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Oh wow, a new module!

Can't wait for the bad guys to lose yet again! So thrilling!

>Cheliax: Jobbed

>Runelords: Mostly Jobbed

>Worldwound/Deskari: Jobbed

>Tar-Baphon: Jobbed

>Taldan "Reactionaries": Jobbed

>Grey Gardeners: Jobbed

>Baba Yaga: Jobbed

>Horseman of War: about to jobb

Why is the setting so babyish?
>i am awefully well informed about a setting i do not like and now i am mad.
>how could this happen to me
Not even worth a (you)
Would prefer a module where you lost?

Give us stakes
>compulsory double-enter press thread
You know a lot about this literal joke setting, I wish pathfinder tards would realize how funny they are to watch. Taking their shitty dnd rip off seriously, it’s hilarious.
He said, seething


>Halas, the mad mage





>ancient blue dragon and storm kings daughter

>4 elemental princes

>clone of Manshoon

>The god Auril

So whats the difference
like half of those are paizo modules retard
Golarion has thought-out metaphysics/planar stuff

Golarion has human nations/cultures/ethnicities that people actually like and play (This is a huge deal to me. One of the many things I hate about the new crop of RPG players is that they pick deviantart races because "human is boring" and dragon people and tieflings are more fun to draw. There's also the faint sense from the "diversity" people that non-human=diverse, human=white [and possibly straight and male], and I would much rather see Keleshite and Garundi characters running around than more sparkletieflings.)

Golarion might be an un-cohesive kitchen sink, but at least that makes it very clear the broad genres you can run and the diverse places you can set them.

I've stopped following/caring for at least six years now, but I remember good things.
I lay in bed with my dogs that have fleas!

I refuse to keep my dogs that have fleas out of my bed!

I refuse to get a new bed!

I refuse to get rid of my dogs' fleas!

Why the fuck do I keep getting fleas on me?
Shit man I just use the rules for my own stories. Who cares what they write up for theirs.
You guys are the 9th Age players of ttrpgs, it’s fucking pathetic really
Nobody likes DnD
But it's a module. If you lose that's because your characters died or whatever. Not because the module says "and then Cheliax wins."
>Pathfinder is a joke baby setting
I have never met a person who actually uses or gives a single shit about the official PF setting and I refuse to believe you do either.
Fun fact if you read past the epilogue there's a bunch of shit listed at the back about what happens if the party loses but it's not canon because high level adventures tend to be apocalyptic scenarios.
Forgotten Realms used to sort of have that. Or there was an inkling of it, especially around the mid to late 90's and early 2000's. You'd need to buy the campaign books to know fuck-all about it, and the wikis at least have detail about it. But it was sort of there, at least an attempt was made at some point.
Pathfinder is even more of a therapy coping tool for gays than 5e is.
we get it anon you are super intellectual and mature in your hyper specific grimderp setting where everyone dies horribly
You niggers need to watch that weird Dudley Do Right movie.
Pathfinder 2e seems too lighthearted
Fuck off retard
Do people even do homebrew settings with pathfinder? Been searching for years and cant find anything
Bait thread, the stupid mantis will continue to get away with killing your ancient dragon and warrior "gods"

Battlezoo supposedly has a setting, idk about any other ones
You say this. But if such a module was ever published, there would be a massive chorus of players whining that they were railroaded into a bad ending.
There's one AP which is the end of Pathfinder 1E, where you fight an uber-powerful Lich. The ending has the party suicide-bomb him by bringing together the pieces of an artifact.
The good guys win, but the PCs are caught at Ground Zero of a nuke blast. There's a way out in that a magic tree can reincarnate them, but honestly the mutual suicide ending doesn't seem too bad.
>Do people even do homebrew settings with pathfinder?
In my experience people either do homebrew settings or borrow one of the D&D settings and use it in pathfinder. I've played in numerous pathfinder 1E campaigns and I've never adventured or ran a game in its official setting; to be honest I had no idea pathfinder even had its own setting for the longest time.
the problem with Tyrant's Grasp isn't that you suicide mission to stop Tar-Baphon, it's that he survives anyway, just unable to reach his goal. He lives on (sort of) to be a potential nuisance in PF2
the suicide nuking would be significantly better if you were dealing the deal and ending the threat once and for all
Yes, every Pathfinder game I've played has taken place in a homebrew setting. Never posted any of those online, though.
The worst thing about pathfinder tards is the gatekeeping. Applying for a Pathfinder game is like applying for entry level job that require two years of professional experience. No wonder the community is so small.
I have been blaming this level of railroading in modules on WotC, was it actually Pathfinder that started the trend?
You want to lose instead? All you have to do is spend more time outside.
>shit game
>shit setting
Imagine my shock
>"i wanna play a game where i lose!"

The cuckoldry is meretricious.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Wasn't my experiences, though. Most of them I know are pretty open towards everything but 5e tourists, but once those tourists realize that there's mechanically more to the game than 5e's baby mechanics and there's no flashy "&" fag-flag bags or lifestyle brand shit, they fuck off anyway.
I didn't even like Pathfinder that much, but I've found the people playing it are better quality than the average 5e tranny circle-jerk.
I exclusively run my games homebrew because although hilarious, kitchensink gets harder to explain when you have a few autists who care about how every unwalled city is still standing when killing a highwayman with a particularly bad disposition can spawn a CR9 undead that will wipe the entire town off the face of the earth.

It's also fun for players to get to hear or 'read' about previous campaign/player exploits.
what happened to paizo, i remeber reading, i dont play pathfinder
but i thought it cool that they had a literal nation dedicated to torture and the edge then one of there core 20 gods had this tenet to rape women to make them have monster babies.

Let me guess the orcs are the good guys and are just, misunderstood and drow are your neighborhood friends who are also "misunderstood"
cuckoldry or meretricious?
Drow were basically retconned out of existence thanks to the SRD fiasco but Serpentfolk are still a generically evil underground race
Duergar no longer take slaves and instead have a retarded system of debts and kidnapping that's slavery in all but name because it's a nono word
Kelesh Gnolls are still standard evil maneaters but now almost every Gnoll in Garund is some tribal pacifistic bullshit.
Evilness or lack thereof for Orcs will be covered in Triumph of the Tusk in a few months.

Other than removing Sargava because muh colonialism Paizo mostly just refuses to acknowledge the bad part of the settings and introduces non-evil versions of races.
Just make it a module where u play as the bad guys.

Hell's Vengeance was that, but it didn't end up mattering because the good guys ended up getting almost everything they wanted anyways. It railroaded a rebel de facto victory.
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>reading the quick notes for triumph of the tusk as well as some new lore.

Dammit, was kind of hopeing the other day that i might get back into pathfinder.

fine ill treat it like a muh multiverse meme that in one multiverse there is this shit where 3 of the core deities are all in a lesbian relationship or my version where the devil empire has this day of defiling virgin slaves for the lord of hell and is in sence, just a evil empire.
Triumph might be fine, the core of it is a carryover from 1e lore with the Orcs that hate Tar-Baphon trying to form a proper society and the first step in doing so is kill all the Whispering Tyrant loyalists and said loyalists unleashing a bunch of horrors on them which is where your party comes in. Assuming they don't retcon anything the leader trying to do all this is still an evil dickhead, he's just an evil dickhead with a bunch of scavenged dwarf loot that wants to sell it to nations like Cheliax for weapons.

I'm not expecting it to be good but I'm hoping.

>Tar-Baphon: Jobbed

Wasn't the module he was in his world conquest being barely stopped by the player characters sacrificing their own lives and then he's not even dead, just his immediate conquest stalled? I remember people complaining about the ending to that.

>Baba Yaga: Jobbed

Isn't she literally just not the villain of Reign of Winter? Ultimate BBEG status goes to Rasputin doesn't it?
The OP is a retard that doesn't acknowledge the lose condition and brief what happens if you fail at the end of every AP.
That core god would be Lamashtu, an ascended demon-lord who's whole thing is giving birth to monsters.

Interestingly Lamshtu's fairly family oriented. In places where her followers can't just rape and pillage their way to monster babies she will often spread her faith through midwife clerics; a baby born blessed by Lamashtu might have claws or a second head but it will be perfectly happy otherwise, Lamashtu's blessing is also capable of giving fertility to the otherwise barren.
The "Hey what happens if the party were to lose?" sections at the end of the final books are always neat.

I think wrath of the righteous is the most extensive one, although it essentially amounts to "Worldwound is now basically the entire north half of Avistan, shit's hyper fucked"
The solution is for the big bad to not be directly involved the whole time. a vassal of the big bad is the enemy at hand, a scion of the demon is the enemy at hand. You might see them in the module, but if you attack at that time theres a 95% chance you die.

Simply show that there are bigger fish, and "winning" is usually about picking your battles. and thats whats assumed in the modules. OFc the players might find a way to kill the head honcho, and kudos for them, but thats not the assumed default.
>now almost every Gnoll in Garund is some tribal pacifistic bullshit
They arent pacifistic. They just arent psychopathic slavers and man eaters like their Katapeshi counterparts. They are still carnivorous humanoids who enjoy hunting and killing things, but they reserve their cannibal tendencies to their own dead, and don't hunt humanoids unless they need to.

Also, its Katapesh not Kelesh, the kelesh are arabs who live in Casmaron east of Qadira.

>Let me guess the orcs are the good guys
Theyre just another set of people, ones who have strong passions and a violent lifestyle. Instead of being one note evil baddies like some idiots simplistic setting, they have multiple cultures throughout the setting, with the "european" orcs being violent raiders who recently repudiated an Uberlichs request for them to serve him again. In "Africa" they are renowned demon hunters, who sometimes succumb to the demonic taint that can result from hunting and eating demons. They are also civilized with actual cities and regularly marry humans.
We dont know much of what they are like in Arcadia besides living alongside dwarves and humans as farmers.
Those aren't canon and therefore never effect the plot
if yer running a bunch of AP's with the same group but the results don't have knock-down effects then whats the fucking point of playing anything other then to throw dice in optimal ways?
Why not just make APs where you play as or for the bad guys?
It's a way to not cuck everything evil without needing to lock APs into the party losing/getting a bad ending.
If that possibility doesn't exist there's literally no point to playing. You're not even playing at all really, you're just listening to the GM describe how you win.
Yes. I have never played a game of Pathfinder where we used the pre-established setting. Same goes for nearly every other game my groups have played other than L5R and Shadowrun, but even with those two things tend to differ from the established settings heavily.
I don't much like Golarion myself, but this is like saying the Hyborean Age sucks because Conan kept putting undead wizards and other major threats in the ground.
Tyrant's Crown or whatever it was is the AP you're looking for. The PCs explicitly lose at the end of that one.
1E Chad's stay winning
>caring about a kitchen sink setting's lore
I want one where I win against insurmountable odds and scratch and crawl my way to victory, and sit on the throne of success battered, bloodied, bruised and saying "Worth it."
I want more APs like Blood Lords.
You're playing the wrong game. Might as well play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
I do, actually, but I'm not a big fan of the Warhammer setting and BRP has way too much "The Lv1 AD&D Experience" even at higher levels of power, DC20 is looking good but it's also coming off as very shilly for what amounts to 4e with Paper Mario math.
So AP's are no good unless you can lose but the what happens if you lose section doesn't count because other AP's assume that shit like Xin and his clockwork army didn't destroy half of Varisia with tsunamis then start invading everywhere else.
But enough about DnD

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