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BVILT for instant loss
Femstodes look like this?!

I no longer have an issue with them
Eldar sure look different now.
>those legs
That's an Aeldari anon
I'd instantly lose my virginity to her indeed.
Aren't Custodes virgins themselves?
9/10, it'd be better if she had heels
>Be Imperium
>everyone starts making gay jokes about the Emperor's golden "companions"
>such rumors are threatening the Imperium with heresy but even the most vicious Inquisitorial campaigns can't stop the jokes & rumors
>Lords of Terra conjure an idea
>import a bunch of Eldar girls
>modify them to look more human
>dress them in golden armor
>change the histories to say there have always been female Custodes
>People make jokes about gay custodes
>Solve it by now also having custodes who are going to be literally screwed the first time they lose a battle
High Lords as competent as usual I see
>>modify them to look more human
massively gay
Not necessarily if they fucked before becoming one, but they will be sterile with no interest in the horizontal mambo after they're through the process.
>if they fucked before becoming one
Anon Custodes are made from children

Terra isn't Epstein island
>Terra isn't Epstein island
So you say. But you and I both know that those nobles get up to some FUCKED UP shit.
The fanart already looks 100% human and you porndrained faggots still make this about Eldar somehow.
I mean any paradise world with less inquisitorial oversight probably is
>The fanart already looks 100% human
Those legs say otherwise
>Solve it by now also having custodes who are going to be literally screwed the first time they lose a battle
To be fair, in W40k:
>Dark Eldar and Slaaneshi followers/daemons are going to sexually torture and rape you regardless of your gender or preferences
>Astartes, Eldar, Mechanicus, Orks and Khorne will just kill you
>Nurgle and Tzeentch will torture you in some way, but not really a sexual way
>Tau may capture you and try to indoctrinate you or tear you to pieces to study you depending on the situation
>Necrons will either kill you or experiment with you (or collect you as a living trophy if you get an specific Necron)
>Tyranids will just kill you
Really, the only one that may not have raped a regular male
Custodes but would a female one is maybe a male Rogue Trader or particularly shady Imperial Guard officer or Planetary Governor. All of which really don't have what it takes to capture a Custodes ALIVE.
Space Marines have the same massive legs, their armor just tends to hide it.
Marines don't have legs that are over 75% of their body height
Idioms are part of English.
>>import a bunch of Eldar girls
>>modify them to look more human
>>dress them in golden armor
SO THAT'S Aurelia Tempris backstory!

>That's the ONLY reason why "modern women" look so fucking ugly
There have always been ugly women dude, especially those more manly than some Trans-women...
Take your meds.
It means a woman acting cocky at the start of a fight only to suddenly transition into her being fucked by her opponent
> where we argue whether men can be raped
Of course they can
picrel is the average Slaanesh cultist
Why is her armor so thin, Custodes are thick as fuck purely from the aurumite.
The armour's thick, she's just built like Eugenia Cooney under there
>Implying her man face would stop me from cooming
I want her to pound my prostate with one of her fat fingers, while she's sucking me off with them big lips. Then I'd go to town on steamy sweaty pussy, I hope she got them meat curtains and a fat clit.
I feel like Custodes will last for a few rounds no matter what, even if defeated it won't be an instant lost.
You will never be a man.
I wouldn't have problems with female custodes if the new lore went. Custodes dug up new tech from the Black Vaults and now both male and female children can be made in to demi gods. Huge win as it doubles the potential production of custodes, who being in the open suddenly lose members. Perfectly fine with that.

But the whole "they were always female, including in the 80s and 90s" is not going to fly. I was a kid back, then and among the milion and one questions (can an Ogryn be a space marine of the BA chapters if the gene seed turns even mutants in to marines??), female custodes were never a question. There was also exacly zero lore for a few decades that could even hint at it.

A ton of GW new lore could have been made more digestable, if the people writing it didn't try to antagonise or destroy old lore. Why can't primaris/gravis/etc be just an MK XI-XIIIth power armour ? Scale creep has always been a thing , I seen my 2ed dude get dwarfed by 3ed plastics and those in return were getting smaller in comperation to more modern plastic stuff from later editions.

I do not know what audiance of buyers GW is chasing. They have/had always core two. Buyers who don't care about the game, to whom GW games are "collecting" and the gamers who will buy those ugly ass, and often expensive, 9 oblits or 15 centurions. On the fringes of those are the painters. And all of those groups have a few traits in common (even if they often don't understand/"hate") each other. They are all dudes, who slowly over a few decades of the game went from a majority teen boy crew to a mid 30s/early 40s. I have no idea to whom GW wants to expend the selling of their product products, but they are slowly eroding the fan base they created over a few decades, and it is not like their stores/buyers are a bunch of teens.
proper daemonculaba material
Custodes are taken as babies.
>I wouldn't have problems with female custodes if the new lore went. Custodes dug up new tech from the Black Vaults and now both male and female children can be made in to demi gods. Huge win as it doubles the potential production of custodes, who being in the open suddenly lose members. Perfectly fine with that.
>But the whole "they were always female, including in the 80s and 90s"

Strong agree.

After all of the bullshit with Primaris, "suddenly women can be Custodes" is fine, but the fucking retcon pisses me off.

>there have always been brothers of battle
>we could have upgraded Sister of Silence as a reward for their loyalty toward the Imperium even when they were treated like shit
>or experimental upgrades for Sister of Battle so they would just be slightly weaker than Space Marine
>instead in the far future, a monkey paw curls
legs too thin.
Fanbase opened the doors to this by accepting female combatants in the first place. You cucks get what you fucking deserve.
Shiny metal piston cocks
Because for IG, SoB or Eldar it made sense. Tyranids are almost all female too. But no on in 94 thought about female sm or other crazy stuff.
To be clear, when I say female combatants, I mean human female combatant. And no, I don't think female IG makes sense, same goes for SoB. You guys ate that shit up, and set a precedent for women being competent combatants and now they are pushing female custodes. And now the only leg you have to stand on is prior lore that gets retconned all the time. Realistically, the Imperium would have imposed breeding quotas on the women in the Empire and that would have been their primary role.
Custodes are usually built from babies under 1 year old, older specimen usually die (more)
>Calling the Imperium the Empire
Secondary detected
Anon Sisters were in the RT times, both in the rule book and the book of astronomicon. I don't know what to tell you, if you think there was a time without them in the setting. Same with th Venusian Penal Infantry Regiments. Bbased on militant feminists, same way Eshers were.

But I will give you that. Those were mostly comedy or spoof things. Or stuff like Vallahalans ice cave fighiting sees them use everyone against the orcs, women, men, children , old folk animals with strapped mines etc.

It was kind of a different. Now it is 100% serious, all or most IG regiments have a 50/50 split and navy seems to pick captins out of the female part of the schola, even if women have worse 3d imagination.

But to be honest at my age I have more problems with HR and crazy women in real life to worry to much about lore ones. I do not envy you young bucks though. You guys are fucked.

it isn't that they die. They are just REALLY hard to make and require supervision by someone like the Sigilite or Emperor to complet the process. I don't think GW custodes have access to many alpha++ level psykers, who are also master biologists with and in depth knowladge gold age tech. But if you can pull it off you get a dreamer or a Valdor.
I am the old anon. I am sure the anon ment the system and not the state name. Keep it chill, this ain't Literature Post Grad year 2. No grants to fight over and no need to be asshole to others.
>Now it is 100% serious, all or most IG regiments have a 50/50 split and navy seems to pick captins out of the female part of the schola, even if women have worse 3d imagination.
This was the hill to die on before female Custodes even came into question. The line was crossed ages ago.
>navy seems to pick captins out of the female part of the schola, even if women have worse 3d imagination.
i think it a basically something the writer lifted from starship troopers and didn't really think why heinlein made that choice
Anon we were kids and young bucks. running from Love parade to our first jobs. Flying out to Thailand to find out that there are not only chicks with dicks there, but also dudes playing Warhammer. Culture wars were not what was on our minds. The world was suppose to be all about peace and love. And then the towers came down and the world was different.

Yeah that kind of a what happens when you got from this is a "mary sueish" Harrington, which we read for the space ship/ship/tech/space battles porn to "to every woman can do what a man can do, especialy if she is in HR and younger by you (yet still somehow uglier then your wife older then her by a decade or so)".

But you guys are right, at least there was stuff to defend. Cool stuff , "our" stuff. What is a teen going to find "worth defending" in two or three decades the peak artisty of the third seson of Mandalorian or Thor Ragnarok? But as always. it is easy to say, when you are an retired old ass. We all would be geniuses, if we knew and acted the way we know stuff at 40-50 at 20.
Heck I would have quit w40k and invested all my money in to Isle of Blood.
>All of which really don't have what it takes to capture a Custodes ALIVE.
Sure they do. You don't need arms or legs to be alive and RTs also have access to incredibly powerful psykers.
>ACKshully it's a callback to Heinlein, just a poor one!
You're giving modern writers way too much
Anon, what is the other option? Dooming that incompetent people have a stranglehold on something you like or even love, and that it will only go worse from now one, the same it did for your comics, books. movies, SW/ST etc.
this guy gets it
We need some animations of her getting utterly destroyed.
>Implying a Custodes Girlboss would lose to anything
>instead of acknowledging reality I'm going to close my eyes and convince myself this turd sandwich is actually chocolate!
How the fuck, are they going to cut limbs from fucking Custodes. And please, tell me of Rogue Trader who has Alpha Psykers on his back and call.

This really is, retarded coomer thread.
neither does girl in op the op
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They're pretty fucken long
I'm more concerned about her lack of neck, but I guess that's Marine standard.
>How the fuck, are they going to cut limbs
>tell me of Rogue Trader who has Alpha Psykers on his back and call
The guard has primaris psykers and RTs have access to navigators.
>tell me of Rogue Trader who has Alpha Psykers on his back and call
Neither of which are Alpha Psyker.
What a qt, what could possibly go wrong.
>what could possibly go wrong
I just don't understand why the Custodes wouldn't have women from the get go. They're made to be the Emperor's tiny, perfect humans, so why wouldn't he use women? them being new is so much worse.
Because he didn't want to make a race of beyond-humans. These are supposed to be human weapons, not human replacements. If they have women, then they can breed entirely insular, even if they have to do it using test tubes, and that makes them a viable replacement for humanity.
The Custodes were never made to be the Emperor's tiny perfect humans. They are biological robots incapable of disobeying him, slaves to his whim. He made them exclusively (this is explicitly stated in text too) out of the sons of defeated Terran kings and lords, forcing those defeated opponents to give him their most precious thing: their children, their bloodline, their family, their future (metaphorically). He then turned that future into creatures incapable of disobeying him, whose duty was to die to protect him (the one who had killed their parents or ended their family's reign), divorced them from humanity's evolution into New Men (they cannot be psykers), and also made sure they would never be able to procreate or create more of themselves naturally.

He did this as a political statement.
Well, the War in the Webway got a lot more interesting.
You may not know this seen that this was before you underage ass found tabletop gaming but there was a time before the hobby was being flooded with retarded 12 year olds who don't know anything yet get upset about everything. Back then someone saw something they were not interested in such as Sisters of Battle they just ignored it. There was a time when women combatants in games was just not something most people got mad about and the reaction to Sister of Battle was largely either nuns with guns is cool I will get some or that not my thing so I will ignore it.
wtf, I'm suddenly cool with the gaslighting and retcons.
If that is the thread topic why did you post that and not a pic of your ass?
>Terra isn't Epstein island
Nobility regularly get caught fucking servitors.
The Custodes were meant to be the Emperor's method of culling the Legions when the Great Crusade was over. It's noted on multiple occasions by observing Space Marines that the Custodes are incredibly efficient at killing their kin.
Only retarded faggots who cry stupid things like durr durr women can't fight derp while being unable to fight anything male or female have a problem with how things are going. If you had a brain and was not underage you would be find with some of the Custodes being women.
>If you had a brain and was not underage you would be fine with some of the Custodes being women.
Because it's not really a big deal. You are unlikely to see Custodes in a game so people who play don't really need to even think about this.
>You are unlikely to see Custodes in a game so people who play don't really need to even think about this.
Until you do, and GW reminds you in another Custodes lore snippet. You'll get over it, sure, but you've gone from *Custodes lore isn't an issue* to *I'm kinda irrationally miffed about this* whenever it's brought up. I know you'll tell me to "just get over it," that people need to "grow up" and move on. Which is true, ultimately, but it's a conversation that would have never been needed if GW didn't add Femstodes into the lore at all.

Like, acting shocked and appalled that people are upset about this is probably even more asinine than being upset about it. You should know why people are pissed, you should know what this represents in the general lore trends for Warhammer. Is it petty? Sure. Is it childish and petulant at times? Absolutely. But so many other things that get way more mainstream attention are also childish and petty. Complaints about this are just as valid. You're telling people they need to get over it, but you need to also get over that people won't get over it.
That theory is a meme, 10k golden bananas is not enough to kill over a million space marines.
>10k golden bananas is not enough to kill over a million space marines.
100 Space Marines is enough to turn the tide of a multi-million man war.
If it doesn't matter and people don't interact with them, why add them?
If they serve no purpose then there's no point adding them.
>If it doesn't matter and people don't interact with them, why add them?
Shills will never be able to answer this.
tl;dr I am irrationally faggot crapping my pants because women existing in a game I don't even play.
Because someone said this book needs more lore so someone else made a small change to the Custodes. Some lore stuff is just fluff.
Said by someone wrong.
>Some lore stuff is just fluff.
Is that what the Tithes video is? Just fluff?
Maybe one day you will stop being a retard who says stupid and wrong things.
Femstodes like the OP aren't 5'1" tardlet
>I really hope one day you find yourself in a burning building and have to rely a bunch of DEI 5'1 women to save you.
Unfortunately, those organizations will always have *just enough* buff men to get the job done. It's an easy way to justify their paychecks.
You realise auramite is impenetrable, right?
>You realise auramite is impenetrable, right?
Tell that to Norn Emissaries.
>Femstodes Blade Champion challenges Norn Emissary to a duel (gone wrong) (not clickbait) (gone sexual)
If fan artists can ignore the Misters of Battle and draw the SoBs as 10s, I don't see why they can't do the same thing with Femstodes.
>try to DEI a faction
>just end up creating a new cheesecake faction instead
>women existing in a game I don't even play.
Nice schizophrenia, now would you accurately describe the situation?
I'd buy Femstodes models if they looked like that
Nice job not understanding what is being said gaylord.
There were already women in 40k retard.
>Nooo, you can't like hot chicks in armor, that's le gay
Do you know how bell curves work? Do you think GW will simply stop at 0.1% femstodes to match the statistical reality of male/female sexual dimorphism?

Furthermore, any exceptional females would be far more productive making exceptional males
This but unironically. Women warriors are gay, they mean you like masculine traits.
If you have to have female fighters, they should at least have their tits out.
Nta but if anything is consistent, it's Geedubs fetish for ridiculously tall superhumans overriding any other concept
>The only thing about women that can be feminine is their tits
I apologise for calling you gay, you're just a coombrained Amerimutt
Sure, by doing specops things like taking out leadership and critical targets, not fighting the millions head-on.
That not what I said retards. I even brought up the Sisters of Battle earlier in the reply chain. The dumbass I am arguing with is having hissy fit about women fighting.
Yes, you are stupid and a faggot.
It’s all what it says in the tin: fake and gay; grift and graft; degeneracy and deconstruction for its own sake. In the example of OP and yours. They will never pay the load bearers enough, while overpaying the non entities. All to justify the status quo and continue their own massive thievery, and push for more.
They make the bottom emulate the top so that their fucked parasitical set up goes unnoticed amongst the common trees, and is eventually thought of as “a good thing” they hope.
All this than rather than enable men and women to do what they want to and are more naturally inclined to btw. All a sick joke to impotently spite their maker.
Even in patheticly small micro examples like this: where they’re literally spiting the spirit of the game as its community and makers had known it, purely for the sake of their own lazy low reaching faggotry.
Couldn’t have been bothered to try and create anything. Just destroy something already there.
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How are the Japanese able to understand what makes an appealing, and effective, warrior-woman design?
Shouldn't you be modding a subreddit instead of 4chan board? Even as a autistic troon you are still more likely to be suited for combat than the overwhelming majority of women.
Sorry to hear that you are too stupid to talk about topic at hand. Maybe there is thread in some other board is more your speed.
This is about femstodes, no?

Or Catachan Barking Toads.
...wait we actually have a canon case of a Barking Toad killing a Custodes?
"This reclusive amphibian has a unique self-defence mechanism, when threatened, it emits a cloud of toxins that kills all life within a kilometer in every direction, reducing every biological organism (including the Barking Toad itself) to a slimy, formless mass, and no vegetation will grow there. The poison is so virulent it can penetrate even Power Armour, and no other known form of armour can hold it at bay"
Dammit anon, here I was hoping we had some BL fluff where a banana died to a toad

It's a Catachan toad. The Cadian one has 6 pages of fluff instead.
At least the Catachan one still has its native habitat
>Acting as if Genestealers can beat Custodes
Are you a secondary or a retarded Nidfag?
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They literally did in the Killteam box. You do realize purestrain genestealers tear terminators apart like wet paper, right?
Oh hey, armortranny is now a custodes simp since they added troonstodes!
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>You realise auramite is impenetrable
Ha ha power klaw go choppa
Because they incorporate feminity into the armor design rather than using it to cover up their feminity like some kinda armored burka
Tyranid seedbed with the packaging still on.
>be imperial noble having a bad day
>walking my favorite sweatshop factory floor always cheers me up
>ah, some new servitors have arrived
>notice one is absolutely fucking STACKED with perfect plump breasts
>go full Leo Frank beast mode and blow off some steam
40k is so based it's unreal
Custodians are stronger than Terminators Nidfag.

Cope and seethe, she'd fuck up your entire hive fleet
D*mn, we've got a literal nogames secondary here.
Refute my argument Nidfag
It's called the literal stats of the game and how custodes are a pretty shit army in 10e. Their new codex is also filled with them taking L after L.
Stats aren't canon, stop sperging out because a female supersoldier beats your nids lorewise
>Stats aren't canon
Tertiary nogames cope
>stop sperging out
>supersoldier beats your nids lorewise
The funniest thing is nids are far from my favorite faction, I just pointed out how a genestealer cult canonically murdered the shit out of some custodes - on Terra, no less - as per the lore of a KT set. They've also gotten fucked up hard by nids proper in various Tyrannic War lore.
Except you can't upgrade the SoS in that regard for the same reason you can't turn blanks into space marines. There's a certain amount of warp fuckery from the big man involved.
Keep justifying your sexism, I'm sure it'll get you a girlfriend one day
I accept your concession.

Btw this has nothing to do with me finding women pathetic and incompetent that part comes later and everything to do with me finding Custodes pathetic and incompetent. Why GW decided that the biggest jobbers in the galaxy should be female is something only they can answer, maybe they just hate women. It'd make a lot of sense, seeing as they retconned the Horus Heresy to all be a woman's fault.
Thanks for the crying about a boogeyman while not understanding what is being talked about.
>the only thing I got from this thread is that Japan really needed to get more nukes thrown at it and that psycho-women who want to sterilize male babies are fucking right as always.
Who hurt you?
"Her" father.
>Anyway, the only thing I got from this thread is that Japan really needed to get more nukes thrown at it
Explain why. Are you upset they offer an alternative to Western media?
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Sex with female Custodes.
>seeing as they retconned the Horus Heresy to all be a woman's fault
Anon please tell me this isn't a shitpost
Emps had a perpetual GF called Erda who got annoyed at his intent for the Primarchs to be generals and sabotaged the wards on his lab, causing them to be scattered.

30k is now literally "Karen took the kids"
why does she have high heels?
why wouldn't she?
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>Incredibly BASED coomer thread.
I fixed it for you.
Seeing the fandom rumblings it appears most fandom forums have come to the conclusion that anyone disliking femstodes must now be an incel or a chud. Apparently you aren't allowed to just want another male only faction. At least that's what your averagge progressive fan says.
If you stop and used your brain for once it would dawn on you that making a new faction takes a lot of time and work so most changes are going to be small changes to factions that already exist.
It makes sense from a money perspective, but from a lore perspective it's lazy.
ork beliefs override reality.
not even joking. that is an orkish thing, and fans of 40k know this.
Men of Wo in my custodes? don't think so,
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Stop being a retard and take the perspective of the shot into account. The view is clearly from (slightly) below.
It's a matter of When, not if at this point.
How long do you give it? How will it be shoehorned in? Also what do you think the fallout will be like?
>inb4 the lost primarchs are women, one returns for loyalists and 1 for traitors
If you think that's a low enough angle to make that much of a difference, you're ngmi with the art stuff. "Foreshortening" isn't just a magic word to explain away weird proportions. Not least when her head is obviously less shortened than her torso, despite it obviously being further away
And the horizon line's doing my head in, I can only assume she's standing on the very edge of a ridiculously tall mesa or someshit
I find it wild you're allowed to be so blatantly racist on this site, but only against THEM DAM NIPS!!! Say the same shit about Haitians or Israel and you'll be eating a ban before you can even finish out the captcha.
It may have something to do with the fact being racist to some places like Japan is unlikely to get people killed. What is being said Haitians is probably going to get someone killed.
I don't see what any of that has to do with posts on 4chan.
more relevant than ever
Loss? Loss of what?
The game.
Ah yes, because Josif Stalin is in such vogue.
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are you actually brain-damaged? I'm genuinely asking, because the context was clearly that you can say things about some animals that you can't say about others without censure.
That not what I am talking about. I am saying that jannies and mods don't want posts that could be seen as inciting violence and some groups such as Haitians are at risk of violence at this time. Posts that are inciting violence can get 4chan into trouble if something happens and maybe there are people on mod team who don't like the idea of people being hurt.
What happened to #StopAsianHate, bigot?
Your mom mistake it for Chinese food and ate it.
>ESL post
Sorry to hear about you having trouble reading anon.
long legs relative to torso make a figure look heroic
Servitors don't have rights.

Servitors get the back of the bus
The production of new Custodes itself is retarded. They should be relics from a bygone age, whom only The Emperor was able to create, nigh-invincible warrior-kings whose every single loss was irrecoverable. Instead they are Space Marines +.
Why aren't Sisters of Silence upgraded in the first place? Just say they have state-of-the-art cybernetics and equipment with maximal gene-enhancements they can safely undergro and have them steamroll Space Marines with their superior custom gear. SoS are able to kill SM's anyway, just have it be even more blatant about how they're a super elite fighting force worthy to be partnered with the Custodes.
>Angron casually rips a Custodes in half in a near-death state after Big E steals him away from Nuceria
>man i fucking HATE the Japanese
>time to go post on an anime site full of weeaboos
You people are complete retards.
well, female stormcast all have wedge heels, so why wouldn't custodes?
The idea of turning a hot girl into a servitor you can fuck is hot as hell
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squad broken, squad broken
>you should just be a cuck and ignore your enemies trying to destroy your culture and way of life
You should be the first to be shamed in public when we win.
Harlequin destroy them and piss on their corpses.
No women-warrior design is appealing. Women should not be fighters. Your brain has rotted from porn consumption.
Men should take pride in being called an incel or a chud these days. They're truly the only real masculine men left.
>lithe, lissome clowngirls carving up a bunch of manjawed "muscle mommies" while prancing about acrobatically and telling jokes
Someone call up Krekkov, I have a mighty need.
>Cocky Custodes Girlboss getting instant lossed by Nids/CSM/Deldar/Necrons
Anon the 'they can't lose' just makes it better
>Cocky custodes who can't lose gets gangbanged by mere grots
They're downright flat compared to Sanguinius's heels
would grots or rippers/gaunts be worse?

Or would Tau? They'd be the ultimate embarrassment to lose to in melee
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Imagine the E F F I C I E N C Y
Built to have arms and legs removed and be used as a fleshlight for BIG HAEMONCULUS COCK (prehensile btw)
You should find a brain then you would understand thing and be able to play tabletop games
Lucky for tabletop gaming and video games no one listens to retarded faggots who don't know anything like you
Grots because they have a playful sort of sadism about them and would gleefully mock her for losing to them. Rippers/gaunts would just eat their way through her genitals and devour her from the inside out.

Tau would be utterly hilarious because her capture and subsequent mindbreaking would be broadcast to all nearby imperial worlds to show them how even the Custodes can eventually be bent into accepting the Greater Good. Imagine how juicy that would be.
>Realistically, the Imperium would have imposed breeding quotas on the women in the Empire and that would have been their primary role.
>Their fluff is all of their woman are literally barely sentient wombs pumping out more and more children for the war machine. The tech is literally DAoT shit that is tech heresy but the Imperium looks the other way to get more meat for the grinder
Could custodes hypothetically spawn children with their capabilities? Or would it just create a regular human who happens to be compatible with the implants?
That's kind of based when you put it like that.
Emperor was explicitly against post-humans breeding, which is why all Astartes and Custodes are sterile (and have no sex drive). They were/are temporary crutches to help mankind's ascension, not a new race to replace it. People ignore that these aren't supposed to be power fantasied, they're people who've abandoned their humanity and turned themselves into tools for a greater cause, to be used and discarded when they break. They will never know the love of a family or the joy of a normal life, and these concepts are in fact alien to them.
We know enough to know women warriors are nonsensical in nearly all settings unless they appear as an extreme exception to an obvious rule. Physical distinctions between men and women being limited to the cosmetic is lame af.
>Emperor was explicitly against breeding
Emperor was the protochudcel
>Imagine how juicy that would be.
Not as juicy as her ass
>Realistically, the Imperium would have imposed breeding quotas on the women in the Empire and that would have been their primary role.
This is predicated on the idea of the Imperium having a birth rate problem. It does not, many hive worlds are OVERpopulated. There are cases of hives undergoing regular purges or spraying drugs on people just to keep it under control on top of the IG tithes.
Fine, but any female specimen worthy of becoming a custodes would be better utilized breeding more males, than serving herself.
>yes, but *completely ignores the point*
There is a difference between culling the masses and breeding super soldiers.
Not really, at least as long as Imperium is considered.
>Gets his point BTFO by lore
>"Yes but [unrelated argument]"
>>>/reddit/ is that way
The point is if you want elite warriors, you don't select women, not that realistically there would be any women to select.
>Realistically, the Imperium would have imposed breeding quotas on the women in the Empire and that would have been their primary role.
Anon, you got btfo and called out for your secondary-tier point.

Go back to plebbit
I't's not just the lore that's getting raped.
Do grots even have dicks?
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>you like masculine traits
>How long do you give it?
In 1-2 editions, maximum 3
Christ, that's such a bad looking model that if GW replaced it with a coomer model which looked like that image, it would be an improvement.
What the fuck is up with the 40k Custodes models anyway? Why do they keep getting less armour and straying away from the classic design?
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>Dan Abnett when he realised he turned the Horus Heresy from a story of Brothers turning against each other, into a cautionary tale about how women ruin everything.
Plenty of classic designs features cloth with their armour.
>>How the fuck, are they going to cut limbs
a meltagun is also going to just obliterate their entire body, there won't be anything left to fuck.
I don't think you're going to get female space marines. Space Marines are too weak and a boys club. You're going to get super special girlbosses who never fail or fall and are amazing at everything they do because they are just made better. Space Marines will get dressed down and chewed out for having male weakness but the perfect literal golden girls will rescue them.
I believe they are called Misters of Battle.
Which is fine on the Jetbike, but why the fuck are the Blade Champion and Shield Captain wearing that armour while on foot?
Just aim it better, dummy. Then you end up with a freshly cauterized fucknugget
>Why do they keep getting less armour and straying away from the classic design?
You mean the classic design that includes tons of cloth like >>93926704

If anything that one is more armoured that the classic design because the cloth is just a surcoat over their actual power armor. Like Dangels. Or SoBs.
>I don't think you're going to get female space marines.
>Space Marines are...a boys club.
Holy fucking retard. The whole point they want them is BECAUSE it's a boys club.
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Ones on foot also wear cloth.
>all or most IG regiments have a 50/50 split
Yeah the absolutely retarded move towards gender equalising the Imperial Guard that GW have undertaken over the last ~5 years is far more retarded than Female Custodes.
The idea that women can be competent fighters when put through a hundred rounds or arcane bioscience and augmented into posthuman monsters and equipped with super sci-fi power armour is not beyond the realm of imagination.

Pretending that an army of NORMAL HUMANS, that are just the same normal humans we know in the real world here and now, could have a 50/50 gender split and be anywhere near even remotely useful, competent, or capable at anything is just unimaginably fucking retarded.
>but it's fiction bro!
It's like showing us an army composed primarily of 8 year old human children and expecting us to consider them a formidable force. The only people who don't find it unbearably retarded are people who have no understanding of reality.

Frankly it's establishment propaganda, given modern discourse around women actually being allowed into the military in real life and the rate at which young people are absolutely delusional as to the capabilities of women.
I have met many young people who genuinely think that 'a bit of training' will allow a 100lbs girl take on a fully grown man in an unarmed fight.
It's delusional. And they believe it because WHAMYN JUST AS TOUGH AS MAN is the only depiction of women anyone ever sees now.

When was the last time any of you saw a movie or tv show or video game that actually accurately portrayed a fight between a man and a woman?

It's just fucking lies. Damn feminist lies that demand we all play this society-wide game of pretending that women are exactly as capable as men in anything and everything.

But as Ukraine as shown us, if the shit ever actually does go down they'll be dropping their 'equality' mantra like a hot brick and running away as fast as they can while men and only men get conscripted to die.
You're right but having infinity_humans available is just another reason why they wouldn't bother recruiting women for any combat role in the Imperial Guard or otherwise.
Why give your limited equipment and transport space to the weak cowardly half of the species when you have functionally infinite men to recruit instead?

Conversely, if there WAS a severe population shortage, the women are more valuable making babies.

Right up until the point where the enemy is literally knocking on their door. That's about the only time it's worth handing a gun and flak armour to a woman.
But they DON'T have infinity Custodes candidates. A genetically matching woman is better off becoming a eugenic broodsow on the off chance she produces even two Custodes worthy sons than she is becoming one herself
>It's like showing us an army composed primarily of 8 year old human children and expecting us to consider them a formidable force.
Cadian Whiteshields, incel lorelet.
They don't need infinite candidates, they have more candidates than time or equipment to give them. Same with space marines, the bottleneck is not and has never been candidates.
Except that's false. Custodes candidates are ONLY selected from Terran nobility and are screened BEFORE starting the transformation process rather than screened via mass culling like Marines. It's a complete apples to oranges false comparison you're making. Or apples to bananas, as it were.
>Custodes candidates are ONLY selected from Terran nobility
And that's exactly the issue, they are restricting their screening to 0.0001% of just the Terra population instead of casting a wider net. Not even including other planets.
>It's like showing us an army composed primarily of 8 year old human children and expecting us to consider them a formidable force.
And as usual you outed yourself as a lorelet without even realising
Where is it officially stated they are chemically castrated? I remember hearing that at one point, then other people saying that it's not actually confirmed.

Also, you're not wrong. But Space Wolves and Salamanders often integrate back into their families and population, with Salamanders apparently staying with their human families after ascending.
>Cadian Whiteshields
Not canon anymore, conscripts got removed editions ago
Getting removed from rules doesn't remove them from lore.
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This has always been cope. It's always been cope. Every time a traditionally male space gets "modernized," you always have people like this insisting that it's "secretly based" because "now you get porn of that thing." It's asinine.
Space Marines are not castrated, and a writer was actually fired for trying to add it into a book, IIRC. They have little sex drive due to the hypno-indoctrination, and most of them are celibate monks who only spend time with their battle brothers, but it is never explicitly confirmed what degree of performance remains.
>but it is never explicitly confirmed what degree of performance remains.
Serfs are failed aspirants and often have families.

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