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Eyes of the overworld:
>What if special glasses let people see into a magical paradise called the overworld
>What if a town trapped people in a watchtower
>What if rats trapped people in a cave but let them out if they trapped even more people for them
Cugel's saga:
>What if Cugel went diving in a lake
>What if Cugel went on a boat
>What if nothing interesting happened for hundreds of pages
This novel is such a downgrade holy shit. I haven't been this disappointed in a book since I read the Knight and Knave of Swords.
What a fucking horrible take
Oh, I love Cugel! Maybe it isn't for everyone, but you can't please everyone.
I can pleasure your mom, if you know what I mean.
You forgot the part where Cugel tricks a band of cultists into going into a desert with him by paying a guy artifacts he got from a guy he indirectly gets killed to make an illusion of the cultist's god.
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Saga was made 20 years after Eyes and Vance was far more focused on Lyonesse. Now if you want more roguish Cugel, there is Simbilis which is just an alternative sequel to Eyes.
>>What if special glasses let people see into a magical paradise called the overworld
>>What if a town trapped people in a watchtower
>>What if rats trapped people in a cave but let them out if they trapped even more people for them
you mean
>what if you jumped the line for the greatest gift and it's shit
>what if you tried to cuck someone but you get cucked yourself
>what if you steal someone's birthright but fuck it up
I don't recall the rat one, but I'm sure Cugel was an asshole and fucked himself over because he's the best like that
That's what made it funny, Cugel always think he is smarter than everyone else but he is usually the one being made a fool.
They made a crappy ripoff movie of To Live Forever
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>What if Cugel went on a boat
>mechant convinces him to rob an omnipotent wizard so he stops bothering him
>break in
>fill bag with treassures
>find treassure in the middle of a glass maze
>I got this
>get trapped
>wizard gets home, finds dude with a bag lost in the see through glass maze
>says he's a merchant and tries to sell the wizard his own stuff
I love him so much, he's such a shit head.
You're going to get a job?
I hate to break it to you, but being here for only ~8 years doesn't make you an oldfag, kid.
cugel's saga is a cash grab written decades after the original. you can tell the author's heart wasn't in it with the way he torturously drew out every scene to make pagecount
>here's 2328509235 pages of cugel washing a marine worm
The funny thing is that Vance working at 15% capacity is still leagues above most fantasy authors.
If he's been here since the "don't even need the other boards" days, he's absolutely an oldfag, newfag. Fuck off and lurk more before you post.
I read them back to back and the reason I liked Cugel's saga is he seems to have the tiniest arc by the end. He seems genuinely sad that the final pilgrim he was travelling with gets killed, and he kills the wizard at the end less out of revenge and more because he wants to be left the fuck alone. I thought it was a nice contrast between Cugel at the end of Eyes, where his being such a petty fucker bites him in the ass.
Please, fuck off with your "This board is my personal /b/" bullshit already. It's never been true, and even in the past only the dumbest off-topic shitspammers would try to convince people that this is a "anything you want" board.

Vance gets discussed here because he was a foundational inspiration for D&D and many other fantasy games besides, and the books are also exceptionally high quality. They're not just random books.
It's always been true that we discuss settings and setting concepts here without worrying if there's a set of rules attached to it, fuck off with your revisionist bullshit.
>Vance gets discussed here because
Did...did you not read how this whole reply chain started?
There's nothing wrong with this thread, but there is something wrong with your "I think I can justify anything with complete and utter bullshit". That's an abuse of freedom that ruins this place for everyone, and leads to the sort of idiots who demand for even stricter limitations.

Shut the fuck up. People breaking rules and abusing freedoms in the past don't mean anything when the majority of the time they made the board worse, rather than better.

Not needing a specific set of rules attached to something? Fine.
"/tg/ is the 'whatever I personally want it to be' board?" Shut the fuck up.
>This novel is such a downgrade holy shit. I haven't been this disappointed in a book since I read the Knight and Knave of Swords.
I see you got lost anon.
The (((modern))) fantasy slop thread is at /lit/, this is the kino sword & sorcery thread.
A thread just randomly talking about Jack Vance would be better than 95% of the threads already on /tg/. Even if you disagreed with that, the games? games? traditional games? muh not related whining is literally always a downgrade to both the thread it is exercised in and the board. If you do not like a thread do not reply to it. It is that simple.
We both agree that a Vance thread is alright, but for two different reasons.

I understand Vance is a seminal figure in modern fantasy whose works formed a vital component of many of the most important traditional games.

You, on the other hand, are just oddly liberal and don't give a fuck one way or the other.
Nta but you are a fucking idiot. You said a stupid thing, got called on it, and now you're doubling down. Just stop. Go do literally anything else.
No, you are very confused and also generally need to shut the fuck up.
Ok I finished it. It got better towards the end but eyes of the overworld is still the best. What else by vance is a must read?
The Lyonesse Trilogy is one of the best set of fantasy novels.
Glad you informed me. read eyes of the overworld and loved it. Wasnt planing to read the next anytime soon, but shame that its a different energy. Eyes has a really great dynamic to it.
And then one of the cultists actually becaume Cugals only real friend in the entire story and he wept at his death.
Always liked that bit.
Thank you. Being a kind and chivalrous man, I'll only charge you 20 terces for the information.
Im kind of pissed the only easily available copies I can find if this are from some overpriced speciality press.
If you can get your hands on the audiobooks, legitimately or otherwise, you really should.
Nah, I know I'm in the ever growing minority, but I much prefer reading to listening. I find I drift off listening to audiobooks and end up having to relisten to big chunks. Thanks for the rec, though.
>he is incapable of buying used Fantasy Masterworks copies from Abebooks
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Speaking of Lyonesse, has anyone checked the RPG system by Designs Mechanism?
How come you're never in the ai threads telling them to fuck off?
Demon Princes is fun, it's Count of Monte Cristo but in space
I had actually forgotten about abe books. Still weirdly sparse selection compared to other Vance shit, also I've only seen a Fantasy Masterworks version of Sildrun's Garden, not either of the others.

So, thank you, even though you're kind of a dickhead.
Lyonesse 1: Suldrun's Garden

Lyonesse 2: The Green Pearl and Madouc

I'm going to admit here that every Volume 2 copy is absolutely niggularly expensive for some reason and I didn't expect that, presumably low printing volume but fuck me.
Update to this: you're actually probably a lot better off just buying the Spatterlight Press softcovers, those are the rectified texts from the Integral Edition and like 15-20 bucks apiece new on Amazon.
I bought some used copies from abe already, it ended up being less than half the price of the spatterlight copies. I have a hard time spending money on new books.

And yeah, that explains why I didn't see the second volume of the masterworks ones, I stopped looking when the price for over 20 dollars. I've noticed that Masterworks volumes go through cycles of being stupidly expensive, there was a period of time where I couldn't find the Elric one for less than 80 bucks.
>2016 election tourist
That's just about as bad. Fuck off.
I'm inclined to concur.
Compared to the short stories in "The Dying Earth", this is not very good at all.
I prefer The Stars My Destination for that kick.
Try reading the original Turjan of Miir short stories. OG Wizard gets less than two hundred pages of content covering his high level banditry and magical duels. Really wanted to see more of him.
You aren't the board police.
Contribute to the discussion or shut the fuck up.
since your here, the og anthology of dying earth is more jank and less cohesive, but I also really liked it. it still had that really cool sense of.... meticulous wonder. like, its not just random shit, but vance makes sure to make all the weird things feel liked they have their own history and logic, even if you or the POV character will never know exactly what it is. I even really enjoyed the purple prose.
>Im kind of pissed the only easily available copies I can find if this are from some overpriced speciality press.
I see the 3 books on Amazon for $17.99 each
20 dollars for a paperback is absurd. That's why I buy used as much as possible.

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