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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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ITT, we think up stuff and words to put on the walls for the PCs to find. Everything from murals to seemingly random poetry!
Context and explanation can go fuck itself.
Don't confine yourself to dungeons and the dungeon crawl genre.

I'll start;


a drawing of Hatsune Miku dressed in the local culture's traditional clothing

a series of 5 arrows - two pointed north, then one pointed west, then another pointed north, and the last pointed east

a mural depicting a castle on a hill being engulfed by some sort of vague sickly yellow energy coming from the sky/space

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A kilroy equivalent soldier meme to show the players that soldiers have recently been to the place.

"Drugs on sale here" close to a police station as a taunt, no drugs ever sold there of course.
A faction symbol drawn embarassingly wrong that's scribbled over, then an almost correctly drawn symbol next to it
No Zombie Is Safe From Chicago Ted
Absolutely ages ago now, a GM who sucked at profanity (lovely chap) was running a game with time/space travel taking the party from shennanigan to shennanigan. We ended up in 80s/90s glasgow, materialising in an alleyway, and describing the scene, he mentioned refuse, smells, obscene graffiti, damaged brickwork...

>Hang on. Obscene graffiti? Like what?
>General obscenities and rudeness, you kno-
>No, I don't, tell me what it says
>It says, uh, that um... uh
>It says?
>It says "Barry... is... a wazzer." Yes. There's obscene graffiti, and it says "Barry is a Wazzer".

we lost it. Barry is a Wazzer has appeared as graffiti somewhere in many of my games, and the games other players in that group ran, for years afterwards. Friends-of-friends had it appear in their game without knowing where it came from.

Thanks for reading my blog.
I will now incorporate "Barry is a Wazzer" if I ever have to describe graffiti in the future, thanks anon.
The ancient romans were surprisingly fond of
>Anonimus defecated here
on walls next to alleyways where they'd shat. Literal shit posting. Also reviews of local prostitutes or just women they'd fucked. So I sometimes treat graffiti like boomer facebook combined with toilet stall scribblings.

at a junction
>LEFT or RIGHT first?
with tallies underneath

>if theres no reply under thiss i dide here
in a clearly different hand underneath
>He got out, and was fine. Everything went well.

>This dungeon sux ass

>A bad drawing of a dragon with an ass for a face spewing farts as its breath weapon

>What did tieflings do?

>I want your best insult. Let me have it.
and either a list of swears and in-setting slurs underneath, or a single line that says
>Nothing we write could compare to the insult you made, to your mother, by being born.

appearing repeatedly in many dungeons, never explained:
>If you meet [name], kill him.
whether [name] ever appears in your game is up to you.
overlapping, dirty handprints from goblins who were competing to see who could reach highest on the wall.
At least one is clearly drying blood.
I wrote and ran away
If you're reading this you're gay
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Pic rel iirc was found at an archeological dig in England. The inscription reads "secunduss is shit". One of the archeologists commended 'whoever carved this really hated secunduss'
Something like that anyway.
Other IRL graffiti seen in Camp Junction City, AR Ramadi, Iraq;
>Wagner loves cock!
>Army girls, How does it feel to go home and still be ugly?
(A reply from an anonymous Marine)
>the 10th Mountain crossed bayonets crest replaced with two dicks.
>local donkeys wondered onto post and someone tagged them with green spray paint 'USMC'.
>You spot a set of dirty handprints on the far wall
>One is much higher than the others
>It's still wet
Great way to telegraph something ahead.
>here from innomina
>innomina is shit

>i, annonimus, who works for Opis, will suck dick for free

>for an ale stacia will break the 4th holy law

>the whores in redidium are phenomenal, i will never fuck a girl from here again
>you would never fuck a girl at all

>i, peptum, would like to be friends
>i have always been your friend peptum
>i also

>(disturbingly accurate shape of a penis, almost as if someone used fairly expensive tools to sketch then carve out their own genitals)

>here i sit, brokenhearted. I came to shit, but only farted
>Send a missive to thy mother informing her that you yet live, for she worrieth greatly for thy safety.
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Patrolbots ahead
Not anymore!

Fuck mutants!
Yeah mutussy is the best!

(Various gang/tribe/faction signs tagged one over the other)

Strawberries grew here once
Personally very fond of
>Pape Satàn, pape Satàn aleppe
>Raphèl mai amècche zabì almi
>Mene mene tekel upharsin
inside of dungeons.
Not a religious nut, just find them very cool.
>If you read this you are gay
>a series of 5 arrows - two pointed north, then one pointed west, then another pointed north, and the last pointed east
I fucking lold
I love the last one
"My party could beat your party up"

"We left treasure hidden in the back hall"
"Right underneath the big net, yeah?"

"The Red Wizard cast his first fireball here on this spot, date xxxx"

"Secret ahead try finger but hole"

"Everything is a mimic down here"

"The kobolds sodomized my brother"

"The order of the seven reigns supreme here!"
"I've seen you in town, you're all a bunch of faggots."
I had to think about it but fuck it's loss isn't it
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Shit I can't find the full folder of the stuff I freehanded
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Could we get some sci-fi ones, too?
>Remember when breathing was free?

>[QR code that can crash your occular augmented reality processor]

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>[Schizo rambling about electromagnetic frequencies being used to influence Pop-rock as a way to crash the stock market]

>You lost the game

>Total Dwarf Death
>^ Obsessed treehugger
>^ Will never be a real artisan

>Flavius was here
>This is true
>I too can confirm this
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people called romans they go the house?
>A series of ancient murals depicting their adventures from the start to the present moment. At the end is an image of a foe they've never seen.
As the party look upon the final mural, they hear this new enemy snarl their challenge from down the hall.
Who was Kilroy and why was he there?
Vikings put runes everywhere, usually just saying shit like "Hrolfr was here," though I heard a story about a set of runes found carved way up near a cave ceiling. They had to build a little scaffold inside the cave (past a very small entryway) to figure out it just said "This is very high."
Graffiti I've seen IRL that I'd take inspiration from

>Call out GOURANGA and be happy
was everywhere for a while
>I have seen the fnords
but with bad kerning and spacing, so it looked like it said
>Burma Shave ad parodies
>A series of complex runic glyphs... or someone's tag. Hard to tell.
it was a shitpost in WWII. the meme goes
>survive a battle
>find the hardest to get spot you can
>draw Kilroy
>guys who show up after you friend and foes alike see this
>your guys behind go "KEK" that kilroy lmao
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A frenchman in /wip/ once showed us his homemade graffiti/posters, made from peeled off beer labels.
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>A faction symbol drawn embarassingly wrong that's scribbled over, then an almost correctly drawn symbol next to it
I'm fucking stealing that.
In latin letters? What a foresightful god!
>Sexy goblins ahead
>The merchant ahead is a fucking scam
>hoomie kamp ere safe fro hoomies
>Balder and Astar made their last stand here. They make tear our bodies apart, but they shall never destroy our brotherhood
>a beautiful poem which has been crossed and drawn all over it, bellow it someone wrote "I THOUGHT THIS WAS A CLUE. GO FUCK YOURSELF"
>That barmaid had huge breasts
>You're being watched.
>an arrow pointing to a loose brick. Treasure is hidden there
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"Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"
>that kind of effect when a camera points to a screen that displays what the camera sees. There is no camera. It's just the effect.
>a barrage of schizophrenic writing all over the wall about how the wizards are gangstalking a poor peasant and fucking with him
>a drawing of a wanted poster. The person doesn't exist.
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unfathomably based
"Snake ahead" under an unreasonably tall ladder.
>"why are all these barrels warm?"
>"what are these weird ingots inside them?"
>"what do you mean there's a metallic taste in our mouths?"
Those ingots will surely make fantastic world-class weapons and armor that you can trust to keep on your person at all times night and day

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