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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

>>93760938 Previous Bread

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg

Thank you Lewd RPG >>93838614 for your Solo Resources


Changing things up edition.

Thread question: Besides what is linked here, what resources do you use for your solo games?
This could be useful to new players: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/101145/fundamentals-of-tabletop-roleplaying
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>Thread question: Besides what is linked here, what resources do you use for your solo games?
This thing.
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I'm an autist who really likes tactical fights and pretty pictures so I bought a cheap tv and use it as a battle map, though not as clean as pic related. And when I'm not fighting it's useful for showing a pdf or a region map.
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soz, cant into greentext; Main character whose name I keep forgetting takes her fat bookish potentially information knowing friend away frm their lodge beacuase the owner died and some new evil dudes comin to take ownership so we bail. now weve got the lying kunoichi chick who works for the bad guy who tracked us. I'm a bit over the limit.
>Thread question: Besides what is linked here, what resources do you use for your solo games?
I hope this doesn't sound like I'm trying to say I'm better than anyone else, I'm not, but after using lots of tools in the last few years, I've discarded almost all of them (but I kept the knowledge/experience they brought me, of course).
So now it's notebooks, papers, pen, my imagination and dice. Maybe a core rulebook if it's a game I don't know by heart/isn't made by me, but no supplements.
I use and oracle and for ideas I use my head and short genre/setting specific random tables that I make myself during play. I use % and most tables have 4 to 6 items on them.
I make my own maps now (as I explore them, no prep).
The only prep I do is watching movies/reading books of the genre/settings I want to play. I used to make lists and tables while doing that, but now I just trust myself and my memory. It means more play and less rules/world making.
Imagination can be really surprising as a tool. Most times I surprise myself as ideas I didn't even think about 2 seconds before just pop into my head. But it's probably because I used so many idea generators before that it wired my brain that way.
I also discarded lot of procedures in favor of oracle rolls as the procedures became second nature. Like hexcrawling procedures, dungeon delving procedures, etc. I still use them, but they flow more naturally and aren't as rigid.
Imagine playing this SOCIAL activity alone.

lol. That's it, not even an lmao
>Besides what is linked here, what resources do you use for your solo games?
Pencil, paper, dice, Character sheet, a notebook, a copy of the Scarlet Heroes rulebook.
A very large map made from pieces of graph paper I've taped together. (I like square graph even though I know Hex is what people use traditionally.)
A list of "Martial Arts" that my fighters and thieves can acquire through play, and a copy of lewd rules for when I rescue damsels in dungeons
A printed out copy of whatever adventure module I'm currently playing
A tablet with a copy of every RPG Book known to man on it
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At least fucking TRY.
Welcome back, friend! You are welcome here. We don't judge you even if you judge us. Take a seat. Lurk. We like you and want you here.
Glad to see you're back. We appreciate the post-count.

your shitpost actually had me thinking. I have two weekly and one bi-weekly game that I participate in (One of the weekly games, I'm DM and the other two I'm a player.) And of those games, all three of them had at least one player ghost us or cancel at last minute for a dubious reason. I'm just glad that solo gaming is there for those of us that actually want to game and aren't there for stupid reasons. If you're someone that's just sitting around and playing solo, it means you actually have an interest in the game itself. Whereas if you only play in group games, it could just mean that you're a tourist that actually has no interest in tabletop gaming at all and just there for the social aspect.
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what SHNACKS do you guys munch on while playing solo?
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I guess he's our mascot or something now, maybe I should add him in my game as a npc.
You should, that would be kind of funny. How would you add him? Just a guy that follows you around and says, "Imagine adventuring alone! LOL!"
Make him an annoyingly yappy but ultimately lovable bastard dog.
This is sort of a dumb open-ended question. I've had all these characters and pieces of stories in my head since I was a kid that take place in a generic, disjointed fantasy world. (For example, I have a barbarian guy that I've made in many CRPGs, and a Kung Fu martial artist who I used to write these little comic pages for.) My question is, how should I go about organizing these characters and playing their stories out as solo games? I used to sit in class and daydream about this sort of thing, and now it feels like it's just a little harder to get the autistically creative juices flowing.
Where's a good place to start with this sort of worldbuilding/solo gaming revision project?
kek, like a rat catcher's "small but vicious dog" in wfrp, but what would be his name?
If I ever play Unisystem Buffy/Angel he's going to be the dream Cheese Man.
"Imagine being the Slayer and doing this solitary activity with your friends.
lol. That's it, not even a slice of cheese for you lmao"
Yippy. No rats, he's all about the bottom of people's pant legs. To bite and to hump. Sometimes at the same time.
I consume no snacks, only tea
In a CoC game it would be Nagging Man (as named by Lovecraft's father)
I just bought some green tea for today's solo session. (I'm going to start making Sunday mornings my designated solo time. I'll still occasionally play through the week, but Sunday mornings will be ABSOLUTELY for solo gaming.)
I don't think I ever ate something while soloing. Drinking a ton of coffee, yes, but no eating. I guess it's because I'm all over the place when I play. My shit is spread all over every surface lol
I usually get one of those little bags of chips which I munch through my session. Usually a cup of tea or Kool-Aid sitting there as well.
>sitting there
But... did you drink the Kool-Aid?
A long time ago in this general, there was an anon who claimed that he was going to attempt to play every published module ever released for D&D with the same character. Does anyone know if he succeeded (Or at least posted progress?)
Go full OZ.
Character X is travelling. He meets the others one by one in their local settings and they become a party of adventurers travelling together. Then they get to explore some unknown region.
So one adventure/quest per PC you have and then a big adventure. The big adventure hook would be the reason why they decide to travel together.
Or some asshole wizard summons them all in a dungeon for some purpose. Maybe something about their date of birth and a ritual sacrifice idk They have to team up to escape.
There's been more people asking this than we had reports from that guy. Last I remember he did 3 modules I think. That was like a year ago. Maybe his PC died?
Damn, you literally built the whole framework for this exact type of story, huh? It's like you write Marvel movies or something.
Does anyone have a good fillable character sheet for Scarlet Heroes? I have the one out of the book, but it's actually not very good.
No need to insult me like that. I'm not a Marvel guy, I'm a Chaos Comics and Malibu Comics fan.
Maasq' Oth
He probably fucking died
All you need is Mythic GME and Shadowdark/Ironsworn for solo play
>Malibu Comics
Bought out by marvel anyway
Black September and everything after is not canon.
Marvel ruined all the Malibu characters. Probably on purpose.
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Good mascot. Good mascot.
It was absolutely on purpose to make room for stan lee's outdated bullshit
>Marvel buys Malibu
>big crossover event
>Malibu characters take retarded action completely out of character
>glossy paper is changed for cheap paper
>amazing art is now generic slop by cheap artists
At least the 2 Night Man lost in the Marvel universe were decent. Even if the writer had no idea about the character. He turned his tasers into electricity/lightning shooting gadgets for some reason.
Fat shamming isn't cool. Loneliness shamming isn't cool. But YOU are cool. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise my friend. You rock.
Damn. Now I want to play a superhero game set in the Ultraverse.
Or maybe use the starting point of the Ultraverse and build my own Ultras instead of using the ones from the comics.
Which is your preferred system for supers? In group play, I really like M&M, but in solo play I've never had much luck with it. I think I need something lighter, maybe?
I always wanted to try Villains&Vigilantes. The old version. But I have no idea if it's good or not.
My game of choice for supers is usually FASERIP.
I own both of those. A friend of mine from a Discord group was saying some game called BaseRaiders (or something like that,) is really good for OSR style play. (Because you're playing as heroes storming villain's bases.)
Mind sharing your list of martial arts?
Just bought pic-related. Seems pretty cool. I'm gonna mix it with the Anime Hack and a couple other "Hacks" I have to make a sort of Gonzo, post-apocalypse world with mutant spellcasters and Shonen warriors fight each other with weapons made out of scrap metal. Like Dorohedoro meets Mad Max.
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Fuck! Forgot pic.
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The dice dick me over every chance they get when it comes to the big picture. I've been investigating drugs and human trafficking with a dash of corruption, the usual. First it kept escalating from just simple drugs to human trafficking and then high-level corruption, leaving my group basically isolated from official channels. So then I figured I'd see if I have some connections to the underworld I could leverage. I arrange for a meeting and then get a "Fraud, Liar, The Leader" from Adventure Crafter. I ask the oracle is it the bad for me kind of fraud and liar: Yes. I'll keep following where this trainwreck goes; I was expecting a bad end anyway.
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>campaign about a paranormal investigator and his juvenile delinquent sidekick
>investigating some disappearances in the forest, talking with some witnesses
>witness 1: a grumpy middle-aged man, tells us the addresses of some witnesses. It seems that children have been coming back from the forest crazed
>witness 2: one of the mothers. She doesn't want to be interviewed. My sidekick threatens her and basically breaks into her house. The woman's daughter seems to be having a psychotic episode inside.
>witness 3: a mobster. He doesn't like reporters. He pulls us into his house and threatens us, forcing us to do a job for him in exchange for not killing us for bothering him.
>and just like that, I got sidetracked
I think it's karma for messing up with the poor mother.
is that a fancy tarot?
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Anyone play rangers of shadowdeep? More of a solo war/skirmish game rather than a rpg, but I got the PDF and it looks pretty fun from the videos ive seen of others playing it.
I really like the random events that happen at the end of each turn and the game being centered around "Ponts of investigation" seems like a really good way to procedurally make a situation with only 1 player.

pic related is the start of my ranger group. An unnaturally large faithful hound and a optimistic little inquisitor. more then eager to do good works and.... inquisite.
thats pretty sexy anon, good idea. I tried to use an Ipad once, but the screen was just too small to put minis on.
It's an oracle deck. Those have more relaxed standards, so makers have more freedom while designing them than with tarot decks.
Have played that and also Five Leagues from the Borderland.
Shadowdeep has set scenarios, where Five Leagues uses encounter tables and a generic setup for the fight, which gives greater replay although less detail & crunch to the scenario
>play horror investigation game
>PC hits a wall
>all he knows is the deadline of the cult unknown evil plot
>start a new game with PC hiring a competent private investigator (he doesn't tell him about the supernatural being real, of course)
>play as private dick until he encounters the supernatural for the first time
>he goes back to the PC and they have words
>dick decides to keep at it even though he thinks the PC is a manipulative piece of shit now
>they team up for the rest of the investigation
>they fail to stop the cult in the end
>an entity is summoned and the village is now surrounded by a mist that makes you confused if you try to leave
>decide to start a new game as survival horror this time
>PC and Private Dick encounter a priest who just went through the fog to get IN the village
>they save his as from falling over a cliff in his confused state
>turns out he was investigating the cult too all this time and just came back with a way to banish the entity if it was summoned
>he brought 6 religious relics, we have to put five at different points in the village and the 6th one in the center, then recite an old Latin prayer to banish the entity
>priest is hurt so it's up to my 2 PCs
>they split up
>original PC find the right place to put hi relic
>Private Dick does too, but is killed on his return
>OG PC finds his body and since the relic isn't on him, he assumed he succeed in his mission
>go back to priest
>he found a survivor while we were away
>a sarcastic 15 yo girl
>idiot priest thinks it's a good idea to make our 'base' known using fire to attract other survivors
>when there's an evil entity and cultists all around
>teen girl isn't impressed by the priest and isn't shy in telling him he sucks and will get himself and others killed
>priest doesn't want to listen
>she steals all the relics and the Latin text while he's talking to me
>we meet outside and team up to finish the job
>we do it, but OG PC dies jut before placing the last relic
>all is in place
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>girl doesn't know Latin
>she tries her best
>it doesn't work
>go back to priest
>base is on fucking fire
>find priest body outside stabbed to death by the cult
>really bad roll and she finally comes face to face with the entity
>it's basically a Gug from the Dreamlands
>start a new game slasher-style set 50 years later in the 70s
>bus of Italian models and photographers, with their guide/interpreter, in America for a photo shoot stumble onto the still cursed village by accident
what system are you using, anon?
RPG: Dead of Night
very noir. I like it.
I really don't like making it up as I play but that seems like the only reasonable way to do it.
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Very nice muh fren!
Tea or coffee, and rarely a biscuit
>Playing starforged
>Get to the sanctum of a precursor vault to get two guys that someone on my ship wants found, they’ve been guiding 2 fancy weirdos into the vault
>it hasnt been too eventful, vault holds weird fauna but most have been docile or avoidable
>central vault contains a beautiful water bird that’s tamed like a horse and has projectile attacks.
>fancy guy being guided is pleased, everything ends okay
>PAY THE PRICE when we try to leave
>generate a hostile creature
>”Land bird, giant mouth, no eyes, hallucinogenic secretions, telepathic”
>The Eyeless Emu, with a terrifyingly large beak, a blank face, and an aura of DREAD.
>combat starts in bad spot with crit miss roll, decide that means its instantly taken down most of the rest of the group with bad trips
>Fucking nightmare bird maked nothing but good attacks against me and the rest and just about shatters my spirit.
Fucking managed to scare myself with this shit. Kept its secretions though, gotta try to make drugs from them.
>humans try to fight emus (again)
>lose (again)
War, war never changes.

I have this weird idea. A musical adventure. Pick a bunch of songs in the proper genre/theme/era. Lots of them so you can roll on a list.
Random events are musical numbers with the lyrics being used to determine what the random event is about.
Your PC could also trigger songs to gain advantages, but it means the next random event would be negative.
It could also be something setting specific and not people randomly bursting into song. Like a PC trying to make it in showbusiness. Some Noir adventure set in a jazz club. Whatever. The songs would still have an impact on the story, but they would be grounded in reality.
I've been watching a lot of old musical movies lately (mostly from the 30s/40s). I blame them for that idea.
Oh, and you could also make a list of dance numbers too. Fred Astaire that shit up.
This is the kind of game that no group of player would want to play. You'd be lucky to find 1 person who would be into it max, GM included. So it's prefect for solo.
This is my next game. A Noir blackmail/murder story set in the nightclub scene in the early 40s.
sounds like fun, anon. and I definitely think there are groups that would play a game like that. lots of gms play music to set the tone during their game, so an rpg book that came with a spotify playlist and the ability for players and gms to change the track based on what ability they’re using, etc would be really cool.
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Just ripped the encounter tables from some hexcrawl guide to make a pocketbook. I fucking love pocketbooks.
aussies never had a chance
Have been playing 2d6 dungeon. I like making the rooms, and being able to play it in my notebook (that's like #1 thing for me). I've realised I want more RPG and less "enter room and kill things" though. I guess ironsworn would be good to get RPG stuff back in, though thought I'd ask how you guys like generating maps, or suggestions for roleplay games which also involve mapping and work in a notebook too.

(Captcha: R8GAY)
Location Crafter, usually. Doesn't everything work in a notebook?
So, if I understand this correctly. With the mythic gm, a ruleset, and a bunch of relevant tables. I can just like play?
For those of you with experience in AD&D: How viable it is to play with 1 proper pc (say, a paladin or a fighter) and a bunch of hirelings? I generated a party of 10 and while part of me doesn't have a problem managing pcs, another thinks that just dealing with a single dude that levels up would be better and quicker.
Yeah pretty much. You could technically just use mythic, but its easier to rely on a ruleset for structure.
don’t hirelings take morale tests?
Wouldn’t it be pretty shit if they just decided to leave halfway through a dungeon?
Yes. How I run my games (With Scarlet Heroes, but this will work with AD&D too.) Is that I can have a number of characters that are "Cohorts" equal to half my character's level, rounded down. Cohorts are basically my character's sidekicks and battle-waifus that he's acquired over the course of his adventures. They don't have to make morale checks. They're the main protag's Ride-or-die team, but their level cannot exceed half of his own.
Then, in addition to them, he has hirelings, who must succeed on morale checks on anything that seems dicey or if they take any casualties. If they outnumber foes or think it's an easy fight, obviously they don't have to.
Basic hirelings in AD&D won't enter the dungeon without hazard pay. Henchmen will, though.

Is that from an app?
No, you also need imagination. Which is probably why so many people claim it's impossible.
Can't you also just play modules? That cuts down on a significant amount of the imagination required.
It doesn't remove it, and usually requires firm separation between character and player knowledge, which for many is even harder.
Just finished the first level of my 2D6 Dungeon game a couple weeks ago. First solo game and it was really fun. Liked it so much I ordered the cards and books from their site. They arrived last Friday so I'm looking forward to continuing sometime this week.
That's awesome holy shit
Pic related. Tend not to eat though since I don't want food debris on my stuff.
What game are you playing?
Knave mostly but I'm experimenting with a bunch of shit trying to find my flow.
Tables are optional. You also need a little imagination.
But the thing you really need is to not be a cheater. If you're like some players and can't let an opportunity to bend the rules/fudge dice/cheat pass, you won't have fun.
You also need to be easy on yourself. A lot of solo players are too hard and their PC just dies very early. Get some resources/boons/allies to help you out. Or play using a party of adventurers.
It's way harder to play modules than to generate things as you play. Unless you play as the GM and use your PCs like NPCs. This is actually really fun, but not exactly what people think when they think about what solo ttrpgs are.
In that case you GM the world as you see fit and the PCs act according to the solo engine you're using. So you decide where to put traps, when to introduce NPCs and monsters, etc.
You sue an oracle do determine PC actions using logic as the base (what would a Cleric do in situation X). Random Events become unexpected PC actions.
Frankly, it's fun and really easy. But a lot of solo players are forever GM (me included) so they want the full PC experience, not another GMing session.
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Here's some common character actions for your PC-NPC's

01: Climb, taste, cast
02: Drink, throw, pray
03: Eat, tie, capture
04: Hit, touch, look
05: Kill, turn, help
06: Kiss, switch, heal
07: Knock, unlock, hunt
08: Lick, untie, forage
09: Lay on, close, deceive
10: Listen, attack, intimidate
11: Lock, open, fire
12: Move, break, persuade
13: Pull, swim, perform
14: Push, take, dodge
15: Read, light, use
16: Search, jump, charge
17: Show, hide, cut
18: Sit, give, evade
19: Smell, sneak, feed
20: Speak, steal, collect
You remind me of the babe...
I may be misremembering, but is this not the goblin king?
aka Bulge McBased
Ignore other people saying you need imagination. I refused to be creative and instead found sourcebooks on the topics I wanted in my games. Learning is the superior way to come up with ideas.
What happened to the drawfag with the sexy drow and creepy cracked porcelain doll as party members?

A lot of things work, until you need huge maps or minis or hex. And maybe other things I dunno.

All that dedicated space, amazing.
>solo journaling game
bless you
Anyone knows any good guide for solo wargaming? I will be detailing some factions in my hexcrawl and I want to simulate the actions of some of the powerbrokers.
>pick solo journaling game
>play them, but don't journal at all
>visualize instead
*Homer: I make my own movies in my head when I'm bored.jpg*
I got a dollarstore portfollio bag, a dollar store pencil bag with pencils, dice, sharpener, a lined notebook for the story and event log, a small sketchbook for drawings and tables, printouts held by a binder clip, and a small clear container to put dice in and use as a dice roller when I’m out and about. My job involves a lot of hurry up and wait, so I take the bag with me in my toolbag so I can mess around while waiting. Overall about 10 bucks of money invested and many hours of entertainment had
>hate writing
>just imagine the scenarios in my head
>”wow that was fun”
honestly I should just like write a 200 page novel based on Colostle and see if I can sell it as a hot new YA book.
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I'm 32k words into my PF1e solo, and I've only just hit 2nd level...
My log is mostly dice rolls and mood images. Images help me a lot. I guess I'm a visual guy. I try to have similar looking types of images for a single game. Like dark creepy paintings for a horror game. Or Frazetta pics for a sword and sorcery one. As long as it doesn't feel mismatched, I'm good.
I almost have the same idea. Only started this stuff a week ago and already want a bigger notebook for my wall to wall writing. Meanwhile anytime I try to just write a story, I don’t get a paragraph done

I get that too, I keep looking up outfits that fit the setting cause I can’t visualize them well unless I can picture that kind of thing too
>want to use journaling game as inspiration
>prompts are simultaneously too specific and too general
Never understood the appeal of writing a journal in-chaarcter instead of writing a story.
Dollar store D&D is where its at!
I tend to write narratively, from the POV of either the main character, or if I need to some party member or side character. But I like writing and immersing myself in the worlds. The dice rolls and oracles are just there to keep me honest and offer new direction.
Anyone solo’d a 2d20 game?
I want to run Conan and my usual group lacks the attention span to learn a new system.
combining them with regular rpgs is a great time
Anyone know of an adventure card game (or even something similar) with a heavier exploration system? Most boil down to
>Flip card
>Now in area
Anything with a journey to that area? Maybe branching paths?
i’ve recently got into osr and it became weird obsession with many systems, games, exc. and due to not having anyone to play with (most of my friends prefer more of roleplayosh gameplay) i want to try out and get into solo rpg, main question is what is the hexcrawl procedure most of ppl use i should get down when i’ll stick with whitebox fmag or OSE? also do yall talk to your self when playing or everything goes in your mind
Guys, you have to try GMing solo. It's awesome. You can use chatgpt and tell it to act like a player in a game. It's really fun.
Take a look at Earthborne Rangers.
There's a D&D Conan if they know the system.
The anna blackwell ones are good because they actually have gameplay but I can't stand the 1k vampire style ones where it's just vague writing prompts
It's worst than that, the prompts take almost all the agency from the player/character, I don't mind rule lite/no rules journaling games, but they still have to be a game in the sense that YOU decide what to do about the prompts.
>Start new Ironsworn/Starforged campaign
>Create a backstory, setting and goal
>Can't decide on stats or assets
Post (summary of) backstory, setting, and goal
I always end up taking stuff like urchin and jinx just because I don't want to start as a captain and a I feel like most other assets make more sense to acquire during play
Novice bounty hunter who wants to be a witch hunter, father was (accidentally) killed when he got involved with sorcerers, setting is Not!Victorian England where magic exists but the general public is unaware, don't care too much about historical accuracy too much though so I might use just a bit of steampunk tech. Haven't determined where the character learned to fight though.
Just split all the variants of stat layouts then roll for them.
Do the same for assets but do pause after each of those incase you get an idea for the others and if not keep rolling
Scarlet Heroes is a good addition to any OSR solo experience. Just use the solo tools section, don't worry about its built in classes or monsters. There's a hexcrawl mechanism in there, but you can also use things like the 1e DMG for this. As for talking to myself? Not at all, it's all in my head and then put to paper as notes or prose.
I'm really, really, really bad at sticking to campaigns. I've been playing Ironsworn/Starforged on and off for about 3 years now, and I can count on my fingers the number of times I've acquired an asset during play or upgraded an asset. Same for going past maybe level 3 in Scarlet Heroes.
>also do yall talk to your self when playing or everything goes in your mind
Mixture of talking to myself, writing things down, and keeping some things in my head.
Maybe I'm just a retard but I've never really wrapped my head properly around SH hexcrawl by the book. It is just very punishing and feels like it requires pack animals, hirelings and backup supplies to go anywhere longer than overnight trip. For shrinking down other aspects of OSR for just one lone character, it doesn't really streamline traveling similarly.
My experience was the same. The weight of food and water needed for exploration is too much even for my muscle-bound barbarian to carry alone.
He needs animals, and they need to forage their own food.
source in the OP? thought it was AI but it has a signature, i just dont recognize it

Not on google image search but tineye still works well for stuff like this
Have any of you use tarot cards as an oracle for your games?
been thinking about it, whats a cool looking deck?
The Rider Tarot deck is fine, that's what I have. I also want these poker sized tarot cards. They're easier to shuffle.
So generally you'd want to enjoy playing a game solo. Given that fun and enjoyment are the goals, we should incorporate compulsion loops into our games. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsion_loop)

The cycle is anticipation, completion, and reward. So, plan some goal for your character, spend time thinking about how you'll accomplish it, then make the rolls and take the actions needed to complete it, and finally rewards. I think the rewards part is a bit tricky. You can go down the route of an in-game reward such as treasure or meta-rewards like XP. In theory, this is the recipe for a pleasurable gaming experience and one that you'll feel compelled to repeat. Thoughts?
I fee like my adventure so far has a thing a week show structure.
>new place
>some kinda incident or cool place to explore
>usually a fight in there or on the way out at least, not always
>end of quest gives either new item, new interesting place to go, or new character to interact with
>usually downtime between action where we get closer to side characters or fate gets tempted and bad shit interrupts

But yeah, you right. So far the rewards have been either shit that helps progres the main quest, or weird story related items for helping certain checks. One which will pay off is the EYELESS EMU from my post earier in the thread will eventually be cloned and tamed for use. I do a check between missions to see if progress is made. If I fail the check I assume it will GET LOOSE and cause havoc.
Is the game generally about adventuring or is there some ultimate goal? I recall from ironsworn you need to have a great vow. I'm cruious if starforged does that too.
All sworn games do that but from what I've seen most people keep their ultimate goal as vague as possible because the game sort of ends once you've done it.
Really? You'd think the point should be to beat the game.
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Been DMing TTRPgs for years. Taking a long trip and thought it'd be fun to play a solo rpg to pass the time where and there.

What are the good ones? Give me your favorite. I tried out Death Knight's Squire on my last trip and I wasn't super keen on it.
Normally when you enjoy a game you like to keep playing.
>the game sort of ends once you've done it
You can always make a new vow
I have been reading a play report of Ironsworn (https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/ironsworn-solo-game-the-story-of-erin-iron-eye.860393/) and been really enjoying it. I want an idea of how it works in play before trying it out since it will be my first solo game.
Get loose
Put on your Sunday shoes
That was always the great personal goal. After playing a bit you and formulate what the narrative would dictate to be the story goal. You can go about both and do all the smaller ones along the way
Ironsworn is a powered by the apocalypse which basically means that the checks work on a scale of Miss, Weak hit, and Strong hit. Where it changes the formula is in Ironsworn you randomly roll your target numbers from 2d10, where each result is a target number to beat on a 1d6 roll.
All you need to play is a d6 and 2d10, notably your d10 need to look different as the oracles roll a d100.
That's not how ttrpgs work.
I'm using Star Trek CAPTAIN'S LOG

to run star trek adventures full rules and difficulty of a crew and running them through the shackleton expanse campaign.

My Excelsior driving guys are becoming a little rediculous though.

ran them through a convoy mission as the campaign suggests. since the mission brief didn't specify ships, I made the convoy 4 mirandas, and since the standard orion raider is like a bloody runabout, i gave pirates their battleships the 'orion blackguard' so my crew try to NOT slaughter them and just defeat them.. they manage to succeed... but accidentally wipe out a pair of battleships. and chasing another pair off that limp away.

versatile 2 and fast targeting systems are OP af.
I have a heavily refit excelsior class.

swapped out the phaser banks for arrays.
photons for quantums

and since we're after 2371 ablative armour.
advanced shields
secondary reactors
improved warp drive
improved impulse drive.

so I got this excelsior built out for combat...

and then sent it and its crew of combat veterans...

into the expanse to try and prove they can still DO / BE 'starfleet' to disprove the 'starfleet shouldn't build warships' schtick.

I have an older Vulcan captain, he comes with the whole logic, kolinahr and all

an andorian XO, whose a little hot blooded, she's suspicious.

a tellarite navigator (ops) who thinks everything can be dissasembled and rebuilt better.

a young saurian helmsman, he's the crew 'baby' / 'kid'.

the ships engineer is a rigellian (tOS) who thinks the ship is alive. and he loves her. he designed her rebuild.

the ships doctor is a human who's allergic to many medecines so her injuries have been fixed with cybernetics

and science one is filled by a caitian who thinks everyone and everything is a puzzle to be dissected and investigated and solved.
I only really play fantasy rpgs but this does sound like you’re having fun. thanks for sharing.
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its super easy to talior. the games have SO many options. and things like the campaign guides and especially captains log, are absolutely stuffed with random generation matrixes to not only generate missions in 'episode' formats like they were tv show episodes with acts 1-3, but all the assorted b plots, complications and such.

i highly recoomend it to any one even slightly a fan of trek.

because it lets you make entire series of trek YOU like. and your friends if you play with them.

because captains log and star trek adventures are fully interchangeable and adaptable, play can be in as big or as small a group as you like.

as long as you don't 'cheat' and play the characters straight how you built them (which is where the 'values' and 'focuses' bits come in so great) you do great.

for instance.

when my guys escorting the cargo ships were ambushed, they don't KNOW that one of the command crew of the miranda-class that get ttractor rammed by the orion battleship into a gravimetric 'wave'
(shackleton expanse is a fucking hell hole of hazards)
(orions in the campaign book have a tactic of using tractor beams as rams to push ships into them)

and what my crew of characters DON'T know, can't know, is that there's someone on that miranda now hearing voices. they THINK they're going crazy.

its one of the expanse's imprisoned superbeings trying to break out of its 'cell'...

nor do they know WHY their klingon escort ship got itself slightly exploded, sabotaged by a KDF officer hearing the voices too.

they were too busy fighting the ship and (accidentally) killing orions.
seriously guys, if you have trouble figuring out how a character thinks or acts or keeping them 'staying in character' consider star trek adventures (captains log)

the VALUES and FOCUSES are excellent for keeping that character in their lane.
systems and attributes range from 1-12 so you can guess how good somethings inherent qualities are.

and departments and disciplines range from 1-5 with 1 being basic competence and 5 being wunderkind genius. again letting you make sure you run characters within their schtick.
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I've been playing some Lies by Omission. It's a free 50p game on itch.io. It's so good. Not solo, but it's easy to use any solo engine to run it. I'm using Mythic GME. When prepping I fill out only half the stuff and leave the rest to the oracle.
I really like the structure of the game and how it make everything clear and almost boardgame-like, but without taking anything away from the narrative side of things.
I tried it once before, but it didn't really gel for me at the time.
I've run 2 games. First was a very classic Wicker Man type of game set on an island with shifty islanders. Turned out they were part-fey like in Machen's Novel of the Black Seal. The Fey part was removable. It could crawl out of their mouth like some weird eldritch tentacle. Fun times. I used 4 PCs for that game. 2 died. The other 2 managed to burn the village to the ground and escape on a small dingy boat. The fey-folk were trapped on the island and couldn't leave of their own free will and didn't have any human helpers so they know they're going to be safe.
2nd game was a lone PC delving into his grandfather's history. It was about a secret society going back to the middle ages. My PC didn't discover that much about their goal, but learned a lot about how powerful they were in a political/underworld sense. The ending was weird. My PC had to fake his death and change identity to escape these bozos.
The structure of the game is very compatible with the Mythic scene structure.
awesome, anon. thanks for the recc. I’m going to check it out.
never heard of this one but it sounds fun.
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you can generate so many cool set ups for adventures that are star trek as shit.
here's a small crew and their 'crappy' NX bote set after the events of enterprise. as the federation is forming and romulans and earth are gearing up to fight their war.
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Or if you prefer, a little destroyer/escort/frigate crew trying to Boldy Go in the tOS / animated era

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