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ITT: Let's make a Spelljammer solar system. Each anon adds a new celestial body or adds something to a body that came before.
>the Sun is ruled by a dynasty of demi-gods descended from sun dragons. They rule over a race of Azers who live on sunspots, which are basically enormous mounds of hot coal floating on a sea of super-heated gold.
>Kalu is a medium-sized, tidally locked planet. People live in shadows that protect them from the intense heat of dayside. Those who wander beyond the shadows of their homes will find their own shadows coming to life with a will of their own.
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thats such a cool ship, i love nautiloids
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Kalamur is a unique planet due to it's particular celestial adjacency to the Planes of Water and Earth and comes with the peculiar feature of the Evertide which is a massive rolling ocean wave that carries its water literally across the whole of the planet. As such, depending upon the time of day, a particular part of the world is either underwater or dry as a bone in a fairly predictable cycle.

Some of it's native inhabitants have learned to move endlessly with the Evertide while others have adapted a more amphibous existence allowing them to live and adjust accordingly depending upon the time of day and year for the coming and going of the Evertide.
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On Kalu, most humanoids live on the dark side of the world, due to the heat being too intense on the light side. It doesn't have the same issues that the light side does with shadows, as the Sun can't see them and give them life.

The dark side of Kalu is covered in arcane metropolises, lit up and sustained by magical aristocratic houses. These houses don't really like each other much, and often scheme against one another. One house filled with Elves got fed up with the others and teleported to the moon and became the Drow. Moons, being up in view somewhere always, are naturally less capable of scheming and backstabbing. The Drow instead formed a much more open society. Not a *nice* society, but one with less politicking.

The light side is much less pleasant. Those from the dark side still must come here for food and resources, but it's not a place most people live willingly. The few who do live here on the surface "cheat" the sun by giving themselves cover so large that they do not cast a shadow separate from the objects they're carrying. However, many dwarves also technically call the light side their home, but they simply live underground, content to not bother venturing into the heat.
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The Shadow Moon is an artifical moon created by the Lich Hallam to serve as the base of operation for his vast organization of spies and informants known as the Black Whisper.

As the moon is partially hidden in the Plane of Shadows, it is also the only way to access or leave it. It's surface is a desolate landscape that services as a morbid garden of Hallam's collection of various Undead things he's found or created, and of things he did not create and can only contain.

Under the surface exists a sprawling palace of many rooms which allows his mortal servants to live and train. One must be weary when receiving an infivation to Hallam's Moon least you become a permanent resident.
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Nice! Nice!
Don't you have some Spelljammer random tables we can roll on?
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The Turmoil is the name given to a piece of space originally known as the Palace of Opulence by a fabulously wealthy wizard who spared no expense to make his palace on Kalu to centerpiece of his masterful creation.

It is called such as the wizard created the demi-plane space, it somehow intersected with the madness of the Far Realm and became a nexus of insanity. Many noble guests were trapped inside and the Palace of Opulence which hangs in the empty void is the only known entrance.

Some attempts have been made to breach the The Turmoil and some report boisterous laughter can be heard from the vaulted, jeweled doors.
There a gas giant inhabited entirely by air elementals who are trapped there because the giant’s ring is full of evil spiders
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The Broken Forge is a series of great asteroids held in place by massive black chains.

On the central asteroid is a great copper mirror that reflects the like of the Sun onto the throne of an extremly old and powerful Elder Fire Elemental who rules the Broken Forge from her Sun Throne being unable to leave it and the warmth given by the reflected light.

From her throne gushes an ever flowing river of molten rock and metal that her followers and disciples use to build many weapons, armor, and wonders for a hefty price.
Here you seem to have forgotten something:
There's this one, too
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Know nothing about spelljammer but sure, why not.
Pandemonium is a dwarf planet with a distant elliptical orbit. The moon has a thick, high pressure atmosphere that helps to hold in geological heat from the planets strangely active and radioactive core. Merely stepping foot on the planet is almost certain death, as the biosphere is highly competitive and aggressive, most lifeforms having a lifespan measured in mere hours. Every organism is in some way optimized for combat and likely to kill the average human in moments. Every second one is on this world is a fight for survival.
Despite this, foolhardy individuals will occasionally attempt to capture wildlife, either for study or as a volatile weapon. These acts are rarely endorsed, as if any of these species were to reproduce on another world they could wreak havoc. Others attempt to make a name for themselves by successfully hunting or even surviving on the planet, though almost all are forgotten.
Study of Pandemonium's orbit suggest it was actually a rogue planet, and was simply caught by the sun into a temporarily stable orbit. Where it was from, and where it may be going, is poorly understood.
The Night Sun, an object with a long and narrow orbit that transects the orbit of other planets. It is, in some ways, like a comet and from other planets typically appears as such - although an ominous dark one with a midnight blue tail always pointing toward the sun. It is widely regarded as a sign of doom.

And rightly so for it is actually a permanent portal to the heart of the Negative Energy Plane. In very rare instances a planet might pass through its tail where the Positive Energy of the central star is drawn to it which actually increases the effects of radiant magics including healing. Ravids and Lumis may even occasionally visit world's under these effects.

Much more concerning are times when The Night Sun passes between the star and a planet, creating a Black Eclipse and bathing that planet with all sorts of undead energies. In these moments a Xeg-Yi also usually comes down in an attempt to minimize the undead plague but these creatures alien and inscrutable natures often just make matters worse for the eclipsed worlds.

Most horrible of all is the profoundly rare incident of the Night Sun actually impacting a planet, cutting through it not unlike a primordial black hole and destroying it utterly - the asteroid field known as Night's Pawns serving as testament to the one planet destroyed in recent centuries but not yet completely consumed.

In orbit in the Night Sun's Event Horizon is an ancient vessel occupied by a solitary demilich, Lucien, who conducts ceaseless experiments on the weird energies at work without and within his labyrinthine vessel
I could use this in my campaign
That is wicked
I didn't read >>93906874 until after I wrote it so the thing orbiting in the event horizon shouldn't be a demilich lets change it to something much weirder like an Uvuudaum
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The World of Kalamur is sharply divided between the land and the sky. The Sky being dominated by the Flying Cities of Krey, being home to powerful artificiers who wish for the various resources of Kalamur's ever flooding mines.

Below exists the many natives who call the land-sea their home having built their communities on the few outcroppings of lands and mountain tops that remain above the Evertide and even still learn to swim with supreme skill and grace before learning how to walk.
Ungh immq rrt updaye the map tomorrow
Tichino has a silver glow that shines brighter than any planet near it. It's entirely covered by silver dunes that appear like sand but it's actually broken down arcane machines. If anyone casts a spell on it's surphase the sand responds elevating the spell two levels (adding twice the intended effect if it can't be upcast) and forming constructs based on the caster's subconcious that last 1d10 minutes.

Beneath it are the remains of a great empire, sucked dry of magic after a great war, with enough casting you could extract enough sand to make a way into it and find explorable ruins. There are remains of the its glory to be looted, but giving too much magic back runs the risk of reactivating the master digital minds that pushed this world into destruction.
is anyone really bothering to think about the planets in a spelljammer campaign? I feel people just throw whatever Star Wars look a like good enough to contain the 3 NPCs they need.
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An idea for a mega scale world because naturally we all look at Blame! and say "I want that!"

The Cup of Tears is a temple planet that appears as a pair of hands gently holding a massive bowel. Inside of the bowel is a city like structure adorned with faces that cry and sob deep blue tears that make up the canals and water ways.

Most peculiar of all is the strange sobbing that can occasionally be heard and acts as a siren's call to those who have reached a certain level of sadness and despair and are drawn to the Cup. Many religious scholars and cults have made the Cup their home and research it as well as the Mourners who were drawn in by the crying which they describe that to be the cry of a sorrowful mother.

They seemingly have no need for sustenance, occasionally drinking the waters directly out of the canal and when they feel the time is right, they go to the Great Fall and cast themselves into its abyss.

Many a scholar or treasure seacher have sought to go deep into the Cup in hopes of finding hidden treasures and secrets.
ugh very lsepy bump
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The ring of horror is an asteroid belt consiting of millions of unusually close stellar ojects ranging in size from small rocks to large moons. The area is highly mineral rich, with even mythically rare metals like mithral and adamantine being nearly as common here as plain iron on populated planets.

Unfortunately, any potential for mining is rendered nearly impossibly by two major issues responcible for the rings namesake.
First and foremost, the unusually close proximity of objects in this belt mean collisions are very common. Any spelljammer entering this zone is much more likely to be ground to dust under a ocean of adamantine gravel traveling at the speed of sound than survive to collect any.
Secondly, and even more horrifyingly, the zone isn't lifeless. It's inhabitted by numerous species of nomadic insect and arachnid-like species evolved to survive in its inhospitable environment. Autopsy of captured organism reveal nearly all recorded species massive brain-to-body ratios, this has been positted to be the reason for their reported grace and maneuverability in their home environment. Current theory positd their brains evolved specifically to act as a natural navigation and vector calculator to allow the verious species to safely navigate their environment by tracing the paths of thousands of celestial objects easily. This unfortunately results in creatures highly adept at setting up planned traps by leading prey, or adventurers, into the path of unseen deadly objects. On top of this, some sighting of Psionically Active species have been reported, with one unconfirmed rumor of a creature large and strong enough to move one of the large moons in the zone.
Adventurers beware and stear clear.
The Spot
An area in the solar system that does not orbit the sun. It is still in a single point in space and does not seem to move at all. It resembles gargutan marble platform, about the size of large castle grounds. Any attempts to build upon it have mysteriously failed. It is said that at certain times something strange can be seen happening on it.
The truth of the place is unknown
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Forgot to post this earlier, but I updated it>>93908275
that's kinda cool
I don't think it'd be a fun adventure, but it's kinda cool

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