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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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How's your game going along? Any systems you actively developing? Anything out there for the no games?
the game?
>Any systems you actively developing?
Not actively, but I'm sitting on a nearly test ready rpg system in need of polishing, and my own vision for better 40k rules, play tested to a degree.
Both on hiatus, as I don't have the time and inspiration to obsess over them at the moment.
I left a shit game group a while ago when the GM and a couple of the players turned toxic. Got started with my own group and it's been slow going but everyone's having a blast.

Recently one of the other players from the last group said it's all been downhill since I left and now they're actively imploding and the player's asking to join my lineup.

It's pretty vindicating.
Currently working on a sci-fi scenario for Hero Quest. Should be fun.
Currently working on converting all my disparate google docs and sheets of lore information into World Anvil pages between two settings that I'm actively running, plus two projects I'm tinkering with. I should also get around to formalizing my anime game d6 system into a readable PDF
We wrapped up a major arc where the group grinded their way through a psionic tech-cult headquarters, first the outer street defenses, then the inner sanctum, then having to outmaneuver and sacrifice their NPC mooks to an Astral Dreadnought as they surfed the gravity in its home plane, then after an RP intermission faced down the big cult leader himself and his partially-functioning doomsday robot featuring my million dollar SFX budget.

Now they are each being granted a favor by the city's ruling family (the cult had kidnapped their son) that I will use to formulate a mini-epilogue for everyone and shape the environment for the next plotline(s).
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Woop, forgot the picture displaying my cutting-edge graphical advancements.
Co-developing an alternative RPG system for Final Fantasy (and similar levels of fantasy) with a guy. Super embryonic stage right now because we're sort of still pinning down exactly what tech level we want the default to include and how well our current choice of resolution mechanic fits the feel of the series. We're looking at compiling a list of skills, but I'm not sure how well a skill system works over just having class-based abilities that are useful in and out of combat. We've kind of stalled out because we've also been playing an ongoing campaign with some people and haven't been feeling the work.
I have a Mothership magic post-apoc thing I'm tweaking now and then. I'm happy with the classes and kicking stuff for future stand alone segments, but I'm not really there with the core gameplay. I feel I need to play other stuff to decide how I want it to work.
I know it sounds like a meme answer but I swear it's a real question, what system?
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It started as a 5e campaign trying to play (mostly) straight their goofy Modern Magic supplement but we realized it was just too limiting overall for such a gun and vehicle-centric concept and made the switch to Shadow of the Demon Lord. There's still a Forgotten Realms lore base present, just aged up significantly to the point that it's mostly homebrew.
>How's your game going along? Any systems you actively developing? Anything out there for the no games?
good. i coded a custom roll20 character sheet yesterday for my system. i made a scifi system and its cool to share with my friends and stuff.
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>Any systems you actively developing?
A little something for myself I've been trying to refine for a few years now. Here's my most recent restart. Because it's a little dark and messy, I'll clarify:
[ Head ]
< AGI > Bonus to Reflex Checks
< END > Bonus to Checks against KO
< STR > Bonus POW to Throw Attacks
"Cantrip" - Expends •• to Throw Energy

[ Arms ]
< AGI > Determines Throw Range
< END > Reduced Modifier when Blocking
< STR > Bonus POW to Arms Attacks
"Tiger Barrage" - Swift punch Attack with Repeat Chance
"Bear Claw" - Arms Attack with Grapple Chance

[ Body ]
< AGI > Bonus to Control Checks
< END > Bonus HP to other Features
< STR > Bonus POW to Melee Attacks
"Tiger Crash" - Full Body rush Attack with high Push Chance
"Dragon Buster" - Leaping stomp Attack with Smackdown Chance

[ Legs ]
< AGI > Determines Move Range
< END > Reduced Modifier when Avoiding
< STR > Bonus POW to Legs Attacks
"Dragon Surge" - Powerful kick Attack with Launch Chance
"Vendetta" - Shortsword useful for hitting Jagged Foes
Currently running a wacky fantasy homebrew campaign with d20 dice pool. Preparing for the One Ring campaign. Working on my 2d6 dice pool Genesys-like resolution TTRPG in a setting inspired by my national folklore, European fairy tales and nods towards Arcanum.
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I've gotten my homebrew system based on the Fable video games to a playable state, at least for my group. They finished final character building on tuesday and next tuesday will be the first real session.
We've done some test gameplay where they were kids/teen guild apprentices to get a feel for things.

We wanted to try something that felt a bit more consistent after mostly doing d20 games, so the main die roll currently is 2d12. There's 3 stats, Strength, Skill, and Will with various things tied to them like HP, Will points, move speed, increasing skill gives you a refund of progression points that you can spend on skill trainings, traits, talents, or powers (weapon techniques/spells).

There's traits, talents, techniques, Spells, and skill (tool, language, knowledge, general) trainings/upgrades they can purchase using progression points or w/e we've settled on calling them. They'll receive these points at the end of quests and be able to purchase the things they like. Some traits/talents/etc will be able to be gained other ways like quests or buying them with gold. Once they reach a certain level of attribute (str/skl/wil) mod or basically a total amount of progression points earned, they'll raise to power tier 2, 3, and then 4. Each tier will grant them access to new, stronger traits/spells/etc.

Everyone is decently enthusiastic about it despite it getting close to a year since I began talking about running this while ending my previous main campaign, so I'm pretty ready to get back into weekly dming and hopeful that it's gonna be a fun time.

I've had my artist making item/character art for the campaign for a while now.
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>party decides to ditch a low level quest in the Dinosaur Swamps
>Cast Animal Friendship on a Spinosaurus (Sailback)
>Get it to follow them around
>Now have to deal with the logistics of a multi-ton predator, eats a Halfling caravan
>Break into an abandoned farmhouse, find all of the previous tenants dead
>They decide to sleep there for the night
>In the midst of the night, the Barbarian is attacked by shadows
>So is the Warlock
>Fight and kill the shadows
>A Ghost possesses one of their mounts, a Manticore, and they're forced to kill it before the Ghost slithers out and disappears into the floorboards
>They leave and head for the nearest town, eager to use the Sailback to attack it and rescue the village from it, so they can pretend to be heroes (They're actually mostly rapscallions)
>The Sailback breaks down the village wall and they find that several buildings are already on fire
>They land in front of the village temple and find the doors barred and trapped with fire runes, someone inside screams at them that there are monsters invading the town, shapeshifters that torture people until their spirits are angry ghosts, and only eight or so people remain alive
>The Sailback goes to the temple and starts to peer in, hungry for villagers.
>They turn off Animal Friendship and the Sailback tries to eat them. As it does, several Wraiths and Ghosts emerge from abandoned buildings to attack. The Ghost terrifies the Sailback and it flees after the players kite it for a while
>The players manage to beat a few of the Ghosts and Wraiths before the others retreat.
>A stranger appears and offers to help
>As soon as the Druid turns away, he's knifed in the back, stranger is a Doppleganger
>The door to the blacksmith's flies open and two Dopplegangers launch poisoned arrows into the griffon, nearly killing it
>Party kills a few, the last Doppleganger jumps into a mirror and flees

Can't wait to see how the deal with the Mirror Plane and the Doppleganger boss
>the Fable video games
are they tbased on the fable comics? that setting could lend itself well for an rpg.
What system do you play with?
I can't keep control of all the possible plots and "maybes" that crop up in <20 sessions of a Vampire game without a fucking spreadsheet and even though I love the setting I'm starting to think maybe I actually hate Vampire.
My Spelljammer players continue to ignore my adventures and decided to visit yet another Dwarvern citadel. This one happens to have recently been attacked by Plasmoid pirates so, on the fly, I decided a bunch are still down in some of the agricultural tunnels hiding. The dwarves have barricaded off those tunnels and left the plasmoids to rot, but since the party offered, the dwarves are more-than-happy to let the players have a crack at it.

So I have to finish this rather large dungeon by Wednesday.
Got a homebrew game going; party's gonna do a raid on a bunch of pirates bringing in corpses to a illegal necromancer black market. We'll see how things end up going.
I like your map! Lots of different biomes within travel distance
What program did you use to make it?
>How's your game going along?
Goodish? We've mostly been doing one-shots as of late. Everyone is down to play more, heck a lot of the group wants to GM. But everyone claims to be too busy to GM. So I suppose I should just step up and do it.
>Any systems you actively developing?
At this point I should. There's been a couple of campaigns I've had in my head for awhile that I just haven't found a good system for. I really want to do a short campaign focused around exploring the aftermath of a huge battle between a fleet of spaceships fielding modern day military soldiers, and a massive floating fortress that hosts a conglomerate of powerful magic factions.
I originally was going to try GURPS because I heard it could do anything, but then I realized it didn't do it well and that I hate GURPS. So now that campaign has been put on the backburner for quite some time now. I'd love to develop a system for it, but I'm not sure what to use as a base.
I am working on a system based on Gumshoe, it's up to 40 pages (only 1 page of setting, 7 pages of game master advice) but I imagine it will come in to easily 75-100 pages before I even add in pictures. I also am actively playtesting it with my regular game group so it's getting balance passes. Gumshoe has a good license so I could actually maybe even throw it up on something like DriveThru for like $5 or include a Kofi link or something. It would be cool to make a little gas money.
I'm doing a bit of development- and that's a strong word for "I have a big notebook and write things down while I roll dice and look like a weirdo at the coffee shop". But don't judge me, the black chick there likes me and gives me free white chocolate mochas.
But, to the point- I'm working on ways to make melee combat swingy, lethal- while also being dynamic. I want there to be incentive to melee combat, where ranged combat is 'safer but with less payoff'.
I know it's a terrible comparison- but think something like Elden Ring, where the bow hits 'pretty hard' but not as hard as my dad when he drinks. Basically, risk/reward.
I've been quite fond of both Middle Earth Strategy game and Five Leagues from the Borderlands' melee.
On the side, I jot down lore ideas. I want to go with a 'low fantasy', or more accurately "A fictional setting in a lost continent with fantasy and supernatural elements". I like the idea of 'grimdark', but with the caveat that 'even in bleak times there should be those that bring hope'.
>How's your game going along?
They're all going along pretty well. Got some work I need to get done for sunday but otherwise pretty good.
>Any systems you actively developing?
I've been working hard at my own fantasy system, it's modern fantasy. Finished up the items/equipment today, need to add the cantrips (The way spells work generally is a "build your own spell" system with Component Ranks based on class level the player can combine as they see fit, with the limit being their MP, if it costs too much you can't cast it. Cantrips are things casters and half-casters get that are weaker utility options, things like Detect Magic or Identify from D&D would fall into this category. It's little tricks they can do, no damage but a way for them to contribute in ways martials can't really).

After that, it's on to more general game mechanics; exploration, environmental damage, combat. Then I need to do up NPC creation (I intend to use a point buy system to determine the difficulty of an NPC with a very simple system to make GMing easier than something like D&D or other fantasy RPGs and to keep it flexible for GMs who want to use a homebrew setting).
>Anything out there for the no games?
Can't really help you sadly, you'd need a group to run or play anything I've made.
Trying to come up with ideas for various events before I draw up a big map. I have the scenario planned out, thinking of calling the campaign "The Dollmaker's/Toymaker's Manor". Basically this famous artisan who lives in a big mansion outside of town hasn't been seen in weeks and the town guards who went to basically perform a wellness check never came back, so the party is brought on to investigate. The place is huge and there's a lot of ground to cover, but they're greeted in the foyer by a mysterious life-sized porcelain doll that moves and talks of its own accord.
Coming along great, actually. It's very close to being done.
>How's your game going along?
Pretty active. Gotta play in a couple of hours and the players are already fucking raving mad on the phone asking and contemplating different courses of action. They are currently searching to de-petrify a fellow PC before a great knight tournament starts (i track days and they have a month and a half of game time, more or less)

>Any systems you actively developing?

Two different variations of BX D&D. The one being tested, that is a d6 pool variant; and the second one (still untested) that is more classic, though i'm removing attribute scores (so PCs and NPCs are mechanically equal) and reworking the spell list from the ground up.

If anybody is interested i can answer specifics.

>just aged up significantly to the point that it's mostly homebrew.

I know that feeling, it always happens like that for me
I wanted to do a gonzo take on the Panic Engine from Mothership. But after 10 pages of classes, lore and mechanics I realized it's a depressing mess.
Should I double down and make a depressing post-apoc world? I don't think anyone would want to play in it, I'm having trouble imagining fun adventure hooks. Should I scratch it and make it wacky? Maybe if I work from adventure hooks backwards I could do something, but all my world ideas seem to go the depressing side.
Currently reworking AD&D 1st edition so it works as a futuristic fantasy ruleset.
>multiple magic systems
>magical energy weapons
>guns n explosives
>compatible simplified and advanced rules for equipment, combat and character generation
>full setting with realistic economics and politics
Better than Lancer that's for sure
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Still working on the basics. I playtest with chat gpt. Actually a billion dollar idea from my part.

Anyway it's a fast paced sci-fi shooter d6 tactical ttrpg in the vibe of Alien/Aliens. You always play in some derelict ship, station on a moon, mining asteroid and so on and the goal is to survive and get the hell out and home.

I decided to forego classes in favor of static skills chosen at toon creation. Like you can take mechanical engineering as a trained skill, but you can't learn it during the campaign, or improve it. You can just either do engineering or not, and how well depends upon your core stats, intelligence, strength, dexterity, agility, perception, stamina, constitution
which also do not improve.
I gave it a general look so I might have missed some stuff. It's pretty cool, I respect the itemized autism. Two things to consider
>Part price
Or some other way to know the limitations when building your mech, I feel it should be before the part list so I can select them knowing my budget. Maybe it's in some other part and I missed it, but it's a huge part of character creation and it should be in a prominent place early on.
I know it'd be a ton of extra work, but it'd be nice to have independent origin tables for each archetype, I feel there's a ton of role play potential there.
Pretty good actually. I had a nostalgia swing for Planes and Mercs a bit back and decided to just put a system together since I have a cursory knowledge of design now. Starting by taking two pre-existing systems, heavily modifying them and slapping them together. Looking at getting some automation for it in Foundry VTT and I gotta say, shooting at planes is fun.
I finished my game and released it for free after working on it for like, 3 years
Due to irl shenanigans causing some players to drop for a month or so, I'm pausing Hollow Knight game and planning for a Princess Wing game this saturday. Lots of Ace combat and Symphogear inspiration. The basic battle area is chessboard sized but I'm experimenting. Like having several mats to make a underground metro/sewers corridor battle with actual metro being a stage hazard.
It's a fun system, shame that It's pretty hard to sell to the more normie kind of player
Post link!! Congrats anon
Nice job dude

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