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Welcome Tech Adept Anon to your new cogitator station. Your task is to input data that we receive from the wider Imperium. Last time we got some more lore for Sonatrach and we figured out what creature the people on Infura Quintus hunt/farm in order to export its parts

Last Thread: >>93825450

Archived Threads:
Summary of the alien creature from the last thread:

What should we name it, and why are the people hunting and harvesting it?
I like the sound of Las Newt, makes it sound less dangerous then it actually is.
Sounds like a cool modeling opportunity for scions, sisters, etc to greenstuff patches of lizard scales over their armor and say that it's been grafted on from the holy devotees of Infura Quintus
Is there anything left to do?
why were the original posts deleted?
I have no idea
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Why did these threads go all quiet all of a sudden?
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We could roll for the Necrons sleeping at the bottom of Cullric's World's oceans, causing all the voidship crashes
Was that a thing we established or was it just a rumor/theory?
It's been mentioned a few times but nothing definitive. That said, it would add some variety to the Subsector and I don't remember ever seeing any Necron Dynasty roll-up on /tg/
If we want to do Crons. 1d10 for the dynasty’s side in the succession wars
Rolled 1 (1d10)

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>(Unification) Fought under the command of the Triarch and the Silent King.
1d10 for their ctan
Rolled 7 (1d10)

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>The Lord of Fire
1d10 for their nemesis
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>Children of Chaos, The Enslavers (Krell), and other denizens of the Immaterium
1d10 for mental damage
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Malfunction leaves them controlled or influenced by a particular C'Tan shard (Deceiver, Night Bringer, Dragon, Outsider, etc).
Oldcrons over here. 1d10 for their hero
Rolled 10 (1d10)

>Other/Your Choice
So we know their planet and they haven’t awakened yet so 1d10 for their strength
Rolled 8 (1d10)

1d100 for their objective
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>They have lived for untold millenia and have lost more than Man can remember. Now they are the stewards of the galaxy and it is their responsibility to guide the young children so that they cannot make the same mistakes. Forcibly, if necessary
1d100 for favored conversion subject
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Would they have a conversion subject if they’re still enslaved to the C’tan ?
>Eldar – Psychically gifted and nearly immortal. How ironic that the potential key to Necron salvation lies in the biology of your hated enemy.
2d10 for their color scheme
Rolled 10, 7 = 17 (2d10)

>Primary: Black
Need another d10 for secondary
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Secondary: Copper
1d8 for their glow color
Rolled 6 (1d8)

>Glow: Orange
And thats it for them
What could be the reason they're crashing voidships? How they're doing it could be some sort of tractor beam. As for the why:
>they're just starting to awaken and are trying to create a ramp to get to the surface and gathering ressources/intel about the present galaxy from the wrecks
>part of the Tomb World's defenses have been prematurely activated, leaving the Crons themselves still dormant
>part of the Tomb World's defenses have been prematurely activated, leaving the Crons themselves still dormant
I’m thinking this one
Here's another idea, what if the world is just one outpost in the dormant lord's domain with some defenses or war in heaven weapons in storage, and after 60 million years it takes it toll and it activates and/or malfunctions, which results in the pulses of gravity that drag the ships down.
The lord might even be aware of his outpost being on the fritz but has no time to go over there and fix it due to some more pressing matters going on the main tomb world itself
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Which would mean downgrading Cullric's World to a mere dynasty outpost and rolling a proper Tomb World, fleshing (heh) out the sub-sector even more. I like it
The tomb world itself might not even be in this sub-sector, it can even be on the other side of galaxy if it's connected via dolmen gates
I think the subsector should be fine on planets since we have like 10 of them in here. If we do more planets I think it should be a neighboring subsector but apart of the sector
Any idea for Dynasty name or what their hero is?
Tossing out hero names see if they gives us any ideas for it
>Svarek the Unbowed Herald, Unworthy Herald of the Ancient Crypt
>Nominor Aetikoton, Spiteful Custodian of the Impenetrable Moon
>Shemvakht the Architect, Pitiless Reanimant of the Immortal Crownworld
>Necrumoseth the Fleshless Liege, Powerful Enigma of the Forsaken Throne
I like the sound of Necrumoseth the Fleshless Liege
Maybe we go with a Royal Warder or Plasmancer for their hero.
I like the name Necrumoseth but I think I prefer the Architect title over the Fleshless Liege. Makes it seem like he might have had a hand in constructing the the outpost on Cullric.
I don’t mind mixing and matching the suggestions up
someone give me an update on what happened i havent been here in a whle
Which thread did you last see?
the last one, where the one good anon was going into the lore of the gas giant capital
So we rolled up the creature that the Shrine World uses for animal product. Its the Las Newt, a small bipedal scaled creature that reproduces asexually and seems to only hunt for its own amusement. It’s scales are resistant las and pulse fire. The creature is also nimble and seems to have psychic abilities, even said to have banished daemons before.

We just got done rolling up a Necron dynasty that’s responsible for Cullric’s World. They’re still slumbering and Cullric was just an outpost not a full fledged tomb world.
Dynasty Summary
>(Unification) Fought under the command of the Triarch and the Silent King.
>C’tan: The Lord of Fire
>Enemy: Children of Chaos, The Enslavers (Krell), and other denizens of the Immaterium
>Mental Damage: Malfunction leaves them controlled or influenced by a particular C'Tan shard (Deceiver, Night Bringer, Dragon, Outsider, etc).
>Hero: Other/Your Choice
>Strength: Nominal/Average
>Objective:>They have lived for untold millenia and have lost more than Man can remember. Now they are the stewards of the galaxy and it is their responsibility to guide the young children so that they cannot make the same mistakes. Forcibly, if necessary
>Favored Conversion Subject:Eldar – Psychically gifted and nearly immortal. How ironic that the potential key to Necron salvation lies in the biology of your hated enemy.
>Primary Color: Black
>Secondary Color: Copper
>Glow: Orange
>Nyadra'zatha, the Burning One is a C'tan.[1]
>It is said that it was The Burning One who revealed to the Necrons how to access the Webway with the Dolmen Gates, because it desired to bring his eldritch flames to the webway.Known as among the most cruel C'tan that took glee in burning all things, in the Necron revolt against the C'tan it is said that the Silent King himself shattered him into shards with his spear.
>Lord of Fire - This C'tan Shard is a creature of living flame, able to command the fires wielded by the enemy.
So this shard is the reason why Necrons were able to get into the webway and the Eldar seem to have an interest in this area. I'm betting the Craftworld is attempting to play 4dChess to make sure no one wakes up the Dynasty.
Do we have somewhere where we put all this lore? A page on 1d6 for example?
1d6chan page would be great. I just don’t trust myself to make a wiki page
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Having read through the threads this seems like the ideal place for a rogue trader to venture in, just send a fleet or two of mineral wealth into the sector and all the people of importance are swooning all over you.
Damn they really could prevent the crisis
Information travels slowly in the Imperium, but eventually traders weather they are rogue ones or not will spring up to the chance of earning a lot from the shortages in the sub sector
So should we roll up a rogue trader dynasty?
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>6 threads in
>Still no clue which segmentum this place is in
Quick someone roll a d4
Rolled 1 (1d4)

>Segmentum Obscurus
Oh no bro...These are guys are having a rough time
Means for fun for us
I'd say it's probably in the Southernmost part of Obscurus, since Sonatrach has strong links to Terran noble houses. The south-western part of Aggripina sector is probably the most fitting
I think that puts them pretty close to the Great Rift too. Which means Daemon Prince can keep going after the Chapter Master and Emperor's Children can keep trying to grab their pain. The tiny subsector just seemed like it became a potential warzone.
Let's roll the rogue trader house. 1d8 for their relation to the Imperium
Rolled 8 (1d8)

>Obscure: The House operates in relative obscurity within the Imperium. Few are aware of their existence, and even fewer care about The House's activities.
1d8 for their house leader's temperament
Rolled 4 (1d8)

should't it have been a d5 or did you not include Solar in purpose?
>Distant and Disconnected: The house's leader is so detached from reality that they perceive the Imperium's troubles as distant and inconsequential concerns.
1d100 when the house was founded
Rolled 94 (1d100)

>Age of the Dark Imperium: This House is freshly established, boasting a membership that is still either filled with youthful idealism or marred by corruption.
I imagine this Dynasty was founded as a punishment. 1d8 for the minor members temperament
Rolled 1 (1d8)

>Noble: This Hoble house comprises idealistic individuals who genuinely believe they are working for the greater good. Whether they are misguided or truly benevolent, they exemplify nobility and stand as a beacon of integrity in a corrupt world.
1d4 for their inheritance
Rolled 3 (1d4)

> Ultimogeniture: The youngest child inherits the title.
1d100 for its power base
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>Market and Commerce: The House are merchants, working in commercial or industrial businesses. Their power is sustained by their extensive networks and thriving businesses.
d10 for prestige and influence
Rolled 2 (1d10)

> Continental: The house has at least a continent's worth of resources, or a Hive city's worth.
Checks out for an up start Rogue Trader House. 3d10 for their allies
Rolled 1, 5, 1 = 7 (3d10)

> Space Marine Chapter: The House has established connections with a chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, fostering familiarity through sending firstborn sons as applicants or chapter serfs, or through longstanding collaborations.
> Criminal Organisation: The House maintains affiliations with criminal organizations, ranging from xeno-trading cartels to narcotics enterprises and everything in-between. Cannot be taken with Noble.
> Space Marine Chapter: The House has established connections with a chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, fostering familiarity through sending firstborn sons as applicants or chapter serfs, or through longstanding collaborations.
2 Chapters seems like a big boon for them. 1d100 for their army
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>House Troops: A dedicated contingent of professional soldiers loyal to the House. How well armed they are depends on the status of the house.

4d100 for areas of interests
Rolled 75, 100, 33, 22 = 230 (4d100)

>The Imperial Cult: This House is known for unwavering devotion to the Emperor of Mankind, likely holding prominent positions within the Ecclesiarchy and hosting sacred shrines on their planet(s). May automatically be taken with Ecclesiarchy origins.
>Diverse Interests: Exceptionally diverse in interests, they are a multifaceted powerhouse. Roll thrice more on the table! Reroll any duplicates.
>Mechanics: Possessing a profound curiosity about the inner workings of machinery, they may forge close ties with the Mechanicum or provoke accusations of tech-heresy.
>History: The house has a strong fascination with history, often delving into heavily censored historical archives to uncover the past's hidden truths. May enjoy a specific obscure topic such as Xenos History, the history of a specific planet or system, or history of certain ships of the Imperium.
So another 3d100
Rolled 43, 21, 56 = 120 (3d100)

Triple 100 get!!
>Exploring: They cherish exploration, venturing into uncharted territories and embracing the spirit of adventure. May automatically be taken with Rogue Trader Dynasty.
>Business: Their expertise in commerce is unrivalled. They excel in making astute investments, orchestrating trade, and establishing lucrative enterprises, shaping economic landscapes to their advantage.
Another d100 since we got history again for one of those rolls
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Imperial Cult again. Another 1d100. 3rd time's the charm
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>inb4 another 100
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Jesus Christ I'm rolling.
>Philosophy: Deep thinkers, they embrace philosophy to ponder the state of the Imperium and humanity. Their contemplations can either lead to ground-breaking ideas that benefit the Imperium or veer dangerously close to heresy.
Cool I'll get a summary up for them
RT Dynasty
>Obscure: The House operates in relative obscurity within the Imperium. Few are aware of their existence, and even fewer care about The House's activities.
>Distant and Disconnected: The house's leader is so detached from reality that they perceive the Imperium's troubles as distant and inconsequential concerns.
>Age of the Dark Imperium: This House is freshly established, boasting a membership that is still either filled with youthful idealism or marred by corruption.
>Noble: This Hoble house comprises idealistic individuals who genuinely believe they are working for the greater good. Whether they are misguided or truly benevolent, they exemplify nobility and stand as a beacon of integrity in a corrupt world.
> Ultimogeniture: The youngest child inherits the title.
>Market and Commerce: The House are merchants, working in commercial or industrial businesses. Their power is sustained by their extensive networks and thriving businesses.
> Continental: The house has at least a continent's worth of resources, or a Hive city's worth.
> Space Marine Chapter: The House has established connections with a chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, fostering familiarity through sending firstborn sons as applicants or chapter serfs, or through longstanding collaborations.
> Criminal Organisation: The House maintains affiliations with criminal organizations, ranging from xeno-trading cartels to narcotics enterprises and everything in-between. Cannot be taken with Noble.
> Space Marine Chapter: The House has established connections with a chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, fostering familiarity through sending firstborn sons as applicants or chapter serfs, or through longstanding collaborations.
>The Imperial Cult: This House is known for unwavering devotion to the Emperor of Mankind, likely holding prominent positions within the Ecclesiarchy and hosting sacred shrines on their planet(s). May automatically be taken with Ecclesiarchy origins.
>Diverse Interests: Exceptionally diverse in interests, they are a multifaceted powerhouse.
>Mechanics: Possessing a profound curiosity about the inner workings of machinery, they may forge close ties with the Mechanicum or provoke accusations of tech-heresy.
>History: The house has a strong fascination with history, often delving into heavily censored historical archives to uncover the past's hidden truths. May enjoy a specific obscure topic such as Xenos History, the history of a specific planet or system, or history of certain ships of the Imperium
>Exploring: They cherish exploration, venturing into uncharted territories and embracing the spirit of adventure. May automatically be taken with Rogue Trader Dynasty.
>Business: Their expertise in commerce is unrivalled. They excel in making astute investments, orchestrating trade, and establishing lucrative enterprises, shaping economic landscapes to their advantage.
>Philosophy: Deep thinkers, they embrace philosophy to ponder the state of the Imperium and humanity. Their contemplations can either lead to ground-breaking ideas that benefit the Imperium or veer dangerously close to heresy.
So I'm thinking this family was originally based out of Sontarch as nobles. Then Skald pulled some strings with Terra to grant the Rite of Trade so they could hopefully go die trying to find more resources for the Imperium.
Rogue trader house name suggestions:
House ____
>von Askbolt
von Askbolt sounds good to me
Anyone familiar with the FFG rogue trader rpg book, cuz we could use some of the stuff in there to for example see what vessel this rogue trader might be using.
With the Rogue Trader's house being connected to a criminal organisation maybe they're gathering connections to stop ore and minerals from being imported so they can rack up their prizes of the goods?
That sounds like a good idea to me
So who’s the actual rogue trader of the house, or are there several with a warrant of trade within the house?
I assume there's only one with warrant of trade. Since the current one is so disconnected with the Imperium and the youngest inherits, I think the Rogue Trade might be some 13 year old so he doesn't understand the responsibility of his position.
I'm looking for other things to roll, I don't remember handling Tyrell-82's (vat-growing and servitor specialized FW that's in the same system and largely responsible for the [REDACTED] situation) Tyranid ennemies. Which begs the question : do we go with a Hive Fleet or Genestealer cult?
I'd say no to a GSC or hive fleet in this sub sector, it feels crowded already with factions, if we create more sub sectors to make up a whole sector itself then we could perhaps sprinkle them in there
We rolled up a Cult. It was some sort of XenosChaos hybrid cult. I think we said it was GSC cult and their leader fell to Slaanesh. So that could be Tyrell’s enemies
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I'd agree that the titleholder would be young, but 13 years old, that doesn't seem right with me seeing as "young" for nobles might be early to late thirties as rejuvenation treatments exists prolonging the lives of those above the rest of the Imperium.
But I can see the heir of the warrant just chilling in a pleasure dome on one of Sonatrach's many orbital habitats before a group of officials barge in and do a ceremony imbuing him or her with the power and responsibility of a Rogue Trader and they're just standing there dumbfounded.
I was tossing 13 year old out as an idea for youngest inheriting just backfiring on the family.
Any lore ideas fellas?
I'll reiterate what I said a few threads ago about Sonatrach's "human zoos" feral and medieval moons, particulary the one where they live in giant underground artificial habitats.
They are essentialy a 40k version of Westworld/the Truman Show for the Terran nobles' enjoyment. When the latter come on vacation to Sonatrach, they can sit down in front of the holo projector with some snacks or even come over in orbit and basicaly watch reality-HBO's Rome or GoT. Close-up records of the battles and courtly intrigues from cleverly hidden pict-recorders can fetch a decent price all the way to Terra. The most passionate fans of the "show" even come down and dress up in local clothes to interact with their favourite "characters" and influence the "plot".
Does anyone ever compile this info into a jpeg picture? Or does all the stuff stay spread out amongst various threads?
Aside from maps, I don’t think so. I think I’ll go through and try to do a pastebin for what we got
Cool, thanks! If these threads continue it would be great to have a document in the opening post of each thread with a summary everything so far.

Also, the noble house has Astartes connections, right? Was it determined which chapter it was?
Going through making the pastebin. Right now I' mjsut copying and pasting roll summaries from the past 6 threads(I'm on thread 3 as of right now). Once I get that up I think I'll go back the different write ups.
Based Remembrancer anon.
Here's all the roll summaries: https://pastebin.com/twyvTu0K

It's not really pretty because of how much stuff there was. I tried just grouping the planets first, then factions and relevant characters together. I'll try grabbing some of the writes ups soon
Cullric's World
Danetm Minoris summary:
Chemskulls Story:
Skald Communication

I think that's everything that was thoroughly written out. Let me know if I missed anything guys. Assuming these threads will still keep going
Cool, thanks!

This one is privated, I can't open it.
Damn. It's saying it contains offensive material in it so I can't make it public. I'll try messing around with that one tomorrow.
you forgot to add garden worlds.
Sub-sector Aurelia is within Korianis sector
We had garden worlds?
I don’t recall any mention of that, either I’m mistaken and it has been discussed or you can show some proof from the previous threads
I mean garden worlds exist, why not include at least one? It would make things more fun.
Maybe if we roll one up, but I think the sector has enough planets for now, maybe in the next adjacent sub-sector we might get one through the roll of a dice
Hey Anons, Map Anon here, I feel like this sub-sector is coming to a close, but if we could have one last thread where we wrap up loose ends, and finilza what is needed, then I can post the full resolution version of the sub sector map, then we can start with the neighboring sub-sector if you guys are still interested in making a full on sector in the end?
>if you guys are still interested in making a full on sector in the end?
Sounds cool.
Sounds good
Is anyone making a new thread?

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