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Writing General: 'wizards and wizardry' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)
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There are so many wizard archetypes, which is your favourite? The wise, old man in tune with the fortunes of nature, the scholar delving into things that man is not meant to know, the warrior who blasts his enemies with fire and frost, or the just plain crazy guy spitting in the faces of gods and demons alike?
Now THAT is what a real capital-w Wizard looks like, Jesus Christ.
Finished a short story, posted it on here ages ago but I did more revisions on it
oh, I'm retarded
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Do you have any idea the name of that artist?
How do you guys come up with names? For both characters and things like places/cities/nations.
Douglas Beekman. He did a lot of magazine and book covers in the '70s and '80s. That one's for a novel called 'Darkmage'.

Always one of the hardest parts of writing. First step is to consider what kind of culture the characters come from, and what the closest real-world analogue is, then go from there. For example, if it's a Medieval fantasy setting with thick pine forests, timber-frame houses, very plain castles, then you might want to go with something Germanic. If on the other hand it's a more Mediterranean feel, with wine, sandstone buildings, olive groves, etc, go with something a little more Romance language. Not necessarily an exact borrowing from Italian or whatever, but something that sounds in the same ballpark.

And if you're off the map entirely, at least make sure that whatever random sounds you pick are consistent with each other. For example, don't have Poleo, Lazera and Ezalee, and then add in a Grunkthak (unless of course you're trying to emphasise that Grunkthak is a foreigner).
In my story’s world, once every hundred years there’s a great tournament for a user of every group of magic/type of spell, with the winner of each round gaining all the magical knowledge and skill of the loser (types with more combat utility from the get-go might have to enter in the second or third rounds for balance reasons though), the mages growing stronger as the tournament continues, until the final winner becomes the most powerful mage in the world, and the head of the mage's council for the next 100 years, kind of like Highlander but less lethal and with magic. I just need some more types/specialties of magic in order to pad out the brackets a bit, no matter how if they don't seem useful in direct combat or not like healing spells or the various kinds of divination, since I want to have every branch of magic possible to be included in this besides the go-to ones like illusions, summoning, elemental spells, or necromancy. It doesn’t matter how specific or broad your suggestions are.
>while the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating
I've only been in the discord for a few days but the discord feels more like a second home for /aco/ writefags and furries than /tg/ or related fiction
My Spelljammer campaign is just The Pirates of Dark Water *In Space. The players got a compass, there's a powerful godlike weird being to explain their purpose, a massive ship whose evil captain has the hold full of feral goblins, and something corrosive invading wildspace and creating pockets of death and destruction. It's set in the astromundi cluster and the Antilans are on the verge of success. They seem to be the badguys, using shadowstone to create mirrors reflecting Firefall's rays back on it to amplify its power. What they don't know, of course, is that this is all being done at the behest of the Arcane, who made a deal to turn the entire crystal sphere over to the Tinar'ri so once the sun reaches maximum power it goes kaboom and becomes a permanent portal into the Abyss. It's already starting to crack and patches of red space (fouled air choked by the red dusts of the abyss) are appearing throughout the crystal sphere. The players have to find the 13 lost treasures that the Sun Mages are also seeking to create what they think will finally crush the Ilithid empire, but will actually create the Sun Killer. The Antilans are operating in Calidian space with their massive crystal ship whose hold is full of feral goblins so that they can take out other ships without leaving a mark that might spark a war with the Calidians (launch floatsam jam packed with feral goblins at your enemies, ???, profit).

My only problem is that the players are showing less interest in the fantastical treasure hunt than I would like. So far they're trying to set up a trade empire of space-shark meat and routhe wool.
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Hope you're still around. I have been reading a chapter or so a day - I'm finished now so thought I would offer some feedback.

I'll start with things I liked or thought you did well:
- Its clear you've got a good understanding of the 40K setting, especially the brass tacks, down to earth side of Guard life.
- The three PoVs all feel quite distinct from one another.
- Prose on the whole is quite good - nothing terrible jumped out at me and at worst I'd quibble with some minor literary choices (but that's what editors and second drafts are for!)
- I found the general premise to be quite interesting and would read a story about that.

As for things you might want to rethink / take a look at:
- Order of chapters: I get that you are trying to fairly introduce the three PoVs, but it leads to quite a bit of jumping around timeline-wise that upsets the narrative. Its difficult, but it might be better to drip feed character's backstories in the present rather than dedicate entire chapters to what are essentially flashbacks.
-Similarly, its quite a long time before there is any action in the story. Its pretty common for sci-fi and fantasy novels to draw readers in with a hectic opening scene, or a sort of prologue that establishes the story's conflict (perhaps the initial revolution that dethroned the Planetary Governor?)
- Finally, and this is purely housekeeping, you should edit the document so that it is a bit more appealing to read. There are some huge paragraphs there - as many as 10+ lines - that might put off anyone who is interested in reading.

Hopefully I haven't come off as too critical - all my critiquesare to do with structure / presentation more so than the content. If I hadn't liked it I wouldn't have read to the end. Think about organising the story a bit more and it'll turn out great!
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