop your deck is kitchentable or shit
I never said it was overpowered, just that it's fucking an annoying piece of shit to play against.
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Best to get rid of shit before it ever happens.
Most humans don't have psychic ability.
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Their loss
their should be a format with large versions of this, and other symmetrical effect enchantments that you just have played the entire game at the center of the table
>you're not finding replacements for shit like K'rrk or Yawgmoth. They're so good on their own and enable so much that taking them out of the command zone for another creature legitimately hurts the deck
That's me with Vilis. I love the gimmick, I love the deck, I really want to build it, but I know I'm going to suffer when it comes to any form of non-creature interaction, and there's very little I can do about it. And short of putting an outright tutor for Vilis in the command zone, there's very little I can do about it without building another deck entirely.
Do it. Those two cards were literally the best things to happen for my Sidisi deck.
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i kinda can with burgeoning and some lands, i'll definitely add wild growth as it fits the theme, and i have llanowar in my sideboard maybe i'll put it in help with a fast tribes (which was also a recent addition.)

i tend to not take out multani too early and make myself the first threat because i cant deal with a dogpile that well, i tend to like to wait it out and politic around depending on how i end up drawing throughout the game and let at least one person die before me before i really put anything scary on the board.

>run as many as these x power draws as you can find
i have most of the truly worth it ones although i definitely should add one of picrel. disciple of freylise seems too high cost, rishkar's expertise is what i use instead of return of the wildspeaker but it's not instant, same cost but lets you cast a 5 CNC sorcery for free. but yeah i agree with you, i usually draw way more than 20 cards off the combo, i have 4 or 5 max hand size pieces for insurance.
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How much shipping is too much shipping?
Wtf did you use the wizard? Just find the cards from 2-3 different sellers max. Delivery should definitely not be like 40% from the total order.
>Just find the cards from 2-3 different sellers max
NTA, but that often ends up way more expensive for me, due to the insane markup the bigger traders charge for having a large inventory and requiring fewer deliveries.
Meh, if you do that it's often times even more expensive. Many sellers have a heavy markup for the cheaper cards. Instead of paying 5 cents for a card, these sellers charge 50 cent. It adds up fast.
50c and free shipping is still cheaper than 5c and 99c shipping
when you are buying cards worth more than a few dollars is when ordering cheap individual cards starts to pay off over making a big order
You would be surprised. I have my shipping set to $4.99 and I'm constantly getting orders for $0.60 worth of cards.
anything over 5€ without tracking
anything over 10€ with it
>What does an elf deck lose by switching Marwyn with Lathril or Tyvar? Well not that much really.
Making 20 less mana per turn perhaps
>someone accidentally listed 200 copies of mana crypt for a dollar on tcgplayer
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>Mono Green has no real board wipes
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>tfw too dumb for mtg
My friends are getting fed up with me playing Xenagos every single time. Can you recommend me a simple commander? I got a short attention span and problems with complex board states and lots of triggers.
This commander looks cool.
>Why play mono black and not Orzhov?
Mono-black does benefit from multiple cards like Coffers, Crypt Ghast, and K'rrik, which don't work as well when all your lands aren't swamps and all colored mana costs aren't black.
Good thing Urborg exists and black has tutors.
I'm still pissed they wasted Godzilla on such lame cards like Zilortha and Yidaro.
Holy shit you're all still retarded as hell. This is how you spend your time? Seething, coping, and bad faith arguing on an obscure forum?
I'm glad I left the mtg community
See you nogames again in 2 months when I come to laugh at your misery
None of the Godzilla cads make for very fun commanders desu
New thread
Oh no Crypt Ghast is only ramping me 2 instead of 4 aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
>one guy in the 4 player edh is clearly stronger than the rest of us
>i'm the only one that can deal with him
>the other two retards don't have anything relevant for a board state to deal with him
>they all still dogpile me

i have 3 health and one condition to remain in the game (getting my commander out)
the dumbass with the worst setup and 0 chance to deal with the threat player uses a major counter spell to cuck me from casting my commander, derailing anything i would have been able to do essentially securing both himself and the other guy as second and third, worst part is it took control of my commander but i scooped right after so it was a total waste of a spell and just made it even harder for him to have any shot against the king.

this bastard nerds will kick you when you are low instead of standing up to the big dog, just to ensure they get 2nd place
holy shit you're still retarded as hell. this is how you spend your time? seething, coping, and bad faith checking in on an "obscure" (top kek) forum?
i'm glad you left the mtg community.
see you again in 2 months when you come to update us on your aids diagnosis.
You got this from a YouTuber. I just watched a video about it. Don't act like you didn't. Are you Demos? I'm pretty sure he posts here.
There is quite literally NOTHING wrong with this lmao
Uhh...Bello, from Bloomburrow precon. Out of the box it ran my friend's $400 Ranar deck into a bad spot in multiple games
This happened on thursday at my LGS, the only card people were vying for was my Coram, everything else was pretty much paltry and I stole a Skullclamp and some Squirrel Tokens to try and draw into an answer.
I did not and I died lmao
The Hazel of the Rootbloom deck is pretty damn good too.

Precons as a whole are just more fun nowadays. I remember back when they were either format-shattering or useless piles of garbage.
>still making fake stories about people who run actual interaction

Sorry for when your aristocrats encounters a rest in peace I guess.
Hope someone at the table at least has a chaos warp

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