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Whenever a world is presented that includes your traditional dwarves, orcs and elves it sends the good men of /tg/ into a flying rage. Why does this board hate "kitchen sink" fantasy so much? As long as you actually make the world consistent and everything compatible with one another, it just works.
kys furry
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You can only do so many kitchen sink before they begin to feel samey.
Which games?
Tolkien isn't kitchen sink you fucking retard.
Doesn't matter. If a world has traditional fantasy elements it gets relentlessly hated upon.
Read more, it will expand your tiny mind.
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As long as you're making what you want for your own games, why does it matter what people who aren't playing your game get mad at?
My take: kitchen sink is fun to play but not fun to run.
A narrower focus and more control is more fun to the GM, and let’s him restrict the tone of the campaign to what he likes.
A kitchen sink let’s you play exactly the kind of character you want to play.
It will never be out of place.
I have, to this day, not gotten to play a generic lizardman warrior.
My friend’s run call of Cthulhu, lancer ICON or Homebrew stuff if they run anything at all.
If I want to run a Lizard dude who eats people, I’ll break the setting or at least bend it to a degree which I as a GM myself don’t like.
>Why does this board hate "kitchen sink" fantasy so much?

Because the vast population of users on this board are secondaries who never play, just read novels and play computer games set in popular IPs, and all strut around like roosters pretending corporate IP farming is high art. They screech and froth because it's not another useless thread about whether Goku could solo The Emperor from Warhammer 40K, and thus, completely out of their understanding.

The bulk of the remainder are pretentious hipsters who pretend to hate everything, because they're pathetic, petty, bitter assholes who other people don't like enough to play with, and they would rather believe it's somehow D&Ds fault instead of their odious personal hygiene, vacuous personality and rampant narcissism. They can't enjoy gaming, so no one else is allowed to either.

Stop caring what the rest of these miserable, sad cunt freaks think, anon. You'll be happier for it.
Kitchen sink isn't bad if its actually a kitchen sink fantasy that has wizards shooting guns while riding dragons in huge city blocks. Stuff like Heavy Metal, not whatever D&D kitchen sink is being afraid to commit to certain ideas like high technology or making anything that isn't a humanoid with dark vision.
This as well. GM's want to world build and while its not impossible to world build in a kitchen sink the world doesn't feel special and is hard to actually balance.
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Childhood is when you like gonzo kitchen sink fantasy because it's cool
Adolescence is when you shun such settings and embrace settings with autisticly detailed lore
Adulthood is when you realize that, for gameplay purposes, the gonzo kitchen sink stuff is perfectly fine and even superior since you can easily fit whatever you want to play into it and 99% of autistically detailed lore will never be relevant in an actual game
I don't hate kitchen sinks. I hate certain tropes, which just happen to be included in kitchen sinks ad-nauseam.
>As long as you actually make the world consistent
Then it's not a kitchen sink setting anon, the point of the word is to describe someone obviously throwing whatever they can at the wall to see what sticks.
I’d put it this way: the GM never wants EVERYTHING out of a kitchen sink.
If I want a pirate campaign, I make a pirate setting. Sure I’ll include other countries but I probably don’t want to have a Roman Legion campaign in the same world.
Having a Ancient Rome country in the age of exploration mostly complicates things and makes it hard to explain.

However, to the player who really wanted to play a Roman legionarie even if it’s a pirate themed campaign, this is an obvious upgrade.
The players of course only have to use whatever part of the kitchen sink they like but the GM has to be prepared to use whatever parts the players push on him. Either in char gen or by the players saying „ok we’ll take our pirate ship and physically sail into Ancient Catgirl Carthage land, make it work, GM“
The Chad is probably a Dominions enjoyer
It's mostly nerds who play these games and nerds are known for taking things like fantasy worlds with elves and goblins very seriously and regularly get red in the face about shit that the vast majority of the world doesn't even know exists nevermind care about
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No one does. They just hate bad kitchen sinks.

If you mince words, you can get upset at any point.
>that has wizards shooting guns while riding dragons in huge city blocks.
Ok tell me a game that does that well in gameplay. Rifts surely doesnt.
You see that shit on TV when someones imagining a "badass dream", but not much in rpgs.
Never mind rules for that, the only rpg setting I can think of where you can do that is shadow run, and thats a maybe.
>inb4 you autisticily mean in depth simulation rules about bullet velocity and rules about riding dragons
I've got a language in my setting that sounds like Chinese spoken by lower class and I called it Gobbledy-Gook. Is that too kitchen sinky?
That says more about you than about kitchen sinks. And I'm not even being ironic here
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>a world is presented that includes your traditional dwarves, orcs and elves
>kitchen sink
Nani the fuck?
Legend of zelda did fantasy races nicely.
Because when writers/dms/whatever use "standard" fantasy tropes like orcs and elves in their settings it's almost always a faggy cringe deconstruction instead of the commonly accepted racial stereotypes most people think of when they imagine the race. Then they add in a bunch of their personal fetishshit like furries and stir it all up with a stupid tryhard world that always somehow manages to be incomprehensibly complex but also extremely shallow and bland and derivative with none of the charm of an homage or honest to god uncynical love letter to the great old settings.

Basically 99.99% of fantasyshit is just Elder Scrolls tier rehashing of the same crap penny magazine hacks have been pumping out since the 1950s, which continue to grow increasingly worse and intolerable as the same thoroughly tread ground is endlessly rehashed by writers further and further removed from the era of the trend setters and competent authors that actually created the genre in the first place.

99.99% of fantasyslop perusers, whether producers pr consumers, are more interested in concepts and ideas instead of good storytelling nowadays, and said concepts and ideas are almost always just "Elves but X" or "What if our dwarves... were teh orcs?!?!?!" or "What if this fantasy world were...le dark and edgy!"

It's been tiresome for 70 years.
What the fuck are you talking about?

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