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So is this seriously how the Leagues of Votann are gonna look? Forever? No big beards, no runes, no cool hairstyles, no drills, just lame looking stocky humans?

Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
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I know that this may come as a shock to you, but an entire stellar confederation of anarcho-capitalist genemodded clones contains more than just what's represented by the range of miniatures. Just like not every Guardsman is a Cadian, not every Squat is a Votann and you can represent this remarkable diversity of culture and aesthetic through hobby activities like kitbashing, converting, sculpting and 3d printing proxies that are more to your taste. There are, in fact, a number of perfectly serviceable alternatives already extant and you can run them today, rather than continue to settle for the laughably limited range of models Games Workshop has seen fit to bestow upon you.
If classic Rogue Trader-era Space Dwarfs are your jam, you're in luck! Hardcore Miniatures has an ever-expanding range of updates to those classic quilted doublet infantry.
Are votann capable of sexual reproduction
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Maybe you'd prefer a more contemporary take on the Squattish soldier? The Exotic Greeble has you covered with tacticool excavators that wouldn't look at all out of place in a round of Deep Rock Galactic.
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And if you just want a plastic sprue right out of the box, Wargames Atlantic's Einherjar are right there.
>Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
That's a guy in a helmet anon
for me it's the macrocosm squats
>No big beards, no runes, no cool hairstyles, no drills
Big beards are impractical as fuck when wearing a full face covering helmet, though. Like the dude you think is a robot would probably not be able to see because said big Gimlu beard would just be bunched up inside the helmet.
Glad they're not derivative le epic beard men in space to be honest.

>Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
Because they're designed to fully integrate into Votann society and are treated like kin instead of machinery.
This guy ate something that he regrets eating.
>Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
In the grimdark future of the 42nd millennium, it's drip or drown. And umgi, that lad is FLOATING
That's an Ironkin robot, dimmy.
>I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm going to post anyway
That's not what Votann helmets look like.
They're based on /tg/ users so no
>Immediately goes to polshit
How about you post models you fucking election tourist?
I'm of the mind that they have natural-born Kin, but through societal programming they follow Kin from the Clone Skein in order to see themselves incorporated into it.
Those kin who show an aptitude for any specific field that can improve a Hold's standing are woven into the skein (i.e.: Logan's Run style).
But that's just my thoughts on it.
Here's my Judge Dredd inspired Kâhl.
Why would they wear a jacket over power armor???
40k is our election-tourist containment system. It traps most of them.
Got any ork alts that aren't just kromlech or wargame exclusive?
>Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
Keeps gore and debris out of the joints and looks stylish to boot.
How about you finish painting your first model first, dork.
I'm happy Votanns aren't just plain dwarfs in space. In fact, Duardin from AoS look like you probably want. in 40k LoV are METAHUMANS - and I like GW took tak path. If you want dwarfs in space, nothing is stopping you from taking AoS shit and convert it. Pic related.
Every single 40k character is a virgin, even the ones who have kids
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Mr. Modulork
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I hate AoS but the Kharadron are one of the few good things about it. The Votann would be better if they looked closer to them, especially their bearded helmets. It's cool that "you are happy" but absolutely nobody else will be because it looks lame as fuck. Old Squats were also much better and more dwarf-like.
So again - there's literally nothing that stops you from using AoS models in Votann armies. You don't even have to convert them, since they already look futuristic enough.
They should stop other people from playing them too. It's embarrassing to be in a game store and someone pulls out their tonka trucks.
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There are people who dig their starcraft-like look. It's cool we actually have choice.

>They should stop other people from playing them too.

Yeah except that's not their actual appearance or lore. I might as well draw a dwarf on a napkin and say it has stats
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Use some necromunda models then - or convert/sculp/print new one.
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Alongside their retro Space Dwarfs, Hardcore Miniatures also does a pretty deep lineup of retro Space Orks. They no longer sell physical models, though, so you'll have to print them yourself.
Damn, what a shame. I really love these dudes but I don't have a printer.
My biggest gripe with them is how they completely lore rape the setting. The idea that technoprogressivism can solve all or most problems goes very much against the theme of the setting and undermines the concept of Eldar, Necrons, Tau, Imperium, and pretty much everyone else. Except maybe Orks and Tyranids.
Space dwarves a la squats are just so SHIT. You can do interesting themes with them that aren't just gimli the miner.
Robots need insulation too.
Unpractical =/= idiotic. French cuirassiers in WW1 were unpractical. Squats just look dumb.
Old squats = shit.
Nusquats = shit.
Try actually coming up with an original theme instead of deep rock galactic or gimli.
This was a shill thread the whole time
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Ironkyn (the robots) are considered as a part of the clan and have equal rights, so them wearing clothes makes sense. But there are different types of Ironkyn depending on the job theyre build for, much like their flesh brothers.
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Like these guys are cybernetic miners, Hearthguard look like theyre from Starcraft, Thunderkyn have industrial exo-skeleton suits and so on. Jacket dwarves are just explorer/ stealth operator/ biker dudes.
>yiff marines beards enter the chat
Just be glad they're not Tau.

God I fucking hate the Tau.
Stupid blue setting non-compliant That Guy faction fucks.
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>This faction of genetically degenerated socially and culturally stagnant stunties that basically worships bug-riddled slowly blue-screening to death dusty dumb-AI breaks the setting!

Nigga, "technoprogressivism"? what are you on about? are you one of those retards who wants to live in bushes and fuck his ass with bananas? Obviously having better tech means you're better off
Those floating ones (and the golf caddy in the second image) aren't actually ironkyn, they're E-COGs, which are essentially robotic servitors. You can tell who's an ironkyn and who's an E-COG based on whether or not they have vox grills on the little plate that rims their robot head.
>Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
To look fly, you dummy.
>Just ignore the fact that this faction has working AIs and the ability to make more without rampant machine rebellions or chaos infections
Please dilate your ear so that the shit inside might flow out.
Arks of Omen has Vaushtorr insta-mindbreak a bunch of ironkyn.

Also, I fully realized that this image is supposed to ridicule Votann design - but all it does to me is make me ponder the Ice Planet color scheme in other contexts. Like, how could I adapt it for CWE? Tau? Or even Necrons?
>I fully realized that this image is supposed to ridicule Votann design
It isn't retard. It's literally just a collection of potential color schemes.
Vottans WISH they were as cool as Ice Planet
Complete non-sequitur response, changing around models isn't the problem, the faction design itself is the problem
We probably don't want to see your disgenic, fattened lump of a body or smell you, yet we tolerate it, so I would go easy on the judgement of models.
>eldar hands typed this post
wtf is ice planet
But they aren't working, and they are in fact living in the aftermath of a machine rebellion.
A bio-gun that resembles an smg is tight and if you disagree then get the fuck out of my face
>uhm how does this affect you?
>projection and tears
Face it, no one likes them, they're a negative to the hobby as a whole. They don't even get the "singular high tech sort of hopeful with alien contacts and computers" faction to themselves. They're a waste and GW knows it, and you know it too.

Why would you wear a trenchcoat on top of your spacesuit?
Why do they use weapons with only 6 bullets?
All they had to do is take the Classic Squats, throw in a lot of Deep Rock Galactic in, throw in a chunk of WHFB Dwarf aesthetics and runes, give them a functioning and unusual tank, a good artillery piece, more fun wargear, a fun walker unit and voila.


You got shit taste saying Classic Squats are shit.
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>>Just ignore the fact that this faction has working AIs and the ability to make more without rampant machine rebellions or chaos infections
>There are people who dig their starcraft-like look.
Primaris Marines are already exists
You have to be at least 38 to post here.
>This was a shill board the whole time
Squats were the worst cringe 'dad joke' of 40k, back when it was acceptable for the entire game to be a dad joke.
These fucking things only exist again because fuckwits kept bellowing about them coming back- most of which never saw them in person, never knew shit about them other than some wiki articles, and that's it.
They're basically like sisters of battle- the only reason they exist is because out of every dozen fuckwits bellowing about squats/plastic sisters/plastic thunderhawk- eleven of them are just Dawn of War players repeating shit they've heard on the internet, and one of them is that guy that says "I quit playing after third edition" but keeps hanging around for some reason.
Squats/Voturds suck. And you fucking deserve that, at a minimum.
>post-millennial grimderp fetishization
You are hereby ordered to attend mandatory media literacy training/penance, where you are to sit in the BLUE chair.
wtf I love votann now
This entire post is retarded.
You. Are utterly retarded.
These are all hideous.
Sorry, I'm old enough to remember. And even back then, people like you didn't play- you just bought models and hoped you could force your kids into bonding with you before your wife divorced you and took them away.
Those sisters are the only women you'll ever touch.
Those squats do resemble you.
Doesn't change the fact your opinion is retarded.
I do have to ask: How can you afford 40k after she took everything from you?
I don't. I don't even acknowledge anything after 7th ED.
However I will not accept any shit you say about old Squats.
You never owned them, you've never seen pictures. Don't act like you're offended over it, you're just repeating something you heard on the internet because you desperately want to belong to an in-group with a hobby you can't afford.
Don't feel bad, I can't afford it, either. No one can.
You don't remember shit you started playing during fifth edition and it shows in how seriously you take the setting. Post models, because you're clearly too thick to catch a 90s White Dwarf reference.

You're cosplaying as a grog, God only knows why, because you're clearly clowning yourself with your ignorance.
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>wtf is ice planet
Faggot we didn't even get WD where I was at in the 90's. The best we had was the bullshit catalog that came in a boxed set at the FLGS.
I'll even be honest with you: I've actually SEEN the squat models before, because one FLGS was owned by a Britfag and he had an insanely cool collection in his display shelf.
And by damn, that was a good man. I was but a newbie playing Imperial Guard... and this was during a time when you couldn't even get Baneblades in the states- and he gave me one of his as a going-away gift.
....goddammit I was trying to shit on this hobby and you got me remembering what makes it great.
Fuck you.
The coolest space lego sets ever.
I mean hands down the dudes at least had the best visor on the helmets. And chainsaws.
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>I mean hands down the dudes at least had the best visor on the helmets. And chainsaws.
And Skis, don't forget the skis!
Oh, damn- I forgot those. I think the couple of sets I had used the skis for small vehicles or something?
Also holy shit, that art is dope and i wish that was an actual mini.
>media literacy
Trans-coded terminology
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>Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
For style.
Which obviously lost on a soulless, plebian like you.
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>i wish that was an actual mini.
Well we've got one in the newest Collectable Minifigure series, but her helmet is one piece, her Chainsaw is Transparent Orange instead of Transparent Florescent Orange, and she's got no skis...
Cool, so you started playing no earlier than 2002 because that's when the Forge World Baneblade launched and it was the only one you "couldn't get in the States."

The Armorcast Baneblade was manufactured in California.
>>Just ignore the fact that this faction has working AIs and the ability to make more without rampant machine rebellions or chaos infections
Cybernetic revolt being result of Chaos is pure fucking meme.
If you read old lore about squats you'd know that even in THAT era squats specifically survived the Age of Strife without any AI problems because they didn't go rogue.
Congrats newfag.
I was playing WFB before 40k. It was actually, at one time, legitimately more popular than 40k. That's not entirely a myth until we get into the 2009ish era.
The people who pined and mewled for squats have even less 40k time than I did. I don't have to lie to have cred, I know I came to the game late.
(And I was playing 40k since 99, I had a choice between IG stuff for 40k or Mordheim- and we couldn't find Mordheim around Christmas).
But that penguin is dope.
I don't like the helmet. The original one had a 'smoother' design.
I see we've moved on to defending your own hobby cred versus attacking mine. Best to stop now before you out yourself as a Canadian.
Listen here you little faggot, don't you DARE call me one of... them. This might be 4chan, but there's a line you just don't cross.
You're lucky I don't call the police for that horrible shit you just posted.
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>But that penguin is dope.

>I don't like the helmet. The original one had a 'smoother' design.
Well the "Original" one was a basic Crash Helmet with a special Visor piece that can technically go on any compatible Helmet Mold like the Aquanaut Armor as shown...
...Though I broke mine attempting that.
>called out
>a-ah-acthually Im a fantasy grog
>blames video games
Dawn of War came out 20 years ago, but I can tell you just picked up Total War Warhammer and a sub to the lexicanum
I'm far too stupid to enjoy Total War. The last Warhammer video game I played was Shadow of the Horned Rat.
Try again, nogames.
Bruh, it's too late - you said you couldn't get White Dwarf in the 90s, and I had a subscription to the US edition in 1995. You're a fucking leaf.
You could absolutely get subscriptions in the US, but you weren't getting it on the shelf at the FLGS (at least none that I ever saw, I was a teenager).
And if you call me 'the C-word' one more time, I'm going to put some barbecue sauce in a turkey baster and pump it in your pee hole.
Now you need to go to church for talking to people like that.
>I'm going to put some barbecue sauce in a turkey baster and pump it in your pee hole.
Confirmed LARPing canadian 13 year old. At least you have the good sense to be ashamed of your country.
Ladies and gentlemen, we gottem
Dumbass, if I were a teenage Canadian with this much clinical depression they've have administered 'healthcare' and put me in a casket twice over
Checkmate, faggot
Here we see the complete breakdown of the subject as he has no more lies to hide behind, growing increasingly irrational as his nationality is called into question.
Canadian isn't a nationality, faggot. It's just a weird disorder that combines homosexuality and asperger's.
If you were an American you'd know this, it's practically required to graduate public school.
>they've have administered 'healthcare' and put me in a casket twice over
>they've have
oh no no no ESLsisters not like this....
So the Votann cores are just rocks that don't do anything hmm?
For a good time, try reading these posts in an Alberta accent, eh?
Gimly is boring even if he's on a bike.
Tau AIs are primitive af and the appeal of the faction is seeing the blueberries fall to the same pitfalls as DAOT humanity. Wasn't there a recent lore bit that implied Tau machines might be getting a bit rebellious?
What did I say about needing to dilate that ear.
Sob kind of work as grimderp.
> no runes

strictly false, many of their models such as the heroes and hearthguard have runes on their armor, and unit leaders have runes on their crests. the transfer sheet is also packed full of runic transfer designs

>No big beards

the beards are trim so they can actually operate in space suits, which they spend most of their time in, without getting in the way, getting caught in the visor, flowing up into their face in zero G, etc.

>no cool hairstyles
they have all the traditional dwarf hairstyles: bald, mohawk, receding hairline, and topknot, albeit small ones.

>why would a robot wear a fur coat?

because the ironkyn want to fit in and look as much like their organic brothers and sisters as possible.

>no drills

they use mining lasers, concussion mauls, explosive charges, they may have drills we havent seen yet but the basic hearthkyn warrior kit comes with pickaxe and shoven bits, as do the hernkyn pioneers on their bike racks. they do come with mining equipment.
shovel bits*
That's an exo force and not an ice planet set legolet.
>Youuu don't get it.... The scats had shit lore already in second edition!!!!
Go shill somewhere else moron, the faction sucks and nothing that you said is true. The designs are garbage because all the good writers and artists left GW long ago
Make the models look like shit.
Make the models look like shit.
Make the models look like shit.
The recent WD article about the Votann Leagues says that the Ironkin were present at the birth of the Kin on Terra which means that the Leagues never underwent a Ironman rebellion.

T'au AI being primitive is old lore. Read up on the novels. They are very advanced now.

They are not stagnant. The Kin are always acquiring more knowledge, innovating, and improving their tech.
They are genetically programmed to explore, adapt, and acquire knowledge. This makes them anything but stagnant.
>oh no my shitpost thread is wrong and full of lies, time to shit in my hand and throw it at people
>They never went through a men of iron rebellion
No shit that's the point of why they shit all over the lore. How fucking dense can you be? I guess we know to whom that faction was designed to appeal to.
>They are not stagnant. The Kin are always acquiring more knowledge, innovating, and improving their tech.
>They are genetically programmed to explore, adapt, and acquire knowledge. This makes them anything but stagnant.

this. ymirs whole shtick is having massive research facilities with the hottest tech that they sell to other leagues while keeping the best for themselves, which was reflected in their 9th ed subfaction with everyone having personal forcefields and longer range guns
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>That's an exo force and not an ice planet set legolet.
I KNOW it's a god damn Exo Force set, but Ice Planet didn't have a fuckhueg tank either.
>Shit in my hand and throw it at you
Wouldn't you enjoy that you scatophile. HEADS UP new squat unit coming up! *SPLAAAASH*
well i guess that answers the question of what happens if you give enough monkeys a typewriter. you get 4chan shitposts
Does it though? Vashtorr corrupting some Ironkin was a cultural shock for the Kin. They might not have undergone a rebellion during the Age of Strife but it seems that they might suffer one now.
It's Lego. Make one.
If that happens then that would fix many of the issues of the faction, but let's be real, it's never gonna.
>Trying hard to fit in on 4chan and not get called newfag
You're almost there
I pity you
>n-no u
GW said that Chaos Kin are a thing. that might be explored at one point.
I never implied that imbecile.
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>It's Lego. Make one.
While I do still have two kick ass Aqua Shark printed OT Canopies from my youth, I'm not as invested in 90's Lego Space as some other BrikWarriors like Kaplan here.

>I never implied that imbecile.
Yet you deny the awesome that is Exo-force?!
I think both Exo Force and Ice Planet are cool af.
crazy commitment, a shame that m-tron is gay
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>I think both Exo Force and Ice Planet are cool af.
Good... Goood...

>crazy commitment, a shame that m-tron is gay
I mean he's got a Tank big enough to shit Tanks...
>Just because a successful hit has been scored does not mean the target is wounded. A second roll must be made.
That's certainly an opinion, and you're entitled to it. Have you considered the possibility that you don't actually like space dwarfs? Because it seems like there's nothing in the dwarf aesthetic you find appealing.
Yeah fuck gimli. Shame since the concept of isolationist short creatures does have potential.
Wholeheartedly agree. I think you should explore the concept further by isolating yourself.
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Mantic did this better and cheaper, as usual.

At least, I think GW stuff is aimed at display painters first and that's fine. I think every other company makes wargaming minis lol
What? Their societies are entirely dependant on whims of dementia ridden super computers and they just hoard resources because the PC told them to do it. Votann are literally space ants.
Mantic is fucking generic sci-fi slop, bro, they don't do anything better
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>Also why would a robot wear a fur coat?
For once it is Games Workshop who had an idea stolen from them, they should sue Ubisoft and Disney.
>GW invented swagbots
Ummmmm, sweaty???????????
Look more like Squats to me...have noticed their quality go up a lot, but it is still relatively expensive for special units (and I hate the resin)

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