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What was the worst DM/GM, etc you've ever had like?
>someone from college invites me to her boyfriend's campaign
>he hands his girlfriend literally everything in-game
>won't even memorize my friend's character or my own's names, referring to hers as Mr. Samurai Man, and mine as Mr. Other Swordsman
>Instantly takes away my friend's character's family heirloom with the logic of "just because it was passed down to you doesn't mean you earned it"
>had a super off-putting dynamic with his gf where she referred to him as her father

Admittedly this is pretty mild but it was quite a clusterfuck, especially when another player and I started dating and said player turned out to be kind of unhinged
It's me. I've DM'd for at least 4 years I think for multiple groups and I after most sessions I felt I fucked up.
And I have a bad habit of throwing in ideas and stuff to the adventure that I feel cool at the moment, because in my head the game world is a living world(unless it's strictly a short dungeon focused campaign or something) and random unrelated stuff can happen. Like a wandering trader in the town that is a dark fey in disguise and wants to steal children.
Yep. Too many DMs play with their SOs and it can go both ways.
This is why paid DMs is a growing industry.
That dark fey idea is actually really cool, I like creepy shit like that happening during sessions
The lol so random meme dialed up to 11. Annoying ass bard npc that actively betrayed us but was impossible to attack.
Guy who was really into minmaxing when playing but was also very bad at it. He had a boner for invulnerability so his characters were untouchable but also didn't dish much out.
He did that as a DM too. That's how he created difficulty. Whenever he needed to tip a party a certain direction, he'd put a roadblock enemy that's just immune to whatever the players could throw at it.
It did not help at all that he had a very adversarial take on DMing.
Or that he had no problem pulling that kind of shit when we had new players trying out RP for the first time.
Or that he played a lot with a friend of his because they lived nearby who in turned had adapted and only played glass-canons who can fire hard enough to outdo the immune-to-most-things roadblocks. This guy would never play anything other than his regular character because everything was "technically the same campain". As a result, you had a DM hellbent on "winning the game" by killing everyone by making players punch at walls while fireballs happen, a player with a very high level character who is quite good at punching holes through walls, and other players who start plenty of levels behind and still have to deal with ordeals meant to defeat the master wall-puncher.
Or that "campains" had to remain low-stakes or small scale otherwise he wouldn't be able to pick it back up with his buddy on weekdays without breaking the narrative (we were in high school and not very mobile and all lived far apart except for these two, and let's just say back in these days MSN wasn't too handy a tool to run campains remotely).
We had people trying RPGs for the first time with that group and none of them ever came back because their introduction was the most demotivating kind of game you can imagine.
>be new player
>excitedely prepare your character for your first adventure
>you're off to investigate a mineshaft or whatever because we can't venture too far from the dungeon of the week (but WE can't go in here because one guy is near the max level in the homebrew rules and we are at the starting point)
>for some reason, there is an indestructible creature in the mine
>it fires stupidly strong magic nonstop in order to try and defeat the one high level character
>it kills you very quickly before you could do anything
>game continues for hours as the glass-canon dodges all the magic and gradually chips at the wall
>everyone else is dead at this point
>you sit here and spectate a two-man game of rolling dice because the high level spells are just abstract damage-throwing effects and there is no tactics involved anyway : there were no grids or miniatures or anything so it was just "roll do generate damage, roll to cancel damage, roll to dodge damage"
>join an online game because why not
>session starts with us meeting an injured female ranger off the road
>she tells us how she was kidnapped and gangraped by beastmen so she would bear their offspring (of course this happened during the peak of Goblin Slayer's popularity)
>she joins our party as a DMPC who's higher leveled than us and trivializes encounters
>we reach town
>we meet a dragonborn NPC who's clearly the DM's pet because he's super special and strong
>the beastmen attack the town
>DM keeps fellating the dragonborn describing him effortlessly cutting through swaths of beastmen
>session ends there and I never play with them again

Nothing too spectacular. It was just extremely boring and the DM was clearly underage so I can't blame the guy that much.
It was actually my first one, well over a decade ago now. It was a Dark Heresy game, and he immediately veto'd my request to be an Arbitrator that was bad at his job and generally corrupt, although not in the self-serving sense, under the logic that I could not play "a villain", which he felt that this was in the context of WH40k.

In the end he "let me" play an Arbites of a guy that seems to have ghosted the group. And early on we show up somewhere, and there was some dead guy there or something, and then when we realize that something is wrong, a full crew of Arbitrators show up, wheels screeching, and my character's first reaction is "Hey, these are my people. I put my arms up and explain the situation to them", and the GM immediately goes "No, you wouldn't do that."

It quickly became obvious that he was railroading us to flee from the cops as part of some set-up, and the rest of the session continued much in the same vein. Sufficient to say, I did not go back.

Shortly afterwards I found myself a different group that lead to other groups later, and there are now people in that "eco system" of groups that I've played with for over 10 years, up until about a year and a half ago or so, when I played with the second-worst GM I've ever had and bowed out of a game that then unfortunately kept going with the others for over a year.
NTA, but the problem with DMing is that you do have to tailor for your group. My group doesn't do well with stuff like this, so I'd either have to plot it very tightly, or make it really obvious. Just throwing it in with little to no preparation would lead to a frustrating session. Especially if it's ancillary to what they were already doing.
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First DM and he got me into D&D with the right crew, but he as both the player and the DM was shit
>dude has a huge vampire fetish. Everything always revolved around vampires
>doesn't care much about RP, constantly treating the players like we're in a diablo game, everything revolved around big numbers
>"if you don't do this, I'll throw a 250 HP dragon with 50 DAMAGE PER HIT"
>if players try to avoid combat, they get punished by even more combat
>if players don't do the maximum damage meta thing, they get punished
>if you try to do a smart thing but then dice fuck you over, the dude would start insulting you like it's your fault the RNG was not on your side

He ran two campaigns. One was 3.5e, the other was Vampire the Masquerade (because ofcourse). In the second campaign, we as players tried to push back and explain to the dude that the game he's trying to run doesn't suit literally any single one of us. Stuff like:
>how are we supposed to leave this village if there are werewolf monsters everywhere?
>"just grind some wolves to get some exp, are you stupid?"
He also had this thing where the rewards were completely useless and made no sense
>Vampire the masquerade campaign
>stuck in a city
>NPC we were trying to pursue got killed
>all traces are gone
>only 1 guy can run through daylight and everyone is suspicious of him
>no way out, campaign is dead
>keep digging for clues, keep exploring options
>sessions ends with us giving up, telling the DM we really don't know what to do anymore, in or out of characters by metagaming...
>"aaah, okay...I'll give you something to work with"
>next session
>random shipment with tons of weapons, buggies, literal tanks
>the table is confused...how the fuck did we get or afford any of these
>"idk guys...if this can't help...idk how to make you progress campaign"

We rotated him out of DMing and then slowly out of the table because the fucker couldn't even behave as a player, I can talk about that if anyone wants to know.
Disgusting experience. How the fuck did you get that one guy to be max level? How does that work?
>>session ends there and I never play with them again
Props to you for finishing the session. With that level of bullshit, I would have excused myself and promptly ghosted them for at least few days/weeks. You got the trifecta of first time underage GM:
>Needlessly dark/edgy story/character components, that are disregarded in next scene
>Overpowered GMPC
>GM playing with himself, while party watches
Simple, it was TECHNICALLY a continuous campain for that one guy and it lasted years.
Again, it was high school days for us so our group didn't meet often. EXCEPT these two who lived 10 minutes away, so they'd have one-on-one sessions for was in effect a years long continuous campain.
And the guy usually wanted to play as his regular character (which is actually for the best because when he had to come up with new characters, he'd make them Saefiroth, Claad Stryyphe or Sorrah complete with colour-swapped art of the characters you're thinking of. No matter the setting, no matter the game, that's what he would play. In comparison, his top-level Dharkhan all-mighty glass-canon wasn't THAT bad since he was meant as a stats sheet whereas the rest would come with RP as well since they were used in games ran by someone else that involved RP and not just crunch).
So we had one guy with a character with tons of playtime and leveling already done organically deviating from the route of his regular campain to go on side-quests with a bigger group before going back to his usual adventures.
If it doesn't make sense to you, that's because you're thinking in terms of running a campain with a narrative, or a dungeon plan or something like this. You are thinking about it all wrong : see the point is the WIN the game.
The GM wins if everyone (maybe bar his buddy's character since he is godly at dodging in order to blast nigh-invulnerable foes enough to break through their layers of protection and immunity) dies. The players win if they survive the big blasts and the death-by-a-thousand-cuts sandbag enemies.
Sometimes, when he was really unprepared, we'd end the session after just one janky ambush (read : a mage too far for you to see and who is immune to your detection methods anyway, fires a couple of ludicrous spells that you must survive) because we survived and weren't supposed to so there is nothing else ready.
That GM really deserves to have his ankles broken and dick nailed to the floor.
>I can talk about that if anyone wants to know.
I am curious to more of this idiot
Sounds like a hell to play with
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>If it doesn't make sense to you, that's because you're thinking in terms of running a campain with a narrative, or a dungeon plan or something like this. You are thinking about it all wrong : see the point is the WIN the game...
A sudden torrent of anger engulfs me
>be me
>really wanting to try Shadowrun
>part of rather large community playing ttrpg
>one of the guys consider himself to be veteran shadowrunner and GM on top
>offer to run a game for me and few friends
>game should be one session heist
>we meet, we fine-tune our characters from bunch of pre-mades
>session start with fixer wanting us to hijack shipment of precious cargo
>footwork consisting of decker playing minigame with GM for over half an hour
>rest of us were not permitted to do anything, since hacking is basically few minutes in real space
>we got the cargo truck route and pool our resources to setup an ambush
>cargo truck is in fact corporation battle rig with two armored cars acting as front and back guards
>our roadblock from hotwired cars and explosives didn't even slow them down
>"You checked for the route, not for the convoy setup :^)"
>motherfucker, ok, we can salvage this, they are still heading to port to be loaded onto ship
>we fast forward to port
>ship is still inbound, so I suggest to decker to try and get access to ship and attempt to strand cargo in port, while we think something through
>"Not possible, cargo ship is double-triple hardened against matrix attacks and also disconnected from network :^)"
>let's try to sneak onto ship
>we passed gauntlet of corporate security, mercenaries and robots, sneaking around
>finally get to ship and board it, hiding in cargo compartment
>we are immediately faced with bunch of other shadowrunner, who are here for same cargo
>they knew about us, because their superior decker cracked the ship mainframe
>they are also better equipped and higher level then us
>after some back and forth, leader of NPC party shot our decker, instakill
>we got canned in two turns

We asked him what the fuck this was about and it boiled down to:
>You didn't ask the right questions :^)
>You didn't ask your fixer for extra resources :^)
>You didn't check the darknet for other runners :^)
Please continue
>I can talk about that if anyone wants to know.
Please do.
>t. Verification not required.
>We spent 4 sessions literally just walking through a desert trying to stop a bunch of liberated slaves from dying of exposure and shit
>Go through extreme measures to keep them alive
>At the end of the journey the DM just teleports an Efreeti out of nowhere who wants to take all the slaves
>Tell him no, he'll have to kill me first. Character is ready to die for it as part of his final redemption
>Hide the slaves in a rope trick
>Kick the Efreeti's ass despite the DM thinking he was going to floor us with it
>Efreeti just teleports away, then somehow teleports into the rope trick and steals all the slaves anyway
>Character had his redemption death stolen, lost all the slaves he was trying to liberate and had pretty much nothing to show for the last 4 sessions (each one is 6+ hours btw)
>Character gets killed in an unavoidable, unchangeable cutscene 3 sessions later

I'll never not be mad
Alright, so about the vampire dude as a player. I don't remember much from the first campaign but here are some events
>first campaign; D&D 3.5e; we were starting from lvl10; NEUTRAL setting mostly
>guess what the VD (Vampire Dude) is playing
>always wants to proove he can do anything and everything
>keeps antagonizing weaker NPCs for no reason
>bitchslapping a local town guard just because he feels he can
>DM is always trying to salvage the situation because he was eager to play D&D after a looong pause
>we get sent to clean up a bandit camp, it goes smooth
>two bandits survive the encounter and try to run away
Since all PCs are tired after combat and go for a long rest, the vampire dude sets out on a singleplayer manhunt where he's trying to chase them down and impale them random nobody bandits and parade them around for all to see how powerful he is
>after a whole hour VD has a rare flash of epiphany and he sees the rest of the table bored
>decides to give up on the chase and then proceed to convince the party to torture the two fellas we were able to capture
>"WHO WERE THE TWO DUDES WHO RAN AWAY AND WHERE DID THEY GO? TELL ME OR [insert a conglomerate of medieval torture methods]"
>1 hours torture session with no results
>there was no instructions to torture them
>we just wanted to collect extra gold on return for bringing them alive
>we already had all the information on the next camp from the letters in the camp

That's about as much as I remember from the first campaign. In the second campaign, I was the DM and I remember that one much, much better.
>But Anon, how can you not inquire about all these various things during your first ever try of Shadowrun.
>How can you not predict every single possibility on your first game?
>walking through a desert trying to stop a bunch of liberated slaves from dying of exposure
>Efreeti just teleports away, then somehow teleports into the rope trick and steals all the slaves anyway
This is basically the reason, why I don't like to play games set around biblical themes like Exodus
No real story attached to it, I joined a text-based V5 game with the intent of playing a character archetype I never tried before, got to make a few posts in the first session, and then the ST wanted to instead run "their own system" from the next session onwards (it was actually ExWoD with the name filed off.) I didn't stick around because it was not what they had offered to me.
The guy isn't necessarily the worst DM I've ever had but he has a nasty habit of trying to do the villain you constantly run into but they get away trope because he says it'll make the final fight against them more satisfying.

Even though it passed me off because for fucksake man, we literally had her from being able to run and my axe was ready to cut her head off right there. Why the fuck am I not allowed to kill her then and there for her arrogance finally blowing up in her face?
I am still seething and it's like 10 years
>my friend group dropped Shadowrun because of this experience
>every time I proposed anything cyberpunk related, I was reminded the heist fiasco
>there was only one other group of players running SR games in our ttrpgs community and they were full, so no new players were invited
>back into DnD mines it is anon
>Cunt GM considered that session to be:
"Great success, even if my players were kinda bad :^)"
Storyshitter GMs are annoying imo. The worst GM I have played under was like this. The campaign has a "main story" and anything that threatens to deviate from it is shot down. It makes dialog segments a bit boring because there's always only one way for it to end. I've talked to this GM about it and he's slowly allowing the game to be its own thing though, which is an improvement. I was very proud of him in our last session for allowing us to fail at a seemingly important mission to retrieve a special item, which is now permanently lost.
>>"just grind some wolves to get some exp, are you stupid?"
Hate this kind of faggot so much.

Throw this guy into a 1st edition AD&D campaign as a player. Would be hilarious.
I have 3 really bad stories. I'll start with the most puzzling because I only knew one player from the group and got shit on by the GM literally since second 1.
>Friend from college asks me if I want to play a 3.PF game. His GM is looking for a player
>Meet group on session 0. GM tells us the game is a 15th level 3.PF game and we can use whatever we want as log as is 1pp and pretty much no other limit. "please send me a mail with two char options as soon as you can"
>literaly that night I send him two char options
>1 week later I get a reply "Ok, I don't allow these feats and this class, you have to redo the chars". He previously said nothing about that class and feats in session 0
>Same day I send him a mail with 2 new chars and also I ask him if he has a list of things he doesn't allow because in session 0 he told us there wasn't (beyond 1pp) and now he seems to no allow stuff never previous mentioned
>10 days later he replies with "No, I allow everything. But I don't allow that race and those feats, and also I don't allow any animal companion class, so redo your chars"
>Send him 2 new chars
>a week after he replies "I don't allow those feats and classes"
>I do this a 4th time, 8 char sheets already for a 15th level char. I add "Ok, but what do you allow? because everything I sent you say no"
>2 weeks later he replies with "I allow everything except the things I told you not. Btw I don't allow those 2 new chars because reasons"
>Feel like whatever I sent him he's going to say no, despite he saying everything was allowed from the get go. Also he's saying the game is being delayed because of me (it's been almost 2 months since session 0) because I haven't give him a char sheet in the whatsapp group chat. Despite me giving him 8 chars
>I don't want drama so I tell him I'm out, he clearly doesn't want me in. Leave group chat
>From my college friend I discover he has been shitting on me for not being able to give him a single char sheet
Cont. 1/2
>Months later college friend describes the game and something strikes me as weird. When describing the other 3 players they chars look pretty similar to options I sent and the GM said no.
>College friend describes exhaustively the classes and they're literally the chars I made. He then tells me "Really? the players didn't know what to do and the GM gave them 3 char sheets he had around"

I mentioned this one and other situations in threads like this before. If I have time I'll mention the other two really bad situations
3.5 players have a very specific type of autism. I can't stand it.
But I think it's a good feeling. It's frustration because you want to do better, it'd be worse to think you peaked with no effort. Instead of seeing it as a failure you can see it as space for growth.
Real life villain
It wasn't super egregious, especially compared to other shit I've read/heard of but:

>Dude I served with in the Marine Corps joined the Army and met another Marine turned soldier.
>Turns out he's a big nerd like us.
>He offers to run Deathwatch for our group.
>Unbeknownst to us when we accepted, he also invited 3-4 other dudes he's ran games with before.
>End up with 8 players in a one-shot of Deathwatch.
Everything fucking took forever because that was way too many people. Personally I limit the amount of players I will let in at 5.
>>random shipment with tons of weapons, buggies, literal tanks
>>the table is confused...how the fuck did we get or afford any of these
>>"idk guys...if this can't help...idk how to make you progress campaign"
murderhobo can't process the concept of others not being murderhobos
>raped by beastmen
Props to DM for actually going there. I generally avoid any mention of sex in games because A-some players can’t handle it. And B-other players can’t handle it in an entirely different and more disturbing way.

Not gonna lie, I thought this would end with magical realm shit.
I hate to curse a thread by saying it, but. D&D[\spoiler] just attracts a lot of bad DMing and a lot of it is inherent to the system. The duality of “here is the established spell and established monster with established mechanics” culture and the “just make it up, it’s your game bro” philosophy results in a game where expectations are constantly shifting and nobody can predict what will or won’t work despite having assurances on paper of what kind of boundaries are in place. A system that loosely defines spells or monster capabilities is better than one that describes them in excruciating detail then throws out “if you like” after the fact so nobody knows what the ruling will be.
>describes them in excruciating detail then throws out “if you like” after the fact so nobody knows what the ruling will be.
D&D doesn't do this.
It's just subhumans being subhumans and refusing to read the rules. Just because it's the most popular system and so has the largest catch of retards doesn't in any way change the contents of the books.
>Just because it's the most popular system and so has the largest catch of retards doesn't in any way change the contents of the books.
This. It would be the most popular system without a reason
>It would be the most popular system without a reason
Somehow your typo is more accurate than what you actually meant to type.
>"just grind some wolves to get some exp, are you stupid?"
That's like, an automatically 0 Humanity mindset in VTM, it's the absolute worst type of game to run like that.
The worst DM I've had was a weed dealer and he let people smoke at the table, himself included. The problem is that he has a high tolerance for weed and being high so he was still soberish while everyone was high, and he would bully his own players who were too inebriated to say anything back.
Mild compared to most horror stories you see here but I'll contribute

>important plot moment where party is mediating between two factions
>has been a pretty fun roleplay heavy session so far
>for no reason, a revenant appears and starts attacking a guest
>it's in the body of a player's dead monk character from many sessions ago
>we are a party of 4 level 12s, and there are 10 more strong npcs present. We all gang up on this one guy
>combat takes up 2 hours of session time to kill ONE enemy because he had 300+hp, 24 AC, and was immune to flanking (5e, because other players know nothing else)
>it's 14 vs 1, losing is practically impossible and this had no foreshadowing and no effect on anything afterward

I don't know why he did this, it was a pretty fun session up until then but it completely killed the momentum, everything afterwards was just going through the motions until it ended. He's usually a pretty good DM, I feel like he was scared we were going to get bored so just shoved in pointless combat for no fucking reason.
>>combat takes up 2 hours of session time to kill ONE enemy because he had 300+hp, 24 AC, and was immune to flanking (5e, because other players know nothing else)
casters/spells? why is one single piddly method of gaining advantage from the dmg pointed out but nothing else? somehow, I think the players are on about the same level as the gm's incompetence if blindly attacking is their only action
Surely it's the fixers job to know that you'll have to face down an army of tanks.
>>random shipment with tons of weapons, buggies, literal tanks
>>the table is confused...how the fuck did we get or afford any of these
>>"idk guys...if this can't help...idk how to make you progress campaign"
Clearly you were supposed to avenge the NPC's death by leveling the entire town.
We stunned him, grappled him, and banished him but RAW, grappling just reduces speed to 0, he used legendary actions to negate stun, and banishment just gave us 1 minute to ready attacks. One player even used a weekly divine intervention he has to smite it and the dm let the fucker have a dex save to avoid it WHILE GRAPPLED. It did somehow hit and do a whopping 30 damage.

AOE was not an option because of the cramped location filled with friendlies.
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Teehee Maccaroni is the bane of my fucking existence.

Every fucking campaign that my GM runs inevitably at some point involves running into an NPC named "Teehee Maccaroni," who the GM affectionately describes as "an epic level sorcerer who's also a retarded nudist gnome."

Teehee Maccaroni wander the countryside with a unique Rod of Wonders powered by "retard magic" shoved up his anus, and he casts the Rod of Wonders by diddling his penis. He says nothing but his own name in different inflections and the phrase "I like-a the goodberry, gimme gimme the goodberry." The GM thinks it's hilarious to have this character show up during the middle of encounters we're struggling at and start jerking off magic everywhere.

But the worst part is his chant. He wanders around chanting his name, so when he's about to show up the GM will start low;
>Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
>Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
And then get louder and louder until he's fucking shouting

And the table loves it! The other guys I play with think this is the best shit! Teehee Maccaroni has been our table's de-facto inside joke, our signature "running gag" for six years now. When that chant starts up, everyone else joins in like a ritual; the whole table is expected to start chanting "TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI" by the end, and every fucking time I refuse because this is some embarrassing circa-2002 Penguin of Doom shit, it's always the same thing; "There goes Anon again! No fun allowed around Anon! Anon's just a big grouch who's getting angry because we're making him touch Teehee Maccaroni's penis again! Why won't you just let us have fun with this character, he's just here for dumb fun, you stick-in-the mud!"

These motherfuckers are all over 30 years old.

Teehee Maccaroni is going to be the death of me.
>grappled him... but RAW, grappling just reduces speed to 0
yeah, you're supposed to then shove him prone for the advantage (he can't stand up while grappled)
>he used legendary actions to negate stun
legendary resistances you mean? cause you can shave those off pretty quick, especially in a 2 hour fight
just sounds like the party is used to fights being "deal damage until it dies"
This is kind of bullshit reasoning that only works if everyone in the party is metagaming, and the DM is habitually changing shit around for no reason. Yeah, the game is shit when everyone at the table is being shit. Play the exact same game, except the party is in-character researching the setting and the DM is actively encouraging it, and suddenly you have a great monster-hunting campaign.
This was his advertising blurb to get people to join his game

>About a year ago in Tokyo, a little girl was found in an abandoned house, with no clue about her life or her. Somehow she swam to America which was long since abandoned except for the small Byzantine Empire
>She lived on rats and dead animals (including Humans!!). She wondered to the old state of Michigan, where she fell down a long twisting tunnel, to hell.
>Hell was ruled by, not the Devil, but Zxquez Zahndi Zolohahni. He was a dragon with a thirst for blood and the most magic one could have.
>You are sent down to get her away from Zxquez (whom, by the way, likes the little girl, who in turn likes him). But something is going on in the Byzantine Empire whom you work for
>Like there's a little trick up their sleeve...

It convinced me not to play, but it did convince me he was the worst GM I'd even encountered, albeit briefly.
2nd story
>Know this guy but never had him as a GM, only as a player. Wants to run 3.5 game, from 1st level
>Give us a list of what is allowed. Pretty detailed, very few books and even bans classes from core (for example doesn't allow ranger and rogue but allows scout), etc.
>Ask what the game is about, lore and all of that
>"It's a secret, I'm not going to give you any information about the game itself, but know that what I allow will do ok in the game"
>Rolled stats. Get absolute crap: 15, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 after race (half drow)
>Because I can't do shit I go for ranged skill monkey with scout with skill focus perception
>GM insists I don't need to optimize or anything that I will do fine
>Game turns out to be Eberron meets resident evil with greek gods
>every enemy ever is either a construct or an undead making my damage always be 0 (constructs and undeads are immune to precise damage and my shitty str makes their DR laugh at my arrows)
>Me: mmmm this doesn't add up with the "you'll do fine"
>My perception doesn't even do anything because we still get caught by surprise despite me rolling high
>Have to save a politician that was kidnapped in the sewers as first quest
>follow it lead us to a dark room (I have darkvision btw) GM describes as a 6x6 empty room with a table and a wardrove
>Me: Kay, I enter
>Two mechanical dire wolves like things jump at me from nowhere and maul me to death in a single turn. When I drop unconscious one of the coup de graces me as readied action
>Rest of players enter and try to save me (too late) one of them also falls unconscious but GM ignores him (mmmm)
>At the end of the quest I get force reincarnated into a dwarf and lose 2 Con because 1st level and 2 dex because now dwarf. Also owe the church a couple of thousand gold coins
>Game continues like this for a couple of sessions, me literally unable to do shit
>Bring this to the GM who replies with "Not my fault you picked that class and race"
Cont. 1/2
I'm banned from an entire store because one GM didn't like my response to him asking me to stop undermining him by mentioning the actual rules of the game while he was shuffling around 5e's admittely dogshit layout trying to find them.
For the curious, said response was:
Which apparently was
>Being REAAALLY dismissive!
That's not what bothers me about him though, if he doesn't want help I don't need it, I don't even mind being asked to leave the table, and heck if the other GMs genuinely didn't want me either that's okay too.
What bothers me is he did it over a text. With a smiley. Asshole.
Didn't expect a blast from the past but a welcome one to be sure
>"What do you mean not your fault? you told me this char will do fine and so far my damage is always 0 and my skills also aren't enough to pass DCs"
>Game continues I'm behind in gold and levels
>New types of enemies are now plants and elementals (still immune to precision damage)
>Like wtf?
>In another encounter I drop unconcious and he once again coup de graces me. But when another PC falls unconcious he never attacks them
>Tries to force reincarnate me again, dropping a level and adding more gold to the debt
>Used to think we were friends but somehow all this shit seems pretty deliberateand targeted at me
>Ask him what is this about in front of everybody
>His excuses are "GMing is hard"
>That still doesn't answer why I'm the target of all this bullshit but rest of players (Warlock and Warblade) are doing more than fine and never find any problem
>Replies with "Ok I'm not GMing anymore, are you happy?"
At least the warblade dude was 100% on my side. The warlock remained neutral (probably because he was the other PC who tended to fall unconscious but never got killed). Eventually forgave the GM and we're still friends but to this day he isn't giving me any real reason as why I was the target of all that bullshit beyond "GMing is hard, I can't keep up with what PCs do and I as GM do".
The reason it's the most popular system is just because it's old, which meant it failed upwards into increasing marketing budgets and so kept the market.
I think 3.5 is unequivocally the best TTRPG that's ever had a printrun in the triple digits, but the biggest reason 3e was more popular than oD&D is the same reason 5e is more popular than 3e; people have more exposure to it. Popularity is not reliable indicator of quality.
t. anon you replied to
Why would you have kept playing with him after the first four sessions?
Damn, this is some Sonichu level autism. You'd have a story to tell for sure.
True, I always wrack my brain how could I do it better. I have like 2 and a half campaigns behind me over the years but I would still consider myself a beginner DM
To be honest I was partially my fault, I could have abandoned the game at any point and it wasn't for lots of signs that the game wasn't going to be fun for me... But somehow I stayed thinking maybe if I wait enough and when the GM says "you'll do fine" he means it, so that kept me enduring that shit and making me bitter over that game
This is just bizarre, what the fuck?
did you kill his dog by any chance? This is deliberately targeted
>want to get into DnD because my at the time bf was big into RPGs
>locals where I play 40k has weekly instore open game nights
>roll up a half-drow arcane trickster
>bring it to the event, make sure everything is right
>"Oh great! We need someone who is elven!"
>get zero context on the setting, the rest of the party show up on a ship and I'm there
>My character was designed after people like Reigen from mob psycho, very much 'bluff and get other people to do shit for you'
>try and roll that it's my ship
>I had no idea this was part of an ongoing campaign, and they'd won this ship months previous
>nearly go to pvp combat in the first 15 minutes
>session begins proper, there's a brewing civil war between humans and elves in a city
>I'm sent to go talk to the elves
>consistently rolling high, 15-20+ on persuasion checks
>doesn't seem to do anything
>the two humans meanwhile, rally the people with a speech that goes on for literally 20 minutes
>that's RL minutes, by the way
>evening of partying
>then apparently the one player has a cursed sword, that tries to possess him
>another player has detect thoughts, and can also communicate with the entity
>this is the entire back half of the session
>I have no way to communicate with the entity and thus I have to sit there doing literally nothing for the rest of the session

This was my first ever exposure to DnD.
Wait, you've gotta elaborate: it wasn't like "yes daddy?" It was like "dearest father, pass me my dice?" What?
Same, but Iif you think you're crushing it all of the time, you're probably coasting pretty hard, right? That might be cool tho.
That was the first and last time I met him. I don't know what happened there but I think it didn't have anything to do with me per se but with the other players, probably GM was fine with 4 players but the players wanted a 5th guy so GM allowed them to invite me and then shat on me till I left and he went "Oh well, lets play with just 4 players though".

But in reality I don't know nor care, with shitty interactions like this I learnt to ignore drama and move on, if I kept giving him char sheets for months was because I didn't know the guy so maybe was a misunderstand, once I realized it didn't matter what did I do I decided to drop the game. In the other story I got more involved because it happened before I learnt how to deal with this situations better and because it was an actual friend.
he got caught fucking his dog
One of my old friends, he was the shittiest player I've ever met, but he managed to be an even worst DM.
As a player he attacked EVERYTHING with the intent to kill, women and children included, it got to the point where he got threatened to be kicked if he continued his antics.
As a DM, he modified players PCs if he considered them too strong and made up homebrew rules on the spot, while never actually learning the rules (D&D 3/3.5).
I lasted barely 1 session with him.
The term is "railroading GMs."
don't dm with white women
>Safe Edgy cowardice
Wait, I've never thought about this: so the move is the grappler takes the character being grappled to the ground and just holds them there?

The fact that grappling is so shit in the has come up on numerous occasions in our games.
Probably me, I was real bad at DMing when I was first experimenting with it.
yeah, once
you're not gonna rediscover how to exist in the world for the 7th year in a row. It's not metagaming, it's making characters that already know what you know so you can move on from the seam rerun of trying every damage type on the troll.
It would have been kind of funny to just keep sending him character sheets and delaying the game forever.
sounds like mediocre D&D, not too out of the norm in a long never ending campaing.
That's fucked, if you're joining a long-running campaign you should at least get a cliffnotes on what's going on and why you're there
My friends and I used to run games when we were ten and would just blatantly rip off whatever we thought was cool that particular week. Lots of absolutely terrible one-shot games came out of that.
The latter basically
I yearn for retelling of this campaign through eyes of average /tg/ anon
>Your character is unusable, because it is not hyper-optimized combat machine
>Get shit on by veteran PCs and GM who invited you to their game
>Get absolutely no information, nor motivation to play
>Persuasion/Intimidation is ignored, because GM never expected for NPCs to do something other, then original plan
>This was my first ever exposure to DnD.
Seems about right
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I've never had a terrible GM.

But I have had a lot of GMs who massively over-prepare, quickly become exhausted of the campaign, and quit after 3-4 sessions.
This has happened to games I join way more often than not.
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Inventing new rules on the fly in response to successful tactics we, the players, implemented. Weirdly targeting one of the players because he didn't like the character concept but wouldn't just disallow it, either. Ruling several our plans impossible to even try, forcing us to resort to risky tactics against dire odds. Creeping on the one female player until she ghosted the game.
>But I have had a lot of GMs who massively over-prepare, quickly become exhausted of the campaign, and quit after 3-4 sessions.
Unironically me
>tfw I have my first session planned, 6 subsequent adventures, and I'm working on maps for a campaign I won't be running for MONTHS
>Ruling several our plans impossible to even try, forcing us to resort to risky tactics against dire odds. Creeping on the one female player until she ghosted the game.
the last two sound like a red blooded american hero
I chronically under-prepare, but my current campaign is 50+ sessions in.
Ughn, that's fucking gross.
you'll be bored in 6 months and want to switch to something else
If you're like me, it's better to have multiple groups in stages, that way you can enjoy seeing the results and evolution of your initial interest and whatever new shiny idea can be used for a different group that will spend months with just that. Keep it in mind.
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well, I think it shouldn't be too bad. It's all self contained adventures, and all featuring different sorts of threats.
>anon talked to his DM, causing the DM to improve
Based, best kind of player. I don’t know if it’s a dnd thing but so many ttrpg players seem genuinely terrified of just talking to their DMs. Like he’s some all knowing god that can’t make mistakes. As a dm I try to dissuade people of that, but you still see it happen
>started in a jail
>every time we tried to do anything we failed instantly and got punished with weird torture stuff he clearly was into
>spent months stalking the players online because everyone gave up after two sessions
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I see a recurring theme in this thread and it's that everyone here had the worst possible first D&D/RPG experience and somehow kept the interest.

>same reason 5e is more popular than 3e;
Aaaah, I see the argument. Yeah, makes sense.
I'm >>93904186
and also >>93905276

I've NEVER played more than two sessions in any DnD campaign. Thankfully I then found a better group, and we play games other than DnD.
I'm the forever DM of our group and this guy has interesting ideas lore-wise for our world but executes them in a way that makes everyone at the table miserable. The campaign was actually pretty fun/interesting up until that point. Then it was all down hill.
Had a DM once that fell for the retarded "Text IC, Voice OoC" meme. The idea sounds great on paper. "Oh, you can get your goofy laughs all out, or you can in real-time discuss the best direction for the story to go, but then you actually put 'ink to paper' to make it canon and go from there!"

What actually winds up happening is the game hits waves of
>DM says something
>Everyone stops talking and furiously starts typing
>5-6 people all at once respond to all the roleplay queues
>DM doesn't want to bother, so he just moves the scene forward by picking the one PC interested in the quest hook and only deals with that.
>DM gives new prompt; Return to 1.

Was the most aggravating 3 hours of my life. DM wound up killing another PC rather unfairly, and when he and I called him out on it, he reformed a new campaign with all the players except the two of us. They apparently lasted like maybe 2 sessions at top and stopped playing.
I generally play with my high school friends, and we're a tight group that are all fairly competent (some more than others), so it's rare I have a bad experience.
But my worst was probably the first time I tried DM'ing. In retrospect, I knew it was a bad campaign (we were playing 3.5), but my friends were having fun and the story was going alright. However, we had invited someone new to our group... and he fucking sucked a lot of the fun out of it.
>First character was an artificer
>Was constantly trying to build things mid-combat or set up elaborate traps mid-combat when he obviously wouldn't have the time to do so
>Would roll his die and then pick it up before I got the chance to look at it, insisting he "rolled a 20" or shit like that
>Got bored of that character part way through and had him get killed off
>Made a new character, an edgy, loner dwarf
>Wanted to play a homebrew class he found off the internet which was some kind of an assassin who had the ability to get more EXP when they kill someone
>Tell him no straight up, and point out we're not even doing EXP, we're doing milestone levels
>Tries to go off on his own the entire time
>Says he's an assassin for the dwarf government (there wasn't a dwarf government in the setting) and that he had hidden caches everywhere of powerful items
>Told him straight up I wasn't going to DM his solo adventures and he either stayed with the group or got the fuck out
>Was perpetually mopey after that
>Game eventually fell apart as I lost motivation, not helped by his whininess
That has been exactly my experience with them too.
>I generally play with my high school friends, and we're a tight group that are all fairly competent (some more than others), so it's rare I have a bad experience.
I genuinely envy you man, haven't even talked to mine in over a decade. Hold on to them like life itself.
Just realized I misread the OP. Thought it said what was your worst experience DM'ing/GM'ing.
So to properly answer, it was a 5e game ran by someone I play with who is... more into the meta of DnD than roleplaying. As such, the campaign was tropey and uninteresting as hell, and it was also clear they didn't know what they were doing.
>Tells us survival will be a big part of this game but nothing more
>We all build characters with connections to the world, friends, organizations, etc.
>Session one, standard go retrieve some jewelry some bandits stole from a noble
>Mystery was basic, but competent, fights with the bandits were interesting with terrain and chokepoints
>We leave... and a magical nuke goes off, destroying everything for 100 mile radius (and revealing the artifact we retrieved had some kind of enchantment to protect us)
>So now we're just in a wasteland with nothing to do but try to reach a city hopefully out of the blast radius
>One character took "Create Food and Water" anticipating this being a survival game
>Apparently this COMPLETELY fucked over the DM's plans, as they were counting on motivating us with food and such
>Says the spell no longer works because reasons
>Our first adventure in the wasteland, the DM unironically pulls the "The tavern is a mimic" trope
>We reveal we're not having fun and are disinterested because of the whole wasteland thing meaning there is no real roleplay, so we drop the game
>DM reveals they were going to have the final villain unironically be a False Hydra
Wasn't terrible, but definitely sticks out in my mind.
>DM makes a visual puzzle
>Gives us no actual visual cues or images to reference, simply tries to (poorly) describe the puzzle/conundrum to us
>Party can't figure it out, someone asks if we can just roll for an investigation/intelligence check to get a clue or move a step forward
>DM refuses
>Player says "that's lame"
>DM gets visibly annoyed and just says "fuck it this is the solution"
>Is agitated for the rest of the session
>Finally get into dungeon, get to boss fight, all itching to fight because it's been built up for 6 months
>DM begins packing up his shit, says "I don't want to play anymore. You can all leave now"
>6 month long campaign that had almost a full 2 months of prep unceremoniously ends because of this
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my first time DMing was about as much of a clusterfuck as it's possible to be, and I think I can fall in here.

>Running Dark Heresy 2e
>Tell the players it'll be an investigation
>weird murders in a hive city
>set up that a lot of outsiders are forced to wear gas masks(a setup I wanted to use to drug them in a future event)
>They immediately sus out the masks are traps
>give them a single friendly NPC who tells them to go to a place
>they go to that place
>get ambushed by a gang
>one of the players is an arbites
>the gang is somehow not phased by this
>campaign goes on
>every lead they get is literally handed to them, and they're told where to go next, then ferried there
>the enemy monster I designed was accidentally completely trivialized by one of the players
>shove so much heresy into the planet that no inquisitor would hold off on declaring exterminatus, but expect them to keep going
>they get to the lair of the main creature they're facing
>think it'll be cool to have Deathwatch marines come in to help
>the deathwatch(which I control) basically solo the encounter while they watch
>I realize, and they're honest with me, that the campaign is a complete clusterfuck and they're not having any fun - nor am I
>don't end up finishing the campaign

It was demoralizing, but I ran the dark heresy premade adventure a few months later, and it went well, so I tried running my own campaign a few years later, this time Hunter: The Vigil. Everyone had a great time, even though the murderhobo accidentally killed the monster on the first encounter with it.
>pretend i don't know? why the fuck would i be playing ttrpgs if i wanted to play pretend?
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Reading through it, I think it's actually a combo case here. The GM probably really was a veteran and a really loved Shadowrun GM, but was definitely setting up the game for people who were also veterans of Shadowrun and WOULD have asked those questions and looked into those things, because those are all things that you would naturally ask with some experience involved. So he was wrong for not tailoring the experience to match the play group rather than what he did. I would imagine that this would essentially be what happened in-world if a desk jocky quit their day job to start working as a drug runner.

That being said, even if you had a negative experience here, what ultimately really happened to you? You lost due to lack of experience, and then you got salty for being "so overwhelmed"? The GM should have taken it easy on you, but seething about it for 10 years and smarmly posting :^) at genuinely reasonable answers (seriously, why WOULDN'T you think to check what kind of vehicle a megacorp would use to carry precious cargo to attack it?) instead of learning from the mistakes and experience just ultimately makes you a scrub.
Hah reminds me a time I have used someone's pre-made little dungeon adventure which had a small puzzle for opening up different doors to sections of the dungeon, but my guys just couldn't figure out the logic behind it and I couldn't figure out how to give them any more hints without straight up telling them the solution. I think it was Dragon Slayer Tomb or something, Google should find it.
the issue is doing the same thing over and over again
you'll notice when you spend more time in the hobby, newfriend
Why does it sound like so many GMs are autistic manchildren with fragile egos? 99% of these stories are just people having temper tantrums or being weird fucks socially. I could GM better than that.
This is a hobby where you get that in both sides of the table. Try to fill you life with non spergs and cherish the ones you like.
Steven, AKA Condor DM on YouTube.
>Spits when he talks
>Thounds like Thylvethter the Cat
>Constantly obsessed with drama
>Constantly insisting he is above the drama but won't shut up about it
,>smells like a combination of cheese mold and rancid bacon grease
>Dishevelled, sweaty, looks like a drowned racoon
>Hits on trans girls at the table
>Went full woman-hating when his Asian wife left him for his best friend
>"Have I told you guyth about themen retention?".png
>Anal insistence on fringe rules from AD&D like encumberance
>Expects players to be happy with consistent TPKs due to unwinnable scenarios
>Kicks out players for mild disagreement or gentle pushback
>Unsolicited grooming advice from a guy that looks like a shower drain clot
>Thinks his YouTube channel is the equivalent of Ginny Di, despite averaging about 25 views on usual videos, mayyyybe 500 on a video where he starts internet drama with random twitter personalities you've never heard of
>Pretends to be his players to post glowing praise of himself on plebbit

Guy is a fucking loser. No wonder his wife left him.
>join Cyberpunk RED campaign
>GM is the most hardcore storyfag I've ever seen
>he's either doing a monologue or has long conversations between 2 NPCs that lasts for half an hour
>is clearly reading off prewritten scripts in both cases
>it's his own homebrew setting and we're all playing fish out of water type of characters so finding a place to interject in conversations between NPCs who are strangers to us is challenging and when we try and he is forced to improv he gives us short responses and than goes back to dialoguing between NPCs
>every other moment of the campaign was him doing terrible voice acting and talking to himself as different NPCs while our characters watched
>if we tried to explore too much he cooked up some reason for the wasteland nomad leader we were traveling with to have us thrown in jail so we couldn't move, but we'd be able to watch the NPCs have conversations with each other while caged
>when we tried to escape or leave the nomad camp he'd cook up some reason to keep us from doing so
>on top of that, the plot moved at a glaciers pace despite all the focus put on it
>for 6 sessions we rolled skill checks maybe 5 times and did combat once and had only visited 3 locations

he was a decently nice guy but it was the most boring campaign ever. he got really upset when several of us decided to just drop out of the campaign and he stopped GMing all together.
Maybe it's been a while since you were in a friend group? People tend to get upset over things and vent to each other. That means they play up all the bad qualities of someone they're mad at, and ignore the reasons they're friends in the first place. People do it all the time, but get over it and make up. It's a part of how relationships works. In this context, you get people doing that venting, but it's typcially aimed at people they're no longer friends with at all, and it's not being said to another friend, so it's all the sharpness with none of the softening. In reality, the gms are never this bad, because they wouldn't be a part of a game if they were. These are just exaggerations of their worst qualities or moments.
That guy sounds like a chode, but called encumberance in ad&d a "fringe rule" makes me think you're probably awful too.
You have an odd definition of friends. Have you talked to people outside of your friend group about your thoughts on the dynamic? Are you aware of narcissism and how it might apply to your personality?
>Condor DM
His channel is wiped did you guys harass him?
That's low. I used to play with players who would get insanely intoxicated on weed, so we ditched nearly every rule. We used glass beads as easy visual counters for health or blood pool or whatever, and reduced every mechanic to a floating difficulty rating on a single d10. Worked a treat.

Playing in advanced states of intoxication is possible, it just takes a modicum of effort.
Had a DM rule that you couldn't cast spells while drunk without making an Arcana check. The one seriously pissed me off. Especially because any time one of the martials had gotten drunk prior in the game he had just treated drunkeness as the poisoned condition. So I try to remove the drunkeness off myself with a Lesser Restoration and because I'm a Cleric with a 6 int, I of course failed the Arcana check. So I (and two of the martials) went into the diplomatic meeting turned assassination attempt that would eventually TPK our group while under the effects of the 'Super Poisoned' condition. The campaign ended after that. I don't think anyone at the table was interested in continuing.
Is he the guy who puts a skull and crossbones as the backdrop of all his videos? I used to get his crap on my auto-play youtube feeds and all his videos were nothing but him vaguely rambling about his 'enemies' and how they were conspiring against him. He acted like he was such a voice of authority despite all his videos having ~100 views. Comments tended to be empty other than threads of him talking to himself because he had obviously deleted the posts of the person he was arguing with.
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>Had a DM rule that you couldn't cast spells while drunk without making an Arcana check.
Perfectly fucking reasonable.
>Especially because any time one of the martials had gotten drunk prior in the game he had just treated drunkeness as the poisoned condition.
Perfectly reasonable, because none of them need to be able to enunciate arcane worlds or perform exacting somatic gestures and patterns.
>So I and two of the martials went into the diplomatic meeting [while drunk off our asses because we're fucking retarded] that would eventually [kill us all because we were retarded enough to get drunk right before an important diplomatic meeting]
You have no-one to be mad at other than yourself, you absolute mongoloid.
>Why does it sound like so many GMs are autistic manchildren with fragile egos? 99% of these stories are just people having temper tantrums or being weird fucks socially. I could GM better than that.
Couldn't you just uno-reverse that logic? If one person getting somewhat frustrated is enough for you to come crying online about how you were *literally* abused and beaten in public while girls were watching, doesn't that say a lot about you?
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>Hits on trans girls at the table
He sounds like a dogshit GM but this is actually based, sorry.
It's only based if he's attractive. Fat slobs should not be going to pound town with cute transgirls.
Spotted one of the spergy DMs. I bet you like abusing your tiny little power boner. How many forums do you mod?
Went by DM Machina when plothook.com was still a thing. Felt like he had to compete with players, no abilities you had mattered, only the super extra special powers he gave out (and made up himself) could ever help you, and they always came from some weeb-looking mecha angel. Loved to throw things at players to destroy their gear, especially female players, like using sonic AOEs do destroy clothing. He wouldn't wait for a saving throw or anything, he'd declare the spell, roll damage, and say in the same post that their clothing was gone.
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People who come into a RP/D&D group and play a single player game infuriate me to no ends.
Very typical bad GM, he wanted to be in control of every part of the game and wouldn't let any of us do anything that would affect the plot too heavily. There are two highlights that stand out, the first being the time he gave us two NPCs to control in combat and then said "no, they wouldn't do that" about half the actions we tried to take using them. These NPC were probably just characters he wanted to play in a game at some point.
The other was a travelling underground sequence, where one of the major issues was that we weren't sure how long a day had been, so we were at risk of marching for too long and exhausting ourselves. I pointed out that the light cantrip lasts an hour, so we could just rest after 8 uses of the cantrip. Clearly didn't want me upsetting the set up he created, so made me make a intelligence check to count to fucking eight. I had a 10 in intelligence.
There was a multitude of bad GMing that added up to me dropping out of that game and never touching 5e again.
>Perfectly fucking reasonable.
It's really not. Especially when I was talking about how I would use Lesser Restro to remove the what I assumed would be the poisoned condition before he decided to spring his homebrew bullshit on me.
>Perfectly reasonable, because none of them need to be able to enunciate arcane worlds or perform exacting somatic gestures and patterns.
Clerics are divine casters and this bullshit rule had never been mentioned before. Fuck you.
>You have no-one to be mad at other than yourself, you absolute mongoloid.
The plan was to just send the party warlock to be our representative, but the DM said we all had to be there because 'reasons' (that reason being of course the assassination attempt)

My complains are perfectly valid. You're just being an overly-antagonistic asshat.
Thanks for reminding me.

The fighter did knock him prone, he just teleported 5ft away and things continued as normal.

Besides, the main point isn't that the fight was hard and we didn't know what to do, it's that it was pointless and nobody was invested. The revenant wasn't difficult at all, if I remember right it only got one quivering palm off on an npc that whiffed every attack because they needed an 18 or higher to hit anything. other than that, the only hit it ever landed was in the surprise round as it snuck (walked in plain sight but nobody was allowed to intervene) into the negotiation room.

I don't see why it even needed to be played out with so many NPCs flailing and failing with 0 player input when it was a foregone conclusion we weren't going to lose anybody.

It could have been fun if it was say a rival group trying to upset negotiations or one side turning hostile with us being caught in the middle because then at least there would be consequences and it would make sense for such a thing to happen.

For more context, this happened in a city centre at a high class restaurant of a well defended city filled with undead hating people. The revenant was in the body of a rotting partially dissolved corpse and just walked in wearing a hood. There was no signs or checks made before combat because apparently nobody in the city noticed anything at any point.
Your DM wasn't being very clear and did some railroading, but you didn't mention that in your first post. Going off that post alone, it certainly sounded like your DM was completely in the right.
Fair enough. Probably could have been more clear in my initial post.
>700 subs
>not 700k, 700
how do you know about this, anon?
link us the funny videos, you clearly care about this one weird so at least link the one where he hits on his players.
Every experience is different. But if/when you feel burn out remember that having different groups is an option, that way you don't need to keep kicking further and further away your newer ideas. There were campaigns I was starting to not enjoy and the quality was dropping, and the real issue was just that my head had moved on and I was ressenting having to ignore the newer interest when there was no real reasson to do that.

It's kinda like any hobby
The first time you play music on a stage you're gonna eat shit, it's gonna be awful. Same for reading or stand up or improv. If your hobby leaves evidence, like painting or building stuff, your first few years of production are gonna be shameful.
The people doing it usually pushed through that awful stage, or are doing something they had natural talent for which isn't always something they like.
>be me
>first time DMing with an actual system
>one-shot for the regular 5e group
>want to do Hommlet because I wanted to try something old school
>no experience with old school, failed to find good advice
>regular DM offers me no help
>invites murderhobo friend
>he brings his date or gf or something, newbie player
>regular DM offers no help dealing with a bigger group than expected or begginer players
>they spend 80% of the time fucking around
>I don't know how to push them into the dungeon
>eventually force them to enter to the only content I had prepared
>regular DM gets mad at rail roading, berrates me
>blank out
>throw some mobs to get my bearings, murder hobo treats it like diablo
>combat is slow af
>new player is trying her best to try stuff and investigate
>I can't handle the group being divided, neither is finishing anything
>I can't focus on useful information so she's showered in fluff with no guide to what to do
>she gives up trying
>murder hobo is cleaning house somehow using choke points to keep other players from joining the fight
>other players didn't get to do shit the whole night
I was literally sweating and chain smoking while constantly failing at everything, Absolutely awful. I think it helped me improve a lot to have so much go wrong. From note taking and checking advice online to handling play styles and paying attention to everyone's enjoyment. But I can't really DM for that group again, D&D yips.
Puzzles are a bitch.
Some people don't like them but feel obligated to have them, so they can't make them fun because they simply aren't for them.

Pre-made campaigns are pretty good, I don't get why they're so maligned. People should trust more experienced creators.

GMing attracts control freaks and in some cases that extends into wanting to control players. Even worse, a lot have bad communication skills and that translates into assuming players will like what they like and read their minds.

I feel it's an experience issue.
anon is talking about this shared bad experiences.
People can be nastier recalling the worst of their friends than complete strangers, and the bullet point greentext ignores the things that made them stay together because it's not part of the anecdote. I don't think he's saying everyone is always at their worst.

female players or characters?

Should had been like the initial sequence of The Warriors, having the players blamed for killing the one dude unifying every group.
Nah, the first post was perfectly clear. He's just a faggot.
>plays with encumberance
LMAO, don't tell me - you keep a spreadsheet. Did you know there's support available for living with autism?
He's still up bro
Yeah, that's him. He pretends he's above the drama but he won't stop picking fights, because it's the only way he can get eyes on his shitty, low effort vids.
Dungeons and Diversity did a stream reporting on how he abused a random woman on Twitter I'd never heard of,,. and Cuntdor entered the chat to start abusing the guy!
How is redchannit these days?
Couldn't we double reverse it, and say you're projecting outwards because of your deep-rooted insecurities and hatred of women for not worshipping your microscopic penis?
Dude, I REALLY don't need to hear a guy who sounds like Sylvester the Cat, smells like a dumpster behind a cheese shop and looks like a toffee someone dropped on the floor of a barber shop, built like a sack of flour, telling me that he's not only into trans girls, he exclusively tops them and has absolutely never shoved a foreign object up his ass.

That's great Steven, I ASKED HOW WIDE THE CORRIDOR IS. I don't need these mental images. I pray for a head injury, or blessed amnesia, to wipe the thought of him sweating away, lecturing some random babytrans about "semen retention" in between flabby thrusts.

>we weren't sure how long a day had been, so we were at risk of marching for too long and exhausting ourselves
Surely you would know when you are tired
share link
it's like going to the gym and not keeping track of how many reps you did, by the time you really feel it you might have pushed too hard. Or too little too. That part makes sense, but ignoring their solution is dumb.
That would require a journey into his Discord. Never again.

I found the creepy little shit while trawling YouTube for anything I could find on AD&D.
t. shitty Shadowrun GM.
>Thinks someone cares about his evaluations of gender
No one cares, Mr Penis Monitor
Basic setup sounds kinda cool. But with all the magic in D&D you have to kick things up a notch. Create Food and Water is basic bitch shit everyone knows about. Just steal from STALKER and have something like Blowouts occur. Or ash storms. Or whatever. If there's no unique hook to the deal of "Fantasy Wasteland", why have one in the first place? Just drop the players in a desert if you want regular survival.
The thread is for worst GMs, the examples posted in it are not a representative sample of the GMing population.
>bitching about some eceleb instead of someone you've actually played with
You've never actually played a tabletop rpg in your life, have you?
Private Discord chat session, and he both deletes old and uploads new videos constantly, sometimes multiple times a day. There's still a wealth of Lolcow milk coming from the fat fuck's udders, though.
Hello everyone, I am the anon that made the thread about 2 years ago reporting that my old Rolemaster / Cyberpunk 2020 GM had landed himself in some legal hot water. To recap -

>This is John, say hi John
>John wants to fuck his sister
>John is displeased his brother in law is fucking his sister instead
>sister and brother in law plan to move to the countryside, buy some land and build a house
>John invites BIL over to obtain stuff to sell on Facebook Marketplace
>Greets BIL at gate, stabs him with one of several rusty knives hidden in the garden, then rams him head first into the tree
>goes inside, apparently content
>BIL gets up a few hours later, calls 000 - ambulance takes BIL to hospital where he tells the cops everything
>blood clot breaks off from BIL's head wound, travels to his heart, killing him
>John gets picked up
>"I feared for my life, Officer"
>"I used reasonable force, Officer"
>"what do you mean, 'under arrest for murder'"?
John gets taken to Risdon Prison, no bail granted for murder raps in this town.
>"I will defend myself, and beat the system!"

Two years go by,,,,

>DIY Law degree is hard
>How about that, no special excuses in Australian law for "allegedly" stabbing and beating an unarmed man in cold blood and leaving him to die
>John finally relents, hires the cheapest lawyer money can buy
>Catty law clerk tells me he would have been better off representing himself
>Goes before judge
>"Your honour, I ask these proceedings be delayed longer so I can familiarise myself more with the case"
(actual judge quote here - )
>"Very well, *I'M* not the one who has spent two years waiting for trial. Request granted."

This is nuts. On the one hand, he might just skate on murder and get GBH or battery if he and El Crappo the lawyer can somehow convince the jury and judge that the injury led indirectly and accidentally to the death... but he might actually serve more time than he gets officially sentenced to, due to his ego alone.
Environment matters, too. I first played TTRPG's on a forum, and I was an edgy, little freak. But the place itself had some very clear standards: You take it seriously, you make an effort to write good posts, you use correct grammar and spelling. People who didn't do this were quickly weeded out, and the entire place had strong moderation. You couldn't just come in and spam shit (until some faggots ruined that, but that's another story). Long story short, despite being a teen with depression issues and a taste for the cringe, I learned proper play, and ran a few games myself. Huge homebrew culture, too, so I made my own shitty homebrew as well.

Compare it to one of my players, and our first DM. He's a good guy, and he's been at my table for something like 15 years at this point, but he clearly "grew up" in a different RP culture. This guy is just very build-oriented and doesn't really care all that much about roleplaying.
How was he as a GM, tho?
I'd be surprised if he wasn't a murderhobo in game too
Anal, cruel, adversarial.

One of the most vital stats in Cyberpunk 2020 is Reflexes - it determines how many phases per round in combat a person gets to move. He would NEVER take the time to explain that to new players - so they would create a corporate, social character, then get completely sidelined while he threw combat after combat at them.

Rolemaster wasn't much better. Despite Rolemaster having a system to create a character through points, resulting in a balanced character built exactly the way the player wanted it, John insisted everyone roll ONCE down the line, IN ORDER, no re-rolls, and press ahead regardless of how dissatisfied you were or how useless the character was. And remember, it's not like there were endless opportunities for character development - just combat, in this case an endless hex crawl in a depopulated wilderness fleshing out a map he'd drawn in secret.

He seemed to delight in misleading players, trapping players, killing them off. Guy was a total tool. /OSRG/ would love him.
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
TL;DR faggot.
it really gives the impression that this isn't a personal issue for you!
Greetings, fellow chud
Had a forever DM of the group that would use a system for like 4-5 sessions and then completely scrap EVERYTHING and have the group jump to a new system with a completely new story and new characters. Still shocked he put up with a rouge I made getting into an argument with the BBEG trying to sell false and outdated information about the group
Charlie Manson aaah nigga
50 years old is way too old to still be trying to fuck your sister. You've had at least 40 years man, deal with it.
This is why I don't trust human beings. Your bil tricks you and murders you for no god damn reason. That's family. And you expect me to trust a stranger? A STRANGER?
Sounds like pretty typical non-AD&D shite.
Because such behaviors in a person make them a bad DM. This is a thread for bad DM stories, ergo you are going to hear the same thing a lot.
>>John finally relents, hires the cheapest lawyer money can buy
Do Aussies not have a right to legal counsel?
This is a good explanation. Brains like to focus on the bad and not the good.
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>fringe rules from AD&D like encumberance
>worst GM
Or a literal child. This sounds like something my 10yo would have come up 2-3 years ago.
this is something I've talked about with alot of my friends who play. I started with dnd 3.5 in high school and was fucked over by my gm was racist against me so I thought for 2 years that the game was combative and having as strong a build was necessary, and having multiple characters ready to go was normal. It wasn't until a teacher ran a game for me that even changed a little. With that in mind my friends had only played with their edgy and cringe friends and family. The first time he played in my game he tried rape a bar maid in a good aligned game. After I tried to fade to black he stopped me and asked what I was doing. We had a girl player who came from wargaming and was all about lateral thinking combat and could not care less about RPing.
As a GM you should be handpicking your players and letting them know what to expect. 'this game is heavy RP don't join if that's not your interest'
>closet case detected
There you go again, thinking that anyone gives a fuck about your opinion. I get that you're a self-hating Tranny, but what does that have to do with bad DMs? Just take Estrogen already, you might be able to stave off that bald patch you're developing.
Shouldn't you be shooting at a slab of Bud Light with shit in your pants?
There's Legal Aid, sure, but they are absolutely strapped at the moment because the cost of living crisis has people fighting evictions and charges for petty theft. Successive years of poor economic management by the Liberal Party have not kept funding up to match the need. John could apply, but hiring a lawyer is the quicker result. Ironic that it only delayed things further.

Maybe he can get a game going in Risdon Prison, but I doubt they'll let him have dice. He might have to do paper chits in a cup.
I play with friends and people who ask me too run but you're right but these things happened about a decade or 2 ago. It just caught me off guard how differently people play this game. Now I have 2 consistent groups and I'm looking into doing the professional gm'ing thing.
Spent the whole time trying to get into the pants of a girl (who everyone at the table knew had a boyfriend that wasn’t present).
I also think I got food poisoning from the dip he put out.
It was a very shit session, and it was the first and last one for that group.
Fuck you Zoey (yes, it was a man named Zoey, not even trans-shit just an awful name)
>have mixed gender table
>romantic relationships cause problems in the hobby
what a shocker
Paul was the guy that was the perfect storm of four terrible traits in the first place, that usually already hallmark arrival of a truly bad GM:
- min-maxer power gamer
- stubborn as all fuck
- pathological need to prove others he's right and they are wrong
- utterly incapable of knowing the difference between a linear plot of a movie and interactive plot of a game of pretend
The end result was a GM getting into angry (genuinely angry, to the point of having to physically restrain him twice within his quarterly tenure) at the drop of a hat, railroading HARD (and pulling TPKs whenever he couldn't just argue with us over his superior vision) and always having prepared absolutely bullshit encounters - not even in "gotch'ya" style, just bullshit pileup of exploits, except applied to random NPCs for... no actual benefit, because he then had to calculate it all for 20+ characters time and again.
This guy managed within less than three months to tarnish his reputation, our friendship with him and then burn all the possible bridges... and we still had a month ahead of enduring him before some members of the group returned from their vacations and we just decided to play without him.

Fuck you, Paul. I hope you are as lonely as you were when Monique dumped you, leaving you all for yourself, you unbearable cunt.
I had many GMs, but nobody was even remotely close to Paul in terms of being this fucking bad.
>Pre-made campaigns are pretty good, I don't get why they're so maligned. People should trust more experienced creators.

Most are incredibly bad, almost paradoxically worse for newbies. A good gm can sift through a bad module and fix problem spots, a newbie will try to run bad material as written and end up railroading players. I'd say a solid majority of modules are mediocre to bad. That is why they are "so maligned."
Why did you guys put up with this guy for one session, let alone several months? Just have someone else run a game.
This one actually has an okay ending. Had a friend run a Pokemon game years ago on PTU. He was the dreaded combination of being a stickler for the rules, yet didn't know the rules very well himself. This translated into the game crashing to a halt in the middle of combat while the players wait for half an hour for him to look around the rulebook for something that didn't exist (it was unfinished at the time.) Argued with the players about it, usually ended up ruling inconsistently, but frequently to the players' detriment. He ran it like a very bad premade with no ability to account for players doing something off the script. It was his first game, so I shouldn't be too harsh, because years later he ran another game that was a lot more fun and actually learned from the mistakes he made back then.
I guess you're right. I clicked send and then though about how rail roady it could get.
Still, I think that learing to identify good modules and canibalize good parts even from bad ones are good skills to train.
Something that is off-putting about your stories is you seemingly say stuff to him, and then the story suddenly jumps to the next part. To me, that makes it seem like he said something actually reasonable and understandable to you, but you cut it out intentionally to make him look worse. Not judging, just saying.
You know the point of reversing it in the first place is to show the initial complaint is invalid. You adding more onto my statement just makes the post even more invalid, I hope you realize.
>Lesser Restro to remove the what I assumed would be the poisoned condition
Ass out of you and me.
>Clerics are divine casters
That still need to speak magic words to perform their spells.
>but the DM said we all had to be there because 'reasons'
'Reasons'. In single quotes. Could be the DM made up bullshit. Or could be perfectly reasonable and you're trying to hide it.

Your complaints are super retarded still. Skill issue. Actions have consequences, etc, etc.
>Ass out of you and me.
In his first post he literally says that the DM had houseruled it as being the poisoned condition.
You're as much a retard as you are a bitch
Yeah but drunkness has more affects than "the poisoned condition", including slurred speech. You're a retard who was just upset that you made a poor decision and then suffered the consequences of your own actions.
In our Deathwatch campaign, things took a turn for the worse when our DM began railroading us with an awkward subplot. He introduced a group of Marines led by a Minotaur, who started causing trouble with the Black Shields and other chapters in our fortress. The situation escalated when they began clashing with our team: A Space Wolf, a Black Templar, a Lamenter, an Astral claw, and a Storm Warden.

During a campaign on a shrine world under siege by Chaos, we were ambushed by the same kill-team. They landed a critical hit on our Space Wolf and taunted us, suggesting it was easy to mistake us for Chaos. Frustrated and not letting our characters be disrespected, we used a fate point to strike back after the encounter. Each member of their kill team was only marginally weaker than a Daemon Prince, but we managed to win through a series of lucky crits while they kept missing. The DM was clearly upset about us taking down his “special boys” and never contacted us to continue the campaign.
If you're going to houserule conditions you should probably make sure your players are aware of those houserules beforehand. Otherwise it seems like you're pulling them out of your ass. Had a DM rule that the deafened condition required you to make concentration checks to cast spells because we couldn't hear ourselves. Didn't even affect the fight that much. Was just miffed because it was an asspull.
Hell yes
>>"WHO WERE THE TWO DUDES WHO RAN AWAY AND WHERE DID THEY GO? TELL ME OR [insert a conglomerate of medieval torture methods]"
>>1 hours torture session with no results
>>there was no instructions to torture them
hey hey its one of my "good" campaigns
Oh, 100 percent. I don't think modules themselves are bad, just that most modern modules as written are pretty garbage, but even a bad module has useful stuff to lift. Part of the problem is the entry point most people have into the hobby does a terrible fucking job of teaching people how to actually gamemaster, but I think that the examples in this thread are actually the exception and not the rule, and most budding GMs want to be better and eventually search further afield for advice on how to get better. Hell, just the fact that so many people in here consider their own first attempts at gming their worst gm experience tells me that people are pretty motivated to get better, even in this den of inequity and strife.
I hate 3.x you can't take a shit in the woods without a feat bullshit but 5e is absolute dog shit and I'm a wotc fan. How they fucked up this soft reboot is fucking embarrassing. They should have just went with 5.5 and overhauled everything that just does not work, which has got to be hundreds of rules by this point. It has 3 good levels to play and the rest is utter garbo. I'd play 3.5 she-nay-nays over 5e bullshit anyway.. idgaf how woke something is but the rules are garbage anyway so what difference does how stupid something looks make anyway

Sorry, I'm old and very crotchety about this subject
This is slightly off topic, but can you expand on what rules you think are bad or broken? I see people make the complaint a lot, but never really elaborate on it.

Personally I think the real crime of 5e is that it does nothing to actually teach people how to run the game, something that I very much doubt 5.5 will fix.
>If you're going to houserule conditions you should probably make sure your players are aware of those houserules beforehand.
Or the players should stop playing shit like a video game and understand that drunken states that don't have explicit rules will need to be adjudicated.

What the player SHOULD have done first is confirmed with the DM where the actions would have gone.
"Hey DM, you said you rule drunk as a poisoned condition, right? So that means it won't affect my spellcasting?"
Either the DM confirms "Oh, no, you'd have slurred speech. It would affect verbal components," or the DM says "Nah, you'd be good," and would be locked into that then and there.

Fucking zoomer players just don't ask questions anymore. They just do shit and then get bailed out by pussy DMs.
This sounds like hell
Why do you care what this idiot thinks? This is /tg/, home of the retarded take.
Biggest pet peeve, burned too many times. Now I don't get invested into a campaign until we've played at least 10 sessions
>it does nothing to actually teach people how to run the game
I heard good stuff about mines of panwhatever, the packed in module. The issue is that it pushes you to DM the way 5e wants you to, which is combat+making friends in town. You use the mechanics to fight, you role play well outside of it however you want for the joy of role playing. They promote it as an everything game and people hate how it fails at most stuff, but if you look at what you have it clearly has a narrow functionality.
>you should ask the DM mechanical effects in case they were homeruled, just in case
that sounds atrocious. Yeah, in this case you know the one homerule so you can ask for it, but that's not reality. Any rule could be changed. Every player would be asking before taking any action for the first time, that's idiotic.
>You gosh-darn zoomers expecting conditions to do what they say they do. Back in my day we didn't have conditions or subclasses or saving throws. We ran Tomb of Horrors both ways in the snow. We'd come in with twenty characters sheets and leave with crushed spirits an five silver pieces. And we liked it! We ate insta-death traps all day long. And the trap that turned you into a woman was considered a downside, not a sexual fantasy.
Have you seen the latest bullshit about invisibility doesn't make you invisible? I can go on
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>Interact with a houserule that has probably come up maybe once or twice in a potentially new way.
>Fail to double check before committing
You know what's more idiotic? Not taking 2 seconds to ask first. This is something you should have learned as a teenager and have been well-established practice as an adult.

>Treat a condition like a video game, like a set of physical restraints between DM and player
>Get shocked when the DM adjudicates it closer to the simulation of the known effects of getting drunk
Consequences. Ask more questions, zoomie. Less bad shit will happen to you. Learn from the experience instead of bitching about how everything is seemingly perfectly unfair specifically to you for no reason.
First time GMing will be this Sunday so I'll let you guys know how bad it goes if the threads still up
I shouldn't have to play mother-may-I with my DM. That's fucking retarded. If he's established drunk = poisoned in the past, then it's on him to inform me thats how he's homebrewing the rules for spellcasters before I'm given his bullshit homebrew 'drunk' condition that was previously just the poisoned condition. No one wants to play with a fag who pulls shit out of their ass to make the PCs lives more difficult. And they dont, because that faggots game died with that session and now he's no-games. Actions do indeed have consequences.
This isn't a function of text IC, voice OOC. It's just a function of a shitty GM in general. Or rather, it's a function of text IC but has nothing to do with the voice OOC.

When you play text IC, everyone is going to reply to the GM around the same time, it's just a fact of life. When the GM posts, everyone will naturally take about the same amount of time to read and reply to it. Yes, some people read and reply faster than others, but unless you are receiving pages and pages of updates EVERY POST, this difference is negligible.

So a proper text GM will acknowledge each player and respond to them individually. This takes a very high WPM typing speed, care to avoid missing a post, and a lot of passion - but it's also the ONLY correct way to do things in text. The other option is to do what your GM did, roughly amalgamate everything the party said and reply to "all of it" in one chunk, leaving everyone unsatisfied as the story plows forward without really treating their comments as meaningful.

The main reason that in-person or voice-only sessions don't have this kind of problem is because they actually demand that only one person can talk at a time just as a function of how conversations work. Unfortunately, this system too has the drawback that a few forceful personalities CAN dominate. A good GM will encourage the more shy players to spotlight as well.
There was probably a lot more bubbling under the surface with that DM in general. Nobody gets this blown up like this over one little thing. My shot-in-the-dark guess is that he probably didn't like the style of adventure or something. I've experienced similar frustrations as well. Having a set of players that doesn't quite "get" the enjoyment of the game in the same way as you leads to massive burnout.
not the original anon, but I happen to be the player that took create food and water(I was playing an Order Cleric)

The DM's reasoning didn't even make sense, since we as characters would still be searching any buildings for survivors and/or food that isn't incredibly bland

We also got basically no real guides on where to go, so it was basically just 'there might be a town out of range out of the blast, start heading there'

They also gave us starting money, and I spent all of it on travel supplies - a cart, some mastiffs to pull it, pots and shit to carry my conjured food...

And the DM KNEW that I was taking the things I did, as I sent them my character sheet to confirm everything was above board. The whole 'oh this spell requires a reagent' came right after the nuke, as I was preparing to make supplies for our long journey.
I agree that the modules are poorly written, even the supposed "good ones," but I'm more interested in the mechanical shortfalls.
Please do go on, that's why I asked the question.
what are you talking about?
I said that double checking if there's a house rule the DM didn't bring up, as you proposed, would bog down every interaction. Where are you taking this consequence thing? I said nothing about consequences.

>inb4 making up a new third argument
adress what I said or accept it and move on.
>I agree that the modules are poorly written
I didn't mean to imply that, the opposite, it's okay writen for the things you're mechanically meant to do: fight and improve with NPCs. That's 5e. If you do that it's mechanically sound to the point people assume other types of mechanics are restrictive (travel) or made up bullshit (narrative systems).
The spell reagent thing is cowardice. If you're going to be playing a survival game where the party is expected to hunt and scavenge for food, the DM should just say prior to character creation that he's banning the use of food-creation magic because they'll break a pillar of the game, and if that's a problem, nows the time to bow out. I did this with a druid once and it worked perfectly fine, all you gotta do is be polite about it.
>Hey. I'm running a hex grid, and I'd really like to have you guys hunt your own food. You cool if I modify Goodberry so it doesn't feed people anymore?
>Sure, anon. That's fine with me. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time.
Am I the only one who thinks it makes sense that you'd need to pair invisibility with sneak checks? You're still making noise and shit, if your just bumbling around and people are looking for you it makes sense they have a chance of figuring out where you are.

Isn't that how it's always worked? Is there some other new thing that I missed?
see, that would be valid, except the DM also made it clear that we were in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, where everything was totally barren. No animals, no plants, nothing. We were out of rations and food supplies and looking at eating our pack animals when we came across the tavern mimic.

They JUST wanted us to starve until we got to the setpieces, and after we dropped, they said their next intended hub would have been a wizard tower where I would have found the needed reagent for my spell.
That's pretty awful if you cant even eat what you kill/scavenge. I guess maybe it was supposed to be a motivator. But its a pretty lousy one if that's the case. Obviously the party is going to want to escape the wasteland of nothingness regardless of whether they're starving to death or not.
>It's "Mother-may-I" to double check actions before you do them
I'd have some contracts here that I would LOVE for you to sign, zoomie. Don't need to ask about them. That's too "Mother-may-I."

>would bog down every interaction.
Dramatic hyper-inflation of the issue. It genuinely would not bog down every single interaction if you just talk and ask questions. Instead, it leads to more interesting and intelligent plays. You ask questions, you get more information, you make smarter decisions that cuts down overall play time because now you are not dealing with retarded consequences spiraling out of control because you failed to ask questions.

>Player: "DM, would it cause me any issues to get drunk?"
>DM: "Yes."
>Player: "Oh, then I won't do that."
>Game continues normally


>P: "I get drunk."
>DM: "Oookay, you are now drunk. Next morning, here are the consequences of your actions."
>P: "What?! That's impossible. Okay, I try to claw out of those consequences."
>DM: "Well one of those consequences of those actions is that might fail. Roll some dice real quick."
>P: "I failed."
>DM: "As a consequence to that failure resulting from the consequences of your actions, you are not out."

Ask more questions, zoomertard.
You'd think so, but if you spend a lot of uninterrupted time in the dark (or, light) it can really, really fuck with your cicadian rhythm and thus your awareness of how tired you are. This is one of the reasons why phoneposting late at night makes it harder to sleep, because you're constantly staring at a light source. It's also why there was a lot of insomnia going around during the early days of the incandescent lightbulb.

The opposite with darkness is a bit tougher to substantiate, all I have is the mention of this one frog spending a few months in a cave for an experiment and slowly going bonkers. One of the first things to go was his cicadian rhythm.
that's what I said, but they weren't having it.

"Well if you have food, why are you going to investigate the suspiciously intact tavern?"
"...because it's a suspiciously intact tavern?"
"Well if you have food, why are you going to eat the food laced with sleeping drugs so the mimic can eat you?"
"...because create food and water explicitly makes food that's filling but bland? Also, I'm a cleric, and I took purify food and water because you said this was a survival campaign."

And who wouldn't investigate a wizard tower in this scenario?
I'm not bitching about the consequences of getting drunk, you obtuse faggot. I was fully prepared to take the poisoned condition and blow a few spell slots as a consequence. What I wasn't prepared for (and really couldn't be prepared for) was my DM arbitrarily decided 'uhhh... acktually, being drunk affects casters more than it does martials, even though I didn't tell you that and it goes against what I established earlier.' Fuck you and your stupid questions.
>Please do go on, that's why I asked the question.
I'm assuming anon means see invisibility not negating the disadvantage for attacks on invisible enemies.
The main issue is having to get a secondary source, the author's twitter, to judge rules.
>I was fully prepared to take the poisoned condition
Yeah, because: >>93912410
>the players should stop playing shit like a video game and understand that drunken states that don't have explicit rules will need to be adjudicated.
You treated it like a video game instead of thinking "What would happen if I was REALLY there getting actually drunk?" and assumed that all rules forever and ever were codified codes of string. Failed to follow up on this assumption, then you got booty blasted about the consequence of failing to think.
>DM: "Oookay, you are now drunk. By the way, I changed the rules you read"
is that good DMing for you?
just make up bullshit, change any rule you want. It's the player's fault for not double checking how you modified the rules. How are you supposed to know which rule changes need clarification?
Does each spell eat a single slot? Maybe you need extra slots for some spells. I better ask for each one.
Does damage take HP or reduce levels or stats? I better ask each time I take damage. Can I do damage that zaps levels? Maybe I can, I better ask.

The point of having a manual is sharing baseline rules. If you change them you let people know. If you don't know if you're gonna change the rules until you decide you do then just play pretend with your GI Joes.
Did a rotating GM thing, it was this weird antisocial fat guy's turn, we all hated him but were too polite to ask him to leave the group.
"You all get teleported to a maze, do you go left or right?"
"Well, what can I see?"
"It's just walls, left or right?"
"Uh, left."
"Okay you're in another room, left or right."
"Can I listen, hear anything?"
"Look, just decide left or right."
this went on and on and it's clear he hadn't drawn a map or anything. Insta-death rooms, TPK just because, "you were supposed to go right there."

It made no fucking sense. He didn't 'get' D&D, and he was actually just taking it out on the players he didn't like, you could cut the tension with a knife. Ruined the whole campaign. Think he eventually got banned from the store for constantly saying racist shit.
>The Gnoll rolls a twenty. Hits you in the throat, and you die.
>Huh? But I still have thirty hit points left. What do you think you're doing!?
>Uhhhh. Do you think this is a video game!? Have you stopped to consider what would REALLY happen if you got stabbed in the throat!? Did you just assume the rules for hit points were hard-coded?
>Oh what? You're all leaving my shit game? Wew. You fucking zoomers are so bad at thinking.
>How are you supposed to know which rule changes need clarification?
Whenever you act with a rule in a new manner, dumbass.
>All blue spots cause X effect when you stand on them.
>Oh, okay. Well jumping over the blue spot is similar to standing anyways, so I should expect X effect.
>Oh, no, actually if you are in the air blue spots work like Y
Ask more questions, get more answers. You stopped asking questions, so you got the consequences of your actions. I keep repeating it because it's just the simple truth here.

False equivalency. The damage die is the representation of what got hit and how hard. Even more so a false equivalency if you consider any other numerous systems or subsystems even inf 5e's DMG that explicitly write out severe damage charts.

Sorry you are a retard.
>Whenever you act with a rule in a new manner,
How do you know that before you act? Do you read the DM's mind?
Read the fucking thing you started answering, they were informed of the rules after they entered practice. That's the fucking issue. You're defending some made up scenario and getting rilled over your own made up bullshit. The issue here is implementing rules and then informing they exist. Not informing rules and then those rules taking effect, no one is understanding your arguments because you're having your own made up position that has nothing to do with shit. Learn some reading comprehension,
>I'm assuming anon means see invisibility not negating the disadvantage for attacks on invisible enemies.
Ah, I was unaware of this development, that is indeed ass.
Okay, so preestablished rules matter when it comes to stuff in the DMG, even if it's not realistic. But preestablished rulings by the DM can just be changed and tweaked whenever he feels like it. Got it.
>How do you know that before you act?
By having a memory that isn't fucked up by zoomie ADHD medication and weed, chump.

>Interact with a rule only in one way before
>Is okay
>Interact with it more and determine there is more knowledge behind it than you first thought
Ask more questions; Solve your problems.
He *just* wants to be mad at """""zoomers"""" that he has made up inside his head.
You act like it's on me to ask the DM if the posi- I mean 'drunk' condition will interfere with my spellcasting, instead of on him to inform me of it. You would think a caster would know if getting drunk causes you to make arcana checks ahead of time.
>Pleading to the audience instead of addressing the points.
I wish the zoomers were in my head. Wouldn't have to keep giving them free life advice their absent fathers should have given them.

>instead of on him to inform me of it
Why on earth would it be on him to inform of you things you didn't ask about?
>"OH, wait, player, don't drink that potion I put there. It was actually a trap."
>"Player, you shouldn't take this loan from this conman, the fine print is actually evil and your player would know that because you can read even though you didn't ask me about that."
>"Player, I think your character is smart enough to know that pole vaulting into this canyon will result in your death without fail. I think you should stop it."
If your character didn't think of the consequences and just did it, how is that any different from just roleplaying it naturally? The DM's job is not to sit there and hold your hand, it's to run the world. You failed to engage it. Simple as.
>By having a memory that isn't fucked up by zoomie ADHD medication and weed, chump.
>Why on earth would it be on him to inform of you things you didn't ask about?
Because a dwarf cleric would 100% know the effects drunkeness has on spellcasting, and wouldn't have to have it suddenly sprung on him by a vindictive cunt of a GM. Your examples are all bullshit too. The first two are stuff the player wouldn't be familiar with, not the sensation of drunkeness, and the third is a player trying to kill themselves.
First, your second line contradicts your first line. Lucky for you I am smarter than you, so I picked up your real question, which was
>I remember them interacting with that rule before, but nobody interacted with the rule in the way I did, how was I supposed to remember it?
And the answer to that is: You remember that you've never interacted with the rule in that manner, so you ask more questions about how it applies to your situation, chumbucket.
>lines contradict
they don't, learn to read
>You remember that you've never interacted with the rule in that manner
so you ask about every single rule every time? do you just grab de DMG and go line for line double checking?
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I see him every time I look in the mirror
More mother-may-I bullshit. Do I have to ask if sleep deprivation is worst for casters than it is for martials any time I want to pull double duty on night watch? Do martials only get a level of exhaustion, but i get exhaustion and no spells? Am I going to stay at a table that pulls that kind of shit?
>Because a dwarf cleric would 100% know the effects drunkeness has on spellcasting,
Let me put it to you this way: Say a hypothetical character is VERY experienced in dungeon exploration, and has seen several dozen door traps in his life. Then, in one dungeon, he goes down and sees a door. He then claims "I open the door." The door then turns out to be trapped.

By your logic here, the DM is at fault because this experienced dungeon delver has seen trapped doors before, and SHOULD have known that the door might have been trapped. However, the way the player treated the character means that the character did NOT think about those potential consequences, and ignored safety and precaution.

So why is the DM at fault here?

>so you ask about every single rule every time?
I interrogate the fiction to gather as much information as possible. When I have all information, then I act. Not hard.

Actually, why DON'T you ask those questions in the first place? You only need to ask them once to gather all information, and that sounds like 50-60 seconds of talking and clarification to avoid trouble down the line. Those are genuinely great questions you SHOULD ask because the DM might need to weave some of those answers into the fiction. What is "Mother-may-I" about any of this? the fact you have to TALK in a TABLE TALK RPG?
Dogg, you are 22 years old. Stop larping as a grognard, it's fucking embarrassing.
Because every trapped door is different, while the sensation of being drunk is universal. Fucking tard.

>Actually, why DON'T you ask those questions in the first place? You only need to ask them once to gather all information, and that sounds like 50-60 seconds of talking and clarification to avoid trouble down the line. Those are genuinely great questions you SHOULD ask because the DM might need to weave some of those answers into the fiction. What is "Mother-may-I" about any of this? the fact you have to TALK in a TABLE TALK RPG?
Because there are preestablished rules for them in your oh-so-precious DMG and making up new rules on the fly is Calvinball shit.
>while the sensation of being drunk is universal.
While I agree with you mostly and the other anon is a moron, anyone who's been around a bit knows the Goldschlager hits different.
>Because every trapped door is different,
>while the sensation of being drunk is universal.
This is actually the perfect counter to your own argument. Not every door is trapped. Not every drunkard is a magician. Sounds like he should have checked with a simple question, lest he suffer the consequences of his actions.

>Because there are preestablished rules for them in your oh-so-precious DMG and making up new rules on the fly is Calvinball shit.
I bet you have a lot of problems in your life that seem to just perfectly somehow only ever affect YOU negatively while everyone else seems to be fine with it.
The drunkard was a magician, you fucking tard. What now?
are you japanese?
anyway, no.
You use rules as writen. If you change stuff you let players know. That's why there's a manual. This is basic. If you don't do that you're just a bad DM and a bit mentally challenged. No amount of bizarre arguments will change that.
He got drunk without keeping the consequences of his actions in mind, suffered the consequences of his action, and died. What do you mean "What now?"
>He got drunk without keeping the consequences of his actions in mind
He didn't keep the consequences of his actions in mind because he was never told them. Are you being obtuse on purpose?
>Not every drunkard is a magician
but his character is
is air different for casters? Does water affect them differently? Does chicken have side effects? Am I allergic to peanuts? Is the air breathable in this room? Is it in the next one? Do I know how to breath?
Are you a video game? I've not met a single DM who has, short of making an explicit bullet pointed list (like I do, and players never read that shit) remembered EVERY single interaction possible. Plus not all rules-as-written even address shit. Like drunkenness. Which is where this even got off on the foot to begin with. There is nothing bizarre here other than your sheer insistence that you do not believe you need to suffer consequences for your retarded actions.

Ask more questions. Simple as.
>eeping the consequences of his actions in mind
the consecuences were writen afterwards, retard
>he was never told them.
He was never told them because he didn't bother to think about them. Similar to how a drunk might act, or how someone might brazenly enter into a door that they should suspect is trapped.

>but his character is
>Malicious compliance to you is the same thing as being good faith I win I win I win!

Yes, like what happens when many retards go through trapped doors without thinking to ask "Hey, is this possibly trapped in this trapped environment?"
I like that, as the thread has gone on, someone's worst GM experience decided to start shitposting in the thread. It's like he was summoned.
Glad you admitted that your whole argument is undone by a PC asking the DM if their character remembers how to breathe.
Nah, it's just a retarded argument that contradicts your whole point, but you're doing it out of bad faith and being debate-brained right now. Once you calm down, then I think we could actually talk.
>Fringe rules
Anytime you ever encounter something like this again, on the second set, send a basic ass bitch Human Fighter. All core feats, no archetypes, no alternative features, just rules as written core book fighter. Magic Items, just + whatever gear, again, core only.

If they do the oh man, I don't allow either of these, that's time to bounce, because he literally isn't allowing the most basic character.
How am I supposed to know the consequences for not breathing if I don't ask my DM? Dnd is about talking after all. It's not a video game
The clown whimpers bad faith as he loses the debate.
Why are people so afraid to call people out in a public space?
>Group chat
'hey bro I sent you ten chars(link to chars if you want) and you say none of them are acceptable. What's going on? You're wasting our time.'
I'd call him out in front of the group and force him to react. He either freaks out and bans or stops being a little cunt bitch.
When someone is being odd you always bring the dirty laundry to the surface loud and clear so EVERYONE knows what is going on.
>When I compare constantly asking about random homebrew rules to checking for trapped doors, I'm totally arguing in good faith
>But when you compare constantly having to ask about homebrew rules to asking if your character is breathing, you are arguing in bad faith
>Arguing in bad faith just means making arguments I disagree with.
>How am I supposed to know the consequences for not breathing if I don't ask my DM?
The problem with your analogy and why it actually destroys your own credibility is because your question is not being asked in the same headspace as being drunk.

To start off with, there are other effects in the game that grant conditions in ADDITION to other affects. So that right there should be your gameplay queue alone.

But more importantly, asking about how being drunk affects your character is actually coming from two places:
1. An understanding of the real world and the fictional world and where the two overlap and interact. Drunk people in the real world slur speech. Magicians in the fictional world need delicately prepared vocal components that are easily interrupted to cancel the spell. Asking the question "Does drunkness affect my spellcasting" is showing an understanding of these two and investigating the overlap which had never been demonstrated before.
2. It shows FORETHOUGHT of the action before it occurs. Like with the door example, MAYBE the player thought about traps before he walked into one. But then decided to ignore it. That's no different from a character understanding that he may be too drunk to cast spells, but ignores it and does it anyways. If he doesn't ask the question, then he can't say "oh my character NEVER would have done that..." when he is not roleplaying it accurately.

The reason why all the questions you asked aren't worth addressing is because they are clearly designed to annoy someone with "malicious compliance" to the word of asking question, not the intent or spirit, all to make an internet point and be mad over what should be your learning experience. Nobody needs to ask if "casters breath different air" because there is no overlap or understanding occurring. It's just pointless question fodder.
I know drunks in the real world who have perfectly fine diction when absolutely hammered. Seems like your argument is worthless.
And I know drunks who don't. Seems like it's actually a perfectly valid argument to ask the question, or even ask the question "Is my character that type of person".
1. People who are poisoned slur their speech. They also shake, convulse and vomit. Yet none of that has any effect on the poisoned condition. If the DM had wanted to homebrew the poisoned condition into affecting spellcasting, that would have been fine. But he hadn't. My PC had been bitten by spiders before and it didn't affect his casting at all. But apparently being drunk is worse than being under the effects of dire spider venom.
2. I did give forethought. I prepared Lesser Restro spells for the morning, which didn't work because the DM decided at that moment he was going to decide they didn't.
3. You're damn right all the questions are meant to be annoying, because if your retarded premise is you have to ask the DM questions, I'm going to ask questions about fucking everything until it gets through your thick skull that your 'ask more questions' premise is retarded.
And so the GM is allowed to arbitrarily decide you are the kind of person?
You would think a dwarf wouldn't be that kind of person considering half their culture is based around getting wasted.
Wouldn't it have made more sense for him to have to make a religion roll, being that he's a cleric? Yeah, his int is still shit but I assume he's proficient in it.
I'm not against calling someone out over it. I just believe in a litmus test. Maybe he forgot to mention bad experiences with feat X or class feature Y. That's why making the most basic ass fighter works, if he has some problem with that he doesn't want you as a player. At that point you are done with the game, and you choose your exit. Call them out, dip out gracefully, burn their house down, whatever, you do you. And you can apply that to any system, Deathwatch make a Ultramarine Tactical, Vampire make a Brujah, most Supergames have basic template characters, pick the wannabe Batman or Iron Fist, just be as basic as possible, give them as little reason to object as they can possibly have.
Allow me to play devil's advocate on this a moment. As the GM had previously ruled that for the fighters, drunkenness imposed the poisoned condition on them, I'm going to make an assumption this is 5e, as 3.5 has specific poison effects. In 5e, that means they have disadvantage on attacks and skills, as expected of a drunk person. However, it doesn't force a save to move straight, or effect their standard movement in anyway, as being drunk should definitely do. The GM should have informed the spellcasters things worked differently for them when the martials got their ruling. The player shouldn't have assumed he had nothing that would impact spellcasting, but the GM was also wrong on that too. As a Cleric, the player should have been rolling Religion, as they aren't remembering arcane chants to cast a spell, but rather the specific prayer to their god to summon that spell. They'd still be at disadvantage, but one they might actually succeed at with their skills and stats, as opposed to one they have very little chance of pulling off.

For the tl;dr version, both the player and GM are at fault, GM for not being clear to start with and not actually having the rules designed for the characters, and the player for just rushing in without asking.
>People who are poisoned slur their speech.
Character wasn't poisoned. They were drunk. One of the (possibly many) rules that the DM decided on fro the drunk status was it confers the poison condition.

2. >I prepared Lesser Restro spells for the morning,
Hang on, this is actually important info here. Did you tell the DM "Okay, I am going to prepare Lesser Restoration and THEN drink?" Or did you drink, then in the morning rituals prepare Lesser Restoration?

Cause if it's the former, I would tick this into maybe 20% DM fault, 80% your fault.

>3. You're damn right all the questions are meant to be annoying,
Okay. You'll just get kicked because you're clearly just being malicious and a spoiled baby at the table. Like, what do you want me to say to that? People aren't retarded, they can tell when you're being hostile for no good reason.

Do you have control over how tall you grow or what sex you were born as? The DM can let you decide those things, but those are in no way shape or form up to your decision, especially in the moment.

I would genuinely think the opposite. That's why it's important to ask questions.

>Wouldn't it have made more sense for him to have to make a religion roll, being that he's a cleric?
I mean simply put, there's arguments for both. Personally I would have made a call for a Arcana (WIS) check instead of Arcana (INT). Or I would have turned it into a generic CON save instead. But since I can see the argument for both, that has to be up to the DM at the table.
>Allow me to play devil's advocate on this a moment.
I'm more big into exploration. I'm not the type to tell the players the effects of every magic item or every status item until they explore and interrogate it. I know some groups are different though, where if someone picks up a magic item the DM just hands them the index card that explains ALL of it's affects even if there is logistically no way for them to ever know some of the other details.

It ultimately depends on the group and the game. If the group was the latter, I'd bump it up to 80% DM's fault, 20% players fault. If it was the former, I'll keep it at 1% DM, 99% player.
1. Drunk and Poisoned were synonymous up until that very moment

2. Lesser Restro had been on my spell list for weeks, as we had been fighting drow and poison was a problem with them

3. Fine by me. I dont want to be in the game of someone who runs their table like that. And neither did anyone else, because the game fell apart.
>1. Drunk and Poisoned were synonymous up until that very moment
Through your failure to understand or investiage, yes.

>2. Lesser Restro had been on my spell list for weeks, as we had been fighting drow and poison was a problem with them
Then still 1% DM, 99% you. You did not show any forethought into the question.

>And neither did anyone else, because the game fell apart.
Probably because you through a tantrum and then table politics played a part. I guarantee if you had just accepted the facts as-is, the table would still be together. Nobody split up over those actions that night, they split up because you personally couldn't cope with your skill issues and heaved the blame somewhere else.
1. Through the DM's rulings. He even handed out cards that said poisoned to the fighters when they got drunk.

2. Fuck you. I planned on removing the poison off of myself if I got drunk.

3. I had nothing to do with it. I played the fight, we TPKed, and I went home. We then didn't meet for two weeks and on the third, the DM said the game was cancelled. No one likes being TPKed because of a faggot pulling out new rules on them. The drunk martials were pissed too. Especially because my spells were supposed to cure them. Absolutely none of this is my fault. That's why I found a new group with a DM who's not a vindictive cunt, and Mr Homebrew Drunk has been no-games for over a year.
There's a difference between grabbing a magic sword, and introducing a house rule. If the magic sword looks to be a flaming sword, but it turns out to just have everlasting flame that's one thing. If I house rule that Drunk = Posioned, and I have spellcasters and I want it to work differently for them, I need to codify that. This isn't a new thing that popped up, if it was a table full of martials and then a spellcaster joined, that would be a different story.

I feel that's the point your argument falls apart. If this were a specific potion, a magic item, or a trap, then investigation is fine. This is a rule, and if you are making up rules, but not telling people that the rule applies differently to them, that is bad DMing. Even looking at it from the standpoint of in character knowledge, the player should know, even if he hadn't personally encountered it, there had to be stories of other spellcasters who got drunk and couldn't cast spells. Much in the same way you don't need to get in a car drunk to know driving drunk is a bad idea, you've seen it enough times in the news.
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>1. Through the DM's rulings. He even handed out cards that said poisoned to the fighters when they got drunk.
Did he say the words "These are ALL of the possible effects and conditions that drunkness will EVER perform?" Or was he handing them out to remind them of one of the rules/effects that drunkness confers?

>2. Fuck you. I planned on removing the poison off of myself if I got drunk.
Pic related.

>Absolutely none of this is my fault.
God, the lack of self-awareness on you.

>I need to codify that.
Yeah, but my point is that even within that configuration, an exploration-based campaign may not necessarily disclose that until the players try to interact with it or ask those questions. So it's one thing if the table is open rules like with magic items where everything gets revealed. It's another at a table where it's more closed. Both have places, and it depends on the GM.

>that is bad DMing.
Nah. It's a different style of rule. I've played at tables of both, and I've run both. It just depends on what the players want.

>there had to be stories of other spellcasters who got drunk and couldn't cast spells
That I don't necessarily believe. Spell casting in a lot of cities in many settings are strictly prohibited, and then logically if a caster is preparing for spells, usually alcoholism doesn't help with that. I can buy the argument for either way, which is why I can't just give it to them. "It depends on the setting."
Who here is so good at being a DM that people would pay you to DM their games?

basically, any DMs for hire?
1. He gave them cards that said poisoned. Therefor, drunk means poisoned. Until it didn't. Imagine defending this shit.

2. I prepared a spell against poison, which would have worked if poison meant poison. Choke on a cock.

3. Anon pretends he knows what happens in an event he wasn't at. I guarantee you every single player left that session angry. The fact that two weeks passed and no one asked 'should we make new characters?' or 'are we meeting this week?' speaks volumes.
>It just depends on what the players want.
I'll tell you what players want. Not to be fucked over by new rules out of the blue.
This is probably one of the worst ones I've ever read... I'm a forever DM, and I'm afraid of the drama that will ensue if I try getting my girlfriend into DND. I've only ever heard bad things when a DM invites his girlfriend to play, either favoritism or drama. And I'm probably going to get drama because I will actively try not play favorites.
>Therefor, drunk means poisoned. Until it didn't
You mean in your non-questioning head canon.

>Choke on a cock.
I would, but I don't think I've seen you take it out of your own mouth even once. Save some for the rest of us.

>no one asked 'should we make new characters?' or 'are we meeting this week?' speaks volumes.
Yeah, cause you caused a blow-out argument that hurt people's feelings.

>Not to be fucked over by new rules out of the blue.
Explain Dark Souls' popularity, as well as the ever-increasing indie surge of Roguelikes.

>I'm a forever DM, and I'm afraid of the drama that will ensue if I try getting my girlfriend into DND
Play one-on-one with her and see how it goes. If you beat up her character and she doesn't withhold sex from you or run off crying, then she might be good to go.
1. Cope

2. Faggot.

3. Fanfiction.

I severely hope you never DM because you sound like the worst type of cancer. Truly you belong in this thread more than anyone else here for all the wrong reasons.
There is a 0% chance that you have played under a game I have DM'd, and we both had fun playing.
Okay, so the GM is just allowed to make secret, arbitrary decisions about your character and it's on the player to ask a lot of elaborate questions any time a new situation comes up to make sure, for example, they aren't allergic to iron rations or something? Because that's """""realism?""""""
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Sorry, *non-0% chance.

>o the GM is just allowed to make secret, arbitrary decisions about your character and it's on the player to ask a lot of elaborate questions any time a new situation comes up to make sure, for example, they aren't allergic to iron rations or something?
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The only reason the chance is so low is because you have never and will never run or play in a game.
>Sorry, *non-0% chance.
>Ask more questions. Simple as.
why would I if you don't remember every interaction? not even you know the rules
if I shake you can you still cast? Your speech is being affected. Is butter toffee better than counter spell? If you sneeze do you stop casting? Can I throw pepper at you and get an auto counterspell?
I'm just asking the questions you wanted
>if I shake you can you still cast?
Fuck no.

Everything else just circles back to the beginning with malicious compliance, but I'm actually shocked you asked that first question in general.
I won't continue arguing this with you, because you clearly don't get it. But I'll make final point concise and easy.

>It just depends on what the players want.

This is clearly not what the players wanted, judging by the aftermath. And ignoring what the players want is bad GMing, even if you think your idea is better. Remember, GMing isn't about telling a story, it isn't about winning or losing, it's about providing an experience people will want to have again. If I play in your game, and enjoy your game, but dislike the system or setting it's in, I might leave until you start a new game with a system or setting I enjoy. But if your style doesn't mesh well with what I want, I probably won't join another table you run. And in the case of a new player, it'll probably put me off the hobby all together, like the anon here.

Because of that bad first time, he won't touch Shadowrun, or Cyberpunk in general, because the GM ran a game he wanted, not the one his player's did.
>yet another perfectly good thread derailed into oblivion by one single autist latching onto one single story and spending his entire evening acting like a stubborn retard
A tale as old as time
You should try non-storyline based RPG
you should do OSR....
Which one was on top?
....that's copypasta. it really, really is.
Try dating functioning adults, anon.

I don't think I've played a game with 0 couples in it since college (back during 3.5 days) and I can't actually recall ANY drama from any of them. (Other than once back in school, and they just broke up and were bitchy at each other, no real horror story.)

I've been GMing my fiancee for years, and I've probably killed her characters with more frequency than the other PCs in that time, and it's been fine. One of her favorite sessions was when her character got axe murdered, because her death was really good spotlight time. But most of my games these last few years have been EXCLUSIVELY couples, and no drama at all.

I have 3 guesses about the reason my experience is different.
1) Adults who have jobs and hobbies and now children are better/more mature at enjoying games without taking it personally than high school/college kids

2) It seems possible that my experience is different because I don't run or play powerfantasy games. Mostly horror and/or mystery or crime or story games. I've always suspected these attract a different breed of autist with more social skills and less gnashing of teeth about character death.

3) Maybe the people who play up the girlfriend = drama narrative are lonely virgins who are angrier about this than other shitty player behavior, because at least their GM was getting laid.
>>Oh, okay. Well jumping over the blue spot is similar to standing anyways, so I should expect X effect.
this is zoomer logic.
poor thinking comprehension.
why is he playing thinking games?
That Shadowrun GM ran a Shadowrun game, and the players didn't know what they were asking for or wanted. Sorry you don't get it I guess.
It doesn't make it any less pathetic,, ridiculous or performative. Especially when this website has no less than 12 transgender porn threads on /gif/ at any one time.
Some of us have better things to do than micromanaging inventory, you screaming autist
>Group TPKs
>Group breaks up because they TPKed, as they often do
>Anon gets mad and whines about it online
>It's Anon's fault the group broke up because he's mad about being TPKed?
A whole group breaking up over a TPK is really pathetic.
Im not reading all of this shit from both of you faggots. I just want you to know that you are an autistic sperg and nobody gives a fuck about your retarded obnoxious opinion. Get fucked.
assuming they could.
>female players or characters?
Characters, but doubly so when he knew or suspected the player was as well, not everyone was fully forthcoming.
It's supply and demand. Most players struggle to find decent groups so they will put up shit DMing and try not annoy their DMs too much because of it.
absolutely fucking based. this is a wargame, faggot. your gay asses probably thought you'd rather be back in drama class or something. i wish i had DMs like that more often.
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Me and I'll play on whatever platform you desire. 40 years experience as of 2025
You're missing the experience but if you think it's all spreadsheets, I can't help you. I also detail where my belongings are on my character. When my potions are tucked away, they are less likely to get destroyed. That's just how I roll
I don't know if you messed up that DMs game on purpose or not, but he totally deserved to have his game ruined either way. DMs who fuck around with their players like that need to be fucked with back.
Please stay mad, you'll die quicker
Just roll dice in an alley and cut out the pretext, you boring-ass basic bitch
>I enjoy wasting what little time I have to play games micromanaging what pockets I keep my ball of twine and crampons in
In the first story like I said after sending 8+ character sheets and getting a "no, this is not allowed now somehow despite never telling you beforehand" as a reply everytime, didn't know the guy at all (only meet him irl for session 0), that's why I said I didn't want drama and pretty much backed out of the game. If I tried for so long was because maybe I misunderstood something, but the more I tried the clearer it was he wasn't going to give the ok to any char I sent him

On the second story, and because he's a friend I got more emotional and invested on why he was doing what he was doing. And his answer was paraphrasing: "I've to GM and make the campaign do you expect me to check what your character does and that it fits into the game too? that's too hard" which is pretty weird taking into account he was the one who made the homerules and put the Scout in the list of allowed classes and feats that help sneak attack and stuff, why allow scout and precision damage options if you only have monsters immune to it was one of my questions btw. I asked him why coup de grace me but not other players, to which he replied "you were down, so I saw the opportunity" but when pointed out the warlock player was also down surrounded by monsters with entire turns to use on coup he just said "mmm I guess I forgot there". The forced reincarnation and monetary debt was for everybody, but I was the only one dying. None of his explanations made much sense to me, the only thing I got was "GM is hard and somehow you were the target of all the problems with my GMing". Taking into account this sent us on a no friends situation for months over a stupid game I decided to not prove more after that

Could their explanations make sense in their heads? of course, but what they told me didn't make sense in mine
Cry about it more if you can but I don't think that's possible
>Imagine being so autistic you get mad that people would rather swing a sword than worry about how how heavy it is.
I think he is based for being so autistic, but only he also does things like impose -strength modifiers on female PCs. Otherwise he is just an anal faggot.
Had one once who basically ran things as a premade story, from one train station to the next, all down the railroad. He was also antagonistic as fuck, which ended in a punching match between him and another player. We ostracised him from our group after that. Turned out later that he was also a rapist, which sort of tracks with his personality.

Also had a gm who was a minmaxer and made custom enemies, all which where minmaxxed. Do you want hell? Try swarms of hp tanks with insane melee attacks that basically invalidated any frontline player (rip my skeleton fighter) with a combination of extremely high attack bonuses and damage but are *technically* a balanced and fair fight, by pathfinders monster building rules.
He also ran a game for a girl he simped over who wanted to get into rpg's in which he made her the mc and the rest of us had to tag along with his lolz randumb plot. I left when he had a donkey who was also somehow a god rape my cleric infront of the party and no-one could stop it. The game lasted 3 more sessions iirc, before the others quit.

42% of cultural marxist infiltrators on /tg/ inexplicably fall silent.
>he had a donkey who was also somehow a god rape my cleric infront of the party and no-one could stop it
Kinda hot but should have been a proper horse at least

Also thread been fun until people started sperging out over one thing
>Being this bootyblasted on 4chan 24/7
>Spergs out for several hundred words over the course of hours, spamming and ruining an entire thread with autistic rage
>ur mad cause u called me retarded
Embarrassing bro. Get help.
woman moment
Nah, nobody appreciates you and your "right-think" ministry of truth esc cult.
Me and my wife played a 5e game run by one of her childhood friends. For some fucking reason, he had it out for her and criticized every single thing she did. He told her that the class she picked sucked, said her character was boring, intentionally set up encounters to make only her character's abilities useless, etc. On the other hand, dude was totally obsessed with someone else's joke character and reoriented the entire plot to fit that one guy's narrative because he thought the central conceit (gray space alien who makes pop culture references crash-lands in a traditional fantasy world) was the funniest thing in the world.

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