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RIP James Earl Jones edition

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TQ: What is your favourite Darth Vader scene or moment?
honestly I prefer vaders scene with krennic in his castle than the hallway scene in rogue one

vader sensing that krennic was going to say "remarkable power" but changed to "remarkable potential", the TCW force choke sound effect, and the cheesy one liner
I'm watching ANH right now in honor of Mr. Jones, and I'm wondering if anyone here thinks Owen and Beru's deaths at the beginning of the movie were the will of the Force?

Also, how desolate must the galaxy be for Luke to have his Aunt and Uncle killed, have to watch his new mentor kill 2 people in a bar in self defense, and then Luke himself kills at the very least 15 -20 people on the Death Star before the final act of blowing it up and killing thousands?
>TQ: What is your favourite Darth Vader scene or moment?
This comic. I remember reading this in 4th Grade and thinking it was some of the coolest shit I'd ever read.
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Forgot the comic
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>TQ: What is your favourite Darth Vader scene or moment?
The ones that explore his humanity.
ROTJ: "It is too late for me, son", and then he just stands there in silence as the camera lingers on him for a few seconds.
ROTJ: him watching back and forth at Luke and Sheev, as the latter grilled the former. (fuck Special Editions, though, no "NOOOOOOOOOOO")
Rebels: "Then you will die." (that moment and Maul vs Kenobi were just too good for that fucking DisneyXD TV-Y7 shit)
TCW: Victory and Death epilogue as he walks across a barren, frozen moon and finds the wreckage of his past. Not a word spoken, yet so much was said.

All the "le badass" Vader moments a la Rogue One and Jedi Fallen Order or EU slop where he just kills people are cringe as fuck if you are over the age of 13.
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Was Luke a nepobaby, or did saving Leia and blowing up the Death Star get him a high ranking position? I would hate to imagine that he was openly advertising that he was Anakin Skywalker's son.
And what if I enjoy both? What then?
Then you will die.
The Rebellion has this weird habit of promoting people to very high officer positions for a handful of heroic actions. Luke absolutely did not bring up his parentage, it was all for blowing up the Death Star.

Also there's several long timeskips in the OT where we can assume the heroes have been fighting against the Empire the whole time.
I loved that it's him making a Dad joke. I also love that Vader is just like 'this guy's pay grade is WAY too low for me to bother having to deal with his bullshit'.
I don't think Luke ever commands anyone other than a few flight-squadrons in the Rebellion. And he's clearly a good pilot.
Revenge of the Sith is a great Star Wars movie
You are cringe, shitbag.
>under 13
It checks out!
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>Somehow Lando became a General in the Rebellion, despite not being a soldier and having nothing to do with the military whatsoever, despite being a fucking manager, after betraying General Solo, Princess Leia and Commander Solo - cherished heroes of the Rebellion - but he felt bad about it, so it's all ok
>The Rebellion has this weird habit of promoting people to very high officer positions for a handful of heroic actions.
True, like Lando being a General for example. That said, Luke Skywalker being a commander isn’t weird for he blow up the Death Star and he served the Rebel Alliance for 3 years at the time of ESB and Han Solo is a Captain although whatever it’s his military rank or because he is the pilot (and captain) of the millennium falcon is unknown.
Well actually I’m 29 years old but I agree partly with you that sometimes Vader killing people can be overkill or unnecessary. Think we can agree on that, big anon?
He got promoted to General for his little maneuver during battle of Taanab lol. Watch as the writers going to write how badass and smart his little maneuver was for him to get promoted to general instantly kek.
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F James Earl Jones
Carrie was Leia’s nickname during her early childhood and teen.
By the time the mainline rebellion encounters Lando he has gained Leia's trust. The rebels appear to use ranks to show how much individuals are trusted by senior leadership, with a large advantage for people who joined early.

Han Solo does not have a bunch of staff officers assigned to him relaying his orders to colonels and majors and so on.
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When Vader fought Luke on Bespin, do you think Vader would've stopped short of a killing blow if Luke misread a block?
Virtually all lore introduced by the prequels was a mistake, but lore from TCW most of all
Probably. He was very clearly toying with Luke, seeing how far he had progressed with his very little formal training. There's almost a sense of twisted fatherly pride in their fight, that his own son has this much talent. It doesn't register until on a rewatch, but I do not think Vader had any intention of killing Luke on Bespin.
Pre-PT EU lore was also pretty trash.
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What are the most important planets to the Empire?
The single dumbest piece of lore in all of Star Wars is that the mob boss named Jabba "The Hutt" is not notorious for being a mob boss that's a Hutt, but in fact all Hutts are mob bosses and all of them are named The Hutt.

I genuinely believe that was invented by somebody who, at that moment, had their entire head inside of a microwave.
Everyone we see is a typical member of their species/culture. Mandalorians? All bounty hunters. Rodians? All bounty hunters. Trandoshans? You better believe all those guys are bounty hunters.
EU pisses on Prequels, Army is real, Luke successfully founds the NJO, Leia successfully refounds the New Republic *and* later saves it from itself/Borsk Fuckwit, the Vong War is a cool storyline, and you will never be a woman. Attention Janny: this is not a troll, it is my legitimate opinion.
I'm a sucker for any scenes of Vader and the imperial officers. Ozzel's death scene/Piett's promotion stands out I think as my favorite, though.
Imperial Center
>Vong War is a cool storyline

Opinion fully discarded.
yeah the EU was peak Star Wars outside the original trilogy
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What's your favourite Starship?
>duplicate image detected
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Back when the EU was written it was more optimistic and the authors actually imagined the characters growing and developing.

It's sad to see the heartfelt stories from much of the EU replaced with depressing or pointless shite in the Disney Wars.
>special editions fucked up colors bluray
Yikes, dawg!
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>chewie getting killed by a moon for shock value
>legacy of the force
>any of that shit
>character development
b-but luke got to drink milk and die for rey!
>troon seething about the EU
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Remember what they took from you...
It's sad to even compare the EU and Disney. You go from a story where Luke rose to the occasion to defeat the Emperor and begins rebuilding the Jedi Order while finding love, where Leia rises to build a New Republic while starting a family, and Han sheds his smuggler past to become a general and father, and it's replaced with Luke becoming a crazy loser hermit, Leia is abandoned and ignored, and Han becomes a smuggler again and dresses the same at 70. It's weird that Disney was so opposed to any of them being married or having healthy relationships with their children.
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>and all of them are
Star Wars is just fantasy and the world is more built for DnD campaigns than it is for genuine world building. The moment you try and expand out all you get are silly names and backstory with the whole race is defined by a single background OT character. I actually preferred when cantina/sail barge aliens were called by their toy nicknames rather than their real names e.g. snaggletooth.
>OT is the perfect archetype of magic, warrior and thief represented by Jedi, Rebels and underworld.
>PT is like the GM's attempt at fleshing out the world that loses a bunch of people with its specificity because certain stuff doesn't make sense or flow.
>ST is like modern DnD campaigns built for social media with shit like pic related thrown in and run by a bunch of people who got into it via Critical Role.
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Lando got made a general because of the battle of Tanaab.
A scene in the Shadows of the Empire novel where he was in the meditation pod and trying to heal his wounds stuck with me, how the joy he felt as his wounds would heal made his power leave him and sent him right back to his crippled state of needing the suit, and how he didn't see the contradiction in thinking he needed to still hate the state he was in when he was healed to ever free himself of the suit.

Blinded by nostalgia goggles? Probably, but it did stick with me.
Hutts aren't mob bosses, they are businessslugs. They also got an entire history of their ancient past space empire and warrior heritage too, hardly "all mob bosses".
are the audiobooks any good?
So, the Ewoks brutally murder the Rebels if Leia doesn't give Wicket that food, right? And I really wish Vader had said something about how Luke's new lightsaber resembles Obi-Wan's.
Yes, it is extremely important that Leia met Wicket when she did. She's just as integral to foiling Sheev's vision of the future as Luke was. If the rebels didn't go off looking for her, they wouldn't have delivered the ewoks glorious golden god to them and thus they never would've succeeded in destroying the shield generator in time.
The Force truly works in mysterious ways.
Was a fun comic. Goofy. But fun.
I'll give them credit for actually trying a major antagonist that was something other than some darksider or Imperial warlord who pulled a superweapon out of their ass. They failed, but there was at least an attempt.
I'm just nd of surprised Star Wars has never had a "space locust" type race that just tries to use planets and move on and is an existential threat
Mnggal-Mnggal is close I suppose, although sometimes it prefers to not consume planets completely to have some sentients to fuck with.
ahsoka erotic
Depending on my mood, it's one of the two danger doritos.
The Imperial Army Troopers are retarded. They will never stop being so.
Yes and no kind of depends. Vader was still evil at this point and wanted to use Luke as a Sheev seeking missile, if Luke wasn't strong enough to survive his trial he would be no use I'd imagine
Disney shit is way worse but the EU was not remotely well executed. It's easy to compare it favorably to Disney's spiteful material, but that doesn't mean we should pretend the EU was of any notable quality.
The point of Lukes new saber is that he was his own man/jedi I think mentioning it resembled obi wans would have taken away from that
Don't worry most of the star was issues in the new Canon set between esb and rotj are about lando
Shadows of the Empire is my preferred characterisation of Vader outside the films
Can anyone name a force organisation from the Vitiate era who would conceivably be known to prequel era Jedi in their archives? Preferably a lightsaber wielding group. Not Sith, obviously.
Revanites maybe?
If you think the Prequels are bad movies, you are most definitely containing shit taste in terms of movies in general, not merely in Star Wars movies.

>By contrast, the sequels were all directed way better.
What the fuck are you talking about? The Sequels are notorious for having decent-ish designs and setpieces, but the direction is so fucking bad that you can't even see them in the actual movie, only in still-sets, promo images and concept art.

Exegol looked amazing, but you don't see it because its dark as fuck and because they decided to set the entire scene in a boring throne room.
I'm an EUfag and I can tell you almost everything the Prequels did is better than the EU;
>Arquitens beats Carrack
>Raider beats Lancer
>Venator beats Victory
Its just no contest, but then the Resurgent in the sequels is far superior to the utter shit that is the Pellaeon. You just can't compete with ILM.
The prequels were legitimately bad movies.
And so were the sequels.
Chewbacca is not a character, he's a set-piece. The fact you give such a fuck about a giant dog is just lol. Chewbacca was designed to be Han Solo's pet stand-in.
If your favorite movie is the Avengers, then yeah.
Even The Avengers (1998) was better than any of the prequel triligy.
You have shit taste, I'm sorry. Midichlorians are good. Time to stop being a utter child. No one gives a shit about your OT fairytale tripe.
>Midichlorians are good.
Shit quality b8. Try being a little more subtle next time, m8.
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The Rebel alliance is made up of self-loathing Jedi who blame the Empire for every ill in the galaxy, and politicians suffering from power-envy, bitter that the galaxy's only power can do what it likes without having to ask permission. The truth is that the Empire has behaved with enormous restraint since the Battle of Yavin. Remember, remember.

Remember the gut-wrenching holos of weeping stormtroopers phoning their partners to say, "I love you," before the station was destroyed. Remember those people leaping to their deaths from safety-pod hatches with no safety pods installed.

Remember the hundreds of droids buried alive.

Remember the smiling face of that beautiful girl who was in one of the detention cells. Remember, remember - and realise that the Empire has never retaliated for the destruction of the Death Star in anything like the way it could have.

So a few Rebels got locked without a trial in cellblock 1138? Pass the Kleenex.

So some Gungan wedding receptions were shot up after they merrily fired their blasters in a sky full of Empire shuttles? A shame, but maybe next time they should stick to confetti.

Remember, remember, the Death Star. One of the greatest atrocities in human history was committed against the Empire.

No, do more than remember. Never forget!
The best thing about the EU is that you can ignore basically all of it that you don't like. That's one part that makes it superior.
Of course it means that you can't really tell any sort of long-term story but looking at how those have turned out that's not a bad thing. It's probably why NJO was so badly received, it broke the format of self-contained episodes that didn't affect anything.

IMO the EU now should go back to that format and run a bunch of stories about telling stories, where everything is non-canonical like Visions, until it's decided that it isn't. By EU I mean things like television series, which obviously isn't going to ever happen but I like it more than the current Space Guys Cinematic Small Universe where everything has to tie into everything else because 'member when the guy, he did the thing! Haha! Us gamers man, us gamers!
>Vowrawn and Thanaton generally seemed pretty reasonable too.
Vowrawn sure, but he seems to sometimes put hedonism over pragmatism so he's not exactly S tier.
Thanaton is simply too autistic about muh traditions and his gripe with Zash. the dude starts a mini civil war in the middle of a galaxy wide war (which IIRC even the counsel thinks is a dumb move), and then limits the battlefield so he can't bring his superior power base to bear, but still makes sure it happens at battle crucial to the war.
I haven't played much of fallen empire, but I'm pretty sure I'd place Alcina above Thanaton, maybe even above Vowrawn (though I like Vowrawn more than her).
It's really stupid, but I can't get over the new EU Vader comic showing him taking time out of his mission to Tatooine to just massacre more Sand people. Not sure if it's exactly my favorite moment, but it's probably the one I think of the most.
I only just recently got around to the Thrawn trilogy thanks to a storytime on /co/ of the comic version, but I really, really appreciate the subplot of Leia helping out the Noghri and Thrawn consistently misinterpreting the signs of this as Leia being a similarly Machiavellian leader who is searching for his cloning base and able to keep up with his schemes. When all it is is Leia being moved by their plight and using the coincidence of her biological father to help them. It's one thing to give Thrawn some sympathy for not knowing the fundamentally ridiculous fact that Leia is Vader's daughter, but it's another to see him so consistently not understand what motivates a person like Leia and never once think what the Empire is doing to the Noghri might make someone else react differently.
Because of his little maneuver during the battle of Taanab.
No and no/yes a little bit.
I love count dooku
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Who doesn't?
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I think these freaks are the only ones that understand the force.
Sort of had them under sith despite the obvious. Even if it's not lightsabers. How old are the Wardens of thr Sky or Shapers of KroVarr?
You can't add an existential galactic threat to Star Wars without inadvertently making Palpatine correct for militarizing the galaxy. It's stupid comic book shit and runs against the simple morality of the OT.
Isn't there a whole horde of force resistant aliens that cane from outside the galaxy to specifically fill this niche?
Affirmative action is good for us not just for Lando.
>Venatorfag feels the need to declare his shit opinions once again
Did you know Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire specifically says that the Empire phased out Venators as fast as they possibly could?

Also Arquintens and the Raider were both EU first retard.
>NJO was so badly received
NJO was very well received, almost every book in the series was a fucking bestseller. People who never even read it screeching "muh Chewie" or "muh edgy Vong" don't represent audience reception.
Considering the ISD was already being produced as of ROTS? Yeah, makes sense. Venator was old, fragile and unfitting to Imperial doctrine. But you know what replaced the Venator? The ISD. Absolutely no mention of the cringe that is the Victory-class.
The simple morality of the OT is wrong, and Lucas peddling that 2D shit to kids created generations of retards.
No one cares about the simple morality of the OT. In fact, fuck the OT in its entirety.
Yeah and they're called Gen X. Lucas saw his mistake and course-corrected with the Prequels. Gen X is the most embarrassing generation, significantly worse than boomers, zoomers and millennials combined.
OT purists are worse than Sequelkiddies
Zahn has always said Thrawn's main undoing is his low-key sociopathy causing him to miss obvious tells, which spirals into him making larger and larger mistakes and ultimately losing.
The best Vader moment is him walking all over Lando
>I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it any further.
The Aang Tii are having the time of their lives fucking with the entire galaxy. Look at that smug motherfucker. He's so goddamned happy.
I can name several
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Hey could you guys watch my Padawan for a few days?

We gonna miss James Earl Jones :(
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Yep, ah yep.
The only thing that makes the current stuff any different in that regard is Filoni shoving his characters into everything. Remove that and you could just as well ignore every show you don't like.

canon Sorcerers of Tund are now all light siders who expel darksiders.
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Yeah, sure. Hey, kid, you want to talk about the nature of the Force and learn a little Juyo?
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Reminder: Do not let Kreia near young women..
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>What is your favourite Darth Vader scene or moment?
It makes sense in the context that the rebellion is not actually a military, but a network of resistance groups trying to work under a single command apparatus.
Simply having "rank" does not necessarily guarantee you units in an organization made up of commanders who had mustered their own fighting militias and fleets.
In this way giving Han the rank of general distinguishes him as a high value agent of the alliance. Essentially he has been given the right to request, organize, and lead special operations he deems of value to the rebellion, and a rebel cell at the ass end of nowhere should be made aware of this.
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Prescient, because today he was revealed for unlimited
The problem with Exegol is that it ONLY exists as a plot device.

JJ needed to escalate the tension (which a. no he didn't, b. he inflated to a literally unbelievable level that destroys the tension in the film) so he decided to come up with the death-star fleet, and the return of palpatine. Then he had to find a reason why this was a NEW development so he came up with 'there's a hidden sith homeworld that nobody knows about'. Now that in and of itself isn't that bad, except he then needs a reason for why the characters know about it to go there. So he then has to write Palpatine just announcing his return from the grave to facilitate the plot.

And when they get there, well it's served its purpose. Palpatine is there, they find out about the underground fleet, etc. etc. and there's no other point in the planet being in the film.
The fuck are you on about? Chewbacca is a character, he has thoughts and opinions on what's going on, and he has relationships with the other characters (primarily Han). The only thing that makes him different is he doesn't speak english. He speaks a fuzzy bear language sure, but there's no real difference in language barriers between that and say German.

If Chewbacca wasn't a character he would have been a massive turnoff to audiences of the 70's.
I don't see Vader doing a lot of genocides for the luls. But I do think if he was going to, it would be against the Sand People.
>So he then has to write Palpatine just announcing his return from the grave to facilitate the plot.

In Fortnite.
Luke exceptionally served for 3 years as one of their most important members, not hard to see why he was made a commander at all
>weird habit of promoting people to very high officer positions
IRL some people distinguished themselves very quickly in wars and went up ranks, maybe not as high but I don't see it as unrealistic, we have timeskips and mention of events. It is all good. It isn't a proper military system.
This was the first SW comic I read. Or more accurately I watched a motion comic with sound effects someone had uploaded to youtube. It'll always be the quintessential Vader Order 66 story to me. And intentional or not the Kenobi series had Obi-Wan unleashing a torrent of boulders on Vader with the force just like Tsui Choi.
The Order of the Terrible Glare gets referenced twice in NuCanon, in Latin and English.
So they made it in.
What species?
>NJO was very well received
Ah, yes, that explains the dearth of NJO product.
The NJO product didn't die, it consistently sold high into the 2010s through LOTF and FOTJ. Seek help.
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it may be >fractalsponge but I will not get over the idea of doing a crazy ivan in the vertical plane.
>no movies
>no tv
That's some good coap.
I'm not the dreamer who needs help, sadanon.
>>no movies
>>no tv
And yet, it was all the better for it. Rebels, Mandalorian, the Sequel Trilogy, Ahsoka. All of these have been complete and utter dogshit.
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I know his big ships are controversial, but is there anyone who really hates Fractal's small ships here? I really like them, with the Kontos being right near the top.
>back pedaling
>muh NJO doesn't have to succeed to be successful!!1!!
I'm on the ropes, now, anon.
Except it was. It's where we got stuff like Thrawn, Boba Fett's adventures, Solo's adventures, Rogue Squadron, Kotor, etc. I know Zoomers don't get it but this stuff was Star Wars to fans for years. Silly shit like Triclops doesn't undo it.
What I like about Lukes Jedi Order is they just said fuck it. Here’s a human jedi with an orange lightsaber named Gimm Gamerer and his face is modeled after a paunchy white man who works in the mail room next door. His sidekick is Vale N’Tine, shes a fuzzy sexo alien with a purple double bladed lightsaber.
You WILL read about these two characters for 35 chapters minimum. Gimm is integral to Gale Meatrider’s fall to the dark side and rebirth as Dark Spooking
Yeah? Movies and tv shows don't translate to success. Star Wars, right now, makes less money than it did back then. I'm an actual businessman as I'm not a Gen Xer who worked in retail for life.
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rules for legion when?

>hurr durr just use iden operative and-
Don't forget luke's head injury when the fucker was trying to train Streen or Gantoris or whichever one got sleep paralysis demoned to death. Sure, it's Exar Kun - maybe don't SET UP IN THE TEMPLE NEXT DOOR TO WHERE HE LIVES.
In fairness to Luke, he had no idea that Yavin used to be Sith territory. And the Alliance didn't even have records of the temple Exar Kun was using as his home, it was discovered on a jungle trek as I recall. And Yavin as the temple was fucking Mon Mothma, too. She picked it from a random list of old Rebellion bases for him.

The amount of funding, money, and just everything Luke got from the NR is ludicrous, even without holding his official rank as commander/general.
Didn't Fey'La spend half his time shitting on Luke because of that too? "Oh yes why precisely does this one weird mystic from the rebellion get like 20% of the galactic budget please explain thank you"?
That was in Thrawn trilogy, and it was Ackbar. Because Luke ordered/set up a funding line of unlimited credit to Talon Karrde (a smuggler) from the New Republic's central government bank in exchange for getting him off a planet. He apparently had the authority to do this, as he pleased, without anybody, not Mon Mothma or Leia or anyone, needing to be informed. The NR only found out because they thought to ask Karrde what he wanted in payment for some information he gave them and Karrde mentioned he'd already taken what he felt was appropriate from the credit line.
>I'm an actual businessman
That's your funniest line so far.
You almost got me...but NJO is still dead, sadanon.
Order of the Cold Moon is interesting for all it is four lines of SWTOR dialogue. Force Sensitive? Don't want to or can't join the Jedi or Sith (Well, can't join the Jedi. The Sith are always open, like Hell on Christmas)? They'll give you some basic training and a spot in the org that suits you and mostly leave you alone otherwise. The Jedi probably keep records of them - they might even have descendent orgs through the galaxy. People like the Wardens of the Sky could fit.
Meanwhile Luke's nutemple is so boring and generic that it may as well be anywhere. The Praxeum was kino.
I like that its on Ossus, but its really Ossus in name only so far
It's always the same with these old temples.
Mold in the shower room, asbestos in the walls, ancient sith lords in the hidden chamber under the basement.
And probably Jedi ghosts. Dorsk 82 cooked himself when they nuked Isaard's SSD with force powers.
Wait, no. Dorsk 81 and Pellaeon's fleet for Daala.
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>ominous murder box
>Luke and co use it
I kind of want to see what Plageuis would think if you gave him every EU book on Palpatine and his doings. he'd probably assume you'd had a stroke.
Do you think Miraluka women likes to be penetraded through the eye sockets?
Speaking of Plaguis, anyone else think he didn't really earn his title of "the wise", or was even cut out to be a Sith lord? The guy was completely blindsided by that fact his apprentice might have been plotting to kill him and take his place, despite that literally being how the Sith are supposed to work, his original plan with Palpatine was kind of nonsensical (it was to get Palpatine elected as chancellor and then go "here's my buddy the creepy space-wizard! I know you never elected him or have even seen him before, but he's going to be sharing the chancellorship with me!", and he died after Palpatine got him shitfaced drunk and killed him while was passed out (Palpatine left that part out when recounting the "Tragedy of Darth Plaguis the Wise" to Anakin. I guess "he could control life itself but couldn't prevent himself from being ganked by his apprentice while laying in a pool of his own vomit after an all-night bender" sounds less dramatic).
Sith Wisdom is figuring out a new way to cut a fuck hole in the force. Jedi wisdom is finding a new way to be a doorknob chewer while claiming it's the will of the force. Darth Sidious should be known as the Stupid, but I think you could slap that onto anyone in the Baneite line. Though Zannah should be Sugartits and Bane the Really Stupid.
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>watch rebuild the galaxy, the new lego star wars special
>theres a gag where all that happens to crait is that it gets changed from salt to pepper
it got me
Is this legends or that marvel aaron/pak run?
Legion has a pretty active 3d Printing and Homebrew community, I'm sure you can find something if you look around a little. This isn't GW
oh whoops, this is the new issue. Only reading it now, forgot it even came out despite the fact I was hanging out for it. Anyone have a rundown on Alzin Rell?
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Well that was underwhelming for the lead in to Return of the Jedi, Soule was definitely not the right choice for this run.
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Sometimes the simplest jokes are the funniest.
>Osama! Why don't you answer me?
I liked a bunch of Soule's stories in a vacuum but the ones involving Luke searching for ancient Jedi knowledge felt like they should've been set post-ROTJ. Like you said there's not much there to tie in with ROTJ.
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And you're living proof that opinions can be wrong.
I think Aaron is off Star Wars right now so he can return to his passion, beginning creator-owned projects that run for <20 issues and then abandoning them for new ones.
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>It's weird that Disney was so opposed to any of them being married or having healthy relationships with their children.
It is infact VERY weird that Disney would be opposed to family values in one of their properties. I can only assume JJ convinced them that nostalgia bait was a better money maker.
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the run was such a fucking waste, one of the least explored gaps in the films and we got a bunch of crossover slop, sequel tie-ins and lobot arcs. Luke didn't even get his fucking green lightsaber, all of a sudden he could just kick all sorts of ass after fucking about at old temples
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>Darth Sidious should be known as the Stupid
I've no reason to assume it was a Disney decision when they were very hands off the script (to their detriment) and it was JJ's idea to force a status-quo reset. Think about it- it was his idea to do Empire and Rebels again, his idea to just have a lady version of Luke Skywalker, so yeah I imagine it was his idea to just completely reset Han and Leia's relationship.

Honestly- I think it could have worked, the idea that Kylo Ren turns into a school shooter and that breaks up the marriage, I just would have made Han Solo a McCarthur-esque Admiral for the New Republic, which could have added some dyamism with Leia leaving to lead the Resistance.

One might think that would cause plot-holes until you think about it for a few seconds- Han enters the plot because he wants to take back the Millenium Falcon. It has huge sentimental value for him, and that is true regardless of job. The only thing his smuggling brings to the plot is that he was smuggling some dangerous alien animal, and the mob wants him dead. The mob can still want him dead if he's an Admiral (just because he has a dayjob doesn't mean that he might not role around with the underbelly of society) and just change it that they brought the giant alien animal (or cut it entirely it adds nothing to the story). And then when they are planning to fight with the First Order, well by then they just blew up several New Republic planets so the point is moot. If there are moments before then where he's shooting at them, he can just quip 'ah, the New Republic can fire me if they want'. Bonus points as well if you channel Indianna Jones hatred of Nazis with Han Solo hating the Empire (logically he'd think anyone trying to bring back the Empire is a retard of the highest degree).
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I was gonna say something similar. It feels like the decision was rooted in making the trilogy, or at least Force Awakens this pseudo soft reboot. The new trio had no known connections to the original trilogy one and Kylo's connection to Han and Leia was treated with a similar sense of mystery to Vader and Obi-Wan's in ANH. They didn't want to be held down by the Skywalker family drama or galactic politics as much.

But ultimately the trilogy does become about the OT and the Skywalkers. Finn and Poe are pushed aside ultimately in favor of the Skywalker and it becomes about redeeming Ben and Luke and Leia training Rey. So they didn't commit to going in a new direction, Rey's story leads to back to Palpatine too. TFA, as derivative as it was could've been a springboard of sorts to something new. But with the way things turned out they might as well have stuck with George's treatments where the story centered around female and male force users (presumably the Solo kids) and Luke and Leia. Instead of making Han the Obi-Wan of the first film and pushing Luke to the side they could've just embraced the legacy stuff more from the start.

I guess they wanted a clean slate to get people to jump aboard and didn't want the first film to be too sequel-y, but it's the sequel trilogy ffs, not a Legacy era movie set 100 years after the OT. Comes across like they were afraid of alienating potential new younger fans by connecting things too much to the original saga but they still wanted to bank on nostalgia. They wanted to have their Sic-Six-layer cake and eat it too.
It's very obvious that JJ doesn't know what to do with Finn after his narrative role as decoy protagonist is over with.

RJ tried to give him an arc about learning to care for the cause of the Resistance and not just his friends. It wasn't the best but it IS an arc. But JJ in Rise of Skywalker clearly has no idea what he's meant to do with this character despite the fact that HE came up with the idea. Treverrow had the great idea of having him lead a stormtrooper rebellion, something everyone in the fandom wishes happened, but JJ threw the idea away, while replacing it with nothing.

Anyway there are several ideas that I don't think were inherently bad. I don't think it was inherently bad to try to do the Original trilogy again after people didn't like the prequels, or try to do a straightforward 'rebels and empire' story. Creatively simplistic sure.

I think the problem is that JJ is fundamentally a terrible writer, and his approach to filmmaking is the opposite of George's. George wants us to think this is a universe that exists off-camera independent of our viewing of it. That's why there are references to off-screen events, and for him this is the purpose of spin-offs, to further sell that illusion. JJ throws in references to things we don't see, but to him that's just because that's a thing popular movies do nowadays (in large part because that's what Star Wars did). Except in Star Wars we have half an idea of what like say 'the Clone Wars' are, because the story in Star Wars is built off of what happened in that war, even if we the audience aren't clued in on this. While JJ just throws around terms like 'the First Order' without figuring out how we got from Episode 6 to Episode 7. And this is because he fundamentally thinks the questions to mysteries are boring, which is why his reveals always FUCKING SUCK.
My mum's been watching some Shyamalan films recently, and I'll tell you, I think he's a better writer than JJ. He's still godawful, and his twists are fucking stupid, but at least he understands that he should come up with what the twist is first and foreshadow it throughout the film. They make no sense on a logical level, but they do at least make sense according to the warped logic within the films.
>So all I've got to do is DP myself with that thing and you'll pay my rent this month?
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Havoc Marauder>Razor Crest (gets bonus points because its a shitbox)>The Ghost>Mandos N1 starfighter (prequel nostalgiabait)>Ahsoka's T6 Jedi Shuttle

cant think of any other TV show main character ships that isnt just the slave-I mean boba fett's starship
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Luthen's ship from "Andor."
oh yeah I loved that thing, felt like a james bond car with all the gadgets on it
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>Luke, you need to run a train over your sis-I mean this princess we are about to rescue. She's a good friend.
I don't like star wars asymmetry in ships but at least the profiles are pretty great. I liked the Eta class in Ahsoka pretty well too. It's my eternal regret that the tie fighters weren't around in the clone wars because you can't play a game as a group of scrappy mercenaries strapped to their suicide ships.
And yeah, there were variants around as early as 29BBY but they don't mention what they were. The Scimitar was probably the earliest thing with the tie silhouette.
>I think the problem is that JJ is fundamentally a terrible writer, and his approach to filmmaking is the opposite of George's. George wants us to think this is a universe that exists off-camera independent of our viewing of it. That's why there are references to off-screen events, and for him this is the purpose of spin-offs, to further sell that illusion.
This is something I've come to realize. I like worldbuilding, for me it's one of the most important parts of a story. Not that plot or characters aren't important, but at least if they suck there's something else to fall back on. Even in a historical setting I think I can tolerate bad writing more if the background is well described.

I think this is why I never really hated the prequels the way other people did, because that's one thing it absolutely nailed spot-on, better than anything else it did. Well, mostly didn't hate, I still have only seen Attack of the Clones twice.

I hope that sort of minutiae doesn't get neglected in the future. I still haven't seen the Mandalorian but I liked the idea of that one planet with a droid bar, it's one part of the setting that gets neglected.
I think everyone here would, it's such a big part of what makes /tg/ material tick and the reason you're here instead of /toy/ or /hc/.
I think Favreau and Filoni fully understand George's intent. What's funny to me when you go back and look at people reacting to Star Wars as it was coming out, people are treating George Lucas as some once-in-a-lifetime visionary and they just can't wrap their heads around how he was able to envision Star Wars fully formed as it was.

But to my autistic brain it's rather simple. He went and stole a bunch of the things he liked, and smashed them together. He stole a bunch of japanese samurai tropes he got from watching samurai films in film-school, some king-arthur stuff, some WW2 film genre stuff, and the pulpy buck-rodgers sci-fi stuff he grew up watching in the 50's, plus his social commentary on US life in the 70's, and so on and so forth. But what was the special sauce that made all that work together was he took it seriously- something unheard of in genre fiction at the time. Sci-Fi in the 50's was considered incredibly trite and disposable, and George wasn't unaware of that stuff, but when he was a kid he took it seriously and tried to figure out what those worlds were like even outside the context of the stories he was consuming. And he sought to try to make THAT kind of science-fiction movie. One that existed even when the camera wasn't going on. That's why it starts in the middle of the story. That and to emulate the feeling of picking up a comic series that had been going on for twenty years (again something he had to deal with as a kid in the 50's).

Anyway everyone I just find it amazing that to this day people don't understand why Star Wars works.
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>I just would have made Han Solo a McCarthur-esque Admiral for the New Republic, which could have added some dyamism with Leia leaving to lead the Resistance.
I'm not sure Han would work as an establishment leader, even as one wild and uncontrollable as MacArthur. But I did have a similar idea myself that he ended up running his own smuggling/pirate fleet, partially formed to help him track down and bring home Ben but also just cause if you're going to have an older Han, it's a natural compromise between him being a boring general in the Republic (something Ford himself was done with early on) and him just being a grandpa still running drugs with his one pal.
I spent some time awhile ago looking at the kind of press and fandom discussion material coming out around the release of the OT, and it's really enlightening. Before ANH even came out, there was a whole special issue magazine going over all the classic movies and serials it was building off of. Lots of nerds excited to see a big production using this stuff. There's even a really neat book from a journalist who shadowed the production of ESB and it goes into all sorts of detail about not only the day to day work and the actors and film crew, but the "shadow" George casts over the production and how his own philosophy melds in to the production.

It's telling that they liken it to him allowing people to play with his toys.
The V-wing is basically the proto-TIE, down to lacking shields and hyperdrive, though it only shows up very late in the prequel era.
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>that art
kek indeed
But it's not the worst SW comic art, at least the faces look vaguely human and more or less like the characters they are meant to be.

And to be honest, the only way I see han Solo is as the psyops/blackops type officer with underworld contacts everywhere. The Alliance may call him 'General', but he is the type of guy you really want when shit is hitting the fan and you need decisive action to get shit done. Once peace breaks out, he is the kind of officer that ends up running wild-ass half-merc campaigns in !not space Rhodesia because he's fucking bored by the political 4D chess games his wife plays.
Which is sort of like the iconoclast McArthur, but just far more someone with roots in teh Brtitish WW2 SOE, if you wantr a real-world analogy.

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today's reveal?
Nah, that's a set two card.
fair enough

shame it didnt come to x-wing, I know fan rules exist
could've had a republic and scum version
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Thoughts on this deleted sequence where Luke hits Vader's mask? Apparently Lucas thought it would make it too obvious Luke was going to win the fight. This explains why Vader's breathing seems damaged later though.
I kind of liked the acrobatics since it fits nicely with the speed, but you barely saw the sparks - most people would probably just ignore it.
I saw a version with more sparks somewhere maybe enhanced by a fan, but I'd assume anyway they'd make it more obvious if they kept
Should doublebladed lightsabers be an exclusive “bad guy weapon”
No, that would be odd, but I think you could make a reasonable extrapolation from TPM that it's a style that the Jedi haven't seen in use in a very, very long time.
No but it should be a rarer style since it's so aggressive
Isn't it the opposite? It should be a rarer style because it's defensive, and the sith are all about reliable and conservative fighting styles because they believe in their superiority.
Everything I've seen in the EU portrays it as a more aggressive style with less defence
It's not defensive though. The in-setting excuse for such an impractical weapon is that they like it exactly because it's so impractical almost nobody uses it, so your opponent will struggle to figure out your technique and counteract your attacks.
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What's his fucking problem?
Mein Brudder, are you me?
I fucking LOVED toy-age OriginalTrilogy mythology.

remember the Joseph Campbell special that aired in 1990?
I treated that almost as canon, because it taught me the storytelling instead of telling more of the story.
great thing for a future DM

what was that little maneuver? in 1980's logic, not nu-lore.
It's great. I think kicking Vader down the stairs already showed Luke would win.
Yes, but really it's advantage should be on defense. That's even what we saw in the Maul fight, him defending from multiple sides and angles at once.
Since when? I thought it was specifically for fighting multiple people.
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You could make the case for it.
Exar Kun did invent those.
Sure but I assume the usual fight is one on one and the double bladed saber is used to overwhelm
Fuck I love this retard
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For me, it's either this, the Centurion battlecruiser, or the Dreadnought heavy cruiser. It's too hard to choose just one.
Gladiator class star destroyer.
Although I have a tremendious soft spot for Recusant class too.
It's hilarious the pre-New Hope days when nobody knew they were making the biggest movie franchise in history.

George had gotten his start with American Graffiti (again this is due to his 50's nostalgia and particularly the car-culture- this is why the prequels have a lot of chrome in them), which was an alright film, but nothing really groundbreaking. But he was personal friends with Steven Spielberg who of course did Jaws so everyone in Hollywood has to listen to him. And only Spielberg really believed in anything George had to say. Keep in mind he was pretty young for a filmmaker back then and would be part of a big hollywood revolution of the 70's of kids who went to film-school, often described as filmmakers who 'made movies about movies'.

So anyway Spielberg wants to work with George Lucas on a movie, but he's busy filming something else, might have been ET or something. So he badgers one of the studio's to let George make his dream sci-fi film, and this is an era where Hollywood HATES sci-fi. There were big classics sure, Planet of the Apes, Space Odyssey, Onions Green, Logan's Run, etc. but they were considered massive money sinks. The effects budget had been ballooning since the 70's, while general audiences took them no more seriously, and they were considered very niche. But Spielberg wants you to give his buddy a million dollars to make a dumb sci-fi movie you do it. The icing on the cake was George agreeing to hand over all profits to the studio in exchange for merchandising rights. Which is a sucker move, because NOBODY is going to buy merch for this dumb sci-fi movie nobody is going to watch (foreshadowing).

So George gets to work and he has to save every penny he can. If you watch the Sandman scene where he's shaking his stick over Luke they actually just rewind and play a few frames over and over again to save a half-second of film, they were that desperate to save money.
So anyway George releases Star Wars and it's the biggest movie in film history. The studio is salivating over the box office results, and immediately sign on George to do two more films at 20x the budget. After all- they get to pocket ALL the ticket sales of these films. Worth noting- he hadn't signed a deal for a trilogy, that only started happening after Lord of the Rings. Sequels sold HORRIBLY in the 70's. George was hoping he could make enough money selling books and t-shirts over the next twenty years that he could make a sequel like in the 90's. This is why he split the second film in to Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

And now that Spielberg is done with his film, he talks with George and they agree to do an Indianna Jones film (both of them loving pulp adventure novels of that exact type when they were kids).

And George goes from this dumbass kid from California that thinks he knows how to make movies that wants to make his dumb little sci-fi film about space-wizards that none of the execs can wrap their heads around to being a messiah of filmmaking.
Also worth noting- Carrie Fischer thought she was throwing away her first acting role. Her mom was a major film-star and she thought she'd dip her toes in the water with a film nobody would ever watch. Harrison Ford was in it entirely for the paycheck, he'd been around film-productions a while and was convinced he was making schlock.

Only Mark Hamill, who at that point had only been in a dog-food commercial thought that he was making his big break. So then it's doubly hilarious that he was right and he had the time of his life making those films, seeing the fans. I mean I think the other two were pretty happy with the results too, they just couldn't understand how they'd gotten from point a to point b.
>Harrison Ford was in it entirely for the paycheck
That's why he was able to play such a convincing in it for the money mercenary type character.
Think about it. Where's the other end of the lightsaber? exactly in the opposite direction of the first blade. An opponent controlling your first blade also controls your second. Bane tells the audience this while training Zannah wrong as a joke.
The encyclopedia
It's a real revelation when you get old enough to realise that most "great" film stars are really just "playing" a slightly more intense version of themselves and couldn't act their way out of a paper bag.
>what was that little maneuver? in 1980's logic, not nu-lore.
Took out an entire pirate fleet without firing a shot.
High King Dickhead gives horny lots of money and power for following along with him. What's not to like?
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I read something once calling Juyo lightsaber improv saxophone jazz. Niman in the hands of Exar Kun is him playing a game of "You have a gun? I have bullet proof armour, nyah nyah" and it working.
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This concept art makes me feel things
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is anyone even excited for the upcoming slate of movies?

will they get shitcanned after the inevitable failure of the mandalorian and grogu? mando S3 really shit the bed
I'm not convinced that any of them other than Mando will ever see the light of day, Disney keeps changing course too frequently.
>is anyone excited
I'm sure as fuck not
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>acolyte cancelled
>ashoka cancelled
>andor in production hell
man this sucks
>NJO was very well received, almost every book in the series was a fucking bestseller.
it had it's fans but it considered cringe af, only reason you don't get snippets posted to make fun of it it's because it's long af and nobody wants to reread it.
>>acolyte cancelled
>>ashoka cancelled
>man this sucks

They pick up garbage every week; I'm sure if you ask nicely, they can arrange to deliver it to you, instead of the dump.
>So then it's doubly hilarious that he was right and he had the time of his life making those films, seeing the fans
>time of his life
immediately after a new hope he nearly died in a car crash and as soon as he got out of the hospital thinking his pretty boy career was over george went and told him he was gonna star... the christmas special.
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picture for context.
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Nah, just havin' a laugh.
there are a lot of imperial soldiers/officers turned rebels (Han Solo, Kyle Katarn, General Nadine, etc) but how would rebel turned imperial would work? would Empire accept such turncoats?
If you were low ranking enough and didn't tell, they'd never know. Just chalk up your lack of recent work history to moisture farming or something.
Best star wars waifu coming up
Nta but I am saddened we won't get to see more of Ray's character albeit that moreso being because he's dead and Qimir or whatever the asian sith guy's name was from the acolyte
his post car crash look was kino, made him look like he'd been through the wars which worked well for Luke
was Han ex imperial in Legends? I've read thrawn and some other shit but has never come up
I recall Han having been a young Imperial officer who grew disenfranchised with the Empire, and at one point freed a bunch of Wookiee slaves, among which was Chewie.
But I remember this from pre-episode 3 lore, so I don't know if things changed even as part of "legends" after Chewie was shoved into the prequels for no adequate reason.
Ahsoka wasn't cancelled. It's just been delayed that filming won't even start until next summer and it won't come out until after Mando and Grogu movie, so it's likely a late 2026 release.
cant wait for filoni to fuck up a bunch of characters even more
Eh, I think people expect that. Nobody goes to see a Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks movie thinking "I wonder what new and exciting transformation he'll pull off this time!" And anyway it seems kind of unfair to dig at someone for only being able to do one part convincingly when most actors, let alone most people, can't even do one.

That said it reminds me of Christopher Lee saying that the shelf life of an actor if you're not incredibly talented is very brief and people will get tired of you in ten years, tops.

Funny that the crew were upset about that, it reminds me of how they tried to avoid showing Scotty's hand on Star Trek because Doohan had lost several fingers in the war and how that confused him because Scotty is an engineer handling heavy machinery, what would you expect? Also a naval officer, both Nimitz and Yamamoto had lost fingers and that's just off the top of my head.
yeah, IIRC, Han was military flight academy graduate, but grown disillusioned with imperial regime, gone AWOL, freed bunch of wookies & became smuggler. i think its good backstory to how he is so good a pilot
Han Solo and Indiana Jones are basically the same character.
It's probably mentioned somewhere in canon, but how do hyperspace routes (the Hydian Way, Perlemian Trade Route, etc.) work? Like are they naturally occurring areas where hyperspace travel is faster and easier, sort of like areas of the oceans with favorable wind patterns during the age of sail, or just areas that have been explored and mapped well enough that you can travel them without having to worry about accidentally crashing into a sun?
Alien Exodus
Lots of it is a bit hand wavy. While theoretically hyperspace maps to realspace, in practice no it fucking doesn't. Mostly it's your second option, where it's bits where you don't have to worry about hitting a sun, or wandering black holes having a supersnack, or exotic radiation. With hints of the first - the Unknown Regions historically have a huge sign that have 'Fuck off" on them, because people just couldn't penetrate more than a very small way in with conventional hyperspace into half the goddamned galaxy. Those hyperspace anomalies turn up in other areas too, but never in quite such dramatic fashion.

I've always suspected that hyperspace is just a bit smaller, but 'stretched' a little to match. So you travel faster while you're in there but nothing is quite as it seems and things are really hinky.
Hell, on that note, I wouldn't be surprised to find out hyperspace itself was something the gree or some other precursor species with hypertech got hammered and bolted together one day, explaining it's space limited nature.
Star Wars novel?
It's my birthday
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Happy Birthday Anon!
corran horn could have made this little psycho his bitch.

instead he goes full cuck loser pussywhipped balless faggot for that bitch mirax.
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thanks dad
Were any of Luke’s nu Jedi NOT cucked at some point or another?
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The most kino Dark Jedi look. Just needs a grey hooded cloak to wear when not in combat
10/10 would loot, pillage, and terrorize with.
All Kotor robes looked like shit.
I just finished reading it for the first time and honestly, I sincerely wish I could go back in time and murder you and everyone like you because it's awesome and I wish I could have enjoyed it at the time rather than avoiding it because I had too many cynical antifans in my friend circle.
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>When Vector Prime initially released, it spent four weeks on the New York Times Bestsellers List.[4] Following this initial success, every subsequent novel in the series—all 19 books—would make the Bestsellers List.[54] This feat would go on to make it the longest continuous NYT Bestselling series in Star Wars history. By the end of 2005, the series had sold over 4 million books worldwide.[55]
Happy birthday! *feeds you cake and cookies and other assorted snacks*
I can't help but think of some kind of man-kini.
That'd be hard to do plausibly, because the rebels are terrorists to the Empire. Imagine some if Osama just changed his mind and came to live in america after 9/11, there's no way that'd fly with anyone. If you insisted on doing it, the ISB or whoever would likely keep the person on a very, very short leash, which I guess would explain why they're doing Player Character things.
Hyperspace travel in Star Wars is all about mapping and mass. If you know with absolute certainty you way is clear and unobstructed you can open the throttle and blast across the galaxy as fast as your engine can carry you - that's the trade lanes, routes that have existed for so long without changing in unpredictable ways that the chances of something going wrong if you gun it are basically nonexistent. The main lanes exist in the most stable corridors of realspace in the galaxy, are mapped down to small rogue asteroids that pass through them once in a century, and they're constantly monitored by galactic authorities and by the endless numbers of ships travelling them and nav updates will be available if anything does slightly change pretty much instantly.

But every bit of uncertainty introduced into things slows things down. If you don't know with utter certainty your route will be clear of significant mass shadows, you have to go slower so you have a better chance of not reappearing inside a star or pancaking right into the surface of a planet after you drop out. The more frequently a route changes, the longer it takes for your navicomputer/droid to compute your path each time you jump. The more densely packed the mass shadows are, the more you'll have to split your journey up into shorter hops and recompute again each time you drop out. All of these factors can compound upon each other introducing greater and greater risk until you get to a point where your only chance of flying a particular route is to have Force-powered foresight and a hyper-maneuverable starship and even then it can be dicey.

That's how I read it at least.
As a kid I always thought of them as pajamas
>all forgotten
>Hyperspace travel in Star Wars is all about mapping and mass. If you know with absolute certainty you way is clear and unobstructed you can open the throttle and blast across the galaxy as fast as your engine can carry you

That's how I view it as well and is why the species in the unstable Unknown Regions mostly use prescient navigators (like in Dune).
Ah, in that case I wonder how they're gonna work around his death, AI/deepfakes or different actor possibly wearing a helmet
>seething and coping
>flames out in disgraceful buttflusteredness
Recast early, recast often. (They won't, because some executive learned all the wrong lessons from Solo, they'll just double down on Rebels spinoffs and Filoniverse era casts)
I think they should have another shot at an animated movie

relatively cheap to make (in comparison to live action), the demand for it is there, solves the recasting problem anons are talking about
they can make long episodes like the bad batch pilot and finale, and the animation quality has improved a hundredfold since the last time it was attempted in 2008

LoTR is attempting an animated movie too if we wanna count that
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How often do you allow people to play deep lore creatures, I played an entire campaign as a Tarc bounty hunter (there was so little lore about them that I was able to stretch a bit to make him talk). Where do you draw the line
I would draw the line at one of those shitpost races that appears like once in the background of a movie

like the mantis guy in ANH
As long as the character felt logical in the setting I'm down with whatever. Even background of 70's Marvel species (not that anyone would try,).
It's messed up the Tarc supposedly have a great interstellar navy but got no starship lore.
Mantis guy in ANH is creepy, as Wolf Man. Fucking mantis insects.
Our brother /asoiaf/ has gone extinct.
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Did you know that George Lucas was inspired by George RR Martin's sci-fi works in creating the wookies?
that's a common misconception, he was actually insprired by looking at GRRM himself
No, I didn’t knew that yet.
Pfff kek.
A nose job could do those Vong some good.
Well Sarkli became a Storm Commando officer.

But then again Piett's his uncle.
One of my Players is a Selonian in my Clone Wars game

In the B-Troupe for my mercenary game we have a fucking Sauvax whose entire shtick is to be *giant allied crab*
Which alien race were the biggest dicks in Star Wars history? My money is on the Rakata or the Vong
Rakata and Vong are not canon.

The answer is Humans. Palpatine was a human. Tarkin was a human. Darth Vader was a human.
The Kaminoans.
What do you mean by "canon," huh?

If olde EU, they are.
If pure Lucas canon they aren't
If Disney canon, they are (thx to Andor)
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The Gorach were assholes. Basically immortal mongol-jew gorillas with four arms. It took a civil war over power to stop them basically owning the galaxy. And I guess the whills are the biggest dicks for not turning the universe into a perfect heaven.
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That thread had even less gameplay than us though. There was one guy who would cheerfully tell stories and post piles of houserules to fill in the gaps that is the sifrpg system, and I think that was literally it. Godspeed, "What can go wrong if we just add more wildfire?" man.
It is the trifecta:
>Generals barely justify themselves anyway.
>Big franchises keep fucking themselves up.
I half wish /swg/ would die too.
>Palpatine was a human
Palpatine was Naboo, the Naboo are the problem, the Naboo think they are so smarty, they think their brains so big.

(Boss Nass was right in his criticisms, Naboo produced the end of everything.)
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/swg/ is de facto dead. As is this franchise.
I don't fucking know but I'm sure it's one
I just googled it and guess fucking what
need I even say it?

It's undeniable, folks - all villains hail from the outer rim. Something must be done.
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.
who inherits the title of serenno after dooku died?

he got his immediate family killed, and given that the people refer to themselves as "serennian" it implies that his family ruled over the planet for generations (as the planet is named after the family, "dooku" is his first name)
Serenno wasn't home to only one noble house. It was almost quasi-roman. Post clone wars, Vader came back and butchered most of the house leaders and put a nephew Dooku hated in charge. The nephew who had been forced, along with his mother, off world when Dooku rolled in to take charge. He was killed by imperial intelligence for.. uh, something, I don't remember.

Nucanon, the imperials rolled in and proceeded to channel their inner israeli. They looted the place and nothing else ever came of it, as far as I know. It's been a while since I cared enough to google it.
luv monika
doesnt seem to be much information about the planet beyond the looting of dooku's castle, it does look like the other great houses exist however

maybe just....nobody cared to fill in the position of count and the planet just faded into irrelevance due it its culture snd populace getting decimated
The planet was pretty poor. I'd guess some other member of the noble houses filled in after a while and started monetising things.
Count Dooku was replaced by Count Dookie, the designated. Many streets were named after him.
The greatest punishment Anakin can devise. Space India!
Serrano became the centre of holonet call centres. The Empire outsourced a lot of it's complaints there. Try and call to get a replacement Identichip, I dare you.
I think dooku was probably extorting the other great houses for money and wealth
with him gone the other great houses probably just kept to their territories to not be on any imperial radar, the war cost them too much as it did so the imps can just have the war chest

back to the point about the title though:
all dead
>seperatist leaders/second in command of separatist parliament?
all dead/doesnt exist
>general grievous?
I mean yeah? not like palpatine would want anything out of it besides the war chest
would be funny but she was removed as apprentice ages ago and was dead

good morning saars
I thought Naboo was Mid Rim
Thanks, my cat threw up on the couch
>I think dooku was probably extorting the other great houses for money and wealth

It's not impossible, but I always got the feeling Serenno was pretty poor. They didn't seem to have huge exports or anything very valuable, with luxury wood products being big parts of it. Feudal nobility doesn't usually produce great prosperity. Plus Dooku's predecessor proceeded to remove every job he could find and replace them with droids. Taxation on its own is probably extortionate enough.

Oh, and in addition to the bubble around half the galaxy, big hyperwave transceivers can apparently disrupt hyperroutes too.
It's the equivalent of a highway, a big space where navigation isn't hindered by cosmic stuff compared to back roads that have to navigate around stuff.
Happy Birthday, Anon
Naboo was near Tatooine as per TPM and AOTC.
My memory is fuzzy was it stated or implied because they went from Naboo to Tatt so quickly
Naboo is midrim but on the border of midrim/outer rim.
>Rakata and Vong are not canon.
Disney is non-canon, sorry to be the one to break it down to you.
Damn, that EUfag got gaped fr.
Rakata Prime shows up in Disney canon maps and if George had made the choice. The Vong would have been wrapped up in TCW.
I like the idea of han holding a kind of nebulous position as the NR's heaviest troubleshooter, like maybe he is in the unique position of holding both an officer's commission *and* an unconditional letter of marque and reprisal signed by every chancellor the New Republic has ever had
Most Disneytrannies and Lucas purists feel immense pain when they are reminded of one of their idols' predicaments in the steaming hot summer of 1992...
pfffff imagine being such a limp wristed cuck that you let other people tell you what parts of your fiction you can pretend are real.
We all know Dark Empire is the dumbest part of the EU, and that's saying something. But how can you fix it while retaining the base idea (Palpatine has clones and hidden fallbacks)?

Also on an unrelated note I swear I've seen an actual prequel era jedi listed as having a red lightsaber but I'm starting to think I'm nuts. Anyone got an idea who?
>We all know Dark Empire is the dumbest part of the EU
Its not.
>But how can you fix it while retaining the base idea (Palpatine has clones and hidden fallbacks)?
I mean, Dark Empire is a weird proto-fix for Rise of Skywalker, before TROS even dropped.
I said EU, not canon, because all of canon is pretty dumb at the moment. TROS was based on dark empire and they made it worse, somehow.
Oh, for Dark Empire, I'd reduce the scope of the superweapons. No Eclipse, no Galaxy Gun. The World Devastators are actually interesting so I'd have them be included more than not, if anything. They're cool quasi-WOTW Tripods mixed with the Star Forge. They're also not generic 'blow up a planet' type weapons, so they get extra props for that.

Palpatine's clone return I don't have much issues with. Now that we have the backstory of Kamino and the Starkilla clones that Vader was working on, maybe weave it in with that. Have it be that both Vader and Palpatine were competing for clone projects during the Galactic Civil War, Palpatine won out, obviously.
Suncrusher is worse than Dark Empire
Ehh.. the writing is better, but the plot is dumber-er, I'll give you that.
>Palpatine's essence transfer worked
Forget him, check out Lando - it looks like he was part wookiee all this time.
>It's hilarious the pre-New Hope days when nobody knew they were making the biggest movie franchise in history
While this is true, it's also true that there were people who got in early and were clearly excited by what was happening. There was some producer or something, Kurtz, that despite seeming like just another company suit is in a lot of the behind the scenes stuff you can find, like from the Marvel comics, trying to push it. Same for some of the others got an early look before release, and then went out to give it breathless praise. The higher ups may not have thought much of it, but there were a few who seemed to be acting like this might be something worthwhile besides Lucas.

I wish I could find the page again, but there's some marvel page at the time where Stan Lee was like "some guy came and bothered me about doing an adaptation of some sci-fi movie but I brushed him off. He then came back a few months later, having talked one of our premier writers into it, so we met and hashed out an adaptation that started before the movie came out, like the book." That Marvel series would go on to last for years, along side the movies.
Adi Gallia had a red lightsaber in the Jedi Power Battles game and some of the legends comics.
Thank you. I was starting to think I'd just really extrapolated that old greentext about an OR sith pretending to be a prequel jedi and them just humoring him because it was hilarious
R.I.P /asoiaf/ & /swg/
The glory days ened with the pain train, and that was almost a decade ago
Andor mentioned the Rakata. When Stellan Skarsgard gave Andor the sky kyber crystal he mentioned it was from a planet that was celebrating defeating a Rakatan invasion. So they're at least partially canon again.
Came back to save the thread.
Better to let the general die than continue with this faggot's rampant, autistic obsession with that god awful ship design.

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