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Play the co-op mode, you fight the hive tyrant there.
The campaign should've had another few missions, how come all the cool stuff was side lined
>Fighting a hive tyrant side lined to go press some buttons
>Rigging a derelict battle barge to ram a chaos tower is sidelined so you can press some buttons
A little lame. Sorry to Tyranid bros, at least they're harder to fight than the TSons pushovers
/v/ermin begone
Both of those are co-op mode missions
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No one cares about your mindless bugs, Chaos is the true death of the false Imperium.
Damn that's crazy. Have you considered playing the tabletop game with your friends where you can forge your own narrative instead of bitching about a video game?
I know, but it takes away from the main story. The coop missions should feel more like the janny stuff that you do for most of the campaign
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>The part of the game you're meant to play repeatedly should have the boring gameplay
Local gameshop is inhabited by sweats who only play 2k matches with the current meta army
Here play this, you can kill as many tyranids as you want
I believe that's why he said
>with your friends
tbf it's like complaining the rats you fight in your first quest don't wind up being the main villains.
pretty good bait
What are the Skaven, chief?
I can get wanting to sideline the first threat to introduce another one, due to wanting to represent more than just two factions, but it gets tiring when they just shove chaos everywhere every time.
Based. I only play Killteam and 4th edition with my friends and ban Primarisniggers.
>4th edition
Unfathomably based
I dunno ask /v/
A myth perpetuated by lowborn commoners
None of the people who write for this franchise have any idea why people like it.
It's plainly true. There's no story to be had when it's just tyranids. There's no twists or personal element or anything, it's just a bug hunt and you either hunt enough bugs or not.

And you can't even say "le story in a le videogame" because people actually liked the first games story and discussing whether reporting him was justified is a long tradition. You can't use any of that if he just fights bugs. Chaos showing up and marines facing traitors completes the other half of the space marine narrative.


'Nid story is:
>kill all bugs, planet's fucked and a lot of people died, and maybe have Splinter Fleets to worry about (which is rinse and repeat)


>everyone is dead and the well-fed hive moves on, leaving a few bioforms behind to strip the planet on a cellular level
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You were deluding yourself if you thought the game titled SPACE MARINE 2 wasn't going to feature THE space marine conflict.
I wonder if halfway through Helldivers came out and they suddenly realised they needed to change the villain to something else to avoid being seen as bandwagoning.
Almost every warhammer game does the grunt main enemy, secret elite mastermind enemy twist anyway.
>There's no twists or personal element or anything
>Protagonists are soulless automatons without big goofy nigger proudly proclaiming his intent to be evil and shit on them.
Watch the movie Aliens. It's one of the best scifi movies ever made.
The movie where it turns out weyland-yutani was actually manipulating everything behind the scenes? The franchise where that's a continuous threat that causes almost all xenomorph situations to get out of hand? They even show up at the end of the third movie as the final conflict.

An aliens movie without weyland-yutani being the true masterminds is also just a bug hunt and they usually could've contained it otherwise.
Yeah we did. It's in the co-op campaign. You didn't do all the co-op missions in canonical order as you played through the campaign?
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The game is built around the co-op.
That's why the campaign has you with 2 other dudes, there's a button to "edit squad" which sends you online and all that jazz.
It's probably why they didn't bother with DRM too, because it's so much about the online content that people only get half the game offline.
You’re such a little passive aggressive bitch. Let people complain and god forbid fun post a little bit
MFW He didn't do all the co-op missions in canonical order as he played through the campaign.
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>xenos-cucks still think they are relevant and aren't just an NPC faction compared to Chaos
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>Game knows Termagants in large numbers would destroy most players so sends like 2-4 at most at you
>Warriors like half the size they should be, marine players can't power fantasy when the first non chaff enemy is bigger and stronger than they are
>Carnifex way to small, slow and non deadly
>Neruothrope WAY to small
>Nids elite weapons like venom cannons are super nerfed instead of the biological railguns they are
Its a normie game that plays down the nids so the special OC marine isn't unceremonisly killed like his red shirt deathwatch squad at the start
And as we all know, the lmperium of Man has absolutely no morally compromised or self- interested internal forces that can exacerbate an already disaster scenario.

Not that the Tyranids need any help when they're written competently and not as a monster of the week. But that doesn't matter, you're being disingenuous, that or you're one of the GW writers I'm referring to.
>tabletop fagging
Cope. Tyranids are the single biggest jobbers in the setting, which is saying a lot.
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Nidfags in shambles once again
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Warriors have always towered over space marines since their inception. Newer warriors are shorter than the old warriors and they're still head and shoulders above them. A winged warrior tears a termie in half while in game they're shorter than marines
>lmperium of Man has absolutely no morally compromised or self- interested internal forces
Yeah, a bunch of them even worship chaos.
Look, even if the inquisitor secretly wants to keep the tyranid alive so he can do whatever, that still means the true actively involved in the narrative main villain is some dude. It's not the tyranids. They're just here to eat everyone. It's still a rug pull that someone else is in charge.
>Not that the Tyranids need any help when they're written competently and not as a monster of the week
Monster of the week is good tyranids. They have no complex goals. They're there as a pure swarm army with no major complications. The most you get is "they tried to do something funky like virus bomb them but they adapted and now there's viral tyranids". Their appeal is in their simplicity.
Yeah man, it's a shooter. Of course the protag is insanely overbuffed. All warhammer action games do that. We got fire warriors and inquisitorial henchman absolutely kicking the shit out of things way above their paygrade. We just got a sternguard who killed like 17 greater demons.
>Yeah man, it's a shooter. Of course the protag is insanely overbuffed.

I did find it funny that Calgar turned up with even more Protagonist energy than the MC, complete with his own plot-armour. There's bits in the final fight where you can't progress until he catches up with you and double fists a guy.
>the hive mind was wounded
>a multigalactic entity that ACTIVELY BTFO's warp energy almost as bad as blanks do
The Tyranids ARE the End Times of 40k, the main force of Tyranids isn't here and is nearly 80% of the TOTAL MASS of our galaxy.
>that still means the true actively involved in the narrative main villain is some dude. It's not the tyranids. They're just here to eat everyone. It's still a rug pull that someone else is in charge.

Right, I also remember how the last third of Aliens dealt with Burke being brought back to Earth and put on trial for attempted murder, after Ripley and the remaining marines all escaped off-screen.

In case you're still missing the fucking point, human elements complicating a "animal disaster" type story are never the active threat, they're commentary on humans. Burke is a problem, but ultimately he is a small one and is dealt with by the story accordingly, instead of being treated as a mastermind. Mayor Vaughn in Jaws makes the situation worse, and arguably so does Quint through his ego and hard-line traditionalism, but the movie doesn't end by focusing on dealing with them - they're put out of the way halfway through the movie or given a horrible end like Burke.

>Monster of the week is good Tyranids

You're missing the point, monster of the week is used to refer to antagonists that are ultimately inconsequential to the overarching development of a story. In the context of a TV series which that trope is a staple of, that's across several episodes. In the context of any other longer-form media, it's referring to any sort of impressive and eye-catching threat that is dealt with as a matter of course before reaching the true antagonist.

Those are Gargoyles I think.
>venom cannons are super nerfed instead of the biological railguns they are

That's never been the description of venom cannons, though? They're acidic weapons, the projectile launches as a crystal solid but when it impacts it breaks down into an acidic liquid. I'm sure it can penetrate against lots of targets but it is certainly not comparable to a railgun, it wouldn't work as intended if it over penetrated like one.
Ye olde venom cannons were AP4, not marine killers
>The coop missions should feel more like the janny stuff
Yeah! The game devs should personally come around to your house and flick a cigarette in your eye every time someone plays co-op!
>warriors stronger
Yes, physically and this is represented in game, Tyranid Warriors take a lot of bolter and other damage to kill, PVP ttk is far faster than PVE, and Carnifex's take ABSOLUTELY OBSCENE levels of damage and outrun you in a straight line.
Chaos immediately got sidelined by the necron tease, it's all anyone talks about in regards to the final planet.

Doesn't help that Tsons manage to be even more dull abd soulless than nids and way less fun to fight. Every time I solo quickmatch in Operations it puts me on an in-progress bug mission because literally no one wants to deal with gayoss.
>A winged warrior tears a termie in half while in game they're shorter than marines
Those are gargoyles in game.
>We lost having a cool campaign in exchange for 3 hours of "We want the Destiny 2 audience"
Zoomer game design is a cancer
This is argument drift, I'm not dissecting the narrative of aliens and jaws at length with you.

Tyranids are npc class enemies and they're not gonna get used without some other, more characterful mover and shaker that actually has dialogue and plans shows up to actually matter. They're never going to be the sole enemy of any warhammer media because of this. This is a good thing, something should occupy that role.
I'm laughing at anyone who thinks otherwise.

>the main force of Tyranids isn't here
not canon lol
>Argument drift

Fuck off, I'm using direct analogues to well-known, successful storytelling examples that feature a non-human, simply-motivated primary antagonist(s) to illustrate that Tyranids don't need to serve as the appetizer course to a more human-minded one.

I'm laughing at anyone who thinks otherwise because they're outing themselves as a writing brainlet.
Starship troopers did just fine with having bugs be the main enemy
They just had to play up the Tyranid's intelligence more, they aren't just a massive dumb swarm running straight at you.
I don't care, please tell me Ulfar is ok
>the main force of Tyranids isn't here and is nearly 80% of the TOTAL MASS of our galaxy.
Anon, you are talking about video games, and just because there has been a solid core of monsterflick movies that are excellent disregards the THOUSANDS of failures.
The actual issue is that for a video game, you would end up with the same kind of gameplay, and for the same reason, you would be limited on how many big bugs you could introduce.
>I swear to the fucking throne if I hear you Primariszoomers say 'skibidi emperor' one more time I will feed you to a carnifex myself
All of his troops are older than him thobeit. They should be using boomer slang like "groovy" or "the cat's pajamas"
>Tyranids are npc class enemies and they're not gonna get used without some other, more characterful mover and shaker that actually has dialogue and plans shows up to actually matter.
And yet the first campaign for Dawn of War 2 ran with how anon described it just fine.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but was there any confirmation that they even took out the tyranids entirely? They kind of just fuck off to deal with chaos after killing a hive tyrant
>Nids elite weapons like venom cannons are super nerfed instead of the biological railguns they are
I donno man, if you play on the hardest difficulty those shits almost one-shot you. By far one of the most annoying enemies to deal with in the game.
>plays on easy
wh40k newbie, only started reading horus heresy books this year
kinda expected the space marines to be swifter in melee combat
Seeing space marine move so fast for their size makes normal humans shit their pants, trans human dread it's called.
Seeing Skaven eat cheese makes normal humans shit their pants. Cheesed to meet you, it said.
Yeah, I was expecting to see superhuman speed despite their bulk, but they're playing like slow, tanky vidja game characters.
Once a Tyrant falls, the remaining nids are 'just' animals. Dangerous animals, and likely to be extremely cunning, especially the 'higher' ones, but animals. They can be mopped up accordingly. Eventually. That'd be the Guard's job though, ultimately. Not heavy shock troops who will get 5 minutes respite before going to fight the next fire.
If what you mean is "what if there's a second one", well their instant blue-screening would argue against that, and as long as you kill them quickly enough that no genetic fuckery can get involved, there won't be.
>greetings lieutenant titutus
>I mog you

After every goddamn mission. Fuck this HR Karen piece of shit
No they're not older than him. In fact, the two goons in squad talk about him not being born primaris, implying they weren't first born themselves. Also they don't have any service studs.
Interesting that Chairon was a boy when the Word Bearers invaded Calth, suggesting he was one of the primaricicles kept in Cawl's basement freezer. Where are you getting Gadriel being older than Titus?
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When I first saw the Lord of Change appear, I nearly shat myself. It was enormous! I always thought it was only slightly bigger than a Carnifex but when it appeared it looked around 50-90 foot or something absurd.

When did they get so big?
It’s a daemon, of change, it’s size is not constant
Yeah this, it even changes size mid battle.
objectively he's older, but subjectively younger. He was in a freezer for 99% of the last 11000 years.
This was pretty much confirmed before release, not sure why people are surprised, first game had the same issue, it's fun fighting hordes of greenskins, then chaos shows up and all the bloodletters/CSM enemies become too bullet spongy and they outclass you in melee so that entire aspect of gameplay falls off once the orks stop being the main enemy, wouldn't surprise me if 2 did the same
>difference is ork players seem to be totally fine with being the narrative sideline
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>mfw didn't take the Lord of Change's name at face value

That's my IQ kicking in. Thanks.
Funny enough DOW2 did this in a pretty good way, starts with you fighting orks, then eldar show up and hint at something else, then it introduces the tyranids as the main threat while occasionally keeping the orks/eldar around as separate threats to deal with
It's essentially schrodinger's bug race, in sci fi, a bug race is either the weakest and easiest to dispatch of, making the protags seem more like futuristic dale gribbles, or end of days tier threats that eliminate entire systems/planets full of experienced warriors depending on the narrative
>difference is ork players seem to be totally fine with being the narrative sideline

The only redeeming thing for Orks about that storyline was Grimskull being a top tier boss who defied the sidelining to make sure he got his final scrap in with Titus. We also had to put up with the ork speech being butchered.

I haven't played SM2 yet but it still sounds like Nids got a worse treatment, not even getting a cool big showdown in the main campaign.

Wait, that was the Heresy era burning of Calth thing? I thought he was referring to some other attack by the Word Bearers on Calth that I've missed. A lot of stuff happened when they moved the plot on after all. Cadia, Baal, those daemons on Earth...

I just assumed he was talking about some more recent attempt by the WB's to hit Calth for the nostalgia /lulz.
They should add a PVE Space Hulk mode. I know it’s not as easy as “dude just add it lol” but 3 player co op in a series of hallways and procedurally generated rooms with all types of xenos or chaos fuckery seems easier than making basically a whole co-op campaign, much less level design because of the close quarters

His personality has been consistent, I'll give you that.
Even japan made the whole "alien insects that you cant negotiate with" an entire series, nids even have genestealers if you want some character you can make the slow start of going throgh gene stealers and the end-game is the big invasion

Having to deal with a Genecult would have been kind of neat. Or Necrons in final parts of the game.
>forge your own narrative
I'm tempted to say that no one born after the fall of the Iron Curtain knows how to.
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Ye OG venom cannons absolutely deleted marines, and especially lesser infantry. Your argument is invalid.

Nonetheless "biological railguns" is not the right description. "Biological napalm cluster bomb launcher" is more on the money.
Honestly there should be at least as much termagants in every engagement as there are hormagaunts. At the same time, your boltguns should basically oneshot gaunts.
How is the game in terms of mechanics compared to the first game?
I'm kinda disappointed Space Marine 2 didn't let you use the special bolter rounds like Metal Storm, Hellfire and Inferno bolts. Those things are designed for taking out crowds but I don't think they've ever been represented in gameplay outside of Inquisitor or maybe the Fantasy Flight games.
No, Primaris marines were recruited during the HH and put on ice for the entire time. Chairon is a black scotsmen from Calth, which is why when he sees the Thousand Sons he goes fucking insano style and loses control. Because he has PTSD from the Word Bearers war crimes. He also says when he kills the chaos corrupted astropath that he "learned to recognize the taint of chaos". He is 100% one of the primaris marines that belonged to the Unremembered Sons in the first primaris waves and was reorganized back into the chapters his geneseed came from. Originally Guilliman had a huge 10000 strong primaris marine force but the high lords got mad about it because they said it was an attempt to rebuild a legion, which the codex was designed specifically to prevent. Basically it was an accusation that Guilliman was trying to build a legion and take over the Imperium. So he disbanded the Greyshields/Unremembered Sons and distributed all the primaris marines into their respective geneseed chapters. This is partly why the firstborn hate the primaris so much, apart from being autistic, acting superior and disregarding orders they learned to fight as a mixed force of all the different geneseeds and kind of struggle under the really specific cultures of their "home" chapters.

Its the only part of Primaris lore I like.
Only Deathwatch have them though. It might have been neat to have either Frag Cannon or especially the Infernus Pattern Bolter in the prologue because the Infernus Bolter is most associated with the special ammo that deathwatch uses.
The ultramarines (the greatest of them all) have their big daddy he can supply them. All other chapters already got ultramarine’d its about time the jobberwatch also got blue’d
Incredibly stupid if true but you didn't provide a source so you are probably talking out your second asshole (your mouth)
Idiot they were literally taken during the time of the Heresy. The first generation of people taken to be Cawls Primaris.
The one talks about being on Calth when the Word Bearers first invaded.
Turned into a popsicle post-upgrade and then thawed when they were needed =/= combat experience, physical age, or seniority in rank.
They'd need to add terminators first. And for that the game needs to not die in the next two weeks.
>Play Co-op mode
It's really hard to make a story-based boss for the Tyranids unless they're the BBEG of the story. Because Tyranids don't really have individuals, rather they have a "countdown to annihilation"
>warriors half the size they should be
They TOWER over normal humans and they’re only modestly taller than marines because the marines are huge too
The only compelling thing about them is them being men out of time and some of the newer books do a good job at tackling that angle. I do think the game does a good job at presenting them as not necessarily better than firstborn but filling different tactical roles for a galaxy that’s in a much worse situation than after the scouring, especially when Titus’ immediately takes his squad and tard wrangles them into a pseudo tactical squad using primaris equivalents instead of having them as mono loadout
>inb4 some loser talking about the intro being a firstborn humiliation and primaris breaking lore by stomping massive amounts of enemies
Its a video game, shut up nerd
Yea, I really liked how Primaris are portrayed in the game. I normally fucking hate Primaris but at least they are telling an engaging story here.
This. They also showna fuckload of Primais marines being munched by Tyranids throughout the game, it wasnt just the firstborn who died in droves against them.
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I literally live on an island without a game shop.

The only thing we have is a wednesday night gamenight at the library and they only play d&d or Magic. no one's power level is enough to have actual painted armies and want to play with them (besides me).
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>Destiny audience
>Fucking somehow
WTF are you talking about?
Bro wheres your island I'll swing by. Only for KT though I don't have enough for even a 1k army for 40k
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East coast of the USA, you will have to narrow down from their through your own sleuthing. My largest army is actually Napoleonic, so that would be preferred.
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About halfway there now.
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Ah the good old days.
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>Where are you getting Gadriel being older than Titus?
They both talk to one another about being "natural born primaris", which wpuld have to mean they were Primaricicles since 12 years isn't enough time to make a new space marine from scratch and iirc that's the amount of time that has passed since Cawl rolled out Primaris to begin with. I guess he could've been an aspirant firstborn that was given primaris surgery instead, but that would make him insanely young for a full on Tactical marine
Holy fuck you're retarded.
Let me walk you through this slowly: if you took a 20 year old man from the 1800s and froze him until 2024, do you expect him to talk like a young man from the 1800s or to magically instantly know what skibidi toilet and other zoomer memes are?
>current year
>playing 40k tabletop in amy form
Leandros did nothing wrong, it is his job as Chaplain to watch for signs of heresy, like the last one that got Titus Blackshielded for a century.
Space buggers are gay and retarded. Only exist to be fodder to die to actual characters.
Sidelined? Dude, as a filthy Tyranid enjoyer, I love all the screentime they got in this game.
And the chaos bros can have their cake and eat it too. I'm not jealous about it
99.9999% xenos and nid-tard copium, speculation, and headcanon
>we xenos are the biggest threat in the galaxy!!! Why did Chaos steal our limelight!????????


My only problem with the Deathwatch intro is that he clearly WASNT a Firstborn. Like, you could tell from the backpack alone, not to mention he's way too big. The latter was unavoidable because messing with their height would have probably fucked up the execution animations, but they could have at least gave them a Mk7 backpack.
Wow I didn't knew the tabletop was real time third person shooter with a heavy emphasis on melee. Give me your house address and I'll bring a shotgun and an axe.
Aren't primaris bigger than normal marines?
I absolutely love the sheer terror you get from that campaign. I'm actually quite sad that they were as inconsequential as they were on this game's story. Maybe there'll be an expansion though.
They didn't, they absolutely didn't.
>two more centuries until the Imperium is done, bro
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Time means nothing to Chaos.
The engine isn't made for procedural generation, they handmade a lot of the assets for very specific sections of the levels, which is why the campaign is so short. Also a good portion of the game was made during the lockdowns.

All that aside I FUCKING MISS the original VA for Titus, that guy had a perfect rough voice for a space marine.
>w-w-we don't care about time, actually!
We honestly don't. It's on our side.
You need to calm down
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This guy stole the show. Best part of the campaign.
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>Create a faction of soulless personality-lacking force of nature mooks to kill in numberless hordes without a second thought

>Conversely lack any and all human motivation or avenues for drama making them completely uninteresting beyond being punching bags

Necron fans laugh in your general direction. Also why are you posting about vidya in tg?
Fits his character though, Calgar would never be out-protag'ed unless its his own Primarch and even then it's more like a buddy cop movie vibe.
That book/movie was literally just humans navel gazing about how they deal with extreme adversity and unexpected failures/hardships, politics, ideology, etc, etc.

The bugs were literally just there as a background to drive the inter-human drama and character introspection. A canvas if you will.
Yeah. I was hoping we would have a genestealer cult plot twist.




Oh absolutely. I fully agreed. I have minor issues with this game, but that part absolutely wasn't one of them.

The whole book was a fucking thinly veiled motive for Heinlein to post political tracts for 9 out of 12 or so chapters, along with a side-note as to why dog owners are inherently superior human beings.
Calgar's adaptation to the game was great and he felt really authentic, I'm glad they did his chadliness justice.
40k is really funny to me cause it seems like everyone is hooked on telling the one really interesting story that might hook new players while everything else is on life support. It's like professional wrestling levels of carnyism.
but he was too smole.
Remember that he lifted a Necron Pylon, punched a hole into an Avatar, and crushed the greatest bloodthirsters head between his hands.
The model in the game is tiny.
and it was fucking good
t. reading the book, now
I loved him
You're made of paper on difficulty 3 and above since executions only restore armor and not health unless you take a bunch of damage and immediately execute before the white portion of your bar goes down. Also, some portions of the game are cancer solo in that difficulty
>Game knows Termagants in large numbers would destroy most players
Not most players, most player's PC's. Think of all the high res animation that would require. Yeah the higher end guys might be able to pull off lore accurate termagaunts, but the average PC?

>>Warriors like half the size they should be, marine players can't power fantasy when the first non chaff enemy is bigger and stronger than they are
>>Carnifex way to small, slow and non deadly
>Neruothrope WAY to small
>Nids elite weapons like venom cannons are super nerfed instead of the biological railguns they are
I wonder if these can be modded...
>Create a faction of soulless personality-lacking force of nature mooks to kill in numberless hordes without a second thought
But enough about Rubric Marines.
I accept your concession
Gotta love how primaris/primarch brainrot has infected your average marinefag so hard they've started applying ork logic to space marines.
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Admittedly, when I thought of Marneus Calgar, I always pictured him as being a big taller than your average marine.
Now whether that's because of the armor he was wearing or that's just how he was always depicted, Calgar always felt 'bigger' for a lack of a better term than other Chapter Masters.
Swormlord. Calgar VS swarmy round 2. Or those new norn's. Oh hey even old one eye. Or any of the other named tyranids. Wow that wasn't very hard at all.
>It's on our side.
My dude, chaos winning would be the worst mistake chaos could possibly make. It'd be suicide.
With all the sentient races the nids have eaten, it's a wonder that they haven't made any new breeds that have semi-independence. They'd be great for keeping the hive functional rather than the entire swarm going mindless every time someone heroically sacrifices themselves to kill the hive tyrant or norn queen.
It'd also be an excuse to make nid characters that can be interesting bad-guys. You wouldn't even sacrifice anything, because the massive force of nature part of their lore would still be there. It'd even creat interesting conflict as the nid-sapiens have to deal with the fact they're Also tools and spare meat under the tyranny of the swarm, much like a reflection of imperial humans.
DoW2 technically had them as wargear, but they just gave different bonii.
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To be one with the gods is to live eternal.
>Gods reign eternal
>Please ignore the long list of gods that have straight-up died
>Also ignore the fact the current gods aren't even idiot children compared to the old ones, who Also straight-up died.
Chaos cope is amazing to watch.
Doesn't really fit the role. Genestealers are bottom of the hierarchy and can't organize the local true-nid forces if the leader chokes it.
That's how they've depicted him in a lot of art for years. I thought the same thing. Sometimes certain characters in 40k get the Gamagoori Ira treatment.
you could do a halo: reach and show the squad getting picked off one by one
you could do a helsreach but bring in heresy elements by having squaddies unsure about its use to potentially win the war
hell, have the nids use their warp shadow to mess with your mind / talk to you
>The game is built around the co-op.
Sounds like cope because co-op is borring as fuck comparing to Darktide/Vermintide
t. nigel nofriends
Imagine a 40k game where you start as a ripper and consume biomass until you're a hierophant
I mean fuck, what's the last game to have Necrons as the main threat? Even the Nids get more screentime.
You reek of fear. And you should.
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Fun green goblin surfing design, love the bird hands and bird legs, but his introduction felt rushed and his story and vage backstory relationship with Manliest Cattleguard felt rushed. 3/10 villain.
>faction is shilled to be able to adapt to everything
>except this weird exotic energy
I'm sad we didn't get Necrons at the end.
Other than that I really enjoyed the game.
>Basically it was an accusation that Guilliman was trying to build a legion and take over the Imperium.
Isn't he effectively the ruler of the Imperium until his dad wakes up?
Like the fuck they are going to do if he wants to do something?
Throwing Minotaur or the Inquisition at him?
>channel his faith into a rock
>throw it
>instantly knock out Heldrake
Please remember, the high lords are retarded.
Good man, staying on the bounce.
>refuses to elaborate further
>leaves yo kill more T R A I T O R S
Bro your deathleaper???
Your genestealies???

I swear Dreadnauts always have the most personality in these games.
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The best part is you meet up with him again in Operations, so he did indeed find more traitors to kill.
No, actually, my favorite part about this games approach to the narrative/campaign is that although Titus is a big deal, it does a good job framing the fact that ALL space marines are a big fucking deal and Titus doesn't have to literally do everything himself, he has the entire 2nd company also fighting on world and each and every marine is a 1 in a million peak post human warrior bred fucker that can and will get the toughest shit done when asked.
Dude we all knew the nids would get shafted. Did you not watch any of the trailers where they showed off thousand sons?
>Like the fuck they are going to do if he wants to do something?

Didn't they try to assassinate him once or twice?
Imurah was a shit villain. Wish we got Ahriman but they didn't have the balls for it.

Didn't he literally come back from the dead from being assassinated the last time as well? I mean it's not like they're going to be able to get him and his Eldar sidepiece is it?
Which even then, even if they did, they'd probably bring at least one of them back as a Dreadnaut/Wraithknight thing.

They're not going to let you kill someone who has an actual model my dude. They couldn't even let Dante remain dead for the Bangles.

Wait... is it Dante I mean? The guy with half a face from Armageddon who ended up in the Death Company?
Based tabletop player in /tg/
You mean Tycho?


Once by the High Lords, once by the Ecclesiarchy.
There is no canon in 40k, the Canon is what you and I like. And I like the idea that the main force of the Tyranids isn't here yet.
With how useless the ai is, you truly feel like your single handedly keeping the Imperium from shitting itself to death.

At least they're quick with revives
GW clearly wants Chaos to be THE main villain of the entire franchise, otherwise they wouldn't have made Chaos into a multiversal wide threat that existed since The War in Heaven.
Unfortunately not
That is truly sad.
None of my friends can afford 40k. I can't either
99.9% of the thousand sons fought in the game are soulless automatons.
>it's there in non-canon
fuck off
isn't the deathwatch a high honor? why are they treating him like a naught school boy for above and beyond excellent service in two chapters?
more like fucking retarded off shoot warbands for alpha legion for pick related
Go full recasts and 3d prints. GW plastic is for suckers.
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>It's really hard to make a story-based boss for the Tyranids unless they're the BBEG of the story
DoW2 (base game not the expansion) did it very successfully.
genestealers are more interesting than chaos
The side missions literally take place parallel to the main game you massive retard.

>Leandros did nothing wrong, it is his job as Chaplain to watch for signs of heresy, like the last one that got Titus Blackshielded for a century.

Shut the fuck up Leandros you collosal faggot.
>3d prints
3d printing is a hobby unto itself. With fucking around with poisonous gases, finding good resin, getting the prints right. It's a fucking nightmare. Good luck finding files for GW models. They purge them from the internet like an exterminatus.

I recommend going on ebay and finding old minis for cheap. Or proxies from OPR etc.
You think I print my own shit? Lol. I hit up some other dude, tell him which resin to use and pay him $1.50 per mini, on average.
The only part of this hobby I engage in is collecting stls.
That's like bragging about dredging golf club lakes for balls and then you don't even play golf. Sad!
that explains why i struggle to find stl files. im new to this and finding files for it is a struggle. im trying to learn blender just so i can make my own

He didn't fight in the Deathwatch as an Ultramarine, he did it as a blackshield. That sort of thing is naturally suspicious, why wouldn't you proudly display your chapter symbol to represent them while in the Deathwatch?
I don’t think you really do any of that. But if you’re going to leech off someone else’s 3d printer then yes it will certainly be worth it.
lmao Orkchads win again

Grimskull is the true endboss of the first game, the chaos guy fight is just a QTE while falling off a building.
Narratively chaos is simply an easier way to raise the stakes since they can manifest from the warp where and whenever, their plans can differ/have different motivators/characters each time as well so it's always different, with tyranids it's a lot more of a slow burn in terms of fear/intimidation, their hive fleets need to be built up and approach slowly so when they've arrived the situation's supposed to be nigh unable to save, they also lack unique characters for the most part so narratively the story's always gonna be ''fight the bugs''
As long as the hive fleet is still intact, it'll just pump out a new Hive Tyrant in a day or two and then it's Round Two Electric Boogaloo. And this time the Tyrant will have additional genetic adaptations to beat whatever beat him the first time
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mfw you have no face

A tub of yoghurt is more interesting than Chaos.

Wings most likely. We dropped a bridge on him and then took him down as he was trying to get to higher ground. A Flyrant literally wouldn't have these vulnerabilities.

In fact it's weird it wasn't a flyrant already, they were using a ton of Gargoyles as it was, there was a LOT of verticality in the hives they were assaulting, and the AA was almost non-existant. I think I saw two, maybe three Hydra's the entire game... and even then they got them wrong and gave them lasers instead of autocannons.
Game is mid except PVP and that is only because you play as a Sphess Muhrine.
That's gets old quick too.
>the inquisition, calgar, varo and the other chaplains declared you fee of taint
>but i don't believe them
He's still a fucking faggot. Him being a Chaplain is his massive fucking cope for being wrong, still wrong and will be wrong.
a shame
To be fair, if the mechanicus had been successful in recreating the psychic scourge, the nids would have all just died outright immediately. No time to adapt to your head exploding.
why it is made for console monkeys, I cannot pass fucking tutorial on easy
He was wearing a mkviii backpack, like the rest of his armor

Anon... the co-op mode is Canon.
Leandros is wholly supportive of Titus throughout the game. The ending is him congratulating Titus for clearing his name, but also reminding him that it's a Chaplain's job to put down corruption with no mercy.
Shut up Leandros
That's why we have genestealer cults. between the invasion and assimilating whole world, cults are subsumed by hivemind and cowork with Tyranids.
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They did. They are called Zoats.

it's not about genestealers being leaders of Tyranids - but MOUTHS of Tyranids, so to speak. I can easily imagine magus being subsumed by a Hivemind and talking the will of it.
Somebody didn't play Dawn of War 2.
bruh he is right, from our perspective he is an asshole yes, but if you view it from his perspective titus is sus as fuck fr fr no cap
This is why you don’t engage with Smurf porn.
Leandros... don't you have some Chaplain HR forms to complete bevause a servitor misgendered you or something?

For any tabletop wargame you're interested in, that has no existing player base, your best bet is to prep 2-3 armies, know the rules inside out, and start hosting games.

Get those armies painted pronto and ask the gaming group if they want to try it out. Eventually some of them are going to get into it and build a community.
>you reek of sexine- I mean fear!
Stop posting on the noosphere Titus, you are exceeding your Codex-allowed number of daily recreational hours.
40k is for losers and men who still live with their parents.
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Sargeras is that you?
Man Alien V Predator 2 was such a vibe and I was totally there for it.
Serving in the Deathwatch is an honor unless you turn up as a Blackshield, which generally implies some prior dishonor, in which case it's more like the French Foreign Legion. You don't want to give a real name or any other details, and the Deathwatch don't care as long as you're still loyal and doing the killing they ask of you.

Blackshields can be anyone from someone who is overreacting to the fact they missed with a single bolt against some Ork boy, to a full blown traitor legionnaire turned loyalist again.
I know your pain, just move the parry button to l-alt and spam that with spacebar whenever you're surrounded.
>>it's there in non-canon
Nothing made after 2017 is canon
>t. Thinks SM2 is a contender for GOTY
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>hive fleet dies because le virus
>hive fleet dies because le khaos
>hive fleet dies because le heroism
hehe good thing i will never give a penny to GW ever again..
>t. Thinks SM2 is a contender for GOTY
Based, me too.
Melee becomes much easier if you get a mouse with side buttons and bind parry to one of said side buttons, especially once you unlock a Fencing variant of your favorite co-op melee weapon. Once you get a few missions under your belt, you, too, can parry hordes to death. Zoanthropes, however, can go fuck themselves.

Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. The Deathwatch RPG rulebooks note that some chapters send dudes to the Watch as a disciplinary measure. Becoming a Blackshield is also a sign that you and/or your chapter have fucked up so severely that you're no longer willing to display your original colors.

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