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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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I got some players interested in giving Savage Worlds a go. I got a bevy of different settings and such, so what do you think I should throw at them?
Savage Pathfinder
Deadlands Lost Colony
Super Hero, Horror, or Fantasy Splat
Well, first you should tell us something about yourself and your players so maybe people might have something to base a recommendation on.
I'm a fat 40 year old disabled nerd with loads of free time. My friends are similar but aren't disabled so we meet up once a week for gaming. Interests are horror, Sci-Fi, fantasy, cape shit, science, literature, and such. Got HEAPS of TTRPG s and board/card games because I was an avid collector before I got disabled and had a good chunk of disposable income. The games are all in person with physical components as well.
Other systems I have included
Starfinder (complete)
Warhammer fantasy 3e (complete)
Genesys (all settings)
Old School Essentials
Around 40 D&D 3e books
A good chunk of 5e
Monster of the Week
Dresden Files (regular and accelerated)
Kobolds Ate My Baby
Bunkers and Badasses
FFG Star Wars (three cores)
Shadow of the Demon Lord (all splats and Godless)
Shadowrun (can't remember edition but it plays like ass so we don't use it)
Delta Green
Dead Markets
End of the World RPG series
Marvel Multiverse

Sure I got some more, but that's just off the top of my head. We played most of them but never really played Savage Worlds.
I found that Savage Worlds plus gritty damage worked wonders for a Western game that I did. I've used it for generic fantasy, that's more ehh but at least it's fast and easy to learn. Always wanted to give Rippers a shake.
Rippers is a pretty bonkers setting and SW does good for that kind of setting. They lost the rights to make it anymore, but Achtung Cthulhu is a good setting for it as well. Just weird war stuff in general or anything pulpy. Surprisingly, the Pathfinder stuff is pretty good for the system because you can lean into the pulpy side of that universe pretty hard fairly easily. SW falls apart really fast if you try for more grounded things.
General rule of thumb with Savage Worlds games? If your adventure could make the cover of a Man's Life Magazine then you picked the right system.
Thank you for clarifying. I'm echoing >>93783828, you might enjoy Rippers. There's no premade setting for it that I'm aware of, but you could also try running a 1920s gangster type game. I did that for my group and we had a blast.
Deadlands NOIR is close enough.
Of those? Deadlands.
It is close to just straight up CRB SW so it helps learning the system better and being a fleshed out established setting with a fair amount of extra content, it's easier on the GM.
The most interesting setting, but limited content for a GM with current SW rules.
Again, interesting setting, but no current edition so you gotta mod it somewhat. Not worth doing so if the system falls flat.
>Savage Pathfinder
A damn good use of the SW rules but it does enough shit different that it's CRB is a different book than the SW CRB
>Lost Colony
Best messed with AFTER Deadlands considering it assumes you know that rule set well.
Good but not enough content to be fleshed out enough for GM ease of use
Really assumes you got a form grip of how the system works and even then they are tool boxes so you gotta build 90% of the game from scratch.

Deadlands has the setting, lore, locals, characters, bestiary, and adventures while using the SW core that it's the overall best introduction setting for new players and GMs to SW.
I hope someday we get a small book for turning their Deadlands Hell on Earth stuff to Adventure Edition.
I know HoE was always the lesser sibling to Classic/Reloaded. But it’s wacky enough to be distinct.
It is kinda unnecessary. Dead Lands is basically post-apocalyptic already once you get a little west of the Mississippi. I liked HoE too, but it didn't do a helluva different in terms of overall structure and the lore was just kinda mid that was added.
Been meaning to try the solo RP book they made

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