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Over the past few years, the focus of /tg/ has shifted. The fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons and its OSR alternatives used to dominate the board and before that, Pathfinder used to be the dominant topic. While 40K and MtG have always been popular, their general threads are consistently the most popular threads on /tg/ these days, as are CYOA general threads. But interest in D&D has significantly dropped, as has interest in D&D alternatives and interest in any sort of tabletop RPG at all. Outside of /tg/, interest in RPGs and especially D&D continues to grow. Why is this? Why is /tg/ leaving TTRPGs behind?
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Generational switch. I work with highschoolers and a lot more of them are talking about TTRPGs than when I was their age. People are not spending time on image boards and forums anymore and are more congregating on discord
Because games are for children, and fighting the culture war against the Enemy is the most traditional pastime of all.
Go back.
I think you should kill yourself.
I’m too hipster. I could show people a D20 and blow their minds in 2008. Now its mainstream and normal. I would have loved to play them more and I envy the kids GMing for their friends nowadays but their anime minecraft fantasy worlds do nothing for me and I can see that all RPGs are essentially the same with minor tweaks so theres nothing to discuss.
>I’m too hipster.
>I can see that all RPGs are essentially the same with minor tweaks
Not really, but you do sound insufferably faggy.
>Entire board is bombared by spam, bait and mods allowing all kinds of shit
>It's been going for years like this at this point
>"Hey guys, why this board is no longer about games?"
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>I am a terrible baiter
You experienced the peak and are now witnessing the decline, It's just a return to normal.
Like a decade of mod abuse and dogshit spam and content farming and slide threads. I play two games a week, but why the fuck would i ask or tell /tg/ about it? They're either retarded or secondaries with no real interest to begin with (with the exception of the generals which, case and point)

Also 5e is kind of bad and people have finally played enough to realize that, and 6e is just throwing fuel on the fire
While /tg/ isn't sanitised corporate like genuinely everywhere else on the internet nowadays, it is infinitely more corporate today than it has been. You talk about 5e dominance as if it were some Golden Age, rather than the problem that lead to this.
Wizards propped up 5e with a huge marketing push. This meant that buzz died down almost instantly as soon as they pulled back on funding. 5e, however, was like a canopy blocking the light for all the shrubs and saplings on the forest floor. Culture doesn't come from nowhere, and Wizards strangled much of it.
Related to that, you also have an influx of mainstream audiences. In addition to the standard effects of "newcomers outnumber oldguard and don't want the same things", you now have no root of shared culture. Used to be that 'nerd culture' was something a bit more than (but not entirely without) rampant consumerism. There were touchstones that everybody had at least picked up from osmosis. People created and shared almost as a rule. This hits rpgs harder because that creativity and collaboration and communication are at the core of what makes them work.
All of that creative and referential element of nerd culture has been stripped away as it has been dragged to the mainstream. All that's left is buying things. It's fucking tragic.
You can see this in wargames too. Compare the setting of warhammer fantasy to AoS, it's more rootless and less nerdy by design. Then look at 40k, it used to be made around making your own shit up. Now you build almost exclusively around named characters.
Wargames are "doing well" because a chunk of their hobby is buying plastic men. Much of the heart of the hobby part of it is diminished, but you don't need a community to kitbash.
RPGs are doing worse because they're about making shit up and collaborating. Not buying books. You need a community for this and corporate interests have uprooted and replaced the community, rather than evolving it naturally as people shuffled in and out.
Wargames aren't going well, Warhammer is doing well albeit growing slower than it was, everything else is barely surviving.
Sounds about right. Wargames that aren't about buying the latest GI JOE will struggle.
It's the same pattern as rpgs then. Swap wizards for GW and delay it a few years.
One day the warhammer buzz will die down and it'll be much the same.
>This meant that buzz died down almost instantly
You retard.

You complete and total retard.

5e came out nearly a decade ago, and saw unprecedented popularity throughout all of that time, when most games live and die in the span of 1 to 2 years. And it wasn't just popular, it grew the RPG fanbase tremendously, far more than all other RPGs combined, to the tune of having a full majority of all played games.

This wasn't a crisis. It wasn't a problem. It wasn't 5e gobbling up all groups, it was 5e becoming so popular that even non-RPG players started to take an interest.

But dumb cunts like you always imagine RPGs to be a zero-sum game, where people can't play more than a single system and we all need to wage war over which should be dominant. Retarded trolls like you have killed not just 5e discussion, but all RPG discussion here, all while it flourishes in other places because people don't have to deal with dumb pieces of shit like you.

5e was the tide that lifted all boats, and you couldn't see that.
You probably felt really intelligent typing that but unfortunately the evidence points to the opposite; every franchise outside of D&D is less popular than before the launch of 5e. There's a reason everybody in the publishing side of the industry talks about bandwidth rather than "muh tide".
The golden age of /tg/ happened when 3.5 was the dominant system. 80%+ of all RPG discussion was specific to that game, to the point where unless otherwise specified, everyone understood all RPG questions were about that system.

It wasn't the Golden Age because of this, but a single system being dominant didn't do anything to diminish how good the board was at the time, and other RPGs likewise saw plenty of discussion in no small part because the game would be fresh and different.

Fastforward several years, and we have dying generals littering this board, made by people hoping to keep various games as a constant presence on this board even if there isn't enough discussion to warrant their continous presence. In between these zombie generals are threads constantly besieged by tribalistic trolls that are as short-sighted as the mods that enable them.

In the Golden Age of /tg/, there wasn't any system warfare. There really couldn't be, 3.5 was too dominant. Then, 4e came out, and trolls got a taste for /v/-style shitposting, and the Edition War sowed many bitter seeds. You can see this in how many of the arguments trolls still present about 5e haven't been relevant for two whole editions, because all they're doing is recycling old trolls posts from the Edition War, because trolls don't care about accuracy, they only care about volume.

In the Golden Age, /tg/ had a shared language in the form of 3.5. Now, it's become so fragmented and tribalistic that we have trolls unironically spamming to try and force anyone discussing RPGs to be herded into generals, and they don't see anything wrong in what they're doing
Your evidence? Where is it?
Where's your evidence that 5e "lifted all boats"? you claim people who didn't see that are blind yet you seem completely oblivious to wider trends within the industry, 'major' companies are still relent on kickstarter, zero job growth, no movement from freelancing/consultation, Orr reports being discontinued because it was embarrassing CGL/Modiphius/etc, layoffs, etc.
It's not about loosing interest in ttrpgs, it's about loosing interest in sharing ttrpg related topics with anons on /tg/. I don't know when, but sometime after 2012/2013, there was concentrated push against everything outside few selected topics (mostly generals), which was ingrained to all newcomers. Couple this with aggressive gatekeeping against content-farming and you ended up with /tg/ where no one even bother to start something ttrpg related, since you are either directed to dead/shitpost filled general, pruned, or cynically disregarded as bot/shill/tourist/content-farmer. This goes both for questions and idea sharing threads.

Also this >>93841350 is right, since discord is basically "the network" and on top of ability to discuss your topics (if you find right servers) give you also option to network with people, play ttrpgs online and much more.

And these >>93841905 >>93842002 anons have also good point about bad mods, resulting in situation, where moderation is basically only applied to generals in most basic approach, letting bait/troll retards run the show. Weird thing is, that pruning of shit threads only happens, when anons collectively shit on OP and start some better discussion in thread.
Except that RPGs did flourish while 5e was rising, and not just 5e. RPG sales across the board rose, with Amazon and DrivethruRPG both seeing a large surge in RPG sales for non-D&D systems even if 5e took the lion's share. Convention attendance also saw a huge bump, and over the years the RPG market expanded at an unprecedented rate as 5e introduced the idea alongside youtubers/twitch streamers to a hungry audience, to a level where we started to see people on /tg/ complain about how RPGs had become too "mainstream".

Most RPGs fail in one or two years. It's not a kind business, and not every RPG enjoyed a boost in sales brought about by the surge in attention that 5e brought to the flagging RPG market. But, overall, most systems benefited from the enlarged market, and trying to treat RPGs like a zero-sum game is ridiculous, especially when it's always just complaining about the most popular system and never even giving a second-glance to the rest in regards to them existing in a zero-sum RPG universe. Sure, you can play CoC and GURPS and half a dozen other games and that's fine, but it's apparently impossible to play 5e and any other system, because suddenly everyone only ever plays one single system when 5e is concerned. And this is despite our own /tg/ census showing that people who played 5e also played a wealth of other systems, actual evidence that you're wrong in your zero-sum mindset.

You like to troll, so you need to create a narrative where the popular thing you want to troll about is cartoonishly evil. 5e is just a game like the rest, but it just happens to be popular. If a game you happened to like saw the same popularity, you'd be praising it's market dominance with the same fervor you're complaining about 5e's.
My dude your fucking clueless, DTRPG is fucking irrelevant, a huge bump in sales there is going from 40 units to 75 within a 5 year timespan, 500 units lifetime sales puts you within the top 2%.
Litmus test time: name a single employer that's increased their headcount that isn't Chaosium.
You're talking about the waning period of 5e and not its waxing. Remember that 5e came out in 2014, and also remember that 4e lived and died within the span of 2008 and then. 5e had enough momentum to keep it moving and growing well past the first two years where it actually had more than a skeleton staff, but it's really been an oddity that it's lasted a full decade, since its 1st party publications fell off a cliff a long time ago.
Even D&D saw a decline in headcount, despite its unprecedented success and sales.
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>Pathfinder and D&D 5e supposedly "not being as popular as they used to be" on /tg/ means /tg/ is "losing interest in TTRPGs"
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I mean, interest in DnD seems high, sure. In the 90's and 00's most normies just assumed DnD was a video game or had some vague idea that it was a very complicated boardgame people played in the 80's. But these various new fans probably aren't actually giving up their Saturdays pretending to be wizards and elves. Which I think is why there's been a pivot towards all these dorky licensed products like sneakers and plush dice - it's a lifestyle brand for a lot of these people.
Pathfinder and D&D had the only generals which didn't take almost a week in order to reach autosage, if they didn't fall off Page 10 before they even hit autosage. On 4stats.io, there hasn't been a TTRPG thread in the top eight threads in a while. If the two most massively popular TTRPGs have lost popularity on /tg/ without any other TTRPG gaining popularity, then yes, some interest in TTRPGs has been lost.
Not that anon, but have you ever visited Pathfinder and DnD generals? They are mostly inert shitposting and any genuine discussion goes to shit in less than two posts. That's like saying that /slop/ threads were active and popular, because you had three retards spamming anime elves with big tits and six fingers.
Culture war fags moved in and have slowly choked the life out of the entire site, this board included. What kind of idiot would post about games on /tg/ when all that'll happen is some idiots screaming about luciferian marxists transing all the game's pronouns until the thread dies?
troons and normies ruined it
>d&d already disliked got worse, board performatively hates pbta
>osr confined to a thread of annoying freaks

I'm fine occasionally talking about runequest, cthulu or whatever but they can't sustain discussion and maybe don't need to.
dunno about everyone else but I mostly stopped coming here once it became clear that mods weren't going to reign in the ai spam.
It pushed some of the more niche topics I was actually interested in off the board
I think /tg/ is just a dying board and it's easy to see why, board quality is in the shitter and any time someone tries to have an interesting thread now zoomers scream about content farmers.
I've been playing more lately than I have in years.

Usually, I spend more time on here when I have fewer games, so I haven't been spending much time on here.

Am in a 5e game, a PF2e game, and am looking at getting into a Nechronica game and 4th game.
You're having trouble grasping the point, aren't you?
>zoomers scream about content farmers
I hate this so fucking much, this is probably the worst trend right now. We can't have shit, because anyone opening thread asking about stories, experience or examples of some trope/hook/setting, will see bunch of retards screaming about content farmers with surface smug posts.

Same shit happened with world/story buildings generals few year ago, when some cunt kept crawling in, negating every post and bitching and moaning and ridiculing everyone. I get it, this is not gated community and if you have thin skin, you should go to something that is moderated and censored all way to the moon, but fuck this shit. I have feeling that most of the creative anons left this cesspool or are walled in in niche generals.

>t. verification not required
Because this board enjoys a double-digit median IQ.
Personally in my mind it's a few things:
First, 4chan being anonymous, it's hard to get people to agree to play tabletop games with you. And when playing with 4chan people you run the risk of playing with a turbofaggot /a/ and/or /r9k/ and/or /tttt/ and/or /pol/ and/or /mu/ abd/or /v/ poster. Alone, these traits make for grating individuals. Any combination of these traits in a single person will make someone so repellent the playgroup will disband after playing one session.
Second, 4chan has realised tabletop rpgs are always more fun to play and DM than they ever will be to talk about. And the ideas you see on 4chan while fun to think about are shit to actually play. Like the idea of gaining a Warlock level on your non-warlock because an archfae disguised as a mortal asked "Can I have your attention?" Amd now they gotta roleplay an ADD warlock and get disadvantage on concentration saves. It's a funny idea but it pisses your players off. Yeah we get cool stories like Los Tiburon, but we also get a bunch of shit ideas that are better as jokes than anything.
When you combine these two things the community moves.
Third, the 5e revival. 5e being wildly better than 4e, Stranger Things throwing a spotlight on DnD, the OGL letting people print money from their home brews, 5e just being really open to new players in it'd design. 5e surged in popularity on all platforms because it was a perfect storm for it.
Problem is, when did 5e come out? How long can you keep people's attention?
But it'll come back. Especially when someone has a story to share. It'll wax and wane in popularity, as all things do.
Alternately. TTRPG are back to it's "normal" levels and the recent high spike of interest is finally waning. Granted if you are new here you wouldn't have known it's been spiking (since before covid), but it is now back to "normal" levels.
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Spoiler: The world did end in 2012. We're the ones who landed in Purgatory and are getting the slow-burn punishment by experiencing a shittier version of what life is normally like.

I think /tg/ really exemplifies this. In the 00's we had a sense of fun and creativity. Miko was writing Love Can Bloom, we could upload files to MegaUpload freely, and there were new memes like Angry Marines seemingly every week. And now it's just coomer threads and AI slop. Can you name any memes from, say, 2019 era /tg/?
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in my insight:

we used to have a lot more games in general present on /tg/, but specific social groups
essentially janitored and moderated them out in one way or another.
....these same games are still selling copies, even making new editions,
and /tg/ is none the wiser.

/tg/, for some reason, was engineered by these social groups to no longer be
a center of game knowledge, news, and a gamer community.
....it has been cut down to be a specific territory for a limited group of people
who want /tg/ to be 'their message board'

the wise were there. the wise have all the clues to piece together.
Weird to see someone reply to me with the same thought I've been having.
>First, 4chan being anonymous, it's hard to get people to agree to play tabletop games with you. And when playing with 4chan people you run the risk of playing with a turbofaggot /a/ and/or /r9k/ and/or /tttt/ and/or /pol/ and/or /mu/ abd/or /v/ poster.
Speaking from personal experience, people exaggerate the risk and shit of some giga autist when recruiting here. It's annoying and sucks but it's no worse than recruiting a faggot from any other public place. Unfortunately, perception is reality so the fear of that is about as damaging to the prospects of recruiting as the event occurring.

Won't say it's the sole reason for the decline, but the 7 day autosage does fuck all to improve the board's quality and instead makes it worse. You post about a niche game and it takes a bit for those interested in it to even find the thread and then it autosages. People take as a sign of failure and even if you remake it, there's a good chance that some of the people into the niche game won't notice it again and would be jannies will start trying to drag down the discussion that wouldn't have even autosaged a few years back.
I was really into TTRPGS for like 15 years, DM'd most of it
got married
my wife is a critical role listener
havent played a session since
something changed, either I changed or the crowd who I was playing with changed but I no longer had the desire to entertain DM'ing and had even less patience for being a player.
I used to treat my Fate games like a medieval simulator, but everyone just wants to goof around.
Ive been enjoying arkham horror the card game in the meantime and it scratches a similar itch.
>Won't say it's the sole reason for the decline, but the 7 day autosage does fuck all to improve the board's quality and instead makes it worse
yea what the fuck is this, when/why did this happen? I was gone for a while and couldnt figure out why certain threads would just die for no reason (or why IP count is hidden all of a sudden)
The 7 day autosage is bullshit and hiding unique IP counter is insult to injury. It's like they are trying to foster fake engagement threads with nothing going on and hide, when some turboretard spams sage on thread with "unsanctioned" topic. But maybe I am just paranoid schizo.
Board got filled up with shizo memes and sub100s. Try to discus a game or talk about mechanics. The first few replies will always be some off meds conspiracy shit, shizo memes, a few genuine trolls and some idiots that failed to read the OP. A few helpfull replies here and there but not enough to keep a discussion afloat.

That might just be Hasbro being retards.
>and saw unprecedented popularity throughout all of that time,
ITT one nigger talks to himself until he gets the attention of other retards
Meanwhile, in actual /tg/, 6 generals about ttrpgs on the first two pages
PS. Ttrpgs have never dominated this board, 40k and MTG have by far always been the most pushed games on this board, to an obnoxious degree. Role-playing has never been stronger on /tg/ than right now.
Oh hey it's that schizo who posts HAHAHA in all caps all the time, didn't expect to see you shitting up this thread too. Don't you ever get bored of this shit? Do you use caps lock, or hold down shift?
You realize the people posting that are the very same people posting the helpful replies right? they're doing that to keep the thread alive. Why do they do that? because there isn't anything to discuss, you can't have detailed discussion about rules or mechanics that aren't there, organized play isn't a thing any more so they can't discuss the weekly scenarios same with open playtesting, there isn't much left outside of discussing lore with half-illiterate retards who think 40k is deep and well written.
It's happening everywhere, because 4chan is a negative filter. High quality posters are simply more likely to leave than low quality poster, so over time the user base trends downwards. That's why you're seeing so many posts these days that are obviously made by mentally unhinged people. Not haha funny joke mentally unhinged. But thinks a marginal YouTube channel creates every single story thread on this board mentally unhinged. Nobody who leads the sort of life where they have interesting things to say about the hobby has the time or energy to outperform legit nutjobs who only hang out on this site.
The board has the very obvious problem, OP. Spamming, baiting and shilling are protected by moderation to the point, they delete actual discussion of TTRPGs. You do realise that it hard to talk about table talk this way, right?
What have you tried discussing and what would you like to discuss? your probably suffering self-inflicted "atomization" and "social alienation" because your refusal to play anything with more than a handful of players.
I forgot to mention esl faggots.
See >>93846118
No fucking clue, what this guy is trying to say.
>esl faggots
>No fucking clue, what this guy is trying to say.
The fucking irony.
Hello, the Problem. How are worst trolls and mods?
TTRPGs. For example, my latest posts on how to run a certain game were deleted. It was in a rare thread with normal discussion about TTRPGs that soon was spammed.
Basically I'm calling you a newfag who hasn't been around long enough to understand Car Wars.
mtg went from having like 4 active generals to 2 wtf are you talking about
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The solution to all of /tg/'s woes is posting more Ribbon and Cestree.
>Ttrpgs have never dominated this board,
D&D by itself was routinely the most played/discussed game on this board since as far back as the first census conducted on this board, even without including the other TTRPGs. TTRPGS may not have "dominated" in terms of uncontested prevalence, but they have managed to edge out both Wargames and CCGs to be the most popular subcategory of traditional games on this board.
Nerd culture has become too transparently corporate to me. Optimistic me says that's just part of getting older. Cynical me thinks corpos have turned up the dial on extracting wealth from everyone below them. I don't hate it. I'm just completely apathetic.

TTRPG community-wise, I think it's because of how fragmented everyone became due to digital publishing. It is used to be there were a comprehensible number of games people played because there was a limit to would could be published. Now everyone can publish their own game which has led to an almost infinite amount of them. Not all of them are garbage, but the few that aren't quickly get buried in the trash. Discord is also contributer to the problem of hyper-fragmentation.

D&D-wise, I got burnt out on PF and 5e is a "wow nothing" to me. Modern WotC and Paizo just feel like shittier copies of their original selves. I have my own theories on why they feel that way.
Roleplaying is easy. Combat systems are hard. TTRPGs can all have vastly different roleplaying systems on paper and none of it matters because roleplaying isn't a mechanical process. Until the industry starts figuring out how to design good combat systems, it's done. It's finally been discovered not that there are low-hanging fruit in roleplaying; there were NO fruits to begin with and designing a roleplaying system can be done by a bored monkey with one hand while he jacks off. On the other hand, making a satisfying dungeon crawler or skirmish wargame is HARD, and that's what actually needs to be done.
Sorry, by dungeon crawler, I mean "dungeon crawler board game" since those are all essentially co-op tactical skirmish wargames.
Because this is a board for games, and TTRPGs are not games, in fact their "players" want them to be as non-gamey as possible.
>yea what the fuck is this, when/why did this happen?
A specific autist (you get banned if you name him) has been infesting this board for years and was keeping threads alive for months by perpetually bumping them, to the point where he had entire conversations with himself. There are several specific topics that he loves discussing such as worldbuilding, pantheons and magic systems. The 7 day autosage is a bandaid solution to curbing his autism.

Look at the gaps between replies. Someone kept this thread alive across an entire week without anyone else offering any meaningful input.
interesting but fucked up. thanks for the rundown, figures two brain damaged retards would ruin it for everybody. always one retard to fuck things up and another retard to make a shitty rule that makes things worse
Even in the 80s there were far more games than anyone could ever play, you just don't know about them because they never took off and aren't remembered today.
Maybe so but comparing what I know, 2000s to today, it seems like there's a metric shit ton of indie games coming out compared to when I first got involved in TTRPG. Some of that may be because the hobby is bigger than it was but a lot of these games, I'd even say the majority, don't have proportionally larger fanbases. There's just more of them.
That is thing about talking about golden ages of stuff like tabletop games or video game. Everyone remembers the great stuff and forget about the all the games that were meh to bad.
I was going to say at least by now it should be fine to increase the auto-sage to at least a month since the autist had to have left by now, but goddamn, that shit was just 2 months ago. Mods are still useless fags who killed discussion of any thing that isn't bait or generals, though.
Work on your art.
Probably because ttrpg companies are going out of their way to to drive away the fans that opened their wallets in decades past in a foolish quest to chase after an audience that dosen't exist in the numbers it pretends to and whose members simply do not have the disposable income to support a hobby.
If I have to guess, he's either genuinely autistic and believes that he's somehow "keeping the spirit of /tg/ alive" with endless world-building threads or he's content farming, likely in order to feed some sort of generative AI. Then again, hindsight really poisons your perspective. It's so easy to look back at prior /tg/ projects and threads and see it all as content farming or accumulating material for AI, rather than genuine conversation or passion.
Popular Doesn't equal good, that's falling into the trap of Design by Gospel
It comes across as "stocking the pond", there's really no other reason to remove the IP counter.
He's active at this very moment.

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The prevailing theory behind Bumpfag's behaviour is he has a dependent personality disorder. While he might have genuine interest in these specific topics, his prime motive is to receive help from others. He will do anything for you to give him some kind of helpful reply. The contents of your reply doesn't really mean much to him as long as you're helping him. He rarely ever contributes any substantial content or thoughts of his own.

As a result, any 'conversation' with him is completely one-sided and he doesn't give a shit about anything you actually say. He's basically a creative vampire looking to suck the energy out of other posters to satisfy his compulsions.
>In the Golden Age of /tg/, there wasn't any system warfare.
Yes there was and you weren't there.
Depends on your perception of the golden age and system warfare. There was some discord, but it increased a hundredfold with the release of 4e in 2008. Before that, most of the system warfare was GURPS shilling, shitting on D20 Modern and arguing whether or not the Tome of Battle: The Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic was a valid addition to D&D 3.5.
Calling the scrapes that existed before 4e "system warfare" is like designating an elementary school fight as World War 3.
This guy is the type of cancer that killed this board. This loathsome loser who has spent over a decade getting upset about /tg/'s mascots.
The only egregious thing I remember was some fag or several hate-spamming anything thread that so much as mentioned GURPS.
Cultist-chan, Noh, Sandwich and Blue are all mascots as well. The difference is that those characters were constantly posted everywhere, all of the time. Even if you don't subscribe to the conspiracy theory that there was an autistic Ribbonfag obsessed with posting Ribbon all of the time and promoting her and Cestree as "/tg/'s mascots," there was still over-saturation and over-saturation breeds resentment, especially on /tg/. Whenever there's too much of anything, there's backlash so when people felt like there was too much Ribbon, there was backlash.
major games turned to shit either through pandering to a worse consumerbase or self sabatoge. dnd isn't what it used to be. it's a phase my dear, it will pass! we just have to be patient. thats all!
"Backlash" happens with everything on 4chan, regardless of what it is. 4chan has largely held a contrarian streak throughout its life, something it carried over from SomethingAwful. The first post of nearly every non-general thread is going to disagree with the OP, and that's just to be expected.

The issue with the Woyafag isn't that he dislikes something, but that he decided he was going to play a game of internet warfare over it. This goes back to Quests, where we had people shitposting about them largely just to see if they could get rid of them, despite at the time there being no better-suited board for them. When the mods removed quests from this board, these trolls saw it as a personal victory, and sought out new things to wage war on in order to repeat their "success." One of these trolls decided that an elf was going to be his personal nemesis, and in hindsight the best thing to do would have been to ban him for spamming an irrelevant catchphrase at every instance of that elf, but instead the mods allowed him to continue and fester like a cancer on this board.

Ribbon is /tg/ OC, a legacy that should be actively encouraged alongside Cultist, Noh, and the rest. What the Woyafag did was help breed an antagonistic attitude towards our drawfags, which has grown so much that /tg/'s drawthread lies largely dead and we struggle to attract new artists. Woyafag is just one part of that cancer, but spamming "needs improvement" at any artist that chose to draw one of /tg/'s mascots certainly didn't do the board any favors.

He's a little shit, but still a shit.
I'm not "the" woyafag, if one true woyafag even exists, but I have gone woya in the past just because I was sick of seeing Ribbon everywhere and it was a good way of riling up Ribbonfags. The idea of a single devoted woyafag who is dedicated to bringing Ribbon down is as silly as the idea of a single devoted Ribbonfag who is dedicated to promoting Ribbon as /tg/'s primary mascot due to his irrational fixation with the character.
Fuck off, woyafag.

There's no evidence or even reason to believe any other person would take issue with an elf like you obsessively have done. While some may not like the elf, only the most retarded kind of cancerous shitposter would decide to try and wage an internet war over her. You are largely insane, so there's no reason to imagine there would be more than a single person who shares your personal insanity. The odds are really not in your favor.

On the other side, there's dozens of artists that have drawn those characters, which at bare minimum sinks the "there is only a single person who likes that character" nonsense you've been trying to force while even now trying to equate with your own isolation.

It's at the point where it doesn't really matter if you are or are not the woyafag. The woyafag is just a boogeyman, an individual that has come to represent the worst kind of shitposter, the kind so contrarian that they need to rely on samefagging, shitspamming, and all the other worst troll tools to try and pretend there's more of him than there is.

Remember, the woyafag only started his spam war after Ribbon got voted into the /tg/ banner. It was at that point where there was irrefutable evidence that she had a measure of popularity that the Woyafag simply could not accept, so he hoped to drown out that striking evidence with pure and simple shitspam.

You having any sympathy for such a character really leaves little reason not to just call you that character, since no rational person could sympathize with such a human blight. Woyafag, you are the worst kind of cancer, and you are part of the disease that is killing this board.
I'm pretty sure the "Ribbon is the /tg/ mascot" business was ironically only done to piss off the woyafag. /tg/ doesn't have enough of a sense of community anymore to have a mascot.
Nobody is antagonistic towards any of the drawfags except that one obese furfaggot, and he deserves it. The drawthreads are dying because of the 7-day bump limit and the proliferation of AIslop.
I always figured that 99% of people are shit at roleplaying and suck at creativity so that's why TTRPGs aren't as popular as other games that require less creative juices.
I admit that I'm a braindead fucker with a creativity of a goldfish and would rather fuck around with adventure games that has 80% of the narrative RPG experience of a TTRPG with only 20% of the roleplaying effort.

That being said, was the TTRPG cyclical popularity had anything to do with youtube creators or streamers documenting their TTRPG tales for their viewers to watch?
what good games have pseudo RPG-like experience with the least amount of roleplaying effort?
>Nobody is antagonistic towards any of the drawfags
You're kidding, right?

The drawthread is incredibly hostile and unwelcoming, and was basically limping along for years now, long before the AI image boom. What's worse is that we don't really have any more roaming artists, and those were the real lifeblood of /tg/, because that's how the good memes and OC were made and how projects went from a half-baked idea into something substantial and memorable. A single drawfag showing up in a thread used to be all it took to make an idea go from nothing to amazing in less than ten posts.

If anyone really wanted to revitalize /tg/, encouraging people to make OC is really the only way, and that means more than sycophantic praise intermixed between begging and complaining about what the artist chose to draw.
There's lots of bumpfags around these days, not just on /tg/ and I don't know why. They must be visible to the jannies and mods, did they stop culling these retards after moot sold out?
If it happens that often then surely you should have plenty of specific examples?
"Bumpfag" is not a real thing. It's an invented boogeyman.

People bump threads. It's a natural activity that will spontaneously occur thousands of times a day. And, people will bump threads you don't care about. That's not some criminal mastermind at work, that's people necromancing threads.

Trying to invent a solitary individual responsible for every time a thread gets necromanced is ridiculous, especially because the threads that get bumped the most are Generals, which apparently is okay and not bumpfag for some reason. Saying you know there's a real bumpfag, and then listing the threads you don't like and saying he's responsible for bumping them, is pretty fucking lame.

We need to stop trying to push the shitty idea. Necromancing dumb threads is an easy thing to complain about, but trying to make a boogeyman out of it doesn't solve anything and just obfuscates the actual problems while presenting a worthless solution that could never work. Getting rid of an imaginary individual, even if possible, wouldn't stop people from bumping threads like they've done since before 4chan was even a thing.

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