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The party is back from the adventure and they're smelly, dirty, and sweaty. What are the logistics for hitting the bath? Men first? Women first? All at the same time?
>hurr my character doesn't ba-
Get in, stinky.
This actually happened in a small lake en route in my current campaign. The half-orc just shrugged, stripped and washed, while the elves bathed together elsewhere (mixed sexes) while chatting. They could see each other but not up close.
What game?
It's usually the mortician's job and out of player control :^)
It's simply a hypothetical scenario you can apply to any game where bathhouses are the norm. No need to be a little bitch about it.
In what game is this kind of scenario relevant?
No need to bath, Prestidigitation keeps the entire party sparkling clean.
There's no taboo around nudity in my setting, so everyone at once.
Is this is the fantasy equivalent of thinking
>I can just use deodorant and not shower
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my character is a literal robot
are you telling me robots don't get covered in grime, nor do they clean themselves and their mechanisms so they can function efficiently?
kill yourself
What tools should the girls use to deal with their period? Their blood could be smelled by monsters and animals.
>teenage witches casually relieving themselves as you speak with them
Incredibly hot.
Panties enchanted with Negate Aroma spell.
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>Circle of Spores Druid
Has the Symbiotic Entity fungus eat all the gross bits and odor-causing muck on him, leaving him squeaky clean.

Certified power move. It makes people uncomfortable, so they don't dare to challenge you when you do this. Some politicians have use it to establish authority among subordinates. A sister method consist in having sex while giving orders. Any challenge to authority becomes awkward since the subordinate is often too uncomfortable to even attempt it.
My characters's family's house in the capital city (that kinda ended up becoming the party's main point of return or home base even), has two baths, because they are lower nobility, so it's a non-issue. It was also kinda funny how "subversive" it apparently was compared to most of the rest of the party, that my character started out as just some guy from the big city, who lives in a nice house and whose family is still alive.
The one I play with your mother.
Naturally occurring birth control herbs that stop menses.
I knew that this was somebody's fetish and I knew that one of those somebodies would respond within the hour.
Based Greenwood.
Men first. Then the women.
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So like in Starship Troopers?
Protip OP if you click the little download arrow at the bottom right of an image on deviantart, you get the full rez version of the image.
Nudity taboo is pretty new relatively speaking in a lot of the world. Hard to have much privacy in a 1/2 room communal house.
Reminder to everyone who balks at this that the nobles partying in Versailles would regularly just shit in the corner and expect the servants to deal with it.
key difference is, it actually works because magic
In game we live and adventure out of a wagon train like frontier settlers. There's a fire fairy bound in an iron stove that heats water for us to wash. Otherwise we bathe in rivers when we cross them.
Bath times are typically ERP windows as well.
>What are the logistics for hitting the bath?
One at a time. No need to open yourself up for an ambush any more than necessary.

Louis XIV considered most human bodily functions gross. That's why there were so few lavatories in Versailles he wanted to discourage his subject from urinating and defecating by not giving them associated facilities, or at least keep the apperances that people don't do it there. He himself allegedly pissed just once every two days, he also disliked pregnat women and babies so once the bump became apparent they had to stay out of court/his sight until the little one was delivered and could sit straight and wear suit without crying about it.
Thanks, the enshittification of the internet really has spread to where I need to do things like that.
>smelly, dirty, and sweaty
I thought we were playing a fantasy game.
>All at the same time?
Do people actually do this? Seems indecent
For medieval type societies you should be in one small bath each

We are currently mainly operating in Eastern China. Two characters live in decrepit hovels without any kind of washing facilities and generally don't even have access to running water. Our face is part owner of a brothel/bath house and lives in the same buulding a few floors up so he gets a lot of bathing in. Someone blew up the gun bunny's apartment recenrly so she is living in high end hotels and changes hotel every couple days but she has to grt a bubble bath after runs. My character has fresh spring water imported from a magic spring to bathe in and has a complex water feature shrine to make offerings at before runs.
>not sleeping in the royal suite with bath provided
why do you even adventure if you're going to live like a beggar?
My current players really seem to love their domestic time. They have a ship and constantly talk about their domestic activities, like building the nest and baking and cooking soups and building toys for their pet animals. They get super into it and I don't think they've ever talked about going into a city without describing how they all get outfitted in their best clothes after washing. No prompting from me. It's just something they've all gotten into for some reason.
Unsafe location? In pairs with others standing watch with full gear; monster attacks don't care about decency.
In relatively safe locations such as cities? Everybody is so tired of seeing each others faces that they will bathe alone, preferably in different parts of town.
Let the players tell the story. If they make a point of "I ask the tavern wench for a hot bath and a meal" then I'll give them +1 on their next CHA check. Encourage roleplaying if it lends atmosphere and interestingness to the game.
The trick is to get people out of the MMO mindset of just reacting to whatever stimulus you set in front of them, and start imagining their characters.
They visit the bath house and are prone to pay extra to get individual tubs so everyone go at once.
If it's in any way relevant to the game, the players will say "I visit the bath house" and tick the appropriate amount of money of their sheet. There's no need to go into more detail unless you're playing some kind of a sad ERP game. Not that OP plays anything at all.
Idk it's an interesting premise that has come up in a game I played before.
My characters typically use a handy creek or pond to wash up along the trail, rather than wait for town. For the nobleman, this is important so that he maintains a baseline appearance (and smell, thanks to soap and perfume). For the rogue, this is to make it harder to track him by scent (though he lacks soap). As a result, my characters usually let the other members of the party bathe first upon reaching town, since they will doubtless be filthier.
Or you can play a drinking game
This is what my character would act like in a bath
The one where you don't need to be a little bitch about it.
Everyone at once. Full nude. They're all mature adults about it.
You specify in your reply.
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Well at least for my favorite D&D character, I know exactly what would happen. While the rest of the party is discussing how to handle the logistics of it, my dark elf thief would have stripped naked, then run past them and canon-ball into the bath while shouting "girls first!"

It came up once. When one of the other players asked how I stripped so fast I pointed out that their entire conversation had been in-character and had gone on for like five minutes, so Iliira definitely had enough time to strip out of her light armor (1 minute to doff according to the PHB) and clothes.

'Twas all very anime, but it's a hot springs episode, it was supposed to be. Show me a player who doesn't like a hot springs/beach episode session, and I'll show you a fool.
>leaving him squeaky clean
Except for all the fungus
I hate hot springs episodes because they're all the same and follow the same tropes and jokes. Show me a hot springs episode where a girl is caught peeping and as punishment she's made to bathe with the guys.

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And it took decades before the people revolted against the nobility?
Look, everyone: a fool!
is that really how cringy most anime is actually written? I dont watch anime
That just sounds like there’s one correct answer to me. What, am I going to not do the thing the GM just said has a mechanical benefit and effectively no drawback?
OP is a faggot and this is a bullshit thread, but L5R comes to mind.
it's more likely to be a guy who peeps though
Most of this was out of sight out of mind. It took till a famine + philosophy was developed enough to the revolution to happen. In previous eras the peasants would believe in the kings divine providence and put the blame on the noble close to him for giving bad guidance and revolt to have them deposed instead.

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