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I like the guys, but is the game fun? War games have always been a bit much for me, but this seems like a decent entry level game.
Yes, it is perfect for beginners. The miniatures have the perfect amount of details for new painters. The rules are solid but not overwhelming. Preparing a comfy 24x24 table is also pretty easy, even with no experience. Just build some fences, bushes and styrofoam hills.
Whats with the new quar threads every day

And whats with the awkard sales pitch
Quar is nice but it can't live very long, not a big enough community yet.
Careful about asking /tg/ about wargame suggestions. This board is full of people who seethe so hard at GW that they'll shill any game that isn't 40k, AOS, or WHFB. I learned this lesson the hard way when this place tricked me intro trying OPR, infinity and Trench Crusade. All garbage.
I saw a youtube about it and really like the aesthetic.
You have to convince people to try things, I guess? It takes effort to convince an autists to try new things like games or vegetables, like how everything has to be compared to warhammer to drum up interest in the algorithm slop treadmill.
Just got the starter box after reading the rules online. Can't wait to start putting them together.
if you weren't a moron you might be able to get the sense of whether you like something from reading the rules
at least playtest the things with proxies before you commit to anything
that you got "tricked" into playing something based around a body or illustrations that's only in its playtest phase tells me how fucking retarded you are
>doesn't like infinity
actually no taste
>but but but you don't just don't like GW
had infinity stuff since like 2010. infinity is great.
Seething 40kiddie.
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You can download the rules for free on the homepage. Read them and see if you dig it. Be aware that this game is not very popular yet. You will probably need to get two warbands and convince someone to try it out first.

No one except grogs and newfags cares for 40k anymore. All normal people moved on since 8th dropped. Sane people are not seething.

Also: Use nails for mushrooms
> Be aware that this game is not very popular yet. You will probably need to get two warbands and convince someone to try it out first.
Yes, I'm very familiar with this experience with board gaming. My plan was to get the starter set, paint them all (Honestly seems like the most fun), then add some simple terrain to have a nice little set I can play quickly when I find (or force) someone to play.

I think the plan is solid, but I need to wait till after my move, and I down size some. The paints + hobby supplies and time is just too much right now.
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>Getting tricked into playing the three games worse than 40K
Lmao, do your homework next time, kiddo.
I just want my shipment to get here.
>why are people talking about a new wargame on the wargame board
gee retard figure it out
infinity is actual slop
40k is slop too but infinity is so much worse
I haven’t played those 3 but I don’t believe you when you say that they are worse than 10th 40k, I don’t think that’s possible.
>infinity is worse slop then 40k
you actually do not believe this.
did the 40kiddy burn is brain out or something?

worst part of infinity is it prevents warzone from returning from the grave as they share a system
next worst thing is the aesthetic

shit's got soul unlike nu40k
If you're wargame has a shit aesthetic than it is literally impossible to have soul. 40k has the best aesthetic of all IPs which is why its more soulful than any other wargame out there.
>40k has the best aesthetic

oh what the featureless phisherprice marines?
Or wallace and grommet?
or the fact that art is now CAD slop and has to be based on the minis?
40k has had no soul for about 10 years. since midhammer died
kek, weak bait from this GW drone paypiggy
>worst part of infinity is it prevents warzone from returning from the grave as they share a system
I'm already lamenting the people that'll see Warzone it decry it as an Infinity knock-off, or refuse to try it because "I already play a d20 sci-fi skirmish game" bullshit.
chadmarines are based. seethe harder troon
ugly soulless models = no buy game
hence infinity being dead, simple as
now fuck off faggot, this general is for quar
Do you think quar appeals to a different audience the W40K? I've never been a fan of the super complex models, but I love designs like pic related (Cartoon characters in realistic settings). I feel like the vibe just suits my tastes way better. But I'm not a typical war gamer, so really my tastes mean nothing.
at this point , you must be trolling. no way it takes so long.
my order of crusader raiders and squirrel communicators on zombiesmith took a few weeks to arrive, he could still be waiting
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Been reading the lore, I'm buying the Foskyldae when they get a physical release. The tanks are comfy-core, and sick ass revolvers. really want the models.
Quar models are probably the ugliest I've ever seen tho. Some tranny will claim their SOVL though because they look like an arthritic boomer sculpted them
who asked
Didn't have to ask. I told you anyways.
I also love the models, but the more I look at them the more my autism is irritated by the lack of eyes. People have told me that they're supposed to be peering out from under their hats, but they clearly aren't and I can't deal with it, I thought I could at first but I can't.
nobody cares, go back to your containment thread
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They do have eyes though
this dude did>>93897914
when he derailled the quar thread to whine about all the bad gamers who play games he doesn't like.

Aesthetic is important to the game but so is crunch, mechanically infinity is quite good.

and from what i see, so is a clash of ryfles which actually cribs a couple mechanics from infinity.

I know people who will vehemently not try this game because they do not like how the quar look, it's bad to have no taste but there's enough 40k players to fill the ocean.

doubly important because they should GET IN THE FUCKING SEA.
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The problem with "playing" any game aside from GW games is that you won't be playing shit. Go ahead. Go out and find some other Quars War players in your city. Let's see how many you'll find. Unless you're buying this shit to paint and play against yourself, don't waste your money, just buy one of GWs many starter sets
>just buy one of GWs many starter sets
that overegged it a bit
could have been a fairly convincing social retard in denial otherwise
Quars War is dead bro.
I live in a small town and play quar once a week at my LGS
sounds like a skill issue on your part
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I heard that fidwog was getting plastics

how do you guys feel about that? do you think they'll be dual kits with western arnyar
>Let's see how many you'll find.
the problem with all wargames is it's 90% finding the right opponents.

GW has been hell because so many people means so many shitters. you run into a lot of meta chasers, cutthroat players etc.

playing Quar because of the small size, i reason would make your experience a lot easier.
a lot of the community will be similarly minded.
They royally screwed up by switching model scale, the official models were already overpriced. The system isn't particularly good and the simply isn't enough background lore to run a campaign. Basically It's already in need of a relaunch.
>switching model scale, the official models were already overpriced.
the fuck are you talking about?
are you schtewpid or somethin?
nah he's just gobsmacked.
Wait, are you seriously unaware of the history behind Quar? did you not attended any wargaming convention pre-covid?
the new models are in the same scale as the metals and less than half the price, retard
inb4 it's a 15mm subhuman
You could've just answered "No" senpai.
don't care about your autistic whinging, newfag
>pretending to have some old and deep lore about this when not even knowing they used a loaner ruleset until very recently
weird larp
>Unless you're buying this shit to paint and play against yourself
That is why I'm buying. Or as a fun game to pull out when only one person can make board game night. Seems like a decent (if pricey) game in that sense. But it's worth it when I factor in the fun painting.
>did you not attended any wargaming convention pre-covid?
Why would I?
and what does the history really matter to the reality of $40~ for 24 minis at 28mm scale.

the 15 mm isn't /to/ bad. its bad don't get me wrong but it's comparable to say Flames of war.
everything but 40k is dead if you're unlikable enough
I would rather have more stuff for existing armies. For such a small scale game 4 factions are enough desu. Tanks would be cool too.
Show me the models that have eyes. If I can build an army where everyone appears to have eyes (even if you can't see them) without having to do a bunch of kitbashing then I'm in. I'm sure some of you could easily adjust the hats to make them look more believable, but I'm a noob, having to kitbash defeats the purpose of getting quar.
>spoonfeed me more
the other anon literally showed you the heads with eyes. What else do you need? Maybe it would be better if you stay away with your autism.
That's not a model. All the models have the eyes completely covered by a hat so that they obviously can't see anything. It's cute at first but in the long term I would come to dislike it intensely.
Other dudes can have hats completely over their eyes, I can deal with that (by joking about it), but my dudes need to look like they can see. Even if you can't physically see their eyes their needs to at least be a gap under the front of the hat so that I can plausibly tell myself that they have eyes.
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The author sells a lot of kitbashing parts on his website: https://zombiesmith.com/clash-of-rhyfles-bare-heads/

There's also these guys, who have different style hats where you can se their eyes: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-toulmore-heads-and-packs-393009
That's awesome, thanks mate, I appreciate it.
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>Amazon says delivery today by 10pm
>Package last seen 24 hours ago in a state 8 hours away
It's Quarover....
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My package is still in england... finished all this shit. Now waiting for more.
Looks amazing anon. The bases are really a nice touch. Hope mine come out 1/4 as good.
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Rainbow quar, or muted colors?
vibrant skin on them is the most fun to paint
>And whats with the awkard sales pitch
>Is this game good for X?
>Yes, it's good for X for the following reason
Every fucking time anything new gets a thread, war game, RPG, board game, whatever a hoard of people like you come crying shill to any remotely positive post. If you hate traditional games why are you here? If you hate games that aren't from your favourite corporation, why don't you stick to those threads?
rainbow, of course. nice work
Genuinely upsetting at how much better theses are painted than mine.
these guys are wonderful.
are those non-metalic metals?
Anon are you willing to share how you got these guys done?
Im sorry I stole it from the quar discord. You could ask the guy who posted it there.
to the abyss with you
>quar creator actively commenting on every painted model people post in his 11k member group
based beyond belief
gotta be retarded to simp gw, people that seriously simp gw are gonna hate anything else being discussed, and retards hate being retards and love inventing situations for themselves where they are smart (i noticed this shilling! look how smart i am!)
tl;dr: retards
>nail shrooms
cool idea, thanks
I wanna make a thread later for diy board/terrain making
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I'm preparing some stuff for my board, too. I would like to make a video for Youtube since there is not enough quar content.
I'm interested to see how they turn out. Fidwog could be fun.

What I'd kill for is if WGA could sell the various conversion parts as physical product already. I don't have a 3D printer and don't want to have to constantly bug my friends to print me stuff if I can prevent it. It'd be nice to be able to get the parts to make the plastics into Gwynt just ready to go and shipped to me.

There's a decent group of guys playing it where I live. And you know why? Because someone saw it, went "that looks cool!" and started a community instead of just giving into the "all nn-GW games are dead" cunt mentality.
I actually getting into the wargaming hobby with Quar. Never painted or anything, so a bit torn over doing all terrain myself or asking my friend who just got a filament printer to make this and that. Maybe both.
>What I'd kill for is if WGA could sell the various conversion parts as physical product already.
The creator said he'd sell parts at least, just needs to build up an inventory. So there is hope without needs a print farm

>I would like to make a video for Youtube since there is not enough quar content.
Do it. I've watched all the quar content on youtube an need more. Also you models look great and I want to know the methods you use.
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>Estimated delivery time 1pm
>Estimated delivery time 1:30 pm
>Still being delivered!! (by 10pm)
I wanna play but I got no storage and no one to play with. Its so quarover
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Starter set just got here. Time to open it up lads.
I really dont know anything about Quar, but the art style on book covers reminds me so much of Valkyria Chronicles that it makes me interested.

btw are the books the way to get into this game/setting beyond the WGA set?
The Western Iron pdf is basically the entire world lore. Very dense, but maybe what you are looking for.
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6 done. Can't wait to paint them. Never made models like this before, but man it's pretty hard.
they are a little fiddly to learn to assemble at first but they're very satisfying to see put together haha
Oh yeah, and I'm getting a good system going. Watch the small army appear is really nice.
>The creator said he'd sell parts at least, just needs to build up an inventory
Oh, fuck yeah!
>order arrived today
Can't wait to get to it. My first minis
have fun bruv, they're a good place to get started practicing on models
Thanks. Gonna hop over to a friend who has been painting for years for some basics.
don't let him meme you into painting with contrast. that shit is not for beginners despite being advertised as such.
Do you pronounce Quar as "qwor" or rhyming with "argh"?
like guar but quar
As song of ice and fire minatures game is fantastic. Not sure why I don’t see more people talk about it
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>tfw you never got to see Oderous and the lads in concert, getting blasted by piss, blood and cum sprays from the stage show.
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sounds like the metals getting pulled from the store will come back down the line
anybody have any comparison pics between 40k guardsmen and quar?
40k's the only game around here but i wouldn't mind making an army of these lil dudes
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thank you anon
maybe they'll work as ratlings
shame, i was hoping to use fidwoggers, but they are even shorter
stop poorly trying to incite rivalries between settings, /v/ermin
could try to be a little less transparent and quote the other guy too
no need, it's the same guy
I think it got talked about a fair bit when there were ASOIAF generals. I just remember some dipshit over in /awg/ throwing a fit because someone wanted to talk about it there.

>If you really need something, let me know and we'll figure something out
Based small game designer.
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Tomorrow we prime.
And then ruin them with paint
clean up the models first. take a sharp knife and some sandpaper and trim the mold lines and flesh off.

Yes, I'm going to be going over all of them during meetings today. Good video though, I learned some stuff.
Painting coftyr tonight. Will see how it goes.
godspeed and good luck
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Got my base coat on. Hope I have time to finish him this weekend.
Looking good so far
Be sure to clean up those couple metal bands on the rifle that spilled over the brown tho
Very nice, you said these were your first minis you've done? Very clean if so
I like how the krieg is covered in dust and not based but the quar is pristine and ready for priming
Yep, I'm honestly surprised because my hands are pretty shakey. But I'm taking my time and it's ~3 hours per paint job, so I'm definitely not rushing

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