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It is skeleton time motherfuckers!
Time to discuss
>what skeletons should look like (in your opinion)
>how skeletons should act (in your opinion)
>How to make encounters against skeletons more interesting
Skeletons move as the stop-motion skeletons in Jason and the argonauts.
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should Skeletons have a sense of humor or try to be spooky?
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Perfectly white, clean bones unless it's a special kind of skeleton that's bloody/slimy/etc.
Always hostile, but never fiercely aggressive. Necromancers might program them individually.
If you're fighting a skeleton, that's already interesting.
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I have been trying to draw skeleton warriors of a prehistoric civilization and I just cant get it to work.
I need to crack the skellycode
Post skeleton miniatures!
Pic related from Warmongerminiatures.
Contains lead.
What should be the pros and cons of a playable skeleton race?
I'm partial to the depiction of the regiments in total warhammer: they all move in sync, like the guy controlling them is not even bothering to micro manage. Seeing them march like robots can get quite spooky.
I appreciate that Vampire Count skeletons all move in sync but Tomb King skeletons don't
Depends on the system you are playing.
I need pictures of pirate skeletons and skeletons covered in marine life.
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It's not a good idea to sail a ship with skeleton crew.
[ + ] is skeleton
[ - ] is skeleton
>what skeletons should look like (in your opinion)
Like skeleton
>how skeletons should act (in your opinion)
Like skeleton
>How to make encounters against skeletons more interesting
By knowing your target(s) interests and playing to them.
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>finally overcome own mortality
>realize you can't get drunk anymore
so that's why liches goes insane.
>still clinging to a forced meme years later
t. paladin
How is that a problem, just shapeshift into a form that can drink.
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Are they resistant to Pierce and weak to Bludge in your campaigns too?
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You many not notice the skeleton at first.
They can be quite humerus
- All skeletons used scimitars unless they're important skeletons
- Tattered mouldering scraps of cloth and leather draped from bones
- Half of them have dinged up rusty helmets, all open face
- Completely soundless until engaged in combat
- Pursues fleeing opponents until they run into the sunlight
- Falls inert under sunlight
- Immune to all pierce damage, slashing weapons that roll odd on attack rolls get stuck and deal half damage, blunt weapons deal full damage at all times
- Roll a d4 when killed. On a 1-2 it gets back up in that many rounds unless it was killed with holy magic or a blessed weapon, or someone spends an attack (Automatic hit) to crush the skull
Spooky Season for time for a SPOOKY THREAD.
I prefer my skeletons to be more of the etheral/ghostly nature as opposed to actual piles of bones assembling themselves back together.
Depends on the game. What system are you talking about?
for some reason I've seen multiple texts suggesting reinforcing a necromancers skeletons with leather straps and other forms of reinforcement in order to strengthen them.
no media actually bothers with this. it's at most a suit of armor that just sits loosely upon the form.
Looks like she's about to get boned.
ack ack ack ack
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Post yfw OoT Link is confirmed to be a Stalfos as the Hero's Spirit. FADO WAS RIGHT IT ALL RETURNS TO STALFOS! I'M STALING OUT BROS
>inb4 bubble posting
Love those threads. Thanks to the necromancer that keeps bringing them up.
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Skeletons should always look like they belong to an older civilization in whatever setting they're in. If it's a generic European fantasy setting, they should look like Romans. If it's generic sci fi, they should look like space egyptians. If it's urban fantasy, just go back a hundred or so years in wherever place in the world you're playing. Decay should be the deciding idea in their design, so everything from their bodies, clothes, and equipment should reflect a deteriorated state. In terms of mindset, most skeletons should be fairly simplistic and prone to routine. They would seem more aware and flexible in one aspect depending on who they were in life. If they were soldiers, the skeletons should still show some modicum of tactics and weapons training. If they were workers, they have a better time understanding how to work with new technology and a more robust sense of productivity, as opposed to just wondering around. They have some remnanets of their personalitie, but it's heavily mired under eons of decay. Higher tier or just better perserved skeletons like liches or mummies are more intelligent and generally more conscious, but they're still rather stagnant and rigid in tought because as undead creatures, they fundamentally struggle to adapt and grow. This should be a rule for all undead things, not just skeletons. Unless driven by a hostile necromancer, I think skeletons should be relatively benign beings. Not at all friendly, but they rarely go out of their way to extinguish the living on their own and largely just stumble in the dark of crypts. They largely should go after you if you trespass their graves or steal something from them. Because they're so robotic, you can easily exploit their behavioral patterns if you have an idea or some clue of their former life. Guard or soldier skeletons should have pretty obvious patrols, worksmen skeletons should be too preoccupied with their work to bother with the rest of the tomb, etc.
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A skeleton player should start already with some levels ahead, which reflects the fact they once had a life and that they recall some parts of it. Not enough to already be like, level twenty, but clearly a bit above your average adventurer. Skeletons are also obviously resistant to stuff like disease, poison, or any infirmaries of a similar nature. However, as undead beings, they struggle to heal and some normally helpful magics may actually hurt them, so they either have to replace parts of their body to resume back to an optimal level or do some roundabout black magic to ape normal white healing magic. They also tend to be more fragile, which compounds the issue. Skeletons thusly either wear as much armor as they can (They can't tire anyway so conditioning isn't an issue) or wear little to no armor to make use of how silent they normally are. Skeleton adventurers are somewhat novel, because most skeletons normally just guard or rest inside their tomb, so a skeleton adventurer probably means that they're after some other adventurer who stole something from their crypt or they were so driven by something in their mortal life that the desire still exists even in their undead state and propells them to become an adventurer to further this ancient and dominating want. (Like a revenant existentially).
Oh, and I forget to mention. Though skeleton adventurers start with a few more levels, they struggle to improve and develop, so they tend to lag behind in later parts of a game. Make it that they gain less experience in general or something.
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Painted these up a couple months ago, a mix of models from Reaper and Classic Fantasy (and the odd 3d print bought off Etsy)
What if we get a skeleton but we put some flesh on it or something?
Like a zombie? There's a lot of classes of undead.
The fuck is up with those skulls? This is sloppa, right?
This is one of the better things to come out of those games.
+ immortal and other immunities as a low level undead
- killed by holy water, a low-level turn undead etc.
- only magical senses
- cannot eat nor drink
- worst of all: bald
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Skeleton encounters will always be bare bones. Can't be helped.
Yep, even a shit artist would get the correct number of fingers on all of them and a better attempt at a door. Its probably the Bing generator.
haha she loves bones
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One of my all time favorites.
As for making skeletons more interesting, how about elemental skeletons? We see fire skeletons all the time with Ghost Riders in Marvel, what about other elements?
Drowned skeletons are certainly a thing, a la Pirates of the Caribbean. But earth skeletons are just buried as normal, and air skeletons are... kind of the default skeleton. Just bones in air.

'Flaming skull' has something to it that the other elements don't. Death+destruction.
Ice/Cold skellies are pretty easy, D&D already has bleakborn and gelun.
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That pic is solid gold
I've never heard of those, cool! What about skellies for other elements?

>air skeletons are... kind of the default skeleton. Just bones in air.
What about skeleton tornadoes for air skeletons? Also, if lightning falls under air's influence, lightning skeletons would also work. As for earth skeletons, how about crystal skeletons?
Why the fuck are they using lead in current year?
Keeps things interesting.
Oh no, the elemental autist has invaded the thread
Well, since they've got no flesh, they should be able to merge together and rearrange their bones as needed.

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