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Let's hear the bullshit reasons you've had a character rejected, /tg/.

I had one rejected because she was an albino, and the DM thought that albinos were a real-world race and it wouldn't make sense. I told him it was a medical condition and then he rejected her again because it would cause "too many problems with people thinking she looks strange", my brother in christ you're the one controlling the NPCs!
My character would have been a modified clone of a well-known but long-dead magician, with the sex flipped due to pseudogenetic jerry rigging. The DM accused me of being one of "those people" and refused to elaborate. Turned out he had mental issues.
Based DM, actually considering the internal consistency of the world and refusing to change how the whole setting works for the sake of OC Donut Steelery. If only most other DMs were willing to put players in their place when they show up to games with either no understanding of the setting being used, or characters that are deliberately contrarian so they get to be the centre of attention all the time. Next time try not being such a fucking princess.
How is an albino that different from a dwarf, an elf, or even a fucking wizard?
I had a DM reject a character because they would have had a significant chance to survive and solve the challenges of the campaign, while the other group members had characters who would severely underperform in all regards.
He'd rather tailor his campaign, which he told us was going to be a game focused around combat and dungeon crawling, to people who dislike combat and dungeon crawling. The campaign ended up being just about him wanking his elemental hero gods and being railroaded as a collective mass across his setting, with his who-gives-a-shit kings and literal-who dark lords, as he read from scripts he prewrote.
It would have been nice if he'd just been upfront about not wanting to run a game about combat and dungeon crawling, would have saved me some time and headache, but it was still fun to spend time with my friends anyway.
no because I actually make characters after hearing about the setting and expectations instead of coming in with an idea and demanding the world be shaped to my whims
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Albino drows are a thing and make everything more interesting.
Same. Never had a character rejected.
I don't know, maybe that's a question you should have asked the DM before making your snowflake character, or after they told you outright it would cause problems. Dwarfs, elves, and wizards might be commonplace or at least well known, while albinism isn't. Albinism might have some specific taboo associated with it due to the setting's history. Maybe some of the NPCs the DM had come up with for the campaign were just bigoted towards albinos. Whatever the reason, the DM decided it would cause problems and rather than compromise the setting to accommodate you they did the righteous thing and put your entitled, faggoty player ass in its place. Would that more DMs had the guts to do the same, perhaps players generally would by now be less petulant and twattish.
I wanted to give a character a khopesh and make him Egyptian-flavored, which the GM disliked on grounds of potentially being overpowered. When I replaced the flavor and gave him a generic curved sword, it was fine.
I joined a pirate campaign and had a character rejected for having too many guns.
Not for having a gun, that was fine. But having a dozen flintlock pistols on the belt like Blackbeard set him off
should had made all of them except 1 decorative. No one, not even you, knows which one is the real one.
>Albinism might have some specific taboo associated with it due to the setting's history
Be real anon, if that were the case they would have said so. The DM behaved stupidly, got caught, and doubled down on their retardation instead of simply saying that they don't like it and won't run with it.
I have funny one. My character was rejected, because I built it too much around having dynamic with other player (barbarian siblings), official statement from GM:
>This is campaign about killing cultists, not about you sucking each other off
We still tried to play, one session in, GM had breakdown, because we were not following the plot in "a right way", injected GMPC to guide us and then basically finished session with his GMPC carrying us.

Overall 3/10 experience, he had neat battlemaps and minies prepared.
I've never had a character rejected since I read the pre-game notes and talk to the GM.
On the one hand, Blackbeard had like, three (unless "a brace" of pistols means somethign very different than what I think it means). On the other hand; he was absolutely extra enough to lug around a dozen so your DM is being a fucknut.
Dungeon *Master* anon. This notion that DM's have to explain or justify anything to players at all is the core problem - in the end whether they had a real reason or not is besides the point; they didn't want it in their game, it's not in their game. Period. End of. Finito. Why? Because. Players have exactly one single solitary right: to choose whether or not to participate in a game. The DM chooses the world. The DM chooses the rules. The DM decides what is and is not acceptable at *their* table. All that remains for the player is to say "thank you for letting me play" and play, or to leave graciously. Anything else is just ungrateful petulant whinging from people who rely on those they're whinging at for their entertainment.
Grill yourself.

Sincerely, a DM who doesn't get off on an ideology of petty tyranny.
However a petty bitch Anon is being when he says it, he isn't wrong. A DM doesn't need to justify why they're rejecting a given character.
He was black.
Players have a right to know the reasoning behind rulings. Ttrpgs are COOPERATIVE storytelling between both the players and the DM. Neither is an island
ttrpgs are terrible for story telling.
Albinos are literally specific races, like the albino drow mentioned. You can't have an albino human without the appropriate subrace in most settings.
Read the setting packet
>but my DM is playing in greyhawk(or FR)!
Setting packet is every official text ever produced for the edition, then. Get reading.
lol get wrecked snowflake
>Players have a right to know the reasoning behind rulings
No. They don't. Granting players the right to do that leads to long drawn out arguments that get in the way of actually playing the damn game or attempts to verbally brow beat the DM into going along with said rejected character. Either one has the chance to absolutely ruin the game before it even begins. Therefore, the DM must have the ability to veto, for any reaosn; without needing to explain themselves.
It is the way of things.
No it's not fag
If you had an argument you'd simply win the argument. The DM defines the setting so they always have access to the reason for a choice like this. Grow up, stop jerking off over imagining bullying strangers in a game you have never and will never run.
Anon, mind explaining to the class what you think an albino is?
I bet you're the worst kind of railroading by the book everything to the letter no homebrew shit DM whose players talk constant shit about behind their back
You're giving him too much credit in assuming he is anything other than a nogames troll.
In a magical western game, I wanted to play a character from Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom/Mars who had been transported to Earth, basically an inversion of the first John Carter book. Was a bit too out there, though, so I came back with a character who'd unlocked magic in desperation at his hanging and was on the run from the law, including a fellow PC.
In my experience most railroading DMs don't know the rules or at best selectively enforce them (always to the detriment of their players)
Look buddy i get that it's your world but it's the players' story. You have to work together.
I had a DM reject an elf rogue character because he was 'too old', and he promised one of the other players that he could play the oldest character in the country and didn't bother telling anyone else.
Sounds like your groups are boring and/or poor storytellers
If you defend this you're a fucking retard
You are an obnoxious faggot
>be albino
>go to fantasy africa
>everyone tries to murder you for the gold they think is hidden inside your skull
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This thread is hilarious. I’ve never had a character idea rejected in my twelve years of playing, across all TTRPGs I’ve played, even by first-time-GMs or in online games.

I personally think flat-out rejecting a character idea is a sign of weakness in a GM’s creativity, and would definitely be a sign of bad things to come. Rejecting a fetish character in a non-ERP game is obviously a whole different thing.
I never has a character rejected since I play games and dont brother setting up ridiculous background situations that only have any value inside my mind.
You do realize that games are not real life, right?
If you can afford them all at level 1 then I don't see the problem.
Maybe you just had good experience, or have basic reading comprehension, because I, in role of GM, rejected quite a few characters
>>Game is set in current day USA urban fantasy
>Half-elf sorcerer character in my inbox, including minmaxed sorc build
>>High level epic fantasy DnD, we are going to fight The Old Dragon Gods and kill Satan
>lvl 3 template human fighter
>"Well my character has human as race, but is in fact a dragon..."
>I personally think flat-out rejecting a character idea is a sign of weakness in a GM’s creativity
>You have to accept my character, Cuckula the NTR obsessed Vampire; or you're a bad gm.
>already has a lot of thought put into his personality
>isnt a clear-cut template character like horny bard or not-actually-oppressed tiefling rogue
>has clear goals and motivations that can be the driver of both long-term plotlines and moment-to-moment questing
i dont see what the problem is
It’s hilarious that you immediately responded to my post with the ONE example I said was an exception in the very next line after the one you quoted
The fraudulant greentext is right, anyway. If you can't reach an understanding with your player(s) then you've got a metaproblem that isn't related to a specific character.
Please don't take the Lord's name in vain for a meme.
That is pretty dumb considering that Elric, the protagonist of one of D&D's biggest literary influences is an albino.
I've rejected wacky meme characters, it's allowing some insecure faggot to ruin the tone of your campaign with one that is a sign of weakness.
What're you making characters before you've been told the specifics for?
That's bald men, which is also bullshit. They don't believe that, they just want to come up with a way to justify murder because, well, Africans.
Never thought about this but it's true. But I doubt the DM in OP's scenario has ever read Moorcock
>If only most other DMs were willing to put players in their place when they show up to games
No one. No one showed up. Ever. No game.
Based DM prohibiting your freak shit sexual fetishism from the table
Never had a character rejected. Made all kinds of characters down the way, too, so it's not even about some "playing safe" bullshit.
5e I wanted to be a jock looking goliath (Thad from blue state more or less) but the DM absolutely refused to let me have hair, even though it was tyranny of dragons and I rolled the "you're secretly a dragon, not your race"

Then I tried to go onto the other end of the spectrum and be a fully hairless strong fat 'blood meridian the judge' looking goliath with a heart of gold and was similarly told no.

After the 5th example image he sent of the critical role goliath character I figured I should just play something else.
>Blocked by tranny filter
Pretty sure this is a character from a gacha game so I'd reject you too.
The only DM I've encountered who acted like this suffered from obvious personal and social issues, to the point that he came across as a schizophrenic. I only stuck around out of a morbid fascination and eventually left thanks to boredom since he was pretty bad at his role.
I was told we are going to play a magical girl campaign using OVA, so I prepared ahead.
The actual game was just regular 5e in regular kitchen sink fantasy. And thus Azumi Kenzotabe (hiya!), tomboy witch in training with her knack for tinkering with machines and having a pet motor scooter was deemed "too much". I settled for leaving, since if I wanted to be playing 5e, I wouldn't be applying to a group supposedly playing OVA
>>High level epic fantasy DnD, we are going to fight The Old Dragon Gods and kill Satan
>>lvl 3 template human fighter
>Let's hear the bullshit reasons you've had a character rejected
I don't really understand what this means. If I'm DMing and someone wants to make something I'm not allowing, we discuss it and come to an agreement. I don't "approve" or "reject" my PCs' characters. We discuss the characters they're creating during character creation.
This isn't about you DMing; it's the other way around.
I've never "submitted" a character for approval, either. Is this really how you guys play? Who do you play with who makes you go through a character "submission" process that can be rejected? Are you guys not friends with your DMs? Do you play with strangers? Do you make characters prior to sitting down together? So many questions that sound like such a cluster-fuck of a way to do things.
>"hey friend dm i want to play this"
>"no that's dumb because [insert reason here]"
I'm friends with my players and at least one of them keeps bringing dumb or poorly fitting concepts to the table because he thinks they are funny.
So "rejected" means "any time the DM says 'no'" to something, is the idea? Not like... I've created a character and been required to submit it for approval and it's rejected? Maybe that's what I'm misunderstanding. Sounds from OP as if it was a review & approve process, rather than a conversation.
Yes, you are misunderstanding.
the most bullshit was that I couldnt be a tiefling in Pathfinder for Carrion Crown. Everything from aasimar to orcs were on the table but tieflings were a bridge too far apparently
maybe he didn't want there to be a problem with the superstitious townfolk of not!Transylvania having a negative reaction (fucks sake I can keep my horns hidden in town, make me take steps to conceal it)
I think a brace is 2 pistols
brace is as many pistols as you can afford and can physically stash on your person without seriously impeding mobility, I'd say a dozen might be pushing it on the "can physically stash" front, but somewhere in 6 to 8 range seems feasible
It's definitely not that anon, a brace of pistols is a pair
>>High level epic fantasy DnD, we are going to fight The Old Dragon Gods and kill Satan
>lvl 3 template human fighter
You're a bad DM and I want that guy to play at my table.
My current DM has made it very clear that he despises Monks and Gnomes and will reject characters that are either.
Not a character, but I was going to take Sorcerer levels on a Paladin for some helpful spells among other things. He veto'd it on the basis of 'you're the only tank' and 'you don't have a good reason to have sorcerer levels' even though I had an explanation for him just being a late bloomer in sorcery.
>DM doesn't need
This flies in the face of the point of playing a social game. There's lots of things you don't NEED to do, you don't need to be nice for example but not doing so is considered poor form. A GM does not need to justify themselves, but if they refuse to do so they're probably powertripping. Can they power trip? Yeah, it's their game? Should they if they want to maximise the enjoyment of everyone at the table? Probably not.
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>insists that the players behave graciously no matter what dumb bullshit the dm pulls
That's adorably retarded.

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