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Previous: >>93777344

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: Is Lotus Petal ever worth it?
I’m not doing math
Did Meathook Massacre 2 leak yet?
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Jesus christ how horrifying.
>1 isn't a prime number
Take that my math teacher from middle school!
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>Prime numbers end after 31
I get they stopped it because at some point it's absurd to expect you to have more land than that ever. But I'd have gone a bit further. A 40 land deck shitting out every basic in its deck at once isn't unheard of. Especially landfall.
Steiner Math card when?
But recovering from your graveyard getting nuked is still much easier than it is against traditional graveyard decks because you dont need to deck yourself, and you dont need to focus on specific cards hitting your yard. Mesmeric orb on its own will do it for you, but you can also use green cantrips like mulch, winding way, or grisley salvage to dump random junk in your yard. You can probably build a deck that will smack the shit out of all but the most prepared players who immediately archenemy you for under $150.
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All right after rereading winter I think you're correct, for some reason the initial time I read I thought that he simply reduced but he says "is equal to", so yes it comes down to a timestamp battle between winter and reliquary tower.

I think my point about the graveyard hate still stands though. I think that winter is going to be able to be shut down too easily buy something like a scavenger grounds.

But maybe I'm wrong I don't usually play stax.
I'm just excited to mine salt with Jund-Gitaxias, I'm not that concerned about winning.
So this is a wheel commander without blue?
>But recovering from your graveyard getting nuked is still much easier than it is against traditional graveyard decks because you dont need to deck yourself, and you dont need to focus on specific cards hitting your yard.
Nta that you were talking to but I'm confused by what you mean by this. Don't you mean the exact opposite of this? Winter cares about specific cards being in your graveyard and you will ultimately have to mill yourself
I think he's more 8rack.
Nope. It's a two card hard lock with Uba Mask and a small setup. You can play wheels if you want, but an assorted pile of vaugely graveyard related nonsense will be just as strong and just as oppressive. How does he win the game? Lol I dunno, but that's not really my concern.
What other cards? Because a Uba Mask commander sounds awful. Any card relying off a single niche unique card is going to get fucked if that card doesn't show or gets hit by removal
>It's another "graveyard player huffs and puffs and whines and scoops when I exile his graveyard" episode
Tf is 8rack
I don't blame him. Graveyard removal is overpowered and it's genuinely bullshit you can silver bullet a deck with 0 mana cards. Can I have a 0 mana stony silence?
part of the name of a communist anarchist youtuber man who makes 1 video a year
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Think Tinybones. Tear apart your opponents' hands and punish them for not having cards.
Think of it like this:

Normal reanimator deck:
>Great! I traumatized myself, sheoldred is in the graveyard, time to cast reanimate!

Combo reanimator:
>Great! I got basalt monolith and mesmeric orb, time to chuck cards in my graveyard until I hit dread return and mill my combo pieces!

Winter, Danzig's Little Brother:
>Great! I played one of 20 $0.50 1-2cmc cards that chuck random crap in the graveyard and also draw me a card. That card adds sorcery to my pile, maybe I'll mill an artifact creature, a land, and a enchantment saga. Whoops your hand size is now one, wouldnt it be a shame if I cast another one, or you blew up one of my enchantments or killed my grist?
If you don't want your graveyard fucked with, then protect it. You don't see anyone else scoop and get salty when their gameplan gets fucked with as much as grave players. God forbid you stop someone's infinite graveyard recursion engine.
The graveyard is kind of in a weird place. Reanimation spells and graveyard tutors are extremely cheap as well, and can lead to all but immediate wins on resolution, so any graveyard hate has to be as cheap or cheaper to have a chance at stopping that. And in that context, the balance kind of works.
It's really only the more sane or reasonably paced graveyard decks that get absolutely buttfucked in the crossfire. The hyper sweaty dark ritual into entomb and reanimate decks are still just fine, because shit doesn't have to stay in their yard for any length of time.
I look as the delirium as a nice-to-have. I'd run it as a very low-curve deck that uses Winter to gas back up after emptying its hand. It has to survive until your upkeep, but because everyone draws on your upkeep everyone is incentivized to keep it around until then.
>then protect it
Yeah, I'll just run all those plentiful and low curved graveyard protection cards. You know, the cards that protect your graveyard and make it impossible for cards in your graveyard to be exiled, and which override all those replacement effects that exile cards on their way to the yard. You know, all those cards.
>crack a fetch for a surveil land, bin an enchantment, village rites, have Delirium again before even getting back to your turn
>Counterspell if you're Dimir
>Artifact removal
>Collector Ouphe
>Elixir of Immortality to emergency shuffle your graveyard back into your library
Sorry you're bad at magic anon.
Protect it with what? There are graveyard removal effects that don't target. Mono black doesn't have counter spells. Please tell me how to porotect my graveyard from your farewell. Punching you in the throat?
Graveyard removal should exist. It should not be LITERALLY FREE AND HAVE A MANA VALUE OF NOTHING and get stapled to already amazing cards like Farewell. Why do you feel you deserve a free silver bullet? I'd have no issue if there was counterplay such as something to counter a farewell. There is not. You just eat shit and die. I would NEVER suggest a graveyard deck to someone because it isn't viable because the graveyard may as well not exist. I can just remove it and not even have run the card for the removal aspect.

Meanwhile when I run artifact/enchantment destruction, I run it for that reason. But the graveyard? lmao I run bojuka bog solely because it targets. The exile is gravy.
That's the fucking problem. The effect just exists for free without really requiring you devote a slot to countering graveyards. No one is running farewell for the graveyard aspect. It's just a nice extra fuck you.
The only one of those that works vs a farewell is elixir.
Chains, Possessed portal, once per turn discard plus puzzle box. Your also in the best tutor colours in magic. But that aside, you dont need the hard lock, that's just the easiest tech. Thank fucking god he's not in blue, but you can play a regular stax gameplan just fine and fuck your opponents over just as hard, even if he draws them two cards.
Maybe don't mill half your fucking library then, retard.
Could be fun in a sac deck, like Shattergang, but then those usually want recursion.
>Noooo I deserve effects for free because I just do
Swords should also exile. an artifact for free just because.
Explain why the design space mana value for graveyard removal is 0. Why is removing a full graveyard so worthless it costs 0 mana?
>Artifact removal
>Collector Ouphe
All too late because they're reactive, or do nothing because it's a passive effect, your yard's already wiped in either case.
>Elixir of Immortality to emergency shuffle your graveyard back into your library
They can't kill me if I kill myself first!
Anon, I'm a friend of graveyard decks. I've been over this. Most of them just don't work short of being hyper fast, or splashing blue to counter any hate before it has a chance to resolve. Because there's no real graveyard protection. There's nothing that says "cards in your graveyard can't be exiled", or "whenever a card from your graveyard would be exiled, you may instead return it to your hand".
There's literally no way to protect your graveyard in the game and that's why it's a failing archetype
Much like a creature-heavy deck needs to not overplay to the board or get wrathed, a graveyard deck needs to not overplay to the graveyard or get Tormod's'd. Reanimation strategies have always been powerful when uncontested but very straightforward to contest. That is the nature of the archetype.

You have thoughtsieze. You have precautions like Feldon's Crane or Elixir of Immortality. You have the ability to accept a net win rate of roughly 25% because sometimes they have it and you lose.
>Someone has a huge board
>Someone else Wraths
>Haha that's my fault you got me good dude

>Someone has a huge graveyard
>Someone else exiles it
Because in real formats even free turn zero graveyard removal can be too slow.
Wraths aren't free. You don't get 0 mana wraths nor does naturalize get a free wrath to it.

There is no counterplay and that is an issue. Lack of counterplay is objectively unfun and objectively poor game design. If a player can pack removal for my graveyard, why can't I. Why doesn't he just have to rely on the strategy of kill me fast?

A creature heavy deck can just extend the board and cast a spell that gives all creatures hexproof and indestructible. There are 0 direct counters to graveyard hate. There is no good reason for this and I dare you to name a single fucking reason there should be no direct counters.
>>Someone else Wraths
I cast heroic intervention/teferi's protection/everybody lives/that flare/flawless maneuver, so many fucking other cards. How can you compare board wipes when a fuck ton of cards exist as direct counters to them?
>1-2cmc cards that chuck random crap in the graveyard and also draw me a card.
Can you give me an example
Creature heavy decks can overextend all they want, as long as they pack any of the many spells that grant protection, indestructible, hexproof, phasing, or immediate return to the battlefield. That's the whole point. There's a ton of counterplay to wipes in the appropriate colors, there's no counterplay to graveyard removal in any color.
You didn't even address any of the points LOL
Real formats anon. You cant have good graveyard protection or dredge is tier zero in vintage, everyone in legacy runs exclusively reanimator decks, modern becomes the living death abyss. Does it suck for your fair reanimator deck? Yup, but it's the way she goes.
Wild guess, tormenting voice, cathartic reunion
1 and 0 are prime numbers
I already mentioned mulch, winding way and grisly salvage, but I'm way too lazy to look up more.
"A natural number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.) is called a prime number (or a prime) if it is greater than 1 and cannot be written as the product of two smaller natural numbers."
>Prime numbers
Can do math fag explain the point of a number being a 'prime number"
What kind of protection would you like to see?
It's cool autistic trivia. That's basically it. Mathfags are all supreme autists so pointless trivia like this makes them excited.
A prime number is a number greater than 1 that's divisible only by itself and 1. 4 = 2 x 2, but there's no numbers you can multiply together to get 5 other than 5 x 1. This is useful because each number can be broken up into a consistent product of prime numbers, which allows for a lot of math shit.
So it's just every other fucking number ?
Did you watch the whole animation or not?
This is cute but I don't think it's very good
It's abysmal. The token's legendary, the bookkeeping is even more fiddly than normal landfall, it only triggers on your end step, and it doesn't help you get mana or spend mana which are the main things simic needs to do. Occasionally getting a free 5/5 or 7/7 isn't worth a card in play.
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Reminder: never trust a math faggot.
B Instant, Your graveyard phases out.
Enchantment that makes graveyard untargetable

Enchantment that says if a card would be exiled, put it into it's owners graveyard instead
I already feel like scooping when I play against someone dropping nuMagic cards with novels in their text box.
A limit on how many cards can leave the graveyard at a time, graveyard phasing, replacement effect that returns cards that would be exiled from the graveyard to hand instead for a cost of X life per card. There's a lot of design space here.
I didn't ask
Wow this is bad.
>3 mana for a 1/1/
>Get a single token on your end step
>It's legendary
>Even if you could dupe it, the copy would die immediately because it's a 0/0
It's like they're overcorrecting for Nadu
Go read a Yugioh card, nerd.
>cool autistic trivia
no autistic trivia is "cool", stop trying to fool the autists
Same. Whenever I see new cards, it's just a whole bunch of incredibly limiting effects and conditional clauses that take up 100 paragraphs. I just glaze over and usually I dont miss too much.
Who did it best?
>Magic never had wordy cards back in the day
Stop this fucking meme.
NuMagic uses that many words to say scry 1.
Looks like someone fell for the rosewater "new world order" meme where he didn't want anything interesting or complex to be printed and command and uncommon for years so that's unironically why commander took over as the most popular format over draft and standard.
Magic has always been complex and wordy
>replacement effect that returns cards that would be exiled from the graveyard to hand instead for a cost of X life per card
Oh, that could be spicy.
>If one or more non land cards would be put into exile from your graveyard choose one and return it to your hand. You lose life equal to its mana value.
Were one day into spoilers and the set looks like it fucking sucks so far, who is narcissistic and arrogant enough to make a fucking image like this?
Looks a lot better than bloomburrow.
Based on what exactly? You just have sour grapes because everyone loves bloomburrow lmao
Based on setting, effects, power, and lack of tribal focus so far.
You know its been a rough year when MKM was the best set
Second. Still not great, the art in particular, but I have an interest in some of the cards and they might see play in eternal formats so it's miles better. God I hate the full art bloomburrow lands so much...
Bloomburrow is based and cutepilled. Duskmourn is cringe so far. Worst characters in MTG trapped in a PG-13 spooky house. Goosebumps at home.
This, the vibe is more goosebumps than anything else. None of the spoiled legendaries look remotely interesting so far. Bloomburrow is based and I'm not going to pretend it's not
>furries in damage control
Reap what you've sown. A lot of people hated bloomburrow for good reason; people like different things.
For real.
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>playing more than 35 lands
i shiggy
I vastly prefer the art to all bloomburrow art that isn't the 700 dollar anime cards.
Bloomburrow fags have a hard time grasping most people have never heard of redwall.
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So why is every body pooping and peeing themselves over this mediocre land again? Eidolon of Blossoms? Really?
>Damage control
I just can't even imagine the level of compium you're on where you're shilling a set that hasn't even been 10% spoiled yet
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>prefers black nerds and troons to the most sovlful art mtg has seen in years
Can't relate. Bloomburrow chads stay winning.
It doesn't even look fantasy. What is fantasy about this?
Did you really think you'd get to suck bloomburrows cock for a month and call everyone a troll if they didn't like it, and then you'd just shit on the set they like and no one would tell you to kys?
Enjoy your Kamigawa tier power level tribal deck that is only saved by 500 dollar art.
They already spoiled a card I like and two eternal playable cards. It's already better than your low power style over substance plane aimed at degenerates.

Eh the full art treatments are awful, but at least I can point at some cool things which is a huge step up.
You guys did that with Bloomburrow because of some literal what 80's book.
lmao someone at my shop tried to bring up redwall and everyone else in the pod had no idea what the fuck they were talking about. Because it's less known in 2024 than most 80's horror films were. More people know fucking Sleepaway Camp.
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>Started EDH since a few months
>Ask the table if they're ok with an Okaun/Zndrsplt with a control/combo and chaos theme.
>during the game one player keeps dictating what other players should target
>same dude says I shouldn't play the deck with control cards and I should have only a single wincon
>gets fucked by planar chaos despite the two other winning their flips, getting three cards countered in a row
>gets mad and says I shouldn't play the deck at all

Why the fuck do people accept to play against decks with chaos cards if they get pissy about it. Do they expect to not get targeted by random effects? He played rhystic study and smothering tithe and nobody complained.
>>gets mad and says I shouldn't play the deck at all
The proper response to this is to ask for money. If someone does not want me to play a deck then they need to pay me the cost of the deck to justify me losing possibly hundreds because I now can't use that shit.
If someone wants to pay me a grand to stop playing my main deck, I will. If not then they can find another table.
Doesn't seem particularly great. Lands that tap for any color are OK even when they enter tapped if a deck has a lot of colors, but I'd avoid taplands as much as possible, and there are better ones out there, like Path of Ancestry (or the triomes in 3-color decks because they are fetchable). Hexproof on a land is also kind of niche since land destruction is pretty rare.
The fact that it is an enchantment has niche use in specific decks that care about enchantments, but it's not nearly as useful as artifact lands since there's far more cards that care about the amount of artifacts you have (anything with affinity for artifacts or metalcrafting, the various "karnstruct" tokens, etc.) while enchantments don't have nearly as much support.
How badly did the squirrel precon hurt you, anon?
Sucks just like the artifact lands.
People who like horror are genuinely retarded but that's besides the point
It's retarded to shill for a set before we have spoilers and It certainly doesn't seem like anyone is impressed with the spoilers so far. This is gonna be MKM #2
Some people just have no taste anon
Genuinely amusing post kek. I can't even imagining this mad about anything. I'm glad bloomburrow looks to be the best set of the year but I'm also excited for duskmourn
The star of the show had already been bought out, conviently just before it was spoiled. It's going to be a deck in legacy/modern.
Gr8 b8 m8 but Bloomburrow killed it.
I wish she had something else in her mouth
Bloomburrow was extremely mediocre. Outlaws was better and had better cards
Your tears are delicious. Enjoy one of the worst basics ever printed, and there is a whole fucking cycle.
That's a beautiful land
What is your problem exactly lmao
Sets should be judged by the gameplay they provide and not whether the art in it is something you'd put in a museum or wank it to. I don't care what art swords to plowshares has. Still using it.
Not everyone has an average CMC of 2
It should be judged on both, and being heavily weighted to either side is equally bad.

Please anon, dont start this.
Are you the guy a few threads ago complaining that this looked like an island because it was blue LOL
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I remember my first time using Midjourney.
So do the comprehensive rules have a list called "prime numbers" and these are the only ones that qualify, or is is actually any number that can be mathematically proven prime? I have 65 lands in my Gates deck, so this question matters to me.
Not sure but I would guess that all prime numbers count and they just chose to truncate it at a certain point. If they were smart they would have done all numbers up till 100
It doesn't say those are all the prime numbers. It just says that those ARE prime numbers. It's like Atraxa not including Tribal/Kindred. That's still a card type and still works for Atraxa's effect, even if not listed.
And they should have kept listing numbers until they got to an unreasonable amount.
Is it possible when you think you have finished a deck to upgrade it whitout going for staples? How?
So will Zimone's next card do some Fibonacci Sequence shit?
>graveyard fags are pretending dumping a million cards into your graveyard isn't the easiest zone to amass cards in
>also pretending that graveyard hate is nearly useless against every other type of deck so it has to be cheap af to run in a general setting where you don't know if you're going to face a graveyard deck
>fucking with the graveyard is also very flavorful and an easy effect to resonate with the rest of the card
Your strategy is very effective and also niche comparatively to the total landscape of strategies. No shit hate pieces are going to be aggressively costed
The majority of people choose to start a game because of the art and presentation
I refuse to play Archivist of Oghma because I hate the art, despite it being a great card. I will not run ugly cards in my decks.
>Remember she’s from Commander Masters, decided to check prices on the set
>Eldrazi deck is now $162
Eldrazi players are just fucking turbotards, aren’t they?
>is it possible to upgrade your deck not using any good cards
Well, that depends how bad your deck is in the first place.
Listing all the primes until 97 would have been a very Quandrix thing to do, but no one gives a shit about lore post Ravnica (WOTC and their temp agency writers imcluded).
I doubt the contents are even worth that
They're going to waste pack space with an Arena advertisement on the back of a token anyway, why not make a 4 column table that lists the first hundred primes?
I reformulate is the cards or the synergy that matters?
Animal set is so boring, MKM felt like a real magic set by comparison.
In edh? Yup. In legacy? Nah they're just enjoying eldrazi summer, as god intended.
Zhulodok back to 25? He was like 80 for a while.
"Whenever a card in your graveyard is exiled, return it to your graveyard at the end of the turn."
Is anyone going to choose to start the game because of the hideous showcases in duskmourn
These look really bad. I can't understand the aesthetic of this set at all.
> I love 80's horror
> but I wish everything conformed to 2020's era costal USA social conventions
>also I don't like things that are scary
>but I love 80's horror
.... But it does look like stranger things the set
Whomever made this image isint very smart
That might look OK if the printer hadn't run out of cyan ink
Ugliest showcases we have had since MOM ixalan
When the cards are ugly, it saves me money.
Thank you, Hasbro. Very nice.
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I think they're supposed to evoke Kirlian photography and shit like ghosts that only show up on photographs. They just look like ass though.
>you will never see a showcase this good again
>.... But it does look like stranger things the set
Have you ever watched stranger things or horror at all? As a major horror movie fan this comes across really retarded to say. Like absurdly "I don't care if I sound retarded" retarded.
These portrait ones are misses more time than not yeah but it's not like that's a duskmourn exclusive issue. The other showcase types I've seen at least look interesting. Even if they're not for you some people will definitely like them
>horror thing take place in 80's so it is stranger things
t. Someone who was 13 or younger in 2016
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It looks better with normal colors
It looks like an "80's horror set" created by people who have never seen a horror movie from the 80's. Goosebumps has more edge.
>As a major horror movie fan
When did you realize you were genuinely retarded and probably a psychopath?

>Have you ever watched stranger things or horror at all?
So far duskmourn has:
>Tech from the 80s wow so nostalgic!!!
>Characters are scrappy young kids
>Villain is a massive demon thing from another dimension
Seems pretty stranger things to me bro, except it's watered down and sanitized (lol) so it's more like I'm looking at the covers of old goosebumps books

It's fake nostalgia just like stranger things, that's the comparison.
Looks pretty accurate to me and I watched 50 80's horror movies last October
Where is my body horror? Where are my cenobites? Where are my cartoonishly gorey practical special effects? WHERE IS ROBOCOP SHOOTING A GUY IN THE DICK?
>i watched 50 scary movies last year!
Does your mom know you're watching R-rated movies?
Yeah, why?
Does your mom know that you use her internet to post on 4chan?
I'm just gonna call this card "Vulvagoth" since the name is fucking letter salad and I refuse to be stopped.
it looks like this dogshit again
>Retards get told they're getting a plane of a bunch of horror movie tropes
>they get that
>wtf is this???
Almost as retarded as the niggers expecting gore
>this one guy who thinks goosebumps covers are bad
I'm more of a scary stories guy, but they're bretty gud. Magic wishes it was this good.
Sorry I don't remember those Goosebumps books
Scary stories art unironically traumatized me as a kid and I had to talk to a child therapist.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>10% of set spoiled
>"WHERE IS (thing)"
Already seen references to evil dead, pet semetary, the ring, TCM etc
Lol so when you're shilling the set it's fine that it's not spoiled, but when people attack the set it's all "guys theres only 10%"!
This one was pretty good
Same. I unironically had nightmares for weeks. I also saw the exorcist when I was 6 and was so traumatized I cried and had a panic attack at thr haunted mansion in disney land. Now I'm a jaded emotionally detatched gurofag. Funny how that works.
>Now I'm a jaded emotionally detatched gurofag
Hey me too
What a coincidence.
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Should have hired Stephen Gammell for variants to redeem the set.
There's still time for a Secret Lair, I guess.
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This is the most obvious reprint, would it be too good?
>land enters tapped
>I stopped reading after that.

It’s going to be $0.40 at launch
I don't know what these are called or which product they're I'm but these treatments are really cool. Also the Japanese ones are good too. Wotc could just make a separate card game with an anime aesthethic and I'd probably play it cause their anime style cards or what they call them anyway usually look good
You're retarded
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Fuck yeah, what's your favorite magic card? Are you my elesh norn bro?

I would give them all of my money for this.
You're just mad I called you out
>enters tapped
>2nd line isn't win the game when you untap
Discarded as trash.
no, he's right that when barely any cards have been revealed and you're sitting there shitting your pants that certain things aren't there thay makes you a retard
This is not going to be anything dumbass. You don't understand the formats you are talking about. This is never going to see play in legacy. Urza's Saga is a singleton wincon unto itself there. A bad non-fetchable tapland isn't going to make an eight-of with Saga, and a bad 2-drop doing a really shitty show and tell rip off a thing in legacy or modern.
Looks like someone didn't read the thread
while you all where fighting ITT, you forgot about me having Ojer Axonil and Pyrohemia on the board and I'm in the process of tapping 8 mountains
I am very happy knowing I don't ever have to subject myself to whatever garbage playgroups you're a part of where a hexproof enchantment land that taps for any color is unplayable because it comes I tapped especially when if it's the only fucking tapland you're running and you ramp it out instead of just playing it
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>retard from last thread calling another anon a retard for being retarded
Yo dawg I heard you like retards.

It's not shitty show and tell, it's modified fastbond that is also shitty show and tell.
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Most of you retards don't even play the game or have the ability to do simple google searches
Cry harder
>what's your favorite magic card?
Ghoulcaller Gisa
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Just like the surveil lands
About what? I'm right. I'm laughing my way to the bank
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Do you see the word TARGET here?
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Should i buy the endless punishment precon for 380 BRL or use all that money to buy all the singles to create a new orzhov aristocrats deck? I feel like that rakdos guy will be an insane group slug commander, but at the same time using lurrus as my companion to bring accursed marauder every turn seems funny as fuck too
This doesn't protect from rest in peace , scavenger grounds , farewell or bojuka bog
>i need hexproof taplands that tap for a single mana even though nobody ever plays land hate in my wholesome chungus playgroups
It is objectively worth less than a basic land, anon.
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Hey guys, I heard you were talking about me?
>this haunts the millennial
Response, I shuffle my graveyard back into my library
So every utility land is worse than a tapland good to know. You're a fucking moron.
>that guy who pops the zit and all the fucking spiders come out
My biggest fear.
It's the art style that really does it. No one would be creeped if this was digital art.
Peeped this at my legs recently
I've been peeping this ever since Quintorius in Strixhaven
Used this in my doctor deck before. Campfire just seems better
Dark depths doesnt enter tapped?
Being hexproof doesn't justify the tap. Card should be uncommon at best. Play City of Brass and take the one damage like a man.
We be peeping
I mean city of brass is better anyway because you get to choose every time you activate it. Vulva here locks you into your choice permanently.
Congrats, your graveyard is still empty. Shuffling it back in technically "solves" the issue in that the cards don't hit exile, but you're still left with an empty yard you'll have to restock. For all practical purposes, the effect is pretty worthless. The problem isn't the cards getting exiled as much as it is your graveyard being empty/unfillable/unusable, depending on effect.
Oh yes let me run city of brass instead of the enchantment pand when the main fucking reason you're running it is for the fact its an enchantment land. Again, you're fucking retarded
Don't take it personally, Maro, they can't all be winners.
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Got high and thought of this card, is this costed correctly?
It's probably going to look good in foil but shit otherwise.
Are we getting more reveals tonight?
>Rig your opponents deck for the rest of the game
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>Enters tapped
Did you miss the surveil land cycle that is now more expensive than shocks in some cases?
The main issue is that for 9 mana it's potentially undone by a ponder or fetchland, either reads "target player loses the game" or does nothing, and is only good when you cheat it out. It's like asking if Golgari Grave Troll should have trample.
Needs to also pay 10 life and exile 4 blue cards from your hand.
>literally just Uncharted Haven but hexproof enchantment
>made it a rare
Making it an enchantment just makes it more vulnerable to removal, and so they gave it hexproof. How is that any use? No one in EDH plays land hate to begin with. If they'd just left it as a regular land no one would have touched it anyway. I wouldn't even put this in my enchantment deck
Reminder this general routinely says good cards are bad. One Ring, Phlage, Surveil lands.
What is good about phlage?
>What is good about a lightning helix that then lightning helixes more and is also a big body?
All those things.
It's a 30 dollar card anon
It's not a commander card. And you can pretend it's bad, but, it's in all these top modern decks. The commander thread is not smarter than competitive modern players on modern.
The majority of anons I saw correctly identified Ring and Surveil lands as being good during their respective spoiler seasons.
Vulvagoth's Lair is really only worth running in enchantment decks and in decks that animate lands.
Fetchable. Taps for two colors. Fixes your draw.
Seems pretty good in 60 card formats.
Begging this general to stop viewing main set cards as commander cards
In the same way "WARD EXILE YOUR DECK LMAO" is too much, "Ward Pay 2 life" is worthless even in 20 life formats. Might as well not have a ward.
When did I say commander in my post? Even for 60 card formats I would only run it if I have a specific synergy with enchantments or animating lands.
It won't be a deck. Needlehead is an actual legacy playable.
Theoretically it's "Ward - Pay 2 life, ~'s controller puts a +1/+1 counter on it and draws a card" But that assumes that the person targeting it has yet to lose life that turn.
Read it again
They have to lose life during their turn
Any instant speed removal dodges that part of the effect
>why is a thread dedicated to a specific format evaluating cards for that format instead of all the other ones?
powerful = abjectively bad actually
No anon, low power isn't good.
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>that one anon saying winter will be banned
I started throwing this deck together for shits and giggles, and it's insanely easy to get delirium, holy shit. It's cheap, it's powerful, it's everything I could have wanted. Now how do I win the game?
He's saying the power level of duskmourn so far is low af
No fucking shit almost like there are more strategies that rely on the graveyard then there are that specifically rely on enchantments. The people saying the card isn't literally unplayable like the morons who combust when they see enters tapped printed on a land, are saying that because of the enchantment synergies. Why else would you run it that's the point
He should rewrite his post because I see no way to interpret it that way
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>has an ability that triggers when someone loses life for the first time on their turn
>has a ward cost that makes them lose life
>wtf what's even the point of printing this????
The literacy rate in this thread is lower than that of an intercity detroit high school
Its a worse Ob Nixilis for people that think Ob is too powerful?
>two eternal playable cards
>one busted budget commander
It's already stronger than bloomburrow
Dunno, real draw is better than impulse draw, but it triggers less.
I see it as an alternative and I don't think it's bad, but everyone seems disappointed.
My real gripe is it's generic
Ironic since you failed to read a big caveat on the card. That effect does not happen if I just wait until your turn to remove it.
List the cards?
>Uhhhh Stronghold is bad
>Uhhhh this 4/4 that has an extremely easy to dodge ability is good
This fucking thread hahahaha
>umm well ackshually it doesn't happen like that every time so I'm actually not illiterate!
Sure thing champ whatever makes you feel better
no, I'm not. I'm saying powercreep is bad actually
He's just being dumb and pretending like sorcery speed removal doesn't exist
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It's functionally the same as a COMMON from last set outside of a very specific archetype. I wouldn't have a problem with the card at uncommon but I can already picture this being one of my pulls at pre-release and that makes me wanna vomit. I don't want an upshifted common in my rare slot.
That 9 mana vagina demon is going to be a one-of counter to the psychic frog mirror in legacy. We've already talked about the enchantment land that turns conjuror of spring into modified fastbond that is also show and tell.

Juat ignore the retards, it isnt hard.
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>he still thinks Shithold is good
Commander brain post.
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>he thinks a 4 mana 4/4 with pay 2 life ward in a 40 life format is good
>commander players can recognize shit cards
Why are other formatlets so dumb?
>prerelease = commander
you are ill and I suggest you find medication immediately
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>30 years ago
>scarier than anything in the scary house set
Why is MTG like this?
Why would I tell myself to avoid the retards when I myself am the retards? I'm just telling you why I like the set better; because I like playable cardboard.
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>he thinks 4 mana 4/4 "do thing, draw a card" is bad
>All these people saying a life doesn't matter in commander
Thank you all for making burn viable
Didn't they recently say something about putting rare lands in the wildcard slot to prevent that specific feelsbad?
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>he thinks a 4/4 that relies on a player being retarded in order to get its effect is good
This thread unironically casts shit like cyclonic in main phase.
Your post is confusing. Are you saying it's bad or good
It's good against retards such as this thread.
>Thank you all for making burn viable
It isn't.
Some combos that do infinite damage may be. But such combos don't care if your health is 20, 40, or 4000
But anon, not all of the thread is retarded. Retards just post the most; it could be a relatively small group of people. Underestimating your opponent is the easiest way to lose to a retard, and you'd have to be retarded not to know that.
It is a type of card that has never been printed and has been asked for for years and represents one of the most important places in the set while also supporting one of the main archetypes that will probably be in limited by being an enchantment. That's not an uncommon and has every fucking right to be a rare
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>It is a type of card that has never been printed
Man and I thought I was suppose to be the 60 cardlet commander brain, but look what's getting memory holed by you?
>actually it's the same because...
Uh because because
Cry more. It's more an enchantment design that they made a land for no reason. If you remove it's counters it can't even fucking tap for anything. They probably just added that on because they don't want to open up the design space of enchantments having tap abilities because they say that's one of the only things that separates enchantments and artifacts. It's a cop out
>relies on your opponent
You can't actually be this retarded
>an enchantment isnt an enchantment because I said so
Wrong. But that's ok. It's because of people like you that I can play burn and win :)
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Post Rakdos
Sorcery speed removal is bad anon
I'm new, I want to play commander with people but I'm too autistic and socially awkward to go to a LGS.
Any alternatives?
Spelltable with physical cards or Tabletop Simulator if you don't want to spend money.
I was too, but going to my LGS worked out well for me.
In the absolute worst case you can just never show up again and no one will remember you by next week.
Most people at game stores are socially awkard and autistic, dont worry.
i’m new to the game. Why is the veloci-ramp-tor precon so expensive?
God this set sucks
It has good cards people want
These precons are never reprinted. They only get more expensive?
Holy shit ruby storm is going to be quite powerful.
They're reprinted to a point, but that point has passed for ixilan. I doubt that deck will decrease in price
If your land count is NOT divisible by two smaller natural numbers without rounding, you have a prime number of lands. Here's the prime numbers up to one thousand: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, and 997.

Are there any actual uses for this?
Did zimone age up? She looks older here
Why are they obsessed with making brown child geniuses? I know it's fiction but it starts coming across as creepy
I guess the easiest way to take advantage of it is counter manipulation and bouncing your own lands.
I mostly just think it's funny they printed almost a dozen prime numbers in the reminder text because they knew some motherfuckers would argue about it.
It's a cringy overdone trope. I don't know when or why it started, but it might hold the record for "Shortest time for a trope to become overplayed garbage"
I think the best use for her ability is to get a lot of +1/+1 counters into play on a creature to then use with other +1/+1 counter effects in Simic
which is ironic considering the token bears the title "the Indivisble"
>I don't know why it started
It's virtue signaling, plain and clear. Kinda funny actually. At this point it's a bit stereotypical.
Not every standard set can be Thunder Junction or Neon Dynasty.
Those are both "modern technology" sets, and they're part of the problem.
Why did this group have to be a part of the face commanders as well? The moth demon is fine but it would've been better to see other monsters given the importance of it all
>I-is that...a trope that paints niggers in a positive light?!?!?! NOOOOO THIS LITERALLY CANT BE HAPPENIIIIIIIING!!!!
You really should go outside
Hate on the sets aesthetically all you want but they were the mechanical peaks of post covid standard design.
Just because it's positive doesn't mean it isn't a stereotype. You should try to calm down
I see precon Winter and think “I’d rather use the one from the set”, which might be the point
Cool and flavorful card. Sorry it doesn't have LE BREEDABLE BUNNY
You cannot have a prime land count higher than 97 because you can't run more than 99 cards with her
Shotcock Arrest, 7W
Legendary Instant
Choose One:
-Compliance: Target Player skips their next turn.
-Rape Crisis Center: Target Player discards hand, shuffles library, gains 5 life, draws seven cards.

Magical Christmasland situations can get you there, but if you have that many lands/tokens you've already won.
Bloomburrow rent free in your head
Zimone and 99 lands.
Correct. That is how supply and demand works.
Such Sights To Show You, 6B

Target Player sacrifices a creature, then searches Library for card of their choosing, then has their Life total reduced to 3. Shuffle their library afterwards.
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>card with the exact same rules text as a treasure token is $20
Treasures were a fucking mistake
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At least post the cool cards
If I posted the cool on a I wouldn't be able to say that it sucked
Lotus petal would see almost 0 play if it exiled itself.
It's expensive because artifact loops are easy to perform.
Almost like that's because it was made ages ago and is a 0 cost artifact instead of token you have to make with other cards
Autistic ain't you?
I just want to see just how badly they fucked my boy Nashi up
Prime numbers are useful because they can be considered the building blocks of composite numbers. Prime factorization (breaking a number down into only prime factors) allows for simple calculation of lowest common multiple, greatest common factor, etc..
It can also be used heuristically for a number of mental math purposes.
The trailer was a poor representation of him. It's weird because he's perfectly fine in the story. Guess the marketing team just... Had no idea how to represent the set.
It is actually very easy to have more than 97 lands
>Did zimone age up? She looks older here
Strixhaven was like 2-4 years ago. We're two or so years on from MOM, at least, and I dunno the time gap between MOM and Strixhaven. Zimone was, I think, like 13 or 14 in Strixhaven, so she's probably like 16-18 now.
I like how both cards depict Winter as some sort of badass and in the story he's just a sad boy who never fights and always advocates for running away.
I do like the flavour of his main set card, though. He's a helpful guide who's actually treacherous, and 'group hug except not really' is a good way to do that.
>mono red burn deck
>shitty basic ramp
>shit draw with 3 wheels
>average mana cost 2.4
>35 lands
would you cut a land?
Yes. Also add more ramp and draw.
alright, fine. god I hate red ramp and draw.
Adding my voice to the chorus that this trope is played out. And I AM a black child genius

Thunder Junction's creative was cursed
He looks like an amalgamation of all the MtG troonfluencers.
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Birbros, you weren't kidding. This little guy is a monster.
I think his alt art might do that better
So like Patches
kek it didn't even feel like real ravnica
why is culmination of studies played so little? is it actually bad or is it just because bad players are annoyed by self-mill effects?
pretty based
It's not self-mill. It's self-exile. And not even the good kind. You can't play those cards. They are gone forever. You have to put too much mana into it for it to even be half worth it and at that point you've just thrown away 10 or so cards forever. Just run one of the other thousand draw x cards. Explosion//Expansion or whatever is way better. That card is just plain terrible.
It's just bad because of the RNG and mana investment.
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I miss Nahiri
Hopefully the decks' backup commanders are creepy monsters. The Esper deck better have a Commander that's an actual Enchantment creature.
Can someone explain to me what the fuck the logic is of writing an effect with "whenever" AND "once per turn"?
Maybe I'm not fucking big brain enough, but why not "Once per turn, when..." or "When the first..."
This will unironically be a $20 card
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>been waiting for a doll theme for fucking ages
>shit like "puppeteer" and "marionette" has only ever been golems at best
>monkey's paw curls
>it's split
>the worst fucking card design ever made
It's not fair bros
>It's not self-mill. It's self-exile. And not even the good kind. You can't play those cards. They are gone forever. You have to put too much mana into it for it to even be half worth it and at that point you've just thrown away 10 or so cards forever.
Who cares, unless you were planning to draw your entire deck and play those cards, it might as well say "exile the bottom X cards". It even gives you more info on your potential draws.
I can hear the argument about it not being worth the mana investment, but you get ~1/3 of the mana back in treasures? I dunno, it's hard to evaluate without playing it.
this door shit is the worst, why do they have to do this shit every new set, I understand themeing but this is just purposeful confusion at this point
This card seems really fucking bad. If you have to creatures, it makes your big ones weak. If you have 0 creatures it sets their power to 0 and just kills them.
Until you exile your clutch card and shit yourself out of the game.
>If you have 0 creatures it sets their power to 0 and just kills them.
I can't believe it killed all 0 of my creatures.
>Let's have numbers up to 900 on a card
Yugioh fan?
The wording of this room mechanic is very hearthstone.
A deck that uses it probably tops out at having creatures with base power 3 or 4 at most. And it being base power is gonna be a relevant thing more often than not.
>"When the first..."
It's mechanically different. The card could have entered the battlefield after the first occurrence that turn. Unintuitively makes you track the "first" before you even play it, and makes it weaker.
>"Once per turn, when..."
Don't see a huge fault with this one, although it does not line up with how triggered abilities are usually worded and leaves ambiguous whether it triggers the first time, or if you choose when it triggers each turn. Would probably require some changes to the comprehensive rules to work.
Well then you know you can't draw it, you gained information. If it was at the bottom of the deck it would be even worse, here at least you don't have to try. Tutors notwithstanding obviously.
>room mechanic is absolutely kino
>boomers who get mad about everything new still find a way to complain
And you wonder why nobody gives a shit about your opinions
I dont like that the cards are sideways. How are you suppossed to tell which "room" they entered? Seems like the kind of thing they'll use once and forget, like battles.
I assume you're intended to mark it, like you would any card with that sort of thing going on
>How do you know which level this class is?
>How do you know how many +1/+1 counters are on this creature?
Tracking aids exist for a reason.
But you dont count the room at all so dice dont work, and it's not like an adventure where you set it off to the side. It's just a silly design for no reason when they could have easily been something else.
Mark said there will be a playassister or whatever they're called that'll help mark which sid was used. Otherwise it's extremely fucking easy just to put a dice/counter in the side you used to mark it
>Don't see a huge fault with this one, although it does not line up with how triggered abilities are usually worded
It's yugioh design babyyyy
>and leaves ambiguous whether it triggers the first time, or if you choose when it triggers each turn.
It happens when.

But anyway, there must be an alternative to what they have written. "Whenever" is the exact fucking opposite of "once per turn". So many people aren't going to read to the end.
Okay, make something functionally the same that's different in execution.
What if you were put a d6 on it and established odd numbers are one room and even numbers another?
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>you can't use a dice for it because...you just can't ok!
Or, more easily, just set a die on the side that's locked, covering it up until it's opened?
I'll wait until I see the aid before I pass judgement

Make it a flip card, everyone loves flip cards.

See this is what I mean, there needs to be some external game logic thay establishes what the rooms mean so people dont lose track.
>At the time, only Mark Rosewater, Bill Rose and Richard Garfield thought split cards were a good design idea. Over the course of development, the rest of R&D came around and the cards ended up debuting in Invasion.
Magic has a shit load of design ideas for putting multiple costs that trigger multiple effects on cards. Sagas and Classes immediately spring to mind.
Literally putting 2 cards into 1 is the most retarded way possible to achieve the same effect. They should have let it die
I do not like your idea. I think mine is better.
Gay Bolas
Rooms should have just been flip cards
>Make it a flip card, everyone loves flip cards.
Okay, now you can't have both halves in effect at the same time and it is a fundamentally different effect. Next.
>trope is that black guy always dies first, make him veteran survivor as a joke
Someone is getting fired for being racially insensitive
I think the biggest fault with "once per turn" isn't people not reading to the end, it's people being disappointed when the DO read to the end. It creates a bad reaction, as we can see from this conversation even happening.
I agree that leading with the once per turn clause first will make it read better and solve this problem, if it's a problem big enough to need solving. I expect it's a conversation Wizards has been having given the backlash to "Once per turn" this year and last.
Even just starting with "when" rather than "whenever" would go a long way, and we do already have many triggered abilities formatted with "when".
looks like Winston
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That's how it worked? I wasnt really paying attention. Make it like whatever these are called. Turn it sideways when it is both effects. Tap it at 45 degrees if that ever comes up.
My fiancé just left me, post cards for this feel
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>Solution to making it not a split card is to make it a fucking stupid design
Bravo, anon.
They have done 2 different cards on 1 card no less than 3 separate times. There is nothing wrong with it.
You faggots are seeing a card called "rooms" that has two halfs and when you cast the second half you open the door like you would when you open both halves of a door and you're acting lile that's the most insane concept that's ever existed and impossible to figure out
But then what will you do if Opalescence is out and it is also a creature that can attack?
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Do you think that having 3 of the legendary swords + Conq flail in Queen Marchesa Mardu control deck is a reliably enough win condition?
What do you guys think a Bloomburrow toilet looks like?
>smirk evilly as I top deck Culmination of Ideas
>snap cast that sucker declaring X=3
>exile two red and a blue
>laugh as I draw a card and deal two (2) damage for the low cost of five mana
>"wow anon good play," my foolish opponent declares. "anyways i cast Electrolize"
>*next game*
>laugh as i play culmination of ideas again
>this time exile 3 lands
>tfw just spend 5 mana to make 3 treasures
>w-whatever! at least my deck is thinner now!
>*next game*
>exile three artifacts
Not really, no. Wincons need to be diversified to an extent.
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I'm sorry anon, go buy yourself some fancy cardboard. May I suggest a foil Xiahou Dun? I'm about to move in with my girlfriend who just bought a house with her brother in the shitty small town where she lives, and work a shitty job instead of the high paying big city job I currently have, and leave my best/only friend behind. She's been nagging me to put a ring on it but I want to live with her for a bit first even though we've been dating for 5 years.
If you blink it you can trigger it twice and bypass the once per turn rule
Funny enough that's exactly the kind of deck this card is intended for... almost like they're telling us something
Slap that bitch's stupid cardboard right off the table.

At least it clearly indicates what's going on without external aids.
Damn mid and vow was such a kino
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Any excuse to use my shortstack gf devil tokens
>play one of the cards
>put a dice, counter, even a fucking coin on that half to mark that's the half that was used
>this is apparentally a mind bending concept to some people
Am I crazy or should this be "don't"? Because it says "would" so it's still on the field, so you either currently do or don't control it.
What a coincidence, mine blocked and ghosted me last Tuesday. Anyway, go make Ms Bumbleflower. Its honestly a lot more fun than I expected and I hate grouphug decks
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Are you building him as wheels or rack or general gy stuff?
I have the gy jund precons and seeing what I can reuse
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she's my bitch now white boi
No people are saying it should be don't too. Didn't implies the card is already in the graveyard, but no one has the ability to control creatures in the graveyard. Therefore it should say don't to imply on the field as it dies before being put into the graveyard. Maybe they'll errata it on release.
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>it's another "the normal art is better than the alt art" set
Maybe they'll re-evaluate their DEI policies. We can dream.
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Okay, cool, but I dont see the association your making.
I dunno man these alt arts look cool too like haunted pip boy style fallout cards
Those Equipment's + Army of the Damned?
You're trying to upset me.
Not him, but I assume he's saying that hiring based on race/gender rather than competency will obviously lower the quality of what is produced, and implying that Magic is currently under this effect.
>Hey Alexa, look up literacy levels by racial demographic in the United States of America
So he's retarded, got it.
Not him
>wow I can't believe someone has different taste in art on the internet, they must be trolling >:(
In case you didn't know, the pipboy treatments have been viewed as symbolic about everything that is wrong with UB prints. It's not unreasonable to suggest that someone praising them is baiting
not an argument
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Dude if she's buying a house without consulting you and wants to marry before you live together, you've gotta jet. Take it from someone who moved in with an ex in their shitty town and spent three years fighting my way back to the city after breaking up, shit's going to blow up and you're going to be trapped there. Five years is a long time but so is fifty, and you're better off realizing shit doesn't smell right today than on your deathbed.
>like battles.
Sets are made years in advance, anon
>>trope is that black guy always dies first
This is a fake trope. More of a meme. Very rarely does the black guy actually die first. Usually it's an unlikable white dude bro, or a woman.
This is getting real bad lately and it's starting to really bother me. Used to be you read a card and knew what it did, and wordings were enforced stringently. But now they haphazardly design card text and you have cards with strange wording that has to be "interpreted."
It makes the game end up more like yugioh.
How so? The only problems I saw were not being able to tell what color the cards were and he info on the screen always being the same. I thought in general fans of the games liked it.
He's right though that's he's retarded and virtue signaling.
Just please fuck off for a month if you're going to be a narcissist implying anyone liking the set is out to harm you.

>In case you didn't know, the pipboy treatments have been viewed as symbolic about everything that is wrong with UB prints.
Your head canon is not reality.
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What are your favorite 3-4 cmc commanders?
I think largely because they look extremely out of place next to your other cards. They just scream "THIS IS A LICENSED CROSS OVER CARD"
People didn't like double feature for the similar reasons. >>93782974 Though for what it's worth I think this minimalist black + bright colored edge would like fire if the art wasn't black and white
>Your head canon is not reality.
>he said, while denying reality to fit his headcanon
Bruh like it or not, a chunk of the community hates the pipboy cards. You don't have to take it personally.
Where is proofs?
>giant semen stain card art
He's just so good and you can build him lots of different ways. Plus the only card that can freesac both artifacts and creatures with no restrictions.
Go watch a youtube review by someone who wasn't paid/didn't get the set for free.
Go look up archives of these fucking threads around release.

I'm not your dad kiddo.
I don't understand this image. Is the "jitte" her pussy?
>3-4 cmc
Can you fucking count? If you like vampires, maybe you'd benefit from a Sesame Street Universes Beyond
I dont argue with people who want to argue, especially about made up bugaboos like DEI. I am here to participate in discussion about Magic The Gathering's Commander Format, and nothing else.
I'm sorry I had a brainfart, most people ask for < so I just went with it. Why the hyperspecific cmc range?
>No source
concession status: accepted
Those complaints apply to every set now. A quick flip through one of my decks shows D&D modules, wanted posters, stained glass windows, pulp magazine covers, Aztec etchings, and a scene from Princess Bride.
I agree with you anon, I have always felt this is a stupid and clunky way to do it because it's counterintuitive to read. I don't have the answer other than I think wotc regularly fucks up rules templating
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this guy, no two games have ever felt the same, and theres something that makes me SO FUCKING HARD about watching a player take the top of their deck off and whincing as I steal a combo piece or a win con
Savra kys tribal.
The current demo that doesn't play magic and has disposable income is little girls(or rather their parents). Their mothers lean moderately liberal and want to see safe anti-cheesecake card art of brilliant little brown girls so they feel better about buying cardboard.
Yes this is fucking stupid but it's what Paul from marketing and the shareholders want and they're more important than the actual customers of the game.
>cannot get through a post without bringing up politics
Theft is cringe
what do you expect from these people, all they do is sit at home being angry that people who aren't white exist.
Then I'm glad to be cringe
If I tell you the real reason an anon who "doesn't want to talk about this shit" will respond to me on his own volition, tell me I'm chasing bugaboos and try to get me v&
Harder to quality control when you have to release 5-6 sets/year. Its why a lot of the arts dumped in quality too
Its marketing anon, not politics.
Yeah really unfortunate. On the bright side it means draft packs are unironically the way to go
Liberal is a political term
Annoying right after bloomburrow
This is basically you telling him he upset you while not even insulting him back. Makes you look weak.
This is feminine behavior
No it's not. It's saying that I recognize his post is provocative and bait but I'm not going to take it and I'm not going to engage in his bullshit. It's mocking him by giving him a fake response to his post
>I dislike it so it's bait
Yes, and it's also a marketing demographic, one that Hasbro would like to court since shareholders demand constant growth.
>as if culture for the last 10 years hasn’t been dominated by retards bitching about how white-majority countries seem to put a lot of white people in media and in positions of power
Correct it hasn't been. That was 10 years before that
Don't take the bait anon, he's just a tourist form leddit
Anon there are non /pol/tards on the site. You should lurk more
You seem new and this seems like a cope post so you can feel everyone on the site agrees with you
The only spellslinger deck that I play.
>glamour thief
>has nothing to do with stealing appearances
Being here for the three months of summer doesn't make you a 4chan veteran anon
Same goes for 2016
2004. Nice try though anon
>draft packs
lol. lmao. you don't know, do you?
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I feel you
It's different when the frame is technological. And you know Wizards know it's weird because they have a whole cope about how tvs in Duskmourn are actually magic

New thread
Will go hard in my gnomestructs deck

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