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Goat Party Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What Trench Crusade is not
TC not an excuse for you to discuss IRL religion, 'woke' culture war, or discord shit on /tg/. Keep it on topic.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
All the files are free online, but are split between the website and the discord. They have all been collected here for your convenience:

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>Trench Compendium
Compendium: https://trenchcompendium.netlify.app/
Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/k44MxmJxWu3upDHT8

>Previous thread:
I wonder how the kickstarter stls will work. Will it be paying for each faction, or the whole thing at once?
Probably factions as a group.
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I’ve seen TC in various recommend feeds and am kind of intrigued. Will there be retail sales or is it mostly going to be a “download the stls” kind of online thing? Any plans for accompanying media? Lore books? Short stories? Anything like that?
>Will there be retail sales or is it mostly going to be a “download the stls” kind of online thing?
They are doing stl's, time will tell if there's plastic kits.

>Any plans for accompanying media? Lore books? Short stories? Anything like that?
They want to expand it further out from the skirmish game if it's successful enough to justify it, so tentatively yes.

There's currently a pre-release lore primer for you, subject to change as all pre-release things are. File attached.
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Also I'm aware the mega-anon has thrown a tantrum after being banned for going off-topic and emptied the mega-file. I'll make a replacement one later after I wake up.
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Fuck it, nothing better to do:

Let me know if anything's missing. I joined the discord ages back to grab files a while back so that's no issue. I'll change the mega link for the next OP.
What a hissy fit. He didn't see that he was just feeding a troll?
I see no problem with it.
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rest in peace (soon) nigga off to heaven with thee <3
I get so sad when I remember how old most of the best warhammer people are. Stuff like this will only get more common, sadly
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It's been like 30 years since I picked up my first white dwarf. An uncomfortable amount of time has already passed.
It was inside job by the deep hell, do not be fooled sheeple!
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>they know, shut it down
You can keep modern White Dwarf mags, they ain't the same, they're souless corpo trash, and ain't worth the paper they're printed on.
Holy fire can't melt tartarus metal beams!
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Wargames Atlantic is doing a Forbidden Psalm: The Last War box. It has a sample of most of their WW1 ranges (25 miniatures in total from 4 factions) plus two of their Weird War One upgrade sprues (which isn't printed on the box but included in the item description for some reason). Hopefully it's cheap, might be a good way to make a few warbands.
Dont recall if I ever mentioned it, but the compendium should now do a bunch of auto-calculation for your model stats and abilities.

There's a lot of stuff liable to fucking up - but the discord people have been pretty good in pointing it all out so hopefully it all tracks.

Also you can now download/upload warbands so you can share them around - took surprisingly little time.
Thanks Anon, nice work.
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Guys, I stumbled upon an idea
Not a bad one, actually. Seems like pain in the ass to paint, if you want to make a mini of that.
So apparently the Iron Sultanate guns have a distinctive curved stock. Any models that are useful for that?
Perry miniatures Afghan Rebels iirc. Or try to look for miniatures with the word jezzail.
As someone potentially interested in this, is the 32mm scale a big deal? I've played 12mm and 28mm games and base /tray size is very important, but I wouldn't want models too big or small for their bases?
What pathetic oldFAG boomer reported me? Name yourself, old man
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People just use 28mm models on bigger bases when applicable if they dont have a bigger model that is appropriate for the unit, its fine. Like the most popular range people are using for this is perry miniatures and wargames atlantic, which are realscale 28mm.
Thanks anon. Another question, are there any actual WW1 miniatures? I'm sifting through Perry Miniatures and it seems to jump from Napoleonics to WW2, I'm not a huge history buff and I know nothing about the setting. Would I be embarassing myself if I picked up WW2 soldiers as a base and kitbashed ontop of them?
if you scale everything up, the differences between most base sizes isn't enough that you need to get the exact proportional equivilents. Generally as long as you have the same number of base sizes, and keep track of the few times base size is mentioned in an ability, things will play out fine.
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See >>93885424. Wargames Atlantic has a pretty sizable range. If you have access to a 3d printer there's also a game called Scouts Out that's a WW1 skirmish game that fits extremely well with Trench Crusade.
>Would I be embarassing myself if I picked up WW2 soldiers as a base and kitbashed ontop of them?
You'd probably be fine assuming you do a bit of kitbashing like alternative heads and removing very WW2 iconography. Trench Crusade's tech isn't exactly 1-to-1 with WW1, and if you get minis from the early war you're not that far off anyway.
Excellent. My historical knowledge is abyssmal so I guess I'll just have to cut off any insignia, get some purity seals or whatever from my 40k bits box and get to work.
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Wargames atlantic has a bunch of stuff, though I personally dont like how the arms dont hold the weapons right on some of the poses.

The perry miniatures franco prussian french have the same uniforms that wouldve been in WW1, and their zulu british stuff could be used too, just with different helmets and backpacks. Heres an example I made for testing what to make my NA warband with. They are extremeley cheap options if you are willing to do some cutting and adding your own backpacks and helmets.
I'm feeling drawn towards the Black Grail based on their lore, but it seems the only infantry they can field are Thralls who can't take any weapons or equipment, are their heroes, heralds and amalgam meant to cover everything in their roster? For the smaller model count the game is based on, I don't know how a faction that seems to emphasise a zombie horde works on the table?
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All hell factions get "wretched" as well. Pic related is how they are a zombie horde, when lumped together their cheap shitty unit is actually hard to kill for something that isnt even equipped with anything.
Basically every single BG model is naturally hard to kill, they dont take extra BM from many attacks and a lot of them straight up roll -1D to injury rolls. Plus I believe they literally all cause fear.
I've only had a skim over the rules so the terminology is a bit lost on me I'm afraid. My main worry was that Black Grail seemed like they were that faction that broke the mold of the game, if that makes sense? "Yeah it's a small skirmish game, 30 models tops. Unless it's the Grail."

Should I want to put all my firearms eggs in the Amalgam basket since it can take a bunch of them?
Yea the amalgam and the heralds are their ranged units. The faction specific ranged weapons are pretty wacky.
Excellent. I'm just looking at models at the moment for kitbashing purposes and I'd rather avoid just using Nurgle models from Warhammer (though the parallels are present and probably intended). Anvil Industries has some nice Stalker sculpts that I feel could work well as Fly Thralls. I'd probably have to model some sort of Las Plagas fly mosntrosity coming out of them though.
Check out mantic zombies if you want something cheap to work off.
Succubus when?
That's what a Lust-dedicated Court warband is, lad. Their spells are Forbidden Pleasure, Exquisite Pain, Call of Flesh, and their Desecrated Saint's Aura makes enemies naked.
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how is lust a sin when it serves as the underpinning of all creation?
>The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade.
Nigga what the fuck? The Knights Templar were not around during the First Crusade and were not even founded until a few years after Jerusalem had been taken. They then weren't persecuted as heretics until the early 14th century.
they were doubtlessly present enough in at least a primordial form to have done so and then be held to account for it
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Romance doesn't equal Lust, you silly goof.

Given that no demons buried an artifact in a hidden catacomb/temple below Jerusalem in the real world, and there isn't an open gate to hell there currently either, it's safe to say this takes place in a timeline where things went a little different, Anon.
>Romance doesn't equal Lust
can there be one without the other?
it's a puzzling matter
When you ask someone to suspend disbelief and say "their are demons and portals to hell" that is one thing. Easy
It makes for an interesting story and setting. But when you start talking about how Abraham Lincoln won the Battle of Waterloo you just look like an idiot. You need to get your history approximately right to create a base for your alternate history to build off of.
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Templar's are not a person they're an order, and it's a decade out. If you can't accept history being even slightly different in an alternate reality then you're retarded and I won't engage with you further.
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An order that was founded specifically AFTER the success of the first Crusade BECAUSE of the success of the first Crusade. Hell they are called the TEMPLARS because their were headquartered on the TEMPLE MOUNT. And the second part, the heretic issue, is three centuries out of date. Literally older than the United States of America.
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Paint over nail water slide transfers.
Considering giving my pilgrims shields just so I can use these.
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>Are you in, or are you out, Trench-Spider?
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dead game
I love the use of multiple bombs here, really gives it a "make it rain death" quality.
Alive Game
Big announcement today
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Oh? How'd you know that?
You post this every thread and always receive the same responses. Aren't you bored by now? Don't bother replying.
It was on facebook last week. In their own words; "in next week we make our biggest announcement yet".
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It's live! It's aliiiiive!
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I really want to check the kickstarter when I get home. Public transportation never has been this slow.
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It hasn't launched yet, but it lists several things that you can expect from said launch.
Ah, so it seems. I was thinking that we got the kickstarter already. Well there is no hurry.
Wondering if I should bother with making my guys still, seeing as it has its own ranges coming.
I always prefer seeing kitbashes to official models, so I'd say keep going for it.
Any suggestions for fly wings for Black Grail miniatures? I doubt me cutting bits of clear plastic into wing shape and scoring them will look very god.
I still plan to build my Court force from unofficial minis, but the official Antioch minis I need. I love their aesthetic so much.
>Wondering if I should bother with making my guys still
Of course you should.
Do they have to be transparent? That might be difficult, but you can cast some with resin easily enough

Oh, and you can build your own with a wire frame and dripping said resin into them frame and letting it dry.
Yes, finally!
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Will the full kickstarter bring these minis back too? I missed my opportunity to get the digital files of them a while ago.
I hope they'll be presupported too.
Never done anything like that before but it sounds like an idea. Will give it a go when time presents itself.
I believe the email mentioned the prior KS minis making a return as well.
The New Antioch Mechanized Infantry from the upcoming kickstarter, sent out to youtubers for printing. Sculpted by DivergingRealm, with printing supports but apparently only on the front.
Pretty good. Its the wierder stuff I want to see like the demons, shrine and the communicant, I want to see what the official big boys minis look like if they are customizable like this.
Yeah, I really want to see the renders they came up for the Black Grail and Court.

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