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Previous thread: >>93852692

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: How many NPCs do you usually have as followers in your games?
I think it's common to have one NPC in the party. Having NPC allies puts more work on the GM to play more roles. Also takes away the spotlight from the players. Sometimes they'll really need them though so it's not a bad idea to have some help.
In theory, however many they want to have along.
In practice, it either ends up being zero or one, or a dozen or more per player character (assuming henchmen/hired hands/mercenaries/followers/etc.). There doesn't seem to be much in-between with my players across however many groups I've run for the last ~25 years. It's basically none or next-to-none, or a shitload.
I should say, rather than "however many they want to have along," it's more like "however many they want to have along AND can feasibly manage to convince/pay and otherwise logistically bring along."
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What makes someone a good personality to be an NPC follower?
Cowardly CR:12 is always funny
Is it feasible to allow players to have multiple summonable familiar allies as alternative abilities to each other? The idea being to riff off of sorcery but instead of having spells you just have a menagerie of spirits that can you conjure like pokemon.
What would make it unfeasible? Allies, especially with some sinergy, are overpowered to begin with.

Instead of alternative abilities you could use a cosmic power pool.
While preparing for the next campaign, I asked if the players wanted cinematic or gritty, and they said "gritty survival game".

So what books should I read (besides basic and DF wilderness of course, I'm reading those right now) for survival rules like cold and heat and hunger and disease and travel times and travel preparations and son for a medieval fantasy campaign?
Low-Tech would be my first suggestion even though DF and Basic cover everything you've mentioned.
I always forget about low-tech, will take a look, thanks
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What is your preferred setup for Alternative Attributes?
Been using NotebookLM's AI lately to make podcast style audio reviews of books

Here's a couple for GURPS Realm Management.
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Here's another one for GURPS adaptation of Alpha Centauri
Must... resist... urge... to post... yosboy wojak...
wait is this like vtubers but a podcast?
its AI voice reading AI text
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Its kind of like a study app for books that you upload into it.
so there's no SOUL behind it?
I shall listen to it begrudgingly.
Mechanically, it should work fine. It's dependent on having a good library of creatures available, but that is often necessary anyway (using GCS it's not much harder to make a fully-costed monster template than to just generate a stat block).
The main issues are going to be that it's a very 'powerful' build (Ally is in many ways the 'strongest' advantage in terms of adding to what the party can achieve, especially at high points totals) and it makes a lot of extra work for the GM (who technically has to design and play a load more characters - allowing players direct control of allies negates the 'balancing' element).
My general recommendation is to have a 'bucket of points' which is reserved for allies and not allow them to be taken otherwise. That way each PC has the same points in their personal capabilities. Since allies work for virtually any character concept, this is about as balanced as you can get. On the other hand, it makes it very hard for there to be a 'summoner' class which is based around allies; at best you can make one which has a lot of different allies as alternate abilities, uses summonable allies, and has abilities which synergise well with allies.

There's a Pyramid article, Survival at the End (issue 3/90), which has a lot of survival rules which work in any setting. It's by Chris Rice, so I doubt there was any research done and the closest he's ever come to a survival situation is running out of mountain dew, but I've used the rules and they seemed to work OK.
>There's a Pyramid article, Survival at the End (issue 3/90)
I'll take a look, thanks
>It's by Chris Rice, so I doubt there was any research done
It's mostly based on the first chapter Low-Tech Companion 3, but run through a filter for playability; a lot of the "essay" portions of that chapter that detail real-world practices have been replaced with actual rules for easy implementation in games.

It might be Rice's best work.
DFRPG Lizard Man + Knight
Wild is a custom talent I made because I wasn't happy with Born War Leader for this character, it didn't match the concept. It gives bonus to Navigation, Survival and Weather Sense, and includes Resistant to Poison and Disease.
I hate this
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Do one for this Storm Sorcerer I posted in the last thread
Learning the Mass Combat system to simulate smaller scale engagements with multiple squads and some support elements that might actually happen in a game (PCs raising militia to defend an outpost for example).

Logistics are "only relevant to lengthy operations in which PCs are in charge of supply as well as battlefield command." so you'd probably ignore it for militia defending their own homes but does it seem wrong to anyone else that the logistical costs scale entirely based on Troop Strength?

TS would typically just relate to numbers, so a big army is of course more expensive than a smaller one, and things like tanks and artillery would need heavy ammunition and spare parts with people that can repair them etc, BUT...
>TS is doubled every TL after introduction
>logistical costs are unchanged
This means a TL10 infantry unit (not battlesuits, regular infantry) goes from TS 40 at TL6 to TS 640(!) at TL10 which might make sense in combat but that also means the Logistical cost for one element/squad goes up by x16 too. It would also be very expensive in earlier TLs when you'd be working with a lot less.

Default cost for logistical elements are $5K x LS (x2 for naval, x4 for air) to raise and 10% of that to maintain per month which is already expensive as fuck.

Basic TL3 Light Infantry would have a TS of 8 so you'd be paying 40K/10=4K a month to support the lot of them. Levies (and presumably later militia) have special rules that means they basically sustain themselves for free but if you wanted to march a big army at an enemy you'd literally need a King's treasury.

Basic TL8 Riflemen would be 200K/10=20K a month which is relatively cheap considering the TL, but gets more expensive with vehicles and the like.

A basic squad of TL10 Riflemen on the other hand would be 3200K/10=320K a month just for the one squad! For what!? Gear quality is it's own modifier and standard weapons and armor at this TL is way cheaper than in TL8. Fucking why?
Where did the AI read horns?
It probably inferred it from lizardman. Looks like it parsed the Halberd trait as a character flaw too.
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>does it seem wrong to anyone else that the logistical costs scale entirely based on Troop Strength?
I think you misread the book. 1 point of Logistic Strength represents enough logistic force to support land forces that have a total Cost to Maintain of 1 k$/mo. Logistic Strength has nothing to do with Troop Strength.
Is there not a way to add GURPS to the AI dictionary (or whatever it's called)?
I like how the basic magic system sort of has tech levels where you could for example make a modern setting that only just got access to magic and you'd have fringe mages pushing the boundaries into necromancy or whatever way ahead of what others are doing etc, but Sorcery and RPM are truly great systems of magic. I always think of them when I'm playing other games with more limited and standardized spells.
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There's no way to custom prompt the voice stuff at all unfortunately.
Ah yeah this is the key, thanks. I thought LS required = TS. Should be fine across all tech levels then!
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This is the cringiest, most annoying thing I've heard in my life. I hate the robowoman so much it's absurd.
Do another, please!
>s by Chris Rice, so I doubt there was any research done and the closest he's ever come to a survival situation is running out of mountain dew, but I've used the rules and they seemed to work OK.

His stuff is usually pretty good when he's adapting someone else's stuff to a new situation like in that article, it mostly just falls apart when he has to try and figure out something OC.
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I love the Py 3/44 Tactical Mass Combat. You don't even have to use all of it but it's perfect for the type of large engagements that you probably would have in a game that isn't centered around literally controlling a whole army.

A small and quite manageable wargame on its own if you want to use the whole thing though. Very cool.
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After reading more of it these rules for Tactical Mass Combat are better than the 40K tabletop wargame for to be honest. You could run a lot of 40K battles in this and it wouldn't be hard to stat out the different units at all. You could even embellish them with higher gear or promote squads to veterans after battle.
>are better than the 40K tabletop wargame for to be honest
Totally agree, I was telling a buddy that's really into card games this at my local gaming store a while back. They were getting interested in 40k but I had to tell them how primitive and simple the rules system really is.
Anyone familiar with Mass Combat, take a look at this if you haven't before.

PCs being able to lead elements (would include commandeering vehicles) or even acting directly as Hero elements seems a lot more fun. I'm sure the PCs being able to loot 1/5th the value of eliminated enemy units after the battle would be appreciated too. In a campaign more focused on mass combat you could use the funds to raise more elements/recover from casualties and upgrade your troops too.

It leaves a lot to be desired and will always have big balance swings depending on what boxsets the company wants to sell at the time. If they can't get it right with 10 editions they never will.
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holy shit
In regular Mass Combat the elements with Armor contribute to the overall Strategy Roll through Armor Superiority just like Air Superiority and the like but the Tactical Mass Combat makes no mention of it, it just has notes on anti-tank (Neutralize Armor) units that don't have Fire when firing against enemies without armor.

Should I just assume that Armor units have the literal ability to "ignore ordinary melee weapons, small-arms fire, and artillery fragments" like how it's described, and can only be taken out by enemy Armor and AT (Neutralize Armor)?

These are pretty interesting. I like the Storm Sorcerer one where they're talking about his cool spells and ruminating about who is going to be on the receiving end of them.
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It's pretty easy to use too and its free, just need a google account.
You can get commentary on specific things by uploading a simple txt document of the copypasta too.

>Ultratech Tactical Tilt-Rotor is $40M at +6 SM
Can easily build a better, smaller one with Spaceships and keep it under $1M even if I pack it with top-tier gear
I remember one of you guys did a bunch of conversions of ACKS to gurps.
Do you have any idea how much is a gp supposed to be worth compared to the gurps $?
I kinda want to run a classic D&D adventure and I feel like if I just convert the treasure given with a simple formula it'd work for DFRPG
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1 ACKS GP = 100 GURPS $.
Thanks. This helps a lot.
Why follow the printed adventure so closely? It’s not like D&D or OSR prices are in anyway relevant to GURPS prices anyway, so why go through the effort of accurately converting cash rewards when what you can buy with that cash is priced so differently?
Because it's easier!
It's not like there's any actual guidelines for gurps money per adventure so I can just transform it all into gurps$ and let the ridiculous prices for any magic item eat away the PCs excess cash later.
The less I have to think the better
>It's not like there's any actual guidelines for gurps money per adventure
You don't murderhobo all the way?
How should I price something like Absorption for Innate Attack? Something like:
>Leech: Each HP or FP a target loses from your attack gives you 1 character point you can spend to improve traits (anything but skills) temporarily or heal yourself. This functions exactly like Absorption for Damage Resistance. Your point capacity is equal to your attack's level. This is worth +??% if you can only enhance one trait or only heal; or +???% if you can raise any trait.
I know that Leech already exists as an advantage in Powers, but frankly I don't like Leech. I'd rather have one dedicated damage-dealing advantage I can modify into anything for my games, rather than several slightly different redundant advantages.
>It's not like there's any actual guidelines for gurps money per adventure
For dungeon delving, you can use the system on Dungeon Fantasy 21 p. 6.
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>TQ: How many NPCs do you usually have as followers in your games?
If the PCs don't take any Allies/Dependents/etc themselves, then it depends entirely on what kind of game I'm running. In a fantasy game exploring the wilderness, there's probably going to be a good dozen attendants, carriers, wagoners and drivers and etc - they just won't go out of their way or risk themselves for the sake of the PCs, since they aren't Allies. Meanwhile, in a modern social intrigue game, there probably won't be any, just as an example.

Low-Tech is your friend, as others say, but After the End is also useful.

If I were to add any of the alt attributes, it would probably be Charisma simply because it's the most natural IQ split (mental vs social skills). That and Will and Per being independent, but that's a smaller thing. Otherwise, I like to leave them untouched as they're rather quite sufficient in themselves.

Sorcery/Magic-as-Powers is really the only way I can do it now. I can't go back, it's too good. Maybe if I wanted something really specific that only RPM could do, but I do tend to favor specialized, one-trick-pony mages over "grimoire of spells" mages.

Agreed, really the Tactical Mass Combat rules remind me a lot of Bolt Action, especially its pinning system. If you like Wargames and want to stick to 28mm scale, check it out.
I suppose one way to go about it is to take Leech, modify it to be identical to an Innate Attack, then figure out the modifier from there.
So, let's try to build a Leech advantage that functions similarly to Toxic Attack 1d6 [4]. That would look something like:
>Leech 4 (Ranged, +40%; Weaponized, affected by DR, -30%) [41].
So that comes out to something like a +925% modifier to give an Innate Attack the benefits of Leech.
Oh wait, your version of includes FP healing and Ability improvement. So it'd look more like:
>Leech 4 (Boosts Abilities, +200%; Ranged, +40%; Weaponized, affected by DR, -30%) [115].
So that comes out to a +2,775% modifier... Well, I tried my best.
> Should I just assume that Armor units have the literal ability to "ignore ordinary melee weapons, small-arms fire, and artillery fragments" like how it's described, and can only be taken out by enemy Armor and AT (Neutralize Armor)?
That's how I'd rule it. Small-arms fire and melee attacks are just never going to make an impact on Armored vehicles unless there's some funky ultratech/magic going on. Of course, if you can get into melee with a stationary tank, you can board it, but that's heavily impractical and unrealistic.

I'd make it a special tiered Enhancement [Leeching, +15% per level], where you can apply 1 Damage dealt to 1 character point (or 2 damage dealt to 1 HP healed) to a max equal to the Leeching level. At a high level value this resembles Temporary Advantage (Very Fast Regeneration), or the Absorption trait itself on a medium-high DR. It'd need tweaking and testing of course, but it seems straightforward enough.SRX8
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Sorcery/Magic-as-Powers can be further extended with this when you just want to emulate a specific spell that'd be way too complicated to do with advantages or would be grossly overpriced.
you'd think they'd give this table on exploits
I was thinking that you could kind of do a summoner archetype by heavily using modifiers on innate attack or affliction. That way you can differentiate a FF style summon as an innate attack with the right modifiers while using different modifiers on innate attack to get a summoned weapon. There's always snatcher and gizmos to get more utility. And that's without using allies with summonable. Still in the idea phase though.
>I know that Leech already exists as an advantage in Powers, but frankly I don't like Leech. I'd rather have one dedicated damage-dealing advantage I can modify into anything for my games, rather than several slightly different redundant advantages.
You are objectively correct about this and don't let anyone tell you different. Your version looks good. Price should be around +30% for unlocking one trait (maybe a bit more for healing), about five to ten times that (+150-300%) if you can spend it on any trait (compare variable enhancement, which lets you add any enhancement for ten times cost, and the cosmic power modular ability which is twenty times the ability cost for mental and physical traits, but overpriced at that cost)
Thanks, Anons. I think I have a good idea of how to price it now.
Yeah, that though occurred to me too, but it's often a complete mess trying to get an advantage to act like a character. For really simple 'elemental' spirits you can generally get away with persistent (often with mobile and homing) attacks, walls, and binding, but anything more complex is an issue.
I figure would you "double up" where you reuse the spirit. So they wouldn't do much when you use them as an innate attack but when used as a summoned ally, their character can come out. This also means you shouldn't do an innate attack and have that same spirit out.
I've been compiling more and more supporting evidence for an increasingly exact 1:100 exchange rate. One I thought was funny, as I dig deeper into the ACKS side of things:

At Play in the Fields suggests a base of $1 per lb. for high-yield grains like barley, and $2 for low-yield like wheat.

If you look at the ACKS Axiom "The Price of Everything," the historical price of a quarter of wheat is at the equivalent of 4 GP (as noted) while a quarter of barley is at 2.4.

That's a relative value multiplier of 1.66 recurring.

Plugging that into LTC and APitF, 1 GP worth of wheat (120 lbs.) is worth (x1.66) $200 dollars, then divided by 2 for what the farmer expects to receive at point of sale (the actual initial sale price not including transport, etc.) for a value of almost exactly $100.
DFRPG Wrestler meant to be something like a prisoner, the kusari is meant to be like a shackle.
By the way, if I'm reading it right, Kusari and Whip has been buffed on DFRPG, it doesn't require multiple ready maneuvers after attacking anymore.
I started plugging my setting stuff into this. Pretty interesting tool. I wonder if this would make it any likelier for players to get interested in background material on its own.
anyone got a way to quickly generate enemies for combats?
when I played Aftermath it had a handful of stats preset for different skill levels and basic chance of success's
>Drunk Schmoe: 10 down the line, roll at default, always uses AOA, goes down in a single hit with no HT roll, uses fists and improvised weapons/knives
>Dunning-Kreugers: +1 to ST/HT or DX, 10 in combat skill, goes down in a single hit with no HT roll, uses proper weapons/fist loads/boots
>Jobbers: +1 to ST/HT and DX, 12 in combat skills, goes down with a major wound or failing HT roll, Fit and High Pain Threshold as appropriate, has real gear
>Elites: +2 to ST/HT and DX, 15 in combat skill, could fight to -1xHP with enough morale, Combat Reflexes, Fit, High Pain Threshold as appropriate, has nice gear

I know there's pre-made statlines somewhere for enemies. Probably in How to Be A GURPS GM. But the above works well for my group, which generally plays 150 points modern and low fantasy.
Why is there no default between Broadsword and Knife? The fine technique might not translate at all but someone well trained into how to fight with a sword should handle knives better than an untrained person, no?
Quoting from fempicanon:
10 = Minimal training, people that aren't good at what they do
12= Low end, basic professionals, people that can do their job when they have good condtions
14= Competent, advanced professionals.
16= Elite.

For HP..

10= Average adult human
12= Tough guys, thugs, soliders
14= Very tough


5 = Fine for just about everyone
6= Athletes and gunslingers
7= Elite gunslingers

Dodge is Speed +3, or +4 for Elite soldiers, hitmen, warriors, ect. (people with Combat Reflexes)

Will and Perception

10= Most people
12= Smart guys and high end fighters
14= Elite rangers, hunters, ect.

For example, let's say you want to make a back-alley doctor NPC.


Doctor! 14, Fighting! 12, Everything Else! 10
HP 10, Speed 5, Dodge 8, Will 12, Per 12
Are there rules for reducing a swung weapon's reach to use in CC? I am aware of the Close Combat technique and Reverse Grip in Martial Arts, but I'm looking for something that would represent for example graping a hatchet just below it's head and essentially using it as knuckledusters.

I would argue just that, knuckle duster stats with cutting instead of crushing, but i wonder if there's a RAW.
To my knowledge no. I would personally just treat someone using a hatchet the way you described as wielding an improvised fist load.
How far can I get with GURPS Lite and the 2-page Expanded Combat rules before the lack of skills and Adv/Dis makes my game too samey?
Will be playing generic Fantasy.
With expanded combat rules all you're really missing is a magic system. If you're fine with having no magic system, you're much more likely to be limited by gear than any rules. If you want a magic system that can slot in seamlessly without having to read a hundred spells or advantages with enhancements & limitations AND learn a new subset of rules is Power Ups 1 - Imbuements, but they are not well-received for a variety of reasons, like being expensive in terms of points and resources. I haven't played a game with them, so I can't say how well they work in practice, but it would be the "simplest" in terms of added rules complexity.
Yeah, it's not bad for giving some inspiration and ideas.
>Should I just assume that Armor units have the literal ability to "ignore ordinary melee weapons, small-arms fire, and artillery fragments" like how it's described, and can only be taken out by enemy Armor and AT (Neutralize Armor)
Definitely not. Riflemen elements include any appropriate man-portable anti-tank weapons for the TL. Tanks IRL are extremely vulnerable to infantry in built-up areas. Certain kinds of cluster munitions can also destroy tanks. At most I'd give artillery a TS divisor vs armor elements.
>"That Other Game"
>Riflemen elements include any appropriate man-portable anti-tank weapons for the TL.
No, ATGM and MANPAD elements are explicitly separated from riflemen elements.
Yeah, it's really weird to avoid talking about Tunnels & Trolls, considering how much GURPS (and all other RPGs) owe to its existence.
>2-page Expanded Combat rules
Where can I find this?
Legal reasons, perhaps?
"Have you tried not playing it?"
This is super useful for the campaign I'm planning. Is it in the main Sorcery splat, or somewhere else?
What would a world with Craft Magic (craftsmen has access to ritual magic related to their job) would look like?
sauce for your Riflemen/Soldier templates?
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NTA but there's this one from Steampunk 3.
We're talking about Mass Combat troop elements, not individual templates.
Thanks, been looking for more modern templates recently. The closest I've found is hero level soldiers in Action and templates in WW2 but they aren't modern.
This template is for Napoleonic to WWI/II soldiers but is modern infantry training so different, at least in GURPS terms?
Perhaps they don't train with bayonets anymore and so the Spear skill can be dropped, but everything else could be attributed to differences in the Soldier and Tactics skill, no?
The closest to modern that I've found was I believe Cold War soldiers in Action? That's what I've settled on for the most part with weapons. I'm good with statting them out myself but I would like to see a modern template for things like how they handle Rank and stuff for military campaigns Weird War style.
I mean, where is it referred to by "That Other Game"
I ctrl-f'd it and it's not here so I imagine he's quoting something obvious that I missed.
>"That Other Game"
Yeah, I'm not sure where that's from, either. I figured it was a new board speak.
It's from Pyramid 3/44 Alternate GURPS II - From Skills to Advantages, just a sidebox about how you could do the same with spells.
>Improvised Weapon (Two-Handed Axe/Mace)
>Dwarven Steel Chair (sw+3 cr)
>Weapon Master (Steel Chair)
Who am I?
Feels like GURPs characters have a bit too few HP
I mean even if I ignore wound penalty rules, an action or martial arts hero that goes down in two good hits isn't very cinematic.
With high pain tolerance, higher HT, Fit/Very Fit or hard to kill/subdue it takes a lot more than two hits because they just won't go down. Berserk too.
Ah, so it's more about the advantages than their raw stats, I see.
>Fit/Very Fit or hard to kill
so the idea is that the PCs will keep fighting after going to the negatives?
GURPS characters doesn't go down when their HP reach 0 and a GUPRS hit is a good hit, not grazes that might leave a bruise but no real damage.
With that in mind, a strong fighter with ST 13 and well trained in Karate will punch for 1d+1 cr, average 4.5 damage. Assuming a body blows, he'd take 2 or 3 clean hits to make an average untrained man go below HP 0 and roll against HT 10 to fall unconscious.
Looking at the rules for negative HP, from what I can see you only get penalties to dodge? So you can keep attacking at no penalty even at negative hp?
Yeah if need be. Certainly in a life or death situation.

Ideally if you're a martial artist you'll be parrying and dodging back and forth though, same with fencing.
No, you will be rolling against HT every turn.
>Success means you can act normally, but must roll again every turn to continue functioning.
>Exception: If you choose Do Nothing on your turn, and do not attempt any defense rolls, you can remain conscious without rolling. Roll only on turns during which you attempt a defense roll or choose a maneuver other than Do Nothing.
I've also been reminded about Defensive Attacks, which probably fits how most fighters fight. It improves their parry by one but reduces their damage by -2 or -1/die.
So that fighter I mentioned would actually be dealing around 2.5 damage when fighting against another trained fighter and doesn't want to get hit.
The HP system works fine for guns and swords and the like IMO. It only becomes an issue with unarmed attacks because GURPS characters are too vulnerable to being nickle and dimed to death with repeated weak attacks.

That's why I like using Conditional Injury instead. It makes repeated attacks of the same type have diminishing returns, so you won't simply be taken out by the fifth identical punch to the gut. As a side benefit, this also pushes players into getting creative even at higher power levels, because similarly they can't rely on simply hacking a demon to death via repeated sword blows to the torso. Ever since I've implemented CI players have been using shoves and grapples, hits to limbs, and clever positioning to set up dangerous foes for lethal finishers instead.
So you're more or less on a timer until you fall unconscious.

>Conditional Injury
is this from a specific book? Looks interesting.
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Article from Pyramid #3/120. Do note that it's a Douglas Cole article, so the ideas in the article are very good but its made harder to parse by being weirdly laid out.

Pic related is my rewrite. It also has I think a minor houserule baked in, but 99% of it is just a condensed version of what's in the original article.
>condensed version
>3 pages on damage resolution
this is why people joke about GURPS
Thanks for sharing though
The article was seven pages originally, and my three pages still includes recovery, special traits, bleeding, and pain effects.

I could probably cut it down further if I didn't repeat info from Basic like what Pain/Agony does and removed the examples.
I like the idea but it's a bit too complex even after the rewrite. Having to look up a table after every hit is weird, even for gurps. Usually I only have to look up a table on crit attack rolls.
Fair, forgot most people probably don't make their own character sheets. Mine have the chart right on it, like how the official sheets have the Speed/Range table and hit location mods. I also included the Control Point breakpoints since we also use FDG.
gurps newfag here, what books/any tips on making a player character who is a machine intelligence/AI? im running a game where the players are a consensus of AI's flying a seed ship, looking for a place to settle.
Ultra-Tech, for one.
Transhuman Space Changing Times also has some templates for AIs and how to deal with them changing hardware.
>cast Phantom in the image of your waifu
>Cast Initiative and give it less IQ than yourself
>"The subject is totally loyal to you, and obeys you"
>have perfect waifu that that you can see, touch, smell, and hear
>the spell doesn't count as "on" so you can also continue to cast spells at no penalty
Is there any reason this shouldn't work?
No, why do you even think wizards developed that spell?
So this is the real reason wizards never leave their towers huh
It's a general flaw with the melee skills that their defaults are way too strict and you only get them between 'adjacent' weapons. Combine that with splitting swords into six fucking skills, plus another two for knives, and you end up with stupid results. Should be something like Knife, (One-Handed) Sword, Two-Handed Sword, all defaulting to each other at -2 or so (-3 to go from Knife to Sword if the former is E and the latter A), and with defaults from DX no worse than -3 (-2 for Knife). Should be some kind of default with unarmed skills too; a boxer with a knife doesn't suddenly forget everything he knows about footwork, timing, etc.

Seems like it would be significantly more awkward than knuckle-dusters due to having the handle sticking out, but on the other hand there is no penalty for using a sword's knuckle-guard to punch. The general rule seems to be that cutting weapons do one less damage than their crushing equivalent (and one more than impaling), so straight punch damage but cutting seems fair. Or you could make a case for punch+1 but at a skill penalty (probably -2 or so).

Lite still has dozens of traits and almost a hundred skills, which is more than many full-size RPGs. I think it's fine for a lot of games. The main drawback is lack of a gear catalogue.

Infantry (especially at TL8) have more options for dealing with armour than just ATGMs. LAWs and even grenade launchers can wreck light armour (even an APC counts as armour in Mass Combat) and even actual tanks in the right circumstances (stupid tank commanders and favourable terrain allowing shots into the rear or top armour). Those weapons could represent the Anti Armour feature, but the 'modern' US Army forces in Appendix A don't have that feature, even though in reality they would have numerous disposable rocket launchers.
The Coomer-mancer:
>Arm ST (One Arm)
>Master of Illusion spells
>Ally (Waifu Warrior; Conjured)
>Discipline of Faith (Coom)
pic related

Depends on the specifics, of course, but one option is something like Middle Earth, where a lot of the 'magic items' are products of legendary craftsmen, not wizards. Likewise, some traditional mythologies have a lot of crossover between skilled craftsmen and wonder-workers; see early-modern Scots blacksmith traditions (where smiths were basically a secret society), or stuff like the Kalevala (which was, of course, an inspiration for Middle-Earth). On the other end of the spectrum, it could be a very magi-tech video-game style world were 'high level' gear is way better than normal stuff and covered in glowing runes, swirly energy, etc.

It's an euphemism for D&D used in Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1 and a couple of Nordlond Books. It doesn't seem to be for legal reasons, since they often just say 'dungeons & dragons' in other DF supplements.

An action hero should probably have some level of Damage Resistance (with limitations like Tough Skin or Crushing Only) and make use of cinematic rules like Flesh Wounds and Shaking It Off as well as some extra HP, high HT, Hard to Subdue and so on to make them capable of tanking a lot of punches and a few bullets.

Check out the meta-traits on Basic 263: they include Machine and AI. Template Toolkit 2, Ultra-Tech, and Transhuman Space: Changing Times & Shell-Tech include quite a few traits and examples which could prove helpful.
Thanks anons, will check those out.
Fun idea: Eight melee-weapon skills.
>One-handed or two-handed
>Thrusting or swinging
>Rigid or flexible
Defaults are -2 per difference; e. g., One-Handed Thrusting Rigid defaults to Two-Handed Swinging Flexible at -6.

These skills are applied, not to weapons, but to individual attack modes. It is possible to have a swinging skill without the corresponding thrusting skill (very common with users of flexible weapons), or vice versa (common with fencers who use one-handed rigid weapons). Stuff associated with "fencing weapons" now is associated with one-handed thrusting attacks.
>one-handed thrusting rigid
There would be separate categories for zero-handed attacks, three-handed attacks, et cetera.
Does HT affects how many Rapid Strikes you can do with one-handed thrusting rigid skill?
Sounds interesting.
But it would mean every single warrior would have to learn two skills in order to know how to use a broadsword.
And what about difficulty? E? A? H? VH?
Rolled 4, 2, 5 = 11 (3d6)

I'm begining to think that this anon is make a lewd joke. I'm not sure tho, gonna roll IQ (8)
The simplified range table appears in a lot of books, think I saw it first in Action but it was surely printed before then and it's what I use.
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I hate paying so much in points for different cybernetics when the equivalent in your hand is like $40. At even TL 9 you can get contacts with Night Vision 9 that stay in all the time for like $200, add a hundred and you get a HUD to go along with it yet any kind of cyborg would pay a lot for night vision in bionic eyes.

In some cases I think you could probably make a cheap cybernetics advantage and basically treat it like modular or gizmo cause I really don't think having something like a lighter in your finger, and a camera in your eye is worth even 1 pt each.
>But it would mean every single warrior would have to learn two skills in order to know how to use a broadsword.
I don't really see a problem with that. Cutting and stabbing are two markedly-different actions. You can't even really parry a swinging attack with a thrusting motion.
>And what about difficulty?
Average for everything.
cybernetics should ONLY cost cash, never points, unless you spend points to get more starting cash.
I think we have in some DFRPG a 100$ = 1 Character Point book for a character that 250$ or less, so just convert the point cost to cash using this measure.
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Give it to me straight lads. Which has a better social system, GURPS Social Engineering, or Exalted 3E, and why?

meaning characters that aren't full dedicated warriors are just gonna learn how to stab and never how to swing or vice-versa
I only heard about and learned about Exalted through a bit of osmosis on the Onyx Path forums years ago.
The social aspects of it was never really a big topic of conversation. I remember them wanting to minmax their characters.
I don't know why anyone would allow Luck, it's so cheap and removes any tension. You can even knowingly take a difficulty shots at like 9- if you know you can take the best of 3 dice.

Things like Rank and Wealth you can allow to a certain level but even the lowest level of Luck is just too good.

A compromise would be the Destiny variant from Monster Hunters where you get 1 point per 5 in it that you can spend on improving roles every session.
You say that but I'm automatically giving my players the Impulse points advantage so they can buy successes 1-5 times per session.
Because not having some way to fix bad rolls is not fun
>You can even knowingly take a difficulty shots at like 9- if you know you can take the best of 3 dice.
Yeah cool, then Luck is on cooldown for an hour and WHOOPSIE looks like you critically failed an actually important roll and now you're screwed because you blew your Luck on critfishing a basic attack roll.

One of my players didn't believe me when I told him Luck is best kept in your back pocket, as insurance against an unlucky critfail. He learned the hard way and then had to make a new character.
Yeah, I'm with you. I'm just discovering Conditional Injury now. (Thanks a lot to whoever wrote up >>93909821)
I like the idea, but I'm not sure about having to convert between normal damage and wound severity for every attack. I wonder if there's a way to simplify this further while sticking close to the existing GURPS rules.
From what I see of the Wound Severity chart, every +/-2 Severity represents approximately a x2 or x1/2 multiple to damage. Under "Multiple Injuries", it says you can pretty much ignore any wound more than 2 "grades" (I'm not sure if this means Severity points or Wound level, but I'll assume the former) less than your current Wound Severity. This basically means that you can ignore an Injury less than half your current missing HP. Meanwhile, any wound of a Severity greater than that, but less than your current Severity, gives you an HT roll to resist.
I think you could get something pretty close with just a minor tweak to the Last Wounds optional rule. Something like:
>While at HP/3 or less, you ignore any injury that isn't a crippling injury or that is less than half your current missing HP. When you suffer injury greater than than your missing HP/2, but less than your full missing HP, you can make an HT roll to ignore it. Any greater injury can't be ignored, as usual.
Then, once you're at -HP, you can scale things like Shock and Major Wounds to injury as a fraction of your missing HP, rather than your maximum HP, so it's harder to feel even more pain if you're already hurting pretty badly.
That actually isn't too bad. Might steal that for my own game.
I'd be doing the same thing but with Destiny. Ties them somewhat to the plot too.

You're suppose to have character points (impulse buys) to save yourself from critical fails and things like that. Luck is just too good as it is.
>You're suppose to have
Where did you get that idea? That's an optional rule squirreled away on p. 347 of Basic and the book recommends limiting it to games where "the heroes usually 'win' but don't develop much; e.g., classic comic-book supers." It is in no way the default for GURPS.
>ignore any injury that isn't a crippling injury or that is less than half your current missing HP
should be
>ignore any injury that isn't a crippling injury and that is less than half your current missing HP
Multi-conditional statements are hard.
Some time ago someone made a character sheet of Paul Atreides from Dune. Do you still have it?
Wrong thread. GURPS MLP probably would be interesting, though.
Really, what are Cutie Marks but a Talent and/or innate Wildcard skill coupled with a Distinctive Feature?
sorry brother, but yeah, it would be interesting to see how it would work on technical level
Nice rewrite. Here, I'll trade you this one.

Source: https://samuelbaughn.blogspot.com/2022/03/solids-new-damage-system-for-gurps.html
This is why the mock us.
>What will women think?
>Who cares?
Worth noting this document is actually Conditional Injury plus additional worked systems, and a bunch of different abridged pyramid articles like Knowing Your Own Strength, etc. all boiled down and built into a single document.
You'd also want to implement some means of making friendship mechanically advantageous. Action has Complementary Skills, Got You Covered, and Pulling Your Weight; Powers has Coordinated Attacks and Combining Powers. Characters might have multiple disadvantages relating to relationships, like Sense of Duty, Duty, Reputation, Vow, Code of Honor, Enemies, and Dependents could all be readily mixed together to create intense situations where a character is pulled between multiple friends. Disadvantages that normally don't see much use, like Guilt Complex and Combat Paralysis, would be fairly common. Warp, Telekinesis, and Innate Attack with stunting would cover the soft approach to magic. Flight (Winged) is right there. Beyond that, reduce system lethality and injury as appropriate, and you're good to go.
There's also a little rules nugget I stumbled across that was hidden in, of all places, the old daily newsletter, and it was about turning your disadvantages into advantages by leaning into them at appropriate times. The example was someone with Bad Temper being belligerent to a shopkeep and getting a discount just so he'd leave the store. It was risky and probably needs some fine-tuning before seeing actual play, but it could fit in a game where disadvantages like Honesty and Sense of Duty were meant to be idealized.

>Beyond that, reduce system lethality and injury as appropriate, and you're good to go.
No can do, we'll be playing Fallout Equestria (Powered by GURPS).
>tfw you fail the speed-reading roll IRL and spend two sessions using a rule wrong
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Do you have a link to the daily newsletter in question?

>playing Fallout Equestria
Which gurps spell system would you use for GURPS - Harry Potter?

Oh my god, I found this over a decade ago. I was in my second year of college. I feel so old.
I'm only surface-level aware of Harry Potter, but it seems to have discrete Spells and Colleges much like the default Magic system. However, there doesn't seem to be an FP/"magic point" cost to spells, as wizards can sling them out all day with no seeming downside, and risk only comes from those who don't know the proper incantations. Only major change, aside from designing more setting-appropriate Colleges and renaming Spells to be a bunch of fake Latin, is that Wands are required as spellcasting implements.

I could be totally off base though, as I was never a teenage girl who read all the books.
Which houserule did you bake in?

The most common Conditional Injury patch I see (and personally use) is an 3 + HT/2 "saving throw" against accumulation instead of straight HT.
I've actually started using that everywhere from knockdown to death checks too - I don't use it for straight resistance rolls against, for instance, spells and stuff since I don't feel like HT should be hamstrung when something like Will or whatever isn't (unless the 'saving throw' model gets applied to that too).
It rewards higher (much higher) HT without making it insanely overpowering, with anyone who has an HT of like 14 basically being guaranteed to stay fighting and conscious all the way down to the automatic death threshold.

In exchange for this save being harder (average HT save is 8 instead of 10), I let stuff like Fit/Hard to Kill/Subdue/etc. apply directly to the final total, *and* I expand the Mortal Wound range by 2 - so, fail an HT "save" against death by up to 4, and you get a Mortal Wound, with a failure by 5 or more meaning outright death.
Works really nicely.
spells apparently do require skill since people can fail casting them. So that sort of works. And the only limit to how many spells you can cast is if you learned them and still remember how to do then. Now that I think about it, gurps magic is super similar to harry potter magic.

Wait are we sure rowling isn't a gurps player and just stole the entire thing off a gurps book she read at some point?
Pretty sure. After all, there's no GURPS spell for whisking away poop after you take a dump in a corner.
that's just a targeted disintegrate spell, they use it for many things not just poop.
Nah, I don't think general-purpose spells exist in HP. Remember Hermione fixing Potter's glasses at the beginning of the first book? "Occulo Repairum" is pretty clearly faux-latin for a glasses fixing spell rather than a general repair spell, so I hold that Joan absolutely would have wizards use "Poopus Removus."
>The Vanishing Spell[2] (Evanesco)[1] was a Transfiguration spell used to vanish both animate and inanimate objects "into non-being, which is to say, everything".[3]
There are general purpose spells too. Evanesco can be used on anything, including living creatures. And "it gets more difficult the more complex the animal" which is fluff for "you need more skill to succeed".
It's totally gurps magic.
Been a hot minute since I made it, but I think I simplified the healing rules and narrowed the window of injuries that could contribute to Multiple Injuries rolls. IIRC the original rules were roll HT - (latest attack's Severity) to see if your condition worsens and I swapped that to roll flat HT but only when the latest attack is close to your current Severity. That cuts down on the number of rolls made and keeps them relevant; you're probably not failing that HT+5 roll to see if a Severity -5 scratch worsens your condition anyway.
The Coomer-Mancer for DFRPG
If Evanesco works on humans as well as animals (and I don't see any reason it wouldn't), it's a wonder it isn't counted among the "forbidden spells". But who knows, maybe there's some metaphysical clause that makes it nonfunctional on sapient beings, like the one that makes Occulo Repairum only work on eyeglasses.
>You're suppose to play the generic universal game with modular optional rules the exact way I do for this one particular game, not any other configurable way
My current game is Monster Hunters, all the characters have Luck and use Impulse Buys.
The next game I'm prepping is GURPS Forgotten Realms. Luck will be a valid advantage but I'm think we won't use Impulse Buys for it.
Regular magic as skills plus the Codex Duello article from Pyramid #3/91
Not only does it work on humans, a student disappears herself by having it reflected onto herself in one of the games.
Thanks anons. I was writing up my own cheatsheet based on https://kreioslair.gitlab.io/2023/03/13/conditional_everything.html and these will make the process much easier
I love how powerful a low-tech crossbow can be with all the options.
>a windows to someone else`s mind
dare you enter my magical realm, host-chan?
>it's a wonder it isn't counted among the "forbidden spells"
This is all just shit made up after the fact but the author did come up with some explanation:
forbidden spells are just about intent
To cast any of them you gotta hate the target
like if you just wanna murder someone, an explosion spell will do. If you really hate someone, only then you can cast abra kadabra.
How do you stop someone from just attack+move around you and stabbing the NPC you're trying to protect? Only way I can see is with the dungeon fantasy taunt rules
>Take a Concentrate maneuver and roll a Quick Contest of skill against the higher of the monster’s IQ or Will. If you win, that foe decides to attack you from now on.
Sacrificial Parry/Block
Could you do psionic powers under a sorcery thing? Works basically the same except you buy the actual psionic abilities as alternative abilities of some big expensive modular psi advantage? A lot of those psionic abilities can already be bought as alternative abilities of each other since they often use the same base advantage or are closely linked, but this would allow some kind of improvisation of some cheaper abilities with the big one.

You could potentially include the skill costs in the abilities or allow some talent to boost the defaults.

I think you can do sweeps with a polearm and stop hits but I don't remember if those are what I'm thinking about.
Sacrificial dodge/party helps too.
Of these, sacrificial parry/block makes the most sense, since it stills allows you to attack the enemy.
SE has some good stuff but a lot of it boils down to making a single roll
1. Intimidate in combat. Intimidated foes can’t get any closer to you, which will also cut them off from anyone hiding behind you.
2. Sacrificial Parry, Sacrificial Block, and Shield-Wall Training allows you to defend people near you.
3. Running past a knight to attack his charge means you have your back exposed to a very strong, very pissed warrior. In a game where one really solid hit will put you down. Unless the enemy is suicidal, they usually will not opt for that; if they are, then make sure the players are aware they’re facing real fanatics. Those guys are scary for a reason, even if they aren’t individually that strong.
4. Move & Attack gives a -4 to skill and caps attack at 9. Combined with Point #3, they’re basically committing suicide by knight for a very low chance of hitting an NPC once.
GURPS has some good stuff but a lot of it boils down to making a single roll
and that's a good thing!
quick, someone post the roll sniff copypasta
GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite generic indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...realism I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite heroic realism yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cinematic universal my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....GGGGGGGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPSSS Oh yes...very good!....very generic and universal my dear....hmmmmm...is that a Pyramid issue I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of magazine my dear....ah yes....let me guess...another TFT kickstarter?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well DFRPG......hmmm....that lack of editorial staff is quite noticeable....yes.....blogposts I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....GUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSS Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so generic it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the flavor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most generic and universal one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….?
ok I could unironically use a podcast to break this down for me
thanks doc
See Martial Arts p. 106 'dealing with charging foes', especially the rules for holding a foe at bay following a stop thrust.
The Shield Wall Training and Sacrificial Parry perks allow you to use your defences on behalf of nearby characters.
But the most important element is simply that only very brave or stupid opponents will open themselves up to attacks from behind by stepping past you to engage someone to your rear. They get either reduced defences or none at all against your retaliation, and if the NPC you are protecting has even basic levels of skill, they can probably survive a couple of turns by making all-out defences and the like while you finish off the attacker. This is especially true in the turn in which they made a move and attack, since their skill will be reduced and capped for the first round. All-out attack is more of an issue, since they have better odds of hitting and have already sacrificed their defences, but if they only have Move 4 and a reach 1 weapon, you can generally keep a single opponent from being able to get past you and attack in the same turn by you and the target moving in such a way that the only 3-step path between them and the attacker goes through you (i.e. there is either an empty hex between you and the attacker or between you and the target and you are directly between attacker and target). Against better reaches and faster opponents, this tactic still works but you need more space and the target will have to move a lot more, which can be an issue.
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thanks for the breakdown, this makes sense.
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Note that it much, much harder to stop multiple people getting past you! In that case, one can step around you while another prevents you from turning to attack them by threatening you in the same way. Even with Wait, you will have to commit to stopping one, opening a path for the others. Likewise, sacrificial parries and blocks soon run out. This is entirely realistic; a single person can't really hold back a crowd unless they have very favourable terrain or the crowd are unable to coordinate at all (such as may be the case if they are intimidated by the bodyguard). In a cinematic game where one badass can easily hold back crowds of mooks, use the same tactics they do in cinema: the mooks always attack one at a time, waiting their turn to get knocked down. This is formalised in GURPS with the Melee Etiquette rule. Note that bad tactics like this can be entirely realistic for people who aren't used to fighting in groups - the cinematic element is that it applies to all low-level villains, especially criminal thugs who are usually very good at pack tactics (in tv and cinema, criminals are bad at fighting and intimidation, which are the only things they should be good at, while also being far more competent and sympathetic than real life in every other way).

Like a lot of generative 'AI' stuff, this is somehow both really impressive and utterly tedious. Perfectly embodies the midwit slop of 'deep dive' podcasts which consist of shallow readings without any real insight. I'm fairly sure if it wasn't for a few flaws like spelling out G-U-R-P-S and my actual knowledge of the subject matter, it could have fooled me into thinking it was produced by (mediocre) humans.
At this point, I'm fairly reliant on 'experts' to tell me that these things are definitely less sentient / sapient than average people, and I'm not really confident in my ability to judge which experts to trust. I can't see how a typical 'normie' can be expected to distinguish between LLMs and the sapient robots they see in science-fiction. If they were capable of epistemic angst, they would be in crisis. As it is, I expect a whole lot of people to outsource their thinking to machines (not a huge difference; they already rely on TV and such for most of their ideas) and a dramatic rise in calls to treat 'AI' as people (e.g. insisting their 'relationships' with computer characters are similar to those with people, giving chatbots and robots rights, 'social justice' activism against 'anti-machine' speech, etc.)
better than the meme
>it could have fooled me into thinking it was produced by (mediocre) humans.
I wish it could be more critic, pointing out flaws and possible improvements, but I guess that's a tall order for a generic AI and
>Perfectly embodies the midwit slop of 'deep dive' podcasts which consist of shallow readings without any real insight.
fits this theme.
Wasn't there a technique to do a parry against a weapon but instead of parrying the weapon you'd cut someones arm or something? I thought aggressive parry was it but that's unarmed only
Maybe I dreamed of it and it's actually just a stop-thrust aimed at a limb or something

>(e.g. insisting their 'relationships' with computer characters are similar to those with people,
My waifu is real!
SNIFF SNIFF the important thing is to have fun!
The majority of online content of this sort covering GURPS is so dry that it equally matches most RPG player's perception of GURPS as a generic system that these deep dives are nearly a breath of fresh air and they at least aren't discussing their genitals being non-binary and gay like most algorithm fed content creators discussing RPGs now.
>The majority of online content of this sort covering GURPS
I think now there's literally only Agitated Aubergine doing that, and your ai slop is doing a better job at it
Interdiction, a DF powerup from Pyramid (I think the Way of the Warrior issue). You can recreate it in normal GURPS as a technique, using the guidelines in Martial Arts.
Destructive parry. Usually limited to stuff like lightsabers.
thanks, I'm gonna search for it. Now that i have the name it shouldn't take too long.
>Ethnic Cool (Fantasy-Tech 1) Sword Breaker
>Parry 0F and +2 to Bind and Disarm Weapon
>Wielded with Main-Gauche skill
Yay or nay?
this is official art
Is there some book about "advanced" magic? Like, what would magic look like in the future of a TL3 fantasy world? Surely TL8 wizards won't be using outdated spells from centuries ago, right?
Seems reasonable. Essentially a jitte but using both favourable rules (disarm bonus and fencing parry) at once. Should allow a note allowing it to use Snap Weapon with Main-Gauche too (not really realistic, despite the name, but then it isn't for jitte/sai either and it's a cinematic technique with an ethnic badass weapon).
I think there is a pyramid article somewhere about TL limited magic, but can't remember the title or even which volume it was in.
There are certainly some magic systems which are intended for modern settings and others which aren't, although most of the time they work fine when ported over. Certain spells in GURPS Magic (and Bio-Tech) are clearly only useful for certain tech levels. That's even more the case in Path & Book. Technomysticism (pyramid 3/91) is an advantage-based power intended for high-tech worlds.
There's a pyramid article that divides the spells from Magic into "Sorcery Levels," which are analogous to tech levels. In that context, the spells in Magic should be seen as the equivalent to all the gear from Low, High, and Ultra Tech, all collected in one place and listed without TL. Whether you use SL as-is or opt for making your own tier system, it all boils down to only doling out appropriate spells. You can, as GM, simply say that Fireball was developed in the 12th century, Explosive Fireball in the late 16th, and Rain of Fire at the start of the 19th (just in time for WWI warcrimes).

There's also Thoroughly Modern Magic (Pyramid #3/66) that discusses modern assembly line-style enchanting; spells function as before but enchanted items specifically become slightly cheaper. And I do mean slightly.

Lastly, many open-ended create-a-spell systems can have (or has by default) baked in TL scaling. Sorcery has damage scale with mundane damage sources, so a TL3 sorcerer is limited to maybe 2d of damage (akin to a strong soldier's crossbow) while TL8 sorcerers can reach over a dozen dice (shoulder-fire rocket launchers, fully automatic rifles, etc.). It's easy enough to port that sort of cap over to Syntactic/Symbolic, RPM, or other advantage-based magic systems. Other parameters will require a more flexible GM, but ultimately all can use the same justification of "your wizard needs to be able to visualize and effect to create it"; a TL4 spell that grants flight might work by making the target lighter than air or giving them large wings since birds and floating balloons are understandable, while a TL8 version might grant a fighter plane's degree of control and speed, and a TL12 one would allow for perfect control and mind-boggling speeds owing to the caster's familiarity with TL12 contra-grav devices.
Give mages more points to be spent on magical traits at higher TLs.
If you had to buy equipments as advantages or skills, you'd need a lot more points to buy a modern rifle compared to a bow.
So it follows that the same would be true to magic: A mage at higher TL has more points on magical abilities than a mage at TL 3.
Give your TL 8 mages Magery 7, Energy Reserva 15 and average spell level 20 and it would reflect how much better magical knowledge and training is compared to TL 3.
>Surely TL8 wizards won't be using outdated spells from centuries ago, right?
Most fantasy settings go with the idea that magic was stronger in the past, so actually finding an ancient spell would be a boon to a modern wizard.
Before I go trough the entirety of powers, (which is gonna take me a week since I read slow) is there a special modifier that makes the target of a power become vulnerable to a specific kind of damage?
Like the diablo 2 necromancer curse
Affliction (Vulnerability).
Nice, thanks.
Im tired of "rapid strike to the vitals" as my rapierist (or rapist as I like to call them) only move.
Are there cool techniques i can try with a rapier?
>Surely TL8 wizards won't be using outdated spells from centuries ago, right?
I genuinely don't see why not. We still make use of plenty of low TL tools, and where we don't, it's usually because of an economy of scale that permits it (using a sewing machine instead of just a needle and thread). What would make a 1000 year old invisibility spell obsolete?
Stab to the eyes is often optimal at high skill levels. Rapid strike to get them both is a true sign of mastery, but probably overkill.
Flying Lunge to the groin has a certain je ne sais quoi. Use Springing Attack for extra power.
Bind Weapon followed by Disarm or an unarmed attack (typically a knee strike or headbutt) is a classic of cinematic fencers.
Targeting chinks in armour from a defensive grip is Lindy.
Opponents may want to close in with you to avoid your reach advantage. Use armed grapple and pummeling to punish them for this.
The femoral artery (new hit locations - veins and arteries, martial arts 137) is hard to protect and very nasty to get hit in. This offsets the reduced wounding multiplier against limbs (if you aren't using an edged rapier).
The combination of reach and half penalties from rapid strikes allow you to hit a lot of opponents in one turn. Go for legs and feet to immobilise them and pick them off at your leisure.
>We still make use of plenty of low TL tools, and where we don't, it's usually because of an economy of scale that permits it (using a sewing machine instead of just a needle and thread).
People have moved on from throwing rocks to shooting bows to firing guns.
>What would make a 1000 year old invisibility spell obsolete?
Inefficient use of energy, flawed theory resulting on premature dispelling when attacking, antiquated enchanting methods.
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>What would make a 1000 year old invisibility spell obsolete?
It seems very likely that the scientific method would apply to magic as well as chemistry, physics, and so on. Even if it doesn't use tools and materials, the methods could be refined through experimentation and good experimental protocol is a technological concept. Even very basic physical skills like wrestling and dance have evolved as people experiment with new methods, mix existing traditions together, and use a 'scientific' mindset to push the boundaries of what is possible and discard what is unnecessary.
What do you think of games that heavily restrict your character choices? For example, games that rely on and enforce templates, or games with mandatory points spending categories (you have 100 points for skills and 50 for advantages at char creation, or you gain 10 points at end of session 5 of which can be spent on psychic powers)
>People have moved on from throwing rocks to shooting bows to firing guns.
NTA but that's sort of what he was saying. Guns are more than just technological innovations; there's a supply chain that needs to exist before things like guns exist (unless you personally happen to sit on top of a supply of iron, copper, zinc, and sulfur, own livestock or live near a cave, and have a lot of good wood handy), and by default Magic doesn't make use of and thus cannot benefit from expanding supply chains. Magic is separate from material reality. There's nothing stopping a mage from just sitting in his tower all day and speedrunning the magical tech-tree until he has 99% of spells known despite everything else being TL1.

If you want to implement a more materialist magic system, though, GURPS has many different ways of introducing magical ingredients, and you can use that to justify why certain spells aren't known yet and how there's a magical arms race between two empires to see who can secure the Golden Lion's Paw Lilies and finish R&D on Create Warrior first or whatever.

Ultimately, it really seems like the solution is to just... not allow every spell in Magic. Or at least fluff that some spells were invented later than others to give the illusion of progress over time. I understand that this requires more work than, say, banning all TL9+ gear in a TL8 game, but that's how you do it.
I like them. Limiting options or budgets forces me out of my comfort zone and makes me try character types I would otherwise overlook if I was allowed to pick whatever. This goes doubly for templates, which will often add ancillary traits that I have to take in order to get the traits that I really want, and in doing so I'll end up with a character I didn't quite anticipate.

Taking a preexisting concept and figuring out how to squeeze it to fit the GM's mandate is also just kinda fun. It gives me the same enjoyment as old D&D3.PF chargen did; just picking up Super Jump and dropping 12 points in Spear to make a FF Dragoon does not tickle the minmaxy parts of my brain like building a Dragoon entirely RAW via DF Henchmen.
Thanks for the ideas. I like the idea of goin for the arteries, tho I am, in fact, using an edged rapier (and nothing else)
>The combination of reach and half penalties from rapid strikes allow you to hit a lot of opponents in one turn.
That's a good idea too.
how much should the disadvantage "always sheathes his weapon after an attack" cost?
>not allowed to rapid strike unless it's a specific combination
>has to use quick sheathe and quick draw tech all the time for no reason
>has a reaction penalty due to being called a weeb by other swordsmen
I'm thinking -5 or -10
That seems severe enough to count as a "major vow" for −10 points, IMO.
>Roll vs. Fast-Draw to unsheathe as a free action
>Roll vs. weapon skill to attack
>Roll vs. Fast-Draw to sheathe as a free action
That's a lot of die-rolling.
(And that's assuming you attack with reversed grip, so that you don't need to roll vs. Reverse Grip before sheathing.)
-10 it is.
time to live out my weeb fantasies in [powered by gurps]: DFRPG
Check out DF Denizens: Swashbucklers. See if your GM will let you take Dazzling Draw for true iajutsu weeb action.
That's real cool, thanks for pointing it out
man that book is rough
Not that anon but I would think better scientific knowledge would at least make some spells easier or cheaper. Or at least easier to learn. Also more types of technology spells. Or even knowledge spells specifically adapted to the digital age. Plus spells that specifically fuck with cybernetics would be a neat touch.
Anymore and every non-combatant will get it for free points.
I'm preparing a high-powered fantasy game using Sorcery. I'm new to Sorcery and have a question about it. Am I going to fuck things up if I allow Sorcerers to maintain one spell for free? RAW, they'd need to pay full cost for their most expensive spell to be able to do that, which is quite taxing. But it just seems very out of theme for this campaign for a Sorc to not be able to have his Shield up or Fly *and* throw a lightning bolt.
That's why Sorcery spells should be built as Afflictions. Not only does that let sorcerers buff allies instead of keeping all the cool powers to themselves like a knockoff Superman, but because Afflictions have their own duration, you can swap your active spell after casting without losing the spell effect.
Relatively Newbie GM here looking for a good system.
Would GURPs be good for running a Sharpe-esque blackpowder campaign or should I look for a different ruleset?
Something that sounded appealing to me about gurps was I heard it was really crunchy but that the players don't need to know much as long as the GM learns it well which would be nice because I run games for my friends and they don't read books.
yeah it would work
If Sharp means historical, yeah. High-Tech has everything you need for black powder firearms, and I can't imagine needing anything besides Basic Set. If you want to incorporate military structure, I think Social Engineering - Pulling Rank could be useful.
>Something that sounded appealing to me about gurps was I heard it was really crunchy but that the players don't need to know much as long as the GM learns it well which would be nice because I run games for my friends and they don't read books.
This is the approach I use, but I still get some complaints about complexity. I wrote all the rules they need on their character sheets, and quick cheat sheets, but they find the multi-page character sheet overwhelming and don't even want to read the cheat sheets. On the other hand, when we played Savage Worlds they didn't read the rules for that either, and even things like Tales from the Loop and the Alien RPG require me to explain what they need to roll half the time. So I guess a bunch of systems work with only the GM knowing the rules, and there isn't really a level of complexity at which 'non readers' will suddenly make the jump to 'readers', so you might as well run what you want.
On the one hand, GURPS is great for this because it's 'heroic realism' by default, which is very intuitive and you can usually just describe what you want to do and the rules will support it. On the other hand, the complexity level for the GM can be quite an obstacle if you aren't a speed-reader with excellent memory.
The main issue I found with the rules is that people don't seem to find the one-second combat turn intuitive at all. I can't really explain why, because it makes perfect sense to me that things can change second-to-second in combat, but my players apparently have an idea that they should get at least one attack every turn and do about 3-6 seconds worth of stuff each time.
In terms of being able to handle a black-powder era campaign, yeah, it should be fine. The gear catalogue isn't quite as complete as for late 19th / early 20th C. 3rd ed had more in Age of Napoleon.
>The main issue I found with the rules is that people don't seem to find the one-second combat turn intuitive at all. I can't really explain why, because it makes perfect sense to me that things can change second-to-second in combat, but my players apparently have an idea that they should get at least one attack every turn and do about 3-6 seconds worth of stuff each time.
Which is bizarre, because most turn-based games have you only able to perform one action per turn.
I see, I just figured that if the Sorcerer swapped spells while an Affliction spell was active, it would go away. So he couldn't grant flight to a teammate but then be unable to do anything else become, if he swapped spells, his friend would fall from the sky.
This makes much more sense now. Thanks!
I was really excited for the adventure time TTRPG announcement, but at the last minute they decided to change it to a yet another generic 5e game.

It was originally going to have a 'yes, and' system, which would remove basically all maths from the game and make it more improve and narrative driven.

The game was going to include 6 dice:







Basically, for each skill or ability, it would be ranked on levels 1-5, and you would roll the corresponding yes/no and but/and/blank dice to perform an action, and then describe how it goes just like any normal ttrpg.

I thought this system sounded really good for a quick and fast paced, chaotic ttrpg, basically skipping all the math and going straight to the story telling aspect.

I would very much like to copy this idea and make a gurps version of it. It seems like a good system to get new people into ttrpgs who might be intimidated by or put off by the thought of having to do math, as well as I was just interested in seeing an original dice system for a change.
Feels only tangentially related to GURPS, but this is basically just a normal success roll mechanic with one dice determining if there is a complication. You can simply use a FUDGE dice for the AND/BUT dice and add it to the usual dice pool.
I would contend that GURPS is actually a really bad fit for this, because it already includes enough detail and opportunities for complex outcomes. It could combine OK with GURPS Ultra-Lite I suppose.
>I would contend that GURPS is actually a really bad fit for this, because it already includes enough detail and opportunities for complex outcomes.
To elaborate a bit on this: because GURPS includes a lot of rolls, 'mixed' results are more common than in more abstract systems.
For example, in a very abstract system, you might either defeat an enemy or fail to in a single roll. Even typical systems have each 'attack' represent a whole bunch of different stuff. But in GURPS, literally every strike is accounted for and resolved individually. You don't need a special dice to say 'you defeat him BUT you got wounded in the process' or even 'you didn't hit him BUT you broke his sword' or 'you injured him AND knocked him down' because those are natural outcomes of the system itself. You can fail your attack roll against the neck and hit the torso instead. You can hit the neck and also sever an artery.
It doesn't count for non-combatants, obviously. This is specifically for dungeon fantasy, where the disadvantage guidelines specifically say "if it doesn't actually bother the character, take away their points and force them to buy back the disadvantage"
>If Sharp means historical
Sharpe is set during the Napoleonic wars
Well, sir, on first mention of Sharpe in a thread, I naturally post the pasta. That's my style, sir.
>Cheesy 80s guitar mixed with fife and drum intro plays
>Small skirmish between the British and French
>Sharpe flailing his sword around while Hagman gives cover fire
>They win the skirmish
>Messenger on horseback approaches
>"Lieutenant/Captain/Major Sharpe, you are summoned to Lord Wellington's tent"
>"Bloody ell Patrick, what's 'e want now"
>Sharpe arrives in old Nosey's tent
>His spymaster of the day is there
>As is a weasel looking British officer or French lord
>"Sharpe, this is Lord Fucksworth, who has a dangerous mission for you - you will be enormously outnumbered, deep behind enemy lines with no support, oh and Major Ducos is around so watch out for him
>Lord Fucksworth insults him for being a poorfag but reluctantly accepts that this is Wellington's best man
>"As ye like sir, Ah'll get it dun"
>Cut to Sharpe and Patrick discussing the mission
>"It dun maek bloody sense Patrick, why do they need us to tek this castle/find this woman/get these supplies/uncover this plot"
>"Oh surely as the fields o' Ireland are green, sir, God has a plan for us, sir"
>A few battles happen on the way to the objective
>Oh look it's an attractive young woman who keeps looking at Sharpe suggestively
>They fuck
>"Look Patrick! It's the thing we're here for!"
>Lord Fucksworth appears and betrays Sharpe
>Ducos appears
>"HON HON HON! Bamboozled you again my nemesis"
>"Bloody Ducos"
>Battle happens
>Patrick goes "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH BANG" with the 7 barrelled gun
>Wellington arrives
>"Well done Sharpe! You've done it again"
>Sharpe and his men march into the sunset
There is a GURPS Age of Napoleon sourcebook.
TL4 is my favorite tech level, perfect mix of firearms and melee with most guns being single shot. Many fights just play out as fencing duels (with sabers or whatever is appropriate).
The rifle they use in Sharpe (the Baker rifle) is on Page 108 of High Tech
You need a decent Fast Draw skill and I think a perk if you want to fire four shots a minute no matter the condition
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But Napoleonic is TL 5
I've been skimming through Realm Management and Social Engineering and Boardroom and Curia but I can't seem to find anything for buildings/smaller locations. Is there anything somewhere about fortifying or building a fortress? I've noticed some cover values in the basic set based on materials, I guess I could turn the fort into a microrealm?
Building construction rules are in Low-Tech Companion 3. No idea how realistic or playable they are. Farming rules are in LTC3 and some pyramid articles. For the social elements (recruiting a garrison, relationships with the locals, etc.) I think it's basically just B&C, but I seem to remember there is a 'city management' pyramid article which looked better than RM.
Come on, don't take the bait - this is just an attempt to trigger ACKS dickriding again. This is getting old.
>Low-Tech Companion 3
Thanks man. I'll look through the Pyramid library again too.
What will GURPS Power-Ups 10 be about?
Low-Tech Companion 3 has construction costs for buildings. The rules are simultaneously very detailed (down to the specific square footage and thickness of walls) and very vague (internal walls are abstracted as a Partitioning Factor, no attention given to amenities or anything besides the base construction), which in my experience leaves both camps unfulfilled.

"High-Tech Buildings" (Pyramid #3/96) adds more materials and options to the LTC3 scheme and introduces things like composite buildings and basic amenities costs.

The Spaceships rules can be used in a pinch to make a building; just use TL-appropriate options and neglect to include an engine system. Add in the lower-tech options from Spaceships Vol. 7 and you can use this in low-tech settings too. This is probably the most playable option for groups that don't already have a specific floorplan in mind.

Lastly, "What's in a Lair" (Pyramid #3/86) tackles base building in an entirely abstract way (costs are based off a building's Size rating and TL and is affected by optional modifiers you can include like Ops Center, Hidden, and Structural Reinforcement) but is more thorough (tracking things like staff costs and traits covered by modifiers). Second most playable option.
Many thanks, I'll take the time to read through those sources.
Related, not that anon but I want to eventually go from dungeon crawling to land owning, is there a place where there are straight up just pre-made structures with GURPS prices?
>internal walls are abstracted as a Partitioning Factor
You can de-abstract it as the area of all walls and floors divided by the volume of the building, in units of ft^2/ft^3.
>all walls and floors
(and roofs)
To my knowledge, no. However it shouldn’t be hard to make up a bunch. Doing a themed collection like “viking village” or “castellan town” sounds like a decent project for a bored anon to knock out in an afternoon.

What buildings would you like? I can get started.
I just need like 3 options for the players to choose which one to buy
>basic motte and bailey fort focused on defense
>basic mansion focused on comfort
>basic tower with lab for a wizard
I haven't really looked at the rules yet desu, no idea how feasible or easy these are to do.
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The only thing I can think of is zero-point features. There are loads of them, there doesn't seem to be any restriction on adding new ones as you see fit (same as perks, quirks, wildcard skills, talents, modifiers), and many of them have quite significant rules effects.
I just dropped Dan Howard's Compact Castles in the MEGA. Attaching prices, DR and HP to those would be a great little project.
You can use ACKS (whether edition 1 or the in-progress edition 2) as a rough guideline. There are two options: use the ACKS building descriptions with the GURPS building rules; or just copy-and-paste the ACKS prices, with a conversion rate of 1 GP = 100 GURPS $ as discussed previously.

Motte-and-bailey castle:
>100*15*10 piled-earth rampart (to make the motte): 3 k$
>60*60*80 stone keep: 12.5 M$
>100*20*10 unfilled moat: 40 k$
>10*20*1 wood drawbridge: 30 k$
>100*0.5*7.5 wood palisade: 12.5 k$
Combine these five components as needed.

>75*75*10 villa: 300 k$

Wizard's tower:
>30*30*60 stone tower: 3 M$
>Workshop: 400 k$ minimum

Whoops, that keep may be overkill. Cheaper options:
>30*30*20 wood building: 35 k$
>20*20*30 stone tower: 750 k$
And I probably should mention that these towers are circular, not square.
Adventurer Conqueror King System?
I hadn't heard of it before, I'll check it out.
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Quick question, exactly how prevalent are lizardmen to the setting of GURPS?
>Motte-and-bailey castle:
>>100*15*10 piled-earth rampart (to make the motte): 3 k$
>>60*60*80 stone keep: 12.5 M$
>>100*20*10 unfilled moat: 40 k$
>>10*20*1 wood drawbridge: 30 k$
>>100*0.5*7.5 wood palisade: 12.5 k$
>Combine these five components as needed.
>>75*75*10 villa: 300 k$
>Wizard's tower:
>>30*30*60 stone tower: 3 M$
>>Workshop: 400 k$ minimum
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Based and Sharpepilled.
Sharpe would make for a great game. You'll probably want your players to have Luck and use Impulse Buys (like Flesh Wounds) to keep their characters alive.
Who would be the lizard men of the Sharpe setting?
The french would be frogmen, of course. Probably the english, (but only the higher class, nobles and such), using the regular human rabble to fight their wars.
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High, up with core races like elves, dwarves and orcs, if up to me.
The guys from the Aztec gold episode
I'm done humoring faggots, retards, and other subversive elements or those that flock to them. These people contribute nothing, they're a net loss on the society as a whole and should be silenced.
Would an amulet of Undead Protection (+1 to active defenses vs undead) be ok as a loot to throw in at a game of DFRPG?
I know there's proper rules for creating magic items but I'm feeling lazy
That seems fine. You may want to eventually go through the trouble of statting it out normally, but that's just so you can find a fair price point in case the party wants to sell it. Alternatively, it could look creepy/gives off bad vibes and no one wants to buy it, in which case there's nothing wrong with just describing its effect and moving on.
Yeah, I know my players never sell loot so giving it a price is a bit of a waste of time
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guys what the fuck, gurps is incredibly fun
what's with this nonsense about "jack of all trades master of none" shit people say of GURPS, it has by far the most fun combat of any RPG I've played, and I've played quite a few (everything on pic).

Why did no one tell me?
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>Why did no one tell me?
Because of cope. Literally, not even memeing. People that are fans of other games--mainly I'm just talking about D&D fans--have to pretend that because their game focuses on a very specific style of play that it *must* excel at that, and that conversely a game that can do multiple things must by necessity spread itself so thin as to be mediocre at all of them. The idea that a system can be do a good job of running different types of games does not compute. It isn't helped that D&D is both narrowly focused and just outright bad, so a game that is both widely usable and actually decent is double-confusing to its fans.
I thought everyone saying "GURPS" in all those "looking for a system" threads were trolling
>Archived Webpages
Some definitely are. There's GURPS doesn't have enough players to warrant all these replies.
Usually yes, but sometimes we list useful books and retards still refuse to read them.
To be fair they probably were. OPs saying "don't suggest GURPS" were just advertising to trolls "hey, just yell GURPS at me."

Actual GURPS autists will post walls of text explaining how their system could work for the requester, which books to check out, which optional rules to use, and so on. We love the system and want other people to use it, so we point them in the right direction. Trolls will just post "GURPS" and move on with no elaboration, because they just like to annoy people. The fact that they both annoy requesters (by spamming one-word replies) AND GURPSfags (by making us look bad) is icing on the cake.
Unrelated, but is anyone else having a hard time getting their posts to post today?
>by far the most fun combat of any RPG I've played
what were the favorite things your discovered?
the weapon grappling rules. Watching one of my players naturally without any prompting use his shield to press a goblin against a wall, then stab him in the vitals later or just do a shield slam to break trough a line of goblins so he could get out of the enemy archers line of fire was quite a surprise considering that exact player hardly ever does anything beyond going "I attack" with other games.
I'm building an ally that is meant to support my character (essentially a shadow creature that "possesses" the character to give him powers). What is easier to do?
Just give that ally spells and have her cast support magic or actually build powers that can be used to buff allies?
thanks for responding, that's a great choice
thrilled you guys are enjoying it, and wish you the best
Not a 'core race' but several variants appear in the Dungeon Fantasy implied setting(s). The more well-defined Norðlond setting has Snákamaðr ('serpent people').
Reptoids are similar and appear in the Monster Hunters implied setting(s).
At least one Infinite Worlds parallel entirely populated by them (as you highlight), probably dozens with some presence, including Yrth (flagship fantasy setting) and Gabrook. Serpent-Lords are a major background element in the Cabal meta-setting of the four realms (which may include Infinite Worlds).
Seas of Dread has serpent-folk.
Tales of the Solar Patrol has the Venusian salishal. Roma Universalis also has a reptilian race of Venusians.
Lands Out of Time (including the World of Banded Night AKA Borroughs-6) has saurians.
I'm sure there are many other examples...
>Norðlond setting has Snákamaðr

Hey Douglas Cole.
Honestly, a big part of that might be because a lot of the games you've tried are mediocre. Only ACKS stands out as one I'd recommend. GURPS is great, especially for tactical combat, but there's a lot of other good systems out there.

As always, depends on the details. If you're already dealing with a magic system, probably best to just use that for consistency. Basic Magic has plenty of decent buff spells. On the other hand, powers can be simpler in play and let you design abilities to work exactly how you want.
>As always, depends on the details
What I don't want is to have the ally spend multiple minutes casting spells, so I think going for powers makes sense since those are usually just 1 second to activate, right?
Most buff spells are only 1 second to cast, although a few are longer (e.g. flaming weapon is 2s, body of earth 5s). However, if there are multiple buffs you want, time can add up fast.
An advantage-based system, on the other hand, can pile an arbitrary number of advantages into a single affliction, which takes 1 second total. Worst case, you want to buff your character and then their weapon, taking 1 second each (plus 1 more if you need to switch in an alternative ability). Plus you don't need to worry about FP.
Make sure you aren't mixing up duration with casting time. Most regular spells last for minutes but take seconds to cast.
>An advantage-based system, on the other hand, can pile an arbitrary number of advantages into a single affliction, which takes 1 second total.
Yeah, this is what I want to do
in DFRPG is Druid a good template?
On most dungeons, they suffer penalties to their abilities and even in complete wilderness, they spells doesn't seem powerful enough to justify them over a Wizard.
>essentially a shadow creature that "possesses" the character to give him powers
Alternative Abilties (Powers and Ally)
When the Ally is "on", as in, not possessing the main character, the powers will be switched "off". Equally, when the Ally goes "off", possessing the main character, the powers go "on."
>Alternative Abilties (Powers and Ally)
Interesting Idea, I'll see how I can make it work in this case, thanks.
This would be a good way to do pokemon. You have a Trainer Level, pokemon are alternate abilities, and they won't obey you if their point total exceeds your Trainer Level's point cost.
>1 GP = 100 GURPS $
Obviously retarded, it should be 1/50
See >>93905074 for the rationale.
I'm thinking to run a highly cinematic game where PCs have ludicrously high levels of skill. To make the most of these skill levels, I want to give PCs the option to take huge penalties to do things very fast, or multi-task actions that normally aren't allowed together. I know that two options already exist for this: Rapid Strike for attacks in combat, and Haste for Time Spent for out-of-combat tasks. However, that's not enough. I want PCs to reduce the length of tasks to less than 20%, but never to 0%. Say for instance:
>Every -4 penalty to skill halves Time Spent, to a minimum of 1 second.
I also want PCs to be able to take penalties to skill to perform any number of any kind of maneuver (not just Attack) in combat without the need for Altered Time Rate. Say for instance:
>At the start of your turn, you can declare multiple maneuvers. Each maneuver after the first gives a -6 penalty to all rolls made for any maneuver on your turn. Regardless of skill, you can't declare more than one Move maneuver per turn.
>If a maneuver normally does not require a roll, then the GM may require one anyways (e.g., a Change Posture and Evaluate maneuver may require an Acrobatics roll and an IQ-based Melee Skill roll). Failure wastes the maneuver, while critical failure or failure by 5 or more causes a fumble of the GM's choosing (e.g., mental Stunning for a critically failed Evaluate maneuver).
Can anyone tell me if anyone's already done something like this before?
I'm pretty sure martial arts has rules for making more than one rapid strike.
And you can trade 1 attack for 1 step.
If I build a fireball as a power that deals area damage, do enemies get any defense against it? It's not an explosion, and from the description, everyone in the area takes the same effect.
>tfw your GM will never let your mage concentrate on two spells at once while running at full sprint, reloading his pistol in one hand, drunk-dialing his ex with the other, and munching on the bagel stuck in his teeth with nothing but Magery 0 and sheer skill alone.
What's up with this general's obsession with ACK?
It autistically attempts to imitate real life, just like GURPS.
See also CORPS (VDS and 3G3).
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No, absolute dogshit. Only barely functional in wilderness games, for the reasons you state.
Spells aren't great either. Pollen cloud is risky for allies, and ineffective against unliving monsters. Lightning is among the better missile spells due to accuracy, but weak up close. Hail is too low damage. Wizard options are better. Green Thumb is mostly a waste of points. Powers are fairly crap. Slime is weirdly immune to all your special abilities.
It's one guy, just like every weird temporary obsession on here, just like when people talk about a major modification to the GURPS rules like the Last Gasp, Knowing Your Own Strength, and that shitty HP-less injury system (threshold injury? Too lazy to look it up) in a really high volume over a couple weeks.
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Never seen it done before, but your rules look fine as a campaign switch.

According to Basic 413 you can still Dodge by Diving for Cover (Basic 377) but it seems like the only benefit is ending up one step further away and if you are still within the AoE then you're taking full damage (or whatever effect it has) anyway. This assumes your area doesn't have dissipation, of course.
Yeah, I have absolutely no clue what possessed the devs to give Druids a penalty to casting 99% of the time. At least DFRPG establishes -1 as the default penalty; the rules for nature’s strength in original DF imply that Druids are almost always at -3.

Still, they have their uses, especially later in the game. Create Animal-20 and Beast Possession-20 make those two spells free to maintain, letting Druids summon bears and karkadanns (edgy unicorns) and leap into them to act as disposable frontline warriors. In more mystery-type games, the Druid’s ability to speak with animals and plants can really help. With a smaller spell list and no real special abilities of note, Druids are uniquely suited to having massive energy reserves, which makes all of those area spells you get at higher levels of Power Investiture much more attractive; many problems can be solved with a big enough Earthquake. Lastly, at lower power levels, even a smaller Windstorm can be really effective at locking down an area and denying ranged attackers the opportunity to hit you or your party.
It’s one guy who won’t stop dickriding a system that isn’t even out yet. He’s also attracted a handful of flunkies that keep using any mention of the system to spam trans suicide stuff, because I guess they really only have one joke and they’re eager to use it.
>According to Basic 413 you can still Dodge by Diving for Cover (Basic 377) but it seems like the only benefit is ending up one step further away and if you are still within the AoE then you're taking full damage
this is what I assumed. Tho I suppose 1 step can maybe take you into cover.
I guess this is why they made every AoE damage spell an explosion, the way the rules work, actual AoE damage is OP.
Too bad there's no middle ground between "you always take max dmg nothing you can do about it" vs "oh, you're literally 1 yard away from the center, take half damage"
image being this stupid
the tranny joke is making fun of the system, you dumb retard. The system is literally called "ACKs"
I’m sorry, what word would you like me to use for the sort of lazy trolls that follow any mention of the system and jump at any opportunity to post dumb memes they stole from /pol/?

And no, they aren’t spamming that to make fun of the system’s name. That’s not the direction they’re coming from and you’re really naive to think that.
they're making fun of trannies AND saying that only trannies like the system you retard. I get that being trans yourself you think everyone who slings slurs is on the same side, but you gotta learn that "tranny", like "faggot", is now just a generic insult.
>this level of historical revisionism
Okay you’re actually too delusional to have a conversation with. Go fellate a shotgun and make the world a better place.
>anon desperately wants all his enemies to just be one group
keep putting your head under the sand anon
also keep talking, you're making the one ACKs fan look better and better since this is the kind of people he is offending.
>weapon master, so -3 on extra attacks
>with dual attack tech with enough points to have no penalty on dual wielding
>using a single katana
>dazzling draw to bypass defense
>atk 1 slash right after draw at no penalty and really hard to defend due to dazzling draw feint
>atk 2 is sheath swing at -3, hopefully making the enemy waste another parry
>atk 3 is a thrust -6 to the vitals
I think this all works out mathwise
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A character with six arms and 360-Degree Vision can hold four shields to gain a block defense on all sides, right?
>tfw you have some questions to ask the thread but we're well past bump limit and it'd be a waste to ask them now
Also, 3rd thread we're hitting bump limit on, LFGoooooooo
>can barely handle supers and mechas
>even medieval combat is weird (armor is useless)
are you retarded?
Pyramid #3/52, "Lord of the Manor."
Can a 250 points DFRPG character win against a squad of average TL 8 soldiers?
>medieval combat is weird (armor is useless)
what? Armor is incredibly important. Enough DR can make you pretty much immune to most damage, and force the enemy to target chinks at massive -8 (and even then it's just to halve DR)
Explain your reasoning.
Not an average character. You'd have to have some double action time bullshit going.
Maybe if he had an ally with a bunch of buff spells like great haste and shit.
>swings a 4d cut great axe at your DR 3 light plate
Yeah, it sure did make a difference lol
>Heavy Steel Corselet DR 7
>ST 15 barbarian swinging axe = 2d+3
even the strongest armor is going to be easily penetrated by a moderately strong man with an axe. The strongest human will deal 3d+4 damage, enough to kill your super-armored knight in a few hits.
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It's not one guy doing ACKS conversions—I know because I'm one of them. So, two guys, anyway. I don't post about it very often, though. ACKS II isn't technically out, but it's basically done, the playtester versions are polished up and all extant material and more for it was basically already published for 1e via Axioms anyway.

Pic related are a handful of the tables I've got for conversion work to use ACKS materials in concert with DFRPG, including a treasure-to-XP equivalent for GURPS so I can just use the straight ACKS treasure tables and still get the progression I want.

I'm undecided on what I want to do next with it aside from just start to run the campaign and seeing how it goes, which I've already got the groundwork laid for—need to pull the trigger on a decision as far as who to greenlight for the game, since my old stable of players is now in another city.

(the "Threshold Injury" system being referred to in one of the quoted posts is "Conditional Injury," and works really well—particularly in early Mission X format)
Meant to quote this post too, whoops: >>93931148
>DR 3 light plate
>against a guy with more than 20ST
Those are baby armor. Grab some fantasy material armor from DFRPG since you're fighting superhumans.

>>ST 15 barbarian swinging axe = 2d+3
>Heavy Steel Corselet DR 7
>easily penetrated
a) You're only talking about realistic armor.
b) average damage of 2d+3 is 10; you're reducing more than half of the damage from a full-on axe hit. That doesn't seem "useless" to me.
>high ST vs armor
The problem with this sort of comparison is that you're comparing something one character spent a lot of points on (50 to 100) vs something another character just spent cash on.
Would you want your barbarian who spent a 100 points in ST be cucked because the opponent is someone wearing heavy armor?
>Would you want your barbarian who spent a 100 points in ST be cucked because the opponent is someone wearing heavy armor?
Yes. There's a reason people paid top dollar for armor and it wasn't to be cucked by a barbarian.
What if you give them 100 more points?
>Yes. There's a reason people paid top dollar for armor and it wasn't to be cucked by a barbarian.
Barbarians don't have 20ST in real life. Also points are literally more valuable than money.
Then it becomes possible. 100 points opens up a ton of stuff, specially for swashbucklers, martial artists (armed) and knights.
Like using DFRPG rules, any of the fast classes would 100% act first, which would give them time to just disappear and start picking them off 3 by 3.

at 350 points they're still vulnerable if caught without any place to take cover. Nothing you can do if the enemy is 300 yards away and you're in the middle of a completely empty desert plain.
Boy, we've just barely left the pike and shot era, and I'm packing enough DR to stop a hotchkiss revolving cannon.
High-Tech Low-Tech armor is really funny.
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No, if I understand you correctly, you are applying rapid strike penalties wrong. You don't take no penalty, then -3, then -6, etc. You declare how many rapid strikes you are doing and then apply the penalty multiplied by the number of extra attacks (i.e. -3 for 2 attacks, -6 for three) to all of them.

According to Martial Arts p. 127, you can't use Rapid Strike and Dual Weapon Attack. You only get to use one of those each turn.
Even if you could, it would be:
Dual-Weapon Attack
- with sheath, 'normal' attack (at no penalty due to technique), -1 to defend due to DWA.
- with sword, rapid strike. Two attacks, both at -3 skill, but -1 to defend due to DWA.

I also don't think you're allowed to just rapid strike with more than one weapon, which seems odd because the rules seem to allow it for unarmed attacks.

I think the only strictly rules-as-written option for pulling this off is a combination. This would be (I think) a three-attack combination with a basic penalty of -5 (-9 halved due to WM). To buy off this penalty, pay 6 points to raise it to -0 and 3 extra for the 3-attack combo. Total cost of [9].
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Depends on class and situation. Wizard might have a chance with reverse missiles and some area-effect bullshit if they don't know about wizards. Bard could plausibly just mind-control them, thief / assassin could pick them off in their sleep, etc.
Any kind of 'fighter' is fucked unless the situation is absurdly stacked to favour them.
Why do DFRPG bards get protection from evil?
Why do DF bards not get sound or knowledge colleges?
Man, ACKS sure makes trannies mad
What's ACKs?
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>Reddit memes
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this fuckin sucks lol
cut your word count in half for the top and bottom boxes and add it to the middle, this isn't extreme enough
Thanks for sanity checking me, martial arts tech combos got me confused.
Since we're so close to archiving, nobody will be able to see my post about how I can only get my GURPS fix by solo GMing DF parties with an oracle through AD&D modules, or how fun it is to watch them fall apart when things go wrong!
I saw your post. Document your games and post them for our amusement.
I read your post
I actually have a regular game but only 1 game of gurps per week is not enough so I run a solo game too
You didn't see anything! I run it almost entirely in my head, besides rolling dice and looking at the books. Documenting things sounds like a lot of work. Ask the other solo CHAD instead
What other solo chad? I remember eggplant was posting his solo game write-ups but now that he's a pariah in the community he stopped doing them. I do not recall anyone else posting about solo GURPs/D&D games
redpill me on solo gming
What are your favorite AD&D modules?
Not a DnD fag here, the last fantasy game I solo'd was Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th's intro module. I murder hobo'd the boat gypsies.
you make a party (or maybe just one guy)
and you run trough preexisting modules, perhaps with some "scripts" ready for certain types of enemies if you can't trust yourself, you can get those from solo games like rangers of the shadowdeep or 5 parsecs from home
I've also just started asking chatgpt to come up with adventures for me to run trough but this isn't the AI thread so I won't curse this thread talking too much about it.
Is there some tables/randomizers so it's not like playing rock-paper-scissors against yourself?
the dice is impartial, of course. If you need random encounter generators there's a billion.
And the "scripts" that specifify how the monster will act from the aforementioned games.
For example: the script for "fanatic" type monster could say "this monster always charges the closest party member" and that's what you would do, even if that party member was your weak thief that you didn't pay attention to the positioning.

It's easy enough to come up with scripts yourself.
just continuing
btw I'm running a solo using only gurps and pre-made adventures, none of that oracle stuff in >>93935913
I have no idea what that's about lol
thanks, I might finally be able to play GURPS.
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>367 posts before archive
Looks like GURPS is back on the menu, boys.
>367 posts before archive
all me
>spend 30k in cost factor increases to make an armor that weights less (13lbs instead of 28lbs)
>there's an enchantment that just makes it 50% lighter for 10k (14lbs instead of 28)
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Wow, it's almost like magic allows you to do things beyond the capabilities of normal men.
You'll be glad you spent the extra when you land in a no-mana zone.
>still gets brained by a barbarian
>puts all points into ST
>misses the attack because his DX and skill is low
Eggplant stopped posting because 4chan got banned in Mother Russia inshallah
Nnvicky molokh.
No, he was conscripted and is now fighting vicky molokh.
Who are you betting on?
he still posts here. surprised more people havent connected the dots
it's me. I've been eggplant all along! it was me!
>Testicular Torsion
>Affliction (Agony; Malediction, +100%; Accessibility, only on non-neutered males, -X%; Psi, -10%)
What's the value of X?
No, I am Eggplant!
Without looking at PU: Limitations my gut says -20%
I'm Eggplant and so is my Illusory Waifu!
>4chan got banned in Mother Russia
It's a creative writing exercise with some rolls to make things more chaotic. It gets really sad if you try to treat it like an actual game.
it's no different than playing a slow video game if you do it right thoughever.

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