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>don't speak with cockney accent
That only concern the space marine whale and their guardmens boyfriend.

Xeno player had long stopped caring about modern lore where we never appears.
>Savage noble orks
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all i care is my boyz lookin i and behavin' like propa orkz, not sum hooman gitz
Holy ESL batman.
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>yfw you don't pay for craphammer+
does anyone pay for that shit?
Sadly yes
>Newfag hasn't seen a Blood Axe Ork in his life
Won't be long now till Warhammer reaches levels of pic related.
I'm infinitely more annoyed by the poor, over-exaggerated animation of mouth parts speaking - human as well as xeno. An Ork speaking non-cockney is perfectly fine so long as it sounds mean and krumpin'-inclined.
just wait till they reach rings of power levels
>hugs toddler mushroom
Rings of Power?
So is this made by the Astartes guy? I don't keep up with this stuff.
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>What are Kommandos
Stay mad
The accent is there, it's just subdued. Orks can talk low and sinister from time to time as well, they aren't 100% shouting.
This one I get more of, the animation looks a bit off on the boy we see there and is a step back from most Warhammer video game cutscenes.
Only fucking retarded subhumans give a single shit about lore regarding imperium or chaos.

The best stuff about 40k has always been, and always will be the xenos. Even Tau.
that one's world of warcraft
>The best stuff about 40k has always been, and always will be the xenos
Would have a point if not for the rape the lore has had for Xenos, especially Necrons, since 5th
And the human factions aren't bad, just overplayed and overdone because of their huge focus and wank
>Be edgy punk britton
>Make a rather funny quirky setting with over the top lore
>It works because its actually funny and also cool at the same time, same as Gloryhammer albums
>Retarded manchildren audiance forms, along with autistic writers who want to write the next great scifi novels who write shit fluff about how serious this all is
>"serious" fags grow like cancer to the point where Imperium has to be considered as a serious commentary on the human condition by the new (american) manbaby audiance
>Now you got a dogshit setting that you can't tinker with or else the "serious" fans will have a meltie
Also just random reminder that retards unironically think 40k has deeper lore than Star Wars, or even fucking Star Trek.
>or even fucking Star Trek.
The writing for startrek is unironically the weakest of those three
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nice opinion,
shame you don't believe in it.
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>>Be edgy punk britton
The edge on these lads.
If you only know 3 things about Warhammer then "Orks are cockney hooligans" is one of those 3 things behind "Emperor good" and "Chaos bad".
I am still impressed at how elaborate these "this is bait" images keep getting.
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>All the other problems with Warhammer right now and you pick this?
Respectfully, Orks have an Aesthetic to maintain. They're the Football Hooligans of 40k. I can see how an Ork fan could be miffed that the "Hooligan Ork" gets converted into this "Noble Savage Ork"
>The accent is there, it's just subdued. Orks can talk low and sinister from time to time as well, they aren't 100% shouting.
This I can get. You got it in the older DoW games where they were more subdued but a tad loud. But even then, this was almost *too* subdued. Like there should have been more of a mischevious undertone rather than "Super serious savage ork"
But then, it's only about 3 seconds of footage, so I could be completely talking out of my ass.
.... He says three words, and he even says "Toim ta kill".

I think at this point you should just kill yourself. Nothing will ever get better for you.
It's like the brown M&Ms, if they fuck that up they probably fucked up something else.
orcs are actually sympathetic and likable in comparison to you
would be an excellent one off comedic bit
Ah yes. Of course the squad leader is a black woman.

Yeah, it was only three words, but I'm pretty sure he had a cockney britishness to his accent.
>Ah yes. Of course the squad leader is a black woman.
For the past decade, any character that isn't part of the main cast, but is in a position of authority, needs to be black. You'll notice it the most in shit like Law and Order or sitcoms, where principals and judges are always some shade of brown.
Talk about traditional games and not your easily disproven polshit.
disprove it.
Women shouldn't be in an active war zone
Did they just castrate the ork mood?
*ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*
>Warcraft Orcs
>Every officer is a butch woman, the pattern intensifies

I see the dangerhair Slaaneshi gender cultists are getting their claws deeper into GW.
>Warcraft Orcs
fuck off secondary, Warhammer orks have always been green with tusks, warcraft copied their design, but not their kulture
Green orcs predate Warhammer, although
>is that three words that don't sound exactly like how I want and a fucking BLACK WOMAN in the future where people have mutated into every conceivable shape
Man even as someone that outright ignores almost everything past 5th Edition you people are fucking mentally ill
Whats with all the female commanding officers suddenly? It's like every big budget piece of 40k Media now has a Female Commander barking orders and trying to be "authoritative". This will not get more women to play your shitty plastic game.
That's my point. You can literally hear him say "Toim" and "ta".
>This will not get more women to play your shitty plastic game.
But will give them that sweet DEI cash from Blackrock
Commanding officers are only around to bark orders most of the time so it's the perfect shoehorn for a diversity checkmark.
yes they even increased the amount of user in the last year
I mean he's just saying "Time to kill", that's completely fine especially when WH+ has so much genuinely awful garbage. I am 100% convinced you're simply singling this out for fake outrage because this is the same series that featured a female custodes, not because you actually care about this one sentence of 3 words spoken by an ork in a threatening manner.
>Also just random reminder that retards unironically think 40k has deeper lore than Star Wars, or even fucking Star Trek.
star trek has almost zero care or consistency for "lore" since it's always been an episodic series and is made for serialization. things are introduced, relevant for one episode, then immediately forgotten by the wayside and never brought up again besides the occasional memberberry reference. the sheer number of omnipotent energy-being space gods who can alter the entire universe but only show up for a single episode and are never again addressed in the future should give you the idea.

star trek is not about lore. it's about character writing and always has been, the bullshit technobabble and disposable setpieces have never mattered.
>cockney accent
I mean, this is just a thing from Dawn of War, along with "space marine robot voice", "all dreads have deep, booming voices" etc.

This is how orks sounded in the olden days

I remember the ork protagonist in one of the Orks novel (the one where they are fucking up Commoragh) having a fairly "eloquent" and subdued conversation of the Drukhari girl who captured him at one point. Almost philosophically fucking her up regarding how Orks truly love battle and danger compared to Drukaries who more or less pretends to enjoy what they do
40k culture peaked at dawn of war soulstorm and you know it.
D&D before and during Satanic Panic was edge.
>Almost philosophically fucking her up
Kunnin' but brutal
Kommandos/blood axes have always been the unorkiest orks, it makes sense that they'd be more subdued and serious than the average ork. Of course, it works better if you have other orks to provide contrast but it can work on its own.
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It's absurd how wrong you are, Orks have been football hooligans since day dot and the cockney accent goes hand in hand with it. Tell me unironically that any of the Ork dialogue in "Waaargh: Orks" wasn't written with the cockney accent in mind.
>This is how orks sounded in the olden days
Wrong, THIS is how orks sounded in the olden days

DoW didn't establish any new standard, it merely corrected the record
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>it merely corrected the record
Which is ironic because to this day I don't understand if the Killa Kan they put in the game was meant to be an actual Killer Kan or a Dread.
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It's obviously the Kan model, they've just given it both ccw arms and strapped a rocket launcher on the side
They don't, Tolkien orcs were grey and brown. Green orcs from DND were designed by GeeDub when their business was being a 2nd party DND shop
Star Trek is Scifi for pseuds.
They probably felt it would be redundant to have 2 very similar units in game so just merged them into 1, that said the 2 arms make it look like more of a dredd
There are people on this site who need an urgent crash course in old (and not so old) British gangster films.
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>Black or female character: Needs to be justified. Their blackness needs to be relevant to the story otherwise it is forced.
>White and male character: Default. Totally fine. No justification needed.
the amount of things you could genuinely be mad about from this trailer and bro decided to be mad about black people and women
I don't get the style of this. Why not just film actors?
I honestly think somebody made that second animation and forgot there were no female Custodes, they saw it and panicked, then retconned the lore quickly because they already spent the money on the animation.
Ghazghkull speaks in a menacing low voice and there's plenty of orks that speak quietly in the books like sentries or Kommandos. The accent is there but it's never going to be as prominent if they aren't shouting or in a full convo; same with real life.
UK didn't really have the satanic panic for D&D though
Female custodians are author/creator driven, and have been in the works for a long time.
In about 2016 , Aaron Demski-Brown, one of the top authors for GW, asked about female custodians. The suits at GW were cool with it, but they'd already produced the molds for the sprues for the Custodian box - ADB was too late.
So they simply said that next update, there would be female custodians.
This isn't a DEI thing by GW. It's an author driven change in the works for nearly a decade, that only took so long because GW updates models every decade.
Man, you're the reason we got Black Lancelot.
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bro responded to 3 posts just to tell everyone that he is a cuckold, lmao
So they are a decade in the wrong. Good to know.
The real atrocity is the comments to the video.
>"Oy Boss, oiz a Paseefist"
>It's ADB's fault
It's cute how you invoke Tolkien to make your wrong claim, when Tolkien inspired Tim Kirk to paint his brilliant Road to Minas Tirith with nothing but green-skinned Orcs several years before geedubs greened theirs:


This assumes that authors opinions aren't shaped by the DEI pushing states they live in. Also ADB used to seethe over based Alan Merritt telling him no when ADB wanted to give Lorgar a humiliating death (which he later did to Angron) because he's the religious guy. Well, Alan is gone and Lorgar isn't so no one really gives a fuck what ADB wants. The femstodes is pushing at an open door.
The next painting by the same guy has two brown skinned orcs. You may as well claim that it was William Blake that invented orcs.
And you may as well claim that GW invented green orcs.

Goff brand simply cannot comprehend
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>no one really gives a fuck what ADB wants.
>Based Alan Merrett
holy shit, what the fuck, a sentence I'd never think in a million years I'd see on /tg/, the killer of Warhammer Fantasy defined as "based"
WHFB was an undead corpse for a decade in commercial terms. It was only kept out of love and GW not having an alternative owned by them until AoS was conceived.
Even the army size bloat of the last editions was an attempt to make money to save it.
Kommandos. That said, that is probably not what this is.
No, this as well as Pariah Nexus and the CG trailers are done by M2 Animations.
you faggots are immediately calling this ork a noble savage based on the fact that he spoke quietly for 2 seconds. you're beyond pathetic.
BASED black gate anon. Real grog hours type shit.
The ork literally has a cockney accent, he just spoke three words in a low growl instead of shouting.

What the hell is this thread about? Why is everyone arguing over whether it's justified to remove the orks accent that he still has?
There are a lot of retards on this board that easily lap up bait.
You disingenuous shit brain, /tg/ loves Thulsa Doom.

>the amount of things you could genuinely be mad about from this trailer
Such as? Looked inoffensive to me.
The Ork Actors' Guild is currently on strike
I've noticed that a fair number of Americans are really, really bad at recognising Brit/Aussie/Kiwi accents for some strange reason.
>asked about female custodians. The suits at GW were cool with it
Spreading disinfo as usual, faggot.
ADB and his one of his writing staff tried slipping them into a black library book and got caught red handed. The suits explicitly told him "No, you had a template of shit to put in the book and this is out of order. It's not what we specified, go back and change it".
There were never any plans for female sculpts, you disingenuous shitbag.
I don’t understand why people think this guy is a good writer. His Abbadon books turned him into a spergtastic 140 IQ messianic figure and the original characters of the Thousand Sons Sorcerer and the Chaos allied Dark Eldar were poorly done in the case of the former and lore breaking in the case of the latter.

I really feel like ADB tries to cram as many tropes into a book as possible to hit the “familiar” check boxes people expect, then tries to wrap everything up with a twist ending that boils down to doing a M. Night Shamalan but on a Tesco’s budget.
I legitimately don't think there's a single avtual good writer doing BL, at least not in the household names. Maybe some one-off freelancers did decent books.

Also, even the OK writers at GeeDubs really are only passable at writing one thing, and that might not even be what they're most famous for. Matt Ward was rightly infamous for his UM and GK writing being crap, but I honestly quite liked what he had done for the elves bavk in Fantasy. He's a man born to write knife ears, and forced to write space monks.
Abnett I guess but he was never a Black Library writer exclusively doing a lot of UK and US comic work at the same time hell he done more work for 2000AD in the past 2 years than he has for GW in a long while
>Space Marine 2
>like half the Cadians are shrill little bitches
No wonder they're fucking losing.

Seems like GW have really jumped on the

I really thought the Ukraine stuff would put a damper on this farcical society-wide aggrandisement of women but I suppose we're too deep into feminist lies to let people remember the truth, that almost all women are weak and cowardly to a degree that would make a 10 year old boy ashamed.

I mean when was the last time that ANY fictional ANYTHING portrayed female combat inadequacy as it exists in real life?
People have become fucking delusional. Retards nowadays actually think that women should be beat cops and frontline soldiers in real life. Shit like this has become establishment propaganda reinforcing real life delusions.
Yes, large numbers of human women being shoehorned into a military force warrants some kind of justification.
Same as if a human military force was full of 6 year-old children or legless cripples.
Because it begs the fucking question
>why the hell are they using these useless cunts to fight?
There *are* reasons why it might be so. But you'd better provide them. Don't just expect everyone to pretend its normal.
Go back
>Yes, large numbers of human women being shoehorned into a military force warrants some kind of justification.

You know one of the largest militaries in the world is like 15-20% female right?
>some kind of justification
rule of cool and fuck you, tourist
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40k is based in no small part in sci fi tropes that include hot warrior women and female soldiers. It has always been the case ouside marines and orks, but you don't know it because you're just a retarded zoomer shitposting here after watching a video about SM2 and you don't know that the first game from a decade ago already featured a female officer in command.
>Yes, large numbers of human women being shoehorned into a military force warrants some kind of justification.
40k doesn't really need one. The Astra Militarum has an average survival time of 15 hours and the care for casualty numbers is effectively non-existent. As long as you can hold a lasgun you're good to go, whether a 6 year-old or legless cripple.

If you rise beyond that point then it's kind of a moot point since you're getting enough enhancements for gender to stop mattering.
Barley any of those are front line fighters.
The point is moot though, the 40k justification is that they need every body available for combat. Though it is a little stupid you don't see propaganda everywhere to breed for the emperor and most women are not just homemaker working some from home job like making rations or guardsmen uniforms while they are pregnant with their 4th batch of kids for the various war efforts. Every women you ever see in the setting that is not active duty, old, or rich, should be pregnant.
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Personally I don't mind female Guardsmen, but making every regiment a thoroughly mixed 50/50 male-female affair triggers my autism something fierce because it makes absolutely no sense when you consider what would happen when you put such a collection of highly stressed people in a tin can with nothing do to for months at a time as they travel between warzones - babies, and a lot of them. It's a discipline and morale nightmare just waiting to happen with no way to prevent it without handwaving away that every single person in 40k is some sort of stoic superman with an unshakeable iron will.

Featuring all-female Guard regiments is fine, I wouldn't mind that, but making mixed the norm is just dumb.
Orks speaking anything is fucking retarded, the whole "cockney" thing should be a TRANSLATION between orks, but Orks should never talk in gothic around humans because its retarded. They are meant to be monsters, not goofy jokes.
>babies, and a lot of them
Assuming theres no 40k birth control going on like
>Harvesting all the womens eggs pre deployment
>sterilisation drugs in their water supply
>assuming the men and woman are even fertile considering the fucked polluted hellwholes they lived their whole lives in
>deeper lore than Star Wars, or even fucking Star Trek
>>assuming the men and woman are even fertile considering the fucked polluted hellwholes they lived their whole lives in
India proves that humanity can breed in the worst possible environments.
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>watch video
>ork with a Cockney accent
OP remains a dumb faggot, watch it again champ.
There's gonna be a black person in it?
Oh the humanity, how will we survive.
I think it's wrong to consider this shit from some sort of 'efficiency' perspective.
Imperium doesn't care about the efficiency of random guard regiment #12343323453 from Planet Buttfuckia. They just need the numbers to throw into the grind, the numbers to sit in XX Trench network for 2 years while Artillery regiment number 14335633 pounds an enemy position.
You don't need highly trained soldiers for these sort of jobs. Literally just basic weapon maintenance and aiming. They don't even need them to do that much manual labor- everyone has servitors, be it guard or (obviously) the Admech. Women or men wouldn't make that much of a difference to the job they have to perform
i like how you pretend star wars has lore
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It should go without saying, that women are only in the combat roles they are in the setting out of either:
A) Desperation - any meat-shield will do
B) Augmentation and Jewing the rules - Sisters of Battle with their power suits and the Ecclesiarchy's need to skirt the prohibition on men under arms.

Same goes for female Admech magi or Inquisitors, etc.

Psychic powers, power suits, cybernetics, etc.

40k is ironically one of the most DiVeRsE settings out there, the problem for the shitlib wokescolds is that it's not "DiVeRsE" in the way they want it. Twitter's neo-Marxist cult of weakness and depravity, and it's most assuredly not anti-strong White male.

That's it. That's the "Inclusivity" side of the activist internet's problem with the setting.

Shit on White men.
Make a "virtue" of worshipping degenerate weakness and depravity.
A non character who replaces a main character, which was killed off screen lmao
you're a faggot and a retard I don't know how else to describe it
>Yes, large numbers of human women being shoehorned into a military force warrants some kind of justification.
the imperial guard is a meat grinder that throws people at problems regardless of sex or race. The people in charge are nobles or people who survived long enough to be in charge.

thats the justification retard its like you don't even know the setting.
It's fucking warhammer 40k man, they could kill off basically half the characters and replace them with cardboard cutouts and it would make literally no difference to the quality of the story.
i'm not a disgusting mayo skin you """"""people"""""" are my default
thats half of 40k books
>This isn't a DEI thing by GW. It's an author driven change
so it IS still actually a DEI thing by GW but you would rather we just not call it that
but slaanesh is fun and trangressive while dangerhair gender cultists are miserable and uniform
bad faith smuggling the real desire for "female soldiers" behind the true but still politically inconvenient "hot warrior women"
>writing tortureporn fanfic to excuse shitty current lore
ever wonder why the term "grimderp" became a thing? you're why
>he thinks troop quarters have enough radiation shielding to make pregnancies even viable
What's next, you think the slaves get food too?
Very tame next to canonical shit like servitors and cherubes.
Artillery does the bulk of the damage for the guard and there's not much the actual grunts are expected to do save for dying slow enough for the arty or the armor or the air support to actually do something.
>children or legless cripples
You're forgetting the Guard uses those too, and neither is as functional as a regular adult woman at just pointing a lasgun at something and not dying too quickly.
you lost, why even keep writing posts like this as if there's any debate.
It is pleasant to me that not a single one of your replies could do anything to disprove your central point.
It's bizarre that people take this shit seriously.
Why do you call others bad faith while you are intentionally ignoring GW's history in a manner that can be, at best, described as bad faith?
>babies, and a lot of them
That's a boon. It can be years in between deployments. The babies grow up to be additional soldiers.
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>ship has low gothic text
lmao someone draw this before folks forget about the rings of power nonsense.
Faerin doesn't replace anyone.
Khadgar didn't die, which you would know if you actually played the game and weren't a culture warrior.
Ciaphas Cain novels featured a mixed regiment, but that only occurred because two separate regiments got devastated, put together but the ministorum didn't realize so they kept sending 50/50 gender split recruits
Rule of Hot, maybe, but she's not hot, so there is no rule to keep her in.
The leopard print fatigues are so rad
what is star trek lore besides "communism is right" and le negative space wedge inverse polarity magic tech incident?

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