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>campaign has two GMs
Better than the campaign having 0 GM
I've been in a game where it worked, open table where the group could split into two parties doing different things when there were too many people for one.
Isn't Ars Magica basically like this? everyone is a gm
>everyone is a gm
Explain pls.
>Entire group is made up of reformed forever GMs
>Every single one of us constantly fight for the only time slot we have to run shit, the SECOND a campaign ends people are already pitching ideas for what they want to run next
>Sometimes they're pitching ideas for their next campaign before the current campaign has even ended
This sounds like paradise but it's not, It's absolute hell.
Been there. Sucks.
>pitched a 2-GM game where we switch every other month to avoid burnout
>get excited, pour lot of effort into my half of the game
>full-color maps, room descriptions, lots of side objectives and things to explore
>time to switch
>he's running with roll20 doodle maps, black and white, no plot, just kill monsters in featureless dungeons for money
>ask an NPC's name once
>he says it's not important, just go fight monsters
What the fuck man
Fucking red flag.
So side Side-DM, Co-DM, or half-DM or anything other than exactly 1.
I've had this happen and work well. Then again, the two GMs were brothers and I swear they could communicate entire volumes just by looking at each other. None of the problems and different vision issues I had anticipated happened, they just got on with it.
Ars Magica was one of the first examples of a troupe system. Early editions recommended that the players collaborate to create the campaign world and story with:

Each player having an opportunity to be Story Guide. (e.g. alternating by play session, 'chapter' of a story, or at the whim of the troupe)
Each player having more than one character; when the primary character lacks opportunity or reason to participate in a session (typically due to laboratory or library activity), a secondary character is played.
The Story Guide scheme has been de-emphasised in recent editions; in Fifth Edition it is relegated to an optional play style described at the back of the book. Alternatively a troupe may select one player as the primary story guide responsible for the overall plot, and one or more secondary story guides who run peripheral sessions and/or stories.
Thank you.
This sounds potentially not terrible.
I run our PARANOIA campaign (more like a series of 6 hour oneshots) together with a co-GM and ~10 players.

It works very well since troubleshooters often need to split up into two or more groups (physically separated into different rooms) and this lets us keep running in parallel.

The really cool part is that my co-GM has a bunch of army surplus wired phones from the 80's, so we string impromptu phonelines throughout the building for the sessions, so that the separated groups of players can call eachother or Friend Computer.
Works really well if both GMs are good and you're not an idiot trying to do some multi-month-long storyline which will only work with you in complete control. Just don't run LOTR formula games for once in your life, there's so many other good formulas
why would it sound like paradise? it sounds like academia

>propose collaborative work
>don't coordinate with collaborator
>don't even check what each other is thinking of doing
I'm not sure what you expected.

I think you can turn a rules lawyer into the group wiki, especially if they are neutral about rules and don't want the same level of control over narrative/structural elements.
It'd be nice to have alternative group structures be well known so people can pick and chose what works for them, but it's a much less universal structure than the classic 1 DM or even no-DM

You're making me consider LARPing for the very first time.
I was an assistant GM once. A friend was running for a bunch of newbies and wanted my help. Before the session I made some hand-outs he wanted. During the session I would run the music, play certain NPCs I were assigned, and assist players who needed help with the rules or navigating their sheets.
>there needs to be one
>because there just needs to be, okay?
>campaign has 30 players
>1 DM
>everything is in real-time
>players parties competing against one another


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