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> Thousand Son Sorcerer commands a Lord of Change to literally freeze time itself.

Marneus Calgar: "Fuck you! I do what I want!"
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He's a big guy
To be fair, he had to retreat to a better position + call in air support to pull this off, he straight up JoJo ran the fuck outta there when he saw the thing at first. I remember because his internal monologue was the most cringe soý Marvel-wannabe shit ever
>ERM, how many people have beaten le epic Lord of Skulls in single combat? Le zero???? Emperor's golden breasts, I better leg it the heck outta here!!!!!!!
that sorceror dude wanted Calgar to follow him, he was ALLOWED to overcome the spell
Doesn't his Iron Halo protect against warp bullshit or something?
But it was the Lord of Change that cast the spell, pretty sure it was the Iron Halo and his sheer will that allowed him to overcome it. Not to mention that his gauntlets once belonged to a chaos champion so they may have some sympathetic warp nullification effect.
During the final cutscene, he also has an immunity bubble.
Welcome to 40k kid. No one has as thick of a plot armor as a Space Marine with a name.
anon, Calgar is THE prototypical space marine commander since fucking 1st edition 40k Rogue Trader from 1987.
He's also the asian dad of space marines, so ultra that one time he fired all the Macragge's youth militia military instructors after an armed pro-democratic student rebellion tried to took over the city.
Not because of the rebellion, but because the students were unsuccessful and he judged that they had been poorly trained!
With that kind of humor I can see why people used to like 40k, and lament what it has become.
When he got Primaris'd did he get his limbs back?
it wasn't even a monolog it was a data page that gave that info since Marvel was so keen on on those at that time
sadly everything has to be spelt out nowadays so you aren't allowed to laugh at such an absurd world without being reminded that it doesn't fly with our current century values
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Slop-Gar will purge this thread of the five finger mutants
Yes. Instead of his old mechanical limbs he gained vat-grown biological limbs.
As much as GW wants to wank the Ultramarines. I think the only reason the game isn't called Ultramarines is because they already have their shitty CGI movie by the same name.
Anyone else dislike that they gave him a 'young' voice in the game?
why gravis armors look so small in this game' they're barely 2 inches taller than normal primaris
Iirc, the thing about him losing his limbs is fancanon, based on his loss to the Swarmlord.
fuck off back to your cave, cretin
i know hiroshimoot is desperate to pump user numbers but you faggots are the worst
For you
>why does force of will and personal notoriety help someone overcome magic powers literally based in such factors
40k as a setting is crafted in such a way as to explain literal plot armour.
Fate, fame, infamy, manifest destiny, things like this genuinely empower people in this setting.
It's just as likely that Tzeentch himself threw Calgar a bone and helped him overcome the timelock to see how things played out.

tl;dr: Rule of Cool is an actual thing with tangible benefits in 40k
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Slop-Gar does not suffer your foolish heresy.
does he still have his pet dinosaurs?
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He's a growing lad
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those are actually tyranid heads repurposed as trophy furniture
primaris sucks balls
On the other end of the spectrum, how weark are Lords of Change? These featherface motherfuckers get jobbed out every chance they get. Never forget a Lord of Change shows up in Total Warhammer and is beaten to death by Bretonnian peasants
Greater Daemons are exactly as strong as they need to be for the plot.
He's the chapter master of one of the strongest Space Marine chapters and has been for damn near a thousand years
Dudes got street cred for a reason
They're spindly fucks and have the least amount of wounds of all greater daemons in old 40k editions
That being said, actually getting close to them isn't gonna happen
I know it's 40k, but I always figured they could clone him a replacement eye or come up with something that doesn't need so many goddamn cables.
That beakie in robes is adorable
Good idea. I should start sending threats to Rountree.

That's a hat and coat stand my dood.
Why is tzeentch the big baddie in all the video games right now?
Slaanesh isn't work safe, Khorne makes an easy REEE REEE REEEEEEEEEEE demon but isn't good for a story, Nurgle is hard to understand if you're a fucking retard, but tzeentch? You can make any retarded writing choices you want and it doesn't matter, it's all part of his plot. Also magic, which always works better as something for the enemy because hey, more devil-ex-machina in the writing.
>He wants another game where the villains are the BLACKED Legion and Abbagay the Jobber again

You should be thankful the developers tried to do something different for once.
>Soul to progressively more Soulless
Only Dante is that old and still living, Calgar is significantly younger than Cassius (who at 400 called Calgar "young" so there's probably a big age gap).
yes and you can see it working the entire time.
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The absolute delight on this lad's face, just loves his job.
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>Jus keep stomp'n', kalgar, an' nobody ‘as ta know ya're an ork. As long as yer're red wit' blood, dey kan't see yer're green. Ya're 'da sneakiest an’ most kunnin' an’ nobody will eva figure it out until ya're back wit' 'da Boyz.

Also, google, my sides, stop, please.
I wish they'd expand a little more on what actually happens to space marines as they get old.
Cassius was described in the 5th ed codex as the 'oldest still-active ultramarine' which implies there are older ones that are no longer 'active'.
Do they become instructors? Scholars? Overseers for the serfs? Starship officers maybe?

Some make the argument that Space Marines never 'get old' and just die in battle enough that it's very rare for one to reach Cassius' age.
But the Blood Angels lore knocks that theory out, since Blood Angels are noted as 'particularly long-lived' amongst Astartes but it's not like they undertake less dangerous duties. They're just as likely to be killed in action as any Astartes.
Yet they have plenty amongst their number serving well beyond 500 years old, older than even the 'oldest active ultramarine'.
So the only remaining explanation for other Chapters NOT having Space Marines that old would be that they actually are adversely affected by old age to a degree that ultimately makes them less capable in battle.
>Cassius was described in the 5th ed codex as the 'oldest still-active ultramarine' which implies there are older ones that are no longer 'active'.
Dreads maybe? They spend more time inactive than active.
Probably? But it's something they probably don't want to definitely confirm, because my guess is that it's deliberately vague for your-dudes to figure out.
All the oldest marines I can think of are dreads, just coincidentally.
Moriar specifically says that he's immortal now that he's a dreadnaught in both 3e and 5e so I'm pretty sure the implication is that venerable dreadnoughts would be dead if they weren't in dreads.
Honestly I’d be surprised if they ever used Abaddon as the primary villain of a Space Marine game because there’s no way they ever let that nigga die at this point.
Perhaps he could retreat after the player blows his arms off.
In the Horus Heresy books there's a Lunar Wolf called Iacton Qruze who's old and slow. There's an implication that he doesn't have much longer before he won't be an Astartes-tier warrior any longer.

I think it's also worth noting - unless I have it wrong and/or it got changed - but the Blood Angels doing the blood filtration thing in their coffins is part of why they're so long-lived. There's something about that practice that helps to let them live longer than other Astartes.

I think the real explanation is that the people writing the lore are a bunch of unwrangled 'tards who don't really care about consistency for a variety of reasons - in the halcyon days it was because they were more concerned about things being cool and fun - so what if something neat went against something else? -and today because it's more important to make whatever political talking point's en vogue.
Does anyone know what were the actual wounds Calgar got from the Swarmlord? Was it an arm and a leg, all but 1 leg, or all 4 limbs?
Calgar losing his limbs and it being replaced by cybernetic was thing from rogue trader agains hive fleet perseus and is not a thing from 2nd edition since no HF perseus.
What did Swarmlord did to Calgar? Who knows it wasn't described in detail, only that he was badly beaten when swarmlord swarmed him with his guards, but no cut limbs mentioned and he have his fleshy limbs when Abaddon BTFO him. So Calgar losing limbs is TTSD meme.
He could only have an injury resulting from a single swing since if he got hit twice he'd have to make the save and die
>how powerful is Calgar

"Basically the part where you ripped a necro pylon off the ground and used it as a weapon."
He's literally the king of the space marines.

And guess what a Thousand Son is?

Checkmate heretic.
What is Calgar's relationship with Girllyman? Wouldn't he always be by his side?
>t. One of the 4 people who actually liked Concord
Who thought it was a good idea to put him in terminator armour? Looks awful
They're (by far) the least impressive of the greater daemons when it comes to physical prowess. They're probably the most dangerous ones though. A bloodthirster or keeper of secrets will wreck a battlefield, a great unclean one will infect a planet, but a lord of change will fuck up whole systems through plots and plans.
>How Overpowered is Calgar?
As much as plot demands it
Decapitating a daemon engine seems like a bad idea considering their tendency to explode and release the contained daemon
Guilliman made him regent of Ultramar in Guilliman's absence running the Imperium. Guilliman also promoted Dante to Warden of Imperium Nihilus, so Dante outranks Calgar, and on top of that ever since Guilliman has gotten back Calgar has been suffering existential inferiority complexes about how Guilliman seems to dislike the 40k era Smurfs, seeing them as lesser. Which makes him restless and even angry at Guilliman, he bitches in his internal thoughts about Guilliman not respecting a chair of his the Smurfs kept as a sacred relic, and treating it like a chair.

Calgar is also right, the 40k Smurfs are in Guilliman's opinion too religious, too hidebound, and stuck in their ways. Admittedly he thinks the entire Imperium is that to greater or lesser degrees, but it bites him hard with the Smurfs because they are wearing his colours and are "his" chapter.
Funny how the first ever BL book by Ian Watson explains this perfectly and then idea is never touched upon again
>Astartes too injured to fight but not injured enough to be in a dread teach all the aspirants
Just add astartes too old to be a space marine and it all fits. I wonder if dying of old age is seen as a taboo or outright dishonourable since they didn't do their duty and die fighting. Or they're super blessed and no enemy was able to fell them. Guess it would be a chapter by chapter thing.
>seeing them as lesser
Somewhat ironic since M41 Space Marines are more capable warriors than Great Crusade Astartes were.
Can't imagine any M41 astartes chapter arranging entire companies into gunblobs and suffering casualties in the thousands over a single planet.
Not very. I had a friend field him in a 3rd edition game against my orks, he got swamped by a horde of Gretchin and killed with a pointy stick.
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>the first ever BL book
Pre-BL, the Black Library imprint was only set up at the end of the '90s. Prior to that, the Warhammer novels were published via Boxtree (RIP), after a short-lived Games Workshop Books publishing venture from the late '80s ended up being less profitable than expected
Well, I can't really blame Guilliman for that. Calgar is what he grew up in. Is there a story about them fucking shit up together? That would be fun and nice.
How old is he?
The future is gonna have great ai-generated 40k videos/movies
Chapter Masters gotta be the baddest of the bad, so it makes sense to be a cut above the average space marine.
frontflip in termie armour
He passed his Deny the Witch roll
>Gabriel Bogdangelos
I know there is an example of an Ultra that was to injured in combat in ways that could not be repaired being reassigned to planetary management of an agriworld thanks to his enhanced senses allowing for hyper awareness of soil acidity and such.
But that's also an Ultra which from back where they were a legion, were trained to take up admin roles after the Crusado, so that part of their culture still remains. I have no idea what more militant or not tied to a world chapters do instead.
He was getting that opinion even shortly after the Great Crusade, but it really comes into focus in 40k era. Guilliman actually dresses down Calgar unthinkingly by saying that Ultramar had decayed in his absence, it should have been a shining light of the Imperium and good governance and he's going to reorganise and fix it so that it can work properly now for what he intended. Meanwhile Calgar is just standing there while it all happens (Guilliman is actually talking to a few other people, Calgar just happens to be at the meeting) feeling increasingly more awkward as Guilliman goes on and on.
>Rule of Cool
>Army which deploys Invader ATV and Centurions
literally pick one
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> Two service studs above his left eye.

Huh, is Calgar only 200 years old? Isn't that young for a Chapter Master?
what comic
Sure but have you considered that he is a big guy?
>sure i've just been chilling in my chair doing fuck all for 10,000 years and you've all successfully kept my comatose ass protected and alive that entire time
>no I don't really have any idea what's happened over the last 10k years and what you've had to go through
>but you've been doing a shit job lmao
I mean the Primarchs were only what, a few hundred years old by the time most of them died or disappeared or got their throats cut open?

I feel like Guilliman should have more respect for the enormity of *ten thousand fucking years*.
It's a miracle the Ultramarines and Ultramar even exist at all.
I feel like there was a grey knight's apothecary in the GK trilogy that was too old and had most of his astartes upgrades removed.
Like father like sons
It's basically like the chair. Guilliman comes out of stasis. The Ultras bring out all his old furniture they treated as sacred relics of the Primarch, but to Guilliman it's just a chair or a table or whatever so he uses it without thinking, it's still normal and he doesn't have the spiritualism of 40k, he still thinks in terms of Imperial Truth internally. Which is what causes backlash.

Ultramar is the same. He looks at it and sees that it has decayed from the original 500 Worlds, and decides he's going to fix that. He does so unthinkingly, because "I must ADMINISTRATE" is his personality and he does it purely on reflex even when he isn't thinking about anything else, but he doesn't actually realise that he's offending Calgar when he says it.

On the other hand, Guilliman explicitly paid huge respect to Dante and said Dante is more worthy of respect than Guilliman himself is thanks to his history, so maybe it's just his own gene-sons he doesn't like.
He let them keep those big power fists at least.
Gauntlet's were never his, they wouldn't fit on his big hands, same as Azrael's Lion Helmet, it wouldn't even fit on Lion but they cope it's Primarch's relic.
Are they meant to be the primarch's now? Back in 3rd they were a relic of unknown origin found on a crusade, they were apparently made from a material so strong that they couldn't even open them up to see what was inside
More like they used to make sense back before space marines were retconned into budget orks
TBF the protags dodge the reality warping by taking cover behind some rocks. So the spell is clearly affected by the mundane world in some way.
imagine if Dante had just 115 studs on his face to the point you couldnt see his actual features anymore, lmao.
Dante would have 150 studs on his face, he is around 1500 years old, he was chapter master for 1100+ whatever year is now after 999.M41.
Aren't gold studs worth more?
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Depends on chapter, most don't even use studs, stud mean either 10, 50 or 100 years of service depending on chapter tradition.
Wrong, try a CHAOS space marine with a name.
They have less plot armor since they can freely come back from the dead. It's why Guilliman can never be truly defeated but Angron gets humiliated in every appearance.

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