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Nostalgia Edition.

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>Thread Question
Do you remember your first ever WoD/CofD player character? Tell us about them, warts and all.
My first VTM character was a Tremere who used to be on track to be a state detective, skilled at Dominate but sucked at Thauamatergy. He feretted out dirt on others for the chantry (discovered Toreodor embraces that happened without permission) and gathered ritual components by having acess to mourges for "investigations". The Chantry fell into a civil war and he opted to try and elevatate his position by talking a weak Ventrue into trying to take over the town, then double crossed her and killed her+her ghoul. Basically every elder could tell what he did and the game died before anything else could happen.
okay slightly over a decade ago i was invited to a vtm game after school out of the blue after i mentioned i played vtmb before and i got told that there are other clans that you can't play in the vidia game so i asked if i could play one of them and someone ended up with a giovanni surgeon that i however didn't played for long as this was a "get to know vtm" prologue story that ended with the characters being murdered and the murder investigation starting the actual chronicle and the character i played in that was a ventrue who used to be a bored rich boy turned adrenaline junkie and illegal race driver who loved all the shit he could do (and survive) due to fortitude. I honestly don't even remember the feeding preference, but i remember my sire was also really into cars, but like in a car collector sense and that i had a rival npc that got described as "looking like vin diesel, but like as a nosferatu"
Not many uncommon breeds in your games I imagine?
You know what, that sounds pretty good to me. I do like them being able to heal, but that framework's a pretty good one. I especially like the idea of them being rarer, but not unknown. I feel like alot of the problems with Salubri come from the game treating them as being much rarer than they probably are. The Warriors have been in the Sabbat for a very, very long time at this point after all, there's going to be more than just a handful. And thats not even including the Watchers who unironically are probably one of the more common vamp breeds in the Orient.

> as a clan that's more naturally "good" inclined rubs me the wrong way, and that's how a lot of their stuff is written.
I can agree with that. Salubri get treated with too much of a sanctification in the writing I feel. Which I know was their whole thing, but I think it's proven to be more of a shackle than a good writing trait.
I feel like they have potential beyond just that, but the books make it harder than it should be
I ST for werewolf games, vampires are either kill on sight or the main characters don't know anything about the clans at all because of the masquerade but they have to tolerate living with them.
My first character was a V5 Ravnos Courier in a Chicago by night game I found in the offical WaOd server. Loosely based the night road PC since I just played that after playing bloodlines.
He was a fearful coward with low moral fiber and a love for cars.
Usually he was first to run but also did some horrible things sto earn a low humanity score. Died from one of coterie members pissed off the Prince of Milwaukee, and he stood up to the prince in defense for him. Thinking he could just get beaten and blood bonded in return for his ally not being killed.
He instead got chopped up and left in the sun.
Ah yeah that would explain it. In that case what's your thoughts on the uktena? Not anything to do with the Salubri question or anything, they're just the tribe that interests me the most when I look at werewolf stuff
i wanted to play like a super haughty fencing guy you know the guys who make sword fighting their entire personality and then got embraced into clan toreador but then i had to play the straight men because the other two players might have been actually retarded
How do I stop being so afraid to really fuck up my player's characters. Every time there's been a botch or any time they do something that would probably have real deal consequences, I can't help but end up pulling my punches. In the moment i'll think it's good enough, but as soon as I put it into motion I seemingly always realize that no, I actually cowarded out due to fear of going to far and ruining the experience for the players. The same goes for anything related to the Beast, I just don't know what to do with it.
If you want to understand a Salubri's lifestyle in a metagame way, by minmaxing for their clan disciplines, their top 3 stats are Composure, Intelligence, and Manipulation. Their most effective strategy is to offer a skill or their blood, and lean heavily on the blood bond once it is formed. Very controlling, only duplicitously demure.
The native american tribes suffer in terms of interesting stuff unless you go heavily on real-world spiritualism and practices and you actually learn about the culture which came before. It's interesting from my perspective because a lot of native people from those cultures are not only culturally separated from the tribal culture but genetically separated, which can call into question their place in the tribe. The Uktena can therefore be seen as the representative of the modern native american community, with elements of the traditional lifestyle, but they're still a conquered people with the knowledge that life before the USA was not a paradise of peace and harmony.

You've got to remember that the Uktena is not really a union of tribes, it's one werewolf tribe that shares the same space as those human tribes, and picked up their culture over thousands of years. If you play it right, by focusing on old secrets, the clashes and compromises between old and new, and their contrast with the Wendigo, it can be a really interesting experience.
Good on you for not abusing Thaumaturgy, shame the game fizzled out before you could have your first taste of a scheme having unintended consequences.
Both characters sound solid, I really like the idea of leaning into the bored rich angle for the Ventrue.
Shame your Ravnos got dusted for your coterie mate's fuckup, seems you took it in stride though.
>but then i had to play the straight men
Brother you have no idea how much I relate to that. The one time I got to play in a VtM game I just made an ambitious and serious Ventrue because I knew I'd have to be the brains of the operation.

All in all, way more solid and grounded characters than I was expecting, given the game's reputation for cringe-inducing OCs and special pet characters.
>How do I stop being so afraid to really fuck up my player's characters.
Make a botch chart or something along those lines to keep things consistent.
I'm not sure how I would even go about making something like that, the situations the botches have come up in have all been completely unique
Greetings /tg/, in a brief sojourn to /co/ I found this thread >>145398423 and it got me thinking. Would it make for an interesting Hunter campaign?
Well a lot of it is expectations. Back in the day, killing PCs was way more common with some games being built around it as a possibility. On one hand, it meant it was a lot less likely for people to get upset if their character got killed (especially if it was their mistake), but it also resulted in people being generally less invested in each character, so the RP was a lot more surface level. Where I'm going with this is understand if killing or otherwise severely harming PCs actually would ruin the experience for your players. Talk with them about it. Even if they're cool with it, I understand the concern. If a game goes on long enough I run into the problem where if I kill certain PCs, the plot will grind to a halt.

If you feel like you're being too light on consequences for legitimate screw-ups by the PCs but don't want to kill any of them, you have several options. Since you mentioned the Beast, I'll assume Vampire.
>If the PCs break a tradition, don't have them blood-hunted, have them blackmailed into doing something for a player in the city. This can also be used to advance the plot.
>If the PCs offend someone they shouldn't have, you could use them to throw a monkey wrench into the next PC plan, one that makes things more interesting rather than just harder.
>Blood bonding is a great alternative to execution if the PCs do something bad and get caught.
>If they just fail at things, but didn't invite any ire, that's fine, it just gives them motivation to not fuck up again in the future.

As for botches, I usually don't think "how can I punish this failure" but "how can I create a new complication for the player?". Say you botch Charisma + Etiquette to make a good impression on the Toreador Primogen. She won't do anything immediately, but the player will find themselves subject to a baseless yet pervasive rumor around the city's elysiums. Then, the PC is approached by the Nosferatu, who they now share a common foe with.
It could look like something along the lines of
>Basic botch
3 Bashing or 1 Lethal damage (Soakable). +2 Difficulty on social rolls for the rest of the scene. Reduce a merit/background by 1 until a roll is made to mend the fuck up.
>Botch 3
6 Bashing or 3 Lethal damage (Soakable). +2 Difficulty on Social rolls involving the relevant parties until the fuck up is mended. Reduce a merit or background by 3 for the rest of the story. Gain a 1 dot flaw (No XP)
>Botch 5
15 Bashing or 10 Aggravated damage, +4 Difficulty Social for the rest of the story, relevant parties may become permanently hostile. Lose an entire Background. Gain a 3+ Flaw (No Xp)
Fuck, I thought it was still up. Here's an archive link: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/145398423/#145398423
Which sphere would a Archmage use to create their own planet in another part of the galaxy?
Matter and Forces are the ones that come to mind.
is there even a galaxy in mage?
Depends on the kind of planet
Matter if you're borrowing an already existing sun
Prime to make it permanent
Forces to help with the weather
Life to give it colour and...well life.
My first VtM character was a Lasombra called Murat. He was the leader of a gang of in Berlin and he was doing quite well for himself which led to his embrace.
Are mages limited to the established spells or can they use spells that are not listed on the spheres
What kind of spells do they need to use for that?
So my first character was a tremere who went full into blood magic at first, but i was 15 and i had no idea about roleplay and was very grateful for the group to let me play pretend with then and so was my character so in short i played a friendly, slightly ditzy tremere with the energy of „i would boil people alive for you if you asked, but sure i can also help you move your furniture on Sunday“ It took 4 sessions before another player told me i should take boons for rituals and that those rituals are in the books so i didn’t have to write then all down
From what I read so far it looks a too convoluted for hunter. You would need to change a lot of stuff to make something like this playable or a good conspiracy to uncover.
Matter + Forces + Space. Maybe add Prime to reduce paradox bullshit and Mind to avoid killing everyone in the process of doing something like that.
Not in most versions.
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Curseborne roundup time

More info on Liminalities and this time a whole new type called Epochs.
These might be the most interesting type so far. Basically it seems like when a new cultural era comes about not everyone ends up coming along. People will disappear into these newly formed Liminalities that are hellish frozen eras of time with little hope of escape. In their home time eventually they're forgotten and all evidence of them disappears. I'm not 100% sure how well supported these will be but I like the idea a lot and there are some fun details like the Mavens’ patriarch going off to find one and try to avert WWI only never to be seen again. There is also another example liminality, a classic spooky train station.

Next up another Hungry family, this time the soul-eating Vorare
I was a little worried these guys would end up very Baali but they seem fairly distinct. They worship demons and eat souls but rather than evil for the sake of evil they've got more noble goals for that power. They see themselves as the protectors of the innocent, and maybe revolutionaries. Although that's still tinged with the vampiric arrogance that they know best. So they seem pretty fun all in all.

Finally there is a blog on what PCs are generally up to in the game.
No one here will really be surprised to learn it's a street-level-ish game where characters need to both survive the new world they find themselves in and will be sucked into various plots, mysteries, and other investigations. They include a load of story seeds but if you don't want to read them you can just imagine what your favourite WoD game is like at the low end and you'll be doing something like that. Nothing too out of the ordinary there.

Also, Kickstarter goes live October 1st. Next week we'll get the Dead Lineage as that' the last one left.
Yeah in Mage/Werewolf in most interpretations the Tellurian extents a little past Pluto and everything past that is primal chaos where reality becomes what you [or the Lovecraftian natives] think it should be. The Void Engineers go around exploring other solar systems but that could very easily just be their finding what they expect to find. There’s also COP and other constructions, and the possibility of other entire “Tellurians” in space. It’s a bit like the Wyld in Exalted [in fact in my games that’s *exactly* what it is]. A vast sea of chaos beyond organized space inhabited by monsters with possible pockets and bubbles of reality carved out.
>You would need to change a lot of stuff to make something like this playable or a good conspiracy to uncover.
Such as?
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>Do you remember your first ever WoD/CofD player character? Tell us about them, warts and all.

What are the essential disciplines for your nightly (un)life?
I do not remember my first ever character, but it was in a oneshot and I doubt they had and development so there wouldn't be much to tell.
What I do remember was a charcter I had not too long after. nWoD 1e, this was after armoury and second sight but before books like armoury reloaded existed. The character was some trashy petty thief woman with pyrokinesis. It was a second sight inspired run and another PC had a ghost-retainer dead wife, and we were meeting in his place as our hub (he was like a back alley surgeon type). I remember stealing his wife's jewlery while we were organizing between investigations at his place. The thinking was he wouldn't notice because it was clear he never touched those drawers and my character didn't know about the ghost at the time.
In most cases, Presence or Obfuscate.
Obfuscate 3
Auspex 2
>they gave cloak of night a blood cost in 2e
They really fucking hated mekhs wtf
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>In most cases, Presence
Obfuscate 2 is unironically (un)life changing. It's a night and day difference between those who do have it and those who don't
>What are the essential disciplines for your nightly (un)life?
Protean will have you set for unlife, it's insane how much it packs.

Obfuscate and Auspex come close.

City Gangrel Master Race.
>Do you remember your first ever WoD/CofD player character? Tell us about them, warts and all.
It wasn't that long ago, so it's easy to remember. A young playboy from a Catholic family that awakened mid-robbery, and believing he had been saved by a miracle, changed his ways and became a deacon.

He was Mind-focused and I wanted to do some creepy stuff with him where he mind-controlled people believing he was actually converting and saving them, but never got the opportunity, because nobody told me the campaign was supposed to be about killing Technocrats.
As a mage, could I make custom spells?
Would trying to change the cosmic rules and stuff end horribly for a Archmage from just the changes alone?
Is there a list or a book that covers what cities/regions in Europe are Sabbat? Trying to think of one that fell to the siege early on in the Revolt/War but doesn't have much lore written about it
Yes, that's the main point of the template.
Not really. there are some maps and guidelines but they all boil down to ''Is this place a shit hole? if yes, it belongs to the Sabbat''
What's the worst of the 5th editions and why?
Hunter because it adds nothing, the others can be cannibalized for parts.
>Do you remember your first ever WoD/CofD player character?

The earliest I can remember is NWoD Mage Innocent. The game did not last very long.

I forget what specific kind he was made to be - something Arrow, I think. Magefags will know - the designated physical/fighter subsplat. His father a police officer so he had a childlike sense of right and justice.

Our characters were kidnapped into a sort of creepy Hogwarts but we didn't get to do much beyond wake up in our cell and talk to each and explore a bit before the game ended.
>>Do you remember your first ever WoD/CofD player character?
A Nosferatu with the Medium merit.
ST was a dick, but I still love characters that can talk to ghosts/spirits.
>ST was a dick
Go on
I remember he was one of those idiots who think they have to "defeat" the players. Make extra special npcs to outshine the coterie and just act like assholes.
Not to mention he had a crush on another player and really played favourites.
I also never got the chance to use my cool medium merit.
(Antitribu) Malkavian linguistics professor.
I picked antitribu because I wanted Dementation, but the chronicle was in a mixed city... which makes less sense now that I know what's going on but then VtM's faction bloodline split doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the first place. But he was allegedly a spy for the Sabbat, not that I did much with that.

He was Russian and Jewish (though trending towards Noddism as there was a Noddist priest in the party, and Noddism is compatible-ish with Judaism), and spoke 16+1 languages because I maxed out Linguistics. (I don't recall all of them but- Russian, English, Hebrew, and British Sign Language were some. I imagine Yiddish and Latin too.) He ended up losing all of the languages when an NPC- who had (previously?) been an NPC my character was friendly with- decided to commit the Sin Against Humanity necessary to jump to another path of enlightenment (Scorched Heart?), by stealing them. Using a 7-dot Mytherceria power. The roll was his Perception+Empathy, difficulty equal to my Willpower, versus my Willpower, difficulty of his Willpower. His Willpower was 10.
I did not succeed at that roll.
I also had a tree growing out of my house when I discovered that this happened.

He also had Fugue, and during a Fugue session ended up siring a childe, and didn't know about it until later, when the childe was discovered. An NPC was the adoptive-sire, I guess? But since said NPC had a connection to one of the other PCs, there was some connection there which meant that when said childe ended up diablerizing, my character and the other character were on opposite sides. Which annoyed me a bit.

He eventually started a university for vampires.
I use Auspex 2 literally every chance I get, and Auspex 1 is always on. Completely indispensible.
I've also gotten good mileage out of Auspex 3, Dementation 1, Dementation 3, and Obfuscate 1-3.

I think I would personally like to have Dominate or Majesty/Presence though, and maybe Protean or Vicissitude.
Sounds like a cool PC, even if I dislike dementation (with the exception of the 3rd level).
I'm gonna deviate a bit here and suggest Potence:
>Punch things to death
>Jump ten feet in the air, grab onto a ledge, then jump another twenty feet
>Throw a car at your problems
It's not a finesse skillset, but there's few nightly chores it can't help with
Once you cross the Pyrenees or the Black Forest, you're almost in total no-Cammie zone. The Anarch revolt wasn't really all that geographical, outside of Iberia and Eastern Europe.
Presence is good, even skilled charmers can benefit from an extra bit of social oomph to speed things along. Dominate makes feeding so easy, and Masquerade breaches easy to cover up. Auspex is solid as well.
No, not really. And any maps/official claims made will probably not fully match up with your idea of who should be where.

Best to decide on your own what areas are Camarilla and which are Sabbat, following the general test of "is it a total shithole?". As a general rule though the Sabbat aren't terribly strong in Europe.
Sounds like a prick
IIRC the guy he fancied played as a toreador.
Truly the clan of (cis) fags.
Nosferatu are so lame compared to the technology focused groups in other splats like Technocracy and Glass Walkers
Genuinely the most overrated thing in all of oWoD. Absolute dogwater concept, even by Mage standards.
Have any of you anons played "Princess: The Hopefull".
wanna know people's thoughts on it. It seems like fun for making players interact with other creatures.
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Brujah detected
What do Changelings think of the Technocracy? Has it even been addressed. I feel like it's clear they'd be against them because there is zero way the Technocracy wouldn't contribute to Banality and the loss of Glamour.
>Absolute dogwater concept, even by Mage standards.
Explain your reasoning.
Hello fellow bloodsuckers I have trouble with my VtM group and I wanted your opinion.
>be me
>run VtM V5
>it’s a Camarilla game set in modern Amsterdam
>the coterie works for the Prince who wishes to take the city back from the Anarchs
>currently they have to find out who has been abducting a large number of homeless and prostitutes and for what reason
>it’s actually done by a methuselah cult that wishes to bring a medieval kindred out of his centuries long torpor so they need to feed him but the players haven’t found this out yet
>anyway one player is playing a Ventrue another one is a Banu Haqim
>Ventrue player is outgoing and tries to network constantly
>Banu Haqim is quiet and omly talks when necessary
>Ventrue is also slightly a better fighter because of the Fortitude Discipline she took
>Banu Haqim player constantly complains that I’m biased towards the Ventrue player because the Ventrue has more contacts
>Banu Haqim player also complains because the Ventrue is a better fighter
>despite having Obfuscate and Blood Sorcery which she barely uses
>she never comes up with the idea of doing an ambush or doing anything cool with her rituals
>after mentioning this to the Ventrue player she takes a step back to give the Banu Haqim player an opportunity
>Banu Haqim player doesn’t even know what to say
>awkward silences ensue and the flow of the session is disrupted
>Ventrue player takes initiative again
>Banu Haqim player starts complaining again
So what should I do about this? I’m currently thinking of quitting this campaign. I know both players irl and I wanted this to be a fun group activity as we all like rpgs but there is drama every two sessions.
Has anyone here used any combination disciplines? A lot of what I've seen in books requires very high discipline levels, not to mention that actual cost of the combo in xp is pretty outrageous.
Devotions is a better system.
well technically there is normal material space but the gauntlet is at 0 so things can slip through into the umbra and out of it without even the slightest effort
The technocrats are just hated on by everyone, changelings are not an exception.
There is none.
If you are not having a good time then don't run that shit. I just left a game last week because I just wasn't have a good time with the system.
Rural Scandinavia is populated by Sabbat according to clanbook Tzimisce if I remember correctly
I get that angle if you are an enforcer or something like that but potence just feels redundant when you can just buff yourself.
It's the worst kind of science wank, made worse by the fact it's not even really science, but cleverly disguised magic. They take the gonzo parts of the setting to new extremes, with full on space fleets hidden from the masses. They're so over the top the kill all the fun of men in black and the other conspiracies they're so heavily influenced by. All anyone ever talks about is how strong they are and how they're the HFY faction that's so cool and strong. They might be fine within a self-contained Mage, which is something that wouldn't be to my taste but I wouldn't actively dislike, but as part of the World of Darkness they destroy all suspension of disbelief in a combined setting due to the sheer impressiveness of their feats, size of their influence, and despite that, barely anyone outside of Mage has any idea who they are.

If people would just stfu about them outside of Mage discussion, I honestly wouldn't mind them as much. I would still dislike them, but I dislike Mage down to its core conceit and themes. On the other hand, the Technocracy comes up way too damn much when I'm over here just trying to talk about Vampires and Hunters.
If you know the problem player IRL, just talk to them about it honestly. The Ventrue player is not the problem at all, since they deliberately gave the other player a chance to do something.

Ask them what they wanted to do with the character, and try to highlight things they could do in character, such as Obfuscate to spy on others or launch sneak attacks. Encourage cooperation with the Ventrue player rather than a rivalry. Say what you said here, that this is just supposed to be a fun group activity among friends, and if the current character is really absolutely not working for them, give them the option to make a new character. Sometimes that's all that's needed.
Alternatively, they're the best technology-focused group depending on how much you do or don't like gonzo bullshit.

For some people, "hideously ugly vampires who break the Masquerade just by being seen turn to technology in order to circumvent their weakness and become increasingly good at using it" are a lot cooler than "tech-savvy werewolves who talk to machine spirits and can jump into the internet" and "anti-magic conspiracy of super-scientists with access to all of the sci-fi technology of your wildest dreams."
>how much you do or don't like gonzo bullshit.

That's a good way of putting it. It's a matter of taste.
>Do you remember your first ever WoD/CofD player character? Tell us about them, warts and all.
Vampire the Requiem, first edition. Student athlete who considered himself hot shit and got embraced by a Daeva. However, his Resolve and Composure were both 1 and as our group was trying to play the system with minimal house rules, that made the character effectively unplayable as he frenzied whenever he met a new vampire or suffered any sort of inconvenience. I retired him after the second session.
>uh sir there's like 30 different minor meme bloodlines. What do we do with them? Should we just ignore them or just reprint as is for consistency?
>Put them all in the True Black Hand
>But, sir, that doesn't make any sense lore wise, especially with how completely diff-
Here is all i remember from top of my head: their main territory in europa is madrid and in the rest of spain they hold enough territory to varrant a total of 3 archbishops in the country who all work together under Monçada till lucitia kills him and the territory is then shared equally between them. they used to hold Milan till Giangaleazzo got bored of them. they managed to conquer dublin in 1999, because the tremere wanted them to as dublin is super cursed for kindred because of something sleeping below the city. in france there are so not taken seriously that the prince of paris allows them to have a embassy to show how they can't do anything to him. in germany they have a few roaming packs that are very scared of actually fighting the camarilla there and the only territory they hold is in the black forrest which can't be much because well first of all it's a forrest and second there a large werewolf sept in that same forrest (some books even say the black forrest sept is THE main sept of the get of fenrir), poland has some ancestral tzimisce estages but those are considered very nominally sabbat by the sabbat and autakis by the camarilla because they are not interested in the jihad. Scandinavia was already mentioned and acording to midnight siege the black hand killed the prince bergen in norway, but it's unclear if they took the city. according to vienna by night there is only 1 tzimisce in all of austria who is not even sabbat, but a anti tremere hitman from the oraldea league. and the Les Amis Noirs sometimes meet in [lasombra]'s old castle so they probably hold at least some of the surounding area
>I dislike Mage down to its core conceit and themes
NTA, I just also hate the core conceit and themes for my own reasons
Consensus is literally the gayest limpest most unwashed little premature dicklet of an idea for a high concept magic game ever put to print
It's the worst parts of belief-as-divinity and delusion-as-magic rolled into one without any of the redeeming features.
Not that anon, but
>Ascension and Awakening
Not a fan of how mages use the entirety of WoD and CofD as their playgrounds and encompass the entirety of their respective settings, reducing other splats to a microcosm that exists within the domain of Mage that can usually be handled and explained with a single sphere, maybe two.
Consensus is a terrible execution of a high concept and it shouldn't encompass the entire setting like it does. The Technocracy is also poorly handled, it's meant to use technology and science as a way of circumventing Paradox but its technology is often so wacky and unbelievable that it feels like simply witnessing some of the shit that they bring to bear should cause Paradox.
Primarily a dislike for the people who use it as a masturbatory white room exercise, but I also have some distaste for how Paradox was gutted and neutered in 2e. Awakening rewards system knowledge to the point where if you "play smart," mages effectively have no weaknesses. Their fatal flaw is supposed to be their hubris and their vulnerability to being taken by surprise, but this is easily counteracted by just being careful, having defensive spells active at most times and having a variety of spells which can be cast reflexively. The amount of actions that mages can reflexively take is insane.
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>enslave a few technocrats as your blood familiars
>get access to cloning, orbital lasers and nukes
>can make them cast from literally any distance without needing to be present so long as you're on the same side of the umbra
How will magies ever recover?
Yeah I’m thinking of stopping this campaign.

Yeah I told her that she could do loads of cool things with Obfuscate and Blood Rituals if she actually took some initiative. She basically doesn’t play the character she made properly while the Ventrue player does. When I tell her this she comes up with comments like ‘So it’s all my fault, I see how it is’ etc.
Are the Mummy games good? What sets them apart?
from the Changelings point of view the Technocrats, called the hidden ones by fae, want to cause the eternal winter and drown the world in banality so they are universally reviled by Changelings regardless of affiliation as even the winter court wants to surrive the winter

However in the usualy wod Changeling fashion they are completely impotent to do anything about it: the entirety of the fae in britain for example have a alliance with the traditions and together... they can't defeat the harbringers a cabal of 14 technocrat kingsman look alikes who just like their nation are past their prime
I've only played MtC 2e but I think it's great. It is however super weird and really not for everyone.

Basically, Mummies are amnesiac time traveling holy avengers, sworn to one of the 42 Judges of Duat. Each has authority over a specific crime or sin, and sends Mummies to punish those who transgress or to serve their ends in other ways. Such as the recovery of relics infused with the life essence, called Sekhem, that powers Mummies and the Judges try to tightly control. However you're also the head of a cult with its own doctrine that will be serving your Judge in its own way too. This leads to three main types of game. One player is the Mummy and the others are members of their cult, either mortals, sorcerers, other types of supernatural etc. Control of the Mummy might rotate. The other two have everyone playing a Mummy but with a shared cult or with separate ones. However there is the twist that you start off with biblical power but become weaker and weaker the longer you're in the mortal world. When they eventually become too weak to exist in the mortal world, or are killed, they'll be dragged back the their underworld to be judged. After which they rest before being sent off to do some other task in some other time, which might be 100 years in the future, 1000 years in the past, or whatever.

So you're hopping around time periods doing mystic cop stuff, battling evil cults, destroying foul monsters, at the beck and call of an inscrutable eldritch god of civilization that you're enslaved to. It's good shit but fairly complicated and has some very unique vibes.
I'm soft setting them up as an antagonist in my CtD chronicle. Of course here it's a much more mundane conspiracy called the Order of Reason, my players have already found a paper trail after rescuing a Childling from a pray the fae away camp. In the future I plan on them encountering most dangerous game style hunters and someone studying the Changelings as reality deviants, but I don't actually know where I'm going with the pay off. I figured I'd come up with something along the way but I'm worried I won't actually make it cool enough to warrant a build up. Can't really have a motley raid a starship and come out the other end.
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>there's a crazy tzimisce on the lose
>he is turning people (and kindred) into furries
shit that means they didn't preview any of the families i was actually interested in

hopefully the kickstarter has some more infos
reading dark age mage right now and the introduction of paradox must have been extremely awful for the cloisters right? these guys thought that they aren't even mages but wrongly persecuted saints. And now imagine being a guy who thinks that he is a saint and then your powers start to fail and backfire while in public extra points if he tried to heal someone and it backfires because of paradox
They are not limited to rotes in the books. Those are just examples and if its a tradition/convention book, how those mages might prefer to get certain effects.
just wanted some clarification, so a pyromancer would specialize in Forces, correct?
Force 3 is basically all you need.
Other variations include Spirit 3 for summoning/controlling Fire Elementals and Spirits or Matter 3 to roleplay as an Alchemist/Chemist for Pyromancy.
You have 5 in fortitude what will you use it for?
>I want to eat hamburgers again
would that be enough to not watch the sun, but like sit a few feet away from a window and see a clear blue sky?
I need to make that an item
>A looking glass that allows you to see the previous day's sky
Already doing 5 weapons why not a simple and heartful one?
>Btw one of the weapons is called OL Yeller, an 1875 double-barrel shotgun with supernatural loudness to bust some eardrums
I'd say no.
>In daytime (Your dice pool is limited to your morality score if you are awake during the day)
>Direct sunlight coming through the window (Diff 10)
>Even if you fully protect yourself, with sunglasses, heavy clothing and a big hat, you're still taking 1 agg damage to soak because your eyes have to be exposed to see light.
>Also have to roll for rotschrek (Secure yourself to a chair or something to prevent you running away)
>The moment you fail your soak roll, you will go blind.
Just open up a livestream of some instagram whore in Cyprus or somewhere sunny, it's not worth it.
how powerful should the Hitler spirit be? what gifts would he teach you?
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Would sonichu medallions be cursed marauder talismans or fetishes in wod? Or perhaps artifacts that are beyond mortal understanding?
wouldn't he just be a wraith, probably a soulforged into a candle or something given that strega's community knows about holocaust and the ferryman themselves hate it
In the most recent H:TP audiolog, they mentioned a lot more about their version of the Fae
But the way they did it was not in the tone of the CTD, so I'm wondering if they're going for a darker version of the Fae with some Lost stuff.
all the stuff they mentioned was ctd. ctd can get surprisingly dark especially after the thallain and other nightmares break free after [ravnos] bites it, but it's like allergic to holding a tone for longer than book (or a chapter sometimes...) or of pointing out how awful normal changelings would be from another pov
Guys what's a good way to screw over the local tremere chantry as an assamite sorcerer? they just announced anyone who does business with me will be banned from their services, how do i counter that?
that's a hard question because usually the tremere weaknesses are political distrust and as a assamite you have that as well if not more and your strenght is meant to be magic, but don't get into magic battles with tremere they could have counter magic and you don't like no chance that you have it and another strenght you have depending on which edition's discipline spread your st is using for sorcerer assamites is well.. murder, but if the tremere are entrenched enough to do this then killing them (if you manage that) then you will in the best case be run out of town and in the worst case killed in a blood hunt

let's hope the rest of the coterie can do something to help you out?
that would be actual Hitler I'm talking about the personage of Htiler like how Jesus has a spirit that pretends to be jesus and acts like (how people think) he would
What books do I need to run a Sorcerer game outside of the M20 rulebook and the Sorcerer sourcebook?
none. sorcerer revised has some other paths and some alternative rules if you want them, but if you want to run m20 sorcerer you don't need anything else
I’m sick and tired of you guys thinking all Ecstatics do is copious amounts of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. That’s just a blatant archaic stereotype.
We also do art.
That's basically all you need, since those are they only Sorcerer specific books. That's a few more paths in Hunters Hunted and in some of the Werewolf books if I'm not mistaken. I think sources should be listed in the wiki page that lists sorcerer paths.
What are you gonna do, make coloured crack dust and do buddist sand paintings before snorting it all instead of brushing it away?
lewd cosplays are not art
>We also do art.
that you?
>That’s just a blatant archaic stereotype
Says you. Meanwhile I’m going on an hours long goon session to summon a storm to smite my enemies half way across the world.
At least Solificati are actual alchemists when they're not frying their brains with bromodragonfly. You guys are just drugs and sex 24/7.
yeah they all act like we are all attractive rockstars but some of us gotta make do with a good ol' goonsesh instead of magic
>Ecstatic posts
>six replies in rapid succession shitting on him
Technocracy shitposters are in full swing today.
It was a Darkling from Changeling 1e. The game pretty much immediately died. He looked like an Osmosis Jones character and drove a station wagon. His Keeper would do medical experiments on him, mostly by injecting him with exotic diseases and seeing what happens.
>Ecstatics "..." do rock and roll
>We also do art.

my friend, rock is music and thus by definition art
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I'm tired anons. This guy in my vampire game defies all logic and reason. I need advice both in how to deal with him and certain parts of Vtm as a setting.
1. How hard is it for a 6 week old neonate with Resources 4 to start building an empire? He says he wants to do things like start a mercenary company to clean up the streets of its crime wave, get all the homeless off the streets and make shit loads of money and get to Resources 5 but without giving a clear reason how. He wants to make the world a better place while also holding onto his humanity while amassing power and influence.
2. How would/should a good vampire (Humanity 8) treat their ghouls? because this guy is really getting on my tits with his ''Kindest Confederate Slave Owner'' shtick. He's obsessed with treating ghouls the way you'd treat anyone else, considers them all his pet project and talks about them like his kids that he wants to gift his empire to one day because he's just that swell a guy. Keeps them all at Blood Bond rank 2 so they still have their free will while ignoring all the other ways it effects the mind
He’s erratic in that he feels the game punishes him for trying to be a good person while being an empire builder and vampire game player. And vocalized that he wants the next game we play to be one where there is no consequences to playing a good person. I swear I keep having the same talks over and over with him about how he should be behaving but his autism makes him forget and do it all over again. Please help I’m at my wits end.
1: Impossible because he would have various older vampires come down on his head like a ton of bricks, let alone what his sire would do if his progeny started a fucking mercenary company. Recent crime waves? Started by the Sabbat or a scheme by a Ventrue, let him start his wars, he will die quickly.
>No, neonate, this area is owned, none of your troops may enter here
>Alright I'm going to kill you now
2: The epithet for Humanity 8 is "Caring", so I think what he's doing is reasonable regarding the blood bond...because he's not a saint, he's just a guy who thinks he's doing a good thing. Maybe you can have another vampire try to take some of his ghouls with a deeper blood bond, and see how his character reacts to the pragmatism of magic slavery.
How does he have a mercenary company operating in the world that doesn't end up with authorities up his ass?
He wants to be a good person? Pit him against *good* people that think his brand of privatized vigilantism is unacceptable, and that are just about as principled/pig-headed as he is about it all. See how he fares.
>How would/should a good vampire (Humanity 8) treat their ghouls?
That's like asking "how should a humanity 8 vampire treat the crack addicts he creates to force servitude into another being"?
A Humanity 8 vampire should have no ghoul, or as soon as understanding what being a ghoul (let's give benefit of the doubt and say the /character/ was ignorant), would do everything possible to free them.
Make the ghouls the worst of can happen - servile, abject, visibly mentally broken by the bond. Show how shamaful it is.
Why do people seethe about Malkavians so much? I get people being lolsorandom theater kids is annoying, but I see a lot of whinging about "muh poor mental health representation".
I accidentaly the intro.
>He’s erratic in that he feels the game punishes him for trying to be a good person while being an empire builder and vampire game player.
In a vacuum, the game does that. Or attempts to anyway.
Now, you might *collectively* chose to ignore that aspect - often happens, but it has to be understood and agreed upon. If not, you're playing different games, and this is a recipe for disaster in the long run. Someone is going to get burned and have a poor time instead of enjoying the game.

>I see a lot of whinging about "muh poor mental health representation"
I don't. If anything, I see a lot more people complain about people whinging about "muh poor mental health representation".
Granted in the very few that did do that, some had editoral privilages, so the collective impact is much more felt, I guess.
Brujah Primogen during a LARP. Within ten minutes I’d been taken aside to talk with a Setite dude. Immediately after the chick who played the Prince, who loved to powertrip in anything she was in, bloodbound me and then all but tossed me out of the game.
If you do end the campaign though, invite the Ventrue player back to any future ones you run, I'd say let them use the same character again. It sucks when a game you're enjoying ends without proper conclusion and you can't finish that character's story. They sound like a good, enterprising player, so I'd feel bad if they were punished for someone else's bad attitude.
I see a lot of bitching about the Bloodlines Malk because "it's a fishmalk and it's insensitive to the mentally ill"
Much as I like HtP, SpeakerD is one of those psychos who actually likes all of oWoD and doesn't have issues with mixing gamelines on everything.

I also got lost vibes from the dark tone and stealing of children, but I don't know dreaming well enough to say it doesn't have that stuff squirreled away somewhere and the only nWoD they acknowledge at all is Vigil, which they said they were taking significant influence from despite trying to stick to oWoD (with WoD5 supplication here and there).
that's usually social media weirdos that need to make everything they dislike into a social issue
I wish there weren't so many of these people in the hobby
>his ''Kindest Confederate Slave Owner'' shtick.

Is he actually playing a Confederate, or is this just an allegory for his ghouls?
you and me both
Thanks for the advice. But expanding on it, he has a very presumptuous manner of operating and when I point out that what he thinks or wants to do are at odds with the setting or basic common sense he gets moody and acts persecuted. I want to show him that kindred society is a pyramid scheme where neonates like him for all his wealth are bitches to be bossed around and all the land and companies have already been snatched up by Ventrue and Toreadors. But I know that would trigger the shit out of him and have him accuse me of doing all to stack the deck against him. And we've discussed the ghoul matter many times but he keeps coming back to the ''Blood Bond Rank 2 lets them keep their free will and agency they just really like me'' ignoring all the other fucked up shit it does to you like making you act like the Regnant is your best friend/treasured family member/admired hero who you will bend over backwards to please and are willing to overlook and ignore your worst qualities.
I fear he will be a moody git if I handle him without kid gloves but his plans and way he treats ghouls is getting really annoy to manage and he hasn’t even put any of them into effect yet. I’m trying to go sober but he drives me to drink through the sheer power of his autism.
Allegory. He's playing a Humanity 8 Lasombra who was embraced by an Irish milf and he himself is English
OK, so the issue is indeed you're not playing the same game. He wants a power-feel-good fantasy, you want to make the horror of the setting at least felt.
How are the other players coping? How far are you (plural and singular) willing to compromise to keep the game going?
It can be a difficult situation to work with depending on the mental state of the players. At best, you're just playing with someone that actually doesn't give a shit about the horror side of things, and it's just a matter of talking it through - sometimes at worse changing game in the process for something more fitting.
With some of the most extreme cases, those types are vicariously living by proxy through their characters, and they'll take anything personally.
My take in those cases is: I'm not a social worker. I'm not here to ensure the continued mental well-being of other players. I'm here to play. I make it clear the kind of games I run (helps that by now I have a reputation), and if people are not willing to at the very least accomodate a bit of that, then no point playing with me. Better to cut the chase if people can't agee to give a bit to other players than let it all fester in my opinion.

Just in case, I can see how my answer, being curt, could be seen as confrontational when it was meant to be complementary.
Apologies if I felt needlessly aggressive.
Truly though, I've only ever seen one person irl complaining about that stuff.
I need suggestion for what to play in a Vampire Dark Ages game (Giovanni Chronicles).
My group wants to play it now that we're about to end our Hunter chronicle and I really can't think of a good concept.
To expand a bit I guess: be candid with the player. I don't know *your* exact position, but to use mine as an example:
I'm going to make your characters suffer. I'm going to throw shit at it until something breaks.
I'm going to try and take everything that characters is building and a put a price on it that makes it balk at the idea of going through with the plan.
The character *will* have time in the spotlight, might have moments of triumphs even, but ultimately, it's very likely it is going to lose, or at best have a bittersweet or hollow victory.
Not because I'm a sadist, not because I have anything against you as a player, but because that's the kind of horror stories I'm trying to make emerge, which is why I picked a setting specifically tailored around that.
If you can't accept that, we can pick another game. Or we can stop playing.

Are you starting with The Last Supper?
2 other players. Ones a chill easy going guy who is aware of the issue player and backs me up now and then but he's mostly having fun and isnt bothered by him. Other player isnt a fan of him but keeps quiet about it because he really likes the game thus far. Threquantly makes fun of him to me about how retarded his thinking and behavior is. Both are 80-90% having a good time and he isnt intruding on it.
I think you hit the nail on the head though anon. I think he does live vicariously through his characters and wants his games to be feel good power fantasies. Not blantently but when you really break down how he thinks and what he wants its the case. Which clashes with vampire's themes there always being others stronger, wealthier, more well connected and more powerful then you and that you are always at the mercy of someone else. I think his ideal game is overthrowing the vampiric status quo, proving how dumb and out of touch most vampires are and how through the power of Rational ThinkingTM and HFY he makes vampires and kine equals living in a happy world together.
>But the way they did it was not in the tone of the CTD
It wasn't the focus but they had dark Fae that would eat babies in a crib or enslave young children in exchange for a Mother's health
All the Kith have dark mirrors, not even counting the True Fae who steal bodies by erasing souls, some treating them like seasonal wear
I'm pretty new to these games, and so are other players in my group, is it normal for a player to use a social roll against another? Basically, one guy used leadership to tell other players to follow him, and I failed my roll to contest. It didn't really matter, because we were going to the same place anyway, but it didn't really feel right to me. There was no real roleplaying or talk involved in it. Like, am I supposed to lose my free will as a player, if another player persuades my character with a roll?
>Are you starting with The Last Supper?
I have no idea, I have still to ask the details. I think the players are supposed to be recently embraced, but I do not know that much about Italy in the 1400 to think ideas
Have you considered setting the game in a time and place you are more familiar with? the more you can draw from without much effort the better. Leaves more energy for the bigger stuff about the game.
>Like, am I supposed to lose my free will as a player, if another player persuades my character with a roll?

No. I generally only let players make social rolls on each other for things like lying to each other. Otherwise PCs can only persuade each other with supernatural powers that would mess with or remove free will or in cases where the player themself isn't sure if they'd agree or not.

Otherwise, all convincing of other PCs should be handled entirely in the field of RP.
Good option: play the long game and be more consistent and loyal than any Tremere
Better option: Swirlies, shove them in lockers
My problem with them is that having a curse of mental illness is much less interesting that mythical taboos, obsessions, and geases
Talk with your DM.
The Last Supper is a pretty peculiar scenario. I've ran it a small handful of times, once in co-operative DMIng with a friend.
Run as is, it's short, but can get extremely dense and overwhelming depending on the players.
If ran as published, you'll start as human. My general advice would be: don't overthink the historical intricacies of the character bio. I mean, doing so can help IF you're into that stuff, but defining your character crudely as a set of moral/social boundaries is probably going to be more helpful in the long run. A simple character concept of a few sentences can be good enough. Be willing to let things emerge from interactions in the first part of the scenario.
Do you have any idea what clan you're aiming for, what kind of character you want to go for?
Anyway, I'll repeat the one: talk with your DM. There's a few variations in which things can be run, you'll want to get on the same page.
Some players have no problem sharing narrative power over their character in one form or another, to others it's anathema. Matter of preference.
So called "PvP" mode is technically supported by the game, with some players using it as an excuse to be mean assholes to others, which is always to be watched for.
This is actually one of those things in which "session zero" is useful,: defining before things start how those things are going to go down, whether there's a gentleman's agreement between players, a modicum of backstabbing, or a free for all confrontational.
My advice; if this hasn'tbeen put on the table before the start of the game, put it on the table now. Everyone needs to know what they're getting into, and if they're willing to go on.
might just try to kill them with kindness. Just be an absolute kiss ass to the prince.
Which ones were you looking for? I think they did a good spread for the Hungry in that they covered the few that could be very very VtM/R and have shown them not to be straight copies. Which I was sort of worried about for them.
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How do you mask expy characters? I have a game plot in mind but I don't want these characters to distract from the game.
By having original ideas? Like, that's what you do. You go "oh that thing is cool I will use it as inspiration to make my own thing". Rather than "oh that thing is cool, that's my work done".
>By having original ideas?
There are no truly original ideas, everything is inspired by something.
You don't understand it needs to be as lazy as humanly possible!!!
Thanks, I'll talk to him. Game is set for next month so I still have time.
Weird how Wraith still isn’t popular even now that the ST can be the players’ Shadows. It basically encourages the ST to fuck over his players. Which most ST seem like they’re already enjoy that anyway.

BROO-zhaa is the only acceptable pronunciation in my opinion. They aren't witches lol.
TZEE-mee-see but I always say Zim-iss mentally before correcting myself
I like bruja because it provides the important context clue that Brujah are retarded
You are welcome as long as you are not a shee-pronouncer. It is not an Old English word. The Eldest was not some Christian viking named Aethelbaethel.
Friend who don't play VTES anymore gave me their last 5 decks as a gift.
>toreador (contains Helena and Annabelle Triabell, which made me happy)
>gangrel (both AT and normal)
>tremere AT (contains Malgorzata, which made me real happy)
I only played with Toreador so far for a short time for a 4fun while today's tournement didn't start. Maybe Tuesday I'll test another deck. Except for Lasombra, all other decks are sleeved.
People at tournement made me feel comfortable to be around and I felt good playing with people who aren't completly brainrot like many MTG players.
Also, the guy in charge of local playgroup was gentlier than my city's coordinator who asked me "Why would you go to a tornement if not for playing it?" in a quietly rude manner without a second thought in his brain.
What Caste is the Banu Haqim player? If she's a warrior; then tell her to act like an assassin if that's what she is. Sorcerer; what you said in your initial post, spend time using blood rituals. Visear? Then she should be networking just like the Ventrue player. Anon, either end the campaign or kick the player out.
for the hungry basicly all those they didn't show like the heirs, gaki and ascetics
v5 does not have casted anymore so assamites are just warriors with blood magic and are now meant to be the judges of cainites... despite still being semi outsiders to the camarilla who have fled the faction and mythos that gave them their "divine right" to judge vampires so i think the subtext is that they are trying to force themselves into the judges position by force

not a role i would recommend to a very shy player
>He says he wants to do things like start a mercenary company to clean up the streets of its crime wave
literally why would any city, no GOVERNMENT, be okay with some dude not only starting a mercenary company like but then deploying his mercs on citizens?
That's not how it be.
The Camarilla are the Vizier caste. They judge by having millennia of jurisprudence. They usually make themselves useful to the Prince via their mortal connections and magic. The Warriors and Sorcerers joined up with Ur-Shulgi.
Hello /wodg/ it's been a while.

For those who might remember, I'm the ST for an SF VTM chronicle. I believe the last time I updated you here was just after my players had to venture into Werewolf country in Livermore to gather intel on their current target, a Doctor working for the Orpheus cell in the city. Well a lot's happened in and out of game since but with scheduling disruptions it's gone from weekly to biweekly to nearly monthly. Anyway, I'm back now with updates for about 3 sessions worth. Enjoy!

>As we left off, the Coterie (Brujah, Nos, Tremere) were making their way home to rest up and recover, the Tremere had taken a glancing blow on their way out and said narrow miss had almost taken her arm clean off, so she goes to one of the best places in the city for a Kindred who needs to heal that amount of Ag damage. The Pink Pussycat Club owned by Richard, childe of the Toreador primogen and one of the city's Harpies. She rents a room and girls and spends the next several nights Bon Vivanting her way through the whorehouse and healing her damage.

>Meanwhile, as the next night starts, the Brujah and Nos get to work reaching out to lure their target in. They make use of the intel they gathered to put together a letter proclaiming they are another ghost-hunting organization who wishes to exchange intel, and to meet at a neutral location (actually the restaurant under the Brujah's haven).

Out of game, this was when my Tremere player had to back out. The game just wasn't doing it for her and we were all getting a bit frustrated over that despite my best efforts to make it work. So we parted ways on friendly terms before it broke down into drama. I got a couple of new players who enter the story now.
not in v5 they only have 1 stat sheet and being a sorcerer is now only a role in the clan/loresheet that every assamite can do if they put their mind to it

>Cut to the day of the meeting, the Coterie have been texting their Tremere friend trying to figure out why she's not returning their calls but time is of the essence so they decide to make their move anyway. As they start getting set up, another pair of Kindred walk into the restaurant, somewhat obvious from how they stand out and the Brujah at least being somewhat well known. The two new kindred are a Coterie of two, another Tremere and a Daughter of Cacophony, and they have been tracking the same target for a different person. They manage to work out a deal between the two groups over the target, he'll be blood bonded to the Tremere but they'll share the intel and pay off both boons. What happens after can come later.
The actual introductions go well, they manage to convince the guy that they know of a new kind of specter that's been inhabiting and possessing living bodies and exhibiting traits that one might consider vampiric, but vampires aren't real of course. With a bit of Presence and manipulation they manage to get him 1 point bonded and set up another meeting for an "interrogation" to sell him on this further.
>The two coteries are getting along somewhat well so far and working together, with the plan being to use the Nosferatu as the interrogation target in chains he can easily break out of if he needs to scare the scientist to make it believable, or to escape if everything goes arse over tits. They introduce the scientist to their target and my Nos (Who has the Stereotype flaw) absolutely has a great time hamming it up as they pretend to try and get information out of him. The scientist is fascinated and tries to get some readings and run some tests but they do brush him off a couple of times to keep him from prying too closely.
say the magic words "You'll owe me one" and he should reconsider if he really is willing to give you a boon over that roll
>The Tremere using Aura sight does notice a distortion in the air behind the scientist but doesn't say anything at this time. The Nos eventually decides now is a good time to scare him and breaks out, mock-lunging at him only to get slapped in the face by an Oblivion Glove (Orpheus: Shadow Games. Page 100) which I rule as doing a small amount of ag damage as the vampiric body does NOT react well to forcibly being introduced to the passage of time. leaving a dried, desiccated handprint on the Nos's face that looks like the skin of a mummy.
>After calming the situation down and "restraining" the Nos who almost frenzied, they manage to end the interrogation and get the scientist off to the Daughter's club to "debrief". At this point they manage to get him bonded a second time and we handle the third bond as an offscreen hookup.
>Two weeks pass ingame, the city is calming down a bit after the earthquake in Berkely, the towers are still quarantined and kept off limits but the crowds of onlookers and reporters have dwindled down to the most dedicated, religious, fanatical, or desperate. The hubub and speculation around supernatural events in the vicinity likewise starts to fade into the background as people move on with their lives and the news media loses interest in ghost stories and unexplained occurances in favour of sports teams and the upcoming iPhone release (This game is set in 2007 just a few months before that event).
>The Nosferatu takes some time healing and researching what the fuck just hit him, spending way too much time in the basement on his cobbled-up rig of PCs daisy chained together, meanwhile the Brujah finishes off most of the boon they owe to the Ventrue Primogen with a report on their progress and the nature of the Orpheus group currently. The others mostly continue on managing their day to day affairs.
>Tonight though, everyone gets a summons from the Prince at their door, pulling them out of whatever they may have been doing and taking them not to an art gallery or nice hotel, but to the ivory tower itself for an emergency Elysium.
>In front of the gathered kindred of the city Prince Julian announces that the rumours of missing Kindred have been substantiated and that the Sheriff has uncovered the remains of two of the missing kindred, Richard the Tremere Primogen's Childe, and the Coterie's Tremere member. The room erupts in arguments quickly, with some demanding the Sheriff step down while the players mingle and either offer condolences, or try to leverage the situation to their advantage.
>The Brujah tries to rile up the Sheriff telling her she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment, while the Daughter consoles the Toreador primogen. The Prince manages to quiet the room down enough to also announce that at the same time they discovered and were identifying the remains someone managed to kidnap one of the two Malkavian twins who hold that Primogen seat. So all Kindred in the city should remain on alert and cautious.
>At this point my players sneak out the door as arguments continue to erupt, they chat with a couple of other NPCs who are also slipping out, and decide they are going to get ahead of the Prince on this and figure out who did it.
>This search quickly leads them to the whorehouse owned by Richard and which the Tremere was at healing up at. The players managed to buy some time with the girls and found the room she was staying in. The Daughter chose to "distract" the girls in another room while the other two investigated the scene, finding some dried Vitae in the carpet which matched the two now dead kindred, and an unknown party (Taste of blood) as well as finding some surveillance equipment hidden in the walls and furniture which had been revealed by the damage.
>After a bit of "interrogation", of the girls they also found the laptop being used to manage the cameras in the back office, revealing that 3 guys in hoods smashed into the room, shot the two of them on the bed and dragged them out. The Brujah proceeded to break the laptop by shooting it in the hard drive to erase the recordings, and they left to plan their next moves.
And that's about where we're at for now. Hope you all enjoyed a bit of storytime!
>hat's not how it be.
>The Camarilla are the Vizier caste. They judge by having millennia of jurisprudence. They usually make themselves useful to the Prince via their mortal connections and magic. The Warriors and Sorcerers joined up with Ur-Shulgi.
Sorceres and Vizers Linked up with the camarilla because most of them were Ashira. Most of the warriors are with Ur-shulgi.
City Gangrel in the Sabbat secretly trying to discover the mystery of Golconda. Formed a secret alliance with the Nos Pack Priest who was helping him. Unfortunately, my Dark Fate flaw backed me into a situation where I had to kill myself to make sure the Priest didn't get implicated.
>Dark Fate flaw
I've always found this flaw fascinating but never seen anyone pick it at my table. I feel like it could be easy to screw up on the ST's side.
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Salubri update!
>embraced by an Irish milf and he himself is English
I know. It sounded sketchy in the moment and now that I've had time to think it over, its even stupider. He wants a way to positively impact the crime wave of the city in a way where he can use his great wealth and ghouls to empire build. He also talked about things like setting up a security company that would have the monopoly on security cameras and internet terminals to easily log in to collect info (He likes the idea of being the ''Spy Master'') Really, all his plans are kinda dumb but I'm terrirfied if I shut him down completely he'll enter a depressed state and stop playing. I just want him to stop being retarded and play a nice guy Lasombra psychologist like the original concept rather then a turbo autist empire builder ragaing against the very power structure he should be embracing as a route to power.
Keep up with the good work, anon! It's getting better each update.
>Be a New player to Wod
>Told nobody has a designated role like DND or Pathfinder
>Asked what everyone else is planning
>Made a Saul Goodman PC when I noticed everyone else was broke and doing illegal shit
Never felt a more powerful supporting role
nice, sounds like you are having fun
he should've been a Malkavian
Good to see you are having fun, anon. Care to share more?
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Made everyone fake IDs and paperwork

Got us a free home by saving our apartment landlord from prison and a 10000$ fine after some werewolves he hired under the table threw vampire ashes in the water tank

Hank Hullio our 2nd felon and gun expert needed 1000$ ammo crafting equipment which I bought to help us deal with any Fae or Wers but we have only met a Wercrow and Silver did nothing

Escaped a bad law run-in after a failed hunt by convincing a cop we were testing fireworks

I'm usually at work rather than prepping
>Defending a Pentax startup being sued for insider trading by glasswalkers
>Had to make a 9 will save to not defend women for free, my office has a large window that floods the room with sunlight so don't know what she was
> Vampire who was a judge in the 1600s wanted to chat till dawn
>Reality warper client turned my apples into oranges and paid with garnets for a second opinion on a contract
Can someone who plays CtL explain to me what the courts do in the day-to-day? The book is way too obtuse and refuses to explain shit clearly.
Depends on your city
>Can someone who plays CtL explain to me what the courts do in the day-to-day?
CtL isn't really like VtR where everyone every day is tied up in court politics (unless they are). I don't really understand your question; most people aren't doing court-related activities most days. What do you mean by "what the courts do"?
What I'm asking is what does court business mean for summer guys, for winter, for autumn, for spring, etc. What do the guys without a court do when they show up to freehold business. That shit.
>What do the guys without a court do when they show up to freehold business.
Courts are fundamentally defined by your attitude towards the question of "what should we do about the True Fae". They're more like a council of representatives, so for most cases most 'lings without a court will just vote with a court. Usually when there's a big meeting about what the freehold should do it's just going to be the leaders of the courts talking, whether or not everyone else is in the room. If you're not represented by a court in that discussion you'll probably only have a voice if you're Exile-tier in and of yourself in which case you just show up and talk to the other kings under your own authority.
>What I'm asking is what does court business mean for summer guys, for winter, for autumn, for spring, etc.
Autumn/Winter mostly spends their time looking up what the fuck something is whenever there's a new magical thing in your area. Autumn are also responsible for scaring mortals away from things like if a new gateway to the hedge opens. Winter/autumn spend a lot of time wandering around in people's dreams looking for signs of Faerie.
Winter/Spring do most of the onboarding when there is a new changeling. Usually winter or autumn finds you and winter or spring makes contact, and regardless of who you find first you're most likely to get passed to them for debriefing.
Winter generally does a better job than autumn does on checking up with known magical things and making sure that they're still there and not changing or doing anything. Autumn mostly handle actually interacting with other magical things. Liasons to other splats are either going to be autumn or spring.
The summer king practically runs a security business. Most jobs for summer are getting knights to escort someone or go watch vigil over something like when spring/winter have their parties. Meetings about whether or not to destroy something (e.g. if you find other supernaturals) are mostly freehold affairs but summer and autumn both definitely do it on their own without telling anyone else.
Spring/Winter are in a constant fuck/wash cycle of planning and executing parties. Spring have a lot more parties, winter does a lot more planning per party.
>What I'm asking is what does court business mean for summer guys
For most people who are in Summer (or any other court), it doesn't mean anything. Only a few people in summer are actually going to be doing anything on behalf of the court. Unless you're a knight, the summer king isn't your boss, he's your local government representative.
Why are female Lasombra massive sluts and usually good looking but male Lasombra are usually the shlubbiest looking guy you've ever seen?
Writers fetish. And also what is hottest in practice.
why are demons such massive assholes anyways? like why do Earthbound have to decapitate infants and skullfuck them? like bro I get it you don't like God cuz he is a big meanie but like seriously why you gotta be so freaky about it
Did the artist goof up or is Lucita canonically supposed to have beachball tits?
Lucita (and most signature characters, honestly) are depicted very inconsistently in different art by different artists.

The only consistent trait she really has is long black hair and being generally hot.
>Hmm we have a discipline all around connecting with a force of pure evil, so only the most morally bankrupt of people willing to tread on and supress anyone and everyone may become one of us
>Sir, if hot, why evil?
>Sir, if evil, why ugly?
I consider Dominate, Obfuscate, and Auspex to be my personal essentials.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha >:D
I find it interesting from a narrative standpoint to have to play a character whose fat is already sealed. I played him like a daredevil at times since he knows already its over for him. The situation that ended up killing me was actually rather coincidental and specific. Basically, I was Ductus and sent the Nos off on a task in the sewers. Then I was jumpscared by us getting into a situation where we were going to be questioned by the Cardinal for something unrelated. He had dominate so it was assured he was going to mind rape us and I basically had to kill myself so I couldn't expose the Nos.
He's feeling more and more like Doom Guy
Successfully brokered another deal witht the Ananasi siblings in my Camarilla neonates chronicle, they get to run a bar in my coterie's Domain in exchange for helping us take down an elder Serpent of Light that's been stepping in the wrong Camarilla toes lately

Also I might be doing sidekick work for the Ananasi sister next session, vigilantism seems to be their main gig
I'm looking to get into VtM with two other buddy's for a small first time game. Which version of the game would you think is the best for a total novice and his novice pals?
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>total novice
Go with Revised. V20 may be overwhelming for a complete newbie.
Groovy, thanks!
Have fun, bro.
If you have other doubts, we are here to help you.
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>dominate instead of dementation
Some questions about Nicktuku vs Nosferatu thing
Are all Nosferatu descendants of Baba Yaga?
What exactly was Absimiliard's relationship with her and was she his only embrace before Nicktukus?
Also is Absimiliard's vanity really one of the main reasons third gen revolted against second?
>Are all Nosferatu descendants of Baba Yaga?
at least most are: possibly two other 4th gen got away, but one might be a legend (Yima) and might just be another name for baba yaga (medusa/ the matriarch) and some nosferatu are just descended from Nicktuku like Mnemach line (who are however their own blood line in the dav20 book), Rasalon and his sire (who have some weird quirks, but could pass for nosferatu) and Reremouse and his line (who are garden variety nosferau, but that might be because of v5)
>What exactly was Absimiliard's relationship with her and was she his only embrace before Nicktukus?
they hate each other guts and no she is just the first to got away and they are Nicktuku who are twice as old as her
Nicktuku is mostly just a political thing: all the childe who are considered loyal to Absimiliard are refered to as Nicktuku and the Nicktuku as seperate bloodline coming from baba yaga are just a thing in one dav20 book and never mentioned everywhere else beside one line in beckett's where he makes fun of the idea as something he consideres to be awful scholarship
>Also is Absimiliard's vanity really one of the main reasons third gen revolted against second?
who knows. For him probably, but from what little we see from antedeluvian relationships he doesn't seem to be very popular with his peers
The thing about his vanity being a major motivating factor for the third gen's revolt is primarily conjecture, though well supported conjecture. We "know" (as much as we know anything about the Antediluvians) that Absimiliard was extremely vain, fought his sire (almost certainly Zillah) tooth and nail when being embraced and it resulted in a tiny scar. It didn't really mar his stunning good looks at all, but something about it drove him to near maddening hatred for his sire. Him being a primary instigator of the revolt would explain why Caine cursed him so much harder than the others, that or he was the most zealous, or it was simply Caine being petty for Ab being the one to slaughter Zillah, who Caine lusted over.

How and why the 3rd rose against the 2nd is something of a fascination of mine. Was it simple hunger during the flood, which made mortal blood so scarce that they turned on each other, including their sires? Were there underlying motives? Did the 2nd mistreat the 3rd, as sires are want to do? Who were the ringleaders of the revolt? Did generations already exist, or does that passage about Caine creating them afterwards ring true? Did any Antediluvians abstain from the slaughter, as the Ventrue and Assamites claim? zero fucking chance, those two were guilty as everyone else, if not more
honestly the only ante i could see having actually abstain from the rebellion is Set. cairo by night talks about how acording to the setties he really really liked Zillah to the point where he and his clan distanced himself from cainite society because of her death. They the only clan (if they even been a clan at that point given that there is the theory that they are a upstart gangrel bloodline) where the erciyes fragment make it questionable if caine cursed them or not as the cainites reading the book point out that the part that is most often assumed to be about them could also refer to the general cainite hunger of blood and also he may have been fighting horus and friends during that time as again cairo by night claims that it's unlikely that he was in the second city timeline wise

however cairo by night also points out that even if he wasn't in the second city during that time and didn't lay hands on the second gens that does not mean he wasn't involved as it would be very in-character for setites to lay the seeds of rebelion and then leave

yeah that's a hard question i personally like the idea to use the ventrue = zeus connection to claim that the 3rd gens thought (or at least claimed after the fact) that the 2nd gen wanted to eat them, but i have no idea why after all caine interacted with the 3rd gen so he didn't hate their existance. And he only created the curse of generation afterwards (source is again erciyes fragments) so power could also not have been a reason
I was trying to look into breedmaxxing werewolf for renown but in W20 you just straight up get 0.3 Wisdom for "CHoosing a mate and breeding", no qualifications. Revised doesn't have the same line in the core book though I'm sure it can't be that hard to find, but more to the point it's just "choosing a mate and breeding". All you've got to do is get your dick wet with dogpussy, doesn't seem like there's anything tying (hah!) it to actually having children and even if you wilfully choose that interpretation it's still only Wisdom that goes up.

Also it's funny how WtA is basically the antagonist splat for WtF.

wont has an o
The demons you play as inhabit human bodies, and are much less likely to do inhuman things because of it. Additionally, the Earthbound have lived for longer, and have had the opportunity to gather more torment. Finally, a lot of Earthbound are under the control of human mages, who gladly used their inherent lack of paradox to make them do horrible things. They have simply grown used to and transformed by their twisted mindset.
Keep us posted. I enjoy reading these sorts of posts.
I personally put it down to the same reasons the younger generations want to overthrow their elders
>You may have turned me against my will and now I am cursed for eternity
>You hold the power of blood over me, and I want freedom
>Vampire blood is actually delicious
>Dammit, I want control of this particular city but there's already someone owning it-hang on a minute I can just kill them
>Zillah won't fuck me and if I can't have her no-one can
>The Eldest sees it as a necessary experience to achieve his final form
>Malkav the Seer causes it, because he had a prophecy about Gehenna and wants to cause it in the off chance the end of the world kills Caine for good.

And so on and so on.
>I find it interesting from a narrative standpoint to have to play a character whose fat is already sealed.
That's pretty much your average Geist: the Sin Eater story, since Carthasis is that the character dies for good. (Unless you go the symbiosis route)
why are mages so evil ;w;
Solipsism is the gateway to sociopathy.
Paradox SUCKS
Let me cast fireball without getting heatstroke you ignorant sleepers! At least the former, weaker version of paradox was safe to tolerate!
There are 2e sineaters who don't go max tyranny?
Will do, I'll try to update more frequently since my group are getting back into a more regular rhythm now.
Overall, the chronicle is doing pretty well, I'm enjoying my players with no Necromancy having to cobble together solutions to Wraith/Orpheus' bullshit either for detecting ghosts with Aura or making deals with them to get out of the basement in exchange for resolving things.
We'll see if Orpheus survive to the planned finale now that they have a blood bonded ghoul on the inside of the organization. Could go either way really depending on what my players choose to do.
Gotta spice things up.
Because the ability to distort the laws of physics doesn't make you a good person.
Those are all fairly reasonable.
>Also it's funny how WtA is basically the antagonist splat for WtF.
I think that was done on purpose.
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I wonder how much of mage the writers genuinely believed what they wrote.
I was a toreador in a 1st ed larp that was in HS. spent the weekend making him. "hmm, do I want to be quick or agile?" I started playing Monday, the st said hey come over here. I did and he said "rarr I'm a werewolf you are dead." oh, ok. and that was my first exposure to the world of darkness.
What's the explanation for the Toreador clan weakness? Was Toreador himself on the autism spectrum?
Toreador antedeluvian is most likely woman. Vanity and all that.
>What's the explanation for the Toreador clan weakness?
Caine couldn't come up with something more interesting of the top of his head.
It’s just that easy ladies and gentlemen
The default pronouns in the English language is "he".
Arikel was the only antediluvian that didn't chimp out so caine was kinda chill when making their curse
>what gifts would he teach you?
Economic prosperity.
Confidence in your bloodline (as long as you are not Black or Jewish).
Healthy children.
I surely did.
Today I'm testing out more VTES decks my friend gifted me. I couldn't go a full game with Toreador and I'm tempted on testing again.
However, Tremere AT, Ventrue and Gangrel seems a neat idea to go today. Generally we are able to play two to three games, 1hr30min each, but I always end up playing only two due to the time I arrive at the LGS.
I'm only bringing two today. Which two decks should I bring? (Lasombra still need to be sleeved. I'm going to buy sleeves today)
What splat do I need to play to have the ability of converting knowledge and Lore into raw physical power, to the point that if I hit something hard enough I start to forget the knowledge I absorbed, including how and why I was locked in a fight?
demons are litteraly soul fucked by the forces of the void+ they blame all of it on caine and humanity for fucking up because they have zero introspective (even as angels) and fallen only get that and relief from their torment when taking over a human body
Sounds like an Akashic to me
Am I just blind or VtM does not have a single path of sorcery that is about frost? I know Path of wind in Koldunic has a single ability that freezes but I'm talking about full path, all 5 dots about cold. Does VtR have any?
You are so fucking right and I’m so fucking dumb. Of course it’s Akashic Knowledge. It’s Akasha all the way down, no matter what I play I always return to his embrace
Anon this is a WW thread
no you are not blind. not sure about vtr There is a changeling art you can use in blood timed ties
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How do I seduce a charlatan fae (true fae kicked out of the hedge) without him going full schizo (back into the hedge)
have you SEEN male sicilians?
Because when you mix limitless creativity, endless power, intense wish into reality mentality and more, it's not often a lot of guys go "IM GOING TO HELP THE WORLD!", you get 200 flavors of Cultivator Simulator. And trust me, most Traditions are fucking god awful
>And trust me, most Traditions are fucking god awful
None of the mage factions are supposed to be good people because that would fuck with the settings edge. It's hard to make a good plot about good and powerful people just improving their lives without just urging people to go do some volunteer work or something.
The settings edge is still kept no matter what desu. You could be religion peace and love eternal and still have rapemurdercorpsemukbang cults, have nice hernetics and demon summoners, benevolent empreror 500000000 cultuvation guy and also evil bad man sect guy, cool and cunt cogwank, nice and bad drug people like the faeries and the whole sex guys, technomancy being cool and the incredibly dark web styled shit too. Really its less that it'd dull the settings edge and more just theyre cunts by default. It's not that they'd be nice and there'd be problems, they just dont want to be good people at all.
>I think that was done on purpose.
Well duh

>(true fae kicked out of the hedge)
Exiles flee arcadia for their own purposes. Even if you can credibly threaten him with final death, it's at worst as bad as what he's facing.
Was this post AI generated?
What impression does your character get upon meeting a regular mortal antagonist who somehow has a Mask-type Slasher working as his bodyguard and who is completely loyal to boot?
It's simultaneously very fun and very frustrating how almost everything we have to go on is a shaky source. For example, maybe the Erciyes Fragments are legit, maybe they aren't, maybe it's a mix like the Book of Nod (presumably). I personally don't care for the idea that Caine created generations AFTER the 3rd slaughtered the 2nd, because even Caine can't be that stupid. The idea of Setites being a Gangrel bloodline is funny to me, though I can't see Ennoia embracing the likes of Set.

>the ventrue = zeus connection to claim that the 3rd gens thought (or at least claimed after the fact) that the 2nd gen wanted to eat them

Could've been Ventru manipulating his fellow Antediluvians. "During the flood, many of us turned to supping on the blood of our kin in desperation. How many of our siblings met final death, yet all of Caine's childer remain. I fear that our once noble sires have fallen from grace, and grown addicted to the nectar of vitae. How long until they seek to drain us of our heart's blood to indulge their sick desires? We must act first, my brothers and sisters."

>and wants to cause it in the off chance the end of the world kills Caine for good.

Stealing this. I've always ran with the idea that Malkav was cursed possibly before the slaughter of the 2nd for pissing Caine off, and this is perfectly vampire petty.
You'd be surprised how many RPG books default to she
Even changing slurs are sugarcoated
nothing is stopping you from calling them chiggers.
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People will look at pic and then tell me with a straight face that this game is about "personal horror"
exactly this.
you guys want something different from the game
session 0, folks
Man, I fucking hate the cult of "personal horror" and their obsession with calling anything that isn't a misery circlejerk things like "superheroes with fangs" or "red mafia".
Do bane wolfs have rules in CofD (2e)?
i've been out of the loop for some time
What was this curseborne stuff about in the end?
Assuming you mean Bale Hounds, they're in Shunned by the Moon
whenever I think of players it's hard to not think of playing this as a personal horror
They realised an early draft so most of the hype has quieted down.
You're a average person who doesn't know anything about the supernatural in a world where that shit is normal
>See this shit
>Get torn apart before you can twitch
You're not a superhero sent to fight these monster
I'd more describe it as survival horror but instead of just surviving monsters you are trying to keep some semblance of a normal life
The World in World of Darkness is the most important part
Your one person of billions in this setting that can't change anything except yourself
Yeah, I meant bale hounds, thank you kindly.
Any idea if
>Maeljin-dedicated Renown
For e.g. dread powers counting is supposed to just be your maeljin's associated renown or both it plus the renown you choose?
Just the one from the Maeljin
How much does one witness fuck up a Mage’s spells?
Like if one person sees me fly away like superman does that incur the wrath of paradox or am I fine?
>What was this curseborne stuff about in the end?
CofD except the crossover comes pre-packaged. Instead of having a corebook about playing a vampire and another about playing a werewolf you have a corebook about playing a vampire, shapeshifter, ghost, witch, changeling/demon/angel and whatever else you have all in one package. Gonna use Storypath Ultra
It's OPP's new urban fantasy monster mash game that's loosely a WoD spiritual successor. The general gist of the setting is that every bit of bad luck and strangeness in the world are curses, curses are the source of magic, and powerful curses are responsible for creating all sorts of different monsters. There are also a slew of realms outside of Earth's reality collectively known as the "Outside" that covers all your classics, paradises, hells, underworlds, eldritch dreamscapes, and so on. Earth is encroaching into the Outside and creating "liminalities" that cover all your strange locations (and sometimes people) like haunted houses, that spot in the woods people vanish in, or that industrial hellscape that seems to pen you in and try to keep you trapped. I don't think it's mentioned in the blog post but there are a few different sorts included much worse ones where the Outside encroaches on Earth to create sentient locations with whole stat templates, called "Battlegrounds". As well as shattered spaces that are predatory results of magical fallout.

Mechanically its in Storypath Ultra which is the revision of Storypath that OPP uses for Scion 2e, They Came From, and Trinity Continuum. It's a fairly standard dice pool thing and is an offshoot of Storyteller and Storytelling so just imagine WoD/CofD but less old. Unlike WoD/CofD this is a full monster mash and the PCs are "Accursed", people who've been effected by a very big curse. It's eternal damnation but you can leverage it for magic. The splats are split into 5 Lineages. The Hungry (undead), The Dead (ghosts), Primals (shapeshifters), Outcasts (ancestors from the Outside), and Sorcerers (sorcerers). Those Lineages are then divided into Families that are the more specific thing you play and change rules in the core template. So werewolves and "Jekyll and Hydes" are both Primals.

OPP have put out a load of blog posts on basically all of it but the Dead too, so you can go look there for more info.
The Baba Yaga thing is more myth. Like the other Anon said, there are Nicktuku lines that have integrated into the mainstream clan. It's more of a statement of loyalty, that Baba Yaga represents the majority of the clan that rejected Absi to live in the shadows of mortals. Keep in mind, Barbera Yaga does some pretty Nicktuku-ish things in Russia.
So are the myths of them being something greater or more monstrous than vampires just that: myths?
Or are there some Nicktuku that are actual fucked up non-vampires
>Cairo by Night
God, I wish it had a single non-shit scan, for how important it is to the lore
Are Akashics the Tradition for being a ninja and using “ninjutsu”?
I always like to embrace both. There are some Nicktuku that were just less gross Nosferatu (if you run with the idea that Babs's line is the one that gave us Nosferatu with lame limbs and rotting faces) and have rejoined the larger group, and some are ancient Methuselah that sleep in caves, eat Nosferatu, and have Celerity and Auspex. The length of time is so long that you can have both.
I have little rpg experience and barely anyone in my country even knows about CofD, so If I want to play I'll have to be the ST
Any tips on building a mortal chronicle? I have a very broad idea for the setting but that's it
How far do you deviate from the pre-established metaplot/canon in your games?
Hi, me again. Between Sorcerer Revised and M20 Sorcerer, which one should I consider using? I've heard that the M20 Sorcerer is bad
Absimiliard would have 10 animalism so I think he could have made them more than vampires/humans but not sure
>Any tips on building a mortal chronicle?
Steal the plot of two different horror movies so you have so the plagiarism isn't as obvious. Have "map" of important scenes and how the group goes from one point to another.
Good luck with building a table.
Most of the time meta plot is irrelevant to my games, so there is very little deviations on a practical level.
Probably. I'm pretty sure you can build Naruto as a mage if you really wanted it.
>they hate each other guts and no she is just the first to got away and they are Nicktuku who are twice as old as her
Reminder that Baba Yaga is old enough that a Nicktuku twice as old as her would be older than Absimiliard.
Sounds like a very difficult kind of autism to subvert. Especially considering the hyper focused mechanical/story approach he's taking with a militant organization and yes men he's surrounding his character with. Even catering to that with an antithetical organization (maybe kindred who strive to eradicate all vampires and themselves instead of human cooperation) would probably only result in bafflement and immediate authoritative autism that aims to crush it asap. Unfortunate cause it'd be so great seeing that kind of character authentically fail in that setting, either through brutal politics or maybe having an uncanny and devastating realization about his ghoul entourage being helpless slaves to him. Unless your school of storytelling could be communicated unfortunately sounds like you'd have to risk your relationship with this player to carry the story out faithfully. Maybe if you can make him tolerate taking losses you could keep his character on the hope treadmill but keep in mind you're a human being taking your own free time to create a fun game for others, so don't bend over backwards for an inflexible goof who's more interested in numbers going up than an emergent or interesting story. He sounds like the kind of dude who could spend 30 years of his life playing "save the world with your friends!" DnD; interesting fictional fascism case study but we all feel for you having to manage him as a player
>the pre-established metaplot/canon in your games?

To a pretty serious degree. There's a *lot* of official material, both metaplot and setting resources that I just do not like and does not jibe with what I am usually going for. To the point there's entire splats that don't exist in my WoD, and honestly the games are something of a WoD/CofD mix, using the parts I like from each. Granted I don't run crossover content that much, and certainly never mixed parties of PCs, so the "big picture" setting rarely comes up outside of my head.

For a practical example, how I handle Vampire. Masquerade is the basis, although mechanically it's a VtM to VtR conversion. The history of the Kindred has broadly played out in roughly the same way. Camarilla and Sabbat still formed after the Anarch Revolt with the same clans. Although I did rewrite a lot of the non western material pretty heavily. Kuei-Jin don't exist and while I haven't had a chance to flesh out the vampires of Asia in an actual game, they're the same fundamental thing as Kindred everywhere else. The Middle East is no longer a barebones Ashirra nothingburger of a region, with both the Camarilla and Sabbat having a significant presence in the area. Assamites are a far less important politically but also a far less region locked clan. However, I did steal the idea of "lesser" vampires from Requiem. So you have more region specific vampiric creatures such as Jiang-Shi or Ghuls all over the world. How they are handled politically is usually on a case by case basis. Alternate mythologies are more common but Noddism is still the most popular explanation.

On a city scale, how my group handled Washington D.C. Marcus Vitel did happen, but he is dead. Dust in the wind. Gone. The Sabbat did take the majority of D.C. from the Camarilla, but the Camarilla took it back in 07', since we felt the Camarilla fit D.C. like a glove. A couple of things were kept, like a hidden Setite Temple, but most was thrown out.
Akashics are the martial arts monks, ninjas are the domain of two crafts (one cyborg, one weeb)
the area i set my games in has fuck all metaplot and what is there is usually so little that you can't make a plot out of it outside of a single dark age book (and my games are set in modern night)

so i couldn't be metaplot compliment if i wanted to and i wouldn't want to be the story we play right now is more important then the one published 20 years ago
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Thanks for the help Anon. He is immunized to all interesting implications of his character and the way he plays him. Didn’t want to have there be a moral dilemma with his ghouls where he knows its fucked up but rationalizes and justifies it by saying he's still doing a good thing for them. Just goes straight to ''They are my friendly servants who I treat like any other person, and I act with playful exasperation at how silly they are calling me master when I've told them they don’t have to''.
Didn’t want him journey into the vampiric mind to unravel its mysteries only to be horrified and shaken that vampires fundamentally are not human, and their minds have been fundamentally restructured into super predators with a dark id formed from all their darkest impulses and desires waging an eternal internal war to keep themselves contained. No, he both thinks and expects vampires to just be like anyone else, but they have to drink blood and can’t go in the daylight which further feeds into his smugness regarding how ‘’Stupid, out of touch and needlessly callous these guys are. I’m so much smarter than them’ And if they aren’t like everyone else, he will be frustrated because that’s how he conceives of it and it contradicts him. Very tough cookie.

My only hope is between the serious politics of the Camarilla, the violance rising in the city, the machinations of his own clan which he seems to share so little in common with, and the fists and temper of the Coteries justice seeking yet realist Brujah that he will mellow out and get a sobering taste of reality.
>Also it's funny how WtA is basically the antagonist splat for WtF.
What do you mean?
A bit late but: temporarily treat the player as having the "common sense" merit for a while. With candid understanding around the table that it is what you're doing - playings the role of training wheels for a while. When opportunities arise, mention what they are and the possible consequences (good and bad, for success and failure).
It's difficult sometimes when players that tend to be passive, yet expect things to happen, can't seem to see that the core issue is their own lack of initiative.
As with the the socially inept player that tries to play a very social character, it stems from player lacking the trait the character is supposed to display, to the point of not even being able to envison and project onto it what can be done and when (you see that often with abilities like Law, which often remains a lifeless husk, for lack of the player knowing what being good at it entails).

If the Gangrel deck happens to be potence focused, that one.
>What do you mean?
The Pure act very similar to the Garou. They have better relations with them and a bigger tendency to murderfuck civilians.
>Ventrue : We are not calling Werewolves Wiggers!
>Bruha: Can we at least spraypaint "Princes Favorite Ghoul" on the Harpies haven
>Ventrue: Im not unreasonable, make sure it's over the mural
I always thought the firstborn/lodge totems were the actual children of urfarah and luna (i.e. the first werewolves, but more spirity just cos they're better and older and stuff), not just some random dog spirits that father wolf banged into random bitches.
I dunno how the claim that soulless wolf is a firstborn is up for doubt, then. Not really a contentious thing to say or an exclusive club then, is it?
Defining feature of the pure is that they hate civilization and/or humans and are pro spirit/werewolf supremacy. What makes them 'Pure' is not killing-and-replacing someone who was doing a bad job stopping spirits from dominating mortals.

>mother luna was a white woman who fucked a dog
Wonder if the actual woman who was mother to the werewolves was an archmage serving as avatar of the god, then.

Real people write slashfics about real celebrities and those celebrities aren't 2000 year old demigods, so there must be a ton of this kind of material out there.
this thread is now technocratic property >:3 !!!
That's fine, but remember that all threads on all worlds are the sovereign property of the exarchs. All ownership is permitted simply because you yourself are the property of the golden thrones.
Total mage genocide
theriomorphs! dead!
hemophages! dead!
reality deviants! dead!!!
total technocratic victory!!!!!!!!
You're just another puppet
What would be some ways of introducing more fantastical races into a game world? I was reading Shadowrun the other day and wondered how the WoD version of Goblinization would be like.
>arresting the toreador
>not making her write stories where you dom all your rivals into submission
He doesn't want to spoil his victims.
To be frank the whole werewolf origin just feels scuffed, maybe I forgot something important but the human part of the Werewolves just feels tacked on in CofD.
second mega link
I get what you mean and don't really disagree. I do find it funny that Father Wolf is where werewolves go their fleshy bodies though. I thought this was made up for Dark Eras, but Father Wolf having a corporeal form was first mentioned in Mirrors. I doubt anyone paid attention to it because wargaz aren't canon, but it's interesting.
>They are not initiates of the Shadow, of the spirits, but of Father Wolf’s fleshly nature, mixed with the shape of mortal men and women.
Thanks, King
Nah I completely agree. Luna is not just a spirit but such a spirity spirit that her choir are hard to interact with because they're so strange and unearthly and far removed from humanity. Father Wolf's wolf children with his fellow wolf spirits are spirit wolves, so where the fuck did the flesh come from? Werewolves being Life (or Flesh as WtF calls it) + Spirit makes perfect sense from a nWoD arcarna perspective, why are they the children of two spirits?
The WtF2 nighthorrors book even has primordial monster children of father wolf that usurp Beast's portfolio and make perfect sense as big monsters in flesh and bone. So clearly he has other children that are fleshy, why is he a fucking spirit?

If I was in charge of writing nWoD 3e here is what I would do:
Interesting idea for God-Machine infrastructure here: >>93925383
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What tribe would he be?
Any since they all do it for free
Oh, you mean picrel
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Proceeds to post no pic
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this guy lacks the self confidence of a shirtless chest
read the news about the pager attack and damn if that ain't the most technocratic bullshit ever it was literally the syndicate "ahem acktuaccly there is a secret bomb function on your phone that let's me kill you!"
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I'm wanting to introduce a character in my game that's going to try and gently groom one of the player characters into joining the Sabbat. Can any of you anons give me some advice on how to pull that off? Not the making him turn Sabbat part, because that's ultimately up to the PC and the player, but rather playing the character that's trying to do it. We're in an anarch free-state game for context.
"man like the only difference between anarchs and sabbat is that we sabbat are like unionized maaaan like we got each others back and take the fight to the man you get what I'm saying man??????"
either he plays up the trust issues inherent in non pack vampires (without saying there is a alternative till further down the line) or he tries to make them something that makes them person non grata in the movement and then he wants to show them the sabbat would take them in

the later is something the sabbat often does for vampires they think would make good templars. because they want their templars to have knowledge about the other sects (to be fair more often the camarilla than the anarchs) so they can counter them but being a sabbat infiltrator has some issues when you are not trained for it and the black hand and inqusitiion are rivals so they won't help each other so the templars often use turn coats for recruits instead
The big issue the Sabbat has with attracting Anarchs is the inhumanity. Otherwise, they are more alike than the Anarchs may care to admit. Have the Sabbat infiltrator tailor his arguments to the specifics of the PC. If the PC is dropping humanity fast it'll honestly be an easy sell. The Sabbat is everything the Anarchs do but more effective and without all the moral sanctimonious judgey crap. If the PC is big on humanity that will require a lot more effort. Play to the PC's ideals and corrupt them. If they're a utopian, you have a good angle, it's easy to turn utopians into authoritarian cultists, because the problem with their perfect world is always other people who won't get with the program. Many in the Sabbat are the same kind of sanctimonious "moral" preachers as the Anarchs, just more extreme. Fuel that extremism until the PC starts to be excluded by his fellow Anarchs and then show him the opening arms of the Sabbat.

Also, make sure to strike up a legitimate friendship so the PC won't knee-jerk away from the sword of caine when the reveal happens. "I couldn't tell you man, the baron would have killed me, but I always wanted to, that's why I'm showing all this to you!" kind of rhetoric instead of "yeah I lied to you, you should still join us".

TL;DR: Tailor his arguments to what would work on the PC specifically.
>The WtF2 nighthorrors book even has primordial monster children of father wolf

Are you talking about the Geryo?
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I might have some time again on my hand so I thought I release our groups forever ST from bis shackles and run something where he can play. I obviously want to do a good job, but am only semi experienced running campaigns.
As the Giovanni chronicles were discussed I am developing an interest in storypaths for V20 or V20 Dark Ages. I did get Darkening Skies but could not find much other stuff, any recommendations for older material and if, how easy would it be to update and adapt? I am not a beginner , but I struggle with pacing sometimes and I believe a well structured “adventure” to draw from might help me there. Nktnto forget NPCs. Playing with the idea of doing the traditional start as mortals route, but I am unsure if there is a system for creating baseline humans in V20.
I guess I could just use the Ghoul rulea for that.
Also I begin to believe theming and feel can give a lot of staying power to A story, how do I avoid losing focus and noodling all over the place and losing that “feel” which I am aiming for?
Would the Silver Fangs permit one of their own to be an omega within a pack, or just kill it? The whole "sick, overlong-lived dysgenic authority figure" thing works, but he has no actual power or benefits because he does it for free.
WoD writers are always the kid who wore a shirt in the pool
You could be a psycho and just run Transylvania Chronicles. There's a shitload of adventures for it that can take you all the way from neonates in the medieval to elders in the final nights.

The problem is unless your players lack any and all ambition it's very easy for them to heavily change the course of the setting's history, leading to an alt-setting.

I'm actually going to run the premade adventure in Jerusalem this weekend to test some houserules, and I found there were parts of it I had to heavily rewrite or introduce new options to anyway because it can be pretty damn railroady at parts.
The Pure are the Garou with all heroic pretense stripped away. Break open the gauntlet, return to unga bunga lands where spirits freely roamed and we can be apex predator warlords over the normies! There is no saving the world, there is only making it more suitable to their brand of savagery.

That's why they're the best Werewolves WW has ever written.
First Geryo, yes
I like Forsaken 2.0 but I am unsure about how they changed Dire Wolf. Hunger is a bad substitute for primal uncaring wisdom/dickwad energy. Hunger is to close to gluttony to me and Dire Wolf seemed to be about what you described, unga bunga natural law POWER. He and his are scary because they truly are pure focused predators, the story of him being the oldest and strongest sibling who should have taken charge of the others but didn’t because he only cared about his own hunr and enjoyment if being stronger than his victims i.e somewhat nasty nature is more enticing to me than hunger.
Am I the only one who finds it more than a little implausible how few Elder bootlickers there are in official material? There's a lot of people who are naturally susceptible to authority figures. Take your stereotypical Prince. He's usually well groomed if not outright handsome, he has had enough social and mental acumen (and probably some physical as well) to survive 300+ years of a dangerous unlife, well spoken, wealthy, and exudes confidence. Even before getting into disciplines or gen 7+ superhuman attributes, you're looking at easily top 1% social acumen with many secondary characteristics that help. He should have a small legion of sycophants and blindly loyal followers.
Thanks for the recimmendation, will look at it and try to steal some of it. I was toying with the idea of going a bit into eastern europe to have at least some of the good old Tzimisce vs Tremere and Ventrue. It would be a good escalation point, but going to big seems a bit worrisome to me.
I guess it depends how much xp you hand out. Do you also do per chapter? I had a hard time with deciding the amount the last time and it felt a bit inflationairy. Got a bit to much too fast.
One could argue that getting turned makes you a Dick ir activates your dickish inclinations.
It's because in many WW writer's eyes, elders are the LARPers playing them, and those people have no charisma at all.
Maybe compare it to army ranks. Just because you survived long enough and/or have low generation does not mean you have leadership qualities.
Or, hell, office work. There are enough managers that just outlasted everyone else.
I think however you give out exp in oWoD, it's best to start off small and slowly give more and more as the story progresses because of how scaling exp costs work.

Early on players will be increasing their stats pretty frequently, but if you keep it the same or throttle back towards the end they'll feel like they're making zero progress.
Good point wirh increasing it later, thank you.
Which is why I'm highlighting how the "default" Prince, as much as there is one, tends to have a lot of traits that inspire loyalty if not outright fanaticism. I could name some massive dickhead canon Princes like Breidenstein, or examples of Princes whose actions run contrary to how competent and popular they're supposed to be, like Villon.

But frankly given how many people will still fall in line however grudgingly to unattractive uncharismatic authority figures, I find it pretty implausible that everyone's always bitching about the stereotypical Prince when he has so many things going for him.
Arguably, but everyone is also still beholden to ones clan. Normally. The Primogen are there for a reason. Bring in coteries, external conections and boon-debts/bloodbounds and you mix it up. I get what you are saying, you are not wrong. But one of the setting defining things is the djihad. They are just bored to hell and or manipulated and have nothing better to do than fuck with each other. If you are not a Gangrel or otherwise say you are out of this shit its hard to be left alone, arguably even those guys arent allways.
>I wish I could sleep in the park for no rent.
>elders are the LARPers playing them, and those people have no charisma at all.

I have to wonder how much the LARP scene started to effect official publications, even before V5, which as we all know was basically the LARPer edition.
given how often my players tried to become a elders underlings because the character was intersting yeah you got a point
>Personal Horror
>Not Splatter

Bring the Sam Raimi gore cannon, it's going to be a time.
>I think however you give out exp in oWoD, it's best to start off small and slowly give more and more as the story progresses because of how scaling exp costs work.
Yeah, I get this feeling too. The ST of our V20 chronicle has been handling out 5 per session + 1 if you write a summary of your character's session + 1 if some important plot shit happens, and after 15 sessions these neonates now have as much XP as Ancillae are supposed to start with. I think other players might have disciplines at 4 or 5 already.
Father Wolf had flesh, because he was a Pangaeans.
>thought this was made up for Dark Eras, but Father Wolf having a corporeal form was first mentioned in Mirrors
... What the actual fuck?
Sounds like you should really just pace XP handouts with the progression of the story
>So clearly he has other children that are fleshy, why is he a fucking spirit?
Because they didn't want to give stats for a ultra powerful flesh deity for whatever reason either that or they intended werewolves to be the result of a weird ass Magath finding a way to reproduce through delirium.
Why doesn't Dire Wolf have flesh then?
I get being shy about your body or something but who even does that?
It's just habit. They're autistic losers with no self confidence so it's hard to break out of just doing what you're used to, it'll feel wrong, and they won't have anything to push back against it.
>+ 1 if you write a summary of your character's session

What's the point of this? It feels like busywork, if someone wasn't paying attention during the session it will show.
The purpose of all OOC conditional xp is to stroke the ST's ego
>What's the point of this? It feels like busywork, if someone wasn't paying attention during the session it will show.

I feel like it's mostly to help the keep track of what's happening because it's one session every two weeks with 6 players, and the ST has like 4 or 5 other RPG campaigns going on
He probably did at one point. It's been a bit since I've read it, but I think its implied that dwelling in the Shadow for so long has turned the Firstborn into fully fledged spirits, while Pangaeans who got trapped in the material degenerated into many of the weird monsters that show up in the back of Predators.
>because it's one session every two weeks with 6 players, and the ST has like 4 or 5 other RPG campaigns going on

Holy shit. Okay, I suppose I can see the purpose in that extreme of a situation. It's still not something I would do for my own games, but that makes a bit more sense.
He did.
The Firstborn are all Pangeans. When Pangea collapsed with Urfarah's death most jumped ship to the Shadow where the woojoo nature of Spiritland could handle them, but they lost some of their fleshy weirdness over time.
The ones that tried to jump ship to the material world became weird shit like Crocodile's cannibal god corpse.
It's not the Firstborn being exclusive that's the issue, it's whether or not they're a Firstborn at all. They might be a Maeltinet.
I haven't tried v5 or even opened the rules book since it released. I remember it wasn't well received. Have things changed since then?
Assume I've only ever played a year long chronicle of 20th and I'm a Redemption/Bloodlinesfag
>Have things changed since then?

In terms of how V5 is viewed? No, not really. A lot of people dislike to outright hate it, it has some defenders though. Most of the things that make it so polarizing are fundamental and can't be addressed within the edition itself. The only real development is it slowly walked back the many radical lore changes it made, but stops in an unhappy middle ground where the people who disliked the change are still not happy and the people who liked the change are now less happy. For example, the Sabbat finally got a book but it was not for playing as the Sabbat, and included very little of use to anyone.

They also released an H5 and W5 in that order, which were received even more negatively than V5, though less vocally due to far more niche appeal.
Chris Allen, the main writer for Forsaken 2e, did a decent job explaining himself why he went in that direction for Dire Wolf.
The idea is Dire Wolf is set in opposition to Humanity on a cosmic level, which makes some sense. He's the adversarial force of nature against the pre-agricultural humans, when hunger was still an elemental force that kept them in check to the Hunt.
It's up for doubt because it's the ontologically evil faction making a psychologically disturbing claim that can be neither verified nor dismissed because none of the god-things that should know will talk about it. From a player perspective it doesn't really matter because it's whatever the ST wants, Soulless Wolf can be Literally Urfarah being Skinsuited around by Satan or it could a total fabrication just to gaslight the Uratha.

The Luna thing is one of those moments where the writers simultaneously seeded multiple contrary theories and are also clearly indecisive on which they prefer.
The two competing theories now are either Urfarah recognized that the Hunt was coming to an end and made preparations to create a successor, first with the Geryo and the Dark Mother and when that fucked up he went with Luna and created the Uratha.
The other storythread they laid is Luna gathered some of Urfarah's essence when he was still in his prime and savagely beating down the other nature gods. Then she took these and stuck them in humans to create the Uratha for her own eldritch moon mommy reasons. Meanwhile, Urfarah doesn't seem to give a shit about the Uratha and barely engages with them even when he's around. I'm not the biggest fan of this version because it's just another Dad Doesn't Care story that has no payoff and I'm fucking sick to death of that trope.

The whole white woman getting fucked by a wolf thing is just the oral history losing all the particulars and filling in the gaps after 8000+ years. Modern Uratha don't even know what a Pangaean is, much less that the Firstborn are them and not just real big Spirits.
Any suggestions for the next TQ?
What are some novel Ravnos flaw compulsions?
I'll expand that to cover more than just the Ravnos, since not everyone will care about one of their multiple clan curses, but thanks for the idea.


Migrate at your leisure, frens.
>first with the Geryo and the Dark Mother
>believing the shit beast lore
Which is all good, It is a good concept. But loosing so many cool gifts like father wolfs form or what it was that allowed you to transform into a 4 legged warform thing etc that would help driving home the primal stuff a bit more is just felt harshly by me. Love 2E, but as all cofd lines suffers from losing nWoD editing, art and sheer number or books.
It had to be cut down by necessity but it is easy to see a horseman lf the apocalypse if you dont have the older books.
nWoD books still exist and are still 90% usable. If you like something 1e did, just use it. That's what you're meant to be doing. Although I would say the editing is leagues better in 2e as 1e often spent an awful lot of time saying very little and buried its mechanics.

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