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Happy frogs edition
>Previous thread:
>>93830263 #

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games...
...and many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>These Novice Troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

What awg do you wish you could get started in your area the most?

I'd like to play xenos rampant, hobgoblin and I've also heard very good things about never mind the billhooks, which also has a /awg/ fantasy version. But I was recently asked to join a band so I have less time for hobby stuff now.

Conquistador and renaissance heavy cavalry NOW WGA! Need to buy a few boxes and wait for them to release sipahi cavalry STLs.

>Conquistador and renaissance heavy cavalry NOW WGA!
There's a release date on that page you posted Anon. They will ship end of next month the release, October 21st. Same for conquistador cav.
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Wargames Atlantic doing The Expanse/generic space crew

Very cool
Nice. I hope they, or someone, does a sprue of robots/cyborgs intended for kitbashing. Tired of GW having that market (expensively) cornered with overpriced AdMech.
The 'good spookies' TQ was a breath of fresh air, but we're back to the same inane and boring shit. If you don't have a good question, let someone else start the new thread. You aren't doing the thread a service with this boring ass pining shit.
NTA but you're being precious. This is why I play solo, most of you are way too highly strung over minutiae in lieu of the shit you can't or won't change.
I would probably buy "the lights"
But most of my non ecw renaissance figs are for En Garde! And if my Spanish Imperials get cavalry they need a dismounted figure equivalent. As will my French / Italian warband. Nuh uhhhh
Everything in the hobby is too expensive these days, even 3d printed slop is sometimes a mere 10% cheaper than hand crafted stuff
I can't be bothered with it anymore
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Indeed, surprised nobody has done it yet. Even just a load of bionics on a Stargrave sprue in the same way the Frostgrave Cultists sprue has some skeletal pieces


You have to become a trash goblin. I got two whole Beyond the Gates of Antares armies for £10 and a couple of packs of beer, and also 50 White Dwarfs from around the millennium for free from a guy that was going to chuck them.
If by my area we mean "conveniently close" then literally anything, but if I had a magic wand it would be Frostgrave or Ion Age.
It got 3 answers my dude. My last TQ got way more than that.
I ran the numbers and some goblins I bought on Etsy were more expensive than any non-GW plastic gobbo.
>If by my area we mean "conveniently close" then literally anything
This. The closest wargaming club is like 45 km from where I live. But they do Blood Bowl, Dystopian Wars, Conquest, X-Wing and a bunch of other stuff.
Nevermind the Billhooks is simply the funnest game I've ever played and it's all I would ever play again if I had things my way
Are there any decent 'random board' generators out there? As in, randomly placed scenery and the like?
I want something quick and easy to make boards for VTT with.
Random boards are shit, you should lovely creative and imaginatively themed board every single time
Maybe, but I'd like some broad strokes to work from at least before I drill down into making it my own.
Dwarf Fortress?
Just take layout of any of the settlements.
> I play solo
opinion irrelevant then
Also, yeah man, I'm sure that's why you play solo, not any other reason at all.
Literally just place terrain on the table in a way that looks pleasing and makes sense.
How about getting a job?
Others spend our yearly miniatures/wargaming-hobby expense on a single piece for their car.
Anyone makes insectoid alien biobeasts? Ideally STL, but whatever.
Something closer to Zergs/Arachnids/Terminids rather than just another Tyranids or Xenomorphs expy.
Ideally ideally, with a few subspecies, so I can have spitters, tanks and artillery beasts alongside the warriors.
Fuck, any weird alien biobeast would be cool, as long as it's not humanoid.
So, I think I have an autism fit, but I want to try making a SOBAH hack with MoS used to resolve combat instead of the double/triple combat score approach. This should allow more homogeneity among the basic defensive traits and put all the "roll two dice" traits into way pricier league and make them way more rare.

The basic idea is like this - combat still goes as normal 1d6+C1 vs 1d6+C2 and the winner gets MoS of the result to spend on brutalizing his opponent.
If there are no additional defenses than 1 point of MoS puts a Wounded/Staggered condition on the character, 2 points is Out of Action and 3 is getting finely diced into sashimi.
But most characters should get at least some protections - Shield, Armor, Toughness and so on. They are measured similarly from 1 to 6 but 3 is around where plate armor and tower shields live. With 4 and more being power armor, golems, dragons and so on.
If a character lost combat and has defenses attacker MoS needs to beat the one BEST of them before he can actually deal damage. In a default situation it just goes point to point. So if someone has half plate for 2 points of armor you need to spend 2 points of MoS to beat it before you get to deal damage. With heavier defenses, with some traits and say shield wall on top it very well could be that you can't generate enough MoS to do it. thing is it doesn't prevent you spending MoS on other things - pushing the opponent (recoil), tripping him (prone), disarming (remove one weapon or shield) and so on. And you can mix and match them as you want in numbers.

So if say you get 3 points of MoS but enemy wears some kind of super enchanted armor with 4 points you still can push him 3 bases away and drop him off the building or provide a chance for your allies to Free Hack him in the back.
Kings of War and/or OPR Regiments. Mostly because those two are the most feasible given that Warhammer Fantasy miniatures can be used in both games.
For example of basic ass profiles:

Movie Spartan Elite -- Q3 / C3, Shield 2, Spear (Reach) <- In shield wall their Shield trait gonna go up to 3

Persian Mook - Q4 / C2, Short Sword <- These guys are basically fucked if they go wall on wall
Flail "Master" - Q4 / C2, Flail (Ignores Shield), Armor 2 <- And these guys are still at slight disadvantage but gonna be scoring a decent amount of kills on Spartans cause they should have gone with old movie Armor 2 equipment instead of naked abs.
WGA's Harvesters are sort of Terminidish. They could make fairly decent Chryssalids. Their ranged options are definitely more Tyranidy though, with biogun forelimbs on upright bugs.
Can anyone recommend me fantasy or medieval miniature companies? ONly one I found so far was Victrix
Perry Miniatures is the gold standard. Footsore Miniatures is excellent. Victrix. Wargames Atlantic. Warlord Games.

Those are the heavy hitters
Looking at them, that all seems like excellent high quality. And the price to model ratio, holy shit.
Which are the cheapest? Would not mind something to proxy a "Human Empire" army for minimal cost.
Probably Perry - 21 pounds (~27$) for 36 plastic footmen/foot knights or twelve riders. Though they are in a more realistic scale than say Warhammer - would be somewhat less chunky and without such oversized weapons.
Thank you, Anon!
>these other people getting ripped off means getting ripped off is ok
Either use a VTT or papercraft. Pretty simple.
Shit everywhere is too expensive these days.
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>wfw the logistics look really bad
The economy is going to crash again, isn't it?
Ok, I guess that means "Song of Blades and Heroes"
>with MoS used to resolve combat
with what now?
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Mecha Musume wargame.
Yes or no?
I don't think that anime and minis wargames mix all that well, personally
This looked fun and lightweight. Found it randomly when I was searching for what army to build for OPR.
Margin of Success. Basically by how much you beat the opponents roll.
If you roll 1d6+2 vs 1d6+3 and get 4+2 vs 1+3 your MoS would be 2.
I actually don't understand the disconnect, anime figurines sell like hotcakes but call them miniatures and see how they recoil?
Westoid anime games get concern trolled until they drop the anime aspect, but that wouldn't be a problem with a Japanese company, who would probably have an easier time getting the licensing anyway.
Hordes but it's mechgirls could be a golden age, sure.
There is a guy in Warhammer Fantasy General who has a massive Empire army using Perry Miniatures. Every time he posts a pic of his army the GW fanboys start getting ass blasted because he isn't using official models and it derails the entire general
damn, TOW really did finally kill off /wfg/
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I think the bigger problem is that 99% of "anime" miniatures look like shit. Figurines are absolutely giant compared to 28mm and 32mm miniatures, which most games would probably be using. I'd also imagine such a game would rely heavily on theming the characters after famous after famous mechas, which would be a licensing nightmare for any small company or just make legally distinct versions and hope they're distinct enough while also appealing enough for the target audience. If you go with completely original designs, it'll have far less appeal.
It's sad. TOW brought in all the 40k and AoS types into /wfg/ and suffocated all the real Warhammer Fantasy grogs
Scale means fuck all in the age of CAD, and there are more successful licensed mini games than ever. The time is now.
Modiphus making a Fate game isn't ideal, but it would work.
Thanks for reminding me, you spoilt brat
Wargaming is kind of like sex, the Japs absolutely hate it.
Why play a wargame when you could goon to your waifu instead?
Anime dosen't look good in 3d to non weebs.
Making anime figures to the scales people like to play in would make them look like bad.
Weebs who obsesses over anime figures do not want to play games with them, most hard-core weebs are often to lazy to even play vidya games let alone learn rules for TTgame.
I will be playing OPR and agnostic games, so if anyone has a fit I'll politely recommend they go find another person to play against. That said I'll peek in the WHFG to see if I can find the army. Thanks, Anon!
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>Scale means fuck all in the age of CAD
CAD can not fix problems related to scale. Fine details on a large figurine cannot be replicated on a tiny miniature, no matter how much resolution you apply to it. Not to forget that you need someone talented in making anime models AND gaming pieces. Even industry veterans manage to fuck up on the latter front.
>they released Dave from the dungeon
>one of the first time he does is to boast that he can take down a great white shark
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Lovely. Thank you, Anon.

Always is my dude.
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No one cares that he’s using third party, that’s encouraged. But he doesn’t have an Empire army, it’s a historical army (historical flags, no fantasy creatures, etc) that he keeps posting alongside thread detailing shitposts. He doesn’t even play whfb/tow, and is so disliked irl that he’s forced to soloplay.
All I know is that anime figures can work, but rarely do people pull it off. Kingdom Death team can, both for KD itself and other licensed projects they take on (Epic 7 Arise, for example). Anima Tactics sometimes could, though they were hit-or-miss and died due to being too niche to be profitable. We see also 3d printing can produce good looking weebshit, ZeDarkPenguin with hit catgirl imperial guard models. Both penguin and KD both seem to do pretty good profit wise.

That said if I were to pick a post that makes most sense to me, it'd be this one: >>93889220
There's even a japanese company i'd point to that makes pewter anime figures in 1/100 scale, but yeah they do lose detail in that scale for how nice they are. Forgot their name, but they have been posted here.
Yeah. He's got a nice looking army imo, but the trolling is him pretending to play WHFB with it. Round bases and stuff that's clearly posed as a diorama not a game in progress.
How much of a meta slave you are or the people around you?
Imo anime themes don't really translate well into table top.
Overpowered protagonist power fantasies didn't translate well, unless one player agrees to play the mooks.
The power of friendship is hard to force into game mechanically.
Even gooning to a qt waifu doesn't work as well in small scale.
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>no fantasy creatures
Take modern wargame with tanks and infantry, and slip in OP anime bullshit mecha waifus (that looks like young girls draped in futuristic tech bits). Each force consists of X number of mechas supported by a compliment of traditional armed forces. Mechas can do many things and act as force multipliers, but cannot defeat an army on their own. Meanwhile an army without a mecha supporting them vs. one with a mecha, will be at a disadvantage. Through techno magic handwavium, the mechas can boost the usefulness of units around them.

Since you base the game on real world stuff, you only need to make the anime minis. You can even make them in different scales ranging from 6mm to 28mm. Of course the mecha waifus would be far bigger than regular humans so they'll stand out. You can even make different eras from WW1 to modern day with different mechas designed accordingly. Anyone with a collection of historical miniatures can get into it and ones that don't can easily get a few boxes of infantry and tanks to compliment their mechas. If you want to stay out of real world politics, make a fictional world with fictional history, but the guns, gear and vehicles just happen to be real world ones, like in Ace Combat and other anime bullshit.
>Gets his wife to pretend to play
We get it. You're very committed to the bit.
Just learned about the game drop fleet commander. I've been looking at getting into a space ship game, can anyone who has played it or battle fleet Gothic give me your opinion on either of both, ideally being able to compare and contrast the two? Do either of them allow boardings?
Id love to have a massive space battle campaigns where boardings are played out over games of OPR firefight or something using corridor terrain to represent inside the ship being boarded
Dropfleet doesn't have boarding actions except in an abstract sense (in that you drop tokens representing ground units that can fight in cities or on space stations, and a special rule on a handful of weapons to represent boarders), but there is a new version coming out next month that's had mention of some boarding related rules. So, check back on it in a few weeks.
Kingdom Death says otherwise.
>Kingdom Death is anime
What anime are you watching?
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You serious?


I just wish I could find a pdf of the rules before spending the 25£ + shipping it would cost me to order an hardcover.
i don't mind paying for rules but I like to at least have an overview before committing
Yes I'm serious. List some anime that fits the aesthetic.
Berserk maybe? But that's not really an anime.
where are you located? I wonder if anyone ever found other players here on /tg/
This looks sicks, what game?
One of the very first things the Japanese did when the original mecha-musume fad started going around in the 80s was make a grid-based tactical wargame with them. Unfortunately it was magazine-based so it's virtually impossible to find.

>I don't think that anime and minis wargames mix all that well, personally
>Imo anime themes don't really translate well into table top.
>abloobloobloo wish fullfillment power fantasy
>it has to be realistic or it's not a wargame
Very wrong, mostly because you're looking at the wrong anime.

You don't need combined arms. You don't need mooks at all. It's possible to have a duel or skirmish-scale wargame that's still fun and let models have some bite. My personal preference would be a system like Sakura Taisen, where certain combos of units work well or poorly together based on relationships/keywords and unlock additional abilities, but that's just been a pipe dream of mine for a while. You can still do something simple like an alternating-activation version of Gundam Collection Tactics or even straight-up use Gamma Wolves with musume models. I could name half a dozen other systems that would be extremely easy to hack that have a simple "build your waifu" ruleset you could use to drag out whatever models you happen to have.

One of the big issues with miniature gaming in Japan is that most people have almost no storage space. Board games or hex-and-chit were vastly more popular in the 80s because with a simple box you can fit enough standees, maps and rules to play something like Battletech, OG Heavy Gear, or Gundam Senki into the same shelf space as the Complete Works of Shakespeare. A full 4x6-foot tabletop is half of someone's living room and the necessary terrain, minis transports, and books take up half a bookcase. There was a shift among a lot of the physical wargamers to playing in a handful of clubs, or electronic hex-and-chit like Front Mission and Power Dolls a long time ago.
>I could name half a dozen other systems
>One of the big issues with miniature gaming in Japan is that most people have almost no storage space
Then how do they collect shelves of manga and tons of plastic dolls?
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Funny i'm doing the same with my Lancer campaign i just replaced all the mechs with giant robot women you can pilot.
I thought i was being original, but i guess not.
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What anime is this anon? Spit it out
Obviously KD is not based on any anime but is clearly inspired by japanese character design sensibilities and artstyles.
My bad. It was late in the day for me and my brain wasn't firing on all cylinders.

Those look like they could be fun.

He also mentions quite a few other things. God forbid he has a fun question near the end there he can give a silly answer to.

>electronic hex-and-chit like Front Mission
I'd kill for a proper Front Mission miniatures game. I know there's Eisenfront, but the shipping costs alone make that out of the question for me.
>What awg do you wish you could get started in your area the most?
Space/Sword Weirdos. I know it won't though. All they play at my LGS is warhammer. There is a group that plays OPR but they're a 40 minute drive away and are a very small cliquey group.
40 minutes drive is nothing you bleeding cunt
>why are there not more anime inspired minatures?
>lists a few reasons
>heh, your wrong bucko. Look at this niche expensive wargame.
Yeah. That totally got me.
This just in, Nippon has invented scantily clad women.
I am grateful to them.
>concern trolls arguing against anime miniatures in staggeringly bad faith
Yep, westoids still have too much brain worms to succeed at it.
Dude they even have a high school setting mini range.
It just means the market needs more of it.
>BLACK DICE: are six sided dice on which the shown number or amount of pips counts as the following number: A roll of 1 or 2 equals 1, a roll of 3 or 4 equals 2, a roll of 5 equals 3 and a roll of 6 equals 6. In other words: Black dice act as what is commonly known as a D3 with the exception that a roll of 6 is a 6.
Okay. Why tho?
Looks weird and fun anyway. Thanks anon.

Only stigmatised by people you would not play with
>What awg do you wish you could get started in your area the most?
Really just any variety of 10mm and 6mm stuff. Started with 6mm and have always liked it. Could do anything, Company/Brigade Commander (in space), Horde of the Things, Fantastic Battles, Epic Armageddon, fuck even Xenos Rampant with 6mm would scratch the itch a bit.
>List some anime that fits the aesthetic.
Gee, Anon, I don't know. What makes heavy use of a winged white lion?
I'd post some Ane Naru Mono or similar highly-detailed ero-horror but most of my pagecaps are bannable on a blue board.
So you admit that it's not anime?
Desperate, tears in his eyes recommendation baiting lol
I accept your concession. Lol
When I see miniature figures from Japan, they are usually chibi. not on miniature games scales.
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Back from dinner.
The first time I played a mecha-musume game it was a heavily-hacked version of Fairy Meat. Crazy dude from Spokane had rigged up a version to run with his dozens of customized PVC figurines of anime characters, we tweaked it a little to use some mecha-musume models. System tends to get bogged down in melee really badly if you aren't careful with ability allocation.
>Virtual MektON!
Duel-level, hex-based, designed for 1-3 mechs per side. It's a very, very heavily-erratad version of Mekton Zeta Plus that the MZ Mailing List put together after years of cheesing out the system as hard as humanly possible.
>CAV, Dimensional Wars, Mekton: The Movie, Mobile Arms
Squad-based games suitable for larger fights. All have relatively limited build systems and simplified damage models. M:TM really only counts for half a system given VMekOn. Which one you'd pick depends heavily on the kind of objectives you want for gameplay.
>Bot Wars
Australian guy's Transformers fangame that somehow also became a Zoids and GI Joe game later. While customization is limited, you get a lot of profiles to work with and there are already some fan-made points formulas out in the wild
>Brutality Skirmish
Requires a mix of support, melee, and shooter units on your team. Otherwise works well as a universal skirmish-scale game.
The mecha problem is largely solved
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Weebshit is definitely a niche, however it seems sadly largely unexplored.
I need to fix my 3d printer, there's got to be stls for anime style figures at 1/56.
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If you're that determined to be a disingenuous, pedantic faggot, you don't deserve more effort. You and everyone else in the thread knows that "anime aesthetics" encompasses manga, and that Dragon's Crown and DunMesh both have animated adaptations.
>/awg/ threads turning into all the people not physically allowed within 25 metres of aGames Workshop

Please you poofs talk about alternative wargames.

Mantic did some cool shit this month, so did WGA. People I know are playing Triumph! Printing boats for the battle of Jutland. Lots going on

If you journal, solo play is very rewarding and if you're really into it you won't need solo rules. Just play both sides and see what happens. I love it
>Transformers fangame that somehow also became a Zoids and GI Joe
The communities are all joined at the hip through comic books. Now we just need spiderman...
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Why would you want you want to go to a GW? Can't even play goddamn Warhammer there half the time, let alone good games like MESBG.
>missing the point
Making the minis non-scale and slightly bigger could work.
It's not that the japs dislike wargaming. They just dislike long sessions or anything that takes too much space. Hence why Kill Team is popular over there but 40k isn't. If it takes more than 45 minutes they're allergic to it. Dedicated stores are rare over there and unless you're good friends with someone they're not inviting you home, so you end up with nerds renting karaoke rooms to play KT.
There's animu Sisters of Battle heads and they look pretty decent. They're one of the main reasons I want a 3D printer.
Literally came out after KD. So if anything the influence is the other way around.
These are very nice. I wish more companies made anime miniatures like this.
Shonenslop =/= all anime. OP power fantasies and power of friendship are not necessary at all.
If the most played (non historical) wargame is about transhuman spacedudes in bulky power armor, space elves, space mummies, space religious cyborgs and space satanists a game with waifus in power armor is perfectly feasible.
Anyone want an app/webapp for a mini game made? I'm a bored software faggot who has no access to minis for the next month while my house is being renovated.
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Would D&D players want to play a Beholder, or they just want to play agaisnt them
>Shonenslop =/= all anime
True but it dominates the field.
It's not like slice of life, or teen girl romance would make for good war games either.
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>Making the minis non-scale and slightly bigger could work.
For sure, especially if one starts off with the mecha girls being much larger than humans. Something like a 40mm scale mecha girl next to 28 or 20mm scale humans.
People who say
>anime is only about girls kissing and goku turning super saiyan
Are just revealing how shitty their taste is. You'd think pretty poorly of a guy who thought all movies were hallmark romances or fast and the furious.
Keeping a small force of whatever game in your shelf isn't a problem.
It's when you add multiple books, big terrain pieces, vehicles, etc. when you run into the space issue.
Hence if one were to make an anime themed game, it'd have to be a skirmisher. 10 models per player maximum.
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I can't think of a lot of "giant mecha women" examples, so you're being somewhat original.
Love Above the Rooftops.
I can't even find a place that sells the starter pack. Guess I'll just get the pdf and look for printable alternatives. I think the official Front Mission model kits might be a little too big.
>OP power fantasies and power of friendship are not necessary at all.
So how would you make a wargame out of mecha musume?
>If the most played (non historical) wargame is about transhuman spacedudes in bulky power armor, space elves, space mummies, space religious cyborgs and space satanists a game with waifus in power armor is perfectly feasible.
GW was founded in 1975. Warhammer was released in 1983, and, mind you, it was basically historicals + fantasy elements. It's why Empire is all HRE, Bretonnians are medieval knights and OG Chaos marauders were straight up vikings. 40k released four years later in 1987 as Warhammer, but in space. So, if you got 30+ years to spend on making your totally original mecha musume game take off without any slop, do show us peasants the light.
Or it could be a small squad based skirmish game. 3-5 mecha girls, 40mm-ish.
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Anybody know what scale these undead doggos are next to 25-28mm scale humanoid minis?
I'm that anon that is making undead deathpacks out of various miniatures for Kings of War.

So far in terms of undead dogs I know. RalparthaLegacy sells them as skeleton dogs with a dog handler and axe. I ordered some and received them along with some rag and helm wearing skeletons pointing so they can be deathpack handlers.
Fireforge Games' living dead knights (on horseback) comes with undead dogs in hard plastic.
Chainmail miniatures (OOP I believe) has undead skeleton dogs. Waiting on those to arrive.
Mantic skeleton sprues have skeleton dog sprues. Be careful when drybrushing their tails.
Reaper sells undead hounds. And Dread Wolves.
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>So how would you make a wargame out of mecha musume?
Emphasis on the mecha, basically.
And there's no need to compete with GW, you're missing the point.
But yeah I should probably write up my ideas, playtest and come back with a pdf and some stls.
95% are.
If you only like 5% of a genre you don't really like that genre. Like you wouldn't say you love Chinese food, but not gross noodle or rice dishes.
Relic Knight got around it by forcing you to pair the over powered shonen protagonist's activation with the shitty side kick's. They even made the sidekicks immortal so you couldn't accidentally kill them and improve your team.
Anime is not a genre, is a medium with multiple genres.
By that logic you don't really like movies if you like good films but not the typical Hollywood slop and cheap Lifetime originals.
Yes. If you don't like Hollywood Blockbusters you are not a movie buff.
>I'd kill for a proper Front Mission miniatures game
The mechanics themselves are pretty simple. Although based on my experiences with Gundam Collection Tactics doing a straight conversion of an IGYG strategy game to tabletop has some serious jank/balance issues you need to address. Ironically I think a stat system that works for Front Mission would also work pretty well for Medarot, the construction system's within spitting distance for both. I should dig out the memory card stack and finish my second run of FM4 finally.
>official Front Mission model kits
They did a gacha release a LONG time ago, didn't they? I remember seeing bubbles for it in the stores in Japan around the time FM4 came out. It seemed limited though, was only like 10-12 suits on the placards and I didn't see any of the Quads or tank-legs either.
You can't make a wargame out of the 100 years war because 90% of history wasn't about that, it was dudes milling grain and shit. You need to play leavening simulator or you're not a real history fan.
If you don't care about milling grain, then you're not a history buff, you're a war-aboo..
>Emphasis on the mecha, basically.
And what does that mean, exactly?
>And there's no need to compete with GW, you're missing the point.
You brought up GW as an example of "non-historical" and I pointed out how 40k has decades of history to get to that point and both it and WHFB are rooted in historicals. Marines are space romans, space templars, space knights, space vikings, etc. IG is nothing but historicals in space. There's space Catholic nuns with flagellants. You got your space undead Egyptians, your space elves loaded with historical references and dark elves, your space orcs all skinhead football hooligan rockers...
You heard it here folks. If you're not into MCU and Disney remakes you're not a movie buff.
Exactly, wargaming is only for casuals.
Jokes aside, Palaeo Diet is actually a good game. And that's just cavemen hunting animals.

>he thinks 40k is historical because GW ripped off a bunch of ips to make it
Not sure what shithole you live in but anything more than 20 minutes here is considered a long drive.
If it's only 20 minutes away why not walk?
>he thinks 40k is historical because GW ripped off a bunch of ips to make it
Says the man who thinks using real world tanks and weapons in a fictional setting alongside animu waifu mechas is "historical". Glass houses, retard.
Nta but, Because some times 20 minutes driving translates to 1:30 walking? Also arriving sweating at the destination?
>And what does that mean, exactly?
Customizable loadouts, armies centered around high value units (either low model count made entirely of them or a bunch of low value units supporting a few "special" models), you know, mechanics that make sense for mechs.
Flavor wise you don't need much more than "deadly weapons made to look like attractive females because fuck you." At least not at first.
And I brought 40k as an example of over the top concepts working just fine in tabletop.
They recently re-released them along with the Xenogears models. I only got the later but haven't built them yet.
The fuck are you talking about now? Take your syphilis medicine.
That is a good amount of walking. I used to do about 4 hours a day
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But how big are their cockpits?
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Manic/Whiteagle/Nicedaemonette came here to shit up /awg/ instead of /btg/. Great.

Lamentations aside:
Mantic has a Mantic Point purchased Skeleton Dog Handler and Dog. https://www.manticgames.com/mantic-points/kings-of-war-mantic-points/10-points/10-mantic-points-undead-dog-handler/ Love your concept so far, looking forward to hopefully seeing pictures.
Let me guess. It was walking down to the waterhole for fresh water because you live in an African shithole.
I just need to find a reliable ebay seller of 120mm x 40mm bases. Or are the numbers supposed to be the other way around?
Should I leave the bottom of the integrated bases of these models unprimed when I glue them to the bases?
Reaper's also got their undead werewolf and a Zombie Dog Handler from Bob Olley. But the mini is huge. Like 35-38mm. Looks good nonetheless. It's on a 40mm square base in the catalog pic
There's also those giant Crypt rats and another undead werewolf elsewhere in the range

I remember one of the Wierd West ranges having some undead dogs or wolves. I can't find it right now, but Black Scorpion just expanded their ranges and holy FUCK are some of their Undead gorgeous.
If you want cheap bases, check Aliexpress/Alibaba. Just bought 241 bases of different sizes for $15 total.
>if you aren't a fat fuck,that means you are poor thirdie
Cager cope
No I just loved walking the whole city to and from work.
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>undead werewolf
Wish I learned of that model before I bought the Mantic werewolf a while ago.
The Reaper Undead werewolf probably fits the bill of being an undead lykanis more than the Mantic undead lykanis. There's not much "undead" about the big werewolf Mantic offers.

As for the undead werewolf by reaper, it is probably not as huge as the Mantic werewolf, but I hope it at least towers over the Wargames Atlantic werewolves.

Pic related: a pic of the zombie werewolf on what I think is a 40mm square base.
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Wargames Atlantic werewolf next to Mantic undead lykanis pic I took a while ago. Here's hoping the Reaper undead werewolf towers over the WGA werewolves.

Remember to use sticky tack for the Wargames Atlantic werewolves. Especially when it comes to arm poses as they make or break a mini's pose.
The arms are important as they either make the pose menacing or comical.
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..I was talking about the dog handler being absolutely huge, my bad. Although the Reaper Undead wolfman isn't teeny. For my ratmen warband I also used their Giant Rat -- it's hard to see, but he has a bigass hole in his side with exposed ribs and some injuries elsewhere. Apologize for the shitty half-basecoated photo, gives a good idea of his size though. He's on a 60mm base, with the stupid hands replaced with an Ogre fist and some old monster hand from the bits box.
have a (You) for outstanding gif usage
I think you're probably demented. I lived out of the city. I liked the exercise.
>gets sweaty from walking
Hahahaha fat fuck detected
This reminds me of my time in Texas, when I was introducted to people by "this guy is from Poland and he walks everywhere"
It's both lazy and kinda neat
Bot War is fucking wonderful. It's all sorts of wild 80's cartoon shit. Soviet dino riders, transformers, kaiju, MASK. And it looks like a fun game. I really need to check out the third edition rules that just dropped.

Only place I know that sells it is direct from the gut that makes it. I don't know that he has any stockists anywhere.

>They did a gacha release a LONG time ago, didn't they?
I have a handful of those. They're excellent little figures. Wish I could find more for a aemi-reasonable price these days.

I love Black scorpions stuff. I keep trying to get people to want to play Legends of the Old West so I can have an excuse to buy a bunch of their old west stuff. Want to grab some of their fantasy stuff, but can't find a good use for them. Maybe Frostgrave?

Shame their fantasy Pirates stuff got cut down so much. They had some great stuff in there.
>so I can have an excuse to buy a bunch of their old west stuff.
Playing Alexia1 in WMH gives me a lifetime excuse to buy neat skellys. Thanks for name dropping black scorpions, I never heard of them and theres some good stuff
>introduced me to Black Scorpion
Ok, I guess this thread wasn't a complete waste of time.
On top of having good sculpts, Black Scorpion also just has really good models. They're some of the least fussy resin I've ever had to deal with. Maybe a tad on the brittle side, but not stupidly so.
In the name of Thulsa Doom, I post a tribute.
It is right to give him thanks, and bitches.

...the Snake priestess links are PROMOTIONS material, by the way.
Triggered the oldfags, lmao.
My first menite flamer is done
Nice work. Menoth has great designs and you did that one proud.
Thank you. Im not a good painter but I do put some effort in so it's nice to hear someone say I did the model proud. Menoth have excellent designs, the flamers are perfect with their cartoony heroic scale and helmets.
It'll be a long while before a whole squad is finished.
I am not a good painter either, but I can see you put time and effort into the painting and it looks nice. So keep up the good work.
Hell yeah anon, I recommend also doing the base too. It may not seem much but I promise it makes models look even better every time.
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Damn, those trolls are nicely done. I'm loving the bases.
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One must confess they are from the new battle report on the steamforged games website. Both armies are good but the trolls are insane
The MKIV models look so much nicer without the stupidly overdone NMM they've been doing. I will still not be getting any because they took the Legion out behind the shed.
Legion is going to get Mk4 army years down the line too. He only lost the elves.
>Damn, those trolls are nicely done. I'm loving the bases.
Is that green gallery glass in the pools? Cause it sure as heck looks like it.
so thinking about dipping into Oathmark(and/or Hobgoblin) with North Star's Orcs & Goblins(plus maybe some minis from some of their other 28mm lines), any other companies who got some good stuff that would fit in with those aesthetically?
iirc the Oathmark orcs were sculpted by the same guy who made the old metal fantasy ranges for Grenadier and so they're pretty compatible with those models. I know Forlorn Hope and Mirliton still sell them, and I think a few other places do too.
>any other companies who got some good stuff that would fit in with those aesthetically?
I was gonna mention copplestone, but there ya go.

Ral Partha EU also has the old Grenadier Fantasy Armies ranges. Check those out if you like old school fantasy minis.
On their Kickstarter, they had copyright-safe versions of Guts, Kamina, Link, and the cavegirl from Chrono Trigger. Might be some I'm forgetting.
Another new Bioficer weapon shown off for Dropfleet.

They make some cool shit. They even had a couple of games. I only had thr book for Cutlass, and it was mostly fine if a touch bare bones.

Looking good, Anon.

I find myself debating getting into Mk4, but I dunno. Maybe I'll just be content to let the good memories of Mk2 live on in my head.
List your favorite game mechanics
Using painted scale models to represent game pieces with unique characteristics that can interact with each other or features of the defined play area
1.Shyeel Arcanists
2.Trencher Mechaniks
3.Battle Mechanics
9000. Field Mechaniks
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Canada. Specifically Southern Ontario area.
>I wonder if anyone ever found other players here on /tg/
Probably has happened before. Maybe 4chinners have recognized each other's models at an LGS before. But they keep it quiet about it when concerning usage of this forum given the reputation of this place.

Anyways I hate to break it to you, but I'm actually getting started in the Kings of War army. It isn't near complete. I'm the anon over at: >>93892499 and >>93892508
So far I'm just going around looking for alternative miniatures to Mantic models.
So far I've found out about Diehardminiatures and I like their "Soul Crux Liche" both on foot and mounted. You can field a mounted Necromancer in Kings of War and so I'll use him for that.

I've also found the bone construct by Diehardminiatures (pic related) which will be great as a for the KoW Goreblight miniature.
And I think the Pathfinder Deep Cuts Bone Golem will also suffice for the same role.
Where the FUCK is Vassal Mechanik???
He was sent to fight in the Mechaking's tek war as per his tenure.

Go on Ebay. I regularly find GW shit and get it for 40-60% off.
New expansion for Five Leagues is in NewVola. It shows how much that game needs to be reworked. Most of what is in that expansion should be in the core book to make it playable. Five Parsecs is so much better but if you like fantasy then look elsewhere like Rangers or Deth Wizards.
>somebody finally makes Mass Effects minis good enough for a wargame
>it's Modiphius
>for a fucking board game

Monkey Pawn
Ooooh I get it!
Yeah, that's a good idea. MoS systems are cool and should really be the standard. It always feels wrong when you roll SUPER WELL to hit but then get fucked by the damage roll.
We used to have fairly regular game-finder threads, an anonymized map of LGS's and an IRC channel for match-making. Until that one *really* shitty mod took over in the 'teens and started nuking all the threads, anyway. I've had several perfectly pleasant games with Anons. I'm still not inviting any of you faggots back to my house on a first date, but there are ways to arrange neutral ground and Get Shit Done. Hell, /btg/ just had like 8 guys arranging local matches with each other at the end of last month.
This thread is a lot slower and the player-base is more splintered so it's harder to do ad-hoc matchmaking, but we can always make a go of it at some point.

>Maybe 4chinners have recognized each other's models at an LGS before
Oh, very much so. There are at least half a dozen other current or former fa/tg/uys in my local store. It's not just models, either. DM advice threads are public and someone has to write all those adventures, rules, and player aids that show up here...
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Just remember to walk the walk and sing the song.
What's the Snake representing? That the looks amazing.
There's that manga where the mechs are giant school girls and the pilots psychs are gradually eroded to the point that they start to think and act like school girls until they go fully insane and the meat mechs start mutating.
let's say I find Xenos Rampant to be mind-numbingly simplistic and unfun.

What mini agnostic large skirmish sci-fi rules would you recommend?
Battletech desu
No Limits! is a pretty good model agnostic sci fi game.

The QA they had with dave was NOT encouraging. It's looking like it's going to be as bad as it was with Dropzone.
Well, technically the base SOBAH is also a MoS system. It's just scales non-linearly - at higher C you literally can't put a combatant into Out-of-Action on a single roll because it's literally impossible to roll say 14 = 7x2. Not even talking of removing a figure from the board than needs something like 15 to 21 roll. I understand why it was made so. And it is good for its intended purpose of making high C targets harder to put down and stretching it over multiple turns or at least activations. But it also makes adding defensive abilities a pain the ass.

The linear MoS plus standardized defense should be much easier to manage while providing close enough effect. Though, mind you, high C figures still would be a little easier to put down since where before you had survivability rising as you gone in C even among the same C figures now it stays the same.
On the other hand their should be more options for involuntary movement and say dropping people off buildings since Recoil wouldn't be limited to a single base length.
>3d printed slop is sometimes a mere 10% cheaper than hand crafted stuff
that math could only be true the day you buy the printer. and even then it's less than the initial buy for getting in to a lot of games.
I assume he's talking about buying 3d prints. Unless you know someone who's willing to slide some things you want into whatever they're doing, buying 3d printed models really isn't much cheaper than resin or plastic.

Buying a 3d printer itself is a pretty big upfront cost, but it's also frequently a hassle to work with. That's honestly the biggest reason it hasn't completely swept the market. It's just annoying. 3D printing can really suck sometimes.
plus it can kill you!
He was promoted to Rally the Troops Mechanik and stopped fixing anything
key points from interview with lead designers of seamforged games in terms of warmachine

>painting models to be encouraged and perhaps even mandatory at events
>casual first, hobbyists matter as much or more than competitive players
>3d terrain is the focus in the immediate future
>painting and crafting tutorials are on the way
>the lead designer paints every single model that gets made to make sure they paint well
>lore will be released alongside model releases going forward (when gravediggers come, narrative featuring gravedriggers will happen)
gravediggers will be revealed in November
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Made a mausoleum for Frostgrave. Reposting the WIP to them followup with the final pic; some anons a couple threads ago mentioned wanting to see how it turned out
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Yes obviously
>casual first, hobbyists matter as much or more than competitive players
I really hate such phrases. No matter how many times I see them the end result is the same - some absolute retard gets put on making mechanics for the game. Or worse, management barges in with their "advice" and shits everything completely.
It's just to reassure the fanbase, which does work based on what I've observed with SFG acquisition and fan reception. I see so many people now being happy with "changes introduced by SFG to Warmachine" which are just what PP has been doing since day one of Mk4 Warmachine launch.

The only notable thing here to me is the comments on paint, which is good, everything else is just repeat of the usual MO. Granted I do think it's a realistic worry.
they speak of it so much because flat 2d terrain and competitive waac fag, 0 paint on the models sort of thing was the majority at the end of mk3
Comp-fag howls as the stick hits
>they speak of it so much because flat 2d terrain and competitive waac fag, 0 paint on the models sort of thing was the majority at the end of mk3
Yeah, that was a shitshow. But current changes also don't inspire much confidence. Since on top of making movement and model placing simpler and streamlining the traits of units they also kept the IGOUGO system while severely cutting down all the reactions/free attacks and other out of turn stuff.
what's the market for birdmen miniatures like? I have some late medieval looking ducks and I'm pretty sure I've seen sporadic 3D printed ones at times, but are there more out there?
Would rest in eternally/10, all I can add is that a mini painted like a statue might look nice on top of those threads
>what's the market for birdmen miniatures like?
Not terribly great as far as I know.

>late medieval looking ducks
You might try looking for Durulz, from Runequest/Glorantha.
They are not abundant, but they are out there. DnD has Tengu (japanese birdpeople), so there are a bunch of companies that make them.
Reaper has a handful for example. Games like Bushido also have a faction containing them, since they are part of japanese mythology.

The swedish parody(?) version of DnD is called Ducks and Dungeons, I think and they have anthropomorphic duck people there as well. So there is another source for minis, since a handful of companies make those as well (reaper has one of those as well of course).
Oathsworn Miniatures of course have birds for Badgers and Burrows and Dark Sword have a line of anthropomorphic animal fantasy characters as well.

There are a ton of companies that have the odd bits here and there, but if you look into 3d printing you'll probably also find a ton of files.
well I'm in Toronto if you want to try KoW. I played it a bit at the very beginning of Mantic history and a few games of 2nd edition when it came out.

but I'd like to give a try to the new rules and have an excuse to use my dwarfs.
Good to know it's completely dead and there's no point wondering if it's ever going to even try to come back, I guess.
rip warmachine, you were a real one
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>like 6 armies released in 3 years
>new sculpts every other month
>release plan spans into the years
>new lore is already written
>events popping up often
>the best state its been in in years and years
some how its dead. If it was any other game it'd be classed as the newest hottest game around. It's very successful now.
With the big tower/smoke stack r makes me think crematorium more than mausoleum.
Those are Manga and videogames not anime.
That's a sick chaos warrior.
He's been decapitated; that goes well beyond "sick".
What alternative rules do you guys like to use for your collections of 40K miniatures? I don't enjoy GW rules since I started branching out from them a few years ago into (mostly) historicals, and now my armies are just gathering dust.
Are there any decent tables for doing randomly generated spaceships/spacehulks/spacestations or shit like that?
depends on what you mean. If you are looking for stuff like scenario rules (objectives and complications or story hooks) then Rogue Stars and the original Rogue Trader (and lots of other games too, I suspect) have pretty big tables for scenario rules to add something interesting into the mix. With some minor adjustments you could use those (acid rain could be steam coming out of pipes or damaged oxygen filters etc).
If you mean something that would give you a custom floorplan for spacehulk mission or battlemaps for RPGs then I can't think of anything spaceship specific, but a random dungeon generator could make something that could represent any chunk of a larger spacestation.
Heavy Gear also does MoS, and the MoS for the to-hit roll is added to your damage/Armor Penetration rolls. AP ammo gives you a flat damage floor of one or two points when you hit even if the armor would normally stop it. One of several things that gives mechs a niche, since they can carry cheap vibro-weapons and jet in behind tanks to carve up their engines

Not bad, I might swap out that threaded fitting for a statue though. You can often find a broken or off-scale miniature for pretty cheap and then just paint it very dark brown, throw a turquoise wash on it, and then drybrush on a little bronze. Maybe some crusty white and green stippling on the shoulders for birdshit. Pic related, all the guys on the right are old off-scale stuff from Reaper and RAFM that I got out of the discount bin at my LGS for like $3 each. Also done the same with PVC figures from plastic model kits and broken McDonald's toys. If you make them removable you can use them as the Living Statues and Medium Constructs in other missions as well.

Otherworld minis has a bunch in their licensed Runequest/Dark Tower range, in general you'll find more in the EU because of Donald Duck being weirdly popular and Runequest.
there are some then, thanks. The ducks I do have are sculpted by a Swedish dude, but sold through a german webstore and are inspired by drakar och demoner.
Anthromorphic angry ducks really do appeal to euros for some reason
Well there is No Limits if you want something better than GW ruleset but still pretty crunchy. Grimdark Future and Rogue Planet are way lighter. Grimdark Future is OPR for 40k even if its not actually one page.
>Anthromorphic angry ducks really do appeal to euros for some reason
I don't think that is just a Euro thing.
>Heavy Gear also does MoS, and the MoS for the to-hit roll is added to your damage/Armor Penetration rolls.
Wait weren't it MoS x Damage? Or is it the old rules? I know it more for the RPG side though.
I thought mickey mouse was always preferred in the US, even though both characters are american obviously
I enjoy OPR. Quick games with meat and crunch, but good for new players to learn as well.
I wish the rest of the Sea Raiders were more like the Cursebound. Hopefully the next Orgoth army will be more savage looking and less sleek.
Doubt it. Considering it seems to be the direction for all the factions to go even harder into Wildstar/WoW direction.
How are you such a negative nancy?
I looked at the models they put out up to this day? Like a few of them are okay, mostly jacks, but the moment it comes down to troops you get bullshit like the one posted in previous thread with all the gribbling and rivets piled up on top of each other until the whole model becomes a mess. Not everything is like this but their designer or designers for the infantry clearly struggle. And that's ignoring that overall style moved from steampunk/dieselpunk closer to sci-fi or sci-fantasy.
It's definitely moved away from steampunk, but not away from dieselpunk. If anything I'd say it moved way hard into dieselpunk, even if Warcaster design influences are there.
that setting is fucking bonkers....
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I think you are full of shit and are actually judging it the wrong way around. The majority of sculpts are great especially the newest ones and you find the few that arent good and say thats the baseline. I also think you are basing your opinions on the first few models released in mk4 not any of the new ones which have barely strayed from mk3 aesthetics.

Steampunk and diesal punk is absolutely still the main design and saying something like ios is too sci fi is like... Theyve always been there.
Grimdark Future from One Page Rules is solid. Simple, but fun and fast playing even at larger point levels.

There's also the skirmish version: Grimdark Future Firefight. If you want another solid skirmish game you can easily slot 40K stuff into I've been impressed by Star Breach.

It changed with the switch to 2nd edition in Blitz. Now it's MoS + damage of weapon - armor. It's infinitely smoother than the old multiplication system. Thr latest edition of the RPG also uses the same core system now.

I still optimistic. Then again, I never played 1st edition of DFC, so take that with a grain of salt.

Even if it does end up sucking, I can find another space game to use those Bioficer ships in.
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Id say cyngar went full tesla and khador went even harder into diesel. The sci fi allegations are a bit unfair imo.
To be fair the only view we had of Cygnar is their Tesla posterboy side, so I am withholding opinion on them until Gravediggers are out. Stormknights were already were detached with their technology from the game with infinite-running blue energy from day one.
What would be the best way to do a wargame focused on environmental effects?
Maybe something comedic like cyberpunk emergency services attempting to reach potential patients/put out fires for cash only to scrap with each other at the same time.
I'm okay with the move to dieselpunk. But I still want some of that roughness in style. Khador and what we've seen of the Gravedigger is a good example. Dusk and Khymera are weird, because yeah, they are really sci-fi, but that's kinda their deal (Iosian has always been a bit sci-fi, and Khynera is weird biomechanical stuff). The new Cryx is kinda Flanderized Cryx, but it still reads Cryx. Orgoth is the only one that I think sticks out a bit, except the Cadre.
>But I still want some of that roughness in style.
Yeah, I feel you there. That era of Warmachine aetr style definitely did scratch my itch too, in ways other steampunk games of similar style haven't.
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That's because instead of cogfop like a lot of Steampunk, Warmachine jacks actually looked like real steam machines. I mean, this thing looks more like a train than a steambot.
Why are OPR robot legions so shit?

Usually, the theme goes with "slow but durable" but in OPR, they're just slow
They're durable if you toss a leader with the regen upgrade in the unit. Annhilators and Eternals become tanks.Most guns being AP1+ is nice too
Why would you want a miniatures game of a dating sim?
They o ly have a single unit with a less than 4+ defense, and all their shit has a bonus save (granted it's a 6+, but that's better than nothing), and you can give units regeneration via heroes. They're plenty tough.
Literally whole Orgoth Sea Raiders are straight up lifted out of WoW design primer. Which to be fair Warmachine always had a heavy influence from it but they did try to balance it and make a spin on it for every of the factions.
I wouldn't dispute the fact that the sculpts themselves are great - new software and clearly decent modellers deal with it. But designer, the one who decides on the overall look and style of the models, has a terminal problem with doing MMORPG models instead of the tabletop ones. As well as missing the faction style completely - like with new Khador Man-O-Wars which you could straight up drop into Wildstar alongside Orgoth and you would be hard pressed to say that they weren't an original part of the game.

Here is Orgoth - the problem mostly stems from their armor which has too many layers on top of each other. Which absolutely don't work at TT model scales. The painted model on the left showcases the result perfectly. On the right painter spent some effort on toning down the whole mess to hide parts of it in other larger parts of the model and so it looks better. But there is no way casual painters would be able to do it properly.
Their bolters are upside down.

The robot legions wipe the floor with my havoc brothers nine times out of ten. But that's because my opponent is phenomenally lucky with his self-repair rolls and because all of his regular warriors use plasma weapons in the skirmish mode we play. One time I managed to beat him was when the terrain set-up was do that the table was split in half by LoS blocking terrain. I managed to use my superior mobility (dark tactics and mutants with fast) to have a numerical superiority on one side of the table. Haven't been able to replicate that since.
This game is kind of dorky

But things like this would be greatly improved with a ww1 colour scheme
They and nurgle used to be the number 1 overpowered factions in the game. Army wide regen and rend/poison was just nuts. Random chance to nullify any attack, and to deal wounds to anything. If you got lucky you could outmatch any unit in the game in almost any circumstances.

I also think them and plague marines were one of the devs played armies because they had really extensive upgrades to match official rosters, too. You could give almost anything ambush or extra good regen or whatever you needed. Some other factions are lucky if they can even take 1 anti tank weapon here or there. They seemingly got pretty nerfed though, which is an improvement.

I think opr should remove the space marine and primaris subfactions because some players still keep whining that their super duper special faction is still missing a unit that is totally completely different from generic space marine units. Leads to horrible bloat.
Any good options for fantasy dragons? The AoS ones don't quite fit. It's for a High Elf Dragon Mage/Prince Imrik.

I'm sorry what fucking thread are we in here
I want ALTERNATIVE models for warhammer fantasy, which is a WARGAME. I wonder if I could get any GENERAL information about this.
They're talking about OPR, which is an alternate wargame. It's not their fault OPR is a ripoff of 40k.
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Reaper. They have plenty to pick from, but a lot are the first run of Bones which I've heard not so great things about.

Also a fan of these beast from Khurusan.

Man the nightstalker butchers are really cool models.
thanks for the heads up
I mean a good chunk of 3d printing files are furry, pinups or outright porn. Clearly there is a market segment of lonely people who fixate on that stuff. But yeah, Bioware poisoned the well for RPGs. I hate that it's become a normal thing and seemingly the only thing people talk about.
If you are not playing a horde army, AP1 is pretty standard.
SM get the same stats and the same model count at half the points price. And they can get regen cheaper. And they're not Slow.

6+ is basically nothing. It will save 16% of your botched saves. Which is about 8 saved wounds in an army. That's not a lot.
Fucker you have my interested, can you say what makes it fun? Is there a fantasy version? We have them for download?
Complaining about missing units or kits is peak marinefag behavior tho
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I impulse bought 2 slayers, a reaper, 6 soul hunters and 5 bane knights but it was only 35 quid.

Would you accept soul hunters as bane rider proxies? I know riders are way more armoured but soul hunters arent legible in the prime list.
I'm having an insane burnout of this hobby and I think it's due to my playgroup being quite incessant on playing AOS all the time and that's all they talk about and has been for years. It's completely killed my spirit and I need to branch away from them and paint something else. How's Bushido as a game, I'm thinking my uncle would be super interested in it if I brought two little armies over to his, is it a good game?
Looks more like a bit more stylized Boris Vallejo than anime.

Yeah, fuck them and fuck star wars fans.
I like that 3D printing has gotten cheap and made everything work out for me, but seeing all companies jack up their prices for pre-made minis has me wincing. If you don't have a 3D printer or a friend with one shit is unreasonable. Battletech became the only game I could recommend to my normalfag friends as the starter sets are good and not horrendously expensive.
What do you mean "some how its dead"? They're literally saying that the rules (the defining feature of WM) will continue to deteriorate and it's just going to be more slop and forced phasing out of old models and powercreep.

Just use paper circles so there's no confusion.
I've been playing the game on and off with some friends and I like it so far. The Confrontation esque dice mechanics are great and I enjoy some of the more mind bending scenarios that involve multiple actions with early game scoring potentially hurting you later in the game. On the other hand balance can go out of the window with newer models and anything 25+ rice. Also there is an obsession with making some themes as complicated as possible to the taste of their hardcore playtesters as with spiders and how elaborate they are.

It's only six models or so a side on a 2'x2' board so it's very easy to have full sized games. The thematic warband boxes have everything you need for one side, and the two player starter has tokens and a rulebook that might be handy.
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I'd be down, but I don't trust western sculptors to get the look right at 32mm. Something like Battletech where each chick has tons of weapons and auxiliary systems that can be knocked out during the course of the fight would be cool.
Berserk had an anime in 90s, and very convenient of you to leave out TTGL. Stop being so willfully disingenuous.
Northstar minis are still reasonable.
It would probably help relax those guys if they got some attention. Not a bad idea actually. Go, anon!
Checked X2 and helpful, thanks for this write up anon, I think the starter set for two players - which I had no idea about because I'm that retarded - will definitely be enough. And, we can build a wicked board for them too to play on if it is only 2x2
I think I would have done that with the top if I wasn't pushing hard to get it on table. I've got a few that would work great up there.
Lmao imagine being an unironic Star Wars fan ityooL 2024. Couldn’t be me desu
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I actually recommend the 2x3 over the 3x3 board size for the Well of Dreams and Sorrows scenario in Frostgrave. Especially on a crowded board, it funnels everyone into the center, which escalates quickly from a fight with one or two figures into a team versus team brawl. Would have loved to have seen more monsters spawn in and make it even more of a problem for everyone, but the dice didn't fall that way.
has anyone ever reverse engineered the way that OPR costs out its units?
I'd love to give OPR a shot but nailing myself to the Patreon so I can homebrew sounds like some right bollocks.
Whilst the rules are massively important for warmachine saying its the defining factor is mixed. Warmachine has an incredibly complete and deep world and settings, and great story telling potential. The rules being slightly more casual and having an emphasis on 3d immersive terrain can not be looked at as a bad thing especially when no one really complains about how mk4 plays.
Id rather actually play games of warmachine with its key features of unique abilities, localised damage on big beasties and special moves like pushbacks and headbutts... Than play no warmachine.
Which was the case. Has been the case. And would continue to be the case if the game stayed an impenetrable fortress of unpainted minis, boring 2d boards and hyper waac fan base.
Well you can look at SOBAH for the general idea - you multiply murder by the ability to deliver it and survive long enough to apply it
So for OPR it would be (7-Q)x(7-D)
Traits should be added either to one or the other side depending on what they are - everything that helps you kill better like additional attacks, armor penetrations and so on goes on the Q side while movement, defense, wound and so on goes on the D side.

Let's see Champion - it's an Q5, D5 / A3, W3, Hero.
(7-5+3(attack))x(7-5+3(wounds))=25 + Hero. But Hero kinda doesn't work here since there are no models in a human army with Q lower than 5. So it may very well be a freebie.

Infantrymen is Q5, D5 so should be around 4 points but we get actually 6.5
Elite Weapon Masters - Q4,D4 / Fearless, AP2 (3+2(ap))x(3+1(fearless)) = 20 compared to 15 in the rules.
Knights Q4, D4 / Fast, Impact 1 = (3+2(impact)*(3+2(fast)) = 25 compared to 17 in the rules.

Seems like the general idea is sound but finding the right modifiers for all the traits would be a pain the ass.
The only real complaint I have about the rules is the IGOUGO system. Fuck it.
I get it, but I think when all games abandon it we will miss it. I think theres a different strategic vibe when you do igougo whilst the frantic on the fly AA method is more immediately engaging. I think warmachine is a game that could have done it well though.
IGOUGO is fun, but most games do nothing to stop the first player from gunning down half the opposing force if allowed. I was a staunch IGOUGO player until I finally bit the bullet and played some AA, and it really surprised me at how much more fun I was having when it was not sitting around for half an hour before I could do anything as my army was decimated helplessly.
Warmachine is one of the few games on the market that does IGOUGO well and would play much worse without such system, where on the market most games play better as AA even if they are IGOUGO (and it's harder to fuck up AA games, given immediate engagement). It's all about playing around your little puzzle combos while also trying to puzzle out of your opponents' combos, and it's all fairly fast paced so thankfully turns do not drag out.

>but most games do nothing to stop the first player from gunning down half the opposing force if allowed.
That's true, which is why the engagement ranges for Warmachine are lower to avoid much conflict first round AND have further nerfed down going into MK4 through various editions (like how in Mk1 you could throw stuff into opponent's warcaster and with without any interaction or counterplay.) Not that it's inherent to Warmachine, ASOIAF is another game our group plays often and most of the first round is just walking forward and setting up your battlelines for 2nd+ round.
Aa might defeat the wargamers worst enemy. Stoners. Stoners wanna smoke through your turn then ask a billion questions and they suck ass.
What model is this?
Reverse image search says Orgoth
Halexus the Warlord

//steamforged. com/products/warmachine-orgoth-cursebound-command-cadre

Non zero chance he might be able to be bought separate in the future, but for now the only way to get him is in this box. You might also be able to find some people who have an extra, as several doubled up on boxes and he's a character, so people only need one.
Currently SFG wants to restrict buying them to the boxes in order to ensure box sales, instead of individual purchasing. Before SFG acquisition PP were trying to keep option open to buy warcasters and individual models without buying full box.
It's not clear if that's what they want entirely. After all, they got the Brineblood singles out for a couple pieces at the same time as the box, and they've downsized the boxes to ensure doubling up on them isn't better than waiting for singles.

But I think the character pieces will stay box only.
/tg/ I need your help. What would be the best ruleset you suggest (miniature agnostic or otherwise) for fantasy skirmish? By skirmish meaning bigger than warband-level but not full blown army-level, something like 20-30 infantry, a couple of heroes, a couple of bigger monster-type units.
>20-30 infantry
>couple of heroes
>couple of big monsters
This makes no sense and retarded. 20 troops is a warband lmao, why would severate heroes and monsters be accompanying two dozen dudes lmao. The skirmish at the ferry bridge before the Battle of Towton had 3,000 casualties
What kind of fantasy and what kind of crunch you want? Cause worse comes worst you can always use Mutants&Masterminds if you want to have absolutely all the possible effects and traits.
Whats a skirmish wargame to you then? A game consisting of 10k figures?
>Whilst the rules are massively important for warmachine saying its the defining factor is mixed.
Rules are the literal definition of systems
Saying that the rules aren't the defining feature of WM is pretty wild when you literally claim that the reason you didn't like WM in the past is that the people playing it liked the rules.
>especially when no one really complains about how mk4 plays
That's because we don't fucking play it. The playerbase left after mk2.
>Than play no warmachine. Which was the case. Has been the case. And would continue to be the case if the game stayed an impenetrable fortress of unpainted minis, boring 2d boards and hyper waac fan base.
So here we have you just outright admit it. What you like isn't warmachine. You don't like the game and you don't like the people who played it. It's no more warmachine just because PP/SFG have the license than the "new seasons" of flcl are flcl. Playing the actual game is the whole point of playing the game. The game itself is the reason people loved the game. People were loyal to the changes happening in mk2 because they were changes for the better. Press gangers weren't getting paid, there was actual passion for the game.

Alternate activations is some completely retarded shit and you couldn't pick a worse game to complain about it not being in. Warmachine is massively based around advance + feat outranging charge, the responding management of what's contesting each point, and playing around assassinations. If you couldn't actually make consequetive decisions or have to plan about backups for them it'd just devolve into attrition slop.

>something like 20-30 infantry, a couple of heroes, a couple of bigger monster-type units
Unironically warmahordes mk2, just do full proxies. It's very general focused though, so if you don't like that it's not a great fit.
by heroes I mean individual infantry like a captain, a wizard etc not Archaon and Sigmar.
Similarly, by monsters I mean something like ogres/trolls, a human mounted on something bigger than a horse, etc and not Ancalagon. If it helps, think of each side consisting of let's say two 10-man infantry units, one 5-man cavalry unit, a champion riding a small drake and an ogre mercenary or equivalents.

Ideally something on the crunch level of Warzone (original or resurrection) but for fantasy. World can be whatever from generic fantasy to more thought out stuff, but not so unique that you basically can use only the intended miniatures (if we are talking about non-miniature agnostic stuff). Somewhere between original warhammer and AoS would be ideal.
bout a hundred troops each side is ideal for me
>Alternate activations is some completely retarded shit
>100 figures each side
>skirmish wargame
Lel. Good one.
What does everyone think of 'I go you go, but you never have enough action points to use your whole army in a single turn'
Sort of grouped alternating, ala Rogue Planet.
>Unironically warmahordes mk2, just do full proxies. It's very general focused though, so if you don't like that it's not a great fit.

It's also not really straightforward fantasy.

Also, you're in a weird spot, I can't tell if you're hating on Warmachine or what. If you're talking about rules, Mk4 is easily the best the game has been, rules wise. Both in terms of general rules and in terms of faction rules. Fuck man, Skorne actually play the way they were supposed to play all the back since Mk1, the army makes sense now. Mk4 is the strongest the game has ever been in terms of how it plays, it's all the other shit, as always, that creates issues.
I like that system in Warcrow, and I imagine that it'll work better in larger games when they release more units. It helps that there are passive bonuses even the units that you aren't activating can bring.
I'd need the specific version of it you're thinking about infront of me to make specific complaints, but it's more about what it doesn't support.
AA generally discourages synergy or layered screening or any sort of complex interaction or managing position on objectives. It's a system concept that's used for wannabe historicals where your armies just slug it out until everything is dead.
>I'd need the specific version of it you're thinking about infront of me to make specific complaints, but it's more about what it doesn't support.
I have no specifics if mind. You made a broad statement and I was asking a broad question about it.
I still personally like AA compared to igougo. The few igougo games I've played seem to devolve into omega strike type playstyles where one side can get deleted before many actions are taken.
That is a skirmish, GW tard
MESBG desu
>something like 20-30 infantry, a couple of heroes, a couple of bigger monster-type units
That's something you can do with mesbg. It's a very solid rules-set.
Man, I really wish GW had based the rules for AoS on MESBG instead of 40k.

I mean, I probably still wouldn't play it. But it would probably be much better.
Nevermind the Billhooks, using their fantasy supplement Billhooks: Fantasia.

Historical rules writers really do so much better at making flavorful medieval rules
Warlords of Erewhon. It's far from perfect but it works well at the scale you want. 30 infantry is 4-5 squads, usually you have a spellcaster, a leader, a couple heroes, and maybe some bodyguards. Most monsters are handled as semi-controlled "allies". If you've ever played a historical game with war elephants, it's pretty much the same deal. No ranked-up units, everything is fought in skirmish order
System itself is a modified Bolt Action. Chit-based, semi-random activation. Certain spells can add or remove chits from the bag. If someone gets three activations in a row, the other player automatically gets to activate rather than drawing. It also has pretty good reaction mechanics
Combat itself is as much about putting stress markers onto a unit as actually damaging it. With enough morale damage the unit will flee even if it's not killed to the last man (this makes full-sized units a bit of a liability). The movement, shooting, etc. rules should be very familiar if you've ever seen Warhammer (Rick "WHF 1-3/Rogue Trader/Warmaster" Priestly wrote it), but it uses D10s and some much less clunky rules than usual. On that note, character customization is *very* simple compared to a lot of fantasy games. Like, a handful of magic weapons and spells, a few standard armor or weapon swaps. Riding monsters requires opponent's permission but pretty much everyone wants to do it so it's cool
There are a huge number of updated army lists, as well as the ponts system for the game and some errata up on Rick's blog "This Wargaming Life". Theoretically the game requires custom "order dice". They're easily-fudged with colored blank dice and a sharpie, or just using tokens.

>best point: Bashing together armies you already have with pretty much anything else. Samurai vs. Elves? Go time. Vikings and Lizardmen? Rock it.
>weakest point: Customization options, weak/weird selection of units for some of the ersatz factions compared to other games, order dice
>YMMV: D10s
Another "YMMV" point on Erewhon is that the game basically requires a spellcaster in your army if your opponent has one, but you also only get the one. So you don't get the ability to spread out a few low-level guys or take a single high-level caster. Even if you want to run a strictly "historical" force you should probably still have a wizard of some kind on tap. This is more noticeable at high points levels, though you can house rule it easily enough

Multiplayer games can also get annoying to run, depending on how you handle initiative.
>It's also not really straightforward fantasy.
Hordes is more straightforward fantasy than WHFB is.
>If you're talking about rules, Mk4 is easily the best the game has been, rules wise. ... Mk4 is the strongest the game has ever been in terms of how it plays
Enjoy your capped AoEs that can't hit someone because there's a guy closer to the target on the complete other side, inability to target your own models, no free strikes, no facing rules, and retarded teleporting troops, I guess.

>The few igougo games I've played seem to devolve into omega strike type playstyles where one side can get deleted before many actions are taken.
In WM2 the dominant meta is to bring a leader with a feat (once per game ability, usually targets everything within 12'' to 16'' of them) that prevents your enemy from charging or buffs your units defensively so much that they don't die from getting charged. For example, pSaeryn makes her and all your monsters she controls within 14'' unable to be targeted by melee attacks for one round, or eHaley makes all enemies within 18'' have to choose between moving or attacking (not being able to do both or having a spd penalty prevents you from charging). The standard maximum threat range for charges is 11'' (6spd + 3 for charging + 2 for having a reach weapon), eHaley gets to walk 6'' (or charge 9'' if you don't fail the charge) and then pop this, so naturally she's outranging enemy charges. This leads to a sort of "one player gets half an alpha strike, then the other gets a full turn, then the other player gets half a turn" in practice because charging is so important for troops and melee is so much stronger than ranged attacks especially for killing monsters.
Note that warmahordes games are usually about 3 turns.
You can almost make a force of 100 troops buying a single set of troops from Victrix for $45... It's not exactly a massive army
>AA generally discourages synergy or layered screening or any sort of complex interaction or managing position on objectives
What a bizarre take.
What are your actual definitions for a skirmish game?
100 (each side) individually activated figures is quite alot for a skirmish game.
>the meta is to bring a figure to counter an alpha strike otherwise you get alpha striked.
Yeah.... I'll stick with AA thank you very much.
Individually activating is a warband game, now skirmish
Dragon + Lion2nd ed Rampant.
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Coincidentally I just started building Klan last night, I like that she's roughly in scale with actual mech models unlike most musume kits. As much as I like the giantess stuff I don't think that girls would need to be huge unless you wanted to do combined arms.
>download dragon rampant
>hurr just make up your own leader trait!
People are paying for this crap?

>bring a figure
You can't not have a warcaster/warlock. Which leader you bring literally determines your subfaction.
>I'll stick with AA
Your brain may be too small for playing around objectives so that's probably for the best.

I don't think that it's a strange position to hold at all. With turn based activation, you might want to move one of your units so it can move one of your units so it can move one of your units so it can charge an enemy unit, then move one of your units to move one of your moved units so it doesn't get charged on your enemy's turn. You might want to move one of your units so one of your units can charge and slam it into an enemy unit so they're both knocked down and don't block LoS so you can move another unit up and shoot over them now that the screening monster is knocked down (possibly using another unit to move the slammer out of the way beforehand so the shooter can stand where the slammer stood). I don't see how AA can be conducive to these sorts of situations.
You really need to look at the way systems like Clash of Spears, This is Not a Test/Reality's Edge, Oathmark, Kensei, et. al., handle it
>Command points
Alternating activation, but leaders have the ability to force additional activations or guarantee the best kinds of activation within their command radius. This is the only kind of activation in Clash of Spears/Katanas, with some additional wrinkles. In a game with Command Points, they can almost always be spent for other beneficial effects, usually re-rolls or morale, meaning that you have to carefully weigh the value of pulling off a combo or not.
Robotech Tactics has a very good implementation -- RDF pilots and NCOs all generate command points and can use them on each other, Zentraedi officers generate substantially more. Zentraedi cannon fodder troops automatically replenish when wiped out, but don't count towards command point generation and only an officer can use CP on them
>Quality checks
Roll for activation against troop quality. Failure reduces the units options and/or passes initiative when the unit activates. Chained activations and comboes are possible but risky, and require using your best troops or praying your worst get lucky.
>Group activation
One or more models can drag along others as they activate, granting free but often limited activations. Frostgrave does this to break up a game that's technically IGYG into something more playable. Again, allows combos without overwhelmingly imbalancing the game

"Skirmish" means two different things in wargaming. One is a game that uses skirmish-order movement and either unit coherency or individual activation.
The other is as a shorthand for games between duel-scale and the bottom end of company-scale. The Anon you are replying to is being deliberately obtuse as either a jest, or because he's clinically retarded. Either way, you should stop feeding him more (you)s. Yes, I'm aware the other half of this post is being hypocritical.
>AA is best when it's not actually AA and you just spend initiative juice to play turn based for the part of the game that actually matters
>Enjoy your capped AoEs that can't hit someone because there's a guy closer to the target on the complete other side, inability to target your own models, no free strikes, no facing rules, and retarded teleporting troops, I guess.

AOEs are the strongest they've ever been. Targeting your own models largely just led to stupid jank and your opponent being totally incapable of answering your combos. Free Strikes are gone, but the new engagement rules make locking models down stronger than it's ever been. Facing was fine, but losing it didn't really cost anything important. And unit teleportation actually adds a shitload to the game, and buffed the absolute hell out of some casters who were jokes before(Grayle)

Just because you don't like the changes doesn't mean it's not a better game. Just means you're mad you can't punk new players with Haley2 anymore.
>Facing was fine, but losing it didn't really cost anything important.
Considering how many metal models had a stupid huge overhang I'm kinda surprised they didn't get rid of it sooner. Skorne's fucking tusks in particular were the worst.
Spear wielding troops are another place where not having to worry about facing has been a god send.
They have a unit builder if you back the patreon at even the lowest level.

>How's Bushido as a game
I quite like it. The combat system is fun and dynamic, feeling like s proper duel and adding a bluffing element to things. The fact models get two actions every turn but you do them separated by opponent activations is pretty neat.

It also requires a small number of models and small table to be played on, which is always nice.

If you want most western fantasy check out Relic Blade. Also plays on a 2x2 tables with a small number of models and has one of the best rule sets I've encountered in over two decades of this hobby.

I'm not a big fan of IGOUGO either, but Warmachine sort of depends on it since so much of the game is setting up synergies and the likes.

IGOUGO with reaction mechanics would be probably the smart way to do it. But then, does that just slow the game down? I love the reaction mechanics in Quar: if someone shoots at you you can choose to shoot back, dive for cover or something else that's currently slipping my mind. Adding even that, stuff like reaction fire, could add at least some element of not just standing there like morons.

I wonder if you could do something like how MERCS does turns, where each unit rolls initiative and activates in initiative order. Would be wildly dependant on how big of a game you're playing, but it does add an element on tension to the game.

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game or maybe Dragon Rampant.

Could be good. Your general or whoever gets X order tokens to assign to their units per turn forcing you to pick and choose every round.

It's not IGOUGO, but World of Twilight does something like this. It uses blind activation and each player gets, I believe, four activation tokens. Certain models can chain activate, though, to allow you to activate more dudes each turn since most factions will have more than four dudes one the table.
If 3D terrain becomes the norm I could definitely see myself playing the game finally. I remember that the locals with Mk. 2 just played with felt cutouts which looked so sad compared to the Flames of War guys who would always be using nice thematic tables on the same day.
Are there any good sci fi fleet wargames that use hexes? I've seen plenty that are freeform but less that are played on a map or grid.
>And unit teleportation actually adds a shitload to the game
Of all the disingenuous shit you've said the implication that A) positioning and coherency should be totally ignored and everyone should just blob up and teleport around forever (together with the removal of AoEs and most damaging cloud effects, mind you) and B) that troops needed to be categorically buffed when they were the dominant force in WM lists is the most absurd.
>Just because you don't like the changes doesn't mean it's not a better game
That's pretty much exactly what it means. Neither I nor anybody who liked WM for being a good game likes the changes, because the changes are for the worse. It's a dumber, less interesting and less varied game.
>Just means you're mad you can't punk new players with Haley2 anymore.
Sure faggot. Whatever you think. Enjoy having nobody to play with because you're the only person on earth who likes the changes (even if we believe the fantasy that you like the changes and aren't just running your mouth for attention). If there's literally less of a gap between experienced and new players to the point where once it's (heh) obvious and you would see it no matter how much advice you gave them and as you concede there now isn't, that means it's a worse game. Just because you refused to learn the game doesn't mean that the people beating you down were acting maliciously, crying that the game is better now because the tremendous skill gap between you and humans with a triple digit IQ has somewhat closed directly supports the idea that the quality of the experience between two people both tryharding has decreased.
Anybody who played cygnar would know that you punk new players with eCaine anyway.
>Of all the disingenuous shit you've said the implication that A) positioning and coherency should be totally ignored and everyone should just blob up and teleport around forever (together with the removal of AoEs and most damaging cloud effects, mind you) and B) that troops needed to be categorically buffed when they were the dominant force in WM lists is the most absurd.

Units being forced to stay close together is why AOEs got buffed, dipshit. Now even what used to be a 3" AOE has a real chance at killing 3 models, and since when AOEs miss they still hit their target, you always have a chance at killing at least one model, instead of drifting to nowhere. Resolution is faster as well.

And unit coherency mostly just meant units were spread across the entire board and didn't even feel like units. Plus, units got both buffed and nerfed: with unit sizes being cut in half, a unit of WM infantry doesn't just casually murder heavies anymore by just existing. You actually have to deliver the fuckers. But new unit movement lets you do all sorts of funky scenario shit you could never do before.

Fuck man, one of the best bits about mk4 is that warjacks and warbeasts are at the strongest they've ever been. And the way the game is set up, skew lists are pretty actively punished, so people bring more balanced forces in general.

And don't lecture me about being good at the game, faggot. I was a competitive player on the national level. Wasn't one of the best, but I was a 4-1 kind of player. You, meanwhile, sound like a 2-3 who occasionally rocked a 3-2 and figured that meant you were hot shit.

You're not mad the game is worse, because it isn't. You're mad the game changed when you didn't want it to. I loved mk2, don't get me wrong, and the jank upon jank that piled up. But don't lie to my face and tell me it was the best the game has ever been when it clearly fucking wasn't.
Systems that use talented commanders to overcome friction -- but still don't allow infinite combos and leafblower bullshit -- are the best systems. Yes. No matter how that's abstracted.
Strict IGYG is hot fucking garbage, Strict AA is generally a better system despite its problems, and a hybrid system is by far the best no matter which style you prefer. Whether that be reaction mechanics, passing the initiative at unpredictable times, or burning perishable resources to make a more random system less random.
>initiative juice
Abstractions aren't bad, Anon. They're the only way we can actually play wargames.
Your ego is mental. Warmachine is more played now than a year, 2 years or 3 years ago, or even 4.
You dont rule the world.
Do share with the class so we can see for ourself.
How important is lore and fluff to you when deciding to invest your time in a game?
>Units being forced to stay close together is why AOEs got buffed, dipshit.
>Admits that if AoEs were actually AoEs then they'd gibsplode his retarded teleporting dudelumps
Tell me how exactly that is a buff? Tell me how exactly encouraging you not to group your dudes because they'd be vulnerable to AoEs is a bad thing?

>And unit coherency mostly just meant units were spread across the entire board and didn't even feel like units.
Unit coherency completely solved that. You couldn't spaghetti-line in WM because a gun wraith would walk up and snipe a guy in the middle and now you don't get to charge so your 9+2 points is totally fucking wasted by a single 2pt solo. In what world does having your units charge from one edge of their hivecluster or the other and all warp into position around afterwards, without any regards for pathing or screening individual models, make them feel like actual units? It makes them feel like a solo with extra attacks and health at best.
>Plus, units got both buffed and nerfed: with unit sizes being cut in half, a unit of WM infantry doesn't just casually murder heavies anymore by just existing.
Unit sizes are increased per the relative value of points.
>You actually have to deliver the fuckers.
No you don't? You have to deliver one guy. What you're claiming is literally the opposite of what the change has caused.
The reason troops don't explode heavies is because troops still explode heavies. Newtroops are mostly worse than old troops and some of the old boys like bane knights were nerfed into the ground, that's about it.
>Fuck man, one of the best bits about mk4 is that warjacks and warbeasts are at the strongest they've ever been.
>And the way the game is set up, skew lists are pretty actively punished
You've got to pick one. Practically every hordes faction had good beastspam lists because beasts were really fucking good. The only problem with jacks was solved by colossals, to the point where people regularly brought 38 points of them in their 50+6 point lists.
I don't know what sort of absolutely dogshit eventrules I've been preserved from looking at that make you think that mk4 in any way encourges not building skew lists anyway. Even a brief skim shows that hordes is more beastspam than it's ever been before because you're locked out of or they don't have good troops so you're always going to take beasts. WM is even more skewed towards not-jacks because colossals are gone and the new jacks are horribly overpriced if they try to do what they did. Just seems like the obligatory overpowered infantry are all 5-8 health which dovetails nicely together with all the anti-infantry tools seemingly being infantry that do a fixed 1 point of damage. If your argument is that because everyone is cyriss now you can build lightjack spam lists then I'm sure you can, but I don't see what that has to do with encouraging mixed lists. The only part of mk4 that discourages skew is availability. And that's a fucking retarded reason.
Every second caster is an ARM-stacker now anyway which would already be super fucking gay but control feats are mostly dead as well so it's even more ubiquitous. Congrats, every match is a braindead attritionslog unless you're rolling scavy.
Abstractions aren't bad, calling a strictly superior system that you've literally just reinvented but with BB style turn ending fumbles ontop worse than it's shallow imitaiton is just dumb.
>Strict IGYG is hot fucking garbage, Strict AA is generally a better system despite its problems, and a hybrid system is by far the best no matter which style you prefer.
Strict turn based is just essential to the only systems I've seen even make an attempt at being good. Trying to sweep a poorly designed system under the rug by removing any real planning with inconsistent activations doesn't make good games better, it makes dogshit games more fun. Make a good game instead and then you can use a real activation system.

Call me when it's played a tenth as much as it was ten years ago, retard. Call me when people actually play it online or I can go into a store and expect to see people playing it.
>You dont rule the world.
I don't play warmachine either and I used to spend hundreds of hours doing just that.
Most of the time it doesn't matter much. Unless it results in particularly cool models and art. Rubber-stamped shit that exists to explain why your setting uses Warhammer Fantasy proxy models might as well be toilet paper. In general I care less about the fluff on a completely model-agnostic system because I'm probably going to be hacking the rules to play with something I already own or set up a convention game. Like, I'm not from the Northeast and I don't give a flying fuck about This is Not a Test's implicit setting, but the rules are more than enough to keep me playing and I really like some of the official character models.
Really well-written or stylish fluff might keep me reading a game that doesn't have anything special in the way of rules hooking me in, or get me much more invested in something that's already interesting. That's how Crimson Skies got me -- it's not even a particularly good game, but the fluff and mechanics are both really neat. Same goes for Mordheim, the mood is fantastic and even some of the janky parts of the rules were done deliberately to help support it.
Guy here requesting suggestions for skirmish ruleset. Thanks for all the suggestions, friends. I had already checked out middle-earth but the impression I got was that it seemed too focused on characters. And although there will be individual models that will be more powerful than the regulars, I don't think I'm looking for lotr named character - tier power levels. I'll be sure to check out everything else that was suggested.
Without it you're not playing a game, you're playing a spreadsheet. It's the flavour of the meal. Without it you're eating paste.
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Ah. I was going to ask what you meant by "an attempt at being good". The other half of the post, however, makes it blindingly clear.

Kickass. I hope you find something that works for you and your friends.
IGYG is fine when used properly, unlike in Warhammer where overly large armies make turns take too long and overly strong shooting makes the 1st turn advantage overwhelming.
Strict AA puts the C&C advantage with armies that are split up as much as possible, which is exactly the opposite of where it should be.
Either zero or a lot, In a generic about zero, it will go to make my own tales, but in a skirmish game with sovl is very important. I need to feel invested in a named character or I prefer to use a generic.
>Game totally collapses due to its direction and poor management
>Player base at close to 0
>Has a revival
>Move towards fixing the direction towards a more accessible and mass desirable state
>New management says they see the vision
>Player base raises a tonne and game is actually pretty popular again

>>To this one retarded anon this is bad because it isnt as popular as it was pre ruination
Boy, that sure is a lot of cope
>game totally collapses when they announce a complete reversal of the much acclaimed direction it's been moving in
>history of bad management decisions catches up with them too
>a decade later someone buys the license and there's a surge of interest because people are interested to see what happens and are willing to extend some goodwill to a new company if it's going to try and revive the franchise
>some months later new company announces they're continuing the direction that killed the game (rather than what people want)
You going to tell me that this game isn't dead? That it's going to outlive people hearing that SFG acquired it and looking up the ruleset? That the people who left over mk3* are going to come back for "well actually we don't care about the people who liked the game during mk1/2 and we're going to just chase the GW crowd" and have a positive reaction and want to pick up the game again?
>>>To this one retarded anon this is bad because it isnt as popular as it was pre ruination
They've literally pledged to continue the ruination. It's got nothing to do with the popularity, the popularity is just a good indicator of the fact that everyone agrees with my assessment.

*the biggest exodus was actually during mk2 when they announced they weren't continuing LoB
You must be a troll bro
Real punchy response there retard
>IGYG is fine when used properly
I don't think I've ever seen it used properly. I think the closest is Kings of War, where it's still not a good mechanic, but it is a fast mechanic. Not changing player control helps them get that whfb in 30 minutes vibe.
>With turn based activation, you might want to move one of your units so it can move one of your units so it can move one of your units so it can charge an enemy unit, then move one of your units to move one of your moved units so it doesn't get charged on your enemy's turn. You might want to move one of your units so one of your units can charge and slam it into an enemy unit so they're both knocked down and don't block LoS so you can move another unit up and shoot over them now that the screening monster is knocked down (possibly using another unit to move the slammer out of the way beforehand so the shooter can stand where the slammer stood).
Maybe It is because I haven't finished my coffee, but I have no idea what you're saying.
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>company announces they're continuing the direction that killed the game
The direction that killed the game? Other than the shit tier management decisions flat 2d tables and mass acceptance of unpainted armies killed any chance wm had of being a competitor to 40k. Look at the old no quarter magazines with gorgeous spreads of custom terrain, well painted miniatures and stories laced with enticing art.
That's what makes a game appealing to people.
I dont even know what you mean by saying its going down the direction that killed it in the first place when emphasize is being placed on narrative, painting, terrain and those sorts of things.
>flat 2d tables and mass acceptance of unpainted armies killed any chance wm had of being a competitor to 40k.
The people playing at those flat 2d tables are the people who propelled it to #2 in the world. You whining about tourneyfags in regards to a game whose entire life was dependant on tourneyfags is purely you being a whining tourist faggot. It's wishful thinking of the gayest kind to claim that the people actually playing the game during it's entire rise in popularity and who caused it to die when they left are somehow responsible for it not being popular by being there. It's literally the opposite of how it went down.
>That's what makes a game appealing to people.
Evidently not, retard.
>Look at the old no quarter magazines with gorgeous spreads of custom terrain, well painted miniatures and stories laced with enticing art.
Yeah that's not what got people to play. Nobody was crowding the store jerking off about how pretty something in no quarter magazine was. SR got literally hundreds of people into rooms and was an international sensation at a time where cyclic powercrept releases/forced obselence by GW was really starting to get going.
>I dont even know what you mean by saying its going down the direction that killed it in the first place when emphasize is being placed on narrative, painting, terrain and those sorts of things.
Yeah, that's what killed the game.
Specifically, they decided to 'follow the narrative' (i.e. force new teams and ban old ones) over letting people play the lists that they had. Y'know what wasn't following the narrative? Fucking nobody using battle engines for like a year and a half after they came out, because they sucked! And it was great! They didn't get buffed, people found uses for them, organically, because they were a sensitively thought out release with a conservative powerlevel that filled niches that didn't have good solutions prior but which didn't change fundamental faction strengths or anything.
>Maybe It is because I haven't finished my coffee, but I have no idea what you're saying.
Two scenarios:
>I activate a Seraph warbeast, move it past my warlock, and force it to use it's animus Slipstream to cause my warlock to teleport 2''
>I move my warlock past a scythean and cast Slipstream as a spell to cause the scythean to teleport 2''
>my scythean charges the enemy
>I move a second Seraph past my warlock and force it to use Slipstream to move my warlock 2'' backwards
Note that this last line is a mki gimmick that specifically got banned because people would Slipstream the same model forwards 3 times. Everblight basically had a theoretical threat range of corner to corner in higher points games in mki because of a lack of counter rules to things like this (the other big gimmick being snakebutt warbeasts that don't fall over when slammed/thrown). Slipstream can only effect the same model once per turn in mkii.

Scenario 2:
>The enemy Warcaster is behind a warjack (E) and I'm not in charge range of it
>I activate and run a warjack (1) 10'' so that it's in line with the enemy warjack
>I activate a different warjack (2) and make it Slam my other warjack (1)
>Warjack (1) is slammed and collides with the enemy warjack (E). Because they have the same base size, they both take a damage roll and are knocked down. Knocked down models do not block LoS
>Optionally, I activate a third warjack (3) and slam the second warjack (2) to clear the space. This is somewhat unusual in practice because you don't normally bring that many warjacks, but it's something that could and does come up with warbeasts.
>I activate my warcaster (eCaine), advance him up, and shoot the enemy warcaster through the knocked down models (1 and E) which do not block LoS since they are knocked down
In the words of a poet
"And then Caine got line of sight on the enemy warcaster. The End."
Defending gray legions and shit terrain invalidates any argument you could possibly make. Those people contribute nothing to the wargaming hobby and are a misery to play against. Note I didn't say with, because no one voluntarily plays games with them, they only show up to shit up tournaments with random pairings.
Fuck all the way off this board with your toxic defense of the inexcusable. Paint your god damned models and play on a proper board that doesn't bring shame on your house.
So we've reached the point where you can't even pretend to muster up an argument and are just whining that people like something (actually playing a good wargame) that you don't like?
I'm a different anon. But if I concede on their behalf will you stop posting? I cannot concede on my own point because you seem to be saying you like unpainted armies on flat terrain which, see my first point, means you're a garbage person.
I'm not going to stop posting in the wargames thread just because it makes you mad that I actually like them, no.
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You should just play it with empty bases if nothing but the specific mk2 rules matter to you.
Do you? Because if you aren't here for the models, the table, then you should go hang with the hex and counter crowd. Those are better wargames than warmachine could ever hope to be. You've chosen the worst of both options.
Eh, I'm sort of 50/50 on it. A game can really pull me in with interesting lore (see World of Twilight), likewise a game's lore can be basically worthless but if the mechanics are fun then I'm game.

Relic Blade is a good example of this. The lore we have is perfectly fine, but it's super minimal and scattered about the website. But the models and rules are what drew me to the game, so while I would love to see more lore if we don't get it it won't take away from my experience and joy with the game itself.
In the context of a wargames a skirmish game usually entails anywhere from half a dozen to 40-50 figures in just about any wargaming club. You're just being obtuse lol.
Not very. I want a bit to set the tone and background so I understand the expectations the rules have. But mostly I'm going to provide my own models and fluff. Apart from anything else it's just not likely to be any good. Which may not have stopped me reading a lot of 40k fluff, but I at least pretend to have higher standards now.
Imagine the shock when the unannounced warmachine: border war live action limited series releases on netflix in 2025.

Series features a trencher lt who is a man and a border town 18 year old woman who discovers she has warcaster powers. They are accompanied by a male troll and a light warjack that flip flops between liking the trencher or the caster lady more.

Series is them trying to survive a warzone with khadorians moving in, ends with cryx as the big bad (a lich lord arrives and kills one of the characters) leading towards a season 2.
The best 40k fluff is all the eldar stuff pre 2004, its high literature compared to anything else in 40k.
One of the comments on the interview is
>If painted miniatures are required for tourneys then I am NOT playing this anymore!!!
I'd say Ian Watson's Space Marine, but I never read much of the eldar stuff.
Really though I think "high literature" is missing the point. Fluff is there to set the tone and engage your imagination with cool shit more than to develop characters with carefully crafted narrative arcs and deeply moving commentary on the human condition.
Which faction is that? Those look nice.
Is that your last night dream anon?
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That faction is the circle orboros. They are the nature and shamanic faction with some really neat monsters from those beastmen type to griffins.
Your post supports the point as well, you saw nicely painted interestingly designed models on a well fitting table and got interested.
Seem like the Circle of ouboros, the big stone thing is they colosal. The other ones seem like one of the tribes, Tharn troops.
Imagine druids and hippies; except they are some of the most evil motherfuckers around who abuse animals worse than a faction who's whole identity is centered around abusing animals.
You can also use SOBAH with the following stipulations:
1)All soldiers must be Rabble.
2)Personalities must take no more than 1/3 of the warband points.

That should be enough to have 15-20 models on the table at 450 points. though you would want to have 2-3 leaders of some kind in your personalities to command the groups.

So 150 points for personalities, 300 for soldiers. Enough for 1 hero, beastie or wizard and 2-3 leaders of middling quality. 300 points is enough to get 10-20 combatants that are more or less normal humanoids with some skills.
Raise to 600 points per warband if you want more soldiers.
>that I actually like them
Do you though? Because it seems like you're mad a game ISN'T dead.
>Unit coherency completely solved that.

Unless you brought protections for your fuckers to ensure that that didn't happen. Jesus you must have been bad at the game.

>Unit sizes are increased per the relative value of points.
What the fuck? To use an example, a unit of Banes in Mk3, where army size was 75+WJP, was 14 for ten models. In mk4, a unit of Banes is 7 for 5. They're the exact same price. Hell, Knights went from 13 for 10 to 7 for 5, so they got more expensive. Riders got cheaper, but only by .4 ppm. I can go dig up the mk2 point costs as well and convert them, but the numbers are going to hold.

>No you don't? You have to deliver one guy. What you're claiming is literally the opposite of what the change has caused.

So now you prove you don't even have the lingo. "Deliver" don't mean "successfully charge", it means "Get them across the table into position so they can charge without them dying first". With 10 banes, you could lose 5 of them and still reliably kill a heavy no problem. With 5 banes, if you lose 3 of them you're going to start struggling to kill even a light.

>Even a brief skim shows that hordes is more beastspam than it's ever been before because you're locked out of or they don't have good troops so you're always going to take beasts

Oh yea, Brinebloods, the faction where their baseline infantry unit is considered so strong that players really don't like anything else, is forced to take beasts. That's why most of their lists start at FA:4 Marauders(a problem most want fixed, mind)

>colossals are gone

Colossals came back almost a year ago. Two Mk4 factions have their colossals already.

>anti-infantry tools seemingly being infantry that do a fixed 1 point of damage

I have no fucking clue what you're talking about? Beyond Sniper being a thing, there's shitloads of new anti-infantry tools. Like the fact that those 5-8 box units are 3 man and thus a heavy can walk up and murder the whole unit.
>Every second caster is an ARM-stacker now anyway which would already be super fucking gay but control feats are mostly dead as well so it's even more ubiquitous.

Yea, it's not like Scyrfael, Ekat, and Shyryss don't all have incredibly strong control feats and are all regarded as highly competitive casters.

>Scenario 2

This is so incredibly fucking contrived it's laughable. You even admit you have the third warjack show up in an eCaine(!) list to build your perfect little scenario of bullshit that never happened. Let's provide a much more likely scenario for the people to showcase why charging your own shit got removed.

>I put my entire army more than 12" away from Butcher3, and my caster is 16.9" away. For extra safety, I have placed an entire unit between Butcher and my caster. I would like for my caster to be farther, but if I do so I will lose on scenario.
>Good job, my Butcher can't charge any of your models! I run one of my own model up to exactly 12" away from Butcher3 on a perfect line and then charge it. After killing it, I cast Impending Doom, dragging your entire unit forward. I kill all of them. Then I pop feat, cast Impending Doom again, dragging your caster into melee with Butcher3. I then kill your caster. I win!

This is why attacking your own shit got removed.
Thanks for the answers. I was just catching up on the thread but those minis stood out. Never saw the appeal of WM/Hordes because of the unique, named character mechanic but I would love to paint some of the minis or rebase them for other games.
Sure thing retard.
>I can go dig up the mk2 point costs as well and convert them, but the numbers are going to hold.
They won't. Your nonsequitur comparisons between things using the same points system that I'm saying is different to mk2 just shows that 5 man and 10 man squads have the exact same price-per-model, which only went down between 2 to 3.
It's fucking wild how much of your post hinges on the fact that 2x 5 is supposed to be somehow less than 10, when it's now two squads of 5 for cheaper than one squad of 10. That's not less. That's more. If you were purely comparing mk3 to mk4 (which is nonsense because I have never mentioned mk3 stats) you'd still see that they're the exact same price i.e. your claim that you get less troops is complete and total bullshit.
Bane knights were 10 points for 10 models. In mk3/4 they're 14 for 10 and you get >50% more points, so they're cheaper.
>With 10 banes, you could lose 5 of them and still reliably kill a heavy no problem. With 5 banes, if you lose 3 of them you're going to start struggling to kill even a light.
It costs (less than) half as much for 5 banes as it did for 10. Can you count to 2? How about ten? This shouldn't be this difficult, retard.
>So now you prove you don't even have the lingo.
You making up retarded shit that has nothing to do with the state of the game or what anyone has ever said.
>With 5 banes, if you lose 3 of them you're going to start struggling to kill even a light.
>Oh yea, Brinebloods, the faction where their baseline infantry unit is considered so strong that players really don't like anything else, is forced to take beasts. That's why most of their lists start at FA:4 Marauders(a problem most want fixed, mind)
So are you now saying that mk4 does encourage skew lists because of it's relentlessly overpowered infantry?
Come on retard, pick a fucking stance.
You'd think so, but all the hexboard games I've been introduced to have been dogshit. Maybe because analog distance simulates having a much larger board (by having more granular movement)? Can't say I've looked around all that seriously though.

I did, a lot. Most of my games one or more of us was using paper circles for at least some of our models. Having models is good for ease of recognition at a glance though. I'm more of the spraypaint school of thought than greytide.
Also you need models for tourneys if it's not just inhouse stuff.

Yep, that's warmahordes. If we wanted to paint shit we'd buy generic.

No, I'm mad a game is dead. I just think that the game died the better part of a decade ago and I'm being lied to by creeps wearing it's skin and nametag like an ugly puppet.
Id just ignore it and rename the characters and even use proxies
Your really dumb sorry
Ok. The mass unpainted, flat 2d waac, 0 terrain 0 lore warmahordes is dead.
Long live well painted, 3d terrain, beautiful table, setting led warmachine.
>long live
It's DoA though
Anyone know about Black Powder, Red Earth? A friend is asking about it and it's the first time I'm finding out what it is.
Okay so what do those scenarios have to do with AA? You can't pull off you movement wombo combos unless it's IGOUGO?
Seems to be a Rainbow Six style game about modern warfare. A bunch of operators on one side, a bunch of hajis on the other and they are going to town on each other. Getting caught in the open is basically a death sentence. Operators are always outnumbered but have grenades and other stuff to prevent hajis from just mobbing them.
>how does your opponent activating the thing you're trying to slingshot into impact slingshots
>how does your opponent activating the thing you're knocking over or a second thing to screen impact assassinations
Use your words. You can do it.
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What are some recommendations for good, relatively affordable wargames (no GW) to get into to play with my dad and brother? We have been playing the same games for so long it's time for something new and fresh and I could use a new project.
What do you suggest?
Can you 3D print? That can open up a lot of avenues.
Gaslands is pretty good and is very cheap
Unfortunately not. Id love to get a resin printer but probably won't. I had a to filament printer for awhile but the effort and maintenance it took to constantly adjust it, level it, deal with constant clogs, bad prints, has adhesion, etc. I just gave up

I've heard nothing but great things about it over the years, but cars don't appeal to me
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What resources do you have?
What kind of games do you like already, and what do you like about them? Are you interested in something new and different, or just tweaking what you already own for a new experience?
Big, small? 10 guys or 100? Do you want tanks or monsters involved?
Do you prefer to connect several smaller games into a campaign? Something low-investment where you just bash troops together?
Are you interested in a specific time period or style? SF, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, James Bond-style spy-fi, 1930s pulp, all that.
How much personal work are you willing to put in to play a game? There's stuff all the way from braindead plugging in your GW minis to a new game, all the way to baroque shit you hand-craft to create exactly what you want to play. Likewise, sometimes you need extra tools like dice and templates for a new game, or even trays and bases for your models.

Gaslands is a good, cheap system that you can scale from making templates out of cardboard and putting stickers on poker dice, all the way up to custom-made vehicles and laser-cut accessories. It's essentially Death Race 2000 played out with converted hot wheels and using a modified, more-random version of the X-Wing flightpath system. It's one of my favorite beer-and-pretzels games, and it's cheap as shit to get started.

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