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Previous thread: >>93826128

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/s2g/ (starfinder 2e) link repository: https://paizo.com/store/pathfinder/rulebooks/core
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Why did Paizo change the book binding art 4 times and target me specifically?
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>Lost Omens went from plain to extended art to plain again
pdf gang wins again
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Also the splatbooks pre and post ogl fiasco have no consistent binding
Rival Academies art looks like tribal garbage. Fucking wiiwarekungz shit. I want raya bulgaria academy gowns and burger king head masks.
I just have no idea what the fuck is supposed to be happening in the image. Truly nonsense
I'm trying not to let my expectations run too wild, but rereading playtest and the post-playtest blog on Exemplar has me thinking it might be my most anticipated class in the game. It's not difficult to tone its flavor down from "demigod" to just some kind of wuxia bullshit class, if they clean up the passive effects so it doesn't require you to constantly flip them off and on it just looks fun. It's frustrating it'll only be coming out months after I already locked in and started playing a champion in a campaign. At least I can take solace in knowing Justice Champion still seems pretty fun, so I can look forward to playing it.
Fingers crossed Exemplar plays nice with battlezoo dragons, too

Tell me what stuff you're excited about, /pgg/, either upcoming content or stuff upcoming in your home games.
The TTRPG is fine and all but as the sole member of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and board game fanclub I've got to say the new wizkids dice chucker looks dumb. It doesn't even have the saving grace of being a good resource for miniatures like Pathfinder Arena.

View of some of the behind the scenes production on Starfinder 1e. No wonder it seems like a complete clusterfuck of a system
>"The D20 System is built on robbing people"

That got a chuckle out of me.

Otherwise yeah the Environmental Protection thing is weird, still more or less a thing in the 2e playtest. Doubly weird that it's now specified that even if you turn them on you're not safe from poison gasses.
are there any items (not powers, feats, spells or archetypes) in 2e that can call your armor onto you like a power ranger/sentai hero
It's funny how a lot of the stuff in this is stuff me and everyone I know complained about with SF1e
Pretty sure the concept behind the book is that its a big meeting between various academies throughout Golarion. The people on the left are all from some vageuly techie place while the people on the right are probably from the African Not-Hogwarts that uses a mix of druidic and arcane magic.
not powers, feats, spells or archetypes

Dedicated Arcane Casters:

Dedicated Divine Casters:

Dedicated Occult Casters:

Dedicated Primal Casters:

Choose your spell list Casters:

Druid sits all alone as the only person who has to take Primal, kind of weird honestly. They never got a spontaneous caster version in 1e like Wizard and Cleric did either.
I thought that Animist would be primal but nope.
I'm just not sure if they're amazed by the gnomes getting the machine active or trading a story while the women fondle a tree or what, I just think the framing of the art piece itself is a little muddled. It's certainly no School of Athens
Animist is divine+mostly primal (from what was shown) but we'll see in a month how hard they raped the class with reworked subclasses
Divine/Primal mix is pretty neat and weirdly intersects PERFECTLY with the setting of my next homebrew campaign(there's a bunch of semi-divine nature spirits around).

Side note: it's weird that Fey are associated with Primal when Primal has very few illusion or trickery based spells in it. Half the Fey Sorcerer's bloodline spells aren't from the primal list because all the illusion stuff is on Arcane and Occult.
I genuinely think that Paizo just lacks the creativity to come up with a second primal caster that isn't druid.
This. It's especially evident if you look at how Animist works and the fact that they added new Primal Witch patrons and lessons. Sorc and Witch are good classes to be your only alternatives at least.
Can you come up with one that doesn't tread on any existing 2e classes' toes?
Spellsower. They get 3-slot casting with 1-6 spell seeds per day. Spell seeds are rank 1-3 spells that can be heightened over the course of the day based on the subclass you choose.
Steal D&D's homework and import the Seeker. A primal weapon user who attaches effects to all of their attacks (movement speed decreases, denying reactions, forced movement, etc.), some of which can actually be competent control (immobilize, teleport, blind, etc.). Also adds wisdom to damage with all their attacks but is dex or str primary and is not a primary damage dealer.
>steal D&D's homework
That won't work. Try again.
It's fine, they don't care about the seeker.
I wouldn't put it past WOTC to jump at a new chance to take down paizo desu
WoW Shaman, you juggle elemental totems (auras/stances) that give potent but short lived effects, capstone to have multiple going at once or free action sustain/swap. Could have feats to throw the aura at a party member and expand the radius.
Then don't call it the Seeker, obviously.
A slight downgrade to the Starfinder 2e seeker rifle was warranted, but not a debilitating downgrade to "worse than a heavy crossbow."


I think that the seeker rifle was definitely one of the best weapons in the game, and certainly best-in-slot as a default weapon for several characters. All of the envoys I had created and played used a seeker rifle, for example. However, the seeker rifle had its flaws; sometimes, my operative with a seeker rifle would have to awkwardly perform a two-action reload, a non-negligible inconvenience.

I do not agree with the sheer degree of downgrade that Paizo gave it. Magazine 1 and volley 60 feet make it very, very niche. Past the lowest of levels, maintaining improvements on weapons can be significantly expensive. Even an operative who absolutely wants to bring along a sniper rifle "just in case" is better-off with a shirren-eye rifle: yes, 20 less range increment, but fatal d12 is a good improvement to damage output.

Consider that the seeker rifle is now worse than a heavy crossbow:
>Consider that the seeker rifle is now worse than a heavy crossbow:
Well to be fair, starfinder is not allowed to have better stuff than pathfinder because that would make pathfindr playes unhappy
The Animist is the pf1e shaman with a name change
So now that the bone scepter got nerfed is there a single SF melee weapon that isn't complete ass?
Any links to the starfinder 2e playtest foundry modules? Pretty much everything in the link repository has been dead for a long time.
Jesus Volley 60ft?

Good luck using that in anything other than a massive battlefield.

Beyond that looking at the release playtest it having a magazine of 6 does look like it was a mistake, its description says its a single shot rifle. A just, truly awful single shot rifle, but a single shot rifle.

Look, I understand Paizo doesn't want to fuck with the numbers too much, but they've got to give Starfinder gear a definitive leg up on Pathfinder Gear because it's legitimately really silly that a big crossbow has greater effectiveness than what is obviously supposed to be a high caliber rifle.

Actually, wait, the fucking Crossbolter exists!? It's also a simple 2-handed ranged weapon with very long range that does 1d10 piercing damage and is Analog. The only differences is that A. it's the Bow group(so pins people in place on a crit instead of dealing 2-6 extra damage on a crit) and ITS ONLY 1 ACTION TO RELOAD!?
What's the best weapon you can find for Hand of the Apprentice at level 1? Hardmode, no humans.

My pick is Great Pick via Kobold. Mathematically it's ALMOST the highest damage you can get, and more importantly, it looks the coolest flying through the air.
Two of us are re-rolling. We're allowed to make new character at lv 12. I'm trying to decide between Duettist Bard (/w faerie dragon) or Wizard?
We have
>A Fighter
>A Hunter
>A Summoner or Monk (Other player that is rerolling, he hasn't decided.)
>A Summoner or Monk
Ah yes, one of the most versatile and powerful classes in the game vs flurry of misses in a level way past its prime.

Bard lets you do CHA stuff, bardic knowledge and the bard unique buff spells, Wizard has better CC, and a spellbook which is more naturally versatile. Depends on how competent the players building and running the other charas are. Bard will depend more on party IQ, Wizard significantly less so.
Personally I would go with the Bard. It seems it would mesh well with the rest of the party.
Wizards at that level are silly powerful, but honestly I personally find them quite boring unless they have something else going on in addition of spells.
Bard it is. I've never had a chance to play wizard, but Duettist Bard is also something new that could lend itself to more roleplay.
Noo haha don't go Duettist you're so sexy
Be cool and play a Mute Musician
>The Music of Erich Zann turned into an Archetype
What the actual fuck. I just might for the reference.
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There is a way.
What kind of melee weapon should I use as a ranger switch-hitter in 2e? Should I go for a dex weapon? 1h+empty, 2h, or TWF?

Good lord my expectations were low, but jeezus...
What, it looks exactly how I have imagined videogame based on 2e would look like
is there a good index on languages and who uses them?
Trying to figure out what languages some other races (or extraplanar critters) would speak but the nethys page is a huge pain to use.
what do lizardfolk speak? what do ogres speak? Plane of Water critters? etc.
Like the cheapest trash imaginable?
>what do lizardfolk speak?
>what do ogres speak?
>Plane of Water critters?

Just look up creatures in the relevant family/with the relevant traits on Nethys, some common themes should pop up in their listed languages.
So, playing 1e Arcanist. Anyone have any favorite feats they wanna reccomend? I also am starting with 16k gold because 6th level.
I'm *Considering* dirty trick (Fireball) and evocation wizard variant multiclass, so far.
Were you expecting a BG3 or Owlcat game? They've stated that this one is basically going to be minis months ago.
actually, followup question. Taking bloodline development- does it allow me to get bloodline bonus feats or....? is it just the powers category. Obviously not spells but just curious
The problem honestly starts with how watered down they made druid to begin with. He's the animals-plants-spirits full caster guy, who can also mix it up in combat. They just tossed every nature egg into the same basket, and ended up with a generic class that doesn't really nail any of its niches, but also doesn't leave much design space.
In a more sane world, they'd have split things from the start. Make a full caster druid that focuses on the natural world aspect, you know, trees, mountains, that sort of shit. Then a spontaneous spirit channeler/shaman full caster who taps into the primal forces of nature spirits, maybe somewhat similar to sorcerer bloodlines or oracle curses, but with the ability to flexibly shift through them by channeling another spirit X times per day. And lastly, the 1e shifter-type animal aspect melee warrior with partial casting. That's three easy and obvious classes right there.
Druid should have had the same deal as cleric, where your Druid order massively changed your class chassis. Unfortunately that experiment started and ended with Cleric, and it will likely be a while before a class archetype for Druid gets made.
Why wouldn't it work? It's not like Paizo ditched wizard schools, sorcerer bloodlines, cleric domains, barbarian rage, monk flurry of blows, or other broad D&D class mechanics with the remaster. They just filed the serial numbers off possibly trademarkable rules terms. They could pretty trivially steal many of 4e's classes and change the names.
Don't forget how we got dollar store dragonborn in PC2.
If my character’s species is an adult at 3 with a max age of 30+4d10, would 17 or 19 or a different age be better for him to be seen as a grandfather/older man for his species? I’m presuming that with his species turning the equivalent of 18 at 3 then 4 or 5 seems like a proper age for said species to start making families? Not quite sure.
wow, this sucks
>That cover
I have no idea who is the target audience for this book, but that's not me.
Can somebody walk me through how wizards fight in the mid/late game when most of the challenging enemies are immune or resistant to spells? Stick to the corebook please.
Spell immunity barely exists. Just stick to buffs and spells that don't check SR, usually terrain alterations.
Spell penetration feats exist, as does dweomer essence (or whatever it's called, haven't played 1e in ages). Beyond that, see above.
What does a warden do?
Plus they're already making a shaman class (just renamed to Animist) that is, like... kinda primal, but mostly default non-primal

I feel like there's kind of a gap in the game thematically where the Occult spell list and the Primal spell list are kinda on opposite ends of the spectrum (Matter and Vitality vs Mind and Spirit), where Occult is decidedly high on spirits and tricksiness and low in 'nature', while primal is high in 'nature' but low on spiritual or tricksiness. But there's a strong fantasy of nature themed spiritual tricksiness (fey and shamanism) that thus isn't served super well by either just the occult or just the primal list. And giving them both is almost like giving them the sum total of every spell in the game which is too much.
the sad truth that wizards real power in being support classes
buffs can be so much more beneficial then a scorching ray
your power is to deal with swarms of enemies effitiently cause you have fireballs and shit
but if you fight beefcakes let the guys in armor deal with them
just throw resist energy on them or protection from evil from time to time
oh and haste
take uncomfartable ammount of haste
Is there a class that's more self-sufficient in fights in the late game? Preferably something that does not rely on the GM to hand out a pile of magic items to function like a Fighter. I might ask the GM to let me redo my character. Still core book only though.
>What does a warden do?
They're the dudes with big stone axes who walk around culling those cunts who step on leaves. A warden would be the combat oriented nature guy, who might have tricks/strikes that invoke nature effects, maybe even along the lines of some sort of vengeful guardian spirit, or nature aspect infusion as subclass choices. So a wood or forest warden would deal with difficult terrain creation, movement impairment, maybe self-heal as a minor aspect, a tempest warden with shoves and prone, mobility buffs, etc.
Back in the day, Kensei + Black Blade Magus was the go-to "our DM is a stingy fucker" class for our circle of players. Don't really need armor, don't need a weapon, you could go full dex with dervish dance for good AC and initiative, got spells for utility and buffs, and that's that. All you were lacking was healing, really, and that's trivially solved with a bag of manure and boots of earth.
priest is probably the most powerfull all rounder
can do almost anything but needs some time to get ready
magus is also kinda like that but just worse
A dex weapon is *probably slightly optimal* but you'd probably want to have both dex and strength as high as possible anyway. Focusing Strength makes you do slightly more damage, which I think *more or less* compensates from not having quite as high Attack on your bow.

1h+empty is the most straightforwardly 'switch-hitty' - it means you don't have to drop your bow, so with Quickdraw you don't have to spend an action to sheath/draw/swap. TWF is the least 'switch-hitty' - you have to draw two different weapons and have to drop/stow your bow! TWF also requires some feat investment to be good, and you want those feats to spend on your bow or on weapon-agnostic stuff.
2h is in the middle - doable, but not the quickest.

I might also recommend thrown weapons, especially during the early levels where the damage bonus you get from full strength mod to damage makes up a way higher proportion of your total damage. You don't have to worry whether you're carrying a melee weapon or a ranged weapon, because your ranged weapon IS your melee weapon! Handaxes/Tridents/light hammers + shield is a classic imo.
>Then a spontaneous spirit channeler/shaman full caster who taps into the primal forces of nature spirits, maybe somewhat similar to sorcerer bloodlines or oracle curses, but with the ability to flexibly shift through them by channeling another spirit X times per day
Isn't that mostly what Animist is, just not with the primal spell list as a primary, on account of the primal spell list just not being very spiritual?
Ah, so not a caster then, for the most part.
I do feel that the druid subclasses dont give you nearly enough specialization as they should but you could say that about caster design in general. I also agree that some classes should have a cleric framework like the Monk who could have a legendary unarmed or legendary unarmored defense build.
>When casting a spell using Sacred Geometry, first determine the effective spell level of the modified spell you are attempting to cast (calculated as normal for a spell modified by metamagic feats). You can apply any number of metamagic effects to a single spell, provided you are able to cast spells of the modified spell’s effective spell level.
>Refer to the Prime Constants table to determine the prime constants that can be used to cast a spell of the desired effective spell level. Then roll a number of d6s equal to the number of ranks you possess in Knowledge (engineering). Perform some combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division upon the numbers rolled that gives rise to one of the relevant prime constants. If you can produce one of the relevant prime constants, the spell takes effect with the declared metamagic effects, and you expend a spell slot of the unaltered spell’s level. If you are unsuccessful, you fail to cast the spell, the action used to cast the spell is lost, and the spell slot is used up. The DC of any concentration check to cast a spell affected by this feat uses the effective spell level used to determine the prime constants, even though a successful casting of the spell does not expend a higher-level spell slot.
>For example, suppose a wizard wants to add the enlarged and empowered effects to the magic missile he just cast. He adds the total level increases of the metamagic effects to the spell level: 2 [empower] + 1 [enlarge] + 1 [magic missile‘s base level] = 4, so the spell’s effective level is 4. The wizard refers to the Prime Constants table, and determines that the prime constants for that effective spell level are 31, 37, and 41.
>Since the wizard has 5 ranks in Knowledge (engineering), he rolls 5d6. The results of his dice pool are 6, 6, 4, 3 and 1.
>He then performs the following operations to give rise to one of the prime constants he needs: (6 × 6) + (4 – 3) × 1 = 37.
Whoever designed this shit was both retarded and brilliant. Personally, I absolutely love it.
druid always was a shit class
unrilated but every time a girl played with us she always picked druid
why are wizards associated with blacks now. i don't really follow the lore but I don't want the biggest magic school to be in tribals land, that just doesn't make sense
they are masters of black magic of course
>tread on any existing 2e classes' toes?
that's not a real issue.
Because it's satanic black magic. Sick shit.
that's a primal paladin, people are talking about primal sorcerer (yeah i know sorcerers can be primal, let's say primal oracle)
>the druid subclasses dont give you nearly enough specialization as they should but you could say that about caster design in general
really, the trait system could be used way better, spells should get way more traits (like the ones that mess with time should get the "time" trait, ones that teleport or warp space the "space" trait etc) and caster classes should have subclasses that buff certain kinds of spells or give benefits when you cast them, instead of "you get one spell per level from this 'flavourful' list now prepare slow and fear in all other slots"
In general, reducing spell lists to just three stifled design space for casters a lot. Having bespoke lists is what added a lot of flavor in mechanics for casters, and now that's a huge chunk of each class doomed to be generic.
Equipment Trick: Smokestick for early lv survivability
Choral Support with a Valet Familiar to always be able to turn all elemental dmg sonic

Just powers
>to just three
It will be a cold day in hell before I accept the Occult list
I used to feel that way but it's grown on me.
I want to see a Shifter class with Primal and a class chassis equivalent to summoner/magus.
...And a 'templar' class with divine and the same. Too much of a warpriest's power budget is held in having full spellcasting and a fuckload of casts of heal per day.
It's a surprisingly impressive archetype. You can still get your faerie dragon through feats but the ability to use performances across planar boundaries, in magical silence, vacuum, through stone walls, and while nauseated/stunned/dazed/paralyzed/DEAD, that's not achievable otherwise.

It's also a complete fuck you to any Wall of Force/Emergency Force Sphere users as you can now send (certain) spells and performances straight through it.
You also have to be a mute, you cannot talk, you need to actually be silent all throughout or you lose the class features. You also lose all of the inspire x class features. The entire archetype is centered around the bard spell list since it basically just interacts with the spellcasting at the expense of all of the bard things (the +Y to will saves is not really relevant to anything).
I agree with you and the removal of school trees basically killed the wizard not it got any kind of specialization in its schools anyway.
What are the good 2e arcane/divine spells other than magic weapon, fear, slow and the wall spells? Not really familiar with the divine list but it was mentioned that it got improved a bunch but with spells generally being not great last I checked, I wanted to know what are some good options to take for a sorc or cleric.
>You also lose all of the inspire x class features.
Look more carefully. You only lose Inspire Competence and Inspire Heroics. You keep Inspire Courage and Inspire Greatness. Of which Inspire Courage is the bread-n-butter of any bard in combat.

There are ways around being mute. Just by taking the Gesture Expertise trait you've solved the majority of them. Having a familiar capable of speaking solves the rest. The biggest drawback of the archetype is losing Versatile Performance but the net gain is definitely positive.
Summons, buffs, and battlefield control so your beat sticks to wreck house.
Wizards have always played that way.
Magic Weapon(now called Runic Weapon) is a god-awful spell after level 1, scales for utter dogshit with upcasting.

For the Divine List Divine Wrath(starts at 4th rank) is decent. 4d10 sanctified spirit damage in a 20ft burst, only hits enemies, sickens 1 on a failed save, sickened 2 and slowed 1 on a crit failed save.
Sorry, I couldn't resist... I just...
Made a reddit account to argue on the pf2 subreddit...
Holy based, another warrior on the frontlines of the ninja and samurai debate
Ty for the excellent reply, I rlly appreciate it! Bc of how feat intensive it is I'll ignore TWF, but I'm still debating between 1h sword+offhand vs 2h sword in terms of character flavor. On one hand I think of Aragorn and his 2h Anduril along with his bow he used in the first LOTR movie as inspiration for a switch hitter, but I also feel like a sword that large could be unwieldy for a woodland ranger. Then there's Faramir and the Ithilien rangers who used a 1h sword, but ig they use their bows more than their swords. Idk, decisions desu
Magic Weapon (now Runic Weapon) is probably the best spell in the game at level 1, very good levels 2-3, and situational after that.
Haste and Heroism are very straightforward ones, as well as Fireball and Lightning Bolt against groups.
Disrupting Weapons/Infuse Vitality are situationally very useful against Undead
Befuddle is a pretty good spell for use against a single target boss enemy, especially a boss caster. Likewise with Command. Colour Spray/Dizzying Colours. Heal, of course. Sanctuary can be pretty useful situationally - I like to cast it on myself before initiating diplomacy. Calm Emotions/Calm can be used to split a fight in two; use it on one creature, and you don't have to worry about it until after you've defeated all of its allies. Dispel Magic has a billion out-of-combat uses and a fair few in-combat ones. False Life/False Vitality is a pretty good use of a 2nd level spell slot when you're a higher level and have some spare 2nd level slots to throw around. Stupefy is a good use against a single high-level spellcaster. Warrior's Regret is good against a single higher level monster, particularly one with a lot of limbs that makes a lot of attacks, and especially if you have a lot of players in your party. I remember finding Invisibility Sphere probably the most useful out-of-combat spell in the game.

That's just from ranks 1-3, at the higher levels I feel casters don't really suffer as much.
>On one hand I think of Aragorn and his 2h Anduril
Anduril isn't like a zweihander or anything, you're looking for a Bastard Sword! Something you can swing out in one hand immediately to begin combat, but can also two-hand if the situation permits when you're really in the thick of the fight!
And as a ranger, your feats, if they aren't bow/crossbow/dual-weapon related, don't really care if you're using a sword in 1 hand or 2 hands (unlike fighters, who have a lot of mutually exclusive 1h feats and 2h feats to choose from)
Don't worry the first line in the lore is that most schools in Avistan have never heard of it anyways, unless your campaign takes place in the Mwangi Expanse, the oldest colleges to your characters are probably the College of Mysteries or the Arcanamirium, at least in Avistan (Paizo are hacks and have yet to write extensively on other arcane institutions).
Sorry anon... I actually did it to comment on a caster vs martial thread...
Why bother?
I just couldn't help myself..............
What the anon at >>93878809 said about bastard swords is good intel, but I'll add an important note: since you're an archer first and foremost don't take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for single-handing the bastard sword. Rangers are proficient in martial weapons and the bastard sword is a martial weapon when used in two hands, plus you get the extra killitude from two-handing. Drop your bow when you're going for the sword, don't try to hold onto both.
Did a bit of research and cleric does seem better for it. Thanks.
>Choral support
>Valet Familiar
Oh, and thank you, it makes martyred look a little better than most others if it's just powers. Also *sorta* fits theme but more thematic arcana bloodline has too much fucky shit with metamagic to want to touch as a lower level game.
Valet Archetype on a Familiar.

Valet grants it all of your teamwork feats. Choral Support is not for you, its for the familiar to use it so your spells are affected instead.
I wonder if that martial one is remotely useable
its copium i know
it won't be
What about Magus
with bonus effects based on the spell you cast
tied to your cascade
a bit like the magus class does already?
After what they did to Battle Oracle? The martial one is screwed.
Talking pf2e here, where the bastard sword is a martial weapon
planning a late game encounter for the party to fight against big bad magus warlord
party have to fight through his army using troops and giants
they're currently level 12, expecting them to be 14-15, so using 16th level magus
going to use the titty waifu as a primal witch (whisper of wings) to buff him
first action is going to be to summon whirlwind
there's going to be plenty of time for the warlord and witch to watch and pre-cast buffs
what spells should i give titty witch?
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i wanna do a custom character sheet
did i forgot to add any information?
Might be good idea to have a spot for actual AC calculation, it sometimes gets relevant when stacking bonuses from temp spells for example.
Also two weapon slots are probably not enough, and 11 feat slots get spend pretty quickly when you start adding class/race given feats.
Same for Gear slots, though that is easy enough to expand on extra piece of paper if necessary.
You obviously lack space for spells and spell-likes, but I guess those go on separate sheet.
well its obviously for 1 particular character and i do have a normal sheet on digitally so i intentinoally kept it light on the ammount information calculations in particular
but yeah number of feats and gear is a concern
i think ill print the test sheet tomorrow to understand the font sizes cause its kinda hard to judge it on the screen
Besides buffing your spell resistance check stuff.

-Conjuration has cool SR:NO stuff, like grease, chains of light, mad monkes, etc
-Buff your teammates, crowd control your enemies
-Summons are cool, they tank, flank, sometimes hit, don't forget they appear on close range, so depending on how far you're from enemy casters, you can drop a grappler monster in front of them. Try to get in cover or be invisible before starting to cast a summoning spell, so you don't get focused and lose the spell
There's a calculator tool online specifically for this feat. Lmao
So scatter funs can't use Deadly Aim or Vital Strike, and apparently only crit fail if you roll a 1 on every target in the cone.
I have two and three-quarter questions about this, since I can't find any information about it.
>Do you have to roll a natural 20 on every target to threaten a critical?
>If so, do you have to roll everyone again to confirm it?
>Can a Cyclops Helm cut the middle man on either roll, or is it just the one?
>Can scatterfuns use Clustered Shots?
If you stack this with Arithmancy, your party can go out for lunch while you crunch the math.
>scatter funs
pathfinder 4kids version i assume?
>Do you have to roll a natural 20 on every target to threaten a critical?
No. It is a crit just against that target, the same for crit miss.
>If so, do you have to roll everyone again to confirm it?
Just that particular roll.
>Can a Cyclops Helm cut the middle man on either roll, or is it just the one?
Helm only lets you choose one single roll, not all of them.
>Can scatterfuns use Clustered Shots?
Probably. But I think it works only on a single target along cone, not all of them.
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Anyone have the Kingmaker Foundryvtt module?
Wow that is the *worst* Token art they could have chosen for Amri
Thank you both, anons, much appreciated
It's a non issue, you DO know how to change token art, right?
Knock yourself out.

Just remember to keep your foundry updated before plopping them into the module folder. Easy as pie. It makes me want to run so many games.
I had pretty much given up on finding kingmaker, my group is about to begin playing it. Glad I dont have to shell out 120 bucks now. I already own the physical book
Will do, and again I really appreciate the link.
Is the new tanuki ancestry any good? Been thinking of making one
I’m not sure about good but they’re incredibly flavorful and I’d def recommend them for their funny transformations.
the magaambyan shit being literally hogwarts (but you can't say hogwarts, because they all fantasize about murdering rowling even if they continue to be obsessed with her books and ideas) is new, but Old Mage Jatembe being an old, cranky, powerful archmage who had the idea that "magic is magic" and not making distinction between arcane/divine/druidic shit is actually pretty old lore, and when starfinder 1e came out the thesis for magic was basically "yeah, he was right" and the game has Universal Magic Theory as an in-universe thing.

of course paizo have become a parody of themselves so now we get literal hogwarts battle academia shit. I can't wait to see all the losers who shat on WOTC for doing Strixhaven bend over backwards to justify this slop
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>Arcanist Anon
okay, so thinking about it and talking with my GM he'd prefer my other thought as we have a bit much on the wizard side, and sorcerer flavor sounds nice.
>1L elven crossblooded sorc (Martyred/Destined)
>5L Arcanist
>Exploit Feat Bloodline Development
>Exploits Counterspell, Dimensional Slide, Quick Study (Potent Magic Shortly)
>Magic Trick: Fireball
>Selective Spell
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I understand a city of them would probably be led by a daemon.
But what kind of underlings would urdefhans have themselves? Would they employ goblins and orcs in battle? Grimlocks? Duergar?
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made walking sprites for my party's oracle player
inquisitor next
This art looks too lighthearted, Pathfinder has always been pitched to me as slightly darker than DnD with more cosmic horror elements in the background, but this looks like 5e merry frolicking stuff
Wdym? That art looks plenty dark to me
>Pathfinder has always been pitched to me as slightly darker than DnD
PF's mood has always swung wildly, by virtue of being a kitchen sink setting alone. Sure, you can hang out in Cheliax or Nidal, the goth slavery and torture nations, but then you hop across the border and suddenly you're in magical ancient ruin adventure land of adventure. Yeah, visit he Worldwound, where the random weather effects table includes "rain of human teeth", but not too far away you can go linnorm hunting with boisterous vikings. Always depends on where your campaign is set and what it focuses on, but yeah, there used to be plenty of dark elements, but not so much anymore.
Sure didn't help that 2e stripped many of the more dark and "edgy" elements away, while putting greater emphasis on the more suited for all ages ones. Deities are a good reflection, the more hardcore ones got toned down or removed entirely, the popular good/lesbian ones took even more center stage, Cheliax lost its teeth, etc.

Keep in mind the audience Paizo designs this game for, and how they respond to raw themes and content.
So would you recommend 1e over 2e for someone looking for a darker introduction to Pathfinder?
You can run your campaign as dark as you want. If you want a specific AP for the "official" introduction, I'd recommend something like Strange Aeons, Carrion Crown, or individual adventures like Carnival of Tears.
Thank you for the recommendations I appreciate it!
1e and 2e are different enough at a systems level that I'd never recommend you pick one to play based just on which one is 'darker'. The other differences are a lot more important, and it depends most on the specific AP.

I recommend picking the system that works best for you, and adding or reducing rape to taste.
Can these be used in foundry?
A massive amount of the complaints make sense if you operate under the assumption that A. Technology has advanced to the degree that equipment needs supplanted magic effects and B. The economy is representative of Cyberpunk style corporate greed ruining everything.

Also the guy considers goblins to be humans, so everything he said is coming from a retard's perspective in the first place
I think you're going a bit too fast.

You've already taken Magic Trick: Fireball but you don't even have 3rd level spell slots until Arcanist 6.
Counterspell Exploit is ballin' but not at your level. You do not even have the spell slots to waste counterspelling someone's Grease. Which is still a CL check btw.
Selective Spell requires 10 ranks of Spellcraft unless you have a way to cheat prereqs.

Spell Focus -> Spell Specialization may serve you better and can be flexed to Fireball when you level up.
And at the risk of tempting you into powergaming, blasters usually take at least one of the Sorc bloodlines that gives you +1 dmg per dice. Like taking Orc + Blood Havoc for +2 dmg per dice. Which improves a CL 8 fireball from 8d6 into 8d6+16.
>cant use vital srtike with the spring attack
no fun
1e whats the best advanced armored/weapon trainig?
armed bravery and fighters reflexes sounds like a no brainer
but im not sure about something like armored juggernaut, sure it will get use no matter what but does it really worth a feat?
Started using 5e magic items in my 2e game has made it alot more interesting for me and my players. Knocked the investment amount down to 5 but my players prefer having less but much more powerful and iconic items then a bunch of once per day small buff or abilities.
>Started using 5e magic items
What, just plugging them in straight or just using the same rough kind of design philosophy or what
Well i do some adaptation for some of them to 2e and give some scaling to keep up with the level treadmill. For example the Circlet of Blasting gives you a top level scorching ray once per day using your spell attack or simple ranged attack mod, whichever is higher.
>it really worth a feat?
The greatest advantage of AWT/AAT is that you get a lot of those for "free" when leveling. You can choose to get an AWT option at lv 9, 13, and 17. And you can choose to get an AAT option at lv 7, 11, and 15. The AAT options are usually not worth a feat but many AWT options are.

>>Advanced Weapon Training
Armed Bravery, Fighter's Reflexes, Focused Weapon

Abundant Tactics, Fighter's Tactics, Versatile Training, Weapon Sacrifice

>Absolutely Busted
Warrior Spirit

The stat boosters in the 'Good' category are nice to have but can be replicated in other ways.
Abundant Tactics has very interesting interactions with certain feats and is unique in what it does. Fighter's Tactics is supremely useful for anyone that wants to use teamwork feats. Verstile Training is a nice 2-for-1 skill rank trade. Weapon Sacrifice means potentially losing your weapon but that is way better than dying.
Warrior Spirit is an option I actually advocate to either ban or nerf. It's incredibly dumb with characters that rush Gloves of Dueling.

>>Advanced Armor Training
Armor Specialization, Armored Juggernaut, Armored Master

Armored Sacrifice

An extra source of AC is always nice, and DR is hard to come by. The bonus feat from Armored Master can speed up certain builds.
Armored Sacrifice differs from Weapon Sacrifice in that armor/shields are way easier to justify sacrificing, but your uses/day suffers in return.
consult abomination vaults as there is an entire segment where you fight them
In the urdefan part of AV, you fight them at a level where a basic level 3 Urdefan Warrior is below the threshold where they even still give XP anymore. Lowest level creature there are hordes of basic urdefan warriors. They're led by a named urdefan warlord, and in the middle are an assortment of summoned cuestodaemons and different, higher-level variants of urdefan, and elsewhere in the dungeon you encounter a derghodaemon they summoned.
They seem to generally not take slaves - if they had orcs or goblins at their mercy, they'd rather kill them first.

When I ran abomination vaults, I replaced one of the rooms with one where that Derghodaemon is birthing newborn urdefan out of its huge birthing sacks. I figure that could be where urdefan come from.
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I made this variant of the regular urdefan of a version that just freshly splorted out of its daemonmother
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No wait, here's the finished version
Oh nice, I just got to that floor so this will help with random encounters
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might as well share its here
im done with my fancy sheet
although i dont recommend just using that and have a real one somwhere else to do all the calculations
feel free to use it if you want
shout out to the drawthread anon for the pic
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I kinda totally redid that floor, turning it from one really big fully gridded map into a kinda overground area map with a bunch of smaller maps for points of interest and random encounters. Made it run a lot less laggily on foundry, too. Let me slot in areas relating to player-centric sidequests as well.
>Warrior Spirit
holy shit it is kinda busted
thanks man
It says "frotitude" in the saving throws section, anon.
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fuck fixed it
also switched wisdom and intelligence
Im trying to adapt a 5e campaign idea to Pathfinder because my group wants to try a new system.
Whats a good narrative "equivalent" to Waterdeep in the Pathfinder universe I can do some reading on and flesh out the story better?
Currently for me the 9th floor map is split into three separate sections already, did you mean smaller sections than those? I think I remember the post describing increasing the length between key points to sell the scale and size.
>Currently for me the 9th floor map is split into three separate sections already, did you mean smaller sections than those?
Oh right, the foundry module does that by default doesn't it. Those sections are mostly fine I think, but yeah, I think it's cooler if each location is 10-minutes-to-an-hour apart. It kind of strains credulity that there's an actual long-term war going on between drow and urdefan if their respective bases are literally like 3 movement actions away from eachother. Then you can make some random encounter locations, add in some extra places. Let mounted or ranged characters have a time to shine, maybe have an encounter with Ravirex where he swoops in to try and kidnap a PC but then fly back to his lair to introduce him to the party and build up a bit of a rivalry, etc.
Absalom's the biggest city in the world, has a rock that makes you a god in the middle of it and it's filled with level 17 gang enforcers because of dodgy campaign design.
Look, when the people you're shaking down are god aspirants, juiced up PFS character, and experienced parties gearing up for their final adventure, because this is the only city selling high level items and scrolls, you have to be at least level 17 if you want to make a dishonest living.
Living in Absalom must suck for the regular Joe Bloggs. It's like that city in Zybourne Clock where you had to go through the slums every time you wanted to go shopping.
Crit fails only result in a misfire if every targets gets a 1.
That is specifically for misfire, nothing else.
Nat 1 aka crit miss still misses the target even if your bonus would have hit it anyway.
idk i just wanted to try to port them into pokemon
What about Hammer the Gap?
Same thing as with Clustered Shots. It should work, but I'm in opinion that RAI in those abilities was that they were intented for single target. Some other GM might allow it to apply all targets in cone individually though.
Yeah, it looks like all of this is going to be case-by-case.
But it's good to at least get an opinion on it, thanks man.
I just found out my (2E) Wizard could have been wearing fucking full plate this entire time
You can, but if you don't have proficiency, you get no bonuses out of it. And even if you did, if you don't got the STR, you are just weighing yourself down, figuratively and literally.
Most of the time they are better off sticking with a Wand of Mystic Armor and updating that instead of worrying about keeping armor.
>Journey to a fortress-city in demon-ravaged Sarkoris to learn the ancient magical secrets of the Magaambya's wizards, Lepidstadt's bleeding-edge theories on reanimating flesh with electricity, the extraplanar fey philosophies of the Cobyslarni, and the lore of more than a dozen other academies! With so many prominent scholars in one place, rivalries are sure to abound—whether in the classroom, on the sports fields, or during field trips to dangerous lands.
>This 128-page book gives GMs and players a vibrant roster of luminaries, students, athletes, and wizards to build their very own magical academies. Whether players build bonds with classmates or clash with rivals, they'll gain diverse options like advanced spymaster gear, dazzling new martial arts techniques, or new wizard spells and schools, including the remastered Runelord!
Sorry couldn't hear you making my own Golarion World's Fair
>just weighing yourself down
Eh, the wizard wasn't making athletics checks anyway.
Started playing 5e with a group and realized that the system is trash. PF2e any better? What are its flaws?
What didn't you like about 5e?
>samey character building
>needs magic items to be interesting
>feats are usually just asi or gwm/ss
>sorcerer completely outshining wizard
>can still crit fail on something your character is narratively amazing at
>bosses need legendary resist and actions to not be pushovers
Mainly just character building
2e should be pretty good at all those things.
-Character Building has a lot more options at a lot more stages (pick a 'class feat' and 'skill feat' every even level, a 'general' or 'ancestry' feat every odd level, for example)
-You're expected to have more magic items but each one is less of a big deal.
-Rather than picking from a big pool of feats anyone can get, most combat-related important things are Class Feats tied to your class. It's possible to get class feats from other classes through its version of multiclassing, but for the most part it keep classes kinda separate
-I've never heard of anyone say that in 5e the sorcerer outshines the wizard. I've heard people say that about 2e once or twice, though I don't think it's a common complaint. Sorcerers also get to pick from multiple different spell lists depending on their theme (so a draconic sorcerer gets arcane spells like a wizard, but an angellic sorcerer gets divine spells like a cleric and an elemental sorcerer gets primal spells like a druid)
-You can still roll a 1 in pf2e, though numbers get quite a lot higher overall.
-Bosses in pf2e are pretty hard if you use a high level monster without legendary resist and actions, though it's not that much more fun when the high level solo boss achieves the same thing by just having +a billion to all their saving throws and critting the players with every attack on their turn. Evening the damage output out over some extra special turns or reactions does a lot to make fights more dynamic imo. Something I try to keep in mind when balancing boss fights as a GM
The differences aren't meaningful unless you're a gm.
I've played for a few years and what I find continually annoys me is how much mediocre material there is published for the game that I need to ignore or ban.
There's a new book every other week it seems and the contents can usually be summarized as setting fluff with one or two poorly worded feats or items that would be op if the gm doesn't just read them and ban them.
And then significant books that contain classes like rage of elements can be either hit or miss.

If you're the gm then its a massive leap in quality of life. The encounter building rules work and solo encounters can challenge players, you have subsystems you can wafflestomp into most scenarios you can imagine, there are a number of published adventures that will at least work as written even if they heavily benefit from adlibbing and adjustments.

Players, particularly those who like to netdeck and play 'builds' are probably going to hate it, because there is no real community for it, and the game discourages it with streamlining, and features being obscenely numerous and mostly sidegrades with a handful of exceptions.
Yes you can build pretty much any character you can imagine with a high degree of customization, but in order to do so you need to put blinders on and ignore the handful of 'power' options you could take.
Every non fighter martial for instance must select their attack of opportunity in place of another feature. If you wanted to play an axe barbarian and take Cleave for theme when you hit level 6, you must choose to delay attack of opportunity since this is the earliest you could acquire it, it also being a level 6 class feat. You could take either at 8 instead but now you're delaying other things etc.
I'm pretty sure this game was created specifically to torture these kinds of players.
Whereas if you just ignorantly make an elven archer ranger with a pet cat you'll be fine.
I think its important to warn anyone from 5e.
>>samey character building
Pf2e has much more complicated character building, but it's not always better. Of the four different types of feats:
>Class feats generally feel pretty good and impactful, though certain classes do struggle with having poor feats to choose from
>Ancestry feats are a crapshoot. Some ancestries get really unique, flavorful, and/or powerful feats, while others get absolutely nothing interesting
>General feats are rather few, and among them there are even fewer good ones, so you'll most likely just end up taking the same exact handful for every character you make
>Skill feats have the opposite and much more annoying issue of being completely bloated with hyper-niche, near useless options that need to be sifted through in order to find the ones that are either good or basically feat taxes.
There are going to be points where it feels like you're only picking something because the game says you have to, and it can be rather tedious.
Is 10/20/10/10/12/13 good for my level 4 Operative in SF1e? Planning on increasing to 10/21/12/12/12/15 next level with our stat increases from level 5 and taking Veiled Threat to be able to play off the thought of a former special forces negotiator knowing how to get what he wants for the good of the mission mostly because no other level 5 feat is speaking to me.
Yeah, or getting hit. Mainly it's about looking cool
Ability scores seem fine. Veiled thread however is a bit metagame failure of a feat as that intimidate attitude change basically never actually comes up in relevant way, especially when playing Paizo APs.
Do you have Improved Demoralize? it is quite useful if you have ranks in intimidate.
15 cha also means you could get Reality Glimmer if your character has any magical inclination.
Pf2e Character building is just sifting through unplayable dogshit feats per level until you find the one that isn't ivory tower garbage, which then become the auto-takes, so you can build an actually functional character and hope that you are blessed with a chassis that gives you functional stats for what you're wanting to achieve because you literally cannot change them and are stuck that way cause of the way that proficiencies work and the 4 stages of success work.
Skill feats are dogshit and requirement for you to take a feat to do something stupid like sow rumours in a place is ridiculous. On a semi-related note, whoever designed blast lock as a feat for gunslinger should be fired
No magical abilities at all yeah so Reality Glimmer does seem pretty cool now that I’m looking at it, don’t have improved Demoralize, I went for Weapon Specialization (Small Arms) and Versatile Specialization so I can play a switch hitter with my plasma kukri and laser pistol. This is a replacement for my current character so the stats are still malleable for the most part in case swapping any of the other mental stats to a 15 is a better idea for other feats. Improved Demoralize isn’t a bad idea but I’m not quite sure or not.
Oh wait, Climbing Master seems pretty neat, gaining a Climb speed equal to my land speed seems pretty crazy for a 5th level feat.
It is nice for a feat, but different movement types are not actually that big of a rarity in SF than they were in PF1e due augments giving out stuff pretty freely.
For example:
Yeah those are neat but I’ve got no credits for anything since I decided to top off my stuff with a lot of higher end equipment plus some necessary augments like an Advanced Pheromap since I’m playing a Blind Vlaka.
So Urdefhans aren't much of a an enemy for a level 1 adventure?
1e had some fucked monsters with insane CRs have any of you fought against one? Is it as big a nightmare as it looks?
Darklands dwellers of reasonable strength and complexity, and associated with daemons which are usually mid to high level.
Very much out of the depth of a level 1 party.
Depends on how GM runs things and how players act. They can be fun and extremely challenging encounters, or rocket tag fag show
Besides the free level 1 class feat for humans or free multiclass dedication for elves, name an Ancestry feat that is worth choosing that ancestry over something that gives 3 boosts and a flaw for minmaxing or something that appeals to you in lore/aesthetics.
>General feats
Canny Acumen
Incredible Initiative
Shield Block
Armor Proficiency
For generalist wizard, an ancestry that gives a d12 martial weapon with its familiarity feat is a massive bonus. That basically means Orc exclusively.
Suli feat Dualborn.
I specifically said powerful OR flavorful OR unique. Yes, that one human feat is extremely above the curve, and from a pure optimization perspective, it's usually the optimal choice. But if you're not going for the best and most optimized, there's a lot of stuff in ancestry feats that's still fun and useful. For some ancestries, anyways. Like I said, it's a crapshoot. Some ancestries have dogshit for feats.
Honestly I prefer that players have incentive to go human.
I hate freakshows and I hate having to play a town mayor or something straight when two goblins, an orc, and a sentient plant save the town.

Anyway kobold gets the best feat.
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Am new to pf2e and I was just wondering: Could you guys please help me build the most OP kineticist possible? I almost always play support roles and I just want to wreck shit and wreak havoc for once. I have chosen fire as my base element.
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My players are forging new characters and are finally about to head towards the BIONICLE island in my PF2E setting. I want to stick to a similar story as the original Mata-Nui Online Game, but I'll have to make some adjustments to make it work out. None of them have any real knowledge of BIONICLE lore, so it's pretty easy to surprise them with the basic story of the first game.

I was thinking the players could progress around the island much like the first game, and assist the region's Toa in acquiring their golden mask, delivering it to a temple and in doing so, awakening part of the Great Spirit. The chronicler will be a GM insert info dump and guide around the island until they reach the seventh temple and he awakens into the Toa of Light. At the end of a couple sessions, the Toa assemble, each player gets to pilot their own character and a Toa (this has been a theme for my area end-bosses where the players get to team up with NPCs from the past sessions), and they go fight some big avatar of darkness that is keeping the spirit locked down.

Is there any part of the MNOG you can think of that wouldn't translate too well to Pathfinder 2e if i add in some robo-wildlife enemies along the way? I think I can make it work.
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I'm tired, boss
If I ever play Curtain Call, the dwarf shall be my actor.
What the fuck is that thing in the corner though, this "Rue" has to be some new monster... What are its stats?

Also from the Paizo Live!, turns out the Seneschal Class Archetype is for Witch of all things. It's a Class Archetype based around the deal that you are your own Patron because they went missing or died. And because you are a Patron, other Witches in the party can call upon you as a power source.
Seems like they took a cue from Team+'s Hexmarked Witch, so I kind of expect them to replace a Familiar for stronger Focus Spells and proficiencies. They didn't really say what it changes out other than you gain a Focus Spell depending on what list you have, but it probably will help them not be a pet class and more a traditional caster.

So to recap the Class Archetypes in WoI and Divine Mysteries:
>Avenger -- Rogue Archetype
>Battle Herald -- Cleric Archetype
>Bloodrager -- Barbarian Archetype
>Palatine Detective -- Investigator Archetype
>Seneschal -- Witch Archetype
>Vindicator -- Ranger Archetype
>Warrior of Legend -- Fighter Archetype
A single urdefan warrior is an alright boss for a group of level ones. But you wouldn't really be able to use lots of them.
I've found the "if you would die, don't" feats for Orcs can do a lot of heavy lifting if your DM is the kind who throws challenging encounters at you.
My friend was talking about how our Paladin broke one of his edicts about giving his word and I can sort of remember to quote “My word is my law” or something like that and he said he read it off of the Champion page but I can genuinely find nothing on that so I’m assuming he got drunk and read something else? He got a bit belligerent when I tried to call him out on it, too. Anyone have any clue what he might have been reading?
If you're a paladin and you tell a lie, you lose your focus spells and divine ally on the spot.
That’s the thing, that’s explicitly not what happened and he was quoting something about how “My word is my law” like I’d said in the previous post and said it was part of the Paladin code but like he was saying it was stuff like never backing out of a promise when this isn’t what happened at all. I dunno my guess is he was just hitting the drinks again.
DMs trying to fuck over Paladins with all kinds of hidden snares and bullshit no win scenarios is a tale as old as time. Glad to hear that even after so much leeway given to Paladins, it's still alive and strong.
The thing about Kineticist is that they are a very "What You See Is What You Get" class. Because they are about circumventing the spellcasting system, they are balanced out by being entirely about their own powers and abilities. This is good in focusing down on piloting your character, but not great in finding ways to exceed your expected powerlevel or creating synergies with other options. So there's not really a way to make an OP Kineticist because you are so constrained within your own game. Maybe this will change as more options are printed, but ultimately, it's just a matter of picking the feats you like and using your abilities to their best. It's not to say they are bad, just that they knew what they were doing when they made Kineticist for 2e

Sticking with Fire as your only element. I would say grab
>Weapon Infusion for melee, Versatile Blasts for Ranged builds
>Scorching Column or Flying Flame
>Kinetic Activation
>Thermal Nimbus if you are up close, Blazing Wave otherwise
>Counter Element to deal with other Fire-users
>Crawling Fire for melee Kineticists, give you flanking and a secondary body.
>Elemental Overlap -> Molten Wire for a ranged grapple that stacks with off-guard
>Elemental Transformation for melee, Chain Infusion for Ranged
>Effortless Impulse

And that's pretty much it at that point, anything else is kind of overkill. Like I said, WYSIWYG, don't expect to be particularly helpful to others or find synergistic combos with Archetypes. Maybe go Dual Gate at the start or later on to grab Wood's Tree Sentinel, that shit is stupid.
Thank you for this.I am feeling quite lost in the new system but it is exciting. So I shouldn't take surprise attack/feats from other classes?
>Maybe go Dual Gate at the start or later on to grab Wood's Tree Sentinel, that shit is stupid.
I was thinking of ultimately going fire+earth since I think there are some good fire/earth/lava attacks.
There are some Archetypes that can help (assuming Free Archetype cause you do not got room to be taking non-Kineticist feats without it), but most are about general boosts than particular synergies. Stuff like:
>Rogue MC for Mobility and Dread Striker. Surprise Attack might help on occasion, especially if you are some kind of Stealth Pyro (as if TF2 Spy needs more to cry himself to sleep with).
>Scout for a general boost in initiative and avoidance.
>Beastmaster for extra bulk and flanking buddies for melee Kineticists.
>Wandering Chef to make daily Cooperative Waffles for good Aid checks.
>Pistol Phenom with an Air Repeater, long-range Feints is a fun way to get your attacks up.
>Ostilli Host combines well with your Legendary Class DC scaling and give you another attack without worrying about MAP, or improve your rather meager defenses.
>Blessed One or Medic if you really don't know where to go with your build and want to patch up things.
Is that Sam Hyde?
Is he using the pre remaster version of the class or the PC2 one? If it's the latter they significantly changed causes and AoN still hasn't gotten around to adding anything from the book.
It's not significantly changed.
Justice (paladin) doesn't add lie to their anathemas, the rest of the wording is still there.
Tenets of good are now part of holy sanctification, same wording.
Deity edicts and anathemas are part of the deity heading.

The only really significant change is that there is no longer an order of precedence, violations are now just violations.
If a justice champion is compelled to cheat someone by the legitimate law of the land, the act is a simple violation; you aren't able to defend it by claiming you obeyed the more important edict.
I have decided to go with the beastmaster dedication since a leopard seems quite versatile and useful. I am a bit confused as to what skill feat to take at lvl 2. Do I need Tame/Train Animal or should I grab something else?
You don't need tame/train/whatever if you have an animal companion, you can control those automatically.
I'm currently reading through some of the later 1e APs, and some current 2e APs, and I have to ask - how the fuck has Paizo not managed to progress when it comes to their dungeon and encounter design? Dungeons are still a series 5 ft. hallways leading to teeny tiny rooms containing a single enemy, or nothing at all, and there's still lip service at best paid to the notion of rooms interacting or reacting to the party's presence.
And why do almost all combat encounters still fall into one of these types?
>Type 1: One dude with somewhat inflated stats, waiting in a small featureless room to get crushed under the action economy
>Type 2: One dude who alpha strikes a single character (generally via unusually high sneak attack damage for the adventure level and starting from ambush) into the grave, and then reverts to Type 1 (might rarely occur as part of Type 3)
>Type 3: The "big ball of worthless chaff" encounter that only exists to pad out XP gain so the adventure stays on curve, and maybe eat a couple resources without posing any genuine threat
>Type 4: The overtuned meta game wipe machine (meta game because they often tend to get further bonuses from things like "Favored Enemy: Most common player races", bonus points for having a highly obscure silver bullet hidden in the adventure behind doing extremely specific and unintuitive things, or passing a very high skill check, so the writer can still say "well, if you had just explored properly, this encounter would've been easy!")
To get an encounter that actually has an interesting map (that isn't just lopsided against the party, but actually offers some tactical options and makes movement relevant) and a well balanced monster selection, you often have to skip to the end of an adventure, or even the tail end of an AP. It's honestly baffling. How can you make the same product for this long, and just not improve, even just a little bit?
Paizo devs in 2e have successfully managed to make a single PL+x monster a (technically) balanced challenge, but technically balanced =/= fun. Good boss encounter design requires more than just the boss to have high AC, immunity to half your spells, and an attack bonus that crits your PCs on a 3+. You need tactics and strategy and mechanics and things.

Lair Actions and Legendary Actions were used often as a crutch in 5e, but they are legitimately valuable design-wise for making fights interesting.
Fire is very easy to build for
just go mono-fire and stack as many decent damaging impulses as possible. If you feel like you need armor, nothing wrong with going duo-earth/metal/wood
the composite impulses are really good. Earth/fire's magma leap is pretty awesome and the earth/metal molten wires one is cool
Thing is with mono-fire is it's one of the most commonly resisted damage types, but you can mitigate this later on with your thing that causes enemies in your aura to be weak to fire
Thank you so much for all of your help. Truly means a lot!
>Earth/fire's magma leap is pretty awesome and the earth/metal molten wires one is cool
I was thinking of going duo-element later actually and getting Magma Leap. Molten Wires sounds interesting though so I am strongly considering it
1e, anybody have homebrew rules or recommend anything for changing up how combat maneuvers work? Group's already using the basic EiTR rules so that helps, but I wanna try to encourage combat maneuvers to happen more in my games.
Extra actions are good, D&D 4e handled solos by designing them differently from the ground up, with a greater focus on compressed actions or area attacks. Just leveling up a bog standard enemy doesn't work, and it's pretty embarrassing that Paizo still hasn't understood this.
But even then, a single enemy encounter is almost impossible to do right. For starters, you have to make them extremely resilient, if not outright immune, to the more debilitating control effects, otherwise the encounter is one failed save away from becoming trivial. It just doesn't work well, which is why competent encounter designers will have their big lynchpin enemy surrounded by lesser supporting creatures to draw attention away from the boss, and have the map be a relevant factor as well, so the party can't just walk up to the boss in a single action, box it in with crossing flanks, and go to town. This is pretty basic shit anyone who's spent any time designing encounters and monsters themselves will figure out very quickly. Anyone, except Paizo designers, it seems.
Which maneuvers specifically? Because most of them are pretty dogshit to begin with, before even touching their action commitment, size restrictions, and the sky high CMD most relevant monsters are gifted with.
All of them, unironically. I kinda buried the lede here since I'm working on some homebrew rules for them for my own table, but I wanna first actually see how other people do them before I go and commit the brainpower on something somebody might've done better already.
molten wires is pretty good because it can also make either you or your party have an easier time grappling the target, and clumsy is just a really good debuff anyway
Another good mono element is earth because you can go full in on grappling and just throw people into the numerous hazards you make
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>the god of war was sad and depressed that war meant killing people

Unserious company
Honestly, don't bother. The maneuver system is broken from the ground up, more or less. Most aren't worth it, the taxes on int, combat expertise, and improved [blank] feat just for baseline functionality is ludicrous. Trip is perhaps the only good one, and that's largely because most things can be knocked prone, greater trip is fantastic, and it can be weaved into full attacks, as opposed to taking a full standard, which worthless maneuvers like bull rush and overrun ask for. And let's not even talk about crap like disarm (worthless against anything not relying on a weapon) and sunder (yeah, let's destroy our loot instead of doing damage). Monster CMD is also preposterously high, generally speaking,

Your best bet is likely just looking at initiators for alternatives to full attack that have a maneuver check baked in as part of the attack. Or play a different system altogether. Trying to prop up shitty parts of the rules with houserules gets quickly out of hand. The main reason our group stopped playing 1e back in the day, and moved to different systems that were closer to what we wanted, is that we collectively woke up at some point, realized that our houserule doc had grown to something like 20 pages, and wondered what the fuck we were even doing.
Thats pretty fair, honestly. We're broken and actually like the majority of 1e/3.5's ruleset so homebrewing became more of a genuine option. The shit I was thinking about is letting almost all maneuvers do some minor damage which eventually lets them all get used as part of a regular attack (regular damage + maneuver). From what I've seen a lot of people have already tried their hand at it but not to any manner that I find complete.
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I find with big boss encounters it helps to have something that causes a lot of movement, like they can free-action teleport once a round or as a reaction, or the big magical macguffin device in the middle of the final boss ritual room makes a big boom of magical energy that pushes everyone ~10/30/60 feet away on a success/fail/crit fail fortitude/reflex save or causes everyone to teleport to a random location due to wild magical interference. I used all that (along with a flying final boss and their minions) in the final session of a campaign a few days ago, and it led to a lot of cool moments, like sending a summoned dragon to make use of its crazy 120ft movement speed to fly over to a stranded ally so they could ride on its back back to the main battle. Stuff like that.

I had one boss encounter with a powerful caster who had many fake body doubles and could swap places with one as an action, which really gave the monk time to shine by being able to chase her down with his crazy high mobility while the slower party members chewed through minions.

I find the prevalance of reactions against movement (since they're so good that most players will get them) really discourages most bosses from ever not standing in one square for the entire combat so you kinda have to bullshit a little to get around that. Also helps to have a little caster minion that can cast Haste on 'em on the first round.
They changed inquisitor to evil only in the new PHB because it sounds "too scary"
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got plushies of my pathfinder party :D
Oh wow 2 drow. Aren't you quirky. I bet they are both Good too
Encouraging more movement is actually a pretty neat idea, fights in all of these systems tend to be extremely static once people are in range.
nah the one on the far left is a fetchling, just ended up looking like a drow bc limited fabric colours
the 3rd one is an inquisitor of zon kuthon who is an insufferable slimy cunt so you guys'd probably get along great
It's even more stupid because Gorum wasn't like, a guy. He was only ever a suit of armor.

Like, if Gorum was an ascended mortal I could understand him getting pissed that his worshippers were turning from "battle is fucking cool, I love fighting" to "I love fighting, let's cause more war so there's more fighting!"
Question for earning income, if you are higher level than the settlement you are in, do you have to use the settlement level or can you still use your level for dc/pay out?
Based on the settlement level, villages can't buy the high tier swords of a level 15 blacksmith. Past a certain level Earn Income is basically working directly for royalty, powerful institutions, or the gods themselves.
Disarm works if you're often against a few humanoid opponents, but otherwise you're right that it's useless. You can make some pretty powerful grapple builds, but it suffers from size constraints and the moment enemies gain freedom from movement. All in all, I wouldn't bother with maneuvers without EitR rules or homebrewing everything.
It's the level of the tasks you are performing, so the maximum level of task a settlement should support is the level of the settlement.
Gm ultimately decides; say you are trying to use games lore in a city that bans gambling, you might find no tasks or only low level tasks.
1e question
Ultimate support build?
I'm seeing a lot of Evangelist Cleric (not a fan of the flavor, honestly), Aid-Other Halfling Bard, Brown-Fur Transmuter and some very bizarre wizard builds using the share spell feat. I'd prefer a backline caster to melee. Flag bard also isn't my thing, not a fan of the flavor.
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yeah i heard lol i refuse to ever play 2e bc of bullshit like that
that being said this one is a LE inquis of zon kuthon so
Order of the Dragon + Swift Aid feat
What is it that you don't like about the Evangelist and Flag bard?
In general there are three domains of support, and the 'Ultimate' support build would try to cover each domain.

Inspiring Courage and Aid-Other falls into this domain. It's about adding numbers. You can think of it as "Making characters better at what they already do".

Brown-Fur Transmuter/Share Spells falls into the domain of "Giving characters new abilities". This can be as easy as casting Fly on the fighter.

Widely overlapping with the 'healer' role, this is the support domain of allowing characters to keep performing. It mostly takes the form of condition removal and healing, but preventative work usually overlaps with the Statistics front if you boost defensive stats.

This is called the S.O.S. theory of optimal support. Covering all three domains is hard which is why it's traditionally divided across the party in a Bard-Wizard-Cleric split.
Less sounds "too scary" and more "Inquisitor has generally negative connotations". Honestly makes sense to me that only evil gods would have people called "Inquisitors" while good gods would call the same type of person something else.
>What is it that you don't like about the Evangelist and Flag bard?
Evangelist's roleplay flavor seems like it would be obnoxious to play out and deal with. It's also locked in to oratory performance. Flag bard isn't as bad, but you're basically just the party's herald. You lose a lot of that street magician and performer bit that draws me to bard.
>this is the ONLY GAME EVER where you get stronger as you level up, and this is VERY INTENTIONAL
sorry i couldn't get past the start of that article
You got further than I did, I closed the tab upon seeing the fursona in a space wheelchair in the header image.
>What is it that you don't like about the Evangelist
NTA, but association with 'Murikan obnoxious televangelists (and their obnoxious financial empires) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EprQGmZ3Imw
Fair enough. At what level will you be playing though? While a high-level Skald can become an absolute master of Sustain by providing rerolls upon rerolls and death suppression, that won't matter much if the game ends before lv 8.

Sounds like you need more GEAJUZ in your life
Thank you, but I had enough CHEESES for dinner.
Yeah, you don't need Tame Animal, that's for random creatures you run into, not your pet.
In terms of Skill Feats, would take Alchemical/Magical Crafting if you got Crafting, the Medicine line for Medicine (read: Battlefield Medicine), Pilgrim's Token, Intimidating Glare/Intimidating Prowess, Titan Wrestler, there's a pretty standard array of Skill Feats based on your skills that never really changed since launch. Don't worry your head too much about it.

As much as I loathe the Inquisitor changes, even as a 2efag...
I legitimately have NEVER seen a non-Evil Inquisitor. It really is IN THE NAME.
Only time I've seen a non-evil Inquisitor is in a few Warhammer 40k things and even then the vast majority of the Inquisition seems to be staffed by blood-thirsty, power-hungry maniacs with the ones that are pleasant to be around being the exception to the rule.
there's a good number of LN ones in places like the worldwound; searching for evildoers
remember many inquisitors also infiltrate other faiths, so a chaotic inquisitor could be there to sabotage slavers
How's starfinder 2e looking? Worth buying the playtest modules?
Personally, as someone who really enjoys SF1e, I’m really disliking the SF2e stuff. It’s too intertwined with PF2e instead of being its own seperate but similar thing that they should have focused more on.
I think that might be a good sign for me because I really hated SF1e, hah.
>How's starfinder 2e looking?
Up and down, it's clear they aren't exactly putting their best foot forward with showing off the game and how it's different from 2e, but a lot of it can be summed up as "Typical Paizo Playtest Shenanigans" (they FUCKED over the Seeker Rifle for no good reason). Many of the core ideas are pretty sound and it will probably still be a better experience than playing SF1e, whether you are a 2e fan or PF1e one, at least if you aren't caught up on the "This should be a different game instead of a PF2e Space Expansion Pak" complaint ('cause...that is exactly what everyone was asking for and what was going to happen, they weren't going to manage two entirely different games again, their teams are stretched thin as is!)/

>Worth buying the playtest modules?
Please don't pay Paizo to beta test... At least as long there is no confirmation they will update all the scenarios for the full game, there is ZERO point in doing so unless you really like the Foundry modules and want to support them.

>remember many inquisitors also infiltrate other faiths, so a chaotic inquisitor could be there to sabotage slavers
True, but you do run into the classic issue of "That's not what Inquisitors do", especially when you have to share the space with pre-existing Clerics, Warpriests, and Paladins/Champions. It does makes sense to say the people who's job is to kill you for not sharing their faith would be considered evil, and say they are more a select issue than the entire job description, especially with the ideas that every class should have their good and evil counterpart be within the class themselves then do the Antipaladin mistake.
Fair enough! I feel like even without enjoying SF1e it’s far too similar to PF2e, the designers keep claiming that it’s not intended to be a splatbook for PF2e but the issue is that everything in the playtests are very clearly balanced around the already made PF2e classes and items, which is why there’s little to no overlap and a removal of one of the unique things of SF1e which was that there were no traditions at all when it came to spells since Old Man Jatembe was correct in that “Magic is Magic.” I’d much rather that they felt more comfortable with sticking to the core skeleton of PF2e but felt more free to experiment and understand that yeah, SF2e should be its own thing though. It’s what made SF1e feel so unique to me.
And you’re definitely right! Most folks were asking for an expansion pack, at least those who weren’t SF1e fans. I actually do love PF2e and its ruleset but my issue is the playtest material currently is too shackled to PF2e itself as well. The Mechanic and Technomancer no longer being core classes as well bodes ill to me, and there’s still been zero mention of anything to do with starships as far as I know.
>no longer being core classes
What do you think that implies? I figured it was just one of those playtest things. Just doing things one step at a time.
That whole "SF2e and PF2e MUST be compatible" shit is honestly baffling to me. Yeah sure, they're built on the same rules framework, but that doesn't mean they have to be compatible. And, realistically speaking, who the fuck runs their games like that? Every PF and SF DM I've talked to has no interest in mixing and matching. They don't want to have technomancers hacking the planet in their medieval fantasy setting, and they don't want rapier-wielding swashbucklers floating out in space. So who is this compatibility for, other than Paizo getting away with technically releasing two systems for half the work?
The core idea wasn't that they meant to be different games so much as different metas. You gotta think of it more like "Bulhman isn't breathing down our necks so we can have some higher and weirder powerlevels and designs". This is why there's weird stuff like a Legendary Class DC martial with Soldier, Mystic and Witchwarper having d8 HP/4 slots/proficiency-altering subclasses/pick-a-list-out-of-two-traditions, Mystic's point pool over Focus Spells, Operative being stupidly overtuned, etc. The cross-compatibility may be something of a ball-and-chain in its own right, but it will always be a very different experience just by how you engage with the different design sensibilities. The difference between playing Ebberon/Spelljammer and Forgotten Realms, so to speak.

In terms of Starships and other vehicles, we know the game will launch and IIRC they said they will start playtesting those next year, since they will be a GM Core deal (since it isn't really a player-build decision).

>What do you think that implies?
They sort of explained it already, Mechanic and Technomancer don't make much sense as core classes, there's 6 classes for each of the 6 main attributes, and they still trying to finagle what is Tech/Cybernetics/Magitek in the system. They want some more room to work out their ideas (I imagine Inventor is something of rough spot in terms of figuring out what they should do), hence why when SF2e launches they will immediately be playtested the following month.

> And, realistically speaking, who the fuck runs their games like that?
Really, these are Space-FANTASY games, not sci-fi. It's not a Warhammer Fantasy to WH40K scenario, they were always meant to have some crossover appeal, hence why they are in the same setting in different timelines. Plus, it's just...wasteful to reprint old shit in new ways, do you really want to see Space Fighter for Soldier again? Being CC means they don't need to do such.
>it's just...wasteful to reprint old shit in new ways, do you really want to see Space Fighter for Soldier again?
God forbid they come up with new classes for their new system.
Seneshal witch looks interesting, will just have to file off the probably dozen limitations on your own witch covens that they'll likely place on it
Exemplar feels whatever still
Animist I liked playtest but since now we get to know there are 4 subclasses i will have to see what will click for me as i doubt sage made it in unchanged
The way all the previous classes been redesigned for 2e standards and stronger identities sort of makes them already new classes. If SF2e has to be independent and isolated from PF2e, they would have to reprint the basics like Fighter and Cleric and Rogue like they did with Soldier, Mystic, and Operative instead of having their own identity because they would need to be onboards for new people to understand the different mechanics and expectations. Again, wasteful, especially when you already have a core audience who loves the ideas and systems behind your first game.

It's sort of the reason why SF1e was kind of a dud to begin with and never truly found its niche, trying to be different while still attached to the core concepts and rules of PF1e left it in an awkward space. People were just unsure what were the points behind making every caster a 3/4ths one, lowering the amount of attacks on a Full-Round assault, the Stamina system, KAC and EAC, etc. It left a vibe of "Why does this game exists?".

>i will have to see what will click for me as i doubt sage made it in unchanged
I believe they said they remove the proficiency changes because it such an awkward and complicated system on already complex class, and Sage was already pretty meh compared to Channeler. If Medium is meant to be the new "Monogamy is AWESOME" subclass, I think Sage will have some more spice to it all.
They literally mentioned that Mechanic and Technomancer will not be in the SF2e Core rulebook and will be in a later published book.
Agreed, it’s way too baffling that they went out of their way to not step on the toes of everything but also want to be unique but because of this run into odd issues of cross compatibility.
My big issue is the above and afore mentioned things, where the compatibility means that there’s plenty of oddities that clash with the ideals and aesthetics of the game. And of course it’s space fantasy! SF1e was very clearly space fantasy from the start! So it’s a bit baffling how they’ve changed and toned down a lot of things here and there for SF2e. Yes, I would rather Soldier be Sci-Fighter than its own thing because if I’m told that I’m not going to need PF2e books at all for SF2e, then having the basic soldier know that to be the best fighting man around he can just roll up a Soldier and have the freedom to do a variety of soldiering builds that tell him, “Yeah, you can pick up a Doshko or zero edge razor or a basic laser rifle and kill stuff good and be the party tank because that’s what a Soldier is.”

Further still, another issue I have is the removal of the universal weapon progression that was a neat part of SF1e. Everyone at minimum had 3/4 BAB, which meant that yeah, casters and techies and supports were intended to be able to pull out a pistol and han solo their way out of things at the very least, because that very much fits the aesthetic of a scifi setting and also makes having fancy pistols or basic melee weapons as part of your loot tables still exciting for anyone in the party, rather than having your Wizard or Cleric not caring at all about some Dagger or Crossbow when they’ve got scaling cantrips (which are a good thing to have, I’m not actually against scaling cantrips) but with making SF2e’s casters more equal to PF2e’s casters it further removes uniqueness.
The moment I saw SF2E was importing Pathfinder style spellcasting (10th level spells, casters are permanently cucked and never advance beyond Expert in weapons) I knew the game would fucking suck cock and be miserable. The ENTIRE POINT of Starfinder was to not just inherit the shitty baggage of the past, that's why EVERYBODY being 3/4 BAB and spellcasters being 2/3 casters who cap at 6th level spells *and" everybody being Spontaneous was such a breath of fresh air because it's a completely different design paradigm than decades of fellating Dungeons and Dragons. A Technomancer is not just a fucking Wizard. A Mystic is not just a fucking Cleric.

SF2E completely shits on this design. Now a Mystic is a wannabe PF2E Cleric, who gets 10th level spells and sucks at using weapons and everybody is pigeon holed into the same awful buff slut/Slow spam garbage as 2e casters are. And it's ESPECIALLY frustrating since so much of the caster kneecapping and intentionally making caster chassis garbage on purpose in 2e is being carried over to SF2E as well. I.e, you can't get Master or Legendary proficiency in armor as a caster in Starfinder 2e because.... Wizards were OP in Pathfinder 1e and we're still mad about that...? EVEN THOUGH SOLDIER AND OPERATIVE WERE THE BEST CLASSES IN STARFINDER 1E ANYWAYS! The class design of Starfinder is paying for fucking "sins" that we're never committed or even existed in it! They already fixed the """""martial/caster divide""""" in SF1E! You don't need to inherit the bullshit spite-driven design of PF2E! The space rogue and space fighter were already S-tier!
>were already S-tier
Yeah, I’m swapping from a Strength focused Soldier to a jack of all trades Operative in my SF1e game tonight because while doing 20 damage a swing with a doshko is really fun and all, I’d rather play a guy who does less than half that in order to have a much wider variety of skills and be a switch hitter, especially when I realize that yeah the amount of urbanness that SF inherently has kinda stops me from playing a survival expert commando as well as I’d like, at least thematically. Even then, I know I’m going to have the most effective character in the group because none of my other friends quite understand everything anyways because me and the GM are the only true nerds here. Our Envoy is a nerd but in the movie kid/theater kid nerd way of getting into character for good or ill, rather than being someone who is both into role and roll playing. Which is fine! I just wish our Mechanic could read his sheet and our Vanguard could read (he’s just severely dyslexic unlike the Mechanic who just doesn’t like reading).
I still don't understand how you guys ended up with a 4e-like (that also does 5e style low-numbers bounded accuracy) when the whole fucking point of PF was as a reaction to 4e
It really is as simple as the fact that 5e showed that the audience 4e was courting existed in droves, far beyond what 3.5e ever mustered. It just wasn't good enough of a game (if at all) to grab them. A game closer to 4e/5e would have been destined to sell if they could figure out the kinks with the ideas and do what Wizards isn't doing: more content faster. Paizo already milked the 3.X fanboys for as much as they can, now it is time to move on and grab the newbie boom by the udder.

Plus the OGL drama effectively proved it is not feasible to build your entire brand off of the """"goodwill""" of Wizards. Having neither the audience numbers or the license stability means it is unreasonable to keep making more 3.5e content.
any word on the guns and gears rewrite
Any advice for a MIrror Thaumaturge, Marshal FA? Torn between weapon or regalia, and whether I should go for a gnomish flickmace.
I'm looking to DM pathfinder and have no idea which books to get. Should I get the Player core and GM core, or the Core Rulebook?
Player Core and GM Core are the remaster
Because it isn't a "4E-Like" game. Its flavor is still distinctively Pathfinder. And it absolutely does not use a "not really bounded accuracy" system like 5E.

Where the hell did you hear that crap?
Drops in January, no new news since it's not gonna be particularly major. I expect it come in and drop with no fanfare since it is a reprint. Maybe we'll see what they have in store in the Fall errata.

Go Weapon, stick with Asp Coil if you can grab it. Gnome Flickmace isn't particularly worth the feat cost if you aren't already starting as them. Tome and Lantern are better passive Implements than Regalia, especially as some of its bonuses doesn't stack with Marshal and its main benefit still requires you to get in the fray and hit.

You don't need to buy any books, you can read all the rules on Archives of Nethys or Demiplane (the latter is better as it has all the updated books since its a paid company and not volunteer work). But if you are getting books, Player Core 1 & 2 and GM Core are the ones you want.
>Less sounds "too scary" and more "Inquisitor has generally negative connotations".
Worthless wordgame. You go a step further with your narcissism and see your wordgames as something a good god would do.
I'm just gonna keep running what I've done before, which is a non-jank version of SF1e. I might use the Pathfinder Unchained 3 actions system.
Figured out a good way to unfuck the gear progression or is that completely beyond salvaging?
NTA, but take custom armor/weapon rules from enhanced and sorta combine them with ABP rules from pf1e.
Requires heavy modification because whoever wrote those enhanced rules was extremely incompetent and ABP was not much better in all honestly.
>they would have to reprint the basics like Fighter and Cleric and Rogue
No they don't. There's no reason to shackle yourself to the same expectations you inherited from D&D when you made your first ripoff system, in an entirely unrelated system in a very different setting. You're only thinking that, because you proceed from the assumption that SF needs to be "PF, but in space". It doesn't. It can just be a different system with different classes. You don't have to make space-flavored 1: 1 analogues of your fantasy classes in your space game. Just come up with new space shit.
Just an hero your champ if you wanna switch
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
>And it absolutely does not use a "not really bounded accuracy" system like 5E.
Sorry, yeah, bonuses go up to +6 in 5e, they're not capped at +2

>3.X fanboys
>playing pissfinder
Literally everyone that played PF was a new player.
>Literally everyone that played PF was a new player
Wrong. My extended PFS circle back in the day contained a pretty hefty amount of migrated 3.5 grognards, who wanted to play the same thing, but marginally fresher with slightly different content, and without having to learn a new system. "It's more 3.5 stuff you haven't played before, and a twist on old 3.5 stuff you already know" was a massive draw for everyone who had played 3.5 to death.
2e doesn't feel like pathfinder at all. It's flooded with women and queer cozy fantasy shit
>(that also does 5e style low-numbers bounded accuracy)
>"not really bounded accuracy"
PF2e obviously doesn't have "low-numbers bounded accuracy" - a level 1 ranger might have a +7 to hit, a level 17 ranger might have a a +32

You might describe it as a kind of high-numbers bounded accuracy, in that while the difference between a low level character and a high level character can be very huge, the difference between two different characters of the same level is fairly tightly constrained, being never more than like 15 apart at the absolute maximum outside of skills.
little do you likely know but the decision for pathfinder was made mostly because 4e came with non-ogl publishing license that was super restrictive and would've been the death of Paizo who were publishing Dungeon and Dragons magazines. The wonky mechanical beginnings with shitty marketing strategy only were circumstantial in letting pathfinder sprout from turbo niche into just niche.
I usually just let players actually upgrade their weapons/armor, cuz what the fuck paizo? If you find gear thats good on its own, but it sucks for your characters (recent enemy weapons like heavy weapons for an Operative, dex Soldier, Mystic, and Technomancer), you can deconstruct the shit with engineering and mysticism to upgrade your gear.
Full retards.
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>boss character uses Acid Arrow on me
>hide behind wall
>my character is the party cook
>ask my DM if I have all my cooking supplies on me
>he says yes
>okay I pull out my small pouch of Na2CO3
>otherwise known as baking soda
>apply to wound to neutralize the acid
Lowers the dc to recover to 10 for particularly effective aid.
I'm not sure if I'm just missing it, but there's nothing in the Armored Hulk that lets you use Swift Foot in heavy armor, is there?
>Swift Foot
The rage power? It has no armor restriction so you can use it in heavy armor. It's an enhancement bonus though, so won't stack with much else like Haste or Boots of Striding and Springing
Y-you're right, what the fuck?
Guess that solves my problem.
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Trying to build a bard for a pathfinder 2e adventure but I don't know the system at all.
I gave up trying to build a hybrid so I want to just focus on spellcasting and "not inspire courage", I thought of doing the marshal stance + dirge of doom but it looks squishy for a first character.
This is what I have up to level 8.


Any glaring issues?
What could I take with multitalented at level9?
Your stats are a little fucky, I get you got Armor Proficiency but there is a lot you can do with having some DEX over what you are trying to accomplish. Nothing in the game would require you to sacrifice for +4 CHA other than some ancestries pick (which doesn't matter since you are a Human), so I would figure out a different array that chooses to have at least +2 STR or DEX. What you have now is too limiting for multiclass options and skills.
If you aren't taking Harmonize, Hymn of Healing won't be helpful. ANY composition will cancel out any other composition, and Lingering Composition DOES NOT CHANGE THIS. You can't just send that out freely. You are an Occult caster, you got Soothe anyway.
Dirge of Doom is great and does combo with Inspiring Marshal Stance (I'm assuming you doing Free Archetype and don't want to pay Pathbuilder for the privilege) but it takes some time to get there. Have a plan for the 6 levels 'til you get to that point, especially if you don't like being the Courageous Anthem bot.
Replace Command with an actual attacking spell. Remember, spont. caster. If you want a good "Do what I say" spell, try Charitable Urge (turn on Legacy content). Wide area, does shit on Success.
For possible Multiclasses with Multitalented, Oracle can work well. Foretell Harm can grant you more damage on your spells and clinch some kills, Nudge the Scales grants you more healing, and Oracular Warning is more buffs and give you that helpful Temp HP you wanted from Hymn of Healing. Sorcerer can also work if you want more actual attacking spells. Psychic is a little redundant but the extra Focus Point and Amped Cantrips can be helpful.

It's hard to do a Bard wrong, try not to stress yourself out too much. You are right that you should avoid trying to build a gish build on your first attempt, but Bards CAN pull it off if you know what you are doing.
Hi all, retarded newfag here, does anyone know where I can get the PF2 Bestiary Token pack for Foundry VTT (either the old version with like 1200 tokens or the remaster with ~400) so that I can have all these monster tokens saved locally?
Minor note, Charitable Urge is Incap, which makes it generally unadvisable, given that successes become crit successes against anythign relevant.
CU may be Incap but you use it to shut down large masses of armed fodder mons like kobolds, thugs, or orcs. And even on Success, its Stuns 1.
Though I did forgot CU is Rank 2, not 1. Oops...

If you know what you are doing and think it can fuck over more than not, Command is fine enough. Will still say use an attack as Occult can struggle at hitting things for effective damage and the best support is killing the foe faster.
What do I need dex for? I gave up trying to hit shit and +1 is good enough for medium armor.
Hymn of healing is for out of combat healing only. It's not like reach spell or well versed are any good anyway and ancestry feats don't look too hot unless I'm missing something.
The plan is to use courageous anthem or dirge of doom depending on the situation and focus on cantrip/spells and bon mot when relevant.
Harmonize comes up just as feat options get good and I rather not delay dirge or fortissimo.
No free archetype, I tried to fit the dedication feat but I don't know if I can get away with its 15feet range, also it's 2 death feats until I get dirge of doom
I have no idea what I'm doing spellwise, took command because repositioning enemies is looks usefull
My first draft was a reach weapon str bard with maestro and warrior, using fortissimo with courageous anthem + martial performance to extend its duration, then I saw the marshal stance thing but it doesn't work with fort
Also though of a "lazy bard" triggering attacks of opportunity with courageous assault but it doesn't work with the marshal build ovbiously nor with lingering or fortissimo.
I don't get 2E, you have all these powerful features at your dispossal but making them work with each other is a nightmare.

Would a champion dedication bard work?
It's reaction attack looks easy to proc and its another chance to extend courageous anthem.
Fuck, it's a level6 feat and warrior already gets a reaction at 8 anyway
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>What do I need dex for? I gave up trying to hit shit and +1 is good enough for medium armor.
Thievery, Stealth, Acrobatic Escape Attempts, Rogue MC, not-shit Reflex checks. It's not just about hitting things but giving yourself options.
>Hymn of healing is for out of combat healing only. It's not like reach spell or well versed are any good anyway and ancestry feats don't look too hot unless I'm missing something.
You are using it out of a Natural Ambition pick on your Ancestry. And in terms of "Spells meant to handwave OOC healing", it's not that impactful early on. It's no Lay on Hands.
I would recommend going Cooperative Nature and try Aiding with your Performance checks. Your GM will easily humor you.
>The plan is to use courageous anthem or dirge of doom depending on the situation and focus on cantrip/spells and bon mot when relevant.
that is the good ol' CA Bot plan~.
>Harmonize comes up just as feat options get good and I rather not delay dirge or fortissimo.
It isn't that Harmonize itself is a good option so much as reminding you how Compositions work. You don't want to be wasting points and feats with how Compositions compete with one another.
>No free archetype, I tried to fit the dedication feat but I don't know if I can get away with its 15feet range, also it's 2 death feats until I get dirge of doom
If you aren't running FA, your Level 2 and 4 feats are already taken by that. 15-to-20ft of Range is acceptable, especially since Dirge of Doom is a 30ft emanation anyway. You are going to get in the fray no matter what.
>I have no idea what I'm doing spellwise, took command because repositioning enemies is looks usefull
It is! There are just more helpful reposition spells like Lose the Path, Friendfetch, or Gravitational Pull, and Command has some learning curves to it. Like I said, it CAN work, but once its in there, it won't be leaving your spell repertoire anytime soon.
starfinder 1e, playing a ghost sniper operative
meeting trick attack DCs is fucking ass. anything I should pick up to bump my skills?
>Also though of a "lazy bard" triggering attacks of opportunity with courageous assault but it doesn't work with the marshal build ovbiously nor with lingering or fortissimo.
Marshal already provides options to Warlord your allies, with less restrictions and subclass picks.
>I don't get 2E, you have all these powerful features at your dispossal but making them work with each other is a nightmare.
A) Bard's not a class that is about synergizing all its options, it is why Compositions conflict with one another. It is about picking what fits the best and specializing on such. That's sort of 2e as a whole, balancing between building wide and tall.
B) There's a reason they call the first feat of an Archetype a "Dedication". And why Warrior Bard is an option.

>Would a champion dedication bard work?
Please, EVERYTHING works well with Champ dedication. Even gets you scaling Medium Armor training.
Shouldn’t Trick Attack DC be fairly average to hit mathematically, assuming you keep your main stat and the stag for your trick attack maxed at all times?
In 1e, should a halfling bard go all in on aid other? I fucking loathe that it seems like every buff or sustain support seems most effective in melee. I might be wrong, I don't have much experience but I have been sitting here trying to find an optimized build that would suit my playstyle in other games but I just can't find anything that clicks. I also don't want to be a liability. It really feels like casters are the only ones that get to hang in the back as well, and that's not helping at all. On top of it all, we already have a wizard.
it's DC 20+1.5x target CR because it wouldn't be a good game if you didn't have to recalculate the DC every time you target an enemy. I'm rolling at +13 right now at level 3, and fail it about half the time or more. if that's supposed to be normal that's pretty annoying and I'd still want to hit it more often
so far it looks like there's a cheap species graft for acrobatics but I just blew all my money upgrading my gun, and we're playing a paizo AP, so money is pretty sparse. all the loot we're getting is heavy armor and longarms and we don't have a single character that can make use of them
I'll simply have to win at gambling more, I suppose. this game, unlike basically every other d20 game in existence, is full of stuff I actually just want to buy. but alas
Yeah according to the math you need to roll an 11+ for your average CR3 enemy. Hm, you’re right. Bit unfortunate there, which reminds me I’ll need to look at my own Operative’s trick attack stuff now that you mention it.
so let me get this straight
i take the Witch archetype. I get access to any spell list I want, a cantrip, and a trained skill. Oh, I also get a familiar. My familiar uses my level as its modifier for all skill checks. That includes, for instance, Lore skill checks. So I'm level 1, say, because I picked Ancient Elf. Okay. And I've picked Speech and Independent as my familiar's skills. We go up into battle, woohoo, time to fight. I see an enemy. Oh, what's that? My DM says it looks like a little imp thingy with red hair. My familiar rolls Recall Knowledge. It has a +1 modifier, and my DM checks the DC. 13, with Nature. Not a bad chance to succeed. I put up my hand. "Hey DM, I'm going to roll using Lore: Little Imp Thingies with Red Hair". My familiar uses my level as its mod for all skills. So my DM checks. DC is 8 for specific lore. Familiar rolls a 7, and I learn all about the Grimple in front of me.

Frustrated, the Ranger looks at his character sheet. He's trained in nature and has +1 Wisdom, for a +4 bonus. He's also an Outwit ranger with Monster Hunter. So he can similarly use a Hunt Prey action and get up to +6 on his check, and succeed on a 7 just like my familiar did. But if it had been an Arcana check, he wouldn't have succeeded, while the familiar would have.

What I'm seeing here is my heritage has completely invalidated my party member's class's entire gimmick and made me the best loremaster in the universe because my talking frog knows literally everything.
While I can't immediately find a ruling that says you *can't* make specific lore checks untrained it's immensely against the spirit of the game and the GM should tell you to cut that shit out.

However your Ranger friend should be frustrated, not because of what you did, but because they picked Outwit as their Hunter's Edge, believing that since it is on the same page as the other Hunter's Edges it is roughly balanced with them. I have no fucking clue why they reprinted Outwit into Player Core after they had previously made Thaumaturge.
>+1 WIS
>Didn't even take Monster Hunter

Yeah, he deserves his pain, no matter how he slices it. Dance you little dude.
I think they really value the AC highly. +1 AC for using one free-handed action at the start of the fight is pretty far ahead of similar options. The entire community still treats Demoralize and Raise Shield as S-tier third actions, so you can see why the edge that gives the benefits of Raise Shield as well as a bonus to Demoralize might be considered balanced against the one that gives you Sneak Attack. I mean, it's almost like wearing heavy armor!
If you take Covering Fire + Harrying Partners and give them out with the Shared Training spell you can A-A with a ranged weapon, affect the entire party, and for the entire round. Which makes Aid Another a lot less shit. It can even be combined with Bodyguard. That's going all in though.

If the point is to stay out of melee yourself, I'd try a Monster Tactician Inquisitor and summon adds that Aid Another in your place. Depending on teamwork feat selection this can get very good. Then you can set up flanking, divert attacks, give further attack/AC bonuses with A-A, while staying in the backline.
If you can stomach worshiping Iomedae then her Divine Fighting Technique is very good for party buffing.
my zero charisma no social skills SRO originally created only to kill has a crush on an android girl, what do I do
When is the fall errata anyway? Any eta when that would drop?
Completely valid RAW, although as the other Anon mentioned it's antithetical to the point of Lore as a skill. Still, that's Paizo's fault, not yours. Additionally, Monster Hunter rangers have to wait until they get to level 10 and grab Master Monster Hunter to really be competitive in the creature-identification game--it's not a feat tree that "comes online" until then. I think that's waaay to long, but that's just their cross to bear. Investigators and Thaumaturges (and anyone with easy access to a universal Lore skill or Untrained Improvisation) are going to do better than them until then.
here's my fix
outwit gives auto-progression along the monster hunter line of feats
against monsters you've successfully identified you deal +1 damage per weapon die. if you critically succeeded you deal +2 damage per weapon die
4 Dex, 3 Con, 2 Str (for the +1 damage, vital at early levels), 1 Wis. What can you do? Do 1 Con instead and lose 2 HP per level and +2 fort? Blame Paizo for designing their stats badly.
2e any merit to an Inexorable Iron Magus with Champ dedication? Not sure on the full details but getting a good reaction and some extra hp seems decent. Haven't looked into it though so I dunno if it's better than something like Soulforger
Unsure. Most likely would be when War of Immortals drop or soon after, but otherwise we don't know. There isn't a set standard yet since this is the first year with bi-seasonal errata.

Assuming he's using a Composite Longbow there, don't pick Outwit? Or at least don't expect to be the party's Recall Knowledge bitch when you have shitty RK stats? There is only so much a bonus can compensate with! Again, build tall more than you build wide! You don't even get what >>93905947 with it since you are all the way in the back! At best you get a stealth bonus! Flurry and Precision are right there.

Said it before, you can't really go wrong with Champ dedication. You get Heavy Armor training out of it and the reaction will always be handy. Biggest issue is just the stat requirements mandating you are building CHA Magus over INT (which isn't a bad thing). Soulforger can be strong too, just restrained by the Once Per Day limit on Essence Powers.
There's always merit to champ.

You can also get access to scaling heavy armor from it. You can just completely rob the class blind with FA or take what you need on your shit-feat levels w/o.

Champion is a universally good class to pilfer through archetype. The passives are no-brainers, and the reaction is going to be relevant every round of combat. Soulforger in contrast LOOKS cool but is basically a once-per-day mechanical benefit.
When is Commander/Guardian supposed to come out?
I want to play a Commander so bad.....
Those are next year's new classes. This year's new classes come out next month, so probably around the same time next year.
Why do you have to be a melee grognard in half plate in order to benefit from the cunning stealth archer edge?
Because Sneak Attacks aren't a thing unless you're a rogue. Hell, the only benefit from attacking from stealth at all is the enemy being off-guard, it's not like surprise rounds are a thing, at best you're rolling Stealth for initiative and the enemies are off-guard until they take their turn
>it's DC 20+1.5x target CR

>Just before making your attack, attempt a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (or a check associated with your specialization; see page 94) with a DC equal to 20 + your target’s CR

Its one of the only non bullshit DCs in the entire game. Once you get to level 7 when you can always take 10, you be able to trick attack about 95% of the time
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made one of the bloodrager
>Intimidation -> Demoralize is 30ft
>Deception -> Feint is melee-range (first range increment if your grab Pistol Twirl)
>Deception -> Create A Diversion requires everyone to know where you are to begin with
>The bonus to Stealth only applies to your Prey, not to anyone else you are hiding from and it isn't a bonus to your Stealth DC.
>AC is useless if you aren't getting hit.

Outwit is a weird grab-bag of bonuses but it's pretty clear its more for Skirmishers and monster researchers than Skyrim Stealth Archer.

Where are you making these sprites, anon? I know it's not RPGmaker cause that runs on a 3-frame loop, not 4.
i'm making them in paint lol
i help with the infinite fusion pokemon fangame so i made them for it; IF runs 4 sprite frames
wrong reply im dumb
Oh, that's why they felt familiar!
Funny, this is like the 4th content creator/developer I've ran into that is a diehard "Fuck 2e, 1e for life" dude.
I wish there were more methods to ranged feint than pistol twirl because it feels cringe holding a gun as a thrown weapon build just to get flat-footed
Just house rule it.
Anon has the Sniper ACF, which means it’s 20+1.5xCR unlike normal 20+CR.
naw i'm not the creator creator lol
but yeah that'd be me i hate 2e so fucking much
Flat-footed is never worth it unless you get it as a bonus for doing something else, like moving.
The ranger is a retard for not building his character properly but i would tell you to go fuck yourself for trying to roll on a lore you do not have access
>CU may be Incap but you use it to shut down large masses of armed fodder mons like kobolds, thugs, or orcs.
>Targets: 1 creature
Did you mean Calm Emotions?>>93906228
>Flurry and Precision are right there.
Well, in practice it's just Precision that's right there, really. Flurry is worse in almost all circumstances.
>really want to play a Half-Oni Barbarian
>no way to make a new character in current game that would fit that idea whatsoever
>don’t know of any Season of Ghost games that’re looking for players since the Tian Xia Player’s Guide has so many cool character options that’d be extremely fitting for it
Flurrys good if you use it to cheat map on athletics.
I know a guy whos been playing a wrestler ranger for about a year and he's enjoyed it a lot.
Is there any class where simple weapon proficiency outscales martial and actively wants to be in melee?
Pretty sure Exemplar when that comes out. Otherwise... Warpriest? Maybe? Or anyone with divine simplicity or whatever that feat is that buffs simple weapons.
That's a die bump, not proficiency.
I don't think there's any martial now that doesn't get martial weapons since rogue got them in pc1.
Mostly asking since I’m curious the point of Weapon Familiarity feats beyond making a handful of Advanced Weapons usable. I’d love for something to actually make a martial weapon that counts as simple usable for some reason. The Hungerseed’s Oni Weapon Familiarity even makes Nodachis go from Advanced to Simple, which is neat.
Seems like forest for the trees stuff to me.
Your character can use a weapon effectively or it can't.
Oh it is, I agree! But it’s mostly idle curiosity hitting my brain at 4am. It’s just funny to me questioning the use of a lot of Weapon Familiarity feats and going, “But I can already use these as the class that wants to use these anyways?” Now in fairness there’s the flavor of a Kholo Wizard pulling out a Khopesh or something along those lines since for them it’d be a Simple weapon, but it’s yeah an idle curiosity as to whom would really benefit best from these sorts of feats and proficiencies.
Currently I think the main thing is that these feats grant a bunch of different features in a bundle (like critical specialisations) so it's expected to have a few redundancies.
True yeah. I suppose my original question is more me asking what sort of character could benefit the absolute most from the bundled features? I haven’t read up on the Exemplar yet, are they really a martial that only has Simple weapon proficiency?
Anyone here have experience with Serpent Skull?
I played through it two years ago, what up.
You could go for some kind of melee alchemist, their simple weapon proficiency is kinda staggered behind regular martials but it's better than like a regular caster.
That pretty much is the point. It's equivalents in 1E were a bit better since you could use it for shenanigans like a half orc rogue with a greataxe or making melee clerics not suck if their deity has a bad favored weapon but that's mostly was it was for back then too. That said, I don't think it would actually break anything if it worked with stuff like deadly simplicity.
I just wish the weapon familiarity stuff worked a bit like the weapon-specific archetypes like archer that boosted your weapon proficiency to your fighter mastery level. Sucks having to stick to a weapon group
Just looking for general feedback
Everything I see online is the first adventure is great and everything else sucks but I'm really interested in running some tomb raider kinda deal and the first book honestly feels a bit weird for party motivation to me, very much stumbling into this mess instead of coming seeking treasure
What did you find was the best/worst in the later books
A guy in our group is running Prey for Death and I rolled up an Orc Monk/Wrestler. I'm mostly settled on feats, but kind of debating between a couple still. Namely, between Disrupt Qi & Mixed Maneuver and currently have Stumbling Stance/Feint, but debating taking Wolf Stance/Drag.
Is there a build repository anywhere I can go study? I found a lot of written guides but they usually don't really go into builds. Youtube floods me with 2e and WotW video game stuff even if I put "1e" in the search. I'd rather use written resources over Youtube but I can't find any.
Some dude at Paizo HQ finished the Onions of War Ragnarok's DLC and wrote how and why Gorum did a an hero by cop
Speaking of Gorum, what happens to war now? Are people everywhere just going to go "damn, I really fucking hate those dudes across the border on a national level, wish there was something I could do about it", but nobody's going to actually fight beyond small-scale skirmishes? Is the concept of war dead, or is someone picking up the mantle?
Next they'll kill Torag so war will sit only in evil alignment
No more war heroes chuddies
Szuriel takes up the reins.
In the hands of a less faggy developer, this could be spun into something interesting. A world where good and evil are objective, absolute concepts, and where defending your country in war makes you into an evil person no matter your motivation. So going to war becomes this act of martyrdom, with armies in good-aligned nations consisting of the shunned and shorn, their names stripped from records, their family ties severed, while evil nations revere their war heroes, soldiers and commanders alike, looked on with envy by their enemies who were made pariahs by the very people they will fight and die to protect.

Shame that instead it's probably just going to be some faggy thing where a lesbian comes in to finally make war reasonable and soft for the basedboy audience.
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Szuriel is gonna fight the PC's and go
"War is le bad?" and get redeemed sar
>-2 to AC + enabling sneak attack or other damage on flat footed
>not worth it
Achaekek killed him. Why can't Achaekek take it?
Torag got shanked by one of the new orc gods. He lived, but they said he's not in good shape at the moment.
Wars are getting a lot worse actually. Gods keep their domains in check by applying a sort of structure or framework to how they function. When the god dies, their domain isn't gone it just becomes far more chaotic. Gorum specifically was the god of honorable combat, not just war. War crime rates are about to go way up, starting with a bunch of conflict fighting over the pieces of Gorum's corpse that scattered across the world.
Well, the second book is a bunch of expeditions to colonize an island, the third is another island where you wrestle a pre-Earthfall city state from the gorilla king like the final sword scene in God of War III, and the rest of the campaign you fight serpentfolk culminating in fighting their dead god, Ydersius .
The biggest problem is that the DM isn't given any direction in what the party should do; half of the books are complete free roams.
My advice, skip the...I think third book, but definitely the one that sucks, and give the party some strong hints.
And if you have a post office with a printer lobby, print off the island maps as posters as well, you'll thank me later.
There are other war gods to pick up the slack, aren't there?
Why would there be multiple gods of war?
Arazni takes up the mantle is my guess.
Because there are multiple aspects of war?
Ares covered quagmires, sieges and conquest, while Athena covered the actual logistics and duels.
Are you telling me Erastil is literally the only god of the farmland and family?
So should it feel more guided? More obvious macguffins or npcs helping?
Yeah, but I'll ask my DM about it later today and I'll tell what he thinks in the next thread.
He ran the damn thing, he'll know better than me.
So your plan if something closes to melee is what, Stride, Twirl, Attack?

Yes, correct. Please do not do this. In fact, don't play ranged Rogue at all unless your teammates can give you off guard. Even Swashbuckler would get a chance to get Panache during its move action, and gets its precision damage on a miss so it gets the damag>>93910458
e as long as it succeeds at the skill check.
you are fucking retarded
Redpill me on Slayer
edgier rogue
As a player you mentioned cutting the part with the gorilla king
Is there anything you would want expanded more on or some side feature u really wish went somewhere
>this thing is more optimal so it's better
This is like saying you shouldn't play investigator over rogue because you have to stratagem before every attack
ideally you'd have an ally grappling or proning the enemy to get you flat-footed but that is not always the case. Pistol twirl for a thrown build is a nice backup for when you need flat-footed, especially for a rogue
Swashbuckler is the best class for a thrown build now though, with the PC2 buffs, nothing else even compares. Swash literally gets a finisher that gives you a returning rune for free, provided you don't critically miss
No no, keep the Gorilla King book, I was remembering on the spot.
He challenges you for the right to conquer the place and enslave the inhabitants, and if you spare him, he shows up again in the fifth book to help keep the path clear for your big push in the last book .
In hindsight, I think you have to keep all the books, all of them have something you need that ties it to the next chapter.
Big one is four, you start going underground more often and get curious about the serpentfolk infestation, investigate some kind of stasis spire and discover a pre-Earthfall cyclops who explains that the serpentfolk have been waking up now because Ydersius found his head and they can invade the surface world with direct divine assistance. Telling that to the Gorilla King in book five sways him to your side to hold the line as you dive into their capital city in books six and kill their god .
And sadly, the DM was not much help.
Sorry man, best I can tell you is to read everything first and leave some better clues.
In fact, the first three times I tried Serpent's Skull, we never got anywhere because we never found the campfire with the captain's had leading us to the village.
Keep that exact spot in mind as you work on this.
You can make it work, I believe in you.
Better Rangers.
>gorums death is supposed to start a super war.
>chalix and nidal are going to get assraped because current paizo cant have anything evil in the game due to how they can be both seen as "problematic"

They pretty much just said all orcs are just misunderstood so why not
Paizo is weirdly shit at tying their APs together. So many of them barely bother to connect their books, and have bosses, including final ones, that seemingly spring up from thin air, because they're barely ever mentioned and certainly not hinted at. It's like they write these things one book at a time, and only by the second to last - on a good day - remember that their story needs some sort of ending, and that players probably expect a big climactic battle.
It's an interesting conundrum. Paizo has already castrated their powerful villain factions, they can't present the objectively evil horde of assorted monsters to their audience, especially not after making the "torture and murder are fucking hilarious" goblins into a player race, and evil and violent things in general are icky, so who the fuck do they have to play the villains of the world now for this big fat super war? They basically have to pull an entirely new faction out of their asses, but it can't be monster races, so what - demons? I guess you could narratively spin the blood war into this big conflict that spills into Golarion, but which side would the players even fight for?
It'll just be all cults all the time. Diverse groups of demon worshippers or the whispering way doing evil shit.
Do we know what the final version of the Animist will look like?
The playtest looked really, really cool.
this reminds me, Im running blood lords and it's insane how like non-evil everyone is
In field of maidens you run into the two negro factions and you're kinda encouraged to help them and either broker peace or make them fight each other
Hasn't stopped my players from doing evil shit but it's just insane how Geb is basically more like a chaotic neutral country than evil
maybe Ravingdork's character emporium? Many class guides also provide example builds at the end of the guide.

It's the consistent Rogue and Ranger.
You are both full BAB and a combat steroid ahead of the rogue's accuracy, and not dependent on being racist to get your class kit working. While you can build for Sneak Attack you are never dependent on it to contribute like rogues are. The downside is that your swift actions are at a premium, and general lack of build diversity/overlap with Ranger builds.
This was really bad with Age of Ashes - you figure out why everything was set up the way that it was right at the end, but until then the players are completely in the dark about pretty much everything that feels relevant to the PCs. Books 3-5 feel mostly disconnected from the implied BBEG set up in book 1 and 2, and I must've spent like 2 IRL years just kinda waiting for the plot to pick back up, expecting to finally catch the plot just around the corner, only to be replaced with more boring mercenary thugs instead of the big scary dragon good they put on the front cover.
Iron Gods did an Ok job linking things together, but now that I think of it, you're right.
Serpent Skull does take time to build up to the boss, snake people show up early and keep showing up leading up to the confrontation with their God
The issue is the player motivation doesn't really track. It's pretty common in APs for players to not have a great reason to risk their lives unless they're deliberately good heroes but in a module that's so treasure hunter pulp I feel like it's done poorly
I was considering having them get cursed /geas'd once too far into the city proper
afaik they haven't hinted at anything for animist or exemplar other than what they said after concluding the playtest
I recall the same thing. Like you've got this set-up with the evil dragon god in book 1, and in book 5 we've still got basically no idea of what the actual conspiracy is or how it's going to play out, and we spend that entire book taking down a crime syndicate--and even within the book, you only actually interact with the leader of that crime syndicate once prior to his boss fight at the very end. You meet him in a group setting where you're debating with the city leaders (he's one of them). When we actually ended up fighting him we had no idea who he was until after we'd killed him.

I get that paizo is afraid to show its villains early (you don't want to risk the party jumping them and either TPKing or derailing the whole AP in a book designed to be training wheels for GMs), but a lot of the time they're just non-entities until they show up suddenly so you can kill them.
That happens with my Grup every other campaign, one of us starts to push back and ask why we don't just fuck off and go to Vegas.
And another one of us replies that it's on us, depending on the tone of the story.
Not really, no. The simple-martial dichotomy is a vestigial trait/sacred cow that has no real reason to exist in 2e beyond being reason number 4 or 5 why cloth casters shouldn't try to use weapons (behind worse proficiency + worse ability bonus, no offensive boost like sneak attack or rage, worse/no weapon spec).
Any class that's actually expected to use weapons has martial proficiency and no reason to use simple weapons. Deities sometimes have simple weapons, but clerics and paladins have deadly simplicity for this, which bumps them up to martial weapons in terms of power/budget. Ruffian rogue is afaik the only option left that's pigeonholed into simple weapons, but it's not hard-locked into them and has martial proficiency and has viable builds that use martial weapons.

Weapon familiarity for martial weapons can be useful if you're early level or using ABP (so rune costs aren't a factor) and you want your wizard to have an easy third action with a shortbow. That's about it.
Yeah, 'villain who has been pulling all the strings, who has been the principle antagonist of the whole book, who you encounter for the first time in a room in a dungeon where they immediately attack and fight to the death' is a weirdly common trend that I remember complaining about a lot way back in like 2017 playing Jade Regent.

Well, the books can be okay at foreshadowing *the* final boss, but terrible at foreshadowing or building up a rapport with book bosses. The final boss of Abomination Vaults is smeared aaaaaall over the whole adventure, half the rooms include some kind of detail hinting at her, and because she is a ghost with Rejuvination, you get to straight up fight her multiple times. But the end of book 1 is against an apprentice worm-that-walks of hers who you probably hadn't heard of until the party enters room D8. There were clues about him, but not enough that the party would really have any reason to expect to lead to this - you find a portrait of an elf with a name, but not a lot of reason to think that that guy is that elf. Even a special mechanic where he gets debuffed if you show the portrait to him because he's especially vain - but why would the players think to do that, when they don't know that?

I still want to run books because the premium foundry modules save so, so much time - I guess going forward I need to remember to really try and have dudes show up earlier, in non-combat settings, in writing, in Dream Messages, etc etc.
There was a stream recently where the discussed some Animist/Exemplar stuff. Some dipshit on reddit summarized it better, but iirc they offloaded a lot of the ability stuff onto the apparitions themselves, and made the practices more about how you interact with the apparition.
Y’know I’m pretty surprised that they decided to go with Arazni for core instead of Ragathiel just because of how absurdly popular he is for Clerics and Champions.
Unlike Ragathiel, Razni is a strong and inspiring woman
Obviously every game requires a suspension of disbelief with why you and your gaggle of retards continue to risk your lives
But I think it's really jarring when there is a gap between the why early on and the why later
If you have a specific goal like make it rich or free the city it's fine, but once you achieve that are you really going to go cause more problems just because?
Ragathiel is too male, and white. Watch them throw arazni into the letter soup and make their lesbian orgy get another mentally ill fucker

It will be a real pity since she had interesting lore but no way they are keeping her interesting and straight with current p4izo
He doesn't bring much to the table conceptually that isn't covered by Iomedae, people just pick him a lot because he's not a woman they perceive as shrill because of the trumpets and haste.

Arazni covers areas of interest that aren't already handled by the rest of the core pantheon, and she has the distinction of being personally tied into some important recent events.
What debilitating things can I make players do in combat with the suggestion spell other than fleeing? That the suggestion "must be phrased in such a way as to seem like a logical course of action to the target and can't be self-destructive or obviously against the target's self-interest" makes the spell pretty tough to use as a GM other than that one way, and I just don't feel like forcing players to run away is very fun
>The weapon in your hands disgusts you. Drop it at once and leave it where it falls.
>You are ravenously thirsty, and potions are known to quench thirst. Drink all the potions you have.
Unleash your inner asshole.
You can make them burn resources if you want them to give you a colonoscopy with a wooden spike after.

If you command them to use consumables, even if it "benefits them" it won't be the most optimal action in combat (because of action cost of drawing them) and also cost them long term resources on an encounter that might not require them.

Same if you are making them burn high level spell slots that aren't necessary for the specific combat.

You can make them waste their actions on Aiding their comrades on actions they are unlikely to do, or not pressing, such as Recall Knowledge, or combat maneuvers for spell casters.

Just forcing them to focus on a target that is not the one giving the commands, such as a bag of HP or something with high defenses is going to be "logical course of action and not obviously against self interest" but still hamper them.
I think its weird for her to be on the big 20 because her domains are really niche.
nope, sorry, still worshiping gorum
>have sex
My god killed yours.
God, I wish they put out their information in some format other than 2 hour long livestreams where two dorks stutter into cheap microphones.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
I don't see at this point why anyone would even invest in returning runes with the addition of thrower's bandolier. Feels like a must-pick for throwers, not that I can really think of a way around it.

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