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>The Imperium is just a pale shadow of what it was during the Great Crusade
>The Great Crusade Imperium is just a pale shadow of what humanity was during the Dark Age of Technology
>The Eldar are a pale shadow of what they were before the birth of Slaanesh
>The Necrons are a pale shadow of what they were during the War in Heaven
>The Orks are a pale shadow of what they were as the Krorks
>The Votann are a pale shadow of what they were when the Votann were functioning properly

So the Tyranids and Tau are the only two factions in the whole setting actually on the rise?
nu-lore has all the factions on the rise because 40k fans are literal man babies that can't handle the faction they play being evil or a fallen empire
> krieg woman
Their fluff is all of their woman are literally barely sentient wombs pumping out more and more children for the war machine. The tech is literally DAoT shit that is tech heresy but the Imperium looks the other way to get more meat for the grinder
Where does it say that
I thought they were all test tube babies
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why would a barely sentient womb need romantic literature
Aren't you talking about Daemonculaba now? That thing was Chaos-oriented, and it actually was using living women. Well, it was actually made of living women to be precise.
It doesn't, he's a tertiary who wants to talk about trannies and is trying to hijack the thread to do so.
Yes, and the irony of Tau is their existence rests on the fact that everyone else around them is either too busy to give them more than a glance or just don't think they are a big enough threat to need dealt with.
No, those are cloning tubes dude, you don't know shit about 40k do you?
Also, fuck off, we didn't have love and krieg for years being goofy terrible romance for you to come in and say this shit. Get out newfag
That's what happens to dying empires. During their decline, the Romans had to deal with the Huns, the Germanic Barbarians, and the Sassanids all encroaching on their territory at the same time, alongside internal turmoil. If they only had to deal with one enemy at a time, they could've easily handled the problem. But they had to face all of them at the same time.
Incorrect. The Vitae Womb technology is kept intentionally vague. It could range from anywhere as sophisticated as mass artificial wombs and test tubes, or as simple as a fertility treatment such as an advanced IVF. No information is given outside of the name, the outcome, and that the process is overseen by the Magos Biologis Adeptus Mechanicus.
Citation needed
>implying GW won't custodes the Death Korps
Lol do you really think that fluff will stand?
>Their fluff is all of their woman are literally barely sentient wombs

Better than the Machines from Mars?
Yes, Neoliberal Thatcherites and Communists are on the rise in Warhammer.
>>The Great Crusade Imperium is just a pale shadow of what humanity was during the Dark Age of Technology
Not exactly. Technology in some areas was backwards, but the spirit and drive behind the society was an order of magnitude more energetic and dedicated to a good cause.
>So the Tyranids and Tau are the only two factions in the whole setting actually on the rise?
Yeah, and both factions are barely competitive in their niche. How laughable.
>dedicated to a good cause

Yeah a "good cause" that ultimately lead to chaos becoming stronger than it had ever been thanks to arrogance
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Yeah Age of Shitmar shit. So glad i left out ages ago.
>Google it
>Ancient Tau Mecha Orkz
Yeah fuck no, bye fuck you.
That's on the Dark Age being decadent dandies.
>barely competitive

Does any other faction have as good of a track record as tyranids? They got an ass hair away from wiping out two major space marine chapters and the imperium is so afraid of them that an inquisitor was willing to pre emptively wipe out several imperial worlds just to slow them down.
nids are stupidly overpowered within the setting by having non-warp based FTL that even works for extragalactic travel.
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Kreig women are just normal women giving birth to the regular civilian population of Kreig.

'Vitae Womb' tech is some cloning tube shit that pumps out an endless stream of indoctrinated clone troopers that are 1000x more heavy metal than whatever Fag Wars did.
Krorks are ancient lore, anon
You just outed yourself as never being a real 40K fan
The entire Imperium should adopt such a red-pilled use of women like their Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar counterpart.
>but the spirit and drive behind the society was an order of magnitude more energetic and dedicated to a good cause
Not really, even people who were alive during the DAOT noted how the Great Crusade era Imperium was pretty much just a farce of what humanity used to be.
>>The Imperium is just a pale shadow of what it was during the Great Crusade
And then you look at Hokum Horsie and it's literally the same exact shit. What a load of shit.
>1000x more heavy metal
40K hasn't been heavy metal in 40 years.
>but 40K isn't even 40 years old yet!
Brainboys is ancient lore. Krorks is the modern fagshit take on it.
Please, and I'm saying this as a right leaning person myself, go the fuck outside and touch grass.
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>merely right leaning
You deserve the leadpill as well.
>controls the whole galaxy
Orks and Necrons control more.
The Imperium has more planets than both put together and unlike the two, are unified.
>The Imperium has more planets than both put together
They only have a million so no
>are unified
lolnope, especially after being literally split in half
>The Imperium has more planets
Nope. Orks and Necrons have more. Necrons are more unified, and Orks get stronger from infighting.
You're talking about story made by infiltrators trying to make the protagonist society that we admire for its basedness look inpotent.
Dear 'Murikan. It's time to introduce a new concept to you. The concept of BRITISH IRONY. You get it? No? I thought so. Since the very beginning 40k was a jab on stagnation caused by blind religion. But since 'Murikans like you cannot get irony and 40k began to sell on the wrong side of The Pond, British writers had to change to tone of setting for their 'Murikan xustomers. (If you ever ask yourself why 40k went to shit, just look at the mirror.)
They are impotent. They can't even take out the Tau.
Holy ESL
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>I was almost forced to make an argument but I noticed you made a typo
>Phew, now I don't have to make an argument. I'm safe
I legit can't parse out what you're trying to say through all that ESL, dude.
Orks don't write shut down, they maintain vague oral traditions where embellishment would be par for the course. Brain boyz are clearly ork legends, they are not accurate, reliably transmitted information. They are an Orkish 'just so' story based on vague racial recollections of working with someone more intelligent.

The Krork being creations of the Old Ones and the Ork being a debased remnant of that engineered warrior race is 3rd Ed lore that dovetails nicely with the older lore.

The other implication is that the Krork themselves are a debased, more violent version of the older Eldar, who were themselves an engineered weapon race, who inherited the webway and all their advantages from someone else.

The final takeaway is that the Orks and Eldar are discarded autonomous weapons from a war ancient beyond belief- and that Humanity (Fuck Yeah) are a cosmic accident involving monkeys and warp turbulence. This is the context of the belligerent galaxy humans were born into, and every human victory over these living guns should be viewed in this context - natural human evolution and can-do triumphing over the Oldone's killbots made of meat.
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I was asking you to elaborate/give it another go but I guess you're too ESL to realize that. Oh well, I accept your concession.
>t. projecting Brazilian
>Orks don't write shut down
Why is it always HFYfag ESL tourists who try to dictate 40K's past to us?
>The other implication is that the Krork themselves are a debased, more violent version of the older Eldar
This has literally never been a thing, unless it's some HH fagshit in which case nulore ignore.
Egg carton.jpg
>still admits xhe can't attempt to write better english
>>Ork glyphs constitute a written history in texts that Orks read, rather than a blend of brand logos and graffiti

This poster (>>93912192) was able to understand everything just fine. It's clear you're grasping for any excuse you can find to not make an argument, which is typical of Redditors.
do they have barely sentient men that are more or less just semen providers? just endless soulless sex between lobotomised abominations? the cock goes in and then a few seconds a child pops out upon which it starts over...

genuinely sickening image
They literally write their personal histories and species myths on their adobes and starships in the forms of glyphs and murals, yes. You'd know this if you read WAAARGH: The Orks
Oldone's are genetic tinkerers.
Eldar were made first.
Orks were made while they were losing the the war in heaven and needed less complex, more robust and easier to replace warriors.

Eldar are a complex psychic race with pointy ears, whose psyches tend towards obsession with specialisation in combatstyles, weapons and tactics. The path system was developed to work around the Eldar tendency to obsess by cycling them through roles so they don't get 'trapped on the path'

Orks are a brutally direct, psychic race with pointy ears whose psyches tend towards an obsession with particular combat styles, weapons and tactics

What the oldones did is fairly obvious if you think about if for a minute. Did they develop a new race from scratch in the middle of a war or did they take what was working in the Knife ears and slap that into a tough green retard that reproduces through spores rather than the complex eldar reproductive cycle. What's not obvious is how much of the Eldar are in the Ork beyond ears and aspect.
>nu-lore has all the factions on the rise
>Last major update had Imperium gets it's shit kicked in across the galaxy and then the kids invaded.
>Their extra super duper soldiers who were once considered invaluable and never left their fortress are being deployed. They also have women now.
>they still die like frogs in a blender.
This is what on the rise looks like?
I guess WHF Ogres are just elves too, then?
I wish GW would turn that into a real book instead of leaving it an in-universe thing.
>what if reproduction was... le scary!!!1!
buddy it's already scary to you you don't need to write little fanfics
Oh please. The 'everything is satire' crowd from the 1980s were a bunch of spoilt cretins who thought that having a strong opinion or ideology about anything was stupid and worthy of derision, because they themselves lived in such a stable society and booming economy where they were lucky enough that they didn't have to care about anything to prosper.
They lived in great times but thought it was normal. So started taking the piss out of all the institutions and ideas that people relied upon during the bad times.
>barely sentient wombs

You mean women gyak gyak gyak
Did the oldones make the elves and ogres concurrently? No?

There are two races we know for sure the old ones made as weapon races. Both are psychic, both have pointy ears.

There is fantasy tradition that Orcs are considered a crude mockery of the elf form.

But no, these two races are completely unrelated despite sharing key traits, physiognomy and a creator who was under pressure when they shat our the greenskins
The Tyranids are a pale shadow of whatever they were before the Hive Mind.
This is not in fact the fluff.
Literally no fucking clue, huh?
Says the fucker who probably hasn't had a day of struggle in their life but considers even the slightest capitulation to another person to be a personal violation of their rights and morals...fuck off tourist, make you own fucking game. Fucking secondaries everytime.

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