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Previous: >>93826094


>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM (embed)

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
How good was your first deck?
Gay Bolas
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Straight Bolas
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Bisexual Ugin
It was the oloro precon when it first came out. Soon turned it into a flicker deck with merieke at the helm. Had it the whole time and she's going strong. So precon to pretty good. Though, even as a precon oloro was pretty solid.
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Say I have Jodah the Unifier out, and this dude gets brought out with Jodah's ability. I didn't pay the mana cost, X is 0. Does he enter as a 0/0 and immediately die (due to toughness = 0), or does Jodah's +X/+X buff bring his stats up *as* he enters, keeping him alive?
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Tranny Galazeth
Experiment Kraj based on Tolarian Colleges' List but somehow even more budget, 17+ tapped Lands. It was total ass. Wanted to try out EDH with a friend, who has build Arahbo.
1v1 was shit, and later after 2 more friends got precons i just bought one as well
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alright, i've been pretty satisfied with this deck. it has really simple lines with just the right amount of depth / variance that it doesn't always play the same every game. it's inoffensive and usually the lowest power on the table yet i am still able to run away with a win often enough for me to be content.

now as my last thing of optimization i'm looking to maybe make a sideboard i could slot in when i'm up against higher power (not quite cEDH but 7/8/9)

any suggestions for replacements that would boost it to have a bit more of a chance against high power?
or anything that is glaringly useless

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>How good was your first deck?
It was this glorious motherfucker right here, back when everyone else was running their first decks and thus has near zero removal. The entire deck was filled with cards that let me untap him, so I'd tap, untap, tap, untap, tap him over and over each turn locking down the entire table. It was glorious. And it had like 20 fucking counterspells so I always had an answer to removal. It was good only because other people's decks weren't good. When people starting building proper decks it got outclassed very quickly
Jodah keeps him alive, the state action of them dying to reduced toughness happens after adjusting P/T
It was so bad I cringe a little.

Heavily modified alibou precon when I had only ever played kitchen table in hs.
Horrible curve, not enough lands, too many rocks, almost non-existent # of instants.
I'd get lucky occasionally when people would leave me alone most the game and through strionic, clock, or replicating ring I'd use alibous combat trigger to KO whoever was left
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Gotta keep the respect going anon.
>the state action of them dying to reduced toughness happens after adjusting P/T
Ahhh, thanks a bunch, didn't know that
I built a kruphix deck around nyx. I came here to ask about it and it was fucking horrible; not enough lands, cmc around five, not enough lands, basically no draw power. It pretty much only won because of prophet.. I typed out a giant elaborate list in a huge post here and some anons were nice enough to help. Been here ever since and I'm so much better it's hard to imagine. I always strive to give advice to new anons the same way I recieved it so long ago.
I dont get it? Whats so great about that deck?
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>that deck
Mad respect to this dude
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i just learned about tranquility
btfo by back to nature in every way
If this giga Chad is still around can he explain the best ways to do card advantage in mono white?
How gay?
Nice anon. I came here to laugh at him, but I'm actually impressed. I love monoblue but not that much.
It's complicated, mostly positive, but I do have big problems with some select cards.
On one hand, I like how many more strategies I can explore. My first deck was Odric in 2016, and when I posted him on here, many anons were commenting on how the deck was not mono white, but artifacts with a dash of white. Now, I can make an entirely White decks, like my Enchantment decks that hate out artifacts and have no artifacts in their card pool or my Devotion to White decks whose card pool needs White pips so things like Arcane Signet and Sol Ring are difficult to run. I like the concept of catch-up ramp and catch-up draw, seems like a White proactive "balance" type effect.
On the other hand, they are taking some of these effects too far. Like Trouble in Pair or Smothering Tithe, which don't really catch you up but propell you past you opponents. I know that's what you SHOULD want, but it's not in the flavor of White. White is tricky where you want to reduce your land count with either bounce lands like Arid Archway or lands like Lotus Vale to get ahead. Also, and this is for all colors, some of the newer cards are completely busted, like Ocelot. I'm forced to run UB cards like Jo Grant crewing a 40k Knight Paladin or the Templar Knights in Abdel, but I feel like this is every color.
I'm think I can now do a spellslinger deck in Mono white.
That is not a sexual orientation.
Yeah this has happened hundreds of times, really. Almost all cards nowadays just straight up outclass all the older cards in every way (with the obvious exceptions like mana crypt/Power 9/all the moxes, etc). Creatures are the same way, used to be like 6CMC for a 4/4 flying. That's now like.. 3-4CMC, with added triggered ability stuff tacked on
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Yes, however.
holy based, thanks for showing me this. i've been using heroic intervention + back to nature, but this might be better to start with if it's my turn to bait out a counter.
>How good was your first deck?
Momir Vig with seed born muse, honestly it was pretty strong for the era
oh fuck this is golden
>Like Trouble in Pair or Smothering Tithe, which don't really catch you up but propell you past you opponents.
Like rhystic study, if you don't play with retards they do almost nothing, except be the basic tax they actually are.
Like there are several of both copies in my pod and they rarely do anything.
>both copies
Meant both cards
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proxy i made for you guys
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>put a lot of love in favorite deck over the last two years
>ask for advice on what to improve
>no replies
c-can't improve p-perfection...
Did you actually ask advice or just post the deck and say "what improve?"
Trans Ramos
artificial dragon
White mana injections gay
yeah, it's a rocco food deck that wins by making little guys fat and throwing them at the enemy, with a side strategy of building a token army. I want to move away from the token creature strategies and find more creatures that can easily reach lethal for fling, like the new bloomburrow squirrel that scales off food tokens, but I don't know shit about fling tech.
I understand there being no angels, but i wonder if Duskmourne will not have Dragons either
Thoughts on my updated Be'Lakor deck? I think its too light on creatures because I shoved a lot of removal into it.

Sephara, so just pretty good by default. I just through all the fliers I owned into it. I think it actually won once.
The first deck I bought cards for was Hallar, which was about as good as sephara was.
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What sexuality is best bolas?
what are your thoughts on protection like spellskite or mother of runes?
balanced or broken?
Gwafa was one of my first. No tap untap stuff, though. I just filled the deck with pillowfort stuff, (bad) counterspells and auras like picrel.
It was a bit of a meme deck, cause I'd get a few rounds of no one targetting me while I gimp a few of their things and they draw cards off of it, then they'd just kill gwafa since I had no protection and never held up mana for counter magic, and they'd have their boardstate back.
I still have Gwafa as a friend card in my Zur deck, which is what the Gwafa deck became, now with a ton more of picrel effects I can tutor directly onto creatures, because hexproof can't save you.
It's weird to think that people just assume that every older card was used 100% of the time.
Many many example of cards- even ones with unique effects- were just never used either the effect being too narrow or it just too expensive for what it does (Often bein too expensive). Then when wotc prints an actual useable version of a card it's "power creep"

There's a fine line between power creep and an actual honest Fix to something that was broken.
Spell skite isn't so bad because it's one use (as long as you aren't recurring it constantly), but mother of runes one use per round is a bit much to deal with-- you basically have to have 2 removal spells to get one off, which isn't great when most decks run less than 10 removal spells.
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Sorry, meant for
My brother in christ, get better removal.
Thoughts as a commander? Playable I think with some edits and whatnot. Jeskai can be a fun outlet as far as cheap creatures.
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You're better off woth less but better removal. Multitarget, one-sided boardwipes, that sort of thing. If you're going to run counterspells, run enough that you will have them with some consistancy, or just don't bother running them.
It's so good that it's unfun. Being able to copy every dude with a good ability on cast is ridiculous, not to mention the buff it gets and that it has evasion.
If I'm playing Inalla do I *have* to do some kind of infinite combo to win or can I just go for value plays?
Depends. How else will you win?
Imagine being this anon.
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>Tap five untapped Wizards you control: Target player loses 7 life.
God I'm such a sucker for stuff like this. One day I'll make a meme mill deck with like 50 of these motherfuckers
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If you REALLY want to know what the best way to card advantage and ramp in mono white you have to accept some hot takes.
For example, Brought Back is the best land ramp spell in the game because for 1 card and 2 mana, you get two lands back after a Lotus Vale, and in the late game it can save you some good permanents for two.
Or, Oblation is basically an instant speed mdfc that either gets rid of a nonland thing and gives your opponent two cards OR it's a "sac" a token: draw two cards.
Or, Path to Exile is a ramp spell that doubles as removal later on.
Having cards/playstyle that are/is flexible will allow you to compete with the more "powerful" colors.
Also, drawing cards with another player, like with Temple Under Attack or Loran is actually stronger than just drawing by yourself in a multiplayer game because you can turn the card draw into favors.
Most deck archetypes in White also have draw, for example Firemane Commando in combat decks, well of lost dreams in Lifegain, Platoon Dispenser in creature heavy decks, Dusk Legion Duelist in counter decks, Sram in aura/equipment/vehicle decks, Welcoming Vampire in weenies, Wall of Omens in blink decks, Rammas Echor in spellslinger-y decks, Losheel in artifact decks, etc. there's a lot out there. Generic things like Archivist of Ogma, the Throne of Eldrain, Trouble in Pairs are also pretty plenty nowadays.
I still have my first deck, but it has been constantly upgraded since 2008 when I first found EDH. Teferi was my favorite creature, so I built it around him. The deck still has its "pile of counterspells" theme, but wins with Oracle now instead of Panoptic Mirror infinite turns and attacking with Darksteel Colossus. The only combos that still remain are the [Future Sight/Etherium Sculptor/Sensei's Divining Top] combo that I discovered by accident, the [Gilded Lotus/Filigree Sages/Heartstone] combo that I upgraded by adding Training Grounds and Chromatic Orrery, and the [Rings of Brighthearth/Basalt Monothith] combo that stays because of all the other cards that both of them interact with. It's my most expensive deck by a lot because of all the expensive mana rocks.
Would using Conspiracy-type effects to make all my creatures wizards be good? Otherwise I'm starting to think I could just play something else like Evelyn or Be'lakor if I want to stay within Grixis
Why did you mark all your cards?
if i had to guess he marked the sleeves not the cards, so he can easily identify which cards are in the core deck, so he can swap out sideboard or non-core cards without having to worry about accidentally taking something important to the structure of the deck out. i've thought about doing something similar.

but maybe he has another reasoning for it
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Not him but I played Darien for a long time. Besides land tax effects (of which you should run many), white weenie cards like Skullclamp and Mentor of the Meek, and generic colorless draw like Mind's Eye and Staff of Nin, you are going to either use graveyard or blink effects a lot. You're probably familiar with the good blink effects in white, so I'll go over my favorite graveyard tech.
>Gift of Immortality
Combo piece with Sun Titan and extreme value engine with any sac outlet. Sac your ETB creature and return it 4 times every round
>Angelic Renewal
Also combos with Sun Titan, more resilient since it's not an aura, but doesn't return itself
>Emeria Shepherd
Can be used with any land tutoring creature and a sac outlet to put every plains onto the battlefield and potentially draw a lot of cards. Unlike Sun Titan, she can reanimate any CMC permanent, so you can grab your Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Cathar's Crusade or whatever
>Angel of Indemnity
Backup Sun Titan, can return CMC 4 permanents

Some other good creatures to use in this kind of deck
>Solemn Simulacrum
>Burnished Hart
>Cavalier of Dawn
>Restoration Specialist
>Ao, the Dawn Star
>Karmic Guide

The best sac outlets generally are Ashnod's Altar, Altar of Dementia, and Blasting Station
>Scales no longer green
so no one swipes them if they have the same sleeve color
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Good night anons. I hope you have a great weekend. I believe in each and every one of you; you all have greatness inside you and great things will happen to you.
Git gud, control is awful in edh.
>I’m a boring dipshit who has vague requests for “help”, why oh why won’t people talk to me.
Open wide for spoon lil dipshit
Are you the same retard who said mill isn't viable in EDH?
If you're playing monoblue or simic, control isn't just viable it's encouraged. There's so many cards that will remove your hand limit, give all your cards flash, and then all you need to do is throw down a bunch of land and draw a bunch of cards. Boom, you now have the ability to respond to everything your opponents do.
Not to fucking mention all the tax cards, and limitations on how many times per turn opponents can do things.

Honestly the longer I think about this the more I wonder if you've ever played the game
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>control is awful in edh.
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Needs 10 untapped blue lands on field
>the dont know
Control is awful in edh because the math is fundamentally different and you'll never accumulate enough resources to trade with 3 other players. Stax, however, is quite good and a crucial part of a healthy meta.
>t. Immensely powerful monoblue anon
>the math is fundamentally different and you'll never accumulate enough resources to trade with 3 other players.
This is the weirdest way of saying "I have never played a game of EDH in my life" I've ever seen
Most cards target all opponents.
Haters gunna hate, I've played longer and have more expensive cardboard than you.

Not control cards.
>Not control cards.
board wipes confirmed not control
Yes, that's correct. A control deck can play some boardwipes, but board wipes are absolutely not control.
As a control Chad, I sometimes wonder how the game might change if they rewrote the rules so that when a spell was countered it just went back into your hand with the lands remaining tapped and the mana still spent.
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That effect already exists and it's not played.
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>finally get the boys over for magic
>finally get to bust out my tuned up squirrel deck
>no land
>double mulligan
>1 land
>no land drawn for 6 turns
>board state is one land and discarded cards
>someone else wins
I have 35 land in this deck.
I play that. It's a degenerate combo card.
Should have ran more fetches.
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You already have a better option in combo.
Debatable, though twincast is a great card.
I meant if the rules for all counterspell cards were changed so that the countered spells weren't put in the GY. I personally don't use counters, cards like Reverberate and Snap are more fun.
Seems unlikely when you're just wrong. The resource inequality is overcome by laying down something like Winter Moon or anything that taxes particular plays, or otherwise makes them less desirable.
>winter moon
My fucking sides, that's an awful card. Stax is great, but it has little to do with control.
You should have a Rule 0 where you can 1 time only pay life equal to a mana cost of a card when you have 1 land after a certain number of turns so you can actually enjoy the deck you paid for
We call it "Invoke Satan"
A friend asked me what I would like to play with and I said assassins, so he gave me a Marchesa deck filled with assassins. Needless to say it wasn't too good but Marchesa became my favorite commander and I've made multiple variations of her. Monarch, Humans, Pillowfort, Voting, Control, ect. Still I always wanted a good Assassin deck and Ramses looked cool but I guess I got my (monkey's paw) wish with universes beyond which is... conflicting to say the least
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Yes and I'm saying that would be dogshit because there's a billion cards where the situation created is "Cast it again Jeremy" where every counterspell is reduced to being Mana Tithe. 3 formats are ruined overnight and Mindbreak Trap spikes to $1600.
My house rule is if you don't run combo you can have unlimited mulligans
This is mainly because I'm shit at shuffling
Why dont you build proper decks? Dont make me get out the hyper gemometric calculator, but london mulliganing to 5 with a free mulligan is basically assured at hitting two land drops. Run more shuffle effects you dumb dildos.
>like theft decks, Gonti my beloved
>a fucking dinosaur is the best theft commander of all time
Why is Wizards so gay
I have been harping brought back and lotus vale for so long. I love seeing it being mentioned.
>Besides land tax effects (of which you should run many)
Bad advice. you can't run so many without diminishing returns. specially if running sad robot, burnished hart and other land ramp. Even with lotus vale, bouncelands, etc, you're not gonna always be behind
Also Martry's Cause and Fanatical devotion
theft is the gayest archetype
>Why dont you build proper decks?
Because I'm bad, poor, and like playing jank
Dunno what else you want me to say
The only format I play is casual with friends and we use proxies, so pthbthbthbth.
I assume you're talking about MoM Etali? She's just extremely busted in general. Etrata, Deadly Fugitive is really good now after the Assassin's Creed set, i like how she doesn't fall into the same trap as most "play your opponents deck" decks do where you're either spending too much mana with the theft effects and then subsquent spells, making you fall behind, or that the things you steal are just too synergistic with the opponent's deck to be relevant for you. With Etrata you just keep adding to the board with more and more morphs, and you can cast them for free if it's something actually good.
It's this. I'm getting kind of old so remembering what goes in which deck is difficult and I'm not going through it with Manabox. It's faster if the cards just tell me where they supposed to go.
That sounds really cool actually, would she be better as commander or as tech in a Felix Five-Boots deck?
>Stax is great, but it has little to do with control.
The levels of gaslighting are off the charts
I mean, those are two completely different propositions. I think you could definetly build a Felix theft deck, but it's going to be a lot less focused than Etrata. If you're looking for an interesting gimmick deck Etrata probably more interesting of a build-around, but Felix is going to be stronger in most cases because he's just very strong in general with a very low deckbuilding cost
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>Even with lotus vale, bouncelands, etc, you're not gonna always be behind
That's why your lands should also be some kind of spell or value. Having a strong mana base, like the one I pictured, can help you cross the finish line, and since you are mono colored you have the slots available.
Also, Martry's Cry is an intense mono white card draw option.
I think the main reasoning to run Felix would also be so that I could put the new Gonti in it, although is theft would be a lot slower. I dunno, I'll keep brewing but Etrata does look really interesting
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There's a fella in my group that plays this guy.

He learned what "on sight" means.

>Lightning Bolt
>Shoot the Sheriff

Doesn't matter. I've played a green Kaiju deck and had three "fight" cards in my hand and each time he popped out, he got eaten by a bear. He got mad as fuck but I've seen this dude shit out fifty tokens a turn and every ETB going off twice is simply unacceptable.
Newfag here, for a 2 color 3 CMC commander that you want to play as fast as possible do you just go full 1 mana ramp with elves and land enchantments and skip the 2 and 3 mana ones? It feels weird not having proper land ramp in case of board wipe.
Who would be a good Jund commander if I wanted to put Tana and Lathril in the same deck? I can also add Cadira if I run Saskia or a 5-color legend like Jodah or Najeela
Run both and mull for turn 1 ramp.
Korvold or Prossh, any deck that wants sac fodder.
>Let Zurgo ride him
He's a power bottom
One time I had a counterspell in my hand and drew 2 more in a row (the deck only had 4) and countered the same dude's Krenko 3 times in a row. I've never seen someone so completely fucking tilted before.
>He got mad as fuck but I've seen this dude shit out fifty tokens a turn and every ETB going off twice is simply unacceptable
Yes fucking sir if you wanna be the try-hard combo happy dork then ya gotta deal with the consequences.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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in like 15 minutes I'll lay out my Nekusar or Coram deck for another pic
>Countering someones commander 3 times in a row and expecting them not to get mad
It wasn't great and got powercrept by the other players in my group very fast, but it was fun and pretty easy to upgrade for the while I was playing it. I played it zombie tribal. Playing a commander that made the graveyard almost a second hand made the shift from Yugioh to this game much easier. Still have her around and every now and then add a card or two into the deck in the hope to bring her back one day.
>implying I wasn't expecting it.
C'mon anon, don't be dumb. I didn't even say those words.
Why do you ask this every thread it's the same guys over and over who post their grainy out of focus decks you can't read half the names of
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>Play a card game
>Have a card that makes your strategy work
>Everyone else knows this
>They take action to remove the lynchpin of your strategy
>Wonder why this could be happening

I'm not even that guy who gets upset when he loses to a good commander or something, but when I play Bolt Action and focus fire on my opponent's super heavy tank, they don't usually bitch like cardfags do when you give their commander or big dick card a Philadelphia handshake. If your commander allows you to become unstoppable, the others are either just being polite or fucking around if they don't ice that son of a bitch as soon as he pokes his head out.
It's multiple people
I cringe every time I see how expensive some peoples' decks are. Like, holy shit, anon PLEASE tell me some of these are proxies
>casual format
>not proxying
Holy paypig I wish I ran the game shop you keep in business
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Nah, no proxies in there
I have to post the updated version of this deck in a little bit, but this is the last image of it
I appreciate you assuming I have the social skills to go outside and not buy these online
I finally got to play my first game of cedh today using yuriko, I mulled to 5 keeping tainted pact, 2 lands a 1 drop creature, and lotus petal, and then drew gemstone for turn going first
Someone fucking pithing needled me turn 1
But when it looked like I was completely fucked I hard drew thoracle
So I had the best beginners luck for my first game and that was cool
Then I got to watch actually good people play so that was a lot of fun
I'm really excited to play more
remand is a card that was played a lot but it's better in 1vs1 because of the tempo it gives you and nobody in edh knows how to build a deck that can out tempo three midrange value piles.
this honestly
$100 old precon? Ehh, at least it's 100 cards
$100 for a Jeweled Lotus or something like that?
Fuck that, let me get the Printer Rare
>I just HAVE to have a jeweled lotus in my deck!
>tfw no Jeweled Lotus or Mana Crypt yet
I suffer
what's wrong with collecting cards? i find that to be the most fun, try and collect cool cards i like and then use them. I was so happy i managed to get a trade once in a store so now i use that card in all my decks.

I feel proxies just cheapens my experience of the hobby and game. Sure it's nice to have the really cool unattainable cards to play with but i think would be really more enjoyable as attaining them to be part of the hobby.
No clue how spending money adds fun or joy
>I felt such joy when I bought that couch
Can you help me with the white deck I wanna make :)
You're already a buyfag just buy one online
yes actually, if I'm running fucking doctor who and you're running that 2 mana guy that gives everything with deathtouch infect then yeah I need jeweled lotus to not die instantly
Based creatures
Mother of runes is only good against target removal, destroy all creature spells get around pro colors because its not targeting anything
That being said they are both very powerful, both are only good if you also have a good creature to combo them with so they themselves arent that great however spellskite is a great bargaining tool in multiplayer.
I use spellskite in Mizzix and Mother of Runes in Queen Marchesa
They are both solid cards that dont slack in the power department
no i mean by trading and pulling the cards, i find that fun.
Commander deck?
I still have it, it was the Ob Nix Precon I bought with the intention of eventually buying a Sheoldred to helm as commander.
Its current rendtiotion is about the best I can get it, locks people out and can get Sheoldred out as early as turn 2 with the right hand.
Its fast but in terms of cutting edge power its not great because it can be fast but you basically have to gas your hand out.
It shits on most people who dont realize tht strategym they basically get locked out with Sheo on board when I drop a winter orb or contamination
>adds 3 mana for 0 mana
Anon this isn't Dark Ritual, it's Advanced Dark Ritual
ummm there are plenty of budget commanders out there
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The eternal question
spend premium money on better lands for a commander deck to make it more fluid or buy better spells/creatures
Play monocolor because fuck fetches fuck shocks fuck dual fuck triome fuck tower fuck brass fuck orchard fuck tomb fuck gemstone fuck cradle fuck coffer
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How new player friendly is this precon? What kind of deck is it? I ask because my freind wants to start playing and my lgs has this on sale for $20.
Yeah next deck after the current one is going to be mono green.
But right now I NEED atleast two shocks in Mardu that are black to make my rendition of Queen Marchesa fluid enough to play and not durdle
Mono color land based can be expensive as shit too, with Nykthos, Ancient Tomb, and other utility lands
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One day I'll have to, trying to convince a friend to give me the blue Mana Crypt from LCI lmao
as for Jeweled Lotus, I may just save up a little money from my next paycheck to grab one for Urza.
Just took this, my fully up to date Knight deck with Sidar Jababy. Tried to "show off" some of the nicer cards like a few old Beta lands, Tundra, Polluted Delta, etc
starting from top left
>slop lands
>unironically running Urza's incubator
>call the bloodline
>knights' charge
>chivalric alliance
>actually fell for dawn's truce meme card
>bad art teferi's
>actually using the pathways when basics would be better
>2 fetches in 3 colors
>8 non-knight creatures (9 counting changeling)
>using bad clone copycrook
>ledger shredder
>more UB shit
>no mana crypt
>no jeweled lotus
>almost no mana rocks
>almost no ramp
>almost no recursion
whats the point?
Micro brained post
>half of the criticism is >card
Yeah, no I agree with list fag. Why bother?
Is it worth it to have Lightning Bolt in a commander deck do you reckon?
Sillybrained post
It's both good and helps me fuel my graveyard. Extra helpful if I have a little trouble getting the right colors with some bonus, easy card selection.
If I can get out an early unblockable Knight like Changeling Outcast or Dauthi Voidwalker, the deck starts to speed up a little bit since neither of them are useful as walls. I don't just leave Sidar in the Command Zone like you can with Edgar or Inalla, I take a great deal of pleasure in using him for his recursion on-hit.
Does it work with any of your cards, or are you just including it as a cheap damage spell? I'd recommend Ghostfire Slice if you need it for removal and you play in a multicolor heavy meta.
My first deck was the Inalla precon, which is still pretty good desu.
Why don't you just play Solitaire instead? Surely it would require more brain power than your current deck
Newbie here. If something costs X i can pick 0, right?
Is there a reason why Headless Horseman is in the list? There's no end to better cards you could be running instead. Or is it there because it's a cool card?
If you can get it for twenty then sure. Hard to go wrong with such a deal. Look up a list to get a better idea but the commander's ability implies what it's goal is, which is enchanting and getting in to gain advantage from them going in.
Unless it explicitly says X can't be 0, yes
I didn't realize it wasn't complicated enough, despite being quite fun
Headless Horseman is just in because it's a Knight and it's sort of a pet card.
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Decided to fan out my Nekusar deck as well. This one's only been in 2-3 games and did pretty well, hasn't won yet but it provides adequate "menacing" energy and draws life totals down fast.
I fucking love this card
Fair enough. It's a cool card and sometimes that's enough.
Yeah, I try to find a couple slots for pet cards in every deck if I can. Stromgald Cabal and Dauthi Mercenary started that way, but both have ended up proving their actual use. Headless Horseman just keeps being a cheap and entertaining boy.
>it's good
>words words words
Of course it's good you ridiculous cunt. It's eminence. It's fucking broken, playing on easy mode shit. You basically just have a planeswalker emblem from the start of the game. Take off the fucking training wheels, fag.
Jew Lotus is cool for commanders 5CMC and up everything else is coal
no cap?
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Any undead enthusiast wants to rate and comment my Varina Tribal?
Aside adding shock lands and fetch lands, I'll get them sometime soon.

>Not Linda
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This dude seems cool, i've been looking for an enchantments-matter deck that takes things in a different direction (this one working well with discard and being a reanimator deck on top of enchantress), but honestly i don't know how consistently you'll be able to trigger him. Enchantment tokens aren't really a thing outside of some very, very few exceptions, so you'd have to trigger him mostly by hardcasting three enchantments in a single turn, which inevitably will lead to wanting to run cheap enchantments which in turn will make you dump your hand too fast.
I hate universe beyond with a burning passions. I picked the card art in that list at random.
Pretty mid. I played Sharuum because I thought Esper's aesthetic from Alara was sweet, artifacts and big robots like Darksteel and Inkwell Leviathan were the coolest thing in the game. But I didn't have the combofag gene in me to actually abuse Sharuum and think about the deck as anything more than a "me play new robot" deck. I'd have loved to fix it up but I lost the deck in a fire years ago.
lotus sets you behind on mana because your commander tax will be 2 higher after being immediately shot in the dick with whatever spot removal the table kept

also i just made a 20 dollar usd gargos deck with no hydras and it sweeps my tables
>How good was your first deck?
I actually started from centurion commander and I put together Yawgmoth (graduating from Ayara) monoblack, it was rogue in the meta at the time.
My first thought when seeing this was "good luck trying to trigger this three times in one turn". Unless there are a ton of room cards it's gonna be near impossible because enchantment tokens are so rare. Even then you would have to split your deck between enchantments and creatures (enchantment creatures are probably great here) or settle for reanimating your opponents stuff, but that's only when you can get him off three times in a turn in the first place. Seems difficult. I think unless the first and second abilities seem worth building around this is gonna be tough
It was Rakdos, Lord of Riots and it was pretty shit. Like, the deck conceptually worked, if i got Rakdos down and hit people i would just cast some fucked up thing that won the game. But it led to a scenario where Rakdos either got removed a bunch of times and i loss, an opponent cast like a single boardwipe and i lost, or Rakdos did his thing and i win, leading to complete non-games in any case. If anything i'm glad i learned this lesson this early, there's a lot of commanders like that and they're all just horrible to build around.
There are many infinite loops for orzhov enchantments though.
why the fuck would there be dragons
My thought was going all in on enchantment creatures and just add a blink subtheme to the deck, since it does have white, and try to get the three etbs somewhat reliably like that. It's definetly some jank though
Because like 95% of all MTG planes have dragons, so not having them is an anomaly.
>reeee muh sanctity of magic
double cringe
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And black has several oppressive constellation trigger to abuse.
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>Of course it's good you ridiculous cunt
I agree, my australian friend. Thank you, that's why I use it
>Sharuum focused on cool big robots
Absolutely fucking based
>Darksteel Colossus and Inkwell Leviathan
SUPER based
>lost the deck in a fire
Jesus christ I'm super sorry to hear that. Would give you the money to pick up a foil Inkwell Leviathan if for nothing other than the memories
Yet another. This played its first game Thursday and I ended up in quite the conundrum.
Firstly, I forgot her first line of text and used her as a flying 1/3 despite having like 5 offspring on board for most of the game. Then after that, when the Pearl-Ear player was knocked out by the Thraximundar player, Thrax made a deal with me that I not attack him if he goes big in on the Beza player.
I agreed, assuming we'd get all some low life-total rotation off and have some fun. He dropped a Death Baron and used his Lord of the Accursed to make his whole board have Menace and then killed the guy. Then he was a bit upset that I broke the terms of our deal when he straight up left it as a 1v1. He was a really cool guy, so I didn't mind or anything, and him and his friend were chill players that were fun to play with, but I'm still like "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO I'M ABLE TO SWING FOR GAME OR I LOSE IF I DON'T"
>How good was your first deck?
Shit. Super low budget and mostly stuff I had opened from Innistrad-RTR block packs. Sleeved in penny sleeves
-3 lands
-12 zombies
You have no artifact or enchantment removal. That is a serious flaw
Your commander draws cards, discards cards, and gains life from the trigger. Having few cards that play from the graveyard or abuse that extra lifegain is lazy deckbuilding and means you'd probably be better with a different zombie commander. Look at flashback or any other number of keywords that play from the 'yard
I didn't look at the zombies closely but the 1, 2 and 3 cost ones are going to be infinitely better for your commander than anything 4+ mana. Zombie lords are going to be better for you than cards like Cleaver Skaab which are expensive and don't help your whole team and come down after your commander. You need to be hyper critical of anything at 4+ mana cost because you want to cast your commander with 4 mana, and anything more than 4 mana will have to wait a turn to attack to get triggers from the commander.
If you find a way to kill the new enduring cycle and then blink them and repeat, maybe.
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I'm kind of frustrated. I'm not a culture war obcessed schizo, hell i have most of the culture war related keywords like DEI, tranny, woke or whatever filtered because there's just too much spam about it, but at the same time i really don't want to play the extremely ugly trans character card. Like, this is a cool card, i like the idea of building around blinking it a bunch to get a ton of shard tokens and then transform them all into a big creature, but this character is just such a fucking abomination. It's like they hired someone straight from /pol/ and asked them to draw how they see a trans person
I wanted to keep the flavor and only run zombies and trying to go for a reanimator approach for the big guys after discarding them with Varina.
What other zombies would you play? From my knowledge those are all the best ones.
-3 lands for +3 artifact/enchantment removal is something I'll keep in mind.
Thanks for the feedback.
you cant use polluted delta in there its black identity
>Then he was a bit upset that I broke the terms of our deal when he straight up left it as a 1v1
dont make deals with speds there is no nice in 1v1 commander
Fetchs only have to match one of the colors. You can run 9 fetches in a three colors identity.
It says the deck's goal on the box anon, "Buff your creatures (+1/+1 counters and other denominations) and Crush Your Foes (Trample/Flying/etc.)"
Not bad for $20 it has StP and a bunch of nice white and green staples. Bear Umbra and Hall of Heliod's Generosity are both $6 each and are key pieces to help the deck win but also slot in a ton of other decks if he gets bored of it
If he wants it, get it for him. It's pretty simple mechanics for a newcomer so it's not too difficult to learn and pilot
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By god, the alt art is even worse
it looks like he had a gonorrhea attack and is tasting the leftovers of it
literally untrue
learn to play
fetches have both identities and cant be used in off-color decks like you cant use flooded strand in a blue black dck
>hate black people
>blame it on /pol/
you can just say you're racist, there's nothing wrong with Niko he's one of the better designed characters look at the oldwalkers half of them look retarded like tevish, jace, and urza
It's a good starting point to build Sythis which is good for a new player because of how modular it is upgrading it.
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>there's nothing wrong with Niko he's one of the better designed characters
Someone actually typed this
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>Awww man the schizo whining is annoying
>but the schizos have a point
Too morally bankrupt to do anything besides fence sit
Too stupid to proxy new art
Just narcissistic enough to blogpost your hypocritical opinion on /edhg/
Fetches don't have a color identity. You can run all 10 fetches in every deck, even if they can't fetch anything when you crack them.
Learn how to make a proxy, nerd
retarded and wrong
>g-guiz i'm racist am i fitting in??
someone actually needs far right validation from a bunch of anonymous poeple on fucking 4chan of all places have you considered growing a pairo?
Unironically make a proxy of a buxom anime lady
>character doesn't resemble the 1950s-nuclear-family archetype
>I know, I'll call them trans and insult them!!!
Good christ go back to /pol/
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didn't say nothing racist, just pointed out how fuckugly the alt art is.
>all black people are fuckugly
>all trans people are fuckugly
>black and trans as insults
>i-i'm not racism tho
good fucking god the right wing echo chamber brain rot is so fucking pathetic
this except this post
Why are you magatards so fucking weird? Holy shit were you not loved by your parents while growing up??
just because the charater was designed in a ugly way and point it out doesn't make me automatcly racist

Poor bait.
>designed in an ugly way
>doesn't look like me
reflect on yourself and your biases anon, it's affecting your love of a card game
truth to be told, i just hate that shaved side cut, at one point 90% of the charaters in had it, thankfully is slowing fading away.
Samefagging super hard
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>Niko defender
>Extremely retarded
Checks out
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>you cant use polluted delta in there its black identity
This is entirely untrue. Note that it doesn't show a black mana symbol, which is the only thing that checks identity. If it said you could sacrifice it and "find a land that taps for {B}", then it'd be black identity.
Consider that Farseek is just green identity despite listing all 4 other land types on it.
That's what I was thinking. I consider it the objectively right choice to win when he left himself wide open AND eliminated all other targets.
Tana herself as commander with Tevesh partner
I'm never posting my decks again itt
35 or 37 lands?
What's the worst that could happen?
>uses "i'm not a racist, but" style language
>immediately uses the "ugly = trans" language
Anon, you've outed yourself. Just bow out gracefully, no one is going to put up with your bullshit
There is a person who tries to obtain your personal information through them
>got put in his place
>immediately resorts to pouting
You just hate to see it.
See, I could see that being a legitimate concern. I figured you were gonna be like "NOOOO I DON'T WANT SOMEONE TO CALL MY DECK BAD OR STINKY OR UBSHIT" or something. Nah, that's legit, keep yourself safe anon!
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Man this guy doesn't quit lmao
My guy literally never mentioned Niko's race. Trans = ugly because most trannies are ugly since they are unkempt autistic men. Honestly I can't wait for the moors you so dearly love to seize power and throw you dishonest persecution complex fags off a rooftop
Explain how.
Just remove the exif
actually cool decks
>wheel tribal
>furry etb spam
you have shit taste and so does he
physical decks are cool when they have good cards or look like they were put together with love
>put together with love
>just copy/paste edhrec lists
It's mot at simple as metadata. He keeps an excel and archive with all these kind of posts and pieces together information. Like, there is this shelf on the corner of this deckpost and the same shelf is in this pic of new sleeves with the gut saying he likes bourbon.
He was able to find a know shitposter's adress and personal info
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i repeat, the design is eye-melting ugly, it so happens to be a trans or whetever he is, so what?
gonna kill me for it :)?
Hasn't 4chan automatically scrubbed all images of data since like 10 years ago or longer, because retards kept doxxing themselves?
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What card made you realize that duskmourn was garbage?
not* guy* known* bloody hell
Every general has a schizo like that. Who cares.
then... don't put anything in frame that shows your home address, phone number, or social security number??? you're hyping a guy up when he probably was in on it with the "shitposter" and acted all scared to make him some kind of "legend"
Did he post his excel sheet or show all his files? Or did you fall for some samefagging?
Either way if this guy is harassing shitposters he sounds based to me.
That's a sure way to get a suboptimal list.
you mean like all 4 of his decks he posted? yeah
This is such blatant powercreep, jesus christ. 2 mana 3/2? With a bonus tacked on? Fuck off
>being able to cast your commander turn 1 or 2 is bad
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Anon-kuns, I'm building a Maze's End deck. Any recommends you have for me?
Why are 5c mana bases so awful to build? You either dump a bunch money on 10+ different types of Chromatic Lantern cards, a shitload of money on dual lands that don't come in tapped, or you have to dedicate too many cards on Gate fetches to get Gond Gate out fast enough/fix your gates. Is there no budget option that's not "be fucked with slow gates that come in tapped"?
Haven't looked them up in a while, but aren't most/all Gate decks just Shrine decks/turbo fog stuff to keep you alive long enough to fetch all 10? I thou--
oh fuck what...
Pain lands
Tainted lands
Filter lands
Bond lands
Mana dorks
Filter artifacts/creatures
Mana rocks like diamonds
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>oh fuck what...
Seems like it's good after you get Seedborn Muse set up.

Seems kind of cute, but doesn't seem like it really does much. 25 of the 35 lands are going to be gates already, meaning 71% of my lands are already gates. So I would need this in hand in a situation where I have a non-gate land for it to change for me. Seems really narrow. I think I would rather have a draw spell.
Having the option of running 10 lands in a cycle means you can go balls deep on cheap land cycles. 10 pains, 10 checks, and 10 basics will set you back less than $30. There are a few good cheap rainbowlands, and even more if you're willing to run a couple that enter tapped. If you round it out with mana rocks, you will rarely have problems unless you're running super heavy color pip spells or you're keeping bad hands.
>anon replies without fully grasping the ideas
>10 pains, 10 checks, and 10 basics will set you back less than $30
My entire decks never cost more than $35. That's insanity.
There’s a faggot that consistently sucks him off so much, I would bet it’s just the same faggot but with the trip dropped.
Yeah what I posted was so outlandish it must be more likely I’m a schizo than it is the tripfaggot is an autofellating loser.
He's a nice guy not much to hate
>a faggot
Multiple people like swordbro because he contributes
Don’t conflate hate with disgust and pity.
Contributes AIDS maybe. Multiple people also dislike him so great point!
What are the ideas?
Boring generic shitpost
I've been out of magic for a long time? Why have a keyword and the fucking rule on the card. is there no rulebook?
did the trippy fuck ur mom or something?
>Why have a keyword and the fucking rule on the card. is there no rulebook?
Magic has been like this since like.. Alpha?
>25 of the 35 lands are going to be gates already, meaning 71% of my lands are already gates
You could play better lands and make them into gates
Are you often down on ramp? I can only count 6 ramp slots and they are all mana rocks. I feel like this deck would go kind of slow at the start and seeing 35 lands, you probably also fail to play land per turn every turn.
You used to just have a keyword, or in the case of Walls, maybe can't attack, can't block creatures with flying.
Niko is a they/them and you're trying too hard.
I was really hoping you weren't going to say that.
I'd give it 5:1 odds that he's only ever touched things left behind by women.
>No anon you don't get it
>You need nine lands in play
>You have your commander ETB or attack nine times
>You have something that untaps your lands on board
>You play Maze's End now and insta win
It's that easy
Who's your commander Anon?
>what is proliferate???
There’s a reason she’s simic
You want me to put multiple everything counters on a land?
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These cards came in during the ~6 year break I took from Magic. What the hell are they, and what's the point of them when every single one is banned/not legal?
Like their shitlogs?
They're draft exclusive stuff.
They were cards only legal in an specific draft format of their own block.
Shit like this makes me realize that no one here plays the game correctly.
Ah, well that's kinda dumb to have an entire series/cycle of cards that's a "one and done" thing.
Holy shit you can move counters
Papa Purph shits on Niggers
Do not ask for deck advice here. No one here is smart or creative.
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I figured that out.
Upgraded Gwyn brawl deck. I was going for a knight tribal thing, but it was awful. It was so bad I almost quit playing.
Any ability to copy creatures that aren’t normally copied is strong. This commander will always be good.
Why do nogames seethe so hard at real decks
Agreed. What people can do, however, is just get these cards, shuffle and distribute between players so they can play conspirancy format again, but it's not same thing compared to a real draft.
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>there's nothing wrong with Niko he's one of the better designed characters

Whew! 10/10 bait anon
How the fuck is Atraxa the most played commander by such a huge margin? She has 34k decks on EDHrec in the past two years, and then Ur-Dragon follows at 25k.
Ah yes every sidar list on edhrec has.... headless horseman! The vanilla 3 mana 2/2!!! Face it anon, you have 4chanbrain. You were told you had to hate namefags to fit in so you're just seething randomly at the sight of him. His decks are indeed cool and seem very fun to play and literally ALL of them have random garbage pet cards
Better question. How the fuck did this guy pass Niv-Mizzet? I think EDHrec's data gathering is fucked up.
Thanks! It's centered around thousand moon smithy. Lots of easy to cast and recast creatures. Hoping to sharpen it up and ideally replace some of the more expensive cards

Yet somehow all this knob slobbing you're doing seems actually pathetic in contrast to the distaste for the attentionfag. Headless Horseman isn't even a cool "pet" card.
Don't underestimate just how much casual players love cards that ping for 1 damage. I have 3 friends that have this commander and they run all the pings and it's very amusing just how much and how quickly the damage ramps up
Anon this is genuinely embarrassing for you, your parents desperately want you to grow up. Do it for them big guy
its not only do your thing twice but THRICE.
he is also much stronger than clunky UUURRR niv
>how quickly the damage ramps up
i think that is even the case for simple 1 dmg pingers, shit adds up
you ever got them to have all 3 play Ghyrson? how quick was that game over?
He's a tripfag who doesnt drink. I dont hate him any more than I hate every other trip but he absolutely samefags with his trip off for attention because they all do. If he qas delivering OC, no problem, but he's just doing regular anon things and should be anonymous. I use anonimizer so I had to turn it off to notice, I thought it was standard practice
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I love flickering this card.
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How bad would Atraxa Grand Unifier be as an infect commander? I really like the oil cards and want to play as many as possible in the same deck
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This might be so niche that I've found most of them, but I'm looking for ways to repeatedly cast Explore to have as many landfall triggers as I want in Naya.
Wrenn and Six's ult works for that but I was wondering if there was any other way I could give something Retrace or Buyback or similar effects. Flashback doesn't work unfortunately as it will get exiled the second cast.
I have been accused of being swordbros same fag so I can promise you you're wrong lmao
Been trying to make this card the wincon in my Tameshi deck but it needs so many moving parts. Tameshi, patron, an enchantment sacrificer, and lotus bloom, artifact land and sculpting steel.
That's a really tall order. Tameshi plays better with the ones that sacrifice themselves.
Then why do they share an acronym?
Indeed. Thinking it may be time to scrap my tameshi deck because I want reality acid and a blinker would be better. Was looking at UW Abdel
There's always Brago.
ecco2k got a card? nice
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>if you cast it
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Here's something for all you new Vannifar players and other face-down decks I suppose.
Good for new Zimone too
first ever deck was a mediocre Khan's block warrior tribal deck, did pretty good for school/kitchen table tier playing
First ever commander deck was a Gitrog landfall deck, did fine but I never really had any of the insane landfall bombs and so it never really performed stellar
That's not how that works, and dont be a faggot; it's a bad look.
that's a hot woman
>I'm positive X
>actually X is unlikely since the few times I've seen him called out for this I have been the one accused
That is precisely how it works. There are your hairbrained theories. And then there is actual lived experience. It's honestly genuinely, deeply depressing how hard you're trying to uphold some retarded 4chan code of poster conduct
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>this entire post
If you arent samefagging you're doing a great job of making him look bad.
Let's make this is a positive spin
>when you cast it and it resolves
>pic related
Let him rub his mouth all over a tripfag, it's actually hilarious to watch.
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Theres a fuckton of Kadena uogrades this set. Zimone's precon might as well be Faceless Menace 2.0
You could always run Six himself.
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Oh, there's a precon reveal today, I didn't actually know that. Alt-commander for the Zimone deck is Kianne, actually. Or more accurately a House-made illusion of Kianne.
pretty good effect, pretty awful art
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Because green needed more ways to ramp, you see.
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Deck also has a new Room for face-down fuckery.
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FINALLY. Crash the price to 8 bucks or something
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Oh it's the fucking thing from Toy Story.
Is this good?
oh...that's cool
This effect is great but what the fuck is that art. Makes me not want to run it on principle
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Also Aesi's finally getting reprinted.
Big dumb idiot for face-down decks. Fits into Yarus too I suppose?
this only works on manifest creatures right? not flip face cards
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when a manifest creature is turned face up, does it keep counters put on it?
Manifest/morphs, things that are specifically a 'face down creature', yeah.
It sure does
Yes, it's the same object.
Looks like a super fun card to build around
Finally a Simic commander that isnt do thing, draw a card/put a land in play. Shame about the art though
I won't say the art is fantastic, but I wouldn't say it's BAD. It's a 'vengeful spirit' of sorts, or an illusion meant to seem like one, rather.
I guess my complaint is more with the subject of the art Kianne never looked good even in her original art, looks like those 40 something femenists that wear those cat eye glasses
kino card and also my wincon in my abdel/candlekeep deck
Broken Stuffy
This precon has some strong cards but it kinda looks like a fucking mess out of the box
Idk why they're obsessed with putting counters on flip cards
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This precon is the first thing I've been a fan of this whole set. Dunno if I will build someone or vannifar yet but definitely one of them
My yedora deck is also eating good
quite useful stuff for Yarus as well, even if he's gruul morph
Very true. They seem to be pushing morph as a Green +x mechanic
Temur morph commander when?
I'm torn between Vannifar and her as well.

Vannifar Pros
>more selection on who to face-down
>cloaks, so your free face down has Ward 2
>buffs your team if need be
>blinking can double as protection for Vannifar
>jellyfish GF
Vannifar Cons
>not mana efficient for morph costs
>blinking big creatures won't work during combat

Zimone Pros
>free manifest for just playing the game
>very easy to flip big creatures
>land ramp alleviates the strain of high mana costs of morph costs
>you can find a home for Burgeoning
Zimone Cons
>doesnt work as well with some morph costs/effects in blue
>less control on who to face-down barring some cards like Noxious Revival

Overall I'm leaning slightly towards Zimone
I made a similar list, also leaning towards zimone slightly. The fact that your ramp in zimone doubles as the way to cheat your flips seems pretty big to me. The downsides being zimone happens a finite number of times because you have a finite number of lands, you also have less selection on what to manifest and you pitch a card to the bin each time. I envision a lot of scenarios where you manifest dread and you either want to manifest 0 cards or both of those cards.

Vannifar: cloak is better than manifest but she needs support to flip, much of your deck has to be blink or ramp anyway to either cheat or pay the cost. Reading her card she just feels slower for that reason.

I think zimone is more powerful overall... I wish vannifar had a way to flip or clowned more cards per turn.
I think if you are trying to make big creatures flip for cheap then at least Zimone has a relatively easy way to do it herself and if the sub goal is landfall stuff your are going to be able to pay for the flip mana cost itself eventually. I originally didn't like the idea of Zimone but after like 2 days more cards have been shown off to help manifest dread that I think there is a lot more support for the gameplan then I thought. I think for consistency you may want scry effect cards to manipulate the topdeck where Vannifar wants card draw, which is good to have in its own way. Vannifar goes nicely in the 99 for sure though. The best solution is to proxy Zimone as an anime babe
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Zimones biggest strength is that she doesnt need to spread herself thin with deckbuilding. People meme on landfall for being an 'ez mode' ability thanks to Tatyova/Aesi but there is a reason why its so good: getting more lands helps the rest of your deck without comprimising it
>The downsides being zimone happens a finite number of times because you have a finite number of lands
Let me show you my 5th or 6th favorite magic card of all time
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New tard filter dropped
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>How good was your first deck?
my first precon...was good. it was the imperium deck.

My first attempt at building a deck around pic related sucked ass because i didn't think about how much mana I would need before it could come online
>kid thing scary DURRRRH
I can't wait to play this against local retards and get 3 broken lands and they won't even realize why they lost
The answer is lands unfortunately. Yea its boring, but if you want your games to be more consistent, you gotta bite the bullet. Or go mono colored like>>93833756 said.
That one is pretty good
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>Mfw that card
Welp, I think you guys have convinced me, zimone it is. Never built landfall before so this should be fun
thank fuck my friends and I don't play other than basics and fixers
Learn how to play two or three colors with mostly basics.
That knowledge will help you more and save you money long term
Adding the tribal synergy gives it a little more oomph at least.
>heh he thinks he's going to exile my sol ring, but the idiot gave ME the choice and all he gets is a single land!
This might actually replace tempt with discovery for me.
I mostly play only basics, but I have good utility lands in some of my decks.
Just remember your mystic sanctuary so you can do infante turns cancer
Too bad that it will never actually be able to remove stuff that absolutely needs to be removed
>This gets copied even just once
Very many a retard will give the controller of this spell multiple lands.to not lose Sol Rings and such.
It's a ramp spell
>4 mana for maybe one land
Great card anon!
>t. never played tempt
Damn I guess it really is the new retard filter
Is there a legendary that makes everyone loot? I'm having trouble finding one. Trying to build a discard deck more focused on making everyone loot rather than straight up discard so my faggot friends will actually let me play my discard synergy cards
This is probably worth running in most +1/+1 counter decks, it's a great place to dump them
Closest you're gonna get.
This is nothing like tempt though
Tempt will always get you at least one land, this might not get you any lands, with maximum of 4.
Alright but the real question is if exiling TOR is the correct choice.
Thread wouldn't die if this game just had more gay dragons.
Go outside with your Saturday nigga, it's the day for drafting/playing.

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It's just a fucking chainsaw.
What the fuck where they thinking?
I recommend not building a mazes end deck. Just build a fun 5-color deck that runs a gate mana base. If you stumble into maze's end, great, if not, no big deal. That's what I did for my Dungeon deck, and it's good fun.
>more green face down stuff
I beg you wotc. Give me some monoblue supprt. Ixidor needa it badly.
>they powercrept fuck stuffydoll
Wotc needs to die
It's not exactly the same, but yes it's getting there.

so sad to see
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Check out my deck list. Abdel is my favorite commander

>friend's casual table
>burn commander who usually goes lethal ~t7-8
>esper flicker shenanigans with lots of mass sac control
>some other golgari and grixis mid-range creature decks
I have to keep saccing all my stuff and then get burned to death. my high power decks are too much durdleshit and not fun for the table. what do? token creature commander?

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