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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official update:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

>Model identifiers (what each faction can take):

>Corvus Belli AI:

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers archive:


>Infinity Army (official list-builder app) and hacking helper:

Previous thread:
First for I left one of these fancy precision glue bottle tips on my superglue for two days and it went a bit bad.
It was fresh new bottle, barely two weeks old, and it's fucking thursday evening, I won't get new one like that until monday.
Only precision I need lies to my fingertips
Never played infinity, want to get two factions to demo the game and maybe start a playgroup. Which factions should I buy into?
I want at least one of them to have cheesecake/coomer pandering
Buy Blackwind or wait for the new 2-player starter next month. That's by far the easiest way to get two factions up and running quickly and cheaply.
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The cheescake-coomer pandering has been dialed way back, and I think CB should give it another round with TAG pilot models. There's cute chicks with sci fi gear in every faction, BUUUUT, you should go Nomad since they are anti-establishment and their Corregidor action pack has acute Sombra and Hellcat model. Nomads possess, and should always have some sexual charge to them, since they are contrarians.

I'd say the next sexiest faction is Pan-O since they will still give their ladies booba-chest plates.
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Unhelpful canned response
Based booba advisor, thank you anon
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My response was far more helpful than the other, which correctly pointed out all factions have a healthy mix of sex appeal. This is an in production PanO model, one of the factions that will be in next month's starter box.
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And this is a JSA model compatible with the other side of that box
heard there's jews in hakkislam. what other factions should I avoid?
All of them, since you sound like a person I don't want in my circles
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All of them.
Furries, actual literal dogfuckers, Commies, Frogs, ZOG. Character directly named after and inspired by the movie "Carmen Jones", which would probably offend you if you were actually literate enough to understand what that meant.
>Yu Ching (chong)
see title
Latinos, Africans, weaponized felons and sex dolls, furries, Hollywood superheroes, literally militant feminists
Also, many faggy Greeks.
All the Southeast Asians, the Italians, and (Christ forgive me for saying this) the A*stralians team up to sponsor sports teams in Knightly Order jerseys. Cruelly puppet a virtual army of vat-grown simulacra of Joan the Maid and offer her unseemly Latriastic rites.
Will irrevocably mark you as a weeb, and you will have to put on the Ceremonial Naruto Hachimaki of Shame. Given that there's non-zero odds you use the word "tranime" IRL, the copious anime references will likely give you an apoplexy.
Squatted, have a weird three-person life-bonding setup that looks a lot like cuckoldry. Also, literal illegal aliens shitting up the sphere from behind the scenes, believe humans are inferior, using them as meat shields while they pursue inscrutable racial goals.
>Combined Army
Let apes in, collectivist hellhole, still run by (((AI)))

Really you should just go play something else. Have you considered a quick game of chase-my-neighbor-up-the-passage?
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>Combined Army
You forgot that the jewbugs made a comeback recently to boot. If Haqqislam makes him seethe then there's no way he'd be fine with (((Exrah)))
Didn't know WC had stat cards. I guess it's inevitable to see them in Infinity now as well.
The new beginner version of Infinity has them.
Yeah, the Essentials packs, but I wonder if we'll see them in Infinity proper. They could digitalise them so that they are kept updated along with the rulebooks.
Were the cards posted for the Beyond units?
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You can easily create a full "female" list with Nomads, specially if you go Bakunin. There you will find all your kinks in one place: Dommy mommies, tomboys, furries, futanari, nuns with guns, rebel chicks, ara ara office ladies, race bait, and more. Honestly is like the designers looked at hentai tags as a check list for the army.

>pic related
They fell in love with the Aristeia system and it requires stat cards because of the switches and different colored dice.
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New novel coming out:
>War rages across the surface of Paradiso. The Combined Army of the Evolved Intelligence advances steadily across the surface of the planet, seizing territory in bloody campaigns against the divided factions of the Human Sphere. Across the front lines of Norstralia, the forces of PanOceania prepare for a counter-offensive.
>At the tip of the counterstrike are the armored knights of the Military Orders. In command of one such unit is Gabriele De Fersen; an aging veteran of decades of combat, infamous across the Hospitaller Order for the stubborn determination that has brought successes on the battlefield, and the scorn of his superiors off it.
>De Fersen and his team are tasked with an objective far behind enemy lines, avoiding the patrols of the Morat Aggression Force that scour PanOceania’s territory to the west of Zulu Point. Striking deep in the heart of the enemy’s infrastructure to prove that humanity is indeed on the offensive is just the beginning of De Fersen’s war against the alien invaders. Backed up by an inexperienced team including Hawkins, an increasingly reckless young knight who is torn apart by his feelings over the war, and Stanescu, an underperforming combat doctor with his own past and score to settle with the Morats, the vanguard of the Military Orders wage their own war against the brutal alien invaders.
Military orders -bros...
We eating good
>and Stanescu, an underperforming combat doctor
The book is definitely about PanO
Infinity partners are all over the place.
These novels do not have cover and they even put the titles with an ashtonishing lack of taste.
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Art imitates life
>don't worry soldier, I got you
>*roll 20 on WIP check*
>Ogniem i Mieczem
Kurwaspam is back in N5 confirmed
You know, I read this in the lore but there are no Italian units in PanO, should've focused on G*rms, indians and abbos
I think in the lore Italy and pretty much all the Med is kind of shithole. Rome also was fucked up by a bioterrorist attack.
>However, in spite of the technology, half a Trauma-Doc‘s work is based on speed, intelligence and guts, indispensable
attributes when healing someone in the midst of Hell
Good thing it's not based on willpower!
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>tactical half-pipe
imagine the dust
If you go with pano like anon suggests, I would recommend hunting down the old Bolts and Fusiliers. They both have great boobas. If you're an ass man, Haqq is generally the best. N4 was mostly devoid of any sex appeal. Hopefully that changes in N5.
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Lists of the final match that King Butt and Polynikes played in Denver during the IGW tournament
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Do they have big infinity tournaments alot in Colorado? I never heard of anyone playing it when I lived there, but it was a decade ago.
Anons, how the fuck I pain faces? It is driving me mad, enough to switch to CA and never have to paint a skin tone again
Take it from someone that sucked at it too, don't work from a dark prime. Start white, glaze on or do a skin wash. Be careful to not let unrealistic shadows build up with pooling too much. Treat it like a coloring book where the final touches are putting the eyes and or lips on. It will get easier with practice.
>Liberto fighting on both sides
Perfidious frog...
Trust no one, not even yourself.
Thanks anon, I will try that
>It's a living, ribbit
Well I found out I glued my Tikbalang wrong.
The arms do not align with the rifle.
Does anyone know if Unicool plastic resin works well with acetone?
Alcohol and the freezer were ineffective.
Acetone does work on siocast. Will it work on unicool? I'm not sure, it's a kind of resin so it could damage it.
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Took me some time but here are Montesa, drones and Squalo with bases.
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Nu-auxbot is such a snub
Cool motocross base. The others are good too but that's a standout.
yeah that base looks awesome. I thin the mud should be realistically more brown than green but perhaps it's a mossy place or there's just a lot of algae left over from a dried river or something.
It was supposed to be forest/jungle area and yeah, it's supposed to imitate moss, with wheel tracks being dark brown due to damaged floor. I also tried adding water effect in them but all I got was glossy finish.
Very nice anon. I like the bases too.
Do you have terrain to go with them?
No, I dont have space in my room for that, sadly. I don't think they will even see actual game as Im still out of time and little afraid of joining local FB group (the only way to set up games in my city) and N5 is on horizon.
>Deutscher Order
Das triggert mich.
That Q-Drone gives strong Starship Troopers vibes.
that's the idea
So as someone who's only played games of n2 and never since then, what would you suggest I do in anticipation for n5? Is it worth learning the rules or just waiting to see how much has changed? Sounds like wounding rolls are different now, but functionally the same.
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For all the "representation" and "inclusion" major companies claim to pursue I have never been more represented by a miniature and its aura than by the Fat Yuan Yuan. What's the matter GW? Afraid of a BBM?
I would skim over the N4 book just to get an idea of the rules. N5 should be fairly similar to N4 which itself was N3 without the jankiness. You could also watch a few of CB's videos on N4, although they'll be releasing new ones for N5.

But man, I loved N2. Started back then as well.
IIrc you could bounce grenades against the walls and guns were hackable. Also CB's quality control was even worse, I remember one page of my rulebook was simply in German.

Have you followed the game at all in the last 10 or so years? Infinity is getting a TV series now, back then they were operating out of a garage.
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That's so crazy to me that they have come from such humble beginnings to being the single most consistent sci fi miniatures company for a long time now.

A little about myself, I actually reached out to a group on here (the old general) and met up in meat space to get my first introduction to the game. I remember it being close to the launch of N3. This group was a small but dedicated cluster of players. After we met up at a LGS I was introduced to the systems, offered to choose which faction to play that they brought. Played as Ariadna then Yu Jing. I was fighting against Nomads and PanO. Really fun, but the rules were a lot for me to drink in and I didn't perform very well. Didn't play with that group after that, despite the fact I enjoyed it and had a nice time finally putting some game into my obsession with Infinity. I think that store closed down and I didn't bother to reach out to see where they moved on to. Missed opportunity there; they were pretty serious about the game.

I had started collecting with the release of Operation Icestorm; I really appreciated the direction they were taking with the minis and though the new design language worked exceptionally well, while of course still lusting after some of the classics. I tried to teach myself how to play and it wasn't really sticking. Can't say it felt the same without all the stellar terrain, not to mention hard to grasp the rules without a support group to check if I was doing it right. I continued to collect many models over the years but still haven't played anything since that initial learning day.

Stuff I own; Icestorm, Kaldstrom and Crimson Stone operation packs, USariadna's box release, lots of PanO and Yu Jing units to flesh out some list building. Finally went back and bought my absolute favorite model from the old days, Guijia (not the convertible one). Then after all that I bought in on Tag Raid because I missed the boat on Defiance.
So hey, what's a good way to transport minis? I don't have a lot, just a Military Orders and Hospitaller box as well as a Tikbalang. Would a tacklebox work, or should I get something more specific?
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Still my favorite design throughout the years. They just don't make em like they use to. Shame my box got destroyed, I wish I still had it.
The tribute model was something I missed out on. I really wish I could find one now.
Plenty of small skirmish army cases if you have the money. If not you might wanna get some foam or at least a lot of tissues to pad out the insides of tackle boxes. Failing that magnetizing bases so they stick to old tool boxes always works. Also doable with plastic storage containers if you go to a hardware store and get some sheet metal to cut to size and shove at the bottom
Shit that looks awesome
absolutely agree

LimitedEdition. Oneday maybe I'll come across one, but haven't yet.
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First teasers coming out.
Dat Ass
I need ALEPH players to watch as he becomes a Combined Army profile and I will bottle their tears as I whisper in their ear “The Jade Empire sends its regards.”
>be CA player
>also be Aleph player
Eh, sounds bearable.
>you an run achilles and sheskiin in the same list
>or an achilles avatar list
Yeah that'd be kind of fucking retarded I guess. I could see the Spaniards doing that.
Achilles is now just Maximus But CA.
Man they're still aping 1:1 the Iliad? Jesus dude, come up with something more original
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They had to; shorty got back
>Man, this faction that was built off the Iliad is still built off the Iliad?
People on this site really will bitch about anything won't they
Zip it, warcuck.
Reminds me of that tau mech someone greenstuffed massive asscheeks and tits onto.
No one tell him about the BTG
I got curious and turns out one was recently sold on discord for 100 yuro monopoly monies.

Found a recast for 32$ lol
These people have no anime references beyond DBZ and Pokemon.
The BTG?
What's with the random hostility? It's more of the squat, thick-thighed pose being very similar rather than that being the only tittymech I've ever seen.
>the people
>going all weeb purity spiral over an offhand comment
Pretty needlessly hostile, yeah.
Why do you think I would held weebdom in that high regard?
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he is gonna make public his affair with Sheskin
No Infinity knowledge but that's a really cool looking terrain setup, is there a tutorial or blog or acrylic template set for it?
It's for sale now after the guy discovered people like it: https://www.laserforgeminiatures.com/collections/sci-fi-terrain
Achilles joined Tohaa. Screencap this.
Cool thanks anon.
It's over.
I know it’s a dumb as shit idea but is there a list to make Double Stigmata and a Lizard not feel like ass in Bakunin? So far I’ve just stuck a marspider to each Stigmata and an Orphan Engineer to the Lizard.
Why are they doing this Tiktok AI voice shit?
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So they did sandtrap because of DUNC, didn't they?
I think they got a new marketing team and I guess they’re are soulless drones that think this will fly.
I went to the video to gauge the reactions to slopvoice and randommly found this under the Raiden video:

>Will the models in the box be metal or siocast like the warcrow starter ?

>4 days ago

Welp, and I was actually considering buying that box.
Hmm, think that will take the box from a preorder to a "wait and see" for me.
I understand that CB want to cut costs and all but holy shit, switching to thermoplastic is death sentence for Infinity. Metal minis are pretty, detailed and easy to clean, siocast are all universally shitty, miscasts, lacking details, bend oddly and are an ass to clean from mold lines.
Wow, I checked any they actually did say that. How incredibly disappointing. Hope they just, somehow, didn't understand what was being asked.

If it is siocast, I ain't buying. I'll just get resin recasts for my JSA. Fuck that.
This is insane, surely this is just some intern with the social media password. There's no way they're making S2 minis Siocast.
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They did it with the Ayyar
Pffhahaha two more weeks, my infinity sisters.
>There's no way they're making S2 minis Siocast.
They've been experimenting with this for ages, they posted a picture of a siocast Stephen Rao years ago.
The Ayyar was Unicool, and is actually fine (because the material unicool is using is really nice). The only S2 model in siocast that they've released is the LE Sargosh.
One thing is having Iliad characters. Anothe is every notable event in the Iliad being copied.
Illiad has space battles?
That's probably one too many TAGs.
I think the Carlos social media manager just got confused and thought they were asking for the WC box. The minis in Sandtrap will obviously be metal.
I didn't say it wasn't a pants on head retarded idea
I'll just wait until CB says so or I see the minis.
They said it was because they can make a video and launch it in one afternoon, so it's more efficient. The alternative was to use somebody at the studio for the voiceover but they are obviously no trained voice actors.
Personally I don't really care, at the rate of improvement of AI currently, in a year or so it will be just like using an actually human.
What happened to previous voiceover guy? I enjoyed his work on animated battle reports.
He'll do the longer videos, not these short ones.
Don't be shy, shill, the truth is out now.
Kys esl.
Same, but I assume they would have made a big deal of the first Infinity box of plastic minis. They would have mentioned it at Gencon or something like that.
i bet the PR girl misunderstood the question
Warcuks on suicide watch :3
No bonuses 4u this month.
Maybe, but my trust in CB is already frayed thin and I'm not willing to pay bigbox money for possible soicasts sight unseen, so I'll do the reasonable thing and wait for it to come out.
The preorder page indicates the minis' material.
except there is no preorder page
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Seeing how the model assembly video was presented made me feel like it wasn't going to be metal. Could be some mixed material types to get people to experience both sides of infinity miniatures range?
The JSA reinforcements box is stated as a mix of metal and thermoplastic no clue what sandtrap is looking like. I’m assuming the new daiyokai is going to be thermo, hopefully it doesn’t suck
Not yet, but you need it to preorder anyway.
Why wouldn't it be? Looks like a normal Infinity mini.
How the mini is posed and partitioned just spoke to me as not metal.
Not to me. What's your previous experience with pewter?
Miniatures are inanimate objects and do not speak, seek medical help.
The way it's divided doesn't rule out being metal either.
Your handlers will not approve this tone, shill. More (((natural))) positive posts, please.
>schizoid doomposter starts to talk about handlers
Is that projection I'm sensing, esl-kun? Say hi to your orderly.
Nigger, you're the biggest shill for this thread with how often you bump it lmao
God I wish.
Lmao kill yourself esl-kun.
Can I use these new Kestral forces in vanilla PanO, like the league of nations vibe from OP Icestorm? I would presume so but I don't really know.
Assuming vanilla stays the same you should be able to use most of the kestrel stuff, no clue what N5 will hold for us though
They did say than vanilla armies in N5 wouldn't necessarily get every unit from every sectorial. Presumably this is to avoid bloating vanilla listbuilding options with five different flavors of basic line infantry.

However, we won't really know any specifics until N5 launches. I'd be really surprised if you couldn't use most of Kestral in vanilla though.
Very likely, but impossible to say for certain until N5 releases next month.
The one thing that's different this time is that this product doesn't necessarily have to be softballed beginner lists. Carlos said these sets are designed for "Veterans" and they can push the envelope a bit more because of that.
Seeing that the Essential-beginner box has ye olde fusiliers and keisotsus, it seems pretty likely they can all be used in vanilla.
they said they're gonna trim vanilla armies so they dont get massive with duplicate profiles or too similar troops, so who knows...
What's the current release date for N5?
Soon (November)
Which year?
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Retvrn to monke confirmed
Now if only they return to better sculpts
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Looks like they were confused, because they corrected themselves.
Told you guys.
Interesting idea to use mixed materials though, pretty cool.
Sauce for those terrain files?
Are they splitting from the CA becoming the new baddies? Evolving settings are such a bad idea 99% of the time
I hope not. Infinity doesn't really need a "central baddy" imo, it's more fun as a series of overlapping gay ops. My best hope would be CA using certain more racist elements within the MAF as deniable assets.
>"Oh, that wasn't us who wiped out your supply convoy, that was those darned MAF extremists again! Purease understand."
That sort of thing.
Yeah we are all back to Cold War in space with aliens now. Could also be more radical elements of MAF that are not completely under CA control.
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those digits for neo nippon
So, just like with Torchlight Brigade pack. Aka pretty metal minis and ugly misscast backpacks.
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>Arab encounters Gorgos Pilot/Sukeul/Igao tits
Sygmaa lack the cultural opposition to body modding that Tohaa have. Imagine the chest.
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First Sandtrap profile dropped, pixellated in true Japanese tradition.
>no cover
Flamer templates are going to fuck this guy hard.
Also red fury+x-visor is odd. But imoetous getting even more denested is even weirder
Yeah quite glass-cannony. Pretty cheap though.
Mimetism and cover anywhere with 4B and x-visor, this guy can take out snipers. With MA4 and Monofilament, and being a Specialist, he is barely short of OP.
Based cb keeping my wallet closed and keeping local infinity group from recovering.
You never spent one cent on Infinity minis, esl-kun.
It depends if no cover = marksmanship or that he doesn't get cover at all. If it's the latter every msv sniper blocks him and even light shotgun templates/mines are a serious threat.

He is squishy and the biggest threat he poses is in cc, so the one missing skill and how his rules interact will make or break him
I love this profile but I don't know much about infinity rules. Fragile but deadly seems fucking cool to me for a space samurai running around executing people in cqc and harassing snipers.

Is there anything to keep in mind when playing with a unit like this from someone with experience? Do you one man band him around and hope he mops up more points than he costs before taken out or do you quarterback him with support until he gets into close combat to shred with a blade?
Cool, thanks. Wish he sold the cut files.
M8 he has nanoscreen
He's not fragile, he has 2 wojnde and BTS6.
Arm 2 though, and no cover.
someone called him a glass cannon, I was just parroting that
>More armored than the Shikami
>But less ARM
Make it make sense
Is there a central place to get minis? It seems like whenever a place has one thing I need they don't have something else. Been wanting to get some Trinitarians, Teutonic Knights and a Tech Bee, but nowhere I look has all three.
Depends on the country, at worst you could order directly from CB's store.
Will IS live? And by live I mean remain sectorial proper, not abandonware?
I just use eBay. The majority of the sellers are basically freelance importers.
Kanren’s failure killed IS
Most of them restock everything every month, but only a handful per item for many items so they run out fast.
JSA's space samurai are usually anything but fragile. He brings partial cover with him(nanoscreen) so not taking range MODs into account, anyone just normally shooting at him, barring MSV/marksmanship, is already rolling at -6 from his mimetism and partial cover MOD. Also due to his nanoscreen he is effectively ARM5 while and not ARM2 to normal ranged attacks. Template attacks and melee will ignore this so he will be looking at ARM2 to save his skin.
Things we do not know for sure are what "No Cover" means, though it's either probably a de-nested trait from Impetuous(Frenzy) or just giving you a reminder that using nanoscreen does not stack with regular partial cover.
We also do not know the details on the levels of Matial Arts. In N4, MA3/4 are only appreciably different from MA2 by some extra damage while level 5 gave another attack.

X-Visor+ red fury means he will practically never have a negative range MOD; either 0 or +3 and it also means he has a suppressive fire out to 24" with no negative MOD out to 24"

Stealth is a very good thing to have for HI, primarily means it's easier for them to avoid being hacked. It also does let him sneak into melee if the opportunity presents itself.

Natural Born Warrior changed but off the top of my head I can't recall so so I won't comment on it.

Specialist operative means he can do objectives. So all in all you'll probably end up with this guy up the board; get into his positive range band, do objectives, and being up field means he will be way more likely to use those CC skills. Packs E/M and Mono CC weapons- the Mono will let him outright cut a TAG in half while the E/M, if it works like N4, will be a nasty weapon as well.

But considering that this particular profile is your Lt, he either is a part of a fireteam or you are relying on NCOs/CoC. We really need to wait for the army to releasee bfore making any real calls.

Also, he still has a censored skill too so who knows.
>The japanese are revolting!
Anyone have examples of painted MAF. I have a collection of N2/N3 MAF and I want to try to sell them as a painted army. But I'm completely stuck regarding paint schemes
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sounds incredibly cool, I look forward to seeing what the other profiles look like

>ava 1
So I get only one of them? Does he make an excellent LT choice because of the cool tech he's packing?
So i have a new useless piece of plastic cause I like the mythological tikbalang and no other models. How do I build around that. Some minor research says that Military Orders is better than the full PanO for the purpose of having a cool tikbalang. Is that faction any good or should I just keep this guy as a random boss fight in my RPG games? If yes, how do I start?
Typically you want your lt to be either less obvious or more tanky
Is that hidden information then?
Maybe the new sectorial will get good CoC
Depends on the scenario, but typically.
Look up the MO starter force and see if those models entice you at all. If not, there is no point going further.
Yeah, Lts are almost always private information. If you lose your Lt without a different trooper having Chain of Command, your army will enter Loss of Lieutenant and you'll have a hard time getting anything done during that round. There are only three rounds in Infinity, so it's pretty brutal.

Basically you have three approaches to Lts
>Keep them hidden and out of trouble; three identical basic light infantry acting as cheerleaders in the back is the classic "shell game" defense, since your opponent won't know which one is the Lt.
>Let them be obvious but hard to kill; even if your opponent immediately figures out who your Lt is, good luck taking them down. A combination of high ARM/BTS, multiple wounds, and marker states will help keep your Lt alive (though you should still keep them off the front line, since they're pretty important).
>Use CoC, Mnemonica, or a ton of Veterans in your list to ignore LoL; this is really the only viable option if you want to play your Lt aggressively, since a Lt on the frontlines WILL eventually get ambushed or crit'd.

You get ONE (1) engineer in all of MO and Tikbalangs can't form any fireteam, so no I would not say that MO is the faction for Tikbalang shenanigans. It'll also be competing with all the other pricey HI in the faction. Honestly vanilla PanO is probably the best bet, since you have a variety of other models to pick from and can Duo the Tik with a Blades trooper that sports both Engineer and TacAware.

But that's all for N4, which is ending in a month. Who knows how it'll all shake out in N5.
How do we feel about the new unit type being added to the game? Vehicles offer something fresh while not escalating straight to battletanks. I for one welcome our new Metal Slug rides.
when you say starter force you mean the action pack? if so i guess i like it more than i dislike it. The black friar with boob plate and a cloak stands out. So does the sepulchre knight.

>But that's all for N4, which is ending in a month. Who knows how it'll all shake out in N5.
Oh so should I wait?
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>Oh so should I wait?
Won't be that long. Stay tuned, my dude.

Also I too love Tikbalangs.
I was trying to get that model cause i like how chill it looks, but the only one selling is the recasters, who i hear are based in Ukraine and Russia. I settled for the new one.
This poster is a fool, an idiot, and possibly Australian.

MO is THE place for the TikiTak, it will go into every list. It's a tag, so it's hard to kill. The point made about engineers is totally pointless because engineering isn't good without mitigating factors. Nomads and 012 do it because their engineers are low opportunity cost and have skill value.

The point made about pricy infantry also is pointless and genuinely really, very dumb. This guy has no idea what he's doing with MO.

Big points: MO HI are shitty, overcosted, or both, unless you're talking about Teutons. You'll be using that Tikbalang to stand somewhere up high and shoot massive bursts of gunfire at anything it can find, while your teutons will walk into buildings and other tight spaces while flanking for your Tik. You'll have secret agents (trinitarians) ghosting around somewhere, pressing buttons, etc, etc. As a tournament player, though, I'll tell you that a massive majority of your rolls in any game will be split between thr Tikbalang and Teutons

The only good point this idiot had was that N4 is not long for this world, however, so you may want to wait and see how things shake out.
>Engineers don't matter
>In fact 99% of your army options don't matter!
>That means MO is the best place!
Holy shit, this is some insane cope.
Tikbalang is too mobile for Engineers to keep up anyway. You could consider vanilla PanO coz you can Duo with Karhu there.
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Vehicles have been on the periphery forever it feels like.
Expecting technical Hiluxes, buggies and maybe a Bonaparte at their biggest.

Yeah the big recasters are Ukrainian. Other than getting lucky with Discord or Ebay they are usually your only source for OOP/limited edition models. So far everything I have gotten from them has been solid quality.
Expect motorbikes, hoverbikes, TAGs, and drones to be the only vehicles.
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I refuse to believe this is true. Bikes, hover bikes and bikes with vtol capability would be an absolute waste.

I want biomechanical mounts, dune buggies, hamsterballs of death, a dinosaur alien for good measure; there's so much more that can be done with vehicle themes than just bikes.
Preview Stat blocks don’t always reflect final product. AVA aren’t set til it comes out in Army
They already said nothing that will replace TAG’s so keep in mind that scale
Carlos said that when talking about tanks, Anon. Tags are the in universe tank proxy. Nothing said that they can't do the other stuff listed
Several TAGs are already basically tanks, or just a dog in a suit. I could totally see some tankettes popping up too.
AVA 1 probably for vanilla JSA, not sectorial
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New thing from these guys, apparently they are a CB partner but I've never heard of them before. I'm guessing it is some kind of transportation method that doubles as terrain? They make mostly carry boxes.

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