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What school of magic is your favorite? I prefer divination and scrying magics.
For me it is necromancy because I never quite fully grew out of my phase where I like edgy stuff.
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Proper country girl magic rather than dumb witch shit.
So this is a /v/ thread?
The problem with divination is that it's either useless if prophecies are vague/unreliable or overpowered if they are accurate/reliable, with no middle ground.
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Evocation. Fuck cleverness and subtlety. I want to blow shit up.
I had a player ask the spirits for information in my last L5R. To make it so he didn't have an intelligence service with real time drones at his command I made them answer in an accurate but still vague way, in that I didn't have them give details.
>"Where did the bandits run to?"
>"North, to the city"
That gives them a definite direction rather than going in circles around the woods, but still has them work a bit.
>"Do the spirits know who is behind this plot?"
>"The ambitious man came from the sea"
There were several likely subjects, that narrowed the search down but they still had to find other clues themselves.
I think this was a nice middle ground.
I disregard magic and focus on channeling my qi. Or I follow the path of the fist/palm/finger.
Cute sex fairy.
Teleportation, from plain transportation to advanced logistics to pure bullshit like telefragging someone by teleporting their insides into the same space with coordinates randomized just in case.
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Evocation. I love blasting people with offensive spells and it's the easiest way to play wizard. Otherwise I find it gets too complicated.
Whatever lets me shapeshift.
I like when magic schools dont know Magic, but rather only Alchemy, and magic (as in spells) is left in scrolls and tomes scattered in the many ruins around the world.
Sure, one can learn spells, but they are more akin to curses, and demand that certain procedures are filled in order.
This is how I do it in my games, at least.
Depends on what system/setting we're talking about. Divination-style schools are usually pretty high on the list, but I'm also a sucker for white necromancy and the restorative aspects of magic.
I just think skellies are funny-looking, kind of useful, and cheap to make, so I rarely run out of them.
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Conjuration so I can summon a receptacle to properly dispose of my excess magical energy.
There's more to divination than prophecies. Piercing illusions, reading minds, gathering lore, identifying curses and other magical effects, and scrying enemies or the area ahead can provide invaluable intel without delving into the volatile nature of the future.
Conjuration. Always loved summoning friends to kill shit for me.
Salem University, also known as the Massachusetts Institute of Magic (MIM), chiefly because while it teaches magic it doesn't skimp out on practical stuff like math and history and social studies, unlike Hogwarts. Plus since so many kids in America are from mixed families the place actually has wi-fi.

You ever been to Hogwarts? I was a transfer student there once. No wi-fi. And they toss around the M-word so much that it made me really uncomfortable. I couldn't wait to get back to America.
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Blue magic. The moment a Blue Mage drops into the fight, they flip the table because everything thats about to happen is going to be weird and confusing for everyone involved, right up until the part where everyone dies in a massive explosion.
Also that moment of pants shitting terror where you throw your strongest attack at a Blue Mage and he survives it, and then he starts casting it right back at you having learned it on the spot.
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Enchantment because I am a degenerate.
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Blood, shadow or frost depending on what the game allows. Yeah I like edgy shit
As a forever GM I have far less problems with "artillery wizards" than any other kind.
Straightforward violent fun!
They are also super fun conceptually! Just rain death on your enemies!!
Caster Blaster run Bartertown
I like Necromancy because it's edgy and embodies what a proper wizard should be in my mind- a cunning scholar meddling with unnatural powers to do unspeakable things.
I don't think magic should have "schools".
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>It's not just a phase mother! This is what I truly am inside!
>The darkness you see around is nothing compared to the darkness in my heart.
>My name isn't Derick, it is Decrow the Decayer now!
>Ugh, mom, you don't get it! They're not my friends they're my minions of darkness! Stop trying to feed my zombies, you're being cringe!
>The lich isn't evil he's the only one who understands me and believes in me. He gave me a spellbook, you never gave me a spellbook!

it is sad how nerfed necromancy is
Oh, I'm gonna steal that one!
What does enchantment have to do with being a degenerate?
>Friends, charm, hold person, modify memory, enthrall
sounds like date rape the wizard
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personally i am a kid who grew up with a older brother who played dnd 3.x... who in hindsight i am pretty sure was autistic

and i am kinda missing (he passed away) thim talk about building logic gates and other machinery ingame out of zombies and skeletons

also i hope the picture is on brand i haven't actually watched fate/apocrypha
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Our condolences, anon. Your brother sounds like a fun dude.
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>Whatever lets me shapeshift.
Yes indeed, I think we all would have fun getting to know him. You'll see him on the other side one day. I'm sure we'd all have if we met him.
May he rest in peace
Transmutation/Conjuration, but to be more specific I relate to >>93806072 except I prefer Fleshwarping & Alienist/Outer Black cosmic magick. Weird, gross shit that probably gives you eyes on the inside in the long term.
Alternatively straight up grafting monster appendages & genomes onto yourself via alchemy or whatever.
This is also pretty blessed.
Divination, by far.
First gotta be Conjuration
I really am into the idea of summoning/conjuring something to fight for me and conjuring up homes and servants to tend to me. Just wanna play a smug rich shit who uses magic for it's most convenient uses
Second is Necromancy for the same reason as Conjuration but not all spells that give you a buddy to fight for you require concentration which is a plus and I like playing an edgy spooky Wizard
i really like making magic items if that counts so 3.5 artificer was peak for me

"please i don't need to prepare a specific spell, i have like 65 wands in the trunk of my golden lion golem mount that i can duel wield! which should cover us for a single dungeon"...
Now thinking about it i probably destroyed a small kingdom worth of magic items to fund that character's lifestyle, but i loved every second of it
What could be more fun than stopping all the other wizards from having any fun?
Depends on the game. What system?
i use divination solely to scry into women's quarters
I like all of them, love specialists in one or another, but since it hasn't gotten other rep yet I'd roll with Illusion.

I'm not Great at using it, but its fundamental philosophy and occasional spells that let you apply it to yourself are fantastic.
Ninjutsu is really cool, I like all the neat spells you can cast just from the things you find growing in the wilderness.
Witchcraft has a neat twist on the blaster, using localized teleportation alongside varying expressions of fire.
Divinity is pretty useful too, allowing the user to either cast lightning or apply beneficial effects to allies.
Alchemy is a must, though, because it's connected to not only crafting armor and weapons, but upgrading them.
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Transmutation, because I can buy everything else.
Theoretically whats stopping wizards from doing this?
Beast magic.
Other wizards. Refer to >>93815274
Summoning, I love monsters, demons and all kinds of spirits, if I could chose one, it would be the ability of control and invoque them.
Related to the pic you posted but I always get annoyed when a TTRPG doesn't have a squishy healer class, probably just because I was raised on JRPGs with white mages and it's weird to me that western rpgs almost always have the healers also be tanky.
... Are there any TTRPGs with good blue mage mechanics?
What makes the school of divination your favorite over the other choices present in your game? How does divination work in your game, and how effective does your game make its spells?
Can I conjure quasits to do my chores?
I don't know if I'd call it "good", but the only thing I can think of are Modular Abilities from GURPS, which lets you swap out abilities on the fly. Add a limitation that requires you to learn abilities by getting hit by monsters. Then you're set.
Presumably you can use the Conjured quasits to cook your food, fluff your bed, fix you a cup of coffee and write your memoir for you and you could do this with any creature you summon/conjure
But there's going to be varying levels of quality and you'd be better off conjuring an Unseen Servant instead
This >>93815274 and oddly for the same reasons. I have a sick sense of amusement at the idea of fun policing other wizards.
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Fellow Lore of Fire enjoyer
This is an archaic discussion. Schools of magic haven't been relevant in D&D for nearly 20 years and IMO a lot longer, and most systems and settings and even video games made within the last 25 years have decided to avoid FEELS BAD gameplay where magic is involved by making all spells easily available, so schools of magic are now these nebulous vaguely related spells lumped together under a meaningless type and most people just pick and choose the best spells of each type creating legion's of bland, indistinguishable and utterly interchangeable "special snowflake" magic users with absolutely nothing that sets them apart.

This doesn't just apply to magic schools in fantasy media either. It's ubiquitous across all nerd media that presents different schools/types/elements/creature types, etc but without any hard rules to actually limit choice. That's why every competent D&D 5e wizard has the same spells, why every competitive Pokemon player has the same team with the same moves, why Magic the Gathering is dominated by the same 3-6 decks, etc etc etc.

Unlimited freedom and lack of barriers in nerdshit leads to an epidemic of bland soulless cookie cutter everything burgers dominating, not only making whatever piece of nerd media you would like to engage in worse for it, but also making potentially fun theoretical conversations like this meaningless.

I like Necromancy because as a bitter angry loner I feel like I would get along more with undead and would like to have zombies and skeletons and ghosts to be friends with
Both of the big two (and therefore also illusion) are turing complete at higher levels though so it becomes an increasingly meaningless question
I like using dark magic. Especially on innocent, unwilling victims.
You “use” brownies for that, not quazits. You don’t actually have to conjure a brownie, just leave some milk and cream for them. They aren’t evil like quatzits so they’re much safer. However, you must be careful not to disrespect them (why I put use in quotes), and to not offer them clothing and not disturb them while they work.
Based evil wizard enjoyer
That's because there is nothing that makes each of the "schools" distinct or puts any limits on going to one or the other. They may as well not even be a thing except Wizards needed names for subclasses.
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Is Lifecrafter already being used somewhere in D&D (aside from MtG obviously)? I hate how transmutation is just a thing by itself and think there should be a school of magic that goes into things like fleshcrafting and natural sciences, basically anything from magic doctors the farmer/green wizards.
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Hell yeah, biomancy.
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I like how the guardians in Geneforge look like generic medieval knights from their art, but then you read the item descriptions and they're actually wearing chitinous techno-organic bug things as power armor and brandishing living guns that breed with other living guns and reload themselves by eating the fruits that grow off of bio-engineered bullet trees.
schools predate "subclasses"
Lore of Metal.
Schools could be distinct if more settings/games put a hard rule on magic users having to stick to a primary school and making casting spells from other schools extremely hard or better yet outright impossible beyond some very basic things. Being a wizard would be hard as shit and it'd make sense it'd take a long time to master one style magic and that eventually guilds would form to protect their most powerful spells from being pilfered by others to stop Gigawizards from emerging and ruling them all.
I like using holy magic. Especially to smite guilty, evil wizards.
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Can't stop me from ogling my OWN tits!
magic makes stuff so easy
Conjuration. Summoning is such a cool and versatile concept and it also includes a discount version of several other schools, I.E you might not be able to blast as well as an Evoker but conjuring an Olympic swimming pool of Aqua Regia on top of people or dropping anvils on their head like it's loony toons is often good enough. It's also often a swiss army knife tool, even if you don't have the answer to something, chances are you can summon something that does have it

This applies even to non-d20/vancian games, for example in Mage your paradigm can literally just be "lmao who gives a shit I summon a spirit to deal with it" and you can basically justify anything under the sun that's within your spheres. Yeah sure I've got the spirit of underwater basketweaving on speed dial, no problem guys.
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animation or summoning. because i like having minions but i hate the aesthetics of skeletons, zombies and ghosts
Why do you hate the aesthetic?
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Summoning is best. Especially when summoners and conjurers are different things.
Being able to summon entire armies is the best. Then you can use them for anything like building a house, manufacturing or companionship. It also helps when you can have FF style summons where they act as huge damage dealing spells or powerful buffs to help round things out.
Using MtA parlance, I always preferred the Sphere of Forces: fireballs, lightning bolts, controlling gravity, and turning unattended objects into bombs like Killer Queen

Why is this the default way of depicting anything life related when it comes to magic? Is this becasue of Rifts?
Show of Power from Demon the Descent. Copy any non-demonic supernatural power that you have experienced, either as a observer or as the target.

Also Mage the Awakening lets you gain XP from studying other supernaturals.
>he goes to school for magic
>he doesn't invest it all in Summon Pitbulls
>That one spell that summons an Ape addicted to Ketamine
>Can't control it, it does what it wants
>Can't die
Is that Kitchen Gun in SS13?

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