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How big is your game's bestiary, anon?
bestiary is wrong, anon
It's cause I'm adding more tonight and reorganizing some others. I need more elementals.
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I like Crawford's take on it. He just gives you a few tables with generic things like peaceful human, soldier, skilled sorcerer, and warrior king on it. You then use that as the baseline for everything else.
Need an angry fisherman, drunken villager, or bandit? Use the thug stat line and change the weapons. Scary ninja? That's a skilled sorcerer in pajamas. Cows, horses, or small dinosaur? Herd animal. Lion, tiger, bear? Apex predator. A big monster like a t-rex? Hulking predator.
You really don't need to make a thousand page bestiary with 209 fucking undead. Just come up with a list of undead abilities and combine that with your baselines. Zombie? That's a thug that resurrects if you don't spend an action after combat to destroy the head. Vampire? Skilled sorcerer with a bite attack and the ability to turn into a bat.
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I actually don't have stat blocks for these, these are my "miniatures" that I use. It's more to use on battle maps and flesh out the world's lore since I run a fairly rules lite system that lets me stat them up on the fly since almost all the combat rolls are player facing.
So is the first number the number of nations and the second the number of miniatures you have for each region?
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Yeah, exactly. It started out as an attempt to make a map that fits the Dominions/Conquest of Elysium games for a hex crawl, but then I realized I had lots of places on my map where I could fill in the gaps with other theme-appropriate mod nations dating back to Dominions 3 so I just got kinda carried away.
what's the system
Macchiato Monsters with some minimal house rules to make player characters a little bit more survivable...I'm not 100% sure if it was the right system for my group/setting now that I'm a couple years in, but there are still a lot of things I like about it.
Everything uses a bear statblock.
I think we're at about 120
That game has been left to rot for like four years though and was never finished
Just counted I have 518 monsters in my current comprehensive manual. It includes almost every classic monster unless I considered them redundant. I've got a ton of dragon and elemental variations, greater and lesser Undead and demons, all the intelligent humanoid races and a fuck ton of misc beasts, like a jackalope for example which in Mt world is just a magical antler rabbit that is a huge catch for hunters cause they naturally create portals to escape. It's mostly western inspired but I've got a few cool Asian ones like an Ushi Oni. One of my original tropes is that orcs, Ogres, And goblins are cousin races and they all descended from demons that changed due to the above worlds magical energies, my elves were all plant people originally which I call Gaian and then they gained free will and become wood elves and then high elves. Also had sky elves which were cursed into harpies, and sea elves which sought the dark arts turning them into Naga you guessed it. 16 types of fae, one I like that's original is Petri which turns to stone when you're looking at it. Need more magical living plants. Got an Eseg which is an eagle with two snakes I'm place of its legs, a lot of my originals are swapping body parts like that. Slumbra which is a man sized sloth that goes naturally invisible when it sleeps and it sleeps alot. I used the name rancor for a large muscular dog like beast with a unicorn horn and longer legs that shoots lightning from its horn and is a symbol of Storms coming. Blas Femur which betrayed the light while it was alive and is now a bone monster. 13 types of ghosts and those are outside the Undead categories. It's a fun hobby
None of them have one. NPCs either use fixed numbers with a DR scale the players roll against or are built identically to PCs with slight modifiers for weaker or stronger enemies.

Bestiaries are a waste of print space because GMs will make their own enemies anyway. It's far better to have a guide on how to do that than it is to have 500 pages of pre-made shit nobody's going to use.
If your bestiary is entirely things "no one is going to use" then it sounds like you made a bestiary for the wrong game.
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near infinite
>Bestiaries are a waste of print space because GMs will make their own enemies anyway
Are you implying that you don't run your own system?
Looks like it was more like 190, though about 20 of those are build-a-bear style templates and might count as more (or less if you're a queer) and about thirty of them are earmarked for revision.
Any good GM will use a homebrew setting and homebrew monsters. Anyone who runs modules or pre-made slop is a bad GM who should stick to playing D&Dogshit and its clones like Trannyfinder.
Got it, it was just bait.
Are you implying that you haven't made your own system? Because I have, and none of them have a bestiary.

No, NPCs you make for a game do not count.
Spotted the D&Drone. Go back to your game for drooling retards who lack a single creative cell in their body.
>he can't come up with even a single (one) (1) (uno) monster
>calls others uncreative
I found a generator based on this, and it's been excellent. The results are clear, easy to interpret, and straightforward to adjust. Sure, it lacks a naming scheme (maybe the book has one?), but honestly, it's not rocket science to name the creature after its most obvious traits. Thanks.
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Probably at around 50~60 atm, but a lot of profiles were submitted lately and I didn't get around to them yet. We'll be looking at around ~90 in total once I get done with it, I think.
Post'em anon.
Embarrassingly big
>he needs someone else to come up with every single one of his monsters
>Calls others uncreative
I make all mine from scratch, I don't need some limpdick faggot to tell me what I am and am not allowed to use at my table.
Got a pdf?
Don’t have one. I wrote the damn system, I can just improvise creatures for it easily
Bigger than yours
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Pretty big. Here's my outdoor random encounter tables.
Based dominions enjoyer.

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