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Camping Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93734641

▶ Thread Task: Post fantasy party.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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Yo love it!
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I like making portraits.
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>I like making portraits.
Then perhaps post one?
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"What do you mean you don't like jelly on waffles?"
"Gwaa rrrra"
"You'll eat them how I make them or I will be serving 'Rotten on Toast' next time."
"Think before you open your dumb face when I'm holding a knife. Moron."
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I don't understand, friend.
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V:TM character
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Ronald "The Crow" MacDonald
This is awful. Just stupid-looking.
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>Her voice grew in power and authority. "Behold, I am not Ashley the Grey, whom you betrayed. I am Ashley the White, who has returned from death."
If you're going to use another AI engine, at least learn how to use it to make less hideous characters.
>The cleric noticed with some frustration that her companions seemed unfazed by the long hours of travel across nondescript country roads and overgrown wilderness paths. The barbarian’s legs were like tree trunks, thick and rippling with muscle, and the ranger rode casually atop his sleek feline mount. But for the cleric, every mile was a grueling test of endurance. The haughty temple-born priest was unused to such long treks of uninterrupted walking. When the bards sang of adventure and glory, they rarely mentioned the sore ankles and calluses.
my dude you're even failing at attractive 2D
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those monstrosities are what aliens think normal men find attractive. coomers are not respectable people.
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Can’t we all just get along and enjoy some slop and some tits?
If I'm racist for having good taste in women then I'll laminate the card and everything, coombrain
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he says as he self consciously eases away from the really botox-y images lmao.
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At least it will clear up image slots once the janny deletes all the SD pictures.
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Does this look 60s anime?
Well she tried to have a party but no one showed up.
Fuck you don't do this to me.
Don't you want some delicious cake, anon?
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Ancestry & Heritage: Warrior Automaton
Background: Night Watch
Class: Inventor (Construct)
Dual Class: Druid (Animal)
>KRZZTT. Please do not pet the dog, citizen.
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M is for Masquerade
Kek. Is that Fulgrim there?
I'd go to her party.
>Well she tried to have a party but no one showed up.
Relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIsnIt1p978
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I'll bring the liquor!
No. It looks like a french cartoon from 2006.
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Dang thanks
And the alcohol.
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"What have I become? No, seriously, am I some kind of tree monster? I just don't know anymore."
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I don't care what anyone says, you guys are pretty cool.
You WOULD cry too if it happened to you.
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Don't worry milady, the professional party saviour is hete!
can you repost some of your old art of that cute cat character?
Ohbmy, what a big ... ah.. egg you have!
I appreciate thst you like her anon, but I do try to not spam. Three pictures on one thread is plenty. I'll try to make her fit whatever is next thread task.
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No, it looks like Franime from the 80s, maybe a bit better.
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In space, no one can hear you complain about the food.
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>Thread Task: Post fantasy party.
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Are your green elf/nu-goblins drinking sizzurp? Nice.
Yeah sizzurp is very vibey rn in fantasy williamsburg
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Not sure why she ends up with tumblr-nose
Dunno, but wasn't the original prompt having such nose?
Febrile? Or 'a relatively small soggy area, but big enough to stop a man or horse'?
new to thread, is this seriously AI art? this is making my 9 years as an artist feel like a waste lol
Oh yeah it's definitely AI art. It's pretty good for illustrations. Trouble is that it makes no sense. Like look at >>93765151
What is even going on there?
>*For the Cleric, however, (...)
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Here she also has pinkish nose
AI art looks like a dream - not quite logical at best and like a feverish nightmare at worst. A skilled human artist can still beat the pants off of it by imbuing structure and meaning into the work.
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AI art only gets messy when you give it something complicated to generate. Ask for a simple portrait on a white background, and the weird errors will be minimum.

That does flow better.
Looks like barefoot ladies playing instruments are getting popular this season
Always has been.
It's probably the freckles. I went through my wast folder of lewdelf, and almost all of them had red noses
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Well, I should try to get on board with the trend in character design. Bard/Cleric multiclass.
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Thick dwarven cleric anyone?
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Still genning my elf huh?
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She is everyone's elf now.
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>unlewdable elf is transported to my grim pulp setting now
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Why not just send her to the mall?
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Oh no! The mall is overran by a demonic coven and their thralls from the voidplane. Nobody goes there anymore.
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The AI yearns for the mines.
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No I don’t gen finished art, I gen closest to things my mind wants then I take it to an actual artist and have them take pieces that Ai makes weird and makes it their own

I prefer real artists but I can never explain what I want in words so I show with crappy ai art then they can make it amazing
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Apparently lewding a /slop/ character is some form of flattery here
Because your taste runs in that direction
Looks like /slop/ secretly likes feet
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I like these, real old school flavour to them.
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>tripfag says something witty.
The world is coming to an end.
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Thanks! I'm not really a fan of "superheroes with swords" fantasy. I like things nice and simple.
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Portrait is supposed to depict a likeness, personality and mood of a subject. Random snapshot of guy staring down at the book does not fulfill criteria.
I don't know what have you generated it with, but Bing can do it better.
It depicts the likeness and personality of my dude with a book you absolute autist.
He was intended to be "a bit too much"
The kinda asshole who spent his life dreaming of a potential unlife. A vampire groupie who actually got what he wanted
Don't waste your time replying to the tripfaggot. It's far to arrogant to ever realize how fucking stupid it actually is. And it thinks it can tell others how to post while posting so much off topic and hideously ugly fagshit.
Yeah you're absolutely right.
Been trying out some new shite when genning demons and such.
Elf feet are cute. Cute!
bro, these are amazing, specially the hammer neckbeard

can you do some wizards or maybe halflings?
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Sure let me post my wizards first fren
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>boss, we found something
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I like this one a lot!
More like this fella! I like species that straddle fantasy and scifi
Is there a particular artist you're referencing in the prompt? This is an excellent style.
There's something about gigantic remains that gets one's nogger nogging
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Your 9 years doodling definitely were wasted if your eye is this bad.
You develope eye to spot typical AI mistakes by prompting, not by drawing
>Hand over the cream! My aim is purrfect!
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Not at all! The references are from the medieval thread and I just reinforced it with stuff I made off of it.
I should really run a one shot with this kind of thing.
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No, bro. Maybe that's how you've started to scrutinize the things you see and take the first steps in practicing conscious observation but that's not some super special secret siloed skill you chanced upon. It is the basis for all craft skills, criticism, and general discernment.
What is? You focused so much on sounding witty that you forgot to make your case.
For some reason this one is more spooky than the others.
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Really nice. I'll have to start trying stuff besides Bing someday
gandalf look like he about to betray the party
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ChatGPT response
>My god, it's some kind of living spaceship
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I like there being more SD usage in the thread. It's never as "clean" as bing, but for a lot of more strange designs, there's something about the gens that work. I've been playing with making loras to get some of my mutants in my setting to look "uncanny valley" enough, and some of them make me happy.
I hope that as the tools grow, we see more variety in approaches.
Women are spooky
>tfw you otherwise get a good result
>holding the sword wrong
every time
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Let's test something, let's go mask off real quick
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>that ear
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N is for Nation
Prompt please?
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A bit sloppy on the face but I like it, thanks.
>artist for 9 years
>thinks anything posted in this thread is good art or hard to recognize as AI slop
He looks kinda cute anon
Specially DALL-E stuff, at least SD stuff has enough resources personalize the output, all DALL-E stuff looks mostly the same.
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>Elf feet are cute. Cute!
I know, right?
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Love the style anon, great work. Please keep it up!
Interesting style

cool scene
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The much-feared Hypermander of darkest Borneo
Torn ears are very aesthetic, even if Bing doesn't like it.
This isn't even close to be true, by the way. All of our stuff looks similar because we're all using the same art styles and techniques that have been passed down from thread to thread, but the one advantage Bing has over every other AI generation tool is the wide range of styles it can recognize or do. Though it's gotten a lot worse at it over time.
Very. So much so, even a former president has one.
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I wonder how much damage does his tail deal.
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>The barbarian's legs were like tree trunks
No offence but your Barbarian's legs are more like twigs.
I love this one a lot.
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Thanks! The style is nothing more than "1970s fantasy illustration, acrylic painting" to start with, then just describing her sitting legs crossed by the fire.
Love the glowing tattoos
>>93780274 here is the relevant par of the prompt
>detailed acrylic paint art female elf drwo Scout charcoal skin, gold glowing white runes letters on skin. with shawl, caster stave raised

the trick is to avoid "tattoos" because that just gives you tramp stamp tribals
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>the trick is to avoid "tattoos" because that just gives you tramp stamp tribals
Longshank wouldn't recognize good ink even if we'd tattoo it on his face.
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You now the deal: you post the last image – you make the new thread.
Need to wait for now unfortunately
The camp is gone, we're storming the castle
The statue in this one is doing a gesture and a few of the explores are also doing the same gesture.
I spent way too long getting a pose like that. How did you do it?

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