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"Build a House" Edition

▶Bans (NOW)

The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

▶Build and share Cubes

▶Search engines
▶Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
▶Play online for free

▶What is E D H?

Which mechanics do you like playing with?
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>Hockey Pads
>Soccer Cleats
>BIC Ballpoint Pen
>Signed Roy Orbison Limited Edition 1962 "Bard" 12-String Epiphone Guitar
>Toshiba 55-Class C350 Series UHD Fire TV
>Navy Blue 2016 Honda Civic Sedan, All-Season Floor Matts Included
>Factory Sealed BioShock Limited Collector's Edition for Xbox 360
>LaVar Ball Big Baller Brand BBB x Genegg NC Blue Chiller Sneakers
>Garfield the Cat (Not Universes Beyond)
>"Murder at Markov Manor" Play Booster
And forgive me for the reddit link but golden memedern is less supported
[Spoiler]Unfortunately Facebook, Reddit, and Discord are the best resources for discussing and finding games for old school communities.[/spoiler]
Gonna kill myself for fucking up my spoiler
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when will this shit game start healing already it's been 6 years...
>when will this shit game start healing already
Healing? But the lord of the ring was a best-seller, and the Fallout commander decks too! And so will the marvel and Final fantasy ones.
Game won't heal because it doesn't need to, you're just not the target audience anymore and they'll never need to cater to you because people are still throwing money at them
The game you liked died a decade ago, that era is never coming back.
>The baseball minigame is now canon to MtG
Shoutouts to Simpleflips
It was supposed to be a lie.
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... So they decided for a Marvel cycle because those have better short term profits. Welp, was good while it lasted.
All right, dumb rule question. Why would this work?

Play spellweaver Helix and imprint two dragons approach on it. Cast one of your many dragons approach from your hand. Go infinite as you are casting a copy of card.

I have not seen anywhere any ruling that would exclude this and the single time I have seen someone trying to say it doesn't work, they claimed that you need to cast a physical card to trigger the Helix, but these two rules seem to suggest that the game would treat them as if they where both the same:

109.1. An object is an ability on the stack, a card, a copy of a card, a token, a spell, a permanent, or an emblem.

108.2. When a rule or text on a card refers to a "card," it means only a Magic card or an object represented by a Magic card.

So, what rules prevents that going infinite?
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>new lgs opened up
>drive by it on the way to and from work
>barely any people there even on fridays
I like protection.
pc related
Ninjutsu is the most fun mechanic Wizards ever printed, so that
No I will not be taking criticisms at this time
No rule, as I understand. It just works that way.
I think it's about replacement effects only working once per thing.
So you want to cast "spell", and the helix allows you to instead cast "spell+imprinted other spell".
Otherwise you wouldn't even need a dragon's approach, any 2 cards would still see each other and loop too
>love Bloomburrow because it finally feels like Magic again after so many years of 'X... But in a HAT!'
>The next set is a hodgepodge mess of pop culture references, random fears and modern technology
What the fuck are they doing? Duskmourne may as well be a UB set.
Pandering to retards, thing is retards have a lot of money.
There's no replacement effect. It's a triggered ability. And Helix doesn't even cast the card, it casts a copy.
Both of >>93843103 >>93843115 are wrong.
108.2 tells you that copies of cards are not cards because they are not a Magic card or an object represented by a Magic card.
Whether something is a card or not is not a copiable characteristic. This is why a token that copies a permanent is not a card and is still a token; and why a clone effect that copies a token is still a card despite being a copy of a token.
Sure, but Helix only cares about casting a spell. Whether that spell is a copy or a card isn't relevant, is it?
Actually, wait, I'm dumb, I just noticed it literally says "plays a card" and the Oracle text is "casts a card". Yeah, that's why it doesn't work.
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It's a fair mistake. It is very rare that you cast cards rather than spells. Spellweaver Helix is the only card in the game to use the string of text "casts a card" and it's a pain in the ass to find other cards with the oracle text involving casting cards (I found Izzet Chemist and Emergent Ultimatum when searching. Brilliant Ultimatum uses 'casting cards' in printed text but oracle text changes that to 'cast spells'). I could not tell you why Emergent Ultimatum allows you to cast cards instead of spells but with Izzet Chemist it is because they want the exiled cards to return to the graveyard when cast. I imagine that the only time they should use the term 'cast a card' is when there is a specific rules reason why it needs to be that way (Emergent Ultimatum presumably being an oversight and a sign that the current designers at WotC are incompetent retards)
I think Ultimatum does it for the sake of consistency since it refers to cards three times before mentioning casting them.
I made the mistake because almost any other "plays a card" thing has been Oracle text'd as "casts a spell". Emergent Ultimatum says "cast those cards" because you specifically searched out three cards beforehand, I dunno what your issue is there. It's saying you can cast the actual cards you pulled, because the objects are there to be referred to as part of the spell's resolution. Codie has similar templating. I think it has to do with the zone the cards are in, too?
That makes sense, you have convinced me. I had taken issue with it because Brilliant Ultimatum is similar in effect but has received errata that refers to casting spells rather than cards.
Ah, so when they say objects represented by cards it doesn't include card copies as those aren't objects represented by a card.

I had a sense it was related to that distinction but I wasn't sure of what the terminology implied, thanks.
is this the tournament that literally got cancelled because the players didn't want to play against grief?
nah it was this one
Post lists with faeries.
I believe that's because Brilliant lets you play lands and spells, and they've changed "play cards" to "play lands and cast spells", generally. Same for Future Sight and similar effects.
>Garfield the Cat (Not Universes Beyond)
We already have that
Its been a while. I come back to see how low magic sinks.

So...there has been a set based on stranger things & 80s horror movies...yeah feels about right.
I hate this fucker. I could resist lists with cat oven but if you also add a fucking infinite mill loop and a infinite big cat then the thing becomes insufferable.
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phoenix bros... wtf.. we were supposed to the best...

phoenix suffers from having been a metagame staple for like ten years or whatever
it's not that hard to sideboard against and everyone knows it's going to be a presence
>Tree of Perdition is top tier
Something must be FUCKING WRONG with that list. No way the Tree deck can beat all the meta at Pioneer.
Turns out Treasure Cruise isn't broken if your opponent fucking kills you before you can use the extra cards.
why so many 5c piles? now fires is good too?
No RDW. Now that is a healthy format.
don't mind that, they still show gruul aggro having esika's chariot when the deck hasn't done so in like almost a year now
what they mean by rakdos aggro is this list: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6624032#paper

the most popular deck in the format is a variant of RDW
Oh that makes more sense... And Leyline is coming, bros...
>why so many 5c piles?
that's not a lot, lotus is like a 2 color deck splashing the other 3
>now fires is good too?
fires and niv have always been interchangeably the big mana deck with some amount of interaction, it's for people who want to play something like mono green but dislike dying on turn 3 before they can do anything
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Yoo nobody told me about the Unburial Rites at home. Finality counter is a bummer, but we can work with it, Pioneerbros.
It's a combo with Agatha's Soul Cauldron. Find a way to discard a Tree, exile it with Soul Cauldron, suddenly you can set the opponent's life to 2 or 3 out of nowhere with some randon dork. But as the other anon described, that's not the real version of the Rakdos Aggro deck. Goldfish is just being retarded and not splitting up archetypes right.
I think the problem with reanimation in general in pioneer is that it has to compete with transmogrify and creativity, which are usually easier to make work
I want to make a Bloomburrow cube. I've played a box's worth of limited games, and would play more but it's hard to get people together more than once a week. Anyway, I wanted to see what the common consensus was on the various archetypes' power levels so I can help make things a bit more balanced.

From what I've played, Raccoons, Squirrels, and Rabbits all seem powerful, while Frogs, Birds, Rats, and Lizards seem weaker. Green and Black seem powerful overall while Blue struggles. Would you agree or disagree with this assessment? What would you do to bridge the gap in power levels?
Mice and rabbits are definitely OP. I have been AWOL for 18 years but just returned to MTG when Bloomburrow launched. I only really have experience playing aggro decks and W/R/Green. My mice and rabbits decks have pretty good. W+Black bat deck also does well and most people just concede by turn 5-6 if they can't stop they can't block flying or keep up with the heals.
You're welcome. It is definitely one of the more interesting rules questions I've come across recently. It's not strictly complicated (like layers questions often are) but it involves knowledge and terminology that is often understood casually but rarely needs to be understood strictly (copy, cast, and card).
Yup, I understood the reasoning for Brilliant Ultimatum's wording but did not understand why they would not also change the wording for Emergent Ultimatum. Your explanation about Emergent Ultimatum specifically referencing the three cards you had previously searched won me over and I now no longer have issue with the templating. Rewriting Emergent Ultimatum with Brillaint's templating would be extremely clunky and dissatisfying ("you may cast spells from among the other exiled cards without....")
just some of my 2 cents from limited:

Mice and Rabbits are good, strong uncommon are commons, if you get a decent rare or mythic you can roll over your opponent very quickly
Frogs/Bats/Squirrels are also good, but need a lot more synergy and setup to reach that point,
Raccoons/Birds feels more like a support tribe than a real self sufficient tribe, almost always saw "mice/frogs with birds" or "lizards with raccoons"
Rats would be good if they had ways to reach threshold quicker, they have some amazing commons and uncommons that are worthless unless you have 7 in the yard.
otters are crap: i have played and played against otter decks with 4+ rares and mythics and they still feel slow and weak compared to anything else.
Also, since lands are all colourless, Emergent Ultimatum could never actually search for them, so you're only ever getting spells off of it.
I love Ygra, but I've never considered running him with mill. Do you mean self mill, or milling your opponents? How would he even accomplish the latter? I just like pairing him with Camellia so that I can sacrifice a squirrel to generate another squirrel to sacrifice. I don't have any 0 mana repeatable sacrifice outlets in my deck so I can't even go infinite with it, as tempting as infinite scry with Viscera Seer would be. I just like making big cat and then using a combat trick to give him trample for a commander damage kill.
why is wotc so fucking jewish about reprinting moxes
opal and chrome are both over $100 what the fuck is wrong with them
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>We were too on the NOSE with our tropes.
Yes, yes you were JOTC
>since lands are all colourless
*cough*Dryad Arbor*cough*
so is bertoncini unbanned now that the dci no longer exist?
I've always wondered why expensive cards don't get reprints. Like the companies don't get any money from the aftermarket so you'd think they reprint them when they hit high prices in the aftermarket so they could move new sets easier. This isn't just a MTG thing either but like every TCG.
>Do you mean self mill, or milling your opponents? How would he even accomplish the latter?
he probably means having one cauldron familiar in play and one in the graveyard and just looping them with scavenger's talent in play, every loop drains 1 and mills a player for 2, this way even if they have infinite life you can just deck them

if we convinced commander players to put them in their decks I bet they would get reprinted more often
but fast mana is looked down upon outside of cedh
I for once salute our Red splashed overlords.
We leave R/B vampires behind just to deal with the R/B "i fling to your face"
Reprints ruin muh cardboard investments, WotC isn't allowed to make decisions that support players if it hurts my nerd stock portfolio.
Sure, but even if you grabbed it with Ultimatum you couldn't play it anyway.

wotc and the big vendors have a revolving door
the people responsible for choosing reprints are exactly the same people who lose the most when reprints happen
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Fuck I thought I was still in /edhg/
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Remember to bounce your deserts
Bertocheaty can stay gone.
>competitive rakdos deck without fable
this is gonna break some hearts
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>Jace legal because it was legal at the time, but make an exception to ban Lantern
Instantly into the trash
It was really funny that to ostensibly try to avoid the issues of land grabs and reservations they hammered home the notion that the cowboy plane was completely empty and had no living beings on it, which just played into the other colonial-era talking point that the land was unused and empty. The "natives" in the set ended up not being "native" to anywhere in particular. Very lazy and weirdly low effort given their ostensible desire to depict world cultures appropriately.
Apparently the initial concept for the plane was more, like, there were natives being encroached upon by multiplanar 'oil barons', effectively, who want Thunder Junction for the magic that's so abundant there, and the more heroic interplanar people would be helping out the natives, etc. But they just kind of dumped that and so everybody's there for no... Real reason besides that it's an easy place to get to.
>The "natives" in the set ended up not being "native" to anywhere in particular.
There are natives to the plane though, they just didn't become sentient until the colonizers arrived. Which of course plays into some even more hilariously awful tropes that WotC either elected to ignore or were genuinely just too stupid to notice.
>callous Sword
are they not aware they are pushing red too fucking much?
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Thunder Junction, every single part of it, was a big mistake.
Being an easy place to get to can be a very lucrative thing to be. There's a lot of notable cities that became that way because they were at a busy crossroads, despite not actually having much there.
They don't get money directly from the secondary market, but speculators (large and small) are a non-trivial portion of their sales and they'll buy more of a given product if it contains valuable reprints. WotC can indirectly control the value of reprints via artificial scarcity and thus they can use that as a lever to drive up sales.
That guy who was selling cowboy hats at the entrance portals must've made a fucking fortune
>We were too on the nose
Anyone with half a fucking brain could have told them that. Thunder Junction lacks any identity of its own. They just dumped Magic characters onto the set of a spaghetti western and told them to play dressup.
MTG is especially egregious when it comes to reprints in my experience. No other TCG to my knowledge has bullshit like the reserve list.

My main point of comparison is Yugioh admittedly. That game is greedy in other ways but it's mostly pretty good with reprinting meta relevant/ popular cards with each year often having multiple reprint heavy sets
Not just oil barons, but it was meant to be a plane that has suffered from calamities that have reshaped the landscape and were the source of that. Where the only folks in cowboy outfits were the barons and that they only cared about profit and strip mining the land dry til its a drained, empty, and dead husk.

As an easier way to digest such a world: Think of the post apocalyptic aftermath of Time Spiral block, but instead of say Lorwyn, the next was this version of Thunder Junction. Where the natives of the planes, the Dominarians, who are living in hovels and scavenging a very wartorn land for food and water. Where what nature does remain is scarce and must be protected from those who would harm it. A great source of conflict where you have Dominarians vs Invaders, but also Dominarians vs Dominarians, as even things like medicine or food or water are hoarded. Even cutting down a single tree could be grounds for a Dominarian to murder their neighbor.

And that just with the planned idea of what Thunder Junction was meant to be, you either worked for the Barons and enjoyed the amenities, or you were enemy.

Really activates the almonds.
And Hearse. And ASC. Soon to be Ghost Vacuum. And now tons of decks running 4x maindeck Keen-Eyed Curator because it's far ahead of the curve as a baseline so you lose nothing for including it.
>They just dumped Magic characters onto the set of a spaghetti western and told them to play dressup.
I unironically think that would have had more character than what thunder junctioned ended up being.
least with spaghetti western morally gray characters are the norm and guns exists
It does certainly give the vibe of
>Look at these dumb natives, they haven't worked the land or made advanced tools like us. Its only through our actions and our knowledge that these savages can be more civilized.
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>All vein Ripper was doing was holding back all the degenerate RDW vomitpiles that couldn't punch through it.
>Now that it's gone, the format is ju st a miserable shitpit of giga-pushed red pieces and shit to support them

Wizards is so fucking bad at game balance things have gone from miserable, and looped right back around to being a hilarious clown sh ow of retardation.
How good is Vacuum compared to Hearse? I feel for the decks that actually matter i prefer Hearse in 90% of cases
Rotating format?
Pff, nah. Rotating RAKDOS!
>How good is Vacuum compared to Hearse? I feel for the decks that actually matter i prefer Hearse in 90% of cases
Vacuum being 1 mana is extremely relevant for clean curve-outs while you're laying hate pieces down.

Hearse's upside of being able to Crew it is probably better than Vacuum's upside, but Vacuum's upside of oops I have 15 1/1s now is still nuts.
I like the idea of mounts. I liked the desert synergies.
Where did you hear this stuff? It sounds pretty cool.
It came from them as a more throwaway thing to mention.

Its basically a short summary that people latched onto. As we will never truly know what the extent of Thunder Junction was meant to be.
To be fair, RDW always gets big for at least a little while after a big meta shake up.
I believe somebody who consulted on the set said that was a very early initial idea. Was not fleshed out or explored all too thoroughly.

instead of driving past it and complaining nobody's there, why don't you contribute to your community and show up to play some games
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Man if Wizards employees consumed good media they would have landed on the right ideas to inspire their plane but because they're all retards who watched shitty Marvel and Star Wars movies they can't actually design settings anymore because every fucking set has to look like there's lightsaber and Harry Potter fights all over the fucking place and people are dying on the streets like it's inner city America when in reality frontier America in most towns you had to store your guns at the local law office while visiting because even fucking then those people understood that having a bunch of retards running around with guns is a bad goddamn idea. There's just flagrantly no law in this setting because everyone's just constantly fucking everyone up.
Sure, but that's kinda boring from a narrative perspective. Thunder Junction's magic is potentially a hook, but only like a handful of people seemed interested in that (Geralf mostly). The vault COULD be a draw, but in practice it's only a draw to Akul and Oko's gang (and Jace).
You can infer some reasons for basically everybody to be there, even if it's as simple as "The Gitrog Monster fell through a random Omenpath and just kept eating" or "Marchesa is trying to formulate crossplanar connections and making power grabs", but the lack of any explanations, coupled with no Planeswalker's Guide and a very limited Legends of article means the entire set felt narratively empty.
The core story was good enough, I enjoyed that, but that's honestly been the case for most sets of late, MKM's story was great but I kinda hated the set's execution and flavour, so Thunder Junction's other appeal would've been execution of being a western, and... It kinda faltered there too? Duskmourn at least has a really good narrative hook to go back to with the House, issues with tropey executions aside. Ravnica's still Ravnica. Thunder Junction is just... I can't think of anything I really liked about the setting apart from the very vague notion of liking it as a "plane of new beginnings" but that was not explored remotely.
How they will ruin Death Race set?
All cars in the set are Automatic.
I think there's enough to explore with the idea that "this place is a shithole, but it's in between a lot of really important places so it's become important by relation", that's basically Las Vegas. You could do stuff about how locals get caught in the crossfire between competing outsiders, you could do something with the hinted apocalyptic past that they completely dropped (is it really just a coincidence that a bunch of omenpaths appeared in the same place a Fomori vault was?), you could do a story about how the location being relatively empty means a fresh start for people who want to escape their past. But I agree OTJ didn't really do any of that, they just threw in a bunch of references to former bad guys and slapped cowboy hats on everyone.

I think the most promising thread they had was old Niv trying to set up a Ravnican outpost, we know he's egotistical and making Ravnica (and thus himself) the center of the multiverse is right in line with that. Say he needed extra manpower since Ravnica is still recuperating from the Phyrexians, but everyone else is also licking their wounds. So he can only recruit the "villains", people who don't really care about fixing things, or people who are playing along to try and backstab him. That gives them a reason to be there, and sets up an easy conflict between them and the natives who just want to live in peace. The whole Oko plotline could've stayed the same except he gets recruited by Jace disguised as Niv Miz instead of Ashiok. Maybe even tie in the MKM story, Oba's fuckery could be fueled by Niv not focusing on restoration efforts.
Art director is currently having the Death Race set's art assets revised to feature Bloomburrow critters in the art. Rolling Hamsphere will be reprinted into Standard
But that would save the set, not ruin it.
too wacky races not enough REDLINE
if I worked at wizards I would have moved mountains to have duskmourne prerelease drop on friday the 13th
But Wacky Races would be great. Let Tezzeret be the Dick Dastardly he deserves to be.
One thing they should have done was featured no one but C-listers and randoms. Less Olivia, Rakdos, Gonti, more Florian, Exava, Gonti's valet, whoever. Characters that can actually be killed and give the story a little tension. The second Rakdos the Defiler shows up on the ragtag team of heroes, I immediately go "Okay, so nothing interesting is going to happen" because WotC treats any even remotely popular characters as marketing icons and not actual characters.
the artistic team is just clearly incapable of being sincere enough to do something campy without being obnoxiously tongue-in-cheek about it all
Nicol Bolas and Ugin in comically small go-karts as a recurring gag in 80% of the card art.
All subject to being my personal opinion in the experience of about 7 drafts mostly in paper over the course of last month:
White and Black are probably the strongest individual colors imo with green close behind.
Red is kinda in the middle with decent but not fantastic cards outside of a few rares.
Blue is the weakest color by far but has some use paired with green and as a third splash.
There are some really neat synergies if you go three color and I was never really punished for it.
UR otters are genuinely unplayable. A few of the otter cards are decent splashes but otherwise they're abysmally bad. The UR instants and sorceries tend to feel overcosted and you just kind of get run over.
UW birds aren't really an archetype. Most of the bird cards are a decent pickup into another color but a lot of them have negative synergy and want you do be playing cards that aren't birds.
UB rats seem like they could be okay but hitting threshold is just too hard. The individual cards are better in other archetypes than their own.
UG frogs are the best U archetype hands down but nothing super crazy. I think they're a decent base for a bant/sultai pile if you want to splash some of the stronger bird and rat cards.
GW rabbits are really strong either on their own or just grabbing a couple for another archetype. Carrot Cake is an insane card and probably my favorite in the set.
RW mice are supposedly really strong too but I have not personally seen it play out. I know there are some really good rares for mice, but in the drafts I've played most of the time no one even ended up drafting mice
BW bats are my personal vote for strongest archetype. Really good uncommons and commons, great removal, evasion, lifegain. The rares are good too but you don't even really need them.
BG squirrels is the other archetype I didn't personally play much with but they seem decent. A lot of the games I witnessed with them seemed to end up going really long with a ton of shit on board which is something probably worth noting.
RG Raccoons are weird where I wouldn't call the archetype on it's own great but the individual cards are just generally solid. They don't have the anti-synergy issue the birds do where the cards are better in other archetypes but the expend mechanic is more of an incidental thing than something that I found myself building around even when I was playing RG.
RB Lizards are decent but I think it's more owing to being supplemented by strong black cards coming from bats and squirrels than most of the lizard cards on their own although they're still decent enough. They have some really good one and two drops.
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>when in reality frontier America in most towns you had to store your guns at the local law office while visiting because even fucking then those people understood that having a bunch of retards running around with guns is a bad goddamn idea.
Just to workshop it minorly, maybe that could've been a reason why everyone uses their magic-shooting guns? That lets say Thunder Junction has this effect on spellcasting where you can't do it normally like you can on other planes, a kind of planar curse-effect. The guns, combined with the natural magic energy of the plane, would be how a person could cast again. And that if they did have to hand over their guns, that person can't cast anymore. Outlaws balk at the idea and choose to do illegal activity. The many deaths we see on card art from other folks, could've been from law-abiding folks. Also lets just change the Atiin, still nomadic, but they are native to this plane. The gun technology being their invention to get around the limits. The designs of the guns could've had a more consistent design and look a lot more visually appealing while also looking like it was made by that culture. The foreigners to the plane from the omenpaths would've been a lot more helpless at first as they can't use own their magic while the natives hold the power. Then a few guns get handed off in honest trade and also many stolen, which then creates a conflict.

I am just spitballing here. But it would at least give the plane some uniqueness of identity.
The concept is already very very bad
Unrelated to your post (I dig it), but I love how that photo is on a postcard in every gift shop and gas station between Sioux Falls and Bozeman
Oh huh, the next Friday is a Friday the 13th
it's fine, it's a bottom-up set so who cares what the flavor is
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This is the only official lore for Thunderjunction we got. None of it mattered to the story.
Why wasn't Murders at Karamazov Manor a return to New Capenna? That's what they clearly wanted and New Capenna rules
I want to first say I don't know shit about Thunder Junction's setting.

I think the first thing to establish is that the law and lawlessness both use magic and that the common person cannot use magic and thus subject themselves to the law or are victims of lawlessness. Assuming this is frontier America where law is of the utmost importance, you would imagine that the authorities in each settlement would encase their entire jurisdiction in a non-magic field that would, weirdly yet logically, be itself a magic-driven thing like countermagic. This means that lawlessness will only have unfettered power in the wilds.

The problem with guns however you envision them (gunpowder or magical) is a matter of incentives. If someone were to invent a gun that would work in civilization, civilization can just as easily protect people from such weapons using just more magic like providing people with personal kinetic shields. At which point Dune knife-fighting and/or Ogres becomes the premier unregulatable form of aggression in civilization outside the law. And the logistics of manufacturing guns just becomes inconvenient, the same with crossbows. Much like our society the monopolization of violence unto the law is how we're able to do anything like manage bureaucracies and diversified farming and trade.

Civilization would then want to expand the anti-magic field as civilization expands. And here is where you can create a conflict. The "native" or nomadic populations "tap" into leylines to fuel their magic, which they use for altogether peaceful reasons (you can background their history as that they genocided the violent non-peaceful tribes just as natives in North America did according to their own oral histories). The problem is that the expansion of the null field in the form of roads throughout the frontier has intersected the leylines, like cutting off limbs of power.
>5 factions representing enemy colored pairs
waow how original
So were the NOT!NAVAJO native to thunder junction or are they from some unnamed plane of infinite denim, turquoise, and rampant alcoholism?
They are from the plane Rezebat
>Rakdos went to TJ to cause havoc
>Went to a plane with no native life and only sparsely inhabited by other travelers to cause havoc
They didn't even put this thing in the oven
If they wanted to do something interesting, they'd have done it in a place like Grixis and ask questions like "In a place where life is cheap, why would anyone want to investigate a murder?" or "What methods are used to police in a world this different from our own?" They could at least pretend Fantasy is still speculative fiction and not just where theater kids and shitlibs go to inflict their OCs on the masses.

It's not like the natives can't use magic anymore due to the leylines kinda being isolated into small plots rather than a broad interconnected invisible web that feeds mana all through the land. But it's the difference between getting your water from a well or from a "river" that's literally everywhere. The natives follow the leylines in their nomadic travels but now there's no point, it's just kind of bland everywhere. But here's the thing, there is peace, there is trade, the amenities of civilization and industry provide tools to the natives and the natives are essentially the Golgari, feeding all civilization with their use of magic.

Then comes the outlaws. These can be your Black selfish pieces of shit from outside the plane who just want to fuck up a place. They just want to ruin shit, kill people, eat their souls, torture, pillage rape, and steal just like they did in their home planes. And what they do is they bring their violent spells with them, spells that basically both civilization and the natives keep locked away in books because the time for violent magic is long past. There would be police wielding violent magic on the Plane, but Rakdos wields nuclear, supersonic, volcanic, and lava magics. And sadly, because people are people, the outlaws attract the sociopathic members of society who would love to kill, rape, and steal and the police cannot resist, not against such numbers of outlaws who, using magic, don't require the supply chains offered by civilization.

And so that's the story, a story of peaceful people losing to the gangs. A society where swordfighting has been reduced to a hobby suddenly having to deal with a gang of Mongols who are training more Mongols. The null fields prevent apocalyptic magic from being used in any real conflict but when fucking ninjas, vampires, and demonlords walk into your town and physically kick the shit out of the lawmages thanks to regen and thick skin.
It was his vacation
You can imagine that it only takes a few traitors among the lawmen and natives. Some stupid piece of shit who steals the books on Doom Blade but not being familiar with them presents them to these gang members and Rakdos is like, "Oh yeah, I know how to do that one check this shit" and eviscerates a nearby grazing elephant. Then while standing in the null field Olivia signals to whoever that ninja is and he just slices off her hand with a comically large anime sword. And then she walks over to a tree and just kicks it over while her hand grows back.

And the sad fact is that the people on Thunder Junction would not be able to resist the offerings of such power. The knowledge of how to wield weapons, just destructive magic, ride animals as war mounts and not just for transportation, sell your free will in exchange for vampirism. "Let me tell you about the circus" as Rakdos would say.
I'm pretty sure in Grixis life is the most valuable commodity.
I meant like a murder of one of the lichlords or what have you. Although angry lich arbitration over the death of a mortal slave does sound fucking hilarious too, even if slavery isn't an element of the setting WotC would want to touch with a 10 ft pole in the modern day.
>I want to first say I don't know shit about Thunder Junction's setting.
Don't worry about that, the official lore is so badly written, they somehow ended up creating the most pro-manifest destiny propaganda thing ever conceived while trying to sidestep the native american vs settler conflict.

And yeah what you wrote would be a lot more interesting as a set or even a block than what was officially made.
Imagine if you stumbled into an Omenpath and ended up in the everything smells like rotten shit dimension lol
Better or worse than the infinite haunted house that tortures you forever dimension?
Grixis as it originally was before the Conflux is gone. There's life everywhere and death everywhere on all five of the Alara mini-Planes. Even back then Wizards fucked up every setting by the end of the block, rendering it completely unrecognizable from when it was presented in the first set. I'm sure that there's some Necromancer in Grixis who was incredibly comfortable with how things worked who now has to deal with Bant Crusaders in addition to rivals fucking up his shit constantly to the degree he can't maintain his own assets anymore. The abundance of life mana basically added 40% more complexity to his life, which for anybody is a fucking lot.

It was actually smart and unique that they "went back in time" for Tarkir except the ultimate result was that you traded tribal warfare for dragon fascism (and tribal warfare).
I think Grixis would be a worse fate than Duskmourn. There, its not about scaring you to feed some demon's appetite, its about being viewed as little better than a product on a shelf.
If they gave enough of a shit to not immediately drop a plane after world-shattering consequences and make us wait 5+ years for any kind of plot resolution, a living, changing world might actually be interesting.

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