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Vandalized Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What do you think is the ideal scale for ancient era wargaming?

Remember we also have a painting challenge going until the end of September. Poor bloody infantry is the theme.

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

>/hwg/ Steam Group:

>Naval wargaming stuff:

>Games, Ospreys & References folders:

>H&C Megatrove
rebrandly /HexChit

>New Trove Link
>Advanced Squad Leader
>AK-47 Republic
>Battleground WWII
>Black Powder
>Bolt Action
>By Fire And Sword
>Flames of War
>Fleet Series
>Hail Caesar
>Modelling & painting guides
>The Perfect Captain
>Phoenix Command RPG
>Twilight 2000/2013 RPG
>Wargaming Compendium
Does the anyone have the Osprey Men At Arms English Civil War Armies?
>Vandalized Edition
Those vandals! They took the thread title!
Look at the last post of the last thread.
Oops didn’t notice, thanks!
I've been reading up a bunch on the Rif War, and now I'm curious as to how the Spanish government "worked" at the time. Can anyone tell me about Spanish politics during the Restoration era? It seems a mess of constantly collapsing governments while the king lurks in the background not doing anything.
Why are more tournament styled casual ww2 games like flames of war and bolt action so shit?

Like I don’t mean rules wise being bad but the designers seem so retarded I mean the balancing for both games is fucking awful and some units are always statistically better than others for the same point cost and they clearly just didn’t play test and instead of these games attempting balancing updates or trying to be somewhat historically accurate they seem more interested in shoving in random stuff like the maus and other fantasy garbage and sandbagging armies the devs don’t like.

Like what causes the creators of these games to just push out such mediocre bullshit? Who does all this prototype never made it past the drawing board shit actually pander too?
If the game is written by the miniature manufacturers it's in their best interest to use said rules to sell miniatures over writing a well-designed game.

For your example, if a writer adds in big (read: expensive) fantasy units and rotate a regular "tournament balance" patch sheet, they can encourage customers to purchase minis on a rotating scale while advertising heavily at tournaments where lots of people are likely to show up. There's very little incentive to write historical/narrative rules by comparison.

Not always, but most often (in my experience) the better rulesets lean miniature-agnostic or purely historical by authors whose interests are not primarily to sell miniatures.
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Would Gripping beast's plastic Vikings and dark age warriors make for convincing Pagan Peoples in Saga: age of crusades?
>ss didn't wear the armbands in battle
damn. is there any historically accurate way to sneak swastikas in so boomers can't mald?
early war nazi flags on tank engine decks for air identification
Like for Baltic Pagan peoples? Then yes, they're about the closest you could get. Only the Nobles would have had armour for the most part.
>Like what causes the creators of these games to just push out such mediocre bullshit?
shit sells, be angry on players buying it
silly anon, these do not mix well anyway, like actually any /hwg/ do not too
Give it a rest
Play ASL if you want
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>Like for Baltic Pagan peoples?
Yes. If you have any other recommendations I would love to hear it. My current list is:
>2 points hearth guard with heavy weapons
>4 points warriors with bows
>1 point basic warriors
>1 point levy with javelins
I haven't been able to find javelin horsemen that would work.
Answeringthis guys question from last thread

> Any SAGA players here? I'm planning an Anglo-Dane list and I'm looking for some feedback. is 4 units of hearthguard to much? I want to run two units with heavy weapons and two basic units.

Perfectly fine. You could run an all hearthguard army if you feel like it. Running an all hearthguard warband is the quickest and cheapest way into the game.

I want to ses 4 points of Anglo Dane hg vs 4 points of Saxo Levy.
I have some left over 10mm pendaken French Foreign Legionaries, but I'm mostly done with that faction for my project. I'm shifting over to the Spanish faction, and I was wondering if I could get away using the leftover FFL as regular army spanish conscript. Their uniforms by 1920 were very similar, though the spanish only wore great coats in the winter. I want them to be visually distinct from my Spanish Legionaries, and they'd be used for holding fortifications as they were historically. Think at 10mm it doesn't really matter that much?
Winter great coats.
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>almost finished and about to base some stuff
>basing autism strikes hard again
whats the problem?
I've had both GW's chaos black and vallejo flake off of metal minis, i want to avoid automotive primers. I've heard that ammo primer and pro acryl are both decent brush on ones, has anyone used them?
can't decide which style to go with for the dismounted troops
might put 3 on a circle base
Mr Surfacer makes a brush on metal prep etching solution you can put on before you prime. They also make several very good quality primers that work on metal.

Oh okay
woops, the Okay was for this guy >>93896364
Have you used mr surfacer yourself?
Yeah it's the only primer I'll use anymore and I paint almost entirely metal minis. Mr Metal R for pre etching or just Mr Surfacer 2000.
To the chap who posted the lardies specials absolute legend thank you very much!
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That was me. Thanks bro. I have the green Saga dice and wasn't sure about taking the plunge into Age of Vikings.
It didn’t work. Rif war can be summarized as Spanish disaster after disaster and then the French bailing them out and dunking on the Republic of the Rif
Does the Victrix Persian range have everything you'd need to make an army for the invasion of Greece?
Do you use the spray one, or the brush-on one?
I've used both but I prefer the spray on one. The Mr Metal R is a self etching clear lacquer, and you let it cure 24 hours before putting down whatever colored primer/base you want to use. However most of Mr Surfacers primers can be used on metal. I really only use the 2000 for most stuff, and only break out the Metal R when I'm doing something like a big metal vehicle or something. However imo it's the best stuff you can get if you're worried about flaking and don't want to use automotive primer. Which I've also used, and I've swapped to Mr Surfacer from.
Did Bolt Action 3E get leaked?
I remember seeing people talk about it but it doesn’t get released till the end of the month.

>Why are more tournament styled casual ww2 games like flames of war and bolt action so shit?
The balance is bad because aside from having point-based a la carte force building, neither of those games are written with tournament play in mind (well idk about FoW but BA certainly isn't). Tournament play in historical games is a byproduct of tryhards and 40k refugees.

Bolt Action with historically accurate platoons (no artillery on table, etc) is a pretty comfy beer and pretzels game. It's basically 3rd edition 40k, a gameplay loop many people have internalized and enjoy, with better activations and some light mechanics for command and control and friction. I'd rather play Chain of Command but that's not the ideal game for 2 hours in a loud club basement.
>Bolt action is basically 3rd edition 40k
Tell me you've never played both without telling me you've never played both. This is a meme that needs to stop, 3e is nothing like BA, and is vastly superior in most comparisons, notwithstanding it's subject matter and setting. The most you can say is that they both list build with points, use blast templates, and are in the same scale.
Why does every historical wargaming boomer base their models like the only bases they have available have been excavated from a bog?

If you've spent any time looking at posts on facebook or watching youtube vlogs, you know what I mean.
Historically it tends to be that field + army = mud.
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I don't mean texturing material they put on the bases...I mean why do the bases themselves look like rotten scraps of wood?
they probably are
My bases are literally made of plywood. You can buy them in bulk, cut to the right size, for cheap.
Looks like cardboard or similar, painted and worn over the years. Lots of old armies were based that way before laser-cut MDF or plastic became available. Some grogs never actually learn anything new or improve, they just do the basic thing they know and that's it. Hadrly ny different from most say 40k players, they just get spoon-fed plastic bases as standard.
Post bases lol.
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I don't :(
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I hope my basing is okay, it's just sand and glue. What are you working on /hwg/? I've got a sampling of Spanish in Morocco I've been working on. From Terico la Legion to some conscripts and some native Regulares.
Short of auxiliary troops from the empire, yes. Chuck in a unit of mercenary Greeks or somethin'
Looks great to me.
Thanks anon, I need to get better at taking photos. Maybe I buy another light box.
Verging on non-/hwg/, but trying to plan out a Trojan War project, but as its depicted in the Archaic age by Homer and on vase paintings rather than the more common pseudo-historical route of using Mycenaean miniatures.

I'm thinking I can basically just use the recently released Victrix hoplite kit with the fancier helmets than in their original hoplite kits, and pick up the Wargames Atlantic chariot kit?
Well they're not really archaic but I like the idea. Be sure to add plenty of Thespian shields.
>they're not really archaic

it's purely a practical decision due to the lack of satisfactory ranges for the Trojan War.
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About to start work on some Anglo Saxons for Ravenfeast and an eventual SAGA warband. First up is a whole mass of fyrd, which nicely ticks off the /hwg/ challenge of PBI as well.

Nice minis anon, always enjoy seeing your stuff.
>What are you working on /hwg/?
primed some 28mm WSS infantry that I'm gonna paint as an Irish regiment in French service, probably sell it if it looks good enough, not interested in starting a collection of that stuff
primed some more 10mm ACW stuff, just need to get a couple more Confed bases done then I'll be ready for a game
started a Chinese warlord army last year, painted all the peasants/bandits but only a squad of infantry, I'm going to instead go for a Manchukuo Army to fight my gfs nationalists, just need to repaint the jackets on a couple of figures now, theres lots of cool wacky stuff for the 20s/30s tbqh
What is your ALL TIME favorite/most fun game you've ever played? I want to start a new project but there are so many periods I want to start I need some help guiding me in a certain direction. I like to pick a ruleset and build from there instead of picking a period and deciding on a ruleset for that period after
>go for a walk around some old ruins
>urge to scratch build terrain intensifies
Honestly? Probably Aerodrome 1.0. I don't personally own any models for it and have only played it at cons, but I will sit at that table all day if people will let me.
What is the best ruleset to use with Victrix 12mm WW2 set I got? Preferably something easy to learn. I don't want to play Bolt Action but if there are no good suggestions that's probably what I'll be doing
I'm in the same boat, leaning towards Battlegroup, although O Group is another option I haven't looked into yet. But the best option is obviously [Spoiler]Flames of War[/spoiler].
Toofatlardies, O Group
Has anyone here played Infamy, Infamy? What were your thoughts?
I find WW2 endlessly fascinating, but the game that I've had most fun with - as a pure game - is Saga. Despite having only three (ish) troop types, the variety in play styles that the battle boards bring is really impressive.
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Finished earlier today. 15mm.
Is Spearhead Great War or Spearhead Modern any good?
Neither are in the trove so I can’t get a look at them.
Dux Brittanarium is great fun and can also play saga with the same figs. Low model count so easy to get started. On that note has anyone got the raiders supplement? No joy in troves or share thread. Upcoming Midgard game looks cool as well.
Looking great anon! What paints did you use for the camo and the metal if you don't mind me asking?
Anyone have a copy of Maurice? No joy in the trove.
Crossfire. Fireball Forward.
Wow, nice work. Your SS camo is amazing.
We don't need more games made by gay British white guys
I Ain’t Been Shot Mum. Also from Too Fat Lardies. Way better than O Group.
The thing about Maurice is that scanning the rulebook itself isn't going to give you much, most of the actual rules are in the maurice lite version. The kicker is having all those officer cards and national advantages and so on, which actually differentiate between nations, none of which are obviously in the book proper.
what are people opinions on lion rampant 2nd ed? ive seen it recommended but i was mainly wanting to see how many if any people hombrew factions or whatnot since while theres some themed warbands, theyre more so just restrictions based on what was most commonly known for the army in question
To me its definitely one thing that i majorly like about SAGA over lion rampant just because theres some actual faction rules (even if most of it is just the battle board, restrictions, and some legendary units)

It seems like a fun game, but what kind of home-brewed rules you'd like to use in the game? Leader traits and optional units such as handgonnes, camels, chariots and pikemen are already available for extra flavor, but most of the warband differences come from unit composition, not from faction rules by design?
personally I like it, I've only played with homebrewed imaginations type stuff, but I do modify it a fair bit
not everyones cup of tea and theres quite a few here that don't like it
while i personally prefer saga giving you more flavor options like having a few special units or well known people for an army like varangian guard for byzantines and just being a normal unit with a new special rule (though i tend to prefer the ones that dont overly complicate things)
I just in general find SAGA's list building to be a bit more fun and interesting than lion ramparts, but find that i REALLY dont like tying general actions (like movement, combat etc) to the special dice as it means youre using less of the actual special rules (that there are only a handfull of, so i dont mind them popping up more often since its really not that insane to keep track of the handful per army)
I think for me its just that i like to have a little bit of distinctness between armies and in general i like my historicalness to extend to "the era" as it gives a bit of leeway, rather than being SUPER strict about historical accuracy to the T (I.E. matchups that never or seldom happened historically but were part of the general era of time that im playing)
I really despise that family of rules. The author very obviously assumes his audience are retards/is himself a retard.

Apparently tracking the number of attacks a unit has based on the number of models it has remaining is too complex for some people, so instead let's just say you have the max number of attacks until you lose half the models in the unit and then we'll suddenly half the attacks.

Which ruleset are you referring to?
Fuck yeah get all the links nuked cause people are too stupid to use the archive/trove.
the Rampant series, clearly.

Here's a link to a good list of dark age wargames, miniatures, books, etc.



...is just basic NMM for 15mm: VMC 994 Dark Grey, VMC 869 Basalt Grey, VMC 989 Sky Grey.

> camo
SS Oak Leaf
Autumn Oak Leaf
(1) Base colour VMC 825 German Camo Pale Brown/AK 3rd Gen Mud Brown
(2) Apply dark brown spots: VMC 889 Olive Brown (or similar, just dark brown)
(3) Apply an orange colour over the dark brown areas, trying to leave some dark brown showing around the edges.

Mostly, apply as dots, and merge dots on the larger clump areas. Here the colour was a 1:1 mix VMC 929 Light Brown mixed with VMC 911 Light Orange, or you can use something like Vallejo Game Colour 038 Scrofulous Brown for a slightly more yellow orange-brown colour. Saves mixing, I've used that too. Coverage of orange-base colours is poor, so you often have to apply twice to get an intense colour.

The trick is not to try to do the camo to scale, just do a representation I find. So, do blob that is a few small dots that you do close to each other and merge to give an irregular blobby-bit, then add the odd dot to break things up in between the blobby bits. Dots....use them.
'44 Pea Dot
(1) Base colour VMC 825 German Camo Pale Brown/AK 3rd Gen Mud Brown
(2) Apply dark green blobs: VMC 892Yellow Olive (or AK version)
(3) Apply salmon pink blobs: VMC 804 Beige Red (or AK version)

Apply blobs that't don;t touch (generally, a few is OK). Then

(4) Apply dots on the brown and Salmon colour with the Dark Green
(5) Apply dots on the brown and Dark Green with the Salmon colour
(6) Apply light green dots on all areas.

I use a 60/40 mix of 833 German Camo Bright Green and 845 Sunny Skintone: this make a nice, slightly pale green that works well, or just use AK11411 Light Green instead. You have to leave a bit of space for the dots, so do a green blod, then later add 2-3 salmon dots, then 1-2 light green dots, etc. Sound complicated, it's just process work though.

I use lighter colours on most things with highlights added for definition, e.g. Fieldgrey with 886 Green Grey highlights for the fieldgrey greatcoats.

After all painting, I do an overall general wash mix, ratio 1:1:2:1 with the following:

Vallejo Game Wash: 201 Black
Vallejo Game Wash 203 Umber
Vallejo Thinner Medium
Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver

That is applied over the entire figure, try not to let it pool too much, etc. 5 drops of the mix does about 12 figures, I just mix small amounts in an aluminum pallet well. This will darken the recesses and tone-down the overall look, hence I use brighter colours up front to compensate. Varnish and done.
I dont mind the underlying rules (for the most part, havent checked EVERYTHING yet) but i do agree i dont really like how alot of the wording is and how the author is expecting the rules to be ONLY used in the most historical way possible (obviously this is HWG, but like the most popular HWG game is bolt action and i dont think the germans constantly fought themselves)
Opinions on homebrewing SAGA to have moves, combat and rest be a separate resource than the SAGA dice or just have moves etc be like most wargames? i feel like those actions costing saga dice ON TOP of the fatigue system encourages too much of a defendy game, and i just feel like untying those two systems would lead to a bit more dynamic use of the battle board abilities.
But let me know how yall think about that
Have someone played " Holy Roman Empire: The Thirty-Years War (2015)"? I'm planning to run it next week with a few frens while taking my vacations.
I have just ordered french I. Corps for the 1806/07 campaign. I think I need help!
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I've been building a tiny blockhouse for my 10mm rif project.
Whats an ancients system with good campaign rules?
Forged In Battle's americans have everything but a CoC US platoon but the bazooka. How do they match up with the Eureka Miniatures 15mm miniatures?
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Almost finished with this platoon of US marines. Just needs some paint on the bases and a wash. Maybe a light dusting of white dust to represent plaster and so on from buildings as they're for the battle of Hue and that was apparently common. I'm not sure how the M72 was deployed on a platoon level. Was it just carried by some riflemen?
Their NVA opponents are already mostly printed, but I'm waiting for some additional figures from Peter pig
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I have finished the Blockhouse.
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I need to fix some spots on the corner apparently.

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