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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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High Ground Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings
>The Condemned CCG
>Grand Archive TCG

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)
>The Condemned CCG

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
How do you feel about positional mechanics in a tcg? (Ranks, rows, neighbors, etc)
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Good evening. I do not like star wars anymore.
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imagine being a One Piece player
Feels fucking awful sometimes.
Feel like posting hentai and banning myself again lol
I fucking despise PPG.
It's 2024, who does?
Hey I just got back too.

Do us non-Americans a favor and burn them to the ground.
What's wrong with PPG?
I ordered cards 2 weeks ago and I've yet to receive them meanwhile I've gotten like 5 orders from various other shops that I ordered after my PPG order. They're pieces of shit.
Tracking information?
of course they didn't provide fucking tracking
I live in their god damn state and it takes me longer to get cards from them than shops in California
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What's your excuse for not playing One Piece when the average female card looks like this?
The game is boring. Don system is good but the theme designs in these sets have been bad.
It's a shame Digimon has a weaker IP because Digimon is a more interesting game than One Piece.
BSS and Digimon are just much better games.
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Why would I ever want to play with cards that look like that?
based spirits saga
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>I don't see the game having a bright future as things are
All they had to do was NOT be WotC. That is it! NO retarded gimmicks; just print cards and sell them. I can even accept booster packs. The problem here is that they have an artificial scarcity of both limited print runs AND limited editions (but it is a gimic to protect the investors and speculators). Give it one or two more sets, and it will start fading as the old guards start bleeding off, investors realize they have cardboard of a 5th their popular game, and new people are priced out of the market since they cannot afford Alpha and Beata boxes to be competitive.]
Can Sorvery be Cubbed? I have half the mind just to download cards and create a cube or two to play with in the future.
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Ranks: Warlord
Lanes: L5R, SWU
Locations: LotR, Middle Earth, Animayhem, Star Wars tcg, 7th sea, Doom Town, X files
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Just wish the game wasn't shit because you can make good money going to tourneys. My battle spirits cash cow is fully dried up now...
What's the top 3 card layouts of all time?
what's the solution, just let investors eat shit?
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Nope,, there's only one 0 drop in his support cards. The rest function like this. There are plenty of issues with this. First is that you are basically a control deck taken to the extreme as you are completely reactive with very little to no proactivity. Then there's a fundamental issue where your opponent just never calls more than 1 magic stone a game, in which case, you can't summon anything since your opponent needs at LEAST 2 stones in order to react with your own cards. And there are also several rulers than can beat you by never calling a stone all game. Funnily enough, one of those very rulers was printed in the same set. So most games consist of you doing nothing while your opponent either pecks you down with a single 1 drop the entire game or they just never call stone and you do nothing while they somehow still get to play things and eventually win.
That's what /v/ is for. I often get good porn recommendations that way.
Why is one set per year stupid?
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1. Worst card designed in 2024
2. Best card designed in 2024
3. Your favorite card in 2024
4. Card which has helped you win games in 2024
5. Card which nearly quit your tcg in 2024

Shouldve asked this in December but fuck it :/
One Piece!
I would've made the one piece tcg a race, about visiting various locations, in theme with the titular one piece being literally raced for. There'd be more crew mechanics and Marines would have a unique playstyle of winning by preventing progress. It would've been 10x cooler and sold 99% worse.
Cat fag where are you boss
Because for a TCG, I just don't see one set per year drumming enough interest for people to play for the entire year. It's fine for the crowd who just occasionally plays a few times a year, but the enfranchised players will just drop the game when there's only one set per year because the gameplay will grow stale.
I think that two sets per year would be a good spot for Sorcery because having 6 months to play a set and collect it before getting excited for the new release
Kryptic tcg update?
Card design is sleep inducing
It also does a poor job of incentivizing stores to keep it stocked, and to keep a local active in-store community going. So it's going to act exactly like an lcg - a game people play at home and pull out every now and then - but with the manufacturing and buy-in costs of a tcg.
yeah. It's probably possible, but it would be really tough. your game design and balance would need to be super tight for the game to stay interesting without new cards, and TCGs rarely are. one of the big advantages of regular releases is you don't have to worry to much about that kind of stuff. keeping the meta in a constant state of shake-up covers for a multitude of ills.
He is probably lurking around a grade school somewhere.
Yeah considering the cost of the product, I don't really get the business model with the sparse releases. It might change in the future, but I feel like they botched the first years so badly that recovering from the incoming death spiral will be pretty difficult and it could have been avoided so easily. I'm going to attend a draft for the new set, but I'm probably not going to play outside a few drafts if even our store hosts more than 1. I see no reason to try and get a community running for it at our LGS, because it for sure is not a weekly game to run and I don't want to waste money updating my deck with the new set.
Yes. They'll eat shit if the game dies anyways. Don't reprint the special edition bullshit, but at least reprint the cards in a gamma or unlimited edition, and keep that shit on shelves.

If your primary concern is molifying early investors, you're not selling a game; you're selling a pyramid scheme.
Gone to Ohio to protect the innocent
>ask 5 questions that all need pictures of a card for good response
How the fuck am I supposed to give good answers? I'm not going to collage the five cards to answer your questions, if that's what you think.
>One Piece pre-release yesterday
>6 people per table
>I got the alt-art but it was an alt-art of a shitty rare
We got the worst box in existence. I also didn't pull the green 3c. That shit was absolutely broken.
Never bend over for investors. You don't need to reprint everything to ground, but for your first set (and only set for now), you need to print enough of it so that people will start your game. The investors will fuck off if your game dies anyway and you shouldn't rely on their money forever because they are not the ones keeping the cards relevant
that's usually a good starting point. you basically have to accept up front to either fuck the investors or fuck the players. they're economically opposed, so it's impossible to please both.
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Trying to crowd-fund the $50k "marketing costs of launching a Kickstarter", by selling a really overpriced "ambassador" program to suckers. Made about half of its goal off the aforementioned suckers/investorfags, then "dedicated members of the community" stepped up to pledge the remaining amount they need to hit 50k at the end of September.

Oh, and they changed decks to 60 cards (from 50), banned a bunch of cards, and generally changed the meta pretty significantly alongside releasing set 3 on TTS.

I played and enjoyed the game, but am pretty skeptical of the new owners, even as shitty of a job as Tanner did with the game. Selling donation tiers like you're a nonprofit rubs me the wrong way. If the next set ever makes it to print, I'll definitely go to the one store near me that supports it and play a few games - and sell anything of value from my collection - but I think it's no less dead than it's been since set 3 was attempted and canceled for being garbage card quality.

Unless the Kickstarter comes out, does gang busters, and provides some nice incentives for retailers, I just don't see any way this succeeds.
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It's not impossible to please both, but you have to give them different things they want. See: OP, pokemon, and Lorcana using chase alt-art cards - that implicitly will never be reprinted and are rare enough while in print to store value - to keep the core game pieces cheap and the chase cards expensive.

It's a hard balance to hit, but does a better job pleasing both than something you like what FAB does by making the chase cards both mechanically unique and very rare (legendaries are roughly 1 of any type per 4 boxes, fabled are 1 per 40 boxes). This does put the investors and players at odds, because nobody wants to spend $150+ for a card to play but EVERYBODY wants to sell a card they opened for $150+.

Also investors are mostly retarded and seem to think "new niche game should immediately have cards as valuable as the best 30 year old cards from the most popular game"
exactly. these are the people you need to piss off to make your game have a chance.
the game that meme is from was DOA for exactly that reason.
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For SWU:
>Worst card designed in 2024
Restock. I don't know if the developers just didn't realize it could target itself, but this card clearly wasn't meant to be used the way it has been. Honorable mention to Aphra, a leader that doesn't work and has no support and who it is difficult to imagine ever working even with any possible future support.
>Best card designed in 2024
Takedown. It's basic, it's humble. But it manages to be perfectly balanced, elevates the most interesting parts of the action system and leader mechanics despite such a simple and straightforward effect. It's not "a card you could only design in SWU", but it's probably the card that's "most improved by being in SWU" in terms of interesting decisions and interactions. For a generic kill spell to be so engaging is really cool.
>Your favorite card in 2024
Sneak Attack. It's sneaky and fun, it can be reach or trigger strong on play effects early, and the risk vs reward feels so good.
>Card which has helped you win games in 2024
I've played all the major archetypes at least a little so it's hard to pick any one thing, but lately Hotshot Blaster has been the card that steals wins for me.
>Card which nearly quit your tcg in 2024
Well, I think for nearly everybody the answer is Boba Fett.
>Boba Fett
cause of the artwork?
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Which Boba has bad artwork? All the depictions of him so far have been among the rare good pieces, I thought.

But no, set 1 leader Boba, despite being proven as beatable at large events, has been meta dominant for both sets so far which both has made set 2 much less interesting (it feels like Set 1B) and also made a lot of local or online game nights very repetitive (facing Boba over and over). I dunno what the /acg/ and /sc2/ overlap is but he's currently in a classic Protoss situation, where he's over-represented "on ladder" (in swiss/local nights/top cuts) so he both warps the meta and everybody's sick of playing against him, but he's not actually winning large events frequently enough as to make FFG feel the need to nerf/ban him.
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Yes. As >>93893508 >>93893508 points out, you cannot have a healthy game AND pander to investors. Need to choose. MTG is only where it is now because it had a good game for the first while and only pandered to investors when forced (the reserve list was and will always be a mistake). Now it is pure cardboard finance and running out of steam.
Sorcery, if it ever wants to get anywhere, needs to avoid any kind of stupid bullshit like limited runs and loot crate bullshit.
>If your primary concern is modifying early investors, you're not selling a game; you're selling a pyramid scheme.
Truth, preach.
No idea how that image got selected.
Pic is actually Rel.
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I have arisen.
Always makes for a fun time.
>rare good pieces
Pleb taste. This game has actually good artwook rather than generic slop or worse the generic slop final boss, anime girls. Only pisspoor art I've seen so far is han leader card and the client.
Altered sucks but units recurring from the graveyard by default is a neat idea.
>slop or worse the generic slop final boss, anime girls
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>slop or worse the generic slop final boss, anime girls
I saw you at a convention bro. Anime girls rule <3
I hope those code cards I ordered for DBS Fusion World get here today. I ordered like 40 FB03 codes, and 2 Bardock starter deck codes so hopefully I can pull what I need to get my Bardock deck going, and maybe even build a Goku GT deck on the side.
why would you say it sucks?
I think the gameplay is bad, instead of good.
i believe what makes it stand out is the resource system, it works like hearthstone except for the fact that at the start of your turn you can choose wether to increase your mana pool or keep more options in hand
>Bardock deck going, and maybe even build a Goku GT deck on the side.
They're the same deck. Black only has so many playable cards.
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On the topic of fucking bullshit, I finally figured out why TCGPlayer won't work with me to get The Condemned added to their site. I was talking with another store owner today, and he had worked with the guys behind Nostalgix in the past month or so. Found out through the grapevine that TCGPlayer wanted $50,000 from them to "start the research process" before they would even get the time of day.

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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

There Is Only One Number One!
[Evol - (1R, 1C)]
Rest all your opponent's units with a total cost of 6 or less. If you played this with Evol, do all the following.
-They cannot stand during the next Stand Phase.
-Deal 1 damage to yourself.
Fuck em, just list on ebay for now. Even putting up your own product for now is free advertising.
It's not for me, it's for the stores that currently sell it. Every store I've talked to that sells singles uses TCGPlayer for tracking their inventory. Without it, they have to manually go in and add each card to their POS. I've told the stores they can do that, but they don't want to put in the effort. Hence the need to get up and going on TCGPlayer...
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Anon, it it didn't even Arrive.
Have you reached out to tcgplayer and been rebuffed or just ghosted? Cost may scale based on number of cards printed or how much they can shake you down for. Couldn't take more than a handful of hours to implement, more than a couple grand is ridiculous since they also get ongoing (significant) revenue
Anon with the split cards game here, I've been doing some thinking about color identity, thought I'd share my outlines here:

- Slow
- Resilience
- Order
- Growth
- Buffs
- High Health/Defense (i.e. X/X+Y statlines)
- Ramp
- Playing Resource cards from Discard
- Block Triggers
- "tax" effects
-symetric "rule" effects
- Pure Draw

-Direct Damage Effects
- High Attack (i.e. X+Y/X statlines)
-Remove cards from Discard
-Exile on Death
- Sacrifice
- Discard then Draw effects
-On attack triggers

-Casting Spell effects from Discard
Cycling (Draw then Discard) effects
-Effects that increase power based on game actions taken
-Modal Abilites
-Exhaust effects
-"Freeze" effects
-Combo attacks
-Fusion effects
Rebuffed. Asked for clarification about what they want in a game, got ghosted by one person, another followed up, was given a direct email address last week after 5 months of radio silence, reached out to that email, haven't heard anything yet but I'm not holding my breath.

>more than a couple grand is ridiculous since they also get ongoing (significant) revenue
My thoughts exactly. It's just straight up bribery at this point.

Okay, you've got a good starting point. Well done!
-Exile, from top deck, cast until EoT.
-Temp Resource tokens
-Silencing Resources
-Death Triggers

Next step is for me to write out some cards for the "intro deck" used in the tutorial.
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Yellow Vegeta just won a regional.
QRD on the core gameplay? I must have missed the thread where you posted the original idea.
I have essentially zero background in card games, is One Piece the type of game where I can just throw together a deck solely using my favorite characters or am I going to have to get seriously sweaty to have a good time?
Pilaf should still be banned.
Look at the cards here:
For a card game there are quiet a lot of viable decks. You would have to be really unlucky for your favourite character to be unplayable.

There are certain factions that work together in decks and sometimes some characters don't really have good cards in the right color but generally you can mix quiet a lot of characters.
Like a lot of card games, it depends on your opponent too. If you are planning on going to a tournament expect the sweatiest, most optimized net decks possible. If you’re playing for casual funsies with your friends then feel free to do whatever. Just be clear with your opponent about what you’ve got going on
Thanks friend
That makes a lot of sense, the crowd at my LGS seems pretty casual, mostly just there to get good pulls whenever a new booster releases.
Core gameplay is a series of greatest hits from various /acgs/.

Draw 2 at start of turn.
Creatures have Attack/Defence, damage only lasts for the turn.
Creatures can attack your opponent directly, or one of their tapped creatures. Any creature the Defender controls can block.
Your deck is your life, so healing is shuffling cards from Discard into your deck.
No instants, but there's the Flash timing during battles from Battle Spirits.

I'm considering alternating activations, but that will be something I have to test.

The big gimmick of the game is that every card is like a split card. One half of the card is a creature, the other half is a either a spell or an resoure with an effect. Resource effects are used by "overpaying" with that resource.

The game is also being designed for a single player card RPG, rather than for an actual TCG.
Ah also, people go on and on about tier lists and all that but there are always people playing their favourite rogue deck and end up doing well.
Tcgplayer is running a near monopoly and they know it. Until someone else threatens them - hard with current market share - they'll bully anyone selling through them because there aren't good alternatives.

I bet you could set up a competing store front really easily with publicity available card art, given the current state of machine learning. All you'd need to do is cut out the "direct" service, claim no liability for any transactions, and charge a lower rate. Have a couple people full time to manage the big names' card lists, let the smaller shops manage their own sku lists in exchange for the revenue, and you're golden. You just have to then convince players to buy/sell through you, which is where my plan breaks down.

Actually this feels like a reasonable idea. I don't have the time to make it work, but if anyone wants to take a stab, you have my blessing. Go ask chatgpt to throw together a POS service for you and get a website.
>Tcgplayer is running a near monopoly and they know it.
Hard agree

>there aren't good alternatives
Best I've found is https://www.ccgtrader.net/, but they're a shambling husk of a site barely kept alive by donations. If even a few game stores started buying and selling through them, they'd probably make enough to start actually being a decent competitor. Hell, I'm impressed by the sheer volume of dead games they list.
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My Keyforge package is finally in the mail. Wish they had announced the Discovery set during the last crowdfunding campaign. I would have bought a few decks. But I will not pay fifteen fucking dollars a deck.
So wait, that Volax has no house? Are you able to Play/Fight/Use it on every turn?
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It's a Skybeast, one of this set's features. They're super boss monsters without a designated House. When the computer makes your deck and gives you a Skybeast, it's assigned to a random House in your deck. So, Volax could be Brobnar in one deck and Mars in another, etc. Here's another Skybeast.
That's pretty cool.
>We'll actually have to specify which color keys we've forged
That's less cool. Sorta. I know they've technically explored the mechanic before, but being able to use a die to simply track the number of keys we've forged was pretty convenient.
That being said, if they actually explore that design space with enough cards it could prove interesting.
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Yeah, this set is going to feature a pretty good amount of cards involving key color. Not enough for it to be absolutely integral to every game or anything, but you know it'll be sometimes a decision that matters.

You could just write down on a piece of paper what keys you've forged. I've actually got the starter set, so I have cardboard keys. In the campaign they showed off a fancy little multi-key made of metal which had the ability to show off all three keys as you forge them. But then they stuck it behind the $150 paywall and didn't let you get it as an add-on. Idiotic.
Yeah, I've got the cardboard fiddly bits, as well. Metal key would be cool.
>they stuck it behind the $150 paywall and didn't let you get it as an add-on
Idiotic, indeed.

Skulking Saboteurs is exactly the concept of effects I wanted to see if they were going to really dive into key color being relevant. Seems like they at least understood that particular assignment.
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In the same package, I'm also getting several decks from a different set, which they suddenly announced halfway through the crowdfunding campaign. It's a return to the token mechanic and even features a new house (two new houses since it also includes the new house from the new main set). I think they really buried the lead on the campaign and should have shown off this set a lot more since people really like tokens.

The new house in the Token set is a spin-off of Sanctum. All the houses in its rotation weren't in rotation during the first set with Tokens, Winds of Exchange.

Did you play the set with tokens? That was probably my favorite set period and Ekwidon is a very cool House.
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We Chinese Geomancy now
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She stops being a cute meganekko on level 2-3
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Gurren Lagann mentioned
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How is this game? I've been trying to find an anime style tcg for a bit to play with some friends that isn't just ygo
Its MtG + FaB pitch resource system that focuses on a champion card. Some like how it keeps broken stuff at bay because of how the resource system and champion levelling works, but some dislike using the cards in your hand to pay for stuff, and how all the interesting and saucy cards are at level 3 champion level, which takes some time to get to.

The community is patchy though, like one state has fuck all but others have the game thriving. That said, its really big in SEA, Australia and NZ
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>Hell, I'm impressed by the sheer volume of dead games they list.
You weren't kidding.
Is your acg rad enough for your creatures to have a shagadelic stat?
I love Austin Powers. It's actually shocking they haven't tried to reboot that or make a 4th one.
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Long time ago someone said it should've copied 7th sea.
Pretty sure there was talk of a new one this year.
Union Arena bros, did you expect the FMA set announcement?
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Nah, but you could be boy crazy...
Man, this guy's a real banger...
Woah,why'd they go so hard on Brett?
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>MFW the Cosplay Deviants CCG is basically just Triple Triad with lewd cosplayers in the card art
>FaB pitch resource system
Can you explain this? Never played FaB.
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you send cards to the pitch zone to pay for the cost of cards you want to play. pitching a card can give anywhere between 1-3 points; it's shown by the UI in the top right. For context most cards cost 1-3 points but someone else with more exp can elaborate. At end of turn pitched cards are sent to the bot of your deck and you will usually end up seeing them again in the lategame. that's how it works in fab there might be nuance when compared to GA
How it works in GA is in order to pay a card's cost you put a number of cards from the deck into your "memory". At the start of your turn you add all the cards in your memory to your hand.

Memory is also banished to pay for the cost of cards in your extra deck.
I just lost against a shitter in the online qualifiers for fusion world. My initial hand was 3 super combos and 2 0s, I got rushed by criticals and then basically did nothing, the guy was awful at the game too.
>Did you play the set with tokens? That was probably my favorite set period and Ekwidon is a very cool House.
I did! I loved the way they handled the mechanics around the tokens. And Ekwidon was a surprisingly fun house. I forget the card name, but I recall making excellent use of what was essentially "swap one of your tokens with a card from your hand," letting you get back cards you'd rather play and pitch what you didn't want.
How do you brick in fusion? You draw 10 billion cards.
If your initial hand is bad you are screwed, its very unlikely but it happens. Like if you are blue and your first 10 cards are like, 3 super combos and not a single Pilaf or Videl you auto lose against any color or deck.

I was playing androids and basically didnt ramp my first 4 turns and had to protect my face with super combos against regular 20ks.
>read /acg/
>reminded that keyforge is good, actually
>my local retailer finally has WoE and GR in stock
Man I skipped the kickstarter(s) because I don't want to buy in bulk, and was only just getting to the point of forgetting about Keyforge.
You're going to drag me back in.
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WoE is an amazing set. Really the only way it could be better is if Sanctum was out and Dis was in. Tokens are a very fun mechanic and it's telling that in the first set that repeats a set theme, they chose tokens. I would absolutely nab as many as you could get.

Grim Reminders is a set I like much less. Haunted is a good mechanic in theory, but in practice, it's so variable. There are cards where you benefit from being haunted by also cards where you are punished for being haunted, both in your own deck and in your opponent's. So it doesn't feel as rewarding consistently as say raising the tide in Dark Tidings.

House Ghestoid is okay, but it struggles to really be different than a combination of Dis and Shadows. Also the card art is a little too samey.

In the future, I would honestly recommend the Kickstarter. You can get the $75 tier which has 6 decks at a decently cheaper rate than your LGS probably sells them for, plus you get all the stretch goal bonuses, which is usually a deck or two. Take this most recent one for Aember Skies, for instance. I'm getting a free Skybeast deck, which otherwise has a low rarity.

Keyforge is actually doing pretty well right now. They've got several kinds of decks out now with special gimmicks like Unchained and Menagerie. Their newsletter even announced a new reprint-only set with simple mechanics, perfect for new players. But Hell, after all these discounts, I can't pay MSRP. Full priced decks are up to 15 bucks now on their store page.
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The creator died recently, and he kept the site mostly as a visual database for old tcgs. His widow is now keeping the site. Don't think they ever had hopes of making it competitive or a big sales plataform.

>Long time ago someone said it should've copied 7th sea.
That was me, not the same anon as you replied tho.
If they had done a mix of 7th sea with LotR ccg imo it would have been kino.
>The creator died recently
>Brett would be 42 years old now
Kinda sounds better than FAB's resource system since you'll get your cards back.
>also stasis


what did he mean by this
>what did he mean by this
breathing nigga
>also stasis

Adaptability was an attribute of liquid water, stasis was added when I started thinking of Ice as well.
adaptability leads into things like modal abilities and cycling, statis leads into things like exhaust and freeze effects.

The breath of life is a common phrase. Wind also has a somewhat contradictory perview with both life and erosion being in its skill set.
>better than FAB's resource system since you'll get your cards back.
Well, a key difference is that in FaB you draw up to a set hand size, but in GA you draw 1 card per turn.
>GA has card economy whereas FaB is just nostrategy card vomit.
Exactly right. It's much better.
Are there card searches ie tutors in FAB?
Otherwise, every round feels like some RNG factor where if I don't draw the right cards then I auto fail
I know you have the arsenal to keep 1 card.
Why doesn't GA focus on drawing creatures, why's it humans all the time?
There are but they are all very bad and they are only allowed on the limited tournament format called Blitz.
you can play katsu, zen or if you want to be an extra faggot just play kano
bro thinks he said tutors as in teachers :skullemoji:
Were you referencing another TCG where they have something called tutots? I'm not familiar with anything like that.
And those are search cards in FAB. What do you want from me?
>if I don't draw the right cards then I auto fail
If your deck is built right, very few hands will actually be dead hands.
Even so, the whole skill of the game is understanding how above or below rate your hand is compared to your opponent's hand. The odds change and become more derivable the longer the game goes on because you'll know what the opponent has already used and/or pitched.

Generally speaking, FaB is intended to be more about wrestling advantage over the long term than "popping off" and playing out a power fantasy. "Doing the heckin thingerino" isn't an experience you'll often get from FaB.

I know that's extremely polarizing, but those of us into that specific autism are really into it. You won't get much sympathy from FaB appreciators.
FAB should do a collab with Elden Ring
What would that look like? A big FAB expansion only has room for about 4-6 new heroes.
Or should the Elden Ring heroes work with preexisting FAB cards? That'd be awkward.
Or should there be Elden Ring themed cards developed for preexisting FAB heroes? That'd be cucked for Elden Ring since they are the bigger IP.
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Wow, they even have a card gallery for Arcadia. That's amazing.
>The creator died recently
those are NOT search cards, a search card would be mask of the pouncing lynx, mugenshi release or become the arknight
You guys are tcg experts. Surprised you don't know what a tutor is
I'm not really in favor of going down the collab route. Flesh and Blood: Prisma Illya when?
That said, the highly siloed nature of FaB could work well for spin-off products. If licensed heroes have a franchise-specific talent you can almost entirely silo them by going back to the Monarch/Uprising hero design style.

Notably, because the power of the IP is what will drive sales, card compatibility need not be symmetric. It's enough that the collab heroes can use non-collab FaB cards; you don't need it to be the other way around. In fact, it would probably be healthier that way.
What does X on a Stick mean as a tcg term
a re-usable version of X. Pretty sure it comes from MTG with artefacts that have similar effects to spells.
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I thought that he was thinking of something along the line of mentors and those happen to be searching for stuff. Like he was interested in them thematically.
And they are probably based on whatever a mentor is from whatever game it might be, I don't care.
A) Not giving me a (You) is weak and cowardly.
B) If it's a magic term then it shouldn't be a surprise that in the general where people play literally anything other than Magic don't recognise it.
Shouldn't people have been in favour of this? It would prevent the company printing and devaluing old cards for a quick buck (hi Hasbro), and would reinforce the actual "collectible" aspect.
>Shouldn't players have been in favor of games trending strongly towards un-affordability over time?
I mean, if you're into the whole CCG concept in the first place. If you aren't, then you just steer clear of the game. But if you are, when I imagine you want valuable cards to remain valuable.
The main thing that people want out of a game is to play it. Can you imagine MTG surviving if Vintage was the only format?
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You mean the format of "all the cards I buy go into a single collection from which I create my decks"? That IS what CCG means for regular, non-competitive people. It's the idea of cards going past their usability date that's strange and unnatural.
And I don't see how that's related to no reprints.
I mean the format of "all staples cost $100-$1,000" so you need to convince your friend to take out a loan to get into the game.
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Again, if you're playing CCG, then you're probably into that. And you need to fork over a fortune only if you care about being "meta" or "competitive" instead of having your own scrappy-yet-unique Collection of Cards to play a Game. If you're expecting all the decks to be fungible, then it's not really about collecting, is it? It's just buying a preset deck with more steps and ebay hunting.
It's fine if you're interested more in the construction rather than collecting. But I feel that's not the promise of a CCG. It's supposed to be about making do with what you have rather than running netdecks.
In an established metagame, running random garbage instead of "netdecks" as you call them is inherently dishonest. The practice steals wins from deserving players.
There's a difference between avoiding "every deck being fungible" and "The people who have been playing longer have an insurmountable advantage"
Are we still talking about games with friends? I don't see how it's a problem when you're trying to invite a friend into a non-competitive setting, where half the point is to have fun trying out various "non-optimized" decks.
"Established metagame" is only relevant at the competitive level, and only there do you expect to need a fuckload of cash. But if you still want cards to have "rarity" then you've willfully asked to be in this situation.
Still, I expect lack of reprints would lead to a lesser importance of staples, since they would be rarer and harder to get. Leading to greater variance. And also it's not like no-reprinting precludes rotating formats.
>The practice steals wins from deserving players.
This I don't get. How is using sub-optimal cards stealing wins from others?
NTA, but an off-meta card can result in a situation where the opponent has to gamble whether you're running it or not, and because the card is so infrequently used, the correct move is to act as though you aren't, leading to outcomes where the correct decision still led to defeat.

But that's the only mechanism by which off-meta cards can become meta cards, so it's not some sort of moral failing like anon claims. The anti-netdecking people are so annoying that I suspect anon is probably just firing in bad faith to operate on the same level.
>And also it's not like no-reprinting precludes rotating formats.
You're more retarded than I thought if you think the players who want no reprints would be okay with rotation.
Has anyone been sharked in a tournament?
No, but I don't wear tubetops.
Geez, calm your tits, anon. If you don't want a discussion then that's fine by me.

So what, running something that should be terrible and yet still wins is "cheating" in the eyes of netdeck people? That's... pretty pathetic.
it's a cope used by players with an inflated sense of their own intelligence. just another flavor of sore loser. you get these guys in every part of /tg/. they go online and look up some tactics, download a list/deck someone else made, run it on a predictable formula. usually get some local success with it over players who did not do those things. and then when a better player running some jank wipes the floor with them, they get salty.

what they're too stupid to realize is that they got outplayed, both before and during the game. and that those better players running "janky" decks and getting upsets are actually the people shaping the meta that they follow. but you can't explain it to them. stupidity and a big ego make for an intractable combination.
this is why you have to choose between pissing off investors or pissing off players. you can't have both unless your game's been very big for a very long time. and even then trying to balance it usually leads to pissing off both.
Logan Paul really kicked off this investor scheme in tcgs huh
Wrong. It means X attached to a permanent, where X is normally a one-time effect (spell or equivalent). Doesn't relate to reusability at all.

I'm not a tcg expert but jfc you guys don't know the lingo at all.
The lingo doesn't extend as far outside of MTG as you would tend to assume it would.
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Games with friends doesn't put people into the LGS, sell packs, or keep a game alive. It doesn't need new product or support the company enough to matter. It's an irrelevant demographic for the companies making games.

I'm all for "making due with what you have" but it's not a realistic goal because it results in new players having a near-zero win rate, which is bad for growing the community and turning new players into long-term players.

You're also coming from a pants-on-head assumption that everyone who plays a ccg wants to recapture the school yard feeling of playing shitty decks against other shitty decks. Most people who spend on games are doing so to play the game using the best deck limited by the available card pool. As a general rule, they'd prefer the best cards to be dirt cheap so they have as many opponents with similarly high powered decks as possible - often they'll shell out for foils or alt arts for a favorite deck, but that doesn't change the cheapest options being cheap.

The only people who are against any and all reprints are investors who want to use the game to make money by selling the cardboard for more than they paid for it. Those "people" need the game to succeed and be popular long term to make more than a pittance from it, otherwise they're just selling to each other until the game dies, the bottom drops out, and someone is left holding the bag.
You don't have to answer a question if you don't know the answer. There's no participation grade in this general.
>>How do you feel about positional mechanics in a tcg? (Ranks, rows, neighbors, etc)

I like Z/X tcg's implementation of the 3x3 board.
>Most people who spend on games are doing so to play the game using the best deck limited by the available card pool. As a general rule, they'd prefer the best cards to be dirt cheap
Those two statements are mutually exclusive. If the pool is limited, then the best cards will be pricier, up to the limit of what an invested is willing to pay for them.
And I'm not against focusing on construction part. But what you're describing is strictly competitive. By tolerating buying the cards on the global market you're dismissing the casual games entirely.

>The only people who are against any and all reprints are investors who want to use the game to make money by selling the cardboard for more than they paid for it.
Maybe we need to take a step back. I was originally responding to >>93893514 . In a CCG, I feel like there are these possible approaches:
>cards are printed continually, which is fine
>cards are printed once and then never again, which is also fine
>the company promises they will print the cards once, lets them balloon in price due to scarcity, and then suddenly prints more of them to cash in—this is where we enter Asshole City
The company from the image was clearly trying to avoid scenario 3. Which strikes me as honest, regardless of whether you subscribe to the notion of limited cards in the first place. Do agree on that at least?
>up to the limit of what an invested is willing to pay for them.
*an invested player. Someone who wants to win.
>It means X attached to a permanent, where X is normally a one-time effect (spell or equivalent). Doesn't relate to reusability at all.
it does, but reusability is such a common result of that configuration that it might as well be. as the other anon said, the term dates back to early mtg (like a lot of common tcg expressions) where it was very common to have one effect on an instant or sorcery, and then a parallel (usually lesser) version of the same effect appear on a wand / staff / rod with either a tap cost or a high but multiple-use activation cost.
/acg isn't fucking dead

>Mutually exclusive
I disagree. See: OP, Pokemon, Lorcana, YGO to some extent. Total price of a set is limited to roughly the expected cost to open those cards from randomized packs, if you put in chase cards that are mechanically identical (e.g. Fancy alt arts), you can keep the price of the cheapest versions of the best game pieces low, but pushing most of the set value to chase cards.

But I agree with you that scenario 3 is the dickhead scenario, for sure. Implicitly making cards one-time, rare and expensive items and then backtracking is a shitty thing to do for the investors, and because you were signaling no reprints of old cards, doesn't have any benefit to player numbers that signaling you'd keep staples accessible would bring.
It does look like there is an active administrator for the site, someone unrelated to the widow, who's putting in money each week to keep it going. I reached out via opencollective, looks like they're sustaining themselves through that right now. I also added a bunch of cards from my own collection for sale. Figure I could put my money where my mouth is. If we all add cards and start selling them on their site, maybe that could help kickstart some activity?
Well, that was cool. I got a response from the admin of CCG Trader. He's going to get The Condemned CCG up and going on there later today, and would love to see more people buying and selling on there.

Anons, I know we have a whole NYPA thing around these parts, but if anyone wants to join me in helping get an upstart competitor to the faceless monolith, I'd love the support. Let's get some buying and selling going on some dead card games...
The game is basically deck roulette, if you roll into your impossible matchup you lose, super engaging gameplay
Only acgs I've got of note are a handful of old dbz ccg cards, lorcana, fab, Kryptik, and alpha clash, and all but the first aren't available on the site (unless I'm retarded and they're somewhere other than the list of games)... If they post any of those, I'd post my inventory from tcgplayer instead of there. I'd even list a bunch of cards under $1 if they don't take the size cut that tcgplayer does and make it not worth the money - on top of not being worth the time - to track down and ship those from my collection.
I dislike the amount of card draw and consistency. Most decks are rolling quite close to the nuts each time and its becomes, as you said, matchup roulette. Do you fold to a Jiren, or to Androids rushing you, or to Vegeta being a cunt and at 6 energy and 7 life. Still play it because the sim is decent enough and the draft mode is basically free.
Well it feels more like playing Chess. Obviously just a minaturised version of it.

Z/X was apparently just a less competitive game than Dimension 0 but can't find anything on the internet regarding how that game played.
No, I mean explain how the system works?
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>the draft mode is basically free
say again? i havent touched it since release and it was like 150 gems, and gave shit rewards(not even enough gems to play it again with a full win streak). did they change it?
It costs that much but you get around that much back with 6 wins, plus a pack. I can't play constructed since I don't have enough cards but I've been going pretty infinite so far in draft.
Well, it's basically one guy running this for now. I'll poke him on those games, see if he can bump those up to the front of the line for you. Anything that leads to sales is probably going to be of interest to him.

I also have my disagreements about order fees, but that's another story...
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1 win and 1 loss in the online fusion world tournament right now. wish me luck bros
Yeah that's a nonstarter for cheap cards then, and you're not going to build volume on $10+ cards where tcgplayer's fees are always higher than that flat rate.

I don't understand high fixed fees for a platform like this. Charge a flat rate, and put a max on fee if you really want to grab market share, and be done with it. Visa charges CC issuers like $0.02+a fraction of a percentage per transaction with a max of $0.22¢ for the big banks, and while you don't have the volume to go that low, the core pricing structure makes sense if you're just a transaction platform.

Also I didn't realize they were bongs. Nothing against them but that's also a deal breaker for many, as they'd get hit with international transaction fees on the purchases.

I still think you could put together a simple database structure for each card game, another for inventories, and tie it together into a front end and offer a lower cost platform. I'm going to look into it more personally to see how cheap it'd be to try, might actually be worth an attempt.
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I mean, look at this shit. Selling through tcgplayer's website takes over 10% off your sales, in addition to passing on any fees from PayPal for the individual transaction, and with some other flat fees they charge figured in the cost ends up being more like 20%. Looking at PayPal's schedule of fees for their b2b POS, and I'm assuming venmo is similar and zelle is cheaper but lower feature, you're looking at 70%+ of the fees charged going in tcgplayer's pockets, just for hosting what is essentially a few dashboards attached to relatively tiny databases.

I'm pretty sure you could cut the payout fees by half, maybe floor the total fees at the minimum cost to transfer the money to the seller to avoid losing money sending out $0.10, and still make enough profit to cover operating and growth costs.

Once it's going, throw up ads on nerd websites touting "get more for your cards than tcgplayer, indies welcome" and you'd get some takers. At least until tcgplayer sends the Pinkertons to your door.
You're not wrong. I've got his ear, let me see if I can talk some sense into him...

Also, I'm adding The Condemned to their site now. Apparently he wants to get more community managers to handle adding/updating games. Take that work load off of him. It's honestly not difficult, just tedious.
He's losing out on the low and high end with the current pricing structure, and could be doing much better. If he is open to change and willing to look at real numbers, drop a line, I'll shoot an email to whatever contact I can find on the Condemned website and I can coordinate showing him some pricing scenario analysis based on a small sample of his real sales, or even an estimate of his volume and average cost. I'm a "finance bro" - real life not cardboard - so I find this shit fun, and it's borderline offensive to me that tcgplayer offers such a mediocre service without a real challenger.

Competition is good for everyone but the losing company, after all.
his email is info@ccgtrader.co.uk. Tell him The Condemned guy sent you.
Ashes Reborn looks more like a board game.
Readability traded for aesthetic value, a common tradeoff to have to pick between
ashes readability isn't that bad. and most rules text on cards is so light you don't have to go back and check it often anyhow.
>If the pool is limited, then the best cards will be pricier, up to the limit of what an invested is willing to pay for them.
Anon, learn to fucking read. "The best deck limited by the available card pool" doesn't mean he wants the cards to have limited availability, it means that people don't want to make the maximally powerful hypothetical deck that could exist within a game's design space, they want to make the best decks that they can given the cards legal in whatever format they are playing.

>Which strikes me as honest, regardless of whether you subscribe to the notion of limited cards in the first place. Do agree on that at least?
Yes, but the honesty of an opinion is irrelevant compared to its truth. I could earnestly believe bees are a sub-species of cat, but that doesn't make that belief any less retarded.

>>cards are printed once and then never again, lets them balloon in price
FTFY, I wonder why you left this off....

>the company promises they will print the cards once, lets them balloon in price due to scarcity, and then suddenly prints more of them to cash in—this is where we enter Asshole City
I don't know if you've ever played a card game, but If you have, I think you should pay more attention to your fellow players. I played a game that didn't have any reprints. It ended up creating a $5 common, and the player base begging the publisher to start reprinting cards, because it was a staple 4 of in literally every single deck that could play it until the day it was erratta'd.
It's not just the readability of what's on the card, but also the things they chose to leave off cards, additional stats or complexity they could've added. And it's also not just about the card in your hand, but just as much if not more about reading the card across the table.
I wouldn't say it's below average on either of those counts.
plenty of games go heavy on frames and stats/info, end up being an unreadable mess anyway, and just end up butt ugly in to the bargain.
this is literally just a mtg card
It's cooler in a game with alternating actions
It got a pve product before fab, looks like it has more legs than the investor bait card "game"
Don‘t forget that after going through the deck once, you will be able to predict and set-up very strong turns
I'll reach out - looking at the news posts it sounds like it's intended to be an archive of old games more than a real market, but a lot of people respond well to "good day saar do you like money?" so maybe he'll pivot.

I don't know shit about the European secondary market other than that I think it's also somewhat monpolized by Cardmarket? Not sure if that's still true, or whether they're also overcharging both sides like tcgplayer.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Super Rare from set 15.

Analysis Team "Compendium" Shero
[AUTO] When this unit is placed, you may attach the front card of your Life to this unit as +1000 Aura.
[AUTO] When this unit with an Aura is destroyed, draw 1 card.
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>Union Arena getting FMA
I see Aniplex has pivoted from letting Bushi sleep with them to Bandai
Expensive kitty
I told him you'll be in touch with a screenshot of >>93902942. He sounds amenable to your proposal.

About $18k, looks like...
Saw OP prize wall earlier and I think it looked better than the one at Pokemon regionals yesterday.
>will be able to predict and set-up very strong turns
You're not getting the game on card market. Just focus on NA anyway.
FMA is fucking old. Why is this such a big deal anyway.
I'm more surprised they're bringing Shangri Frontier to UA in the future
>be a game designer
>be a faggot
>wonder "how could you make a blockchain tcg even worse"?
>start working on altered tcg
Idk if anyone's followed this at all but this is the most retarded shit ive ever heard in my life. The product design literally sounds like what an 11 year olds would pitch.
>bro what if ntfs were re-centralized
>pyramid scheme style reselling policy
>printing, the most expensive marginal cost, on demand (the most expensive way to do it)
>for a game designed around digital play
>game literally unbalanceable due to random stat cards (and not in a fun meme way like chaotic)
The game itself could be the greatest shit ever but who fucking cares?
Maybe the world isn't ready for phygital (yet) after all...
Cool, thanks for the connection - I just sent him my pitch. I think there are several other small changes he could make to bring in buyers and sellers, but a competitive seller fee would go a long way. Still skeptical of how it being based outside of the US will complicate things for competing directly with tcgplayer, but even if he centralizes a market for niche games in the UK or EU, I think that'd be great for the hobby.

Unrelated but goddamn has the Yen dropped in recent years. I remember back when it was like 85/$1.
Metazoo could've been the greatest thing ever and look at how that turned out
No I meant like the card game itself could be amazing and fun to play but it's just surrounded by cancer so goofy it borders on parody.
xD :) :() :/
Yeah, I took a group of friends to Tokyo last year and it was 144 yen to the dollar. It's wild...
The problem is that people into NFTs believe that that are somehow good in and of themselves, so adding NFTs in any capacity inherently adds value.
NFT technology only does one thing: Proof of ownership. Nothing more, nothing less. The problem NFT Bros have is that they treat it like it's more than just that. That it's an investment vehicle. It doesn't, and the sooner they realize that, the better.

The best use case I've seen for NFT in ACG context is Splinterlands, where you could enter any serial number for a card and view its match history, who's used it in which games, and what was the outcome of the match. You can loan your cards to other people, rent them, do whatever you want with them. They're still too closed source, though, and that's going to be an issue no matter what.
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The fundamental issues is that independently verifiable proof of ownership for digital goods just isn't useful. Generally the only person who needs to know you own a digital good is the person who issued it, so there's no benefit to me being able to check, for example, that your Adobe license is valid.
Every turn, the cards you use for resources "pitch" go to the bottom of your deck in the order of your choosing.

Surely you're baiting at this point.
Because they're dreaming of that sweet percent cut of all secondary market transactions. That's the only way the scheme makes any sense. Calling it NFT is even misleading, it's ONLY a digital TCG with some extra merch. These are people who looked at Magic Arena, Master Duel, etc and thought to themselves "but what if we had the same level of control over the physical ecosystem?"

That's why you have to "prove" you own a card to participate in their organized play. It means that all card transactions will eventually need to ask their permission at some step in the process. Which naturally suggests a transaction fee either now or in the future.
>That said, its really big in SEA, Australia and NZ
Never heard a more compelling reason that something is dogshit
>Surely you're baiting at this point.
My bad bro, we were talking about tutors before so I forgot
Altered literally has nothing to do with NFTs what the fuck are you talking about
>big areolas
good taste thanks for putting me on
any other big areola puffy nipple artists?

to keep it on topic, what card game has the sexiest bitches?
And by sexiest I mean in terms of card art not character designs. Although character designs do matter too
He didn't say they have anything to do with NFTs though.
Lmaooo kys alteretard
The royalty on future sales of "your" card is the same type of investnigger shit and is clearly trying to appeal to the same crowd.
Correct, altered doesn't use nfts. Because as worthless as those are at least you do own them in a sense. Alteredcoin is fully proprietary and is the same faggot shit like mtg arena where you technically dont own anything and you are being given "a license to use" the product.
So it's literally a game with online/gacha/digital/etc shit where you lose everything when the servers shut down, that will mail you a proxy if you """"own"""" it (remember you don't actually own anything xD), that incorporates investnigger get rich trading shit and incorporates the exclusivity factor directly into game mechanics.
Sorry if I misspoke and accidently implied it was only mildly retarded instead of non-verbal shit flinging retarded
Whats the point of auras if there are so many commands that hard kill units? You can also suicide weaker units into a beatstick too.
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>if you kill him during your turn he gets an extra turn to try and kill you
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Hide Shooter, Leticia
what the fuck
This doesn’t even make any sense. I bought packs the other day and own physical cards. The game doesn’t have a digital client to play the game on. So how are you saying that I don’t “own” I’m the literal cards I am holding in my hands? Everything you’re bitching about is extra shit that you don’t have to participate in at all and if you don’t the game is no different than any other card game.
She has a gun
Don't you need to scan in your cards and submit a decklist via their tracking app for tournaments?

I'm NTA, just skeptical of any player benefit of the "phyigtal" side of the game, but also have a buddy who's been super excited by the actual gameplay.
>2 hit and quick
decent chunk of cheap damage on an empty board if you do it on opponent's endstep I guess.
You do, which does get a little tedious if you're trying to scan like an entire box worth of cards (also not the anon you're responding to).

From a player perspective, I don't think there's any particular reason to worry about it. I intend to play this game mostly casually and all I did was scan some commons and rares that I opened with a few uniques that I intend to play. If they ever have competitive events (they don't atm), your deck will be checked against your digital account for ownership.
The biggest player-side benefit I see is that trades don't have to be with physical cards; you won't need to carry around your trade binder to facilitate trading between players and can facilitate that digitally. There's some tangential benefits like being able to print copies of your deck for replacement or casual play, but otherwise I intend to basically ignore the digital side of the game and just play with friends.
You seem like you like playing the game so I wont give you any more shit.
How do you feel about it so far? Gameplay wise ofc. How well does it handle heroes + 6 colors and making them feel different
How does it feel sticking QR codes up your ass
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Because If i want to cum, i'll watch porn.

And from what i've seen the game is just bland and boring like the anime and only printed to sell to the fanatical one piss fans, much like Union Arena is printed to appeal to weebs who think all anime is shonen.
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Maybe people just haven't figured out how to play him well, but so far I'm not impressed with this nigga. He seems to roll over against any sort of arcane damage, ironically enough - I've been dunking on him with Viserai all day.

Verdance is a fucking menace tho.
>running off-meta is bad because then i can't follow my flowchart and risk making a bad decision because i had to think for myself for once
I dunno, Anon, sounds heavily like a skill issue.
Bro you posted a Digimon card. That game ain't any better.....
I know you Digimon players go to locals and seethe at how popular Juan piece is.
We talking artwork or game design?
Because tits alone won't get me playing the game since i can play solitaire at home.
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Digimon players thought the covid supply problems meant the game would be super popular forever.

They have since learned how much Bandai sucks. It'll happen to Uno Pizza as well.
i got to locals and everyone plays pokemon
Smh pokemon is only for weebs these days, all the "fun moms" and their spoiled kids have moved on to playing Lorcana.
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Anything from one piss is carried by obsessed fans and normies who want to be into anime. It's too big to fail.

It's even a miracle the 6th iteration of the digimon card game has survived this long when the majority of the digimon fanbase wants to jerk off to Renamon or make gay porn of the children from the anime.
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You say OP is too big to fail, but I have faith that Bandai will make it happen. Maybe by straight up killing it for a new game, like they did with various DragonBall games, which also seemed too big to fail.

The panini/score dbz game they killed for their own shitty dbz ccg was full of flavor and soul, unlike all the identical bandaislop games we have now.
>fanbase wants to jerk off to Renamon or make gay porn of the children from the anime.
Alright bro it's time to go to bed. Enough Digimon talk for today
The only thing killing off One Piece is Bandai power creeping the game out of existence.
They've done it before and they'll do it again with their previous games.
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>The panini/score dbz game they killed for their own shitty dbz ccg was full of flavor and soul
Yeah, but as a company; would you want ownership of the distribution or would you rather be dependent on another company to make and distribute your product? You're not thinking with your wallet, Anon.

One Piece is too big to fail because the fans really, really, and i mean, REALLY are obsessive about it they will fucking buy shit if they branded it with the one piece logo or something.

If i were a savvy business man, i would also buy up and stock sealed product so i can resell it at major profits to fans after a few years, which of course they will buy.

Not even dragonball reaches the obsessive consumeristic fandom One Normies has and Bandai fucking knows this.

Imagine all the MHA fujos and porn addicts in 10 years who will drop 10k on a random ass card of the husbando/goonfu from that show because the game don't get printed anymore.
OP legacy cards will also go through the same treatment.
>inb4 but why and how?
Look at Mtg's history and the current prices of an old box of old cards.
time to play BSS
I really don't get the obsession. It's mediocre, endless Shonen with a truly off-putting art style. And somehow it's made billions of dollars.

Is it all the jailbait titties in bikinis? Surely you can find ones attached to more human shaped characters in other anime
>$45 / box
it's getting cold, fusion world bros...
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Because it is normies' first anime with somewhat of a story, slapstick comedy every child understands and tearjerking written scenarios and timmy's first exposure to barely clothed women with gigantic titties that has been going on for 20+ years so there is the familiarity factor as well.
You combine tearjerking+titties+a never ending story, you get an emotional and physical investment from men and women who don't want to drop it because it has been part of most of their lives.

Oda is not an artist, he knows fully well what the fuck he has been doing for the last two decades.

10+ years ago I had a 21 y.o. single mom gf who smoked weed and did coke, and she watched one piece.
I knew thugs who would walk around with guns and knives but drop the tough guy mask the moment you talked about one piece.
Everyone of my friend group was into one piece back then. Everyone i knew would not shut the fuck up about one piece.
That's how fucking popular the show was and still is.
>$18 for 100 pack codes on ebay/tcgplayer
DBZ sisters, it's tournament of power time.
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Fun fact, he had the best conversion rate in the entire sealed event for the World Premiere, and I wouldn't be surprised if prerelease data backed that up as well. I think runeblades have waited in the shadows long enough. Their influence will be felt on the meta.

Runeblade feels like I'm playing Yugioh.
Sealed doesn't necessarily translate to constructed
NTA but:
-Gameplay feels nice. It's simple enough to understand but not devoid of strategy, there's plenty of tactical depth to the game especially when it comes to priority passing and sequencing. Two of my buddies are very very positive on it, and while I do think the game is fun, I do think it gets a little too deterministic at times with half of your plays being face-up late game thanks to the reserve zone.
-Each set is designed around the heroes available in the 6 colors. Heroes are a mix, there's some good general use heroes like the black witch loli where she can slot into many different decks of her color, and build-around me heroes like the Dhalsim-looking fucker that are clearly meant for one style of deck. From what I've played the gameplay between heroes within a color is just different enough, while gameplay between colors tends to vary wildly. Because part of the "nuance" in deckbuilding is determining what kinds of cards you're going to "splash" in to your color, some individual decks might look very similar to other decks of different colors, but that's something you have to be more deliberate about.
-Not sure about how game balance will be right now, but the game skews pretty heavily towards low-cost plays over high cost ones right now thanks to the priority system and how disruptive removal can be. Thanks to the priority system, low drops are very relevant as ways to put pressure on opponents throughout the game and force opponents to commit to plays that you can respond to, though it is disappointing seeing powerful high cost cards just be nonviable thanks to that. It's still early days of a meta and a large part of the playerbase is very casual (and honestly, not very good), so hard to say in the long run.

pic related is my favorite character rn. Good combination of taxing, permission, and tempo effects with some reasonably thoughtful decisions on when you want to sleep your Bureaucrats.
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I'm lonely guys, please come play MTG with me.
I learned to play Flesh and Blood at a prelease tonight. Very fun and different from MTG, and I will def be looking into it more.
I don't like niggers in my games. Pass.
They make up as many keywords as they do cards every new set it seems, absolutely infuriating
Glad you had a good time anon
Just watched a very cute stream of a girl unpacking a One Piece booster box. Unfortunately she didn't hit anything huge but she had a lot of fun and was very happy, I wish I could enjoy the game like she does.
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There's only 8 states you can be in (1 state with 0 keys, 3 states with 1 key, 3 states with 2 keys, and 1 state with 3 keys) so you can ink a d8 to track your keys.
Have a good break, fren.
Did someone BTFO you again anon? That must be upsetting.
People buying a game are not investors
People speculating on price of painted cardboard are not investors
Thus you can safely ignore them in favor of the actual consumers of your product: the players. Ones who buy then play the game.
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Akira, Tama and Hitoe are the most used LRIGs in official events.
It's funny because Akira and Hitoe were giga jobbers in the anime
>Aki finally laki
blessed and stacy-pilled

Yo chat is this real?
She defeated Iona, Ulith and Piluluk COMBINED
Vanguard barely has any decisions on your turn. Most decisions are how you will block
So it's just like FaB in that you never actually get to play the game?
Yikes. I'm glad I skipped it.
Got back at playing VTES recently. Talked to a friend who don't play it anymore and he gave me their last 5 decks as a gift.
>toreador (contains Helena and Annabelle Triabell, which made me happy)
>gangrel (both AT and normal)
>tremere AT (contains Malgorzata, which made me real happy)
I only played with Toreador so far for a short time for a 4fun while past weekend's tournement didn't start. Today I'll test other two decks. Except for Lasombra, all other decks are sleeved.

I couldn't go a full game with Toreador and I'm tempted on testing again.
However, Tremere AT, Ventrue and Gangrel seems a neat idea to go today. Generally we are able to play two to three games, 1hr30min each, but I always end up playing only two due to the time I arrive at the LGS.
I'm only bringing two today. Which two decks should I bring?
I haven't played since the early playtest on BGA but i can see how the card rarity system would suck ass. Unique cards being randomly-generated means that chances of even one working with the rest of your deck are low; plus the only way to mix colors is the colorshifted (or should i say coloraltered?) uncommons but those usually convert their gimmick to function in the new color (so a card that gave 2x +1/+1/+1 in her home color would spawn 2x 1/1/1 dude token in the color thats all about the dude tokens and having a large army) so even then the synergy value is dubious at best, it's not like Netrunner where effects your faction doesn't do can be gotten via Influence and there's a tight limit of it so you have to think twice about what you're building.

The actual gameplay is pretty neat but I might be easily satisfied, idk.
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No, mtg can burn to the ground.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Normal rare from set 15.

Angel of Percussion, Judith
[AUTO] At the beginning of your End Phase, stand this unit with an Aura.
<Territory> Power +3000
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Thinking about this more >>93916816 you wouldn't want to ink the recesses you would want to paint the corners.
What's the current state of Build Divide? Has it become more popular after those crossovers? Any peep about a third season of the anime?
Third season aint possible since second season ended all polt threads
I thought they'd make a season with new characters or something, since having an anime is so important for marketing the card game and all that jazz, but yeah it's been years already
Cooool.... light side Vader. Such thrilling game design!
Hey, did you hear anything from him yet?
I mean seriously... Why are the effect mechanics so bland?
I did not - sent the email when I'd responded but haven't heard anything back. Maybe he's not interested. I made it clear I wasn't looking for money or anything, just help him make his market more competitive.
My guess is that he's seen it, but hasn't had a chance to respond yet. Picrel, this is what he said when I reached out last week. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and he's interested in any and all help he can get, just needs time to process it all.
Usually helps if I include the image...
Yeah that's reasonable on his part. He needs to offload the work to make any money, and he needs to make money to pay to do so. Bit of a Catch-22.

Surely he can find some part time jannies tho. Could pay 'em 4x the rate they get here.
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>The game is also being designed for a single player card RPG
based. I miss old TCG video games. Hate that everything is just a sim where you have to pay to get cards you already own IRL now.
Union arena fucking sucks and the art is awful but I want all the Bleach action points for other card games.
>shounen tcg
>there isn't a mechanic where being low on life is a requirement to unlock your flashiest moves
unthematic and lazy
Hello tourist, how's your day going
>he we go again trying to bait discussion and repeating the same point
*walks on stage*
*gives a bland and uninspired fuckfab to the audience*
Intentionally keeping the game approachable as a stated design goal. Alternating actions adding significant amounts of implicit boardstate complexity that other systems with the same card effects would lack. Developer inexperience working within aforementioned system leading to caution and limited risk-taking on any given card, in particular always-available abilities. Draft-first design pushing leaders towards easily triggered and generally relevant effects. Deckbuilding mechanics plus low set count making any specific leader somewhat novel simply by existing (that is to say, there are only 4 red/hero leaders in the entire game so far, before Mace). General tendency for cards early in a game's life to be more straightforward - SWU *feels* ancient because they started previews for it like 2 years ago, but this game is only six months old. Going along with that, general tendency for cards designed before a game was released to be simpler than cards designed after (with set 3 certainly designed before release, given the industry average 12-18 month lead time) because developers have the opportunity to see how players actually played the game in the wild, rather than in the proportionally microscopic closed playtesting groups; including both revealed playerbase preferences and exposed developer blindspots on overall balance of various mechanics.

Take your pick
I clapped
What's bad about him? Is it the 8 cards in the banishment zone requirement? 4 cards certainly sounds a hell of a lot better. It's kinda nuts that the adult heroes got nerfed like this.
>angel of percussion
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
Heard it's a gigaflop. Only Collab that was successful was the idol group one I think. Collabs are no longer unique so it doesn't guarantee success anymore I don't think. Plus UA is doing better on that front.
That's really gay I'm glad I'm not a bushicuck.
Idk about bad, just unimpressive. 8 cards is a lot, and while +1 runechant is OK it's what Viserai essentially always has, and the earth token aura doesn't get that much value from doubling up.

I think lightning runeblade generally has better synergy across the talent/class, as both want to go reasonably wide while threatening a mix of arcane and physical damage.

Verdance is still my pick for the run away winner from the set.
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Isn't creating earth tokens for defense a good ability? You'd still have to kill the opponent somehow though.
It's a good ability but diminishing returns. It will let you run a few more block 2 actions than you'd otherwise run, but I don't think he actually wants to run many of those anyways, and the difference between block 4 and block 5 (normal 3 + earth tokens) is not nearly as big as block 3 to block 4.

If you build him as a "classic" aggressive runeblade throwing 2-3 attacks every turn, he does about the same damage as viserai and less than Aurora, while taking less damage. He's still slower than Brute or Ranger or Ninja, and not as consistent as Guardian or warrior. I may be proven completely wrong, but I just don't think this build will make waves.

Maybe you build him with a OTK "count to 50 runechants and explode" build. His card pool is better than Viserai's earth's extra survivability, but at best you're not getting the extra tokens until turn 5 or 6 and realistically it will be more like turn 8, at which point Viserai has gotten an extra 5-10 runechants from his ability. Are the extra 2-3 turns you'll be able to survive worth needing those extra turns to get enough runechants to blow them up? Maybe, but I'm not convinced.
I'm probably gonna ask this again next thread as this one's almost dead, but it is something I'd like to discuss.

When it comes to cards games, when I reflect on the most fun experience I think I've had with them, for some reason, I always keep coming back to GOAT era Yu-Gi-Oh as my personal favorite.

For a while, I though it was nostalgia, but the few times I've had to play that format again recently, I found myself really enjoying it, with the biggest gripe being that the format is fully static.

When I think of designing card games, I like to think of "well what's a game I'd want to play" and in a lot of ways, something using GOAT as some sort of base I think would be a good starting point. Ofc, Yu-Gi-Oh is a massively flawed game. Even back then. So it'd be something more like recreating a lot of the experience of what that flow of game feels like, but with rules that have been designed with balance and longevity in mind.

For example, on thing I was thinking of today was "rather than the One Normal Summon per turn rule what if it was "one spell per turn instead?" Or, earlier, people brought up the pitch for cost in other games, and that seems like a more promising alternative.

Either way, the discussion I wanted to have was in that direction. For those familiar with old Yu-Gi-Oh, what would you personally change to the core rules of that game.

Likewise, for everyone else. What's the TCG you find yourself coming back to or reflecting on as "this is the most fun experience for me."

Personally, I enjoy games with a lot of strategic back and forth, and out of everything I've played, GOAT feels like it's delivered it best. "Chess with cards" is basically what I seek out of TCGs.
>"rather than the One Normal Summon per turn rule what if it was "one spell per turn instead?"
Manga rules yugioh in something like:
-5 "Zones" instead of 5 Monster Zones + 5 M/T Zones + 1 Field Zone
-1 Summon-per-turn, 1 Magic-per-turn, 1 Trap-per-turn
-Other weird Takahashi shit that's not worth going into here.
To an extent, I think Yugioh is a mess because of the way its core rules were stapled together by the various teams who needed to pump out videogames for Konami back in 1999 and by time anyone thought about trying to fix it the game was already too established to do so. The one time they arguably tried fixing things in ~Link Era it only made the game worse to the point where the changes were rolled back.
Is anyone playing Lorcana? Where would I start?
>Where would I start?
Yeah, I assume that it was meant to be Viserai + a dash of extra long term survavibility but it probably ended up being overly complicated and with FaB's rules' limitations that's very annoying to sustain. Regular old Viserai seems to be more straight forward.
Well yeah, the idea on my end isn't to "fix" Yu-Gi-Oh. I just think GOAT era had something really special and it makes for a good foundation for something better.

Imo, and I've seen others bring this up before too, is that combat in Yu-Gi-Oh could be improved a lot.

I think combat is definitely an area where you have the most exciting decision-making and back and forth in games. Being able to block somehow definitely needs to be a thing imo. Perhaps a feature for Defense Position monsters.
I would think that focusing more on combat would dilute what makes Yugioh unique.
>GOAT era Yu-Gi-Oh
Not sure what that is specifically but Battle Spirits felt a lot like old school YGO when I first played it, give it a try
i aint your sister, brother
still waiting for open!Batoru to go public
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Depends on what you mean by "start" but generally finding local, cheap events with fairly flat prizing is a good way to go. The recent couple sets' starter decks are reasonably playable, just inconsistent because no 4-ofs of the best cards, or you could pick up a cheap meta deck like picrel off tcgplayer which runs about $110.
Yeah, there's no local scene here. I'd probably end up playing with cams or with my kids. I'll probably pick up two starter decks just to learn the game and then maybe some budget competitive decks just to fool around with.
>no local scene
That's surprising, where are you? In the US, any city big enough for at least two LGSs has weekly events
I live in Alamosa, CO. It's a shit hole in the San Luis Valley. There isn't a single LGS. The closest we have is a Hobby Town that lets the Magic Players come in after hours and do stuff.
I just used the store locator. Closest location is 74 miles away.
New brew


This actually mirrors my experience exactly. Big creatures actually feel so useless because your opponent can counter so easily and cheaply. There are 1 and 2 mana removal spells that can completely invalidate your 5 or 6 drop. So you learn pretty quickly to try and bait those out early. I’ve only played with the green and pink starters so far but green seems pretty cancer since their key mechanic is Anchor. Usually your units are destroyed each turn but anchored keeps them around for an extra turn. It basically doubles the value of the card.

I’ve bought some packs as well and I see really cool cards that I would like to try out. I’ve always really liked games with alternating actions so I’m happy that more games are trying it out and it works really well in this game. You never feel like you have nothing to do since you draw two each turn and if the game goes long enough you tend to find a way to get your gameplan going.

Scanning the cards in is actually super fast. The app reads the QR code in under a second. I could see it being annoying for a 1000+ cards but for the hundred that I bought it was easy.

One complaint is that there are a lot of temporary statuses that cards can get that makes upkeep a hassle. You actually want to use the little punch cards they give you because you can miss a status pretty easily.

All in all the games I’ve played so far were really fun just lopsided because alongside green being very good, pink is dogshit. Hopefully I’ll get some games in tomorrow night or the weekend and I’ll report back with more data.
Yugioh is trash because it has no resource system any card in hand can be used leading to autist in 2010 figuring out how to play their entire fucking deck in one turn

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