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Are orcs actually popular?
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As one of the usual generic demihumans, yeah. Much moire so than anything more out there like a lizardfolk or w/e
There's the picture. Thread over.
I like them as bad guys.
Orcs are just early 1900s Mexicans now?
This. They're basically bigger, tougher goblins.
>We're going to get you some proppa garments!
>Somefing appropriate for dis weather!
Or Cockneys. Or Syrian Refugees. Or Indians. Or Black People (Pejorative or Sympathetic) or as examples of the banalities of enlisted life and the dehumanization brought on by the industrial revolution.
Some Mongols in there too.
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That's hobgoblins

I don't like most takes of them being primitive barbarians. Tolkien's orcs are much more interesting.
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I prefer em more like this
Why do they look more human than half-orcs?
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God I hope not.

Forgetting any ... whatever-real-people-links people having been forcing on them. They are your traditional dumb brute minion. How this ever got popular as a PC race I'll never know.

Back in the early days we have Draconians! If we NEED an evil minion race why wasn't it the cool one picked? It's in the name of the game!
Because Draconians have to be made by stealing the eggs of chromatic dragons which is why it never made any fucking sense.
I like them as primitive bad guys. PC orcs are stupid as hell.
Obviously I meant metallic...
What if you ran an "orc campaign" where you just raided and pillaged with all the pcs as members of a tribe of orcs?
>fancy armor
>tidy hair
>red skin
That is not a goblin.
Yeah, it's a hobgoblin. Try to keep up.
Yeah and Orc's have their specific lore in each setting too.

Change it per world.
That would be enjoyable. I kinda want to run it.
>muh D&D conventions
Kill yourself.
>try to humanize them
>make them uglier than intentionally monstrous orcs
That reflects the actual physical appearance of WoTC employees
I thought it was a fun idea as well!
I'm gonna make some maps and sketch it out and post it here.
You mean in-setting? Certainly not
My brother is a low functioning autist and only plays half orcs with completely campaign inappropriate """funny""" backstories. He also loves steampunk and has those little round glasses and a curly mustache.
>Are orcs actually popular?
No, but half-orcs are reasonably common when somebody wants to play a buff, masculine man while still fitting in with the SocJus tribe.
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Alright here's my general outline I'm gonna expand because I'm having fun with it:
Short Campaign Outline
Players are young orcs just reaching maturity in Clan Inkathu at the foot of the
Adventure 1: Earn their place in the clan by collecting 3 warg pelts from Rabbit Run. Warned that it's in the shadow of the human castle. Optional side-quest from the Wise Woman to place an offering at Bahgtru's Teeth. Players head to the thorn thickets of Rabbit's Run, track wargs. Survival/Athletics checks for rivers and rocky terrain and tracking. Eventually find 4 wargs on the hunt. hunt the hunters w/ stealth & survival or set a trap. Wargs attack human trapper, can get pelts and sacrifice a human at Bahgtru.

Adventure 2: Now proved, join a raiding party to reach The Seep, where the orcs collect pitch and asphalt to make alchemical fire weapons (clay pots they catapult or throw to cover things in burning tar). Sailing adventure down the river right past Haven and under the nose of Dirlyr Castle's guards. Some stealth and opportunities to terrorize the locals. Eventually get into the hills south of Plumefront where they'll come across humans quarrying near the seep and also using the asphalt. Have to fight their way through to collect the tar.

Adventure 3: Working for the Wise Woman. Take their pick of Sodagh's Nest (stealing griffon eggs), Valley of the Tyrant (collecting giant spider venom), or heading up Mount Khargol (stealing from a clan of Ogres). Whatever, whatever, as they return see smoke from where their clan was. Humans have destroyed Clan Inkathu. The Wise Woman, with her dying breath, entrusts the players to take revenge on the humans by destroying them.

Adventure 4+: Orc players plot their attack and now have alchemical fire pots and whichever item they grabbed w/ the wise woman's recipe to make cool shit. The BBEG is the most comically over-the-top mary-sue party of adventurers ever. Players plot and take out the 3 towns and the castle.
Dude this sounds like it’s coming along fucking nice!! I fucking love the idea of a group of Mary-sue adventurers being the villains!! Keep up the good work
/tg/ actually being creative? sounds like a glitch in the matrix
Why does that matter?
What's in Skyreach?
No, OP, their ubiquity in the fantasy genre is a big, ironic joke being played specifically on you
I've never found them to be particularly interesting, if I am to be honest. They always struck me as forced- a canned solution to 'mean savage people' to throw into a campaign encounter.
Then again, I also think elves and dwarves tend to be over-done and overrated, but I'm the guy that plays humans because I have difficulty pretending to be something inferior.
They make good antagonists tho
How I feel about orcs
They're the goto noble savage race in any D&D campaign where the DM is smart enough to ban lizardmen and gnolls (but still not smart enough to drop the game and play Rolemaster).
What's wrong with lizardfolk and gnolls? I like the autistic lizard men
>dehumanised industrial revolution victims
Neither of these are done anymore. Cockneys in particular have actually died out IRL, due to being replaced.
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Duality of mememan.
I like claiming they're an allegory for white colonialism, just to make progressives seethe.
What game?
My homebrew.
Terrible, just terrible. Jim's homebrew is way better.
I prefer Goblins for that. When I'm not using them as a 3rd Century Rome stand in.
Furries have no place at a civilized game table.
Post the rules. (you wont)
You're rightn I won't. But I'm not contributing any less than the "what game" fag.
lizards don't have fur you retard
What a retarded stance. Might as well ban women because of coomers, and white men because of muh racists too.
No games cope
>Might as well ban women
So you're a faggot then who wants his sausage fest?
Thank you for proving my point, you degenerate gamelet.
>ban white men
Actually based, none of the faggots that post on this board would have the courage to do it.
That turned out great for Concord and Suicide Squad. Please keep doing it.
I dunno, have you seen the amount of futa orc porn that gets made?
>Are orcs actually popular?
In lore?
In parties?
As an ironic joke?
Why not just use normal Mexicans?
If you guys ever played the classic boxed set Orc of Thar you probably had a very good time in an alternative game setting. I miss some of those modules, especially the boxed ones with lots of goodies.


Also I really liked Immortals. Another good boxed set.
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Orcs have a lower crime rate
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No idea yet! Just felt like there should be an abandoned tower. Working on writing the adventures and building battle maps. It's fun because "orc go smash things!" isn't the world's hardest adventure to write.
Sounds like a slog, ripped straight from MMOs.
I dunno, are they?
As player characters? Not really. Less than Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Halflings, Half Elves and others depending on the game and edition.
Bruh where did you think MMOs got it from?
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I love TES orcs! They were elfs ones, but their god Trinimac was eaten and pooped out and became ugly poop god instead, and then his poeple became orcs! I love how elf like they are, but still differant in in looks and culture.
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Orcs got me into fantasy.
Is coffee bad for you?
This really looks awful. What looks especially awful though is how these orcs have really become just Green humans with tusks.
What is even more awful os How terrible the art of this new Editions is. Jesus that fat aunt jemima Wizard ive seen posted a few times look horrendous. I know they want to be diverse, but why add the most stereotypically fat and hideous Black woman you can think of in a depiction of a Wizard? Why those technicolor elves ALL look terribly human and ugly, but with slightly pointy ears?
In and attempt to fit as much as possible, everything has now becomes so flavorless in this Edition.
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Only with gay men.
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Not only is coffee good for you, the water content of the average cup means you’re hydrating yourself more than the caffeine is excreting. You should still drink water though.
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yes. its a hobgolin. the actually dangerous demi human bad guys. orcs might be individually dangerous with their personal raging retardation buttfucking as backwards savagery.

But Hobgoblins will march entire regiments of armoured infantry in lockstep to raze your whole fucking city to dust.

they're the disciplined, organised, SMART goblinoids. INFINITELY more dangerous than all other types
So I have a theory; All races in the new book have members that are a mix of the original fantasy creatures and all races on Earth in some form. That way they can claim to be inclusive and appeal to the mainstream "I want it to look like me!" newcomers. I feel this is extra prevalent for orcs.
I find orc males are extremely popular with human and elf women. . .
sure, to kill
Surprised it took so long.
Faghags are a thing even in fantasy
Like he said.
That guy is being ironic right? Nobody is stupid enough to believe that lol lmao
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Homebrew is such a Reddit sounding term.
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Only females.
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People called it homebrew before you were born, zoomie
I was born in '80. I don't actually know the origin of that term but I know it's nothing new. It still just sounds gay.
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>The oldest woman is FAT
>Everyone else is Fit

How the fuck did they think this is ok? Is DnD saying every leaves food for the fat ass? If they actually gave a shit about this then that FAT FUCK would be a old BUFF hag. What the fuck?
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Orcs are just regular folk, just like y'all and me.
Thing is: the artist who made this might not have realized it, but there are orcs like this in the Mystara setting. So as much as Nu-DND sucks ass, this wasn't entirely without precedent.
Are orcs unironically not evil anymore?
>that pronoun haircut on the one with the axe
Dios mio.
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On /tg/? No, not really. However, /tg/ is a very small place and half the regulars here do not play games. Anyone who has played a game in the last 7 or 8 years has met more former WoW players wanting to play an orc than the entirety of people who have ever played a Gnome, Duergar, etc.
Among white women
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So do Orcs reproduce sexually?
Yes unlike you.

>akshually the Orcs are happy Mexicans!

Can you just nuke us already, Vlad, I'm tired of this Yuga.
>Less than Dwarves
According to BG3 they're about twice as popular as dwarves. Probably because they occupy a lot of the same thematic niches but without the manletism and overcompensation
anon reproduces asexually?
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If NuOrcs ever met OSR Orcs.
Most racists are white women.

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