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You know, I was rewatching LoK the other day and I got to thinking, you never seem to see Air mages in fantasy settings have any cool spells and abilities. It took until LoK for the Avatar universe to give airbenders any secondary specialties like metal-bending for Earth, healing for Water, etc. And even then, not only is true flight that isn’t just gliding so rare that only Zaheer and one other airbender have ever achieved it as far as we know, and dependent on total detachment from material concerns, but it’s OP enough that it let him escape the wrath of the Avatar when he’s pissed her off into the Avatar state. What kinds of special tricks would you give Air mages beyond shooting wind at people in your setting, if you haven’t seen something anywhere else, especially with more subtle connections? I’m thinking that invisibility might work, what do you say?
what the fuck is LOK
you put them on doors to keep people out sometimes
League of Kod.
This thread was also gay the last time you made it. Kill yourself.
It’s an acronym for Legend of Korra.
>Air pressure.
Rapid changes in air pressure to pop people's ear drums or suck the air of the room.
>Steady movement of immense amounts of air
Could be extremely useful for shooters to stabilize shots over long ranges
>Shift airflow
Changing the direction of airflow could be useful for hunting to mask your scent
Another application would be to power sailing vehicles/ships
legend of Krystal
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Even flight shouldn't belong just to air mage types, you can have rocket flight for fire users or transmuters growing wings and you can likely justify it for other types.
Save or die breath stealing however...
>You know, I was rewatching LoK the other day
That alone is all I need to read to know this enture thread will be complete dogshit started by an abject retard.
>any secondary specialties
Anon I know you've got very few brain cells because you willingly rewatched LoK but try and follow me along.
Airbenders did not treat their arts as skill trees in AtLA. They were cloistered monk nomads who were more interested in spirituality and wider concepts, which is why their element is the most ephemeral. The fact Korra was using bending to fly instead of hovering like all Aang Avatar States have done innately shows you the writers could not remember or care enough about their established means to keep it consistent, yet somehow floating is some master technique dogshit. They did not need some secret floating technique that Aang alone would have treated as Advanced Airbending because there was never a need for it and that informed the lore as well. Their philosophy defies the idea of needing advanced arts because their focuses are evasion and pacifism. Having a vacuum lung technique is fucking idiotic and counter-intuitive to airbending.
Zaheer's fucking retarded too, actually worse than Unalaq.
Rust and Corrosion.
Metal rot.

It's called oxidation. Ox ans in oxygen.

A powerful air mage should be able to instantly disintegrate metal imo.
How about entropic spells, given how exposure to air makes food go bad faster and how wind can help erode rock formations?

Speaking of rock formations, all this Avatar talk has got me thinking, what kinds of interesting spells work for Earth mages after the seismic senses and metal manipulation Toph is known for, and the lava manipulation Bolin and a certain Red Lotus member use, I was considering transmutation spells, what would you suggest?
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I mean, this was pretty hard core.
>It's called oxidation.
Oxidation is fire you mouthbreathing retard. Even water has a better claim to rust than air does, because without moisture acting as a catalyst, iron rusts very slowly in air.
>yet somehow floating is some master technique dogshit.

Considering that Aang only floated like that during the Avatar state, I feel like that isn't counter to it being reserved for masters.
Telekinetic powers so you suspend objects in the air.

You are a brainless retarded.

If you can't tell how 'reduced material being destroyed by oxygen' falls very firmly in the Fire umbrella, and the subset of it that requires water falls in the Water umbrella, you're really not qualified to be commenting on a four-element system. 'Rusting things' proceeds *slowest* in an environment with nothing but air, compared to being burned, submersed, or buried. Literally every other element will corrode metal better than air.

If you wanted to be chemically creative, you could mess around with how air is the most important element in making plants grow, because the limiting factors in growth are nitrogen fixation and the scarcity of atmospheric carbon (less than 0.1% of air is carbon).
holy mother of based
Yeah, by the sheer timespan involved at least one other airbender besides Zaheer and Guru Laghima should have unlocked the ability of flight.
That actually sounds kind of cool. Maybe making air solid could work for an air spell too.
>I was rewatching LoK the other day
Ew, why?
Well, if flight is an overpowered ability for air mages, just give the other elements overpowered abilities as well, like the lavabending you mentioned for earth, and so on.
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Why do you hate it so much?
Zaheer is supposed to be an EVIL airbender though
I loved AtLA but I don't think I could ever have the the willpower to watch LoK. I've been reading a lot about the Chinese Civil War recently and it kinda makes me want to ignore what happened in Korra and do my own thing.
Fire is a subset of many types of oxidation. As another example that is already in this thread is rust. A rusting object is oxidising without being on fire.
And here was the bumpfag moment.
Less outright evil, more of an anarchist who embodies Air's association of freedom in the worst way, but otherwise yeah.
Right, but he's an idiot. Unalaq was dumb but he illogically switches his motivations on an episode basis.
>capture Korra, we need her alive
>tell Korra we don't need her
>we need Korra, capture her
>well let's try anyway, shit we really do need her
Zaheer meanwhile has every single moment he says something to be cool or clever immediately fall apart under a single moment of scrutiny. He abjectly fails at being clever, and his "enlightenment" is literally just baby's first anarchy in a world with superpowers where might will immediately fill the vacuum, as shown with Kuvira. "Evil airbender" is a BAD IDEA for an antagonist. In Season 4 they're keeping the regicidal flying man within flying distance of the White House.
Look at the Exalted splat books for the Dragon-Blooded (I recommend Exalted 2e). The DBs are elemental supersoldiers, and while there are a ton of air-based powers in the book, even some of the other elemental powers could be reworked for air.

Take sound, for example:
>make it so only one person (who might be miles away) hears your message
>cause a guard to glance away just when you need to slip past
>Amplify your voice or performance to reach a wider audience, or alter the sounds to be more pleasant
>Silence and deafen your foes so they cannot coordinate or notice what is happening
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>even some of the other elemental powers could be reworked for air.
Really now, I presume that the ones below are examples of that? Thank, they're cool ideas, especially the first and last ones. Also, why specifically 2e and not 1e or 3e?
>I presume that the ones below are examples of that?
Why don't you read the fucking book amd find out, you filthy conversation vampire?
Yes but also no. Every single element had two sides in the original series, we never got to properly see the negative side of airbending because there's just one airbender, that being said it's possible they'd have used the concept of abject detachment leading to negative nihilism, but I don't know how that could even be portrayed in the story.
The nrgatove side was Aang running away from his responsibility as the Avatar because he wanted to be just a kid, free of all duties and obligations. How the fuck can someone who has yapped about Avatar and elemental systems for literal years not pick up on the most basic character traits of Aang and Airbenders as a whole?
I'm sorry, I'm not really familiar for Exalted, so I don't have any of the books and I just wanted to reply before I went to bed so I could check them out tomorrow/today in Da Archive, and my question about the examples was just trying to confirm what I suspected real quick. Changing the subject, you ever made a Dragon-Blooded PC, air or otherwise?
Why not just execute him then? He’s certainly done enough to deserve it.
Well, remember, they tried the whole "isolated prison for one badass prisoner" thing for him and the other Red Lotus members before, and it backfired by letting him escape and get a head start once he got airbending, so keeping him somewhere where they can keep a better eye on him makes sense, especially now that he can fly.
The correct reason not to is "kid's show/to have a plot" but they should have, there was no need to keep them imprisoned if they weren't being put to work somehow.
The point is, Zaheer's got multiple moments of seeming to sound clever but he's really not. He escapes that prison and locks the officers visiting back up and says "you'd better ration that bowl of rice, because it's all you'll get before the guard changes in 2 weeks" as if he didn't just fucking have the cell unlocked by a metal bender who he then locked in the cell.
Traditional games?
If you remove Korra the show isn't awful
No, it still is. Liberty City is fucking awful.
>Liberty City
You mean "Republic City"? And what's so awful about it?
Eyy, Niko! It's your cousin.
Let's go bowling?
>And what's so awful about it?
I'll tell you in 10 hours.
How about giving Air mages the ability to make air into solid weapons like blades?
How about letting this dead thread expire with some dignity instead of mindlessly spamming bumps for the next three days?
Not really a secondary power but consider that air mages would be able to kill anyone they want by simply pulling out all the air from that person's lungs. No fingerprints, no weapons, no proof it was you ("I don't know sir, suddenly he started choking and the he was dead")
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>you never seem to see Air mages in fantasy settings have any cool spells and abilities.

It's because there's no physics or chemistry in fantasy setting. With chemistry being present, an air mage could
- counter fireballs by conflagrating them in the caster's face through an injection of oxygen
- turn closed rooms into gas chambers by pushing free carbon dioxide around
- buffing his own side with oxygen injections

They could do even more stuff if geometry were real, which usually isn't the case either.
>if geometry were real, which usually isn't the case either
Okay, can you explain what you mean by that, how can geometry not be "real"? Your suggestions are great ideas though!
Rotor blades, jet engines and heavier than air flight are all fundamentally applications of geometry. In an universe without geometry, an air mage can only achieve flight by summoning a man-sized tornado or something, and even the most primitive solution of just holding on to a real big fan or kite will not work.
What about in a universe that 'does' have geometry, then?

Also, do you have any more examples of what can be done if chemistry and physics exist in a fantasy setting with air mages, or mages of the other three elements for that matter? I'm thinking things like delayed explosions for fire mages or splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen and creating fuel for explosions for water mages.
>Rust is fire
Stupid fucking smug retard
Psychotic retard
Are you talking about his actual suggestions or his talk about physics and chemistry?
"Conversation vampire" was a 100% accurate term for this faggot.
Based furfag
So have you taken the time to actually read about Dragonblooded yet or are you just going to keep bumping this thread every 10 hours hoping someone spoonfeeds you instead?
If you're going to put 'destroy iron with rust' under any of the four elements, there are arguments for every element except Air.

Iron rusting is the same chemistry as wood burning. Iron will even burn in air at a high enough temperature, leaving rust.

Water catalyses the rust reaction at normal temperatures. Without water, rusting almost doesn't happen.

Iron oxides are minerals, which fall under Earth.

Does not cause rust unless moist (see Water) or extremely hot (see Fire). If you want to bundle it as 'Air has oxygen, so oxidation is an Air power', then *literally everything Fire ever does* is actually an Air power, which is fucking stupid.
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Many people lack imagination. Look at Whamu from Jojo. There's an imaginative air specialist.
There are plenty of air specialists who use the element in a different, interesting ways.
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>You know, I was rewatching LoK
Why would you do that? Genuine question
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I found the time to take a quick look at picture related. They've got some cool ideas there, like the "Feeling the Air Technique", basically an Air version of Toph's seismic sense, what are your thoughts on reworking Charms of one element for another? Also, you never did say why you recommended 2e specifically BTW, why is that?
I think they should've broken through a barrier and discovered fire benders are just air benders with a more specific style.
Maybe he was so unattached to the ideas of teaching and pride that he just never bothered to even tell anyone.
I think that other airbenders would have asked him, and I doubt that he would have tried keeping it a secret. It even says on the wiki that he's a very influential philosopher, like Plato in our world.
This bitch neck is broke
Shit taste
Cry harder bumpfag, your thread is ogre

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