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Your character is about to get executed. All rescue attempts have failed, all saving throws and whatnot have been rolled, this is it.

Who are they and what are their last words?
Queen Guinevere
"Go fuck yourself, Morgan le Fay"
"Target my location. Launch everything."
AI O'Neckbeardia
"Bush did 9/11 nigger faggot hezbollah Hamas Palestine Tiananmen square"
Having been in this situation twice
>I trust my quest to you (they did not fulfill it)
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I don't know but will contribute this image
"That isn't silvered, right? Proceed then"
the vocal component for teleporting away
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>Who are they
A Caitiff that is destined to bring about gehenna. I already completed my role in the prophecy. Its going to start in 1 or 2 more sessions.
>what are their last words?
"I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies."
Meteor Swarm
She's an international terrorist so she definitely deserves it. I tell my executor that I left all my ill-gotten gains in one location and they'll never find it.
Looks like shit, tripfag. And it's not a good continuation of the joke, either.
K-170, A tube-grown bio-weapon Simic Hybric Path of the Giant Barbarian
"Well... Shit."
"The one piece is a chest with a mirror at the bottom"
You get two bullets just for even thinking of that complete bullshit answer.

"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something!"
"I had my fun."

"I'll be back."

DON'T BLOW MY BRAINS OUT! The Japanese want to buy them!
"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."
"This is not a loss, this is a win."
"How's this for your headlinge?, French fries."
Do do-dododo
"I just wish I had time for one more bowl of chili."

"I will not go! Attack! attack!"

"Hurray for Anarchy! This is the happiest moment of my life!"


Fire away, you coward! You're only killing a man.”.

"Take a step or two forward, lads, it will be easier that way."

"Good-bye. Please dig my grave very deep. All right; hurry up."

"Now is not the time for making new enemies."

"Hurry it up, you Hoosier bastard!"
"Well, gentlemen, you are about to see a backed Appel. "
“Good people are always so sure they’re right"
Gay and unoriginal
"Tell me, if my head was cut off, would I still be able to hear the blood pouring from my neck? That would be a great pleasure..."
The entire Kaczynski Manifesto in Akkadian.
"Soldiers! Do your duty! Straight to the heart but spare the face. Fire!"
As you send my souls back to lobby, blessings of Raid: Shadow Legends.
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"My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do... I just fucking hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here."
"I have Subtle Spell."
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"Death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be back."
"Hey, third guy on the right - you've got the real bullet."
"What an artist the world has lost in me"
>OP is a faggot
I'll see you later.
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Nah, he gets the saw. I think it's going to be Gold Roger's sail, based on the knowledge that what a pirate steals is technically not "owned" by him
"The aristocrats."
The actual truth is the entire thing is a misconception. It's not "One Piece" It's "Juan Piece". And the "Treasure" left is Gol D. Roger's family jewels.
"Go away! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough!"
"First one to kill me is gay"
>Executioners all scramble to be first
Whoever kills me is big gay
Can't believe no one posted this yet.
>Who are they
Joseph McNeil, Street name Sherlock. A hermetic mage, formerly a detective of Lone Star Security services, turned shadowrunner after realizing there was better money and less dealing with precinct politics in going independent for clients who want more discretion.
>What are their last words?
“Do what you have to do, but would you mind granting a dying wish? Not the head, I’ve got some people who might find comfort in an open casket.”
“When you get to hell I’m going to kick you in the nuts”
You act like there is no chance for escape. But I know better, the last two executions were botched thanks to my friends yelling “Tornado!” and “Avalanche!” respectively, then escaping in the confusion. With that in mind, my plan is clear: I will turn to my executors and shout my fake warning, then in the resulting panic I too will flee.
I don't let people kill my characters.
Took long enough /thread
>Dwarven Bard
Everything I did, I did for my people. I have no regrets, save that I won't get to see the Reunification of Dwarvenkind. Farewell.
Bruh when is the last time you paid attention to what is happening in OP we saw Roger's own reaction to seeing the treasure a full arc and a half ago.
Yes and he was laughing his ass off.
"Fucking ni-"
>Wasting time on some bullshit
>Instead of making a new character
Yeah, le ebic never-game thread
"Like I'd ever let an ape like you be the one to kill me"
*Bites down*
My character doesn't have a cyanide capsule, he's just a shameless trickster.The last two digits are my d100 deception roll because I'm not giving up even if it means my last moments are being shot in the head while fruitlessly playing dead
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"Better luck next time, sucker"
Better dead than a bondsman, fuck clanners and fuck Kerensky!
>Probably being executed by Cappies
"I'm not going to waste my last words on you"
"You just did"
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Weet ik.
for you it will be your greatest day, your moment to remember when you killed annon
but to me it is Tuesday

"Aim to please."
WAIT WAIT WAIT...I forgot to say my daily prayer to my god! If I don't she'll smite m...

*activates suicide explosives in chest*
"Bahamut is great!" followed by erasing himself and everyone within 10' from existence.
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>BoS knight
>born in The Pitt, entire life has been war and hardship
>walked across the country by his goddamn self
>now embroiled in the Mojave war
Honestly, it's pretty unlikely he gets taken alive. Half the reason he's still kicking is that he just doesn't stop swinging until the other guy is dead or he's incapacitated. If he does get captured, he's going to die trying to take someone with him. It's just how he's wired.
waywar son of a noble
"I'm sorry, father."
"Don't kill me, I know the winning lotto numbers!"
There were no last words. I was a mostly generic military man, I died when a guard held us up and my squadmate decided to reach for the guard's gun instead of just talking it out (We weren't doing much of anything illegal, the people in that country were just overly suspicious dickheads). That's basically the only time I had a character executed, if that even counts as one.
Drow Warlock
"Surface bussy had me acting unwise".
Quietly religious rural hick deputy marshal in a dried-up mining town.

"Go on and shoot, you can't kill me in a way that matters."
>pull out exact copy of my previous PC
"Meet his son/daughter"
"The only thing history will ever remember you for is appearing at the end of my legend, briefly."
Father Rotbearer. Extremely racist warlock/priest who only liked humans. Saw other races as reincarnated humans, the weirder the race the more sinful the previous life. Bludgeoned his own son to death because he wanted to wed with a half-elf.

"Forgive me lord, my work will lay undone. Blessed be thy name."
Charlie, ex space pirate put into space witpro. Either executed by his old crew, the law, or space cyborgs.
"God damnit..."
cope and sneed you lost
"Could you send my belongings to my clone? He'll be waking up soon."
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Classic bomb rescue. Suicide bomb rescue
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Ok, i'll bite

>PF1, Human Monk 4/Cleric 1
>was the mental and moral compass of an otherwise chaotic and self-serving party.
>chose to join an organization dedicated to saving lives and keeping order
>short brown-skin guy BTW, but spoke with clean common and behaved with manners.
>GM had more good things to say about my performance as a PC than any other.
>left the group because wow, other players were some bullshit.

>most likely, he's being executed by some asshole insurgent or chaos-types
>it's very likely they won't give him last words, they'd make some shit up if anyone asked.

what would I say in this circumstance?

" ...How pathetic... "
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>the game
Tiki von Rotheim
"Bear witness, everyone, to how the kingdom rewards its heroes!"
>Hastur Hastur Hastur
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Surprised it took THIS fucking long for the only sensible answer, /tg/ has gone to hell.
>Wobbie assassin hellbent on starting as much chaos as possible to pave the way for Jihad 2: Electric Boogaloo
"My name will be remembered in this coming age as a martyr for a greater cause while you will be forgotten as the detritus of a lesser time."
"If you kill me, you're gay."
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I regret nothing
As for my character.

Massive murder hobo beat stick who is bad at social interaction owing to me creating a beat stick to compensate for my parties lack of a solid combat character
"I cast bulletproof head!"
Cowardly mad scientist who's also a Defiler caste Infernal Exalt

Nothing, the three Protoshinmaic Vortexes he has on a deadman's switch stuffed under his bigass fur coat turning off the laws of physics for several dozen miles will say all that's needed
Jesus Christ is King!
Kurt von Goethe, a weary nobleman, and a seasoned witch hunter serving the gods of Justice and Death, with an alive shard of an eldritch horror inside his body.
"I am not done yet. Kill me if you can."
[The Entire Script of Bee Movie (2207)]
>Speak with Dead
>Sorry I meant to say “Its good people are always so sure they’re right”
>uhhhhhh... yikes, so THAT happened, huh
This isn't even my final form.
Hell yeah dude.
>yelled repeatedly at DM
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>Another bumpfag thread
So let me get this straight, I'm somewhere that you might call a shallow grave.. I'm seeing FREAKING NAZIS... and I'm TALKING to a GUN!
Yeah okay, that's something I do now. I get captured, fight uselessly against my bonds - I'll probably die next.
My last character was mind bending gnome, he would say 3 letters and walk off free
Ixtli, a true believer in the Unborn Sun
>A new day comes
He then proceeds to explode into Lovecraftian snake-things like a fucking pinata when shot.
Actual PF 1 pc cursed by an outsider with immortality.
"See you soon"
>"Sigma still as my back"
>"who's sigma?"
>"sigma balls"
*Gets stomped on the head 53 time*
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