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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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>nuGW games have editions that are 2.5 years long, and in that time people on average get around to barely a handful of proper games

GW games are in such a weird place, almost completely detached from the FOMO preorder hype, but they're printing money so who cares.

But like, what's the point in the monthly balancing and metawatches and fuck knows what else? What's even the methodology other than win percentages at a handful of tournaments?

Just utterly bizarre and alien to anyone with any other knowledge of miniature wargaming, either old GW or other companies.
>But like, what's the point in the monthly balancing and metawatches and fuck knows what else?
The competitive adjustments are for compfags, who play hundreds more games than the average person. Your average 40k OR AoS OR TOW player puts in like a couple of games with friends a month, probably at their home more often than they meet up at an LGS. Your average compfag does like 20 games with their army before taking it to a tournament, against other tournament lists, and probably plays it a shitload more on vassal or TTS or whatever online 40k is played with these days.

>What's even the methodology other than win percentages at a handful of tournaments?
The methodology is the win percentages at a 'handful' of tournaments, because the tournament players are the only ones who care about this. I think you are also underestimating how many tournament games there can be: there are weeks that might have 3 to 5 dozen large 40k tournaments played. AoS and TOW are much smaller, but might still be having 12+ sizeable events in a single week.

>Just utterly bizarre and alien to anyone with any other knowledge of miniature wargaming, either old GW or other companies.
This is just your GW hate making itself known. Kings of War and Conquest, both fantasy wargames that position themselves with a competitive element to attract a tournament-playing crowd, both also regularly rebalance and errata their games for 'balance'. They just do it slower and on a smaller scale than GW, because their tournaments occur more slowly and their games are played on a smaller scale than GW.

t. a nigger who doesn't play a single GW game anymore in 2024, but isn't blind to why tourneyfagging is the way it is
AOS or 40K doesn’t matter. The hobby is becoming more expensive for more people to actually fill out their armies, and the worst of it is they keep changing the fucking rules every couple of weeks because they have no idea how to write rules so they have to go back and fix it.
One other thing to mention is this competitive balancing has proven to be good business for GW too. Kill Team 2.0 exploded BECAUSE it could be played as an extremely tryhard, competitive game. It hoovered up competitive skirmish players in Spain off of games like Infinity and fostered a really strong community there that is also replicated in places like the bay area US (another former Infinity stronghold).

Most players are casuals, but competitive players will spend more money than casual players.
Why would this fucking simpleton not just include an option for 6-9
This is because Kirby was right. GW is miniature company first and game company second. Their games aren't that relevant, people buy their stuff to assemble and paint first and foremost.
Kek kill team exploded because it was a fun casual game, then tourney autists ran with it and GW announced a retarded Magic the Gathering tier policy on kill team going forward. Nobody plays it casually anymore
Kill Team 2 was wildly more successful than the original Kill Team. They didn't enough a rotation until they just announced Kill Team 3rd edition in the past few weeks. KT2 can be played as a very competitive game: particularly when it was Into the Dark season, moves and openings could be basically deterministically optimal for huge portions of the match.

Just because you did not play the game competitively did not mean it was not a competitive game. And the competitive incarnation of it was a much bigger success than the casual original game.
>Most players are casuals, but competitive players will spend more money than casual players.
Comp players also proselytize much more than casual players. Nobody gives a shit about what miniatures you buy and paint and stick in a glass case and never bring to a store. If I want games of something I need you to play that thing. I need the people who'd like to play and would be good at that game to play that thing. It's a much better marketing strategy than anything possible for casuals because at the end of the day people who don't play have no specific reason to collect your models over any other models that look nice but don't have your license. Casuals aren't making three hour round trips into the city to pick up a model at retail price and they aren't being inspired to do so on the basis of proxyfagging the same model on the table earlier that month.

t. was a tourneyfag a decade ago
The game was huge early one when anybody could play, but it quickly was revealed that it was your typical GW powercreep garbage where you have to buy the newest KT to win games.
>It's a super popular competitive game!
Yeah for the insular community of a few hundred people, most of which are in competitive "teams" that receive early access and free boxes from GW. Nobody plays that garbage anymore anon, no need to keep shilling it
4th edition launched two months ago.
It's already dead too, people realized it's hyper streamlined slop like 10th edition 40k
It's still very popular among casuals here too..blame the fact that you need way less miniatures, and you can actually play more than one game per evening and still can go and grab some.food, in comparison to the slow slog your average 40k is.
Probably it's not because KT is so good, rather that 40k 10th is so weak
That's crazy. I've been to 6 blood bowl tournaments, started finished 2 different league seasons tabletop and midway through on an online 21 match league this year and it's only September.

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