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Knight watch edition


• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>93820027
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Anchor Post
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Requesting a lich effortlessly carrying a giant obsidian book chained to his back, and carrying/wearing other powerful mis-matched artifacts on his person like multiple belts, amulets, chalices, wands, etc.
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Requesting a separated/isolated version of this alien fella please, especially with the missing leg parts missing (and yes they got two toes)
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Ok, I think I'm done
I increased the number of feats and gear slots, corrected typos and removed all the doodles cause printers don't see anything on 5mm edge of the paper
feel free to use it as well if you like it
and again, thank you anon for the drawing I credited your twitter near the drawing
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Requesting a Yaoguai Barbarian. They're a being born from a ruby and silver necklace given physical form. Their whole body is made of a mix of silver metal and ruby gemstone. They wear a tattered black hooded cloak with a metal mask with three slits emitting a purple glow. They carry with them a relatively normal jian in one hand and the scabbard in the other. They constantly have purple sparks of lightning coming off of them.
Requesting my Imperium Maledictum character, a member of a Rogue Trader Dynasty who has gotten himself employed by the Inquisition's Ordo Malleus
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I'm not exactly sure if I got the colors right on this one
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ok now i fixed all the typos
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requesting a harlequin bard, a masked dancer with an oversized chakram who worships a benevolent laughing god and is inhabited by a serpent-like spirit named Zon who carries the knowledge of centuries.
I think i'm done with vampire huntress
Here is a big version https://files.catbox.moe/x2mm1u.jpg
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requesting biblically accurate mauler
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Requesting an hybrid combination of animals, set loose by a mad wizard. I randomly rolled the body parts as followed
>the head of bird
>body of a giant lizard
>Leathery wings
>Hindlegs are humans, and are wearing boots with a speed enchantement on them; a nice piece of loot that the players can get if they manage to kill it.
>forelegs are also humans, although I imagine more fairly muscular arms rather than forelegs.
It is able to stand up and leaves footprints, although they'll notice that the gait/space between footsprints is all wrong
I put some multiple references+my own attempt to visualize it on paint
OR here, a splendid job, dig how feral ya made the vamp and pleased to see it ultimately done in nicely bigger and higher res! Got a blog to credit u btw?
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Anchoring the Necromancer Bard.
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Working on this one
Also holy shit this gun ih huge
I literally traced it
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Requesting a recolor, want the dragonborn to have a similar style of scale coloring to the dragon, if you wish to also incorporate the armor into the color pattern, even better.
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requesting a deranged-looking guy in Victorian era clothes grabbing someone by the wrist with an iron claw (bottom) and winding up to hit them a slungshot or similar weapon
Requesting personal heraldry for my Blood Angels successor chapter master in the style of the older banners shown here. A golden chalice adorned with 3 rubies (a larger oval ruby flanked by 2 round rubies) with white wings and a red blood drop above. Above a skull and crossbones. On a black field with a gold trim.
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Ill finish tomorow
Its already 2 am
Requesting Hildebrand Manderville as a Rogue Trader/Rogue Trader heir.
OR here. Hot damn, this looks really good already
Thank you so much
actually i lied
i finished it after all
ill scan it tomorrow though
i dont have scan at home
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So my DM gave my Swords Bard a +3 Saber that deals extra lightning damage on hit, and more interestingly it can temporarily turn its wielder into a bolt of lightning to tear through people as they move.
However, he never gave me any detailed description of exactly what the sword looks like- so I'd like some art of it. Here are some example sabers I've seen online that could be used as a reference.
the colors are almost spot on, the accents should be a little more gold, the blue a little paler, and the feather on the helmet should replace the middle ridge at the top of the mask on the helmet. but it is awesome nonetheless. thank you!
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sexy car wash, but instead of a car, the girls wash a space marine.
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The armour or his body?
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Requesting a shop of the background: Instead of gold and light, could someone please make it silver and dark. Also, could someone integrate this abyssal gate into the background behind the dark elves? Thanks!
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Pic here is the abyssal gate. Thanks again!
Holy shit sauce on OP image?
last thread fill
I hadn't thought about it, I'll leave it to your choice.
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here you go
Thank you so much, drawfriend
not OR, can you make two versions?
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Could someone photoshop his eyes to be violet/purple?
you can't be this stupid
You are right
Gun seems to be comically large
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Perfect! Thanks!
Any dwarf requests?
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A dwarf showing off his pet mole
fucking nice, thanks
eyh cool to see you back
Taking a break from making elf smut.
Very nice. I'm sure his father will be by to suplex him momentarily.
A dwarf rogue trying to sneak about as well as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km40jvV5lhM
A dwarf sumo wrestler. Built like a tank.
you kill yourself
File deleted.
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Woaaaah it looks amazing, i'm really happy about the human arms, it really looks exactly how I envisionned it.
>Thinnest Dwarf
Good one! Thank you, drawfriend!
You have any website where you post your works? Especially your elf smuts?
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Downloaded GIMP and managed to do it myself. Kinda did a shitty job, but happy with it nonetheless.
a tip when it comes to cutting people out like that, particularly with GIMP, after doing the wand selects and junk try going into the select menu and hitting "grow" and then entering like 1 pixel into it, it'll smooth out lines, fill in a LOT of holes, and cut out that outline a bit
thats a massive handgaurd
>Here is a predominately monochrome image
>Please make it flamboyant
Not touching this shit on two different principles. Doubt anyone will.
A fucked up and evil dwarf with a clean shaven face drinking clean water and enjoying a salad like the diabolical sicko he is
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That's fantastic! Thank you anon!
How about a username?
While you have some questionable art, overall, you are a man of variety, taste, and skill. Your art is industry level professional! I am still in love with that sumo dwarf you made.

If is alright, can I make another request or are you done for the time being?
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I've been drawfagging for over a decade without one.
Go ahead.
Can you draw the same Sumo wrestling dwarf taking on a bear or an orc? Maybe a bear-orc?
Dwarf affected (infected) by lycanthropy, worried his clansmen will notice because his wolf form is less hairy than his dwarf form.
jesus christ dude
Can I get my tiefling bard performing in a tavern?
Gaston dwarf!
eat shit Royce
Is this the new robot cowboy request that I am not aware of?
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You have good taste in fashion
Didn't go too crazy but I've got furry porn commissions to finish.
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oh hey haven't seen you in a dog's age
Not OR but he should be happy with it
Maybe. But it's just a few anons having fits over bears and sumo wrestling for some reason. I sometimes request such themes to troll the...(hmmhmheheh) "colorful" individuals here.
This piece is top tier! better than I imagined.
Furry porn you say?
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Requesting a gnomish alchemist peddling his newest in a long line of gas station dick pills.
The lack of bone(r) rot is a distinctive feature and selling point.
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Fancy meeting you here.... Anon....
I wouldn't have thought I'd be so recognisable?

You know how it is.
This is so fucked up and disgusting I apologize for my sinful request
OR here. Very much obliged for the sneaky dwarf!
I should hope I recognize someone I bought something from before, even if it's been a couple years since then.
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Fuck why does that look familiar it's on the tip of my tongue
Well that specific image shouldn't be familiar because I'm literally still drawing it right now

Small world n' stuff! Curious what that might've been.
a cute girl decorating a cake, way back in the far off year of 2018.
You know what I mean
got a link or something?
OR here and this is awesome! Thanks so much!

Not that it matters on an anonymous mongolian underwater basket-weaving pictograph but I'm a femanon. Still, I do love it ^^
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Jamdrawers somewhere

Oh man... the passage of time...

I like the way you describe things.
one of these days I need to remember to get a party lineup from you, but that'd need to align with you actually being open and me not having tapped my art budget yet.
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Requesting a four armed kitsune mage magically restoring an ancient scroll. They're inside a ruined pagoda
I wanna see the gnome sell the dick pills to an orc or a minotaur.
I'm looking for my old commission of bed head monk girl yawning, waking up, naked under the sheets.
I try to make the requests and answer as Sylk (my Bard). So it wasn't me, the introvert, who made that collage and voiced the request — it was Sylk. I'm normally not so extroverted. Role playing as one so bubbly and sunny and flirty that it gives her magic powers is part of my power fantasy. Sort of like a scrawny nerd rping as Chad McPaladin.
Good for you
Still gonna try tho, all the scales that would be recolored are just on just the head anyway, "if" you wish to incorporate the armor
Notice the IF in there
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Requesting my Aasimar archfey warlock. She looks to be in her mid-40s and until recently was just a simple village witch and healer. After being teleported away against her will due mistaken identity she's now a long way from home, in unfamiliar territory and having to trust complete unknowns to survive.

She's somewhat based on a mix of Granny Weatherwax and Tiffany Aching, both from Discworld alongside the generic western european "good witch" folklore.

The campaign is essentially "A dying wizard hoped to summon a team of powerful heroes with his last strength but flubbed the ritual, and got everyday heroes instead". The rest of the party consists of a human city watch fighter, a half-elf robin hood-esque charlatan rogue, a gnome down-on-his-luck guild artisan artificer and a tiefling entertainer wizard.

yes i could use some of the AI pictures but i want something with soul and drawn by human hand
half-orc if you know what I mean lol
Half orc porn star?
Cute witch lady!
Capcha: POGj
OR here. Thanks!
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Requesting an update to the image on the left, but with a space marine primaris with a bionic arm and Yang with her v4 design.
Requesting a nuckelavee that has grown bone plates as armor, resembling barding on a horse and a symmetrical, flowing, gothic plate suit on the body. It carries its unarmored severed head in one hand, held high, as if to give it a better look at its surroundings.
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Requesting the Great Green Wyrm: a ferocious creature bred for torture and death. It is brought out of its dark cell only on special occasions, so that it may brutally punish the most wicked law breakers.
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page 2.
Any anons interested in or taking commissions for weapon requests?
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Longshot here, but requesting some art done for an upcoming character.
The character is an older Harengon >inb4 furfag, small sized, white with darker brown spotting. He's a victorian-era surgeon, somewhere between Joseph Lister, Basil Stag Hare, and Anthony Hopkins as Van Helsing, and as such carries with him older surgical instruments like bonesaws or amputating knives. He dresses in rather nice vests, wears round spectacles, and smokes a pipe. Did my best to get the general vibes down with my reference collage; again, not expecting much but it would be awesome to get some drawfriend on this; google and character art threads have turned up absolutely nothing that works for me.
So why do you specifically want them both to be missing their right arms?
I think it would be cruelly funny and adorable if they both lost their right arms.
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So, this is a bit one, but i'm going to request an edit to this piece of art i found here while browsing.

Would anyone be able of editing this art so the pants look like they're a dress? You know, like a kilt? I'm going to play as a not!scotsman giant, and obviously, i gotta have a kilt. So editing this would help.
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Fairly basic but from a distance I think it'll do
That was quick. Thanks.
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Requesting someone draw a Necron with LeBron James' face so I can name him "NeCron James" or "LeCron James".
What did you have in mind?
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I'm kinda piggybacking off of this guy's request >>93933777
Seeing a request for the wyrm of the Mercykillers made me want to put in a request for the faction's executioner's swords. They're legendary twin blades used in public executions and special pursuits.
Aight, I've got a barbarian. He lost most of his family in a brutal raid by cultists. He spent most of five years tracking said cultists down and dedicating himself to exterminating most monsters on the planet. Yes, he's basically Ragnvaldr from Fear and Hunger, and no, I don't give a shit. But, yeah, he looks similar to reference, but with blonde hair, blue eyes, and he always carries a large, greatsword that almost seems like it was made of stone. Dankeschoen, drawfriends.
Of friggin course it didn't post. Here's the reference
Requesting a combat scene with my chimekeeper, done by anyone patient or masochistic enough to read her ability infodump.

>Jinglebells = Ammo that can morph into familiars.
>Tooth Bell = Carnivorous bullet steered with hand gestures.
>Zipper Bell = Infinite goodie bag with reciprocal physics.
>Chime Bell = Eye spy + jinglebell-toting trojan horse.
>Crown Bell = Indestructible + makes sound explosions that can reduce flesh to pulp + melts down into short-lived armor with the same properties.

You don't have to include all of them, but at least two working in tandem would be cool.

Note that she is very gleefully and innocently happy about bells, even when using magical ones to explode things.
nu bread teim?
Opinion on crayon art for /tg/ stuff? Have you seen any published thing that used it?

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