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I just can't stand nu-GW. It was literally Blanch art that sold me in to it in the first time.
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Then don't give them money.
For me it's not just the art.
The lores, the models, the attitude towards people and the hobby.
This is now a corporation in the same league as some of the other evil corpos.
That art is from Highfleet
>I just can't stand nu-GW
Then play older editions
>It was literally Blanch art that
WTF is Blanche art?
>sold me
I TOLD you not to buy in
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If you bothered to point out John Blanche and wrote his name correctly, you already knew about him but are being obtuse for no reason.
>it’s another “tranny seethes at 40k” thread

You love to see it

No, I just remembered the word as I was typing and the Blanche that came to mind was the Golden Girl so that's how I spelled it.
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This is now a classic 40k art thread.
Look at the details while having absolute mininium bright colors. You can even see the features of the Techpriests. Beyond soul.
God I miss the old AdMech aesthetics
Miss me with that steampunk cowboy shit
God, I need more Highfleet content. Anything.
I think John Blanche might actually be the reason 40k got as big as it did. Like yeah, a lot of the big popularity later on came from Dawn of War, but the reason Games Workshop was able to become the dominant war gaming company in the first place was probably just that they had by far the best artwork in their rulebooks. Like, you're in a local game store that's got a bunch of different companies' products and you want to pick up one of them as your first tabletop war game, so you open up a rulebook from each of a few different war games and flip through them, what's the first thing you'll get an impression from? The art. And most will have competent illustration but then you'll pick up a 40k book and the illustration is absolutely godlike. Of course you'll gravitate towards it as your first option.

Hell, how many people pick a given army in 40k purely because one or two pieces of art in the codex got them captivated? Probably most players who aren't metagaming faggots. It's not a stretch to think that people's choice of war game was also determined by the art, and John Blanche is one of the greatest artists who ever lived. 40k's competitors never had a chance. And I predict that with him retired, 40k will gradually lose market share to stuff like Infinity.
He wasn't their only artist drawing/paining in that "style." Ian Miller and a few others were also doing the classic/retro British fantasy/scifi style. The entire corporate culture of their company has shifted away from what made them unique and good in the first place. How many twenty/thirty something British White men into fantasy and power metal do they have in lead creative positions nowadays? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess, not many.
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I miss box art so much.
He certainly helped.
>People fell for this bait
I can't stand nu-/tg/. It was literally good bait that sold me on this website the first time.
>Another tard cries about "trannies" because he has no idea what because talked about
Who's the artist for this? It looks like a death metal album cover.
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I found it. It's Adrian Smith.
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That game has the seed of a cool ass setting. Wish there was more. What would you anons do for a Highfleet rpg?
Anyone get a feeling that the modern 40k artwork seems a little bit too clean?
Less detailed?
less gothic?

not sure what the right word is.
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Posting more because I found an archive of his works for 40k and fantasy
It would probably require a lot of bashing or homebrewing to get a system that fits. Other than that, you can go wild. Just don't let them fly a Lightning.
Seething troon. How is this not a thread trying to shit on 40k. Go ahead. Try to explain. I'll wait
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I wouldn't.
I feel like most people have seen this one.
thx for posting.
The dude has a youtube channel, not many videos but really interesting to see him work in motion.
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Here's a link to the archive in case anyone wanted to check out his other Warhammer works or just other works from other artists

i dont remember these
Sanitized, by the numbers, committee-approved. That's what you're thinking.
Still my absolute favorite piece of mechanicus art.
So fucking good
This guy is far more responsible for the classic 40k look than Blanche ever was - if you started in 2e, Blanche was everywhere, with his scratchy, almost sketch-like style - see >>93908780

If by "art" you're thinking of the oil painting stuff with tons of baroque detail - that's Adrian Smith more than Blanche, and that stuff starts in 3e onward. I remember back in the day the transition to the uber-realistic Smith style as being particularly jarring. In generally 3e was a shift towards the fluff taking itself far more seriously - the Blanche era presented 40k as a brightly coloured fever dream, but the hallmark of the 3e era was an attempt to really drill down 40k into an actual place. The colours were deeper and more muted in 3e - gone was the bright saturation and tehnicolour look of 2e for something more muted and weighty.
God, I miss the Death Guard not being overly mutated blobby spiky messes.
This Adrian Smith guy is seriously talented
This image right here was my introduction to Warhammer. It was the most gnarly fucking thing I'd ever seen in my life.

Although I now prefer Paul Dainton's work
Usk why you got into a miniature painting hobby because of 2-d art. Seems like you should just try drawing instead
To this day this one is the best picture of a space marine out there.
Neither of those images are death guard? Or at least there's no reason to believe they are
Lewis Jones should be GW's head artist. He's definitely a throwback to the grotesque weirdness.
On the archive where I downloaded the pics, the website had them labeled as Death Guard

You can check for yourself: https://40k.gallery/death-guard-50/
Wait what is that gigantic flesh beast? I don't remember that being a thing, but I'm not super well versed.
You can see nurgle markings and flies, they are just more subtle. You got too used to seeing in your face NURGLE SPIKES CORRUPTION BLOAT shit.
Is there a version of this that's sized as a phone screensaver?
It's really a shame how Nurgle should be the most imaginative , diverse army because of the plethora of body horror associated with rot and disease, yet it's all just been reduced to fat guys with antlers and tentacles.
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Talos Pain Engine
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For me, it was Adrian Smith

Yeah nuGW is Marvelslop
then why give me (you)s?
GW was shit since 2005. It took you this long to recognize it.
This makes me feel good. Its nice to see someone can still do it
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I dug through the archive and, after finding some pics that I liked, I'm gonna post some Lewis Jones for everyone. Starting off with AdMech.
Some other anon mentioned that he didn't like that every Nurgle themed faction was bloated. I wouldn't mind it if it was delegated to higher ups.
Yeah. He's really really good at lighting these super detailed pieces just right. I think stylistically Kopinski is my favourite, with Blanche coming second, but Adrian Smith is an absolute beast of an artist, and those three were basically the golden age of GW for me.
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Karl Kopinski
Such an iconic piece. I miss those days.
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Dude, yeah. It pisses me off. I bought Plague Marines back in 4th edition because I thought the idea was cool, and I got back in during 8th or 9th edition because the Bloat Drones looked so great. Nurgle aesthetic should be visceral, disgusting, terrifying. Quake by way of Cronenberg. I want bloated corpses twisted by the warp and animated with unyielding hatred. Throw some hazard stripes on that bolter, and spill maggots from oozing wounds.
I absolutely loathe most of the sculpts for DG, to the point where I ended up starting an Imperial Guard army. Having to shave the stupid antlers off of all of my models and replace the retarded cartoony scythes (do you get it?! Because they're like grim reapers!) with something less unsightly got old really fast. I will say that they are much easier to kitbash than a lot of other armies, as you can hide seams with flesh and viscera easily. This reminds me: I need to get around to finishing the Helbrute I converted.
Karl kopinski WHFB box art and Perry bros sculpts are peak

>> and anything in in the mordheim rulebook
The Perry’s suck dick and the hobby has been better ever since they fucked off to historitranny slop
Why do you want to destroy GW?
I'm going to beat you to death with a hammer.
>Say the line EmperorsChildrenJak!
>Our frontline is CHAOS
>haha I love this little guy
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The scythe is just way overplayed. It was the coolest thing in 3rd and 4th when Typhus had one and his model looked great with it.
It loses its effect when half your melee options are scythes.
They're really starting to Disneyfy 40k to attract the "Wider modern audience" and I don't think its gonna work the 1853th time.
i thinks it more the issue of GW doesn't credit artists(or any creatives) anymore so the company
doesn't attract people of a high enough caliber as they did 20 years ago
It's got soul, but my favourite will always be the greyscale picture of a marine, one leg forward, firing his bolter with one hand. Everything about it is perfection
Unfortunately, I think it is working. Just look at how successful Space Marine 2 is doing in attracting new people to the setting. I'm not sure how much attention the femstodes brought in, but it definitely did attract some new people. In addition, Total War Warhammer has done a massive job in attracting people to fantasy through meme videos of people abusing meta skills and units. That being said, I don't know what this means in terms of sales, but I imagine more people are buying the video games than any models.
Oh thank you, I thought this was Adrian Smith but now i know the artist name

This guy made me get into 40k. GW is shit now, holy fuck. Look at this art, the lights and shadows, details and proportions. The concepts are what 40k was and still should be. The grimndark grimdark heavy metal sauce
Yeah it's a shame. So much of the modern GW art is just trash. Too shiny, too colorful. As mentioned above, there still exists some good 40k art. Lewis Jones is a great example.
Trying to match up with the models imo. Remember everything is an ad.
>Nurgle aesthetic should be visceral, disgusting, terrifying.
Shame GUOs - Nurgle incarnate - have never been visceral or terrifying, right? "Haha jolly fatso go shaaart" trash has always been the thing ruining the entire aesthetic, not carrying it. But them doubling down on it has resulted exactly in what you've grown to despise.
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I find GW consoomers to be so humorously bizarre and contradictory in the way they think. They hate so called trannies, but also anyone who criticizes the modern degeneration of Warhammer is called a tranny, despite Warhammer being the most pop culturized normie tabletop wargame on the planet, with gays and women now being forced into their setting, fans being told they won't be missed if they don't support sodomy and diversity, 40k literally having the highest population of actual literal trannies playing the game, etc. yet if you point any of this out, you are the one who is actually a tranny LOL
I feel like the old GUO sculpt was decent, though very dated now. Most of the Forge World nurgle stuff looks fantastic, but I really don't like the GUO sculpt without some heavy massaging with paint choice and at least some minor conversion. It does make a great base for kitbashes, though. This Defiler looks fantastic.
What the hell are you two going on about? The only Death Guard you can readily get with scythes are Mortarion, Typhus, and the Deathshroud, all three of which are known for being important scythe wielders. The vast majority of Death Guard are just using crusty axes and swords with the occasional censer flail.
No problem, anon. The art was what got me interested in the setting as well, so it was nice to dig into the archives and look at them again. And I agree with you. What I've posted just has that grimier feel along with excellent lighting that paints an even grimmer mood. It's sad to see such a setting get turned into a cashcow rather than a passion project. It's a trend most things follow when they become popular.
Nice to see this guy doing this but I have to admit sometimes his digital art has less "weight" so to speak compared do Smith and Kopinski.
This admech >>93914199
vs >>93908811
Now he's still miles ahead of most of what is produced nowadays for 40k so I will take it happily.
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Thing is that new artists are painting what the miniatures look like, instead of interpreting a grimdark universe first and then making miniatures resemble that.

That's why every new 40k image looks like toys fighting.

Look at this giga Chad. We don't have Emperor's Children still. And if we do, we won't get something as detailed and grim as this guy.
>Thing is that new artists are painting what the miniatures look like, instead of interpreting a grimdark universe first and then making miniatures resemble that.
Perfectly put.
This was true in the mid to late 2010s but GW has fortunately moved past that. All of the Lewis Jones stuff ITT has something off model in it.
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I miss when Eldar wore furs and had weird Alien Engineer looking gribbly bits on their helmets and their weapons actually looked like they were made of psychic scrimshaw-bone (which is why it's called wraithbone ffs). Now they're just high elves in space.
Was it Dawn of War that started the ''Tau''fication of Eldars? They just went sterile and boring fairy shaped robots.I remember in the 3th gen core book art Eldar were way more aggressive, vicious and grimdark.
>I remember in the 3th gen core book art
But what about the 3rd edition models? The dawn of war stuff is very on model. The art simply reflects the models more accurately now, and the eldar models are ancient with low detail and cartoony proportions.
No, have him load a cannon.
It's just not a hobby anymore. The reason warhammer could be so free and distinct is because it flew under the radar. Now it's just too visible for things like the Emperor being Adolf Hitler's reincarnation to be palatable.
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>>Cooler eldar
So what i learned from this thread is that lewis jones is considered a diamond in a rough?
The amount of detail in this is nuts.
How many hours you think he worked on this?
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Coolest eldar.
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can't attract a wider customer audience with old-timey gothic art, hence the newer art which is more pleasing to the eyes of normies.
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I'm sure that's the reasoning, and there's certainly some merit to it for better or worse, but they should at least throw a bone to the engrained audience of people who like the setting and older aesthetic. We buy models too. Maybe they should resurrect Inquisitor as a 28mm scale skirmish game. That would breathe more life into the Inq28 crowd, of which there has been a considerable increase in interest over the last couple of years thanks to youtube, and it would give them more of a reason to engage with the GW stores and events. Lean more into kitbashing with that side of the hobby, as they have similarly done somewhat with TOW with their support for things like unit fillers. They could still have 40k as their money printing machine, but also have the space for people who are more interested in the hobby and narrative side of things.
I also don't think they really need to go full Blanche with the art direction in order to appease the wider audience. Darktide has a very gloomy and gothic aesthetic, and is incredibly popular with normies, for instance.
Also, re-release Space Hulk, goddammit. I want a copy and I'm not paying some dickhead 400 dollars for it on eBay.
Here's an example of a good design for the GUO. Still bloated and disgusting, but also sinister and visceral.
>40k more popular and successful than its ever been, showing 0 sign of stopping
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>GW is shit now, holy fuck. Look at this art, the lights and shadows, details and proportions. The concepts are what 40k was and still should be. The grimndark grimdark heavy metal sauce

Fun fact: GW chased away Adrian Smith because they refuse to credit creatives on their publications.
>How many twenty/thirty something British White men into fantasy and power metal do they have in lead creative positions nowadays?
All of them. Every lead creative position is still a 30 something year old white guy, most having written for fantasy previously. If anything you can be mad that a lot of creative leads used to work for Blizzard in some capacity and several used to work for WoTC but that wouldn't feed into your persecution fetish enough I guess.

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